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  • 1. Film Trailer Pitch

2. Our Project For our A2 Media Coursework, as a group, we decided to create a film trailer. Along with this film trailer, we decided that our two ancillary tasks would be a magazine front cover and a poster, which will advertise the film. We felt that by choosing to create a film trailer, it would be more of a challenge than a music video or a documentary. We also had much better ideas for a film trailer, we also asked a small group of people, which genre of film they prefer to watch. 3. Our Results Show What genre of film do you prefer to watch? 4%13%4% 22%26% 31%Thriller Horror Romance Comedy Family Other 4. Genre & Research Since deciding that we are going to create a romantic film, we have completed lots of research about romantic films. We put together lots of ideas based on a number of romantic film trailers we watched. All of these examples have given us lots of information on what should be included in a romantic film trailer, which will hopefully make the creation of our film trailer much more effective based on the research we discovered. 5. My Sisters Keeper Although it is not a romantic film between a couple, we chose this film trailer to research because it is emotional and has an effect on the audience by the end which is what we want with our media product. Also from this trailer we learnt that voiceovers in this genre of film are effective, especially with an emotional story as it informs the audience of parts they may be unsure on. 6. The Notebook This trailers storyline is the most similar to the one we are going to create. It features a typical storyline of the couple falling in love but get split up but find each other in the end. From this trailer we learnt that with a romantic drama it should have calm classical music which sets the calm scene and only plays gently in the background. 7. What have you learnt from your initial audience feedback? The type of characters expected to be seen in a romantic film would be a typical boy and girl, quite attractive and young, who fall in love with each other, usually at first sight or becoming friends and seeing their romance grow throughout the film. Also, maybe show the opposition of their love with an interesting story to their love. The genre of music to hear in a romantic film would be pop, soft mellow, classical music as its lighthearted, emotional and links into the tone of the film. The features in the trailer that entice the audience to watch the film are the type of music and type of characters shown in the trailer and some of the best parts of the film. Features that should not be seen in a film trailer would be features that dont link into the theme of the film (romance) so not too much action and gory scenes. The average duration for a film trailer would be two and a half minutes long. 8. Our First IdeaFor our groups film trailer, I had the idea of two main characters (Beth and Ryan) living two separate lives, with their own separate group of friends but the similarity of both of their parents have passed away. They get to know each other at the party, meet up many times with friends and on their own and fall in love over a period of a year. Then Beths parents tell Beth that they have to move to America for her dads work so she has to leave Ryan. Ryan tries to persuade Beth to stay but she has no choice but to leave. It shows the characters individually living on their own. Then the problem is slowly resolved by Ryan tracking Beth down and travelling to America to see her and start their new life again. The trailer will include quick shots of exciting parts of the story without giving it all away. The music will be sad and slow and will reach an exciting part when they have to part each other, This will show when the problem occurs. The music will then drift back into slow where it shows happiness and them in love. There will be a voice over of a few words so the audience knows what is going on. 9. Our Second Idea Our romantic film trailer will be based on a young boy and girl (James and Lucy), who meet at a young age in a foster home, soon becoming the very best of friends, planning to go on adventures together and travelling the world. James has been fostered and moves away from Lucy with his new foster parents. James and Lucy promise to keep in contact and begin to write letters to each other. Lucy stops hearing from James after only 4 months of staying in contact, so Lucy runs away from the foster home in fright that James is in trouble. After no luck and soon being caught by the social workers, she slowly gives up hope looking for James. Lucy begins to realise that she needs to move on and understands that James has stopped talking to her. She is being bullied by other children in the foster home and feels completely alone. Years on, Lucy turns 18 and sets off to College to fulfill her dream of becoming a Teacher, leaving all of her horrible memories of the foster home behind her. Soon to find out that she is only around the corner from her best friend, but will their friendship ever be the same as it was 8 years ago? 10. Our Third Idea Finally, our last idea was to base the film trailer on a young boy and a girl (Sam and Victoria) who fall in love, they cannot face being out of each others sight, until one day Victoria dies after being involved in tragic car accident, just on her way to her boyfriends home to meet his parents for the very first time. Sam is struggling to come to terms with what has happened and suffers from a severe form of depression, causing him to almost become suicidal. Sam decides he wants to take his own life at the top of the mountains, which was place Victoria and Sam used to love, until Victorias spirit forces him to not go through with this decision, move on with his life and be happy. Sam is so overwhelmed by this and decides to take her advice and begins to move on. Everyday, he travels to the same place he saw Victoria so that he could see her and talk to her about his life and how he is coping. Until one day, Sam meets another girl at his new high school. However, he still travels to the same place everyday to meet Victoria, but she doesnt show. Is this because she is jealous? Or because she has decided that now Sam has met someone else, she doesnt want to get in the way? 11. We chose We chose to go with our second idea, the reason for this is because we felt that it would be more interesting and appealing to our target audience who enjoy watching romantic films. As a group, we felt that by going with our second idea, it will be more challenging and exciting to create a film trailer for. The story of our second idea is also different, as we felt that our first and third idea may be too similar to other well-known films.This idea fits in with out genre, this is because we felt that it is a different type of romantic film, by going forward in time, which makes the film trailer more enticing, causing the audience to be interested in seeing the film after it being released. The film idea relates to the genre of romance because it is based on the idea of a boy and a girl falling in love, but their love for each other being taken away and trying to solve this, resulting in a happy ending, but with a twist.

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