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  • 7/30/2019 RPT math form 2



    Weeks Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Outcomes Remark



    2 Jan-

    25 Jan

    1.0 DirectedNumbers

    Student will be taught to:

    1.1 Perform computationsinvolving multiplicationand division of integers tosolve problems

    1.2 Perform computationsinvolving combinedoperation of addition,subtraction, multiplicationand division of integers to

    solve problems

    1.3 Extend the concept ofintegers to fractions tosolve problems

    1.4 Extend the concept ofintegers to decimals tosolve problems

    1.5 Perform computationsinvolving directednumbers (integers,fractions and decimals)

    Student will be able to:i ) Multiply integers

    ii) Solve problems involving multiplication ofintegersiii) Divide integersiv) Solve problems involving division of integers

    i) Perform computations involving combinedoperations of:a) addition and subtractionb) multiplication and division of integers

    ii) Solve problems involving combinedoperations of addition, subtraction,multiplication and division of integers includingthe use of brackets

    i) Compare and order fractionsii) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplicationor division on fractions

    i) Compare and order decimalii) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplicationor division on decimals

    i) Perform addition, subtraction, multiplicationor division involving two directed numbersii) Perform computations involving combinationof two or more operations on directed numbersincluding the use of bracketsiii) Pose and solve problems involving directednumbers

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    28 Jan-

    22 Feb

    2.0 Squares,Square Roots,Cube and CubeRoots

    Student will be taught to :2.1 Understand and use theconcept of squares ofnumbers

    2.2 Understand and use theconcept of square roots ofpositive number

    2.3 Understand and use theconcept of cube of numbers

    Student will be able to:i) State a number multiplied by itself as a

    number to the power of two and vice-versaii) Determine the squares of numbersiii) Estimate the squares of numbers

    iv) Determine the squares of numbers usingcalculatorsv) List perfect squaresvi) Determine if a number is a perfect squarevii) Pose and solve problems involving squaresof numbers

    i) Determine the relationship between squareand square rootsii) Determine the square roots of perfect

    square without using calculatoriii) Determine the square roots of numbers,without using calculatorsiv) Multiply two square rootsv) Estimate square roots of numbersvi) Find the square roots of numbers usingcalculatorsvii) Pose and solve problems involving squareand square roots

    i) State a number multiplied by itself twice asa number to the power of three and vice-versaii) Determine cubes of numbers without usingcalculatorsiii) Estimate cubes of numbersiv) Determine cubes of numbers usingcalculatorsv ) Pose and solve problems involving cubesof numbers

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    2.4 Understand and use theconcept of cube roots ofnumber

    i) Determine the relationship between cubesand cube rootsii) Determine the cube roots of integerswithout using calculatorsiii) Determine the cube roots of numberswithout using calculators

    iv) Estimate cube roots of numbersv ) Determine cube roots of numbers usingcalculatorv ) Determine cube roots of numbers usingcalculatorvi) Pose and solve problems involving cubeand cube roots

    vii) Perform computations involving additions,subtraction, multiplication, division and mixedoperations on squares, square roots, cube

    and cube roots1


    9/2/2013 17/2/2013 Chinese New Year Break


    25 Feb-


    3.0 AlgebraicExpressions II

    Student will be taught to3.1 Understand the conceptof algebraic terms in two ormore unknowns

    3.2 Perform computationsinvolving multiplication anddivision of two or more terms

    Student will be able to:i) Identify unknowns in algebraic terms in twoor more unknownii) Identify algebraic terms in two or moreunknowns with a numberiii) Identify coefficient in given algebraic termsin two or more unknownsiv) Identify like and unlike algebraic terms intwo or more unknownsv ) State like terms for a given algebraic terms

    i ) Find the product of two algebraic termsii) Find the quotient of two algebraic termsiii) Perform multiplication and division involvingalgebraic terms

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    3.3 Understand the conceptof algebraic expressions

    3.4 Perform computationsinvolving algebraicexpressions

    i ) Write algebraic expression for a givensituations using letter symbolsii ) Recognise algebraic expression in two ormore unknownsiii) Determine the number of terms in given

    algebraic expressions in two or more unknownsiv) Simplify algebraic expression by collectinglike termsv) Evaluate expression by substitutingnumbers for letters

    i) Multiply and divide algebraic expression bya numberii) Perform- addition ] involving two

    - subtraction] algebraic expressionsiii) Simplify algebraic expression

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    -12 Apr

    4.0 LinearEquations

    Student will be taught to:4.1 Understand and use theconcept of equality

    4.2 Understand and use theconcept of linear equations inone unknown

    4.3 Understand the conceptof solutions

    of linear equations in oneunknown

    Student will be able to:i) State the relationship betweentwo quantities by using the two quantities byusing the symbols = or

    i) Recognise linear algebraic termsii) Recognise linear algebraic expressionsiii) Determine if a given equation is:

    a) a linear equationb) a linear equation in one unknown

    iv) Write linear equation in one unknown forgiven statements and vice versa

    i) Determine if a numerical value is a solutionof a given liner equation in one unknown

    ii) Determine the solution of a linear equationin one unknown by trial and improvementmethodiii) Solve equations in the form of

    a. x + a = bb. x a = bc. ax = bd. x = b

    awhere a, b, c are integers and x is an


    iv) Solve equations in the form of ax + b = c,where a, b, c are integers and x is an unknownv) Solve linear equations in one unknownvi) Pose and solve problems involving linearequations in one unknown


    23/3/2013 31/3/2013 1STMID-TERM BREAK

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    15 Apr-

    3 May

    5.0 Ratio, Ratesand Proportions

    Student will be taught to:5.1 Understand the conceptof ratio of two quantities

    5.2 Understand the conceptof proportion to solve problem

    5.3 Understand and use theconcept of ratio of threequantities two solve problem

    Student will be able to:

    i) Compare two quantities in the formof a: b or a

    ii) Determine whether given ratios areequivalent ratios are

    equivalent ratiosiii) Simplify ratios to the lowest termsiv) State ratios related to a given ratio

    i) State whether two pairs of quantities is aproportionii) Determine if a quantity is proportional toanother quantity given two values of eachquantityiii) Find the value of a quantity given the ratio of

    the two quantities and the value of anotherquantity

    iv) Find the value of a quantity given the ratioand the sum of the two quantities

    v) Find the sum of two quantities given theratio of the difference between the quantitiesvi) Pose and solve problems involving ratiosand proportions

    i) Compare three quantities in the form a : b :cii) Determine whether given ratios areequivalent ratiosiii) Simplify ratio of three quantities to thelowest termsiv) State the ratio of any two quantities givenratio of threequantitiesv) Find the ratio of a : b : c given the ratio ofa : b and b : c

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    vi) Find the value of the other quantities, giventhe ratio of three quantities and the value ofone of the quantitiesvii) Find the value of each of the threequantities given:

    a) the ratio and the sum of three quantities

    b) the ratio and the difference between of thethree quantitiesviii) Find the sum of three quantities given theratio and the difference between two of thethree quantities

    ix) Pose and solve problems involving ratio ofthree quantities




    6 May-

    17 May

    6.0 Pythagoras


    Student will be taught to:

    6.1 Understand therelationship between thesides of a right-angledtriangle

    6.2 Understand and use the

    converse of the Pythagorastheorem

    Student will be able to:

    i) Identify the hypotenuse of right-angledtrianglesii) Determine the relationship between thelengths of the sidesof a right-angled triangleiii) Find the length of the missing side of aright-angled triangle using the Pythagorastheoremiv) Find the length of sides of geometric shapesusing Pythagoras theoremv) Solve problems using the Pythagoras


    i) Determine whether a triangle is a right-angled triangleii) Solve problems involving the conversePythagoras theorem


    20/5/2013 23/5/2013 Mid-Year Examination

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    25/5/2013 8/5/2013 Mid-Term Break






    7.0 GeometricalConstruction

    Student will be able to:7.1 Perform constructionusing straight edge (ruler andset of square and compass)

    Student will be able to:i) Construct a line segment of given lengthii) Construct a triangle given the length of thesidesiii) Construct:

    a) perpendicular bisector of given linesegment

    b) perpendicular to a line passing through apoint on the line

    c) perpendicular to a line passing through apoint not on the line

    iv) Construct:a) Angle at 600 and 1200

    b) Bisector of and anglev) Construct triangles given

    a) One side and two angleb) Two side and one angle

    vi) Construct:a) Parallel linesb) Parallelogram given its sides and an





    -5 July

    8.0 Coordinates Student will be taught to:8.1 Understand and use theconcept of coordinates

    Student will be able to:i) Identify the x-axis, y-axis and the origin on aCartesian planeii) Plots points and state the coordinates of thepoint givendistances from the y-axis and x-axisiii) Plot points and state the distances of thepoint from they-axis and x-axis given coordinates of thepoints

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    8.2 Understand and use theconcept of scales for the

    coordinate axes

    8.3 Understand and use theconcept of distance betweentwo points on a Cartesianplane

    8.4 Understand and use theconcept of midpoints

    iv) State the coordinates of points on Cartesianplane

    i) Mark the values on both axis by extendingthe sequence of given values on the axes

    ii) State the scales used in given coordinatesaxes where:

    a) Scales for axes are the sameb) Scales for axes are different

    iii) Mark the values on both axes withreference to the scales giveniv) State the coordinate of a given point withreference to the scale givenv) Plot points given the coordinates withreference to the scales givenvi) Pose and solve problems involving


    i) Find the distance between two points with:a) common y-coordinatesb) common x-coordinates

    ii) Find the distance between two points usingPythagoras theoremiii) Pose and solve problems involving distancebetween two points

    i) Identify the midpoint of a straight line joiningtwo pointsii) Find the coordinates of the midpoint of astraight line joining two points with:

    a) common y- coordinatesb) common x- coordinates

    iii) Find the coordinates of the midpoint of theline joining two pointsiv) Pose and solve problems involvingmidpoints

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    8 July-

    19 July

    9.0 Loci In TwoDimensions

    Student will be taught to:9.1 Understand the conceptof two dimensional loci

    9.2 Understand the conceptof intersection of two loci

    Student will be able to:i) Describe and sketch the locus of a movingobjectii) Determine the locus of points that are of:

    a) Constant distant form a fix point

    b) Equidistant from two fixed pointsc) Constant distance from a straight lined) Equidistant from two intersecting lines

    iii) Construct the locus of a set of all points thatsatisfied the condition:

    a) The point is at a constant distance froma fixed point

    b) The point is at equidistant from two fixedpoints

    c) The point is at a constant distant form astraight line

    d) The point is at equidistant from twointersecting lines

    i) Determine the intersection of two loci bydrawing the loci and locating thepoints that satisfy the conditions ofthe two loci




    22 July-

    23 Aug

    10.0 Circles Student will be taught to:

    10.1 Recognise and drawparts of a circle

    Students will be able to:

    i) Identify circle as a set of points equidistantfrom a fixed pointii) Identify parts of a circle

    a) centreb) circumferencec) radiusd) diametere) chordf) arcg) sectorh) segment

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    10.2 Understand and use theconcept of circumference tosolve problem

    10.3 Understand and use theconcept of arc of a circle tosolve problems

    iii) Drawa) a circle given the radius and centreb) a circle given the diameterc) a diameter passing through a specific

    poin in a circle the

    centred) a chord of a given length passing

    through a point on thecircumference

    e) sector given the size of the angle at thecentre and radius

    of the circleiv) Determine the

    a) centreb) radius of a given by construction

    i. Estimate the value of nii. Derive the formula of the circumference of acircleiii Find the circumference of a circle, given its:

    a) diameterb) radius

    iv. Find thea) diameterb) radiusgiven the circumference of circle

    v. Solve problems involving circumference of


    i) Derive the formula the length of an arcii) Find the length of arc given the angles at thecentre and the

    radiusiii) Find the angle at the centre given the lengthof the arc and the radius of a circleiv) Find the length of radius of a circle giventhe length of the arc and the angle at the centre

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    10.4 Understand and use theconcept of area of a circle tosolve problems

    10.5 Understand and use theconcept of area of sector of acircle to solve problems

    v) Solve problems involving arcs of a circle

    i) Derive the formula the area of a circleii) Find the area of a circle given the:

    a) radius

    b) diameteriii) Find

    a) radiusb) diametergiven the area of a circle

    iv) Find the area of a circle given thecircumference and

    vice versaiv) Solve problems involving area of circles

    i) Derive the formula of the area of a sectorii) Find the area of a sector given the radiusand angle at the centreiii) Find the angle at the centre given the radiusand area of a sectoriv) Find the radius given the area of a sectorand the angle at thecentrev) Solve problems involving area of sectorsand area of circles

    8/8/2013 9/8/2013 Hari Raya Puasa


    10/8/2013 18/8/2013 2 ndMID-TERM BREAK

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    26 Aug-

    13 Sept


    Students will be taught to :11.1 Understand the conceptof transformations

    11.2 Understand and use theconcept of


    11.3 Understand and use theconcept of reflections

    Student will be able to:i) Identify a transformation as a one-to-

    one correspondence between pointsin a plane

    ii) Identify the object and its image in a given


    i) Identify a translationii) Determine the image of an object under agiven translationiii) Describe a translation

    a) by stating the direction and distance ofthe movement

    b) In the form ab

    iv) Determine the properties of translationv) Determine the coordinates of

    a) the image, given the coordinates of theobject

    b) the object, given the coordinates ofthe image under a

    translationvi) Solve problems involving translations

    i) Identify a reflectionii) Determine the image of an object under areflection on a given lineiii) Determine the properties of reflectionsiv) Determine:

    a) the image of an object given the axis ofreflections

    b) the axis of reflection, given the object andits imagevi) Describe a reflection given the object andimage

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    11.4 Understand and use theconcept of rotations

    11.5 Understand and use theconcept of isometry

    11.6 Understand and use the

    concept of congruence

    11.7 Understand and use theproperties of quadrilateralsusing concept of translations

    vii)Solve problems involving reflections

    i) Identify a rotationii) Determine the image of an object under arotation given the centre, the angle and

    direction of rotationiii) Determine the properties of rotationsiv) Determine:a) image of an object, given the centre, angleand direction of rotationb) the centre, angle and direction of rotation,giventhe object and the imagev) Determine the coordinates of:a) the image, given the coordinates of theobject

    b) the object, given the coordinates of theimage under a rotationvi) Describe a rotation given the object andimagevii) Solve problems involving rotations

    i) Identify an isometryii) Determine whether a given transformation isisometryiii) Construct pattern using isometry

    i) Identify if two figures are congruentii) Identify congruency between two figures asa property of an isometryiii) Solve problems involving congruence

    i) Detemine the properties ofquadrilaterals using reflections and rotations

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    Yearly Lesson Plan Mathematics Form 2 2013



    17 Sept-

    27 Sept

    12.0 SolidGeometry II

    Student will be taught to:12.1 Understand geometricproperties of prisms,pyramids, cylinders, conesand spheres

    12.2 Understand the conceptof nets

    12.3 Understand the conceptof surface area

    Student will be able to:i) State the geometric properties of prism,pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres

    i) Draw nets for prism, pyramids,cylinders , cones and spheresii) States the types of solids given their netsiii)Construct models of solid given their nets

    i) State the surface areas of prisms, pyramids,cylinders and conesii) Find the surface area of prisms, pyramids,cylinders and conesiii)Find the surface area of spheres using thestandard formulaiv)Find dimensions:

    a) length of sidesb) heightc) slant heightd) radiuse) diameter

    v) Solve problems involving surface areas



    30 Sept-

    11 Okt

    13.0 Statistics Student will be taught to:13.1 Understand the conceptof data

    13.2 Understand the conceptof frequency

    13.3 Represent and interpretdata in:

    i. Pictogram

    Student will be able to:i) Classify data according to those that can becollected by:

    a) Countingb) Measuring

    ii)Collect and record data systematically

    i) Determine the frequency of dataii)Determine the data with

    a) the highest frequencyb) the lowest frequency

    c) frequency of a specific valueiii)Organize data by constructing

    a) tally chartb) frequency table

    i) Construct pictograms to represent dataii) Obtain information from pictogramsiii)Solve problems involving pictograms


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