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Page 1: Snell ICE LE Tech Data Sheet

ICE LE V4.3Broadcast Quality Playout in a High Density IT SolutionTechnical Data Sheett


1 to 4 HD channels from a single ICE unit

Minimizes the need to transcode. ICE LE supports a multitude of codec and wrapper formats.

Playout multiple fi le formats back to back.

Validate all content on arrival and quarantine any invalid material to prevent on air problems.

Full Master Control functionality.

Make playlist changes 2 seconds before air with confi dence.

Multiple DSKs and DVEs.

RSS/XML Text Crawls.

Still and animated logos

Audio Overs. Pre-recorded from internal fi le players.

Closed Captions and Subtitles in multiple formats and languages.

Up and down scaling of Closed Captions and Subtitles.

Automatic HD upscaling and SD downscaling that respect source AFDs.

ARCing and AFD insertion.

V-Chip and XDS insertion.

Fixed latency from input to output.

Mix transitions between any sources, including live inputs.

Ancillary Data: Preserve, pass through, insert, and up/down scale.

Local storage of 2TB.

Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

ICE LE is Snell’s even more affordable and compact channel playout device than the original ICE. ICE LE continues to offer the features required for a complete channel presentation in the most cost effective way possible.

Use ICE either in a fully reactive live channel environment with full master control functionality and hardware panels, or for high density pre-packaged channels.

Snell puts significantly more of the broadcast chain into ICE LE than competitive products.

Reduces your capex for new projects.

Eliminates broadcast chain integration headaches.

Condenses your entire transmission chain into 1 rack unit.

Scales to any size of system.

Three versions of ICE LE with different I/O options ensure you only pay for what you need.

Mix and match ICE and ICE LE in your system to get the most appropriate functionality where you need it.

Uses proven automation technology from the world’s premier automation provider.

Reduces your carbon footprint.

Delivers IT efficiency without losing broadcast resilience.

ICE LE systems have resilience at the core of every design, capable of achieving up-times in excess of 99.999%.

Snell systems evolve with our customers’ needs ensuring a long life and maximum ROI.

ICE LE is built around inherent flexibility. Flexicore ensures you can use the internal devices the way you want, and can easily reconfigure as requirements change.

Snell ensures all its functions conform to the relevant SMPTE and EBU standards.

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Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

Multi-Format File Support

Any of the supported SD or HD video files can be played back to back; removing the need for transcoding systems and allowing easy migration from legacy video servers. Snell provides a full service to verify your files are supported so you can enter a project with confidence.

ICE supports the following resolutions and frame rates:

PAL 4:3 720x576 25 fpsPAL 16:9 720x576 25 fps 720p 50 1280x720 50 fps1080i 50 1920x1080 25 fpsNTSC 720x486 29.97 fps720p 59.94 1280x720 59.94 fps1080i 59.94 1920x1080 29.97 fps

PAL and 1080i50 or NTSC and 1080i59 formats can be played back to back on the same decoder.

Snell recommends: If SD and 720p formats are required in the same system, separate decoders should be used and the SD fed to an external upconverter.

Mixing 25/50 fps playback with 29.97/59.94 fps playback in the same system is not supported.

Video Playback Formats

Format CODEC Bit RateMb/s




DV25 DV25 25 2,4,8,16 AVI, MOV, MXF, GXF, LXF



MPEG2 range 2,4,8,16 AVI, MPG, MXF, GXF, MOV


SD Mpeg with alpha MPEG2 40 0 AVI, LXF xHD Mpeg with alpha MPEG2 60 0 AVI, LXF xAS-11 AVC-Intra100 114 1 - 16 MXF MXFWMV WMV9, 10 ,11 range 2 WMV x

H.264 MPEG4 range 2,4,8,16 MP4 MP4

ICE LE supports the offi cial SMPTE format standards, however where leading server manufacturers have developed non-standard implementations, ICE can be confi gured to match, ensuring fi les can be exchanged for interoperability.

Supports standard and non-standard implementation of Long GOP pre-charge values.

Supports the selection of which type of timecode to use where a fi le is delivered with inconsistent header and timecode tracks (refer to the Ancillary data section).

Supports some types of proprietary Seachange MXF and MPEG fi les.

In addition to main playback, ICE LE supports preview functions such as Jog / Shuffl e.

DPP Snell is an offi cial participant in the UK’s AS-11 DPP Compliance Program.

MXF These options are supported: OP1a, AS-02/OP1b (Mastering format), AS-03 (Distribution format), AS11 (UK DPP Shim).

MOV Internal and External essence formats are supported. An odd number of audios can be supported with external essence MOVs, up to 64.

GXF support conforms to SMPTE 360M.

AVI wrapper formats support video only with no audio.

MPG wrapper supports Mpeg Main and High levels.

Play while transfer is supported for MXF OP1a and MOV external essence fi les.

Snell Recommends: ICE has industry leading fi le format support, but every new project should have its playout content validated early on to ensure



Media Validation

Media Validation on ICE LE is carried out off-line on an edge server or watch folder. Snell Recommends:

ICE LE has industry leading fi le format support, but every new project should have its playout content validated early on to ensure compatibility.

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Video Recording Formats

Format CODEC Bit RateMb/s





DV25 DV25 25 2, 4 MXF, GXF, MOV x MXFDV50 DV50 50 2, 4 MXF, GXF, MOV x MXFDV100 DV100 100 4 MXF, MOV x MXFIMX D10 30 4, 8 MXF MXF MXFIMX D10 40 4, 8 MXF MXF MXFIMX D10 50 4, 8 MXF MXF MXFXDCAM HD 422 XDCAM 50 8 MXF MXF MXFMPEG2 420 MPEG2 12 2, 4 MXF, GXF, MPG MXF MXFMPEG2 422 MPEG2 15 2, 4 MXF, GXF, MPG MXF MXFHDMPEG 420 MPEG2 40 2, 4, 8 MXF, GXF, MOV MXF, GXF MXFHDMPEG 420 40 MPEG2 40 2, 4, 8 MXF, GXF, MOV MXF, GXF MXFHDMPEG 422 35 MPEG2 35 2, 4, 8,16 MXF, GXF, MOV MXF, GXF MXFHDMPEG 422 50 MPEG2 50 2, 4, 8,16 MXF, GXF, MOV MXF, GXF MXF

HDMPEG 422 100 MPEG2 100 2, 4, 8,16 MXF, GXF, MOV MXF, GXF MXFSD MPEG with alpha MPEG2 40 0 AVI x xHD MPEG with alpha MPEG2 60 0 AVI x xAS-11 AVC-Intra100 114 2, 4, 8,16 MXF MXF x

Delay Server

If you have requirement to delay 1 or more of your channels, ICE LE can provide any amount of delay from 15 minutes to 12 hours. Typical implementations are for +1 hour catch up services, or +3 hour delays for US East / West coast differences.

ICE can support either 4 SD Delay Channels, or 2 HD Delay Channels.

ICE LE can either be a stand alone Delay Server or it can delay an internally generated channel.

Delay Server

ICE’s unique internal architecture allows for different branding on the +n delay, and this branding can be simultaneously controlled from the same master playlist that controls your main channel.

Automatic failure detection is used to insert a pre-defi ned evergreen standby material for the amount of time the unit is offl ine , and this can be different for each channel.

Automatic recovery failure means frame accurately rejoining the delayed playout with no manual intervention required to record and play the delay feed.

Ancillary data is preserved from input to output of each delay.

Delay Server

Delay Server



Channel 1

Channel 2 Graphicsinsertion


+1 HD+3 HD+3 SD

2 2 +1


A file being recorded locally can be replayed within seconds of the encoding starting, as long as the format supports Time Delay Instant Replay (TDIR).

Please refer to the SAN section for details on playback from different ICE LE units.

One example confi guration for ICE as a Delay Server

Page 4: Snell ICE LE Tech Data Sheet

Secondary Master Control Functions

Up to 8 DSKs per mixer Up to 4 DVE tiles per ICE unit Up to 4 Audio Overs per Mixer

Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

Master Control

ICE LE provides all the functions you would expect of a traditional Master Control switcher. Multiple DSKs, DVEs and Audio Overs can be independently controlled and fed by any internal or external source.

All Master Control functions can be manually triggered from configurable hardware or software panels aswell as from the automated playlist.

ICE LE allows you to simultaneously output clean, fully branded or even partially branded channels from a single playlist.

Operators can replace the next event in a playlist 2 seconds before it airs with complete confidence that the new event will play.

Master Control

MIP Manual Intervention Panel. Third row shows customizable buttons for customer specifi c functions

MAP Morpheus Access Panel


Transition durations from 1 – 99 frames


Fade & Take

Cross Fade (Mix)

Take & Fade



Both A and B inputs to a transition may be fed from any internal or external sources, allowing mixing between 2 live sources.

Up to 6 internal Master Control switchers per ICE and ability to daisy chain these switchers for ultimate fl exibility.

User Interface

The system includes advanced functions such as Join In Progress and Commercial Hotlist to optimize the operator’s ability to handle live situations.

For more information on all the control and interface options, please refer to Snell’s Morpheus documentation.

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ICE LE has multiple internal sources to feed the secondary DSKs, DVEs and AOVs. Sources include Graphics, Text and Audio players.

DSKs can either be scheduled with a duration, or separate on and off trigger events, or manually put to air by the operator.


Text Players

Support for up to 8 Text Players per ICE LE.

Each Text Player can provide still or crawling text, with size, color and opacity fully configurable.

Text Crawls can be supplied from XML or RSS feeds with speed and direction fully configurable.

Text Players support Unicode character sets.

Interstitial graphics can also be inserted between strings of text.

Text Support

Text Player being keyed over a graphics layer.

Text Player using Arabic characters and scrolling from right to left.


Integrate real-time clocks into your text players.

Dynamic clocks can be very fl exibly produced by ICE LE and added within text to produce Time of Day clocks, and Count Up/Downs. These can include or exclude days, hours, minutes, seconds, frames, as required.

Examples: The time is now 12:02 It is 3 days, 5 hours until New Years


The Native Graphics Players can play any of the video formats listed earlier, but without audio.

This is in addition to the compressed MGF format for logos and MMGF format for animated logos.

Secondary Master Control Functions

Up to 8 DSKs per mixer Up to 2 DVE tiles per ICE unit Up to 4 Audio Overs per Mixer

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Native Graphics Players

ICE supports up to 4 animated graphics players and 4 still logo players per ICE.

In addition to the native graphics, ICE supports CG quality 3D graphics with the optional Advanced Graphics plugin.

Native Graphics File Support

Graphics : Example TGA frames to be used as an animation.

Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

Snell recommends: PNG or 32-bit TGA as these support alpha channel. Any of these fi le types can also be converted to a compressed MGF fi le (native ICE format).

Snell recommends: 32-bit TGA as this supports alpha channel. TGA sequences are converted to a compressed MMGF (native ICE format).

Static Graphics Supported Formats


Animated Graphics Supported Formats

Sequential TGA or GIF fi les, or MOV with alpha video fi les.

Native Graphics

ICE LE supports up to 8 animated graphics players and 4 still logo players per ICE LE.

Adobe After Effects compositions can be dynamically updated and played back by ICE LE using Snell’s After Burner solution. Please refer to the separate After Burner Data Sheet.

Comprehensive Audio Functionality

ICE LE’s support for audio is just as flexible and comprehensive as itsvideo handling capabilities. Pre-recorded, live, secondary or primaryevents are supported with a comprehensive track shuffling function.

When using Track Tagging, a maximum of 64 separate audio channels can be associated with the main video asset and selected from at time of playout.

Comprehensive Audio Functionality

ICE LE supports 2 methods for rearranging the audio of your material. Either by using the Track Tagging method adopted by a major server manufacturer where language tracks are tagged using metadata in the fi le’s header. Or with ICE LE’s comprehensive Audio Expressions. With Audio Expressions you can defi ne the desired audio arrangement at any point within the internal transmission path including the SDI input and SDI output points, allowing any material, whether live or recorded to conform to your preferred confi guration.

Audio Expressions can be set as a default, or modifi ed on an event by event basis, with a hierarchy of alternatives in case the fi rst choice of audio is not available. The values can either be manually entered, set by metadata from the database, or set by your traffi c system.

Audio Expressions can be combined with the Continuity functions described below to ensure any voice overs are only mixed into the main program audio tracks that you require.


Pre-Recorded Continuity

Audio Players

Support for up to 4 Audio Players per ICE LE.

Audio Players, when used with Audio Overs can be used for automated voice-over announcements.

Audio – File Support for Audio Overs

Audio Secondary Playback Formats

WAV / BWAV 16/16, 24/24, 24/32 sampled at 48kHzAIFF 16/16, 24/24, 24/32 sampled at 48kHz

Audio fi les must be 16 or 24 bit PCM data sampled at 48kHz.

BWAV fi les allow cue to timecode for functions such as Audio Description (Europe) / Video Description (Americas).

Multi lingual Audio Overs from separate audio fi les are supported. In this instance, WAVs only are supported.

Shuffl e, duplicate and mask Audio Over channels so the fi nal PGM mix is suitable for your audience.


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Closed Captions & Subtitles

ICE LE allows pass through of embedded captions, insertion from caption files and up/down conversion to match the final output standard.

An optional conversion plugin is available for accepting a wider range of non-standard caption and subtitle formats.

ICE LE supports both the insertion and passing through of caption data in the same system. For example, passing through commercial caption data, but inserting program captions from files.

Live caption and subtitle insertion is possible using Ctrl-A (USA) and NewFor (UK) protocols.

Please also refer to the Timecode section for more details about driving captions files in ICE LE.

Management Utilities

An ICE system can be provided with useful content management tools such as Subtitle / CC synchronization to ensure your secondary files are always pulled onto the playout server in time for TX. Snell’s System Architects can advise on the best system design on all aspects of your workflows.

Closed Captions


Subtitle Formats File Insertion:

.stl World Standard Teletext (WST / OP42) subtitles Passing through of embedded subtitles, inserting from fi les, and HD/SD

up and down conversion is supported. Live data feed. NewFor protocol over IP

Multiple languages can be inserted into 4 data channels on Line 21 from separate caption fi les:

Field 1 – CC1 or CC2 Field 2 – CC3 or CC4

SD Closed Captions conforms to the CEA-608.

HD Closed Captions use CEA-608 captions encapsulated within CEA-708 packets.

Where video fi les are supplied with both SMPTE 436M and A/53 MPEG caption data, the SMPTE 436M data will take priority.

Multiple languages from separate stl fi les can be inserted into confi gurable VBI lines and Teletext pages.

ICE LE supports .stl fi les that conform to EBU Tech. 3264-E.

All ASCII and non-ASCII characters are supported including non-Western characters, for example Japanese or Arabic.

Open subtitles for rendering text onto the output video.

Multiple Open subtitles can be rendered simultaneously

ICE LE’s support for subtitles conforms to WST, OP42 and OP47 standards.

SMPTE 428-7 support for complex characters used in Asian languages

Insert looping apology subtitles when subtitles are not delivered on time

Open subtitles being inserted from an STL fi le, driven by the video fi le’s timecode.

Closed Caption Formats

File Insertion: .scc Scenarist Closed Captions version 1.0.cap NCI National Captioning Institute (via optional conversion process)

Passing through of embedded Closed Captions, inserting from fi les, and HD/SD up and down conversion is supported.

Live Data feed. Ctrl-A protocol from VITAC device via serial connection.

50Hz Systems SD/HD Location Standard

Wide Screen Signalling SD Line 23 WSS Video Index / ARD SD Line 11 RP186 AFD HD VANC SMPTE 2016

These signals can be from external live sources or internal decoders. The data can be passed through or inserted by the system.

59Hz Systems SD/HD Location Standard

Video Index / ARD SD Line 11 RP186 AFD HD VANC SMPTE 2016

These signals can be from external live sources or internal decoders. The data can be passed through or inserted by the system.

AFD Support

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Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

ARC and AFDs

ICE LE allows AFDs to pass through, or for the system to insert specific scheduled AFD codes from the playlist. Individual decoders may also have default AFDs set.

ICE LE reacts to an AFD by comparing the value and the destination frame size and ARCing appropriately. One possibility this offers is allowing HD and SD simulcasting of the same channel with correct aspect ratio on both outputs.

AFDs can be read from both files and live incoming sources.

Snell has also helped customers who needed custom non-SMPTE codes. These are now available to be scheduled in exactly the same way as standard codes.

AFD Support

Read AFD values are used to correctly ARC

the video on output.

For PAL systems ICE can be confi gured to prefer WSS or RP186.

ICE LE can read Ancillary Data Packets that conform to SMPTE 291M.

ICE LE can read VANC data from SMPTE 436M compliant MXF fi les.

RecordBy selecting the relevant codec and wrapper, all ancillary data can be encoded as a SMPTE 436M compliant MXF track.

PlayAFD metadata contained in valid fi les will be read and regenerated as VANC data in the SDI output.

ARC Support Table

Conversion Options One of the 20 conversion options illustrated in the ICE manual

4:3 Source 16:9 Outputto

Ancillary Data Support – Timecode

Name SD/HD Source Standard Detail

VITC SD External input

SMPTE 12M-1 Pass through:Embedded live signal

ATCAA(Ancillary Timecode)

HD Externalinput

SMPTE 12M-2(RP188)

Pass through:Embedded live signal


SD ICE SMPTE 266M Insert:An arbitrary timecode value on specifi ed lines of the output

ATC(Ancillary Timecode)


Insert:An arbitrary LTC or VITC timecodevalue in HANC space of the output

Track from File SD Video File SMPTE 436Mto SMPTE 266M

Regenerate:A fi le’s MXF or MOV timecode track is embedded in confi gurable VITC lines of the output

Track from File HD Video File SMPTE 436M to SMPTE 12-2M(RP188)

Regenerate:A fi le’s MXF or MOV timecode track is embedded in output HANC data space

User Bits SD/HD ICE SMPTE 12-2M(RP188) /SMPTE 266M

Insert:Specify User Bit values to insert on output

Playback 59Hz & 50Hz Ancillary Data Timecode

ICE LE supports a wide range of Timecode types.

Video files can often be delivered with more than 1 type of timecode track which may not match. ICE LEhas 6 timecode reading options to ensure the system performs as you want it to.

Timecode is a complex area that Snell can provide support to customers on if required.

Snell also provides a free file validation service to customers to ensure that the functionality you require can be provided. Please contact Snell to discuss your precise requirements.

For information about encoding timecode please refer to the Video Recording Formats section earlier in the document.

Page 9: Snell ICE LE Tech Data Sheet

Snell recommends: If you wish to insert Closed Captions SCC fi les or Subtitle STL fi les, you should ensure your video fi les contain valid timecode tracks. Snell’s Validation Team will confi rm that your fi les are suitable before starting a project.

Ancillary Data Extended

ICE LE provides more in depth Ancillary Data support than any other Channel-in-a-Box.

Please contact Snell for any ancillary data requirements not covered in these pages.

For information about encoding ancillary data please refer to the Video Recording Formats section earlier in the document.

Ancillary Data – Extended

Name Source Standard Detail

Generic VANC Inserter

ICE SMPTE 291M Insert:VANC payloads in DID and SDID packets on specifi ed lines of the SDI output

XDS ICE CEA-608-E Insert:Programme Name, Rating, Call Letters, Network Name. Pass through, or insert XDS packets, across single or multiple events.

V-Chip ICE CEA-608-E Insert:Ratings data in MPA, USA, Canadian Eand Canadian F formats.

SCTE 104 ICE SMPTE 2010-2008 Insert:A wide range of information can be inserted and decoded by remote systems.

Cue Tones ICE DTMF, or otheraudio trigger types

Insert:Audio tones inserted on specifi ed audio channels with confi gurable durations andmutes.

Each ICE LE unit provides 2.4 Terabytes of local storage. The 2.4TB is the usable storage after the RAID10 redundancy is accounted for.

RAID 10 (sometimes referred to as RAID 1+0) provides better throughput and latency than other RAID confi gurations and is the most suitable confi guration for situations requiring high disk performance.

Data will automatically be rebuilt if a drive is replaced. A drive may be removed from any array without affecting playout performance.

ICE LE is supplied with 6x 900GB SAS disks.

ICE LE supports 20 Megabytes per second of FTP transfer bandwidth. To transfer a 1 hour, 50Mb/s fi le takes approximately 30 minutes.

Snell’s Media Management tools will automatically transfer content from other video servers and archives and automatically manage the free space levels on the disks.

ICE LE Local Storage

Local storage is used to store all the content required for playout on ICE LE. Snell’s media management tools ensure that material required for playout is transferred in time required order.

ICE LE supports integration to NAS devices that support passive FTP. When integrated to Snell Media Management system, files are automatically transferred as requested by the playlist.

Local StorageICE LE LocalStorage

Page 10: Snell ICE LE Tech Data Sheet

SAN Storage

Snell is proud to partner with Quantum to offer a SAN solution for ICE. SANs, (as opposed to a Nearline NAS) offer the advantage of providing a single large, shared storage system. Multiple ICEs can record and playback the same fi les simultaneously.

Please refer to Snell’s separate data sheet for more information on our ICE SAN. ICE SAN (Storage Area Network)

Engineering Tools

ICE LE comes complete with essential engineering logging, diagnostic, and confi guration utilities.

LoggingAll system activities are logged to alocal or network drive.

SubtitlesA Subtitle viewing utility is included to allow review of any fi les that do not perform as expected.

Bars and Tone SourceInsert 1 kHz tone to individual audio channels to check installation and correct functioning of audio shuffl ing features, for example.

Confi dence MonitorSoftware monitor to check any source when SDI is not available during testing and confi guration.

ICE LE GUI. Internal matrix shows all the internal and external sources and destinations that are available on each channel, plus a confi dence video window.

Elegant Restart

If a unit needs to be restarted for any reason, the on air material will be rejoined at the correct frame, and does not need to wait for the next event transition, so reducing your outage times.



ICE LE has a fixed delay from input to output of 4 frames.


Horizontal Delay in microseconds or Genlock Vertical Delay in lines can be introduced with reference to the analog Black and Burst reference input.


Units provided with either 2 or 4 inputs may be configured with a watchdog function so that if the unit is powered off the inputs will be connected directly to the output.

Operating System

Windows Server 2008 R2


Height 43mm (1.7”)Width 483mm (19”)Depth 700mm (29”)

Power Supply

100-240V, 50-60Hz, 1200W Peak Power Load.

Dual redundant PSUs.

Innovation in theMulti-Screen World

ICE SAN (Storage Area Network)

Page 11: Snell ICE LE Tech Data Sheet


Select the level of ICE functionality that meets your needs and your budget.

Snell’s services include System Architects who are on hand to ensure the system design you need will perform as expected. They will feed your required functionality into a Configurator to ensure effective resource usage, and can advise where a design can be optimized

Codecs. All codecs except the following are included in all levels of ICE.

Certain functionality is available to all tiers of ICE, but requires a separate licence. These include:

Apple ProRes

Avid DNxND

Dolby E encode

Dolby E decode

Loudness assessment and adjustment

Advanced Graphics

Media Validation II

Nielsen audience measurement




Base Features ICE LE

Up to four HD/SD Decoders - 64 bit •

Up/down scaling (incl RP186 support) •

Master control transitions (video & audio) •

Up to 8 keyers per channel mixer •

Horizontal and vertical line timing adjustment •

Flexicore Internal router manual only control •

Flexicore Internal router control via Automation •

Static and animated logos •

Two box DVE •

One box DVE •

Text crawl generation •

Crawl generation (RSS or XML) •

Content Validation Service - Off-line •

ARC/AFD control from Automation •

Delay Server •

Dolby E pass through support •


Up to 4 audio overs per mixer •

Provide Audio 5.1 downmix •

Automation control of audio shuffl ing and gain •

Omneon compatible tagged audio tracks •


Captioning (608/708) and subtitling pass-thru •

File-based captioning/subtitling •

608 to 708 captions •

708 to 608 captions •

WST (Teletext) •

Open subtitles (live rendering) •

Live closed caption insertion from external supplier (VITAC) •

Scaling based to OP47 standard •

Ancillary Data

AFD-based scaling & data insertion •

TC User bit Insertion •

Generate DTMF tones •

SCTE-104 •

XDS V Chip insertion •

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Innovation in theMulti-Screen World


Input/Output Options

ICE LESDI InUp to 4 inputs. Can be used for Live sources, encoding or Key and Fill from external graphics devices.

SDI OutUp to 4 confi gurable outputs. For example:

4 independent Program outputs for 4 different channels

1 channel – SD Program o/p, HD simulcast o/p, Preview o/p, Clean o/p

SDIICE’s video output conforms to SMPTE 292M.

FTP20MB/s fi le transfers into local storage.

ICE LE is available as 3 models;

ICE LE 04 has 0 inputs & 4 outputs for a dedicated playout device.

ICE LE 22 has 2 inputs & 2 outputsfor playout with live sources or ingest.

ICE LE 40 has 4 inputs and 0 outputs for a dedicated ingest solution.

Video Breakout Cable

Each video input and output may used in different ways to ensure ICE is as fl exible as you need it to be.

Inputs may be used for live video, sources to be recorded, or for key and fi ll from external graphics devices.

Outputs may be confi gured in many different ways, including Program outputs, Preview outputs, Clean feed outputs, simulcast HD/SD outputs, or to show any other source, such as graphics or text.


Timecode is provided into the system either over the network from a central source or directly into each ICE on the BNC input shown.


ICE can be monitored from a suitable monitoring solution using SNMP. Snell’s Rollcall solution can go beyond this by also offering functions such as schedule aware exception monitoring to provide context aware alarms to your playout operators.

2 x PSU

Rear view4 x HD SDI

1 x Reference

2 x PS/2 2 x USB 2 x Gigabit Ethernet

LAN ports


2 x SFP+ 10Gb

LAN ports

ICE LE has 5 standard BNC connectors; 4 for SDI video; 1 for analog black and burst reference.

Additional premium level features are available in the 2U ICE product.

Advanced 2D & 3D Graphics Dolby E Decode and Encode Loudness Assessment & Adjustment Nielsen Audience Monitoring Hardware Accelerated Performance Media Optimized File System from Quantum On-line Media Validation Variplay Increase in local storage Maximum of 4 inputs plus 4 outputs Additonal codecs - Pro-Res, DNxHD

Product Comparison


Company policy is one of continuous product improvement. Specifi cations are therefore provisional and subject to change without notice.

© 2015 Snell. All rights reserved.

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