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Identifying and Managing Girls with Turner Syndrome

Identifying and Managing Girls with Turner Syndrome


Which Features of This Girl are Clinically Remarkable?

Introduction to Turner Syndrome

Karyotype Distribution in Turner Syndrome

Note on Patient SeriesUsed Throughout This Activity

Age at Turner Syndrome Diagnosis

Importance of Early Diagnosis

phenotypic features

Phenotypic Features in Turner Syndrome

Introduction to Short Stature

Short Stature in Turner Syndrome

Premature Ovarian Failure


Features Associated With Lymphedema

Cardiovascular Disorders

Craniofacial Anomalies and Orthodontic Issues

Ear Malformations and Otitis Media

Hearing Problems

Abnormalities of the Eye and Vision

Autoimmune Disease

Systemic Hypertension and Dyslipidemia

Urinary System Disorders

Skeletal and Orthopedic Issues

Cognitive Issues

Psychosocial Issues

Check Point 1

Answer to Check Point 1

Screening girls in the outpatient pediatric setting

Measuring Growth in Infants and Children

Using WHO and CDC Growth Charts to Document Growth

Assessing the Adolescent Girl with Delayed Puberty

Common Causes of Delayed Puberty in Girls

Evaluating a Girl with Delayed Puberty

Indications for Karyotype

Laboratory Diagnosis of Turner Syndrome

specialty care for girls with turner syndrome

Recommended Screenings for All Newly Diagnosed Children

Screenings for Newly Diagnosed Children by Age

Ongoing Monitoring

Cardiovascular Screening and Monitoring

Growth Hormone Therapy

Safety of Growth Hormone Therapy

Design of the Toddler Turner Study

Main Toddler Turner Study Results

Benefits of Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Turner Syndrome

Timing of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Girls and Young Women

Safety of Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Girls with Turner Syndrome

Sex Education and Counseling

Check Point 2

Answer to Checkpoint 2


Role of the PrimaryHealth Care Provider1,2

Using the Turner Syndrome-Specific Growth Chart

Managing Otitis Media

ASRM Recommendations Concerning Pregnancy in Turner Syndrome

Suggestions for All Clinicians Who Care for Girls with Turner Syndrome

Transition to Adult Health Care

Check Point 3

Answer to Check Point 3


Additional Resources

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