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  • 1.Social Media for Health PIOs James Garrow Philadelphia Department of Public Health

2. Introductions 3. Name Job Area of Expertise Social Media Do you use it? Personally? Professionally? What networks do you use? Whats the best part of social media? And whats the worst part? Do your family and friends use it? For what? If you dont use it, why? 4. Social Media Statistics 5. 4/2012, Pew Internet & American Life Project 6. 2/2013, Pew Internet & American Life Project 7. Between six and eleven percent of Americans would interrupt sex to check social media messages! 8. Information Seeking in a Disaster8/2012, Ameri can Red CrossWow, thats low!Wow, thats high! 9. Red Cross Survey 12% of the American public has used social media in a disaster After seeing emergency info on a social media site, 77% have checked on their family and friends Nearly 40% would use social media to let loved ones know they were safe after a disaster 10. Discussion 11. Break 12. Social Media Tools 13. Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Tumblr Vine Snapchat Blogs 14. Best Practices Potpourri 15. Monitoring Topsy.com Socialmention.com Geofeedia.com Google Alerts Hootsuite.com Tweetreach.com Bottlenose.com Tweetgrid.com 16. Management Hootsuite.com Tweetdeck Seesmic.com Bufferapp.com IFTTT.com Bitly.com 17. Chatting/Livetweeting Twitterfall.com Tweetchat.com Hashtags #sm4ph #hcsm #CDCchat #smemchat 18. Incident Websites Wordpress.com Blogspot.comIncident-specific website to collect all information in one, easy-to-find place Easily updatable, no IT! Massively scalable 19. Internal Communications Twitter Private accounts Facebook Groups GroupMe SMS 20. Social Media in Emergencies 21. Information to the Public Information from the Public The Public as Responders 22. Information to the Public 23. Emily Rahimi @FDNY 24. Information from the Public 25. Mobile Twitter Use NYC homes without powerTweets sent via mobile interface 26. The Public as Responders 27. "One of those trucks went across the bridge!" she told me. "Wow. Even the school bus doesn't cross that bridge. It's not designed for large trucks. When we saw them going up that road, we wanted to run out and wave our hands, yelling wrong way, wrong way! -hinessight.blogs.com 28. Lunch 29. Social Media Exercise: Part One 30. Instructions Discuss development of social media messages Dont forget approvals Craft test messages Review press releases Craft BETTER messages Review process again 31. Break 32. Social Media Exercise: Part Two 33. Instructions Get into groups Get online Log into Twitter and Facebook Message crafting 34. Privacy Twitter account Developed just for this exercise Private account, no one can follow or see what we tweet Facebook My personal account! Unpublished Page, no one can Like or see what we post 35. Wrap-up 36. Thank you, for more info: about.me/jgarrow

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