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Page 1: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.
Page 2: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The St. Andrew Cross

The distinctive cross set atop the cupola o f o ur new S t . Andrew c hurch has a s pecial meanine;tor o ur communit.lj. The desi§?;n, ins pired b~ Fr. To m, is in the s ha pe ot a Roman c ross with t he cross of S t . And rew superim­posed. While most of wha t is known about S t . And rew t he Apostle is to ld in the Script ures. ::..a r l .~j sac red writ ings, particu la rl~ t he writings ~ th~ ear l~ Fa the rs a re a n a dd itiona l sour,

ot inlo rrna tio n,

St. Andl-ew was a Fishe rman who lived in Gali­lee d uring t he t ime of Jes us . 5 0th And rew a nd his b ro t her S imo n Peter gave UP. their wo rk a s Fisherm e n to become a postles o f J esus . Andrew was o ne of t he firs t to be GJlled a nd del ig hted in b r-ing ing ot hers to J esus .

Ahe r Jesus died , And rew beca me a mis ­sio na r!J- He p rea ched a bo ut Jesus in the a rea a ro und the Black S ea , in northern Greece a nd Turkeq. Andrew d ied as a mart.'-y-. l i-adit ion sa.:Js tha t in Pat ras , in Greece , he wa s tied to a cross s haped like the letter x . Lege nd has it t hat And rew converted the wiFe of- a Governor whose name was Aegeas. Aegea:s W,'lS Furious a nd told And rew he woul d c.ruc if-~ him like his God . And rew res po nd ed that he would be proud to die like J esus . Lege nd S~LJS that this so inFuriated Aegeas that he cruc if-Ted And rew o n a n x -shaped.crossj us t to den~ him t h honor of d!Jlng like Jesus. e ve r s ince then , a c ro ss in the s ha pe o f a n X has been called St. And rew's c ross .

T he X s haped cross is a p rominent design Feature of-o ur new chu,-ch. Not onl~ is it o n our cupo la, it is in o ur Stewardship Plaza , in the Flo or a t o ur church, in the Floor of o ur baptistr.:J a nd in the wood of our a lta r.

Page 3: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

M~ Dear Friends in Christ August 29, 1999

Toda'y t he whole chur-ch ce lebrates with .yo u the dedication Of_LJour new parish chu JTh. T his is an occasio n o t great imp~rtan ce - a clear expression olan abidi ng co mmitment to ,~lou r ta it h and the vita l growth o~ : jour commu nit~j ,

As we gat her in th is worship spa ce, I amg rLl ti t ied to experience t he g iH:s and resources ,~Jo u hLlve shared wit h each o t her in this project. In nea r l~J 80 ~ears } St. A ndrew's has developed fmm a small I-ural mission into a 'large and energetic par-ish co mmunihJ- In e,athenng todaq , C hrists people are brought togethe r' to recoznize t he strength in o ur histor,lJ and our di versit.y. These ~Jea rs have been a vivid stor~ of gen ero sit~ ) inclusion. and service. S t. A ndrew's cross inspir'es us to cont inue the role ot missio n and remind s us I'hat we are called to evange lize the Gospel message. We move into the new millennium, and this church and this communit.Y stand as tes tim on~j t o the services and p r-ograms ,~jO U p r-ovide. We ho no r as well t he r ich trad ition we share as Cathol ics in t he Pacific North­west .

T his is indeed a time to g ive thanks. We g ive t han ks to God For all t he blessings th ~s c()m mu nl t~j has shared tor the past 80 .lJea r~s. We g ive t hanks to r the ge ne rosit~J o f all who have con tributed to the comp'letion o f th is build ing pm jeet. We give t ha nk~ to r Father Thomas 5 ellegue - tor his leadership and m i nist r~J- A nd we giv~ t hanks tor the rnan.lJ o t her' priests, religious, and l a~J leaders who have been a pa rt o~ .the co nti nuing renewal o f th is commun it~. As we celebrate tod a~J ' let us be thanktul tor- all these g i-l-ts. Let us pra~J that God has mere lq prepared us to r the chal lenges ahea d .

Ma~J t his new church cont inue to be the source of God 'ssust.aining power b~J which we live ou t ou r faith as d iscip les and missionaries in toda.lJ's wor-Id .

With personal rega rds and wishes, I remain Si nce re l~) !)ours in C hr ist:

!It Most Rev A lex J . 5 ru nett r\ rchbishop a t Sea ttl

Page 4: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

- -~

St. Andrew Parish, Sumner

Dear Friends in Christ, 29 August 1999

Today we celebrate! We celeb -a te hard work and s~~cr j tice . W celebrate a tai th t hat reaches back to the Beginning , and leads us into a f utur b right with endless possib ili­ties. We celebrate who we are: t he children o f God <lnd brothers and sisters in t he Lord . Wc~ celebJ-ate with hear-ts and voices raised , with instrument and insp ired song, with t ouch and sight and smell and sound and teeling s th at well up deep' within us . Toda:J we cel ­ebrate t reasured memo r ies and new beginnings in a beautiful pl ace, a sacred place , a new sp iritual ho me.

Tod ai] we g ive thanks ! Wegive tha0ks to all who had the vision and courage to d ream ot a new church to meet t he ne d s o f 3 ra p l d l~J growing comm u n it~J ' We g ive th anks to all who recognized that t he:J had certa in c od -e;iven talents, e;it-ts and resources, and chose to share t hose e,ihs wit h t heir co mmunit.Lj- We give thanks'-to allwho made t he tough deci sio ns, and kept us realistic and humb le. who gave us wisd o m and dir-ection. Above all else, toda:Jwe give t hanks to God who has p laced the Sp.irit deep within us. T he God who calls us t ogether to be c hr-ist to r ea -h o ther and br-ead tor the world .

On t his dedicatio n da,Y, let LIS celebr-ate and g ive thanks t the God who in?p ired us to bu ild t his house o t pra~ e L A s we rejo ice In tile comp letion o f- this phase o f- our pro'l e ct: ~ let LIS p ra,lJ fo r a sp ir it ua l counterpa'rt in our heart.s. J ust as the beaut lJ ot th is temp e leads Cl ll to a deeper love t o r- God and o ne ano ther, so t?O ma.LJ our lives, living temples) reveal t he handiwork o t God shll11ng t hr-ough O LW acts o f- humb le service and commo n

pra~Je r .

It is a JO:J1an ho no r) and a pr ivilege to g ive than ks and celebra te with ~J OLJ o n this most glor iOUS daLJ.


(Rev) Thomas I~\ . E>ellecl LJ Pastor

Page 5: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

p a rroCluia de San Andres Sumner

Estimados amigos en Cristo, 29 de Agosto , 1999

H O~J es un d ia d e celebra c ion! Celeb ra mos sacri f icio ~J j r-dua labor . C eleb ramo s un a Fe 9ue se extiende d ~sd e el Comienzo, ~J nos d irige hacia un brillante f uturo ca n posib d,dades sin tin . Celeb ra mos 9ue som o s h ~OS e hi)as d e D ios ~J her-mano s ~ herrnan as en el Senor. Celebramos co n corazones ,~ voces e levadas, ca n instrurnento !::I cant o insp irad o , to ccmd o .9 viendo .~J oIiendo ~J sonando !::I e rno ciones 9 ue no s sube desde 10 mas p rofundo d entr-o d e no so t ros. Celeb ra mos re cuerdos a tesorad os !::I nuevas com ienzo s en un bello lugar, lug ar- sag rado , !::I una nu eva casa espiritua l.

HO,L) es un d ia d e d al' g rac ias ! Damos g ra cias a todo s aq uellos 9ue t uvieron la vision ~J el valor- de so nar en un a nu eva iglesia Ljue lIenara las neces id ad es d e una co munid ad Ljue rapidarnente c rece. Damos gracias a todos aLjuellos Ljue reconocieron Ljue tertian ta len tos d ad os par D ios, dones ~J recurso s, !::I escozjeron cornpar t ir estos d ones can su comunidad.D arnos gracias a todos aquellos Ljue t uv ieron Ljue t amar d ecisiones d ihcul tosas , ~J no s mantuvieron en la humildad ~J rea lid ad ; !::I no s d ieron sa b id uda ~J direccion. For encima d e todo, h O~J damos gracias a D ios Lju ien ha puesto el E:sp ir-itu denb'o de no so t ros. EI D ios Ljue no s llama en unio n a ser un C risto un os co n o t ros !::I almlento d e t odo s.

Ln ~ste d ia d e d ed icacio n, celeb remos ~J d emos g racias a D ios Ljuien nos inspi r6 a edihcar esta casa d e oracion . A si como nos alegra mos en la conclusion d e esta fase de nuestro p m !::led o , o rernos par un d uplicado es p iritua l en nuest ros co razones. Asi com o la bel leL.1 de este ternplo no s co nduce a un arnor m L~ S pr'ot undo para Dio s ~) p ara unos a otros. as ! tamb ien Ljue nuestras vidas, temple s vivos, brillen a t raves d e nuestro s aetas d e humdd e servicio ~J o racio n co mun al , reveland o asi la mana d e o h ra d e D ios . Ls un go zo ; es un hono r , ,L) un p r ivilegio el d ar gracias !::I el celebra r co n usted es este tan glol'ioso dia de h0!::l '

1- ~ \ n u : .' .... "pa~--iVM R c /~'"

Catheli'i " Community

~ I " : ' :"·" • .. I ~ ""~,'(Rev.) T ho mas r'\. 5ellc9ue " ~ \ t· ~ • "'! U:....... . Il';!j"~"...:..~::..... '.' -- l1li

Pasto r

Page 6: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

St. Andrew's Parish Histor'y

T he fi rst Cat hol ic church in th e val le.!:) was bu ilt in O r-bng in 1889 . O ne ~Jea r lat er) in 18.90 ) A ll Saint - Parish wa.s es ta b lished in PU~Ja l l u p . Cal:hol ics who lived in S umner t raveled b,L) train, wago n o r o n fo ot to attend Mass in PU~Jal l u p.

In 1920 severa l fa milies p etitioned 5 1shop 0'D.ea tor a parish of their own and St . An ­dr'ew t he A po stle beg an as a missio n p'ar ish a t ~1 1S?in ts. T he hrst Mass was celeb rat ed in t he new p,ar ish o n Aprilly, 1921. A t the time o t Its found ing, t he 8a r ish included about ~en ~LJ f amilies o r 10 0 par-ishioners. In 1925).St. ,t>..nd rew,g;a.ined its t ir'st res ident priest. fro Kamke. T he p resent recto r~~ was b uilt dUring f r oKorn kes pasto rate .

In 1 ~})5 f ro Rosol became the pastor' o f st. A ndrew. H . is ['emember'ed as a Iing uisl:, able to hear co nressio ns in f ive lang uae;es. He loved to hlk ou t to O ri:ine; to celebrate Mass o n Sun da.!:) mo rni ngs. D uring f r oRoso l's time at St . ,A.nd rew t he ca mmunit,L) g rew large enough to re9uire two Masses o n s unda,LJ. f r oRosol d ied u nexpected l~J in 1947- f r o Mc Lean was ass igned as a d m i n is~rator t o S t:. A nd r'ew. f r oMcLean is re member'ed for his purchase o f the land where t he St . r'\nd rew I-Jall wou ld be b Uilt .

Page 7: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

l wo "years later , in 19'+9, Fr . Hamilton became. t he. pasto r . The parish exper ienced g reat ~rowt h during Fr . Hamilton's twelve "years at S t . A nd rew. Under his leadersh ip t he parish hall W3S built in 1952 and t he church was enlarged in 1953 increasing t he sea ting C3p'acit!) f ro m 1++ t o 260. even with t he increased seating, t he par ish still needed two Sund a~J Masses . A nticipa ting furthergrowth, two houses between the c hurch and t he hall were purcbaseci . Ten acres o t land was also purchased o n va lle!) A ve. in case t he parish should ever need to bui ld a new church .

Fr. McA llister followed Fr. Hamilton . D ur ing t his time t he post Vatican IIlit;rsr 'cal changesJwere be ing imp lemented . T he altar was ~ oved, Mass was celebrated in e n Ish, la!)persons were becoming more involved in parish life and a parish council was torme .

Fr . Delahuntq began his assignment as p'astor in 1975. The Religious educatio n programs were growingat a last pace, so a second stor~ was added to t he CCD Buil ding . At the same time, t he parish hall was remodeled to accommodate all the new parish activities and organi­zations.

Fr . FBtrick McDermott to llowed Fr . Delahuntu as Pastor, servingthC?St. A ndrew cornmurutq f ro m 1984 -1989. Fr. McD ermott began ce lebrati ng Mass in :Spa nish tor a grow ing Hispanic population. Fr . McDermott also increased the parish staA-, add ing three positions. 5~ this time, there were L<70 tamilies attending St. A nd rew.

B~J the time Fr . To m 5 elle9ue began his pasto rate in 1989,St. A nd rew celebrated tour e nglish Ma s~es ea'ch weekend and a Spanish Mass ever.t:J ot her weekend . T he r.arish had o utgr'own all o f its facilities. A t t he reco mmendation ot t he Parish Advison] Council, Fr . To m assemb led a Lo ng Range planningTask Force to p lan fo r the fut ure of a rap id l,LJexpand ing parish communit,lj . The fi rst phase ot a long-ra nge buildi ng plan, t he construction of a new C hurch, was completed in A ugust 1999. even befo re t he completion of t he new Church, a second co mmittee was tormed to detennine th e next phase of co nst ructio n.

Page 8: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Ground Breaking

From the time the Lo ng Range p lanning 1;.-'l5k r rce began its wo r-k it took more t hem seven ~ea rs tOI- us to gather on the site at o ur new chu ,-ch to r o ur Ground 5reaking Ceremon!) . J ul,') 6, 1998 was a beautil-ul, warm summer evening. A p proximatel: ) ) 0 0 p'eople ga the ~ed o n rock. and d irt o n t he exa .t site o t o ur new chur-ch . T he exterio r­d imensio ns 01- t he t uture chu r - h wer-e sta k.ed o ut with brightl!) colored h hum balloo ns. If: was an evening at pra,L)e,· and testivit!:) as we began to imag ine our new worship space .

r-. l orn 5<?1I 9ue welcomed Ve r~L)On e . In an ven i n~ o f- excitement and anti cipation we

heClr-d t ro m our- project manager , Car l Vi~na , our ar-chited, J im Merr itt, o ur con­t ractor, Dan A bsher and o ur: ma!:Jor, Bar­ba ra Skinner-. It was a time 01- rcmernber ina all o~ th work that had b rought us to th i~ I: ight. ,And it was a celebrati o n a t O LW

future. O ur- choir led us in song and Fr. Tom led a p ,-ocession t hrough and aro und t-he new chur'ch blessing the ground and t_he people with Hoi,') Water. The children 1-0Ilowed Fr . Tom in p rocession blowing bubbles.

T he ceremonial ground hreak ~ng took place at t he exact site o f- our tutur-e ba ptismal Fo nt :"Jith Fr . Tom t ossing in a hand Ful of- d irt brou2;ht ba ck tram Jerusalem. '-­

Page 9: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Seve ral parishion ers rep resenti ng our diverse commun lt~ put o n hard hats and p icked up shovels to help readq t he g round to r the wor-k that was to ta llow.

!\s we prepare t o move Into OUI· new worsh ip space, it is d ifficult to ima~i ne t hat th e gound bl-eaking was o nl.:J a .~ea r ago,_We are ind eb ted t o all who have h elped make t his d rea m become a rea litq . We are gra~ehd to those who have served o n our Long Range p lanning and Build ing Committees ~or t heir countless hours. dedication, commitment and sta.~) ing power ove: all these ~Jears . We are gratef ul t o our A rchitect, Merritt/ Pard ini and t heir' ~s ~n team tor their-g uida nce in d.eveloping our Master Plan. We are grat et ul to Dan Absher and Absher Construction t o r expert gu idance t ro m t he ear l.:J p'lanning stages thr-ough construction. We ~ l-e gratef ul to Fr . Steve :sallis who served as our liturgical consul tant . We are gratefu l to t he A rchdiocese ot Seattle, particu larl t] J im O ' Malle~J and Ed Williams who ass isted us t hrough re9uired p rocesses, approvals and au thoriza tions. We are g ratet ul t o Ma~ or Barbara s kinner and the Cit~) ot Sumner fo r helping us t hrough t he many p rocesses requi red b~) t he cit.:J . We are proto undl.:J g rate t ul to Ca rl Vigna, our Project manager to r his Vigil ance, com mitment and dedication which brought th is phase o t our bui lding pr~ect to a successfu l completion.

T he build ingot this church has t ru l~ been t he work o f the people a t St. A ndrew. T h rou ~h our co mmitment to Christ ian -?tewardship , the dream has become a realitq . We are indebted to our parish commu n it~) tOl' generos it~, perseverance and co nstant pra.:Jc r-.

F i na ll~ , we ar-edeeplqgratet ul to our- pasto r , Fr. To m 5e l le~ue. Fr . Tom's guidance, support, wisdom and love tor th is par ish communit.L) brought us through more t han eight ~ea rs at p'lanning to o ur ground break ing d a.~J ' And now, a ~l("..a r after g ro und breaking , Fr . TOI1l 's leader;hip, enerw , and determinat ion have broug ht us to t he ded icat io n at our new chu rch !

Page 10: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Construction Stor'y

The dedication at t he new St. Andrew c hurch on AL~s t 2') 1999 marks the end at the initial phase at our build ing program. Fr.10 m I) Ileque and the Parish Advisor!) Council recom­mended CIS ea ~!) as 1991that we begin to plan fo r growth in our communit::!. The original plan called tor a two-phased bUildir:gprogram. Phase I included a 90 0 -seat Chur-ch)a ClaitLJMass - ha~l ) and Administrative o thces. Phase II included the co nstruction of a Faith Fonnation

5 uildingand a Social Hall. The archit chJicll tinn ot Merritt/ Pardini leel our parish C<Jmrnu ni~J through the development ot a Master Plan that would allow construct ion to be completed in phases.The Master Plan is sti ll valid toda~J and provides the guideline tor ou r p lanned growth.

O ur building site on valle!) Ave.enco rn f?asses 12.1acres and can easi l~J accommodate the entire vision ot our Master Plan. Men-itt/ Pardini was selected as our architect and Msher Const ruc ­tion 3S our general contractor. T he design phase began in August 1997 and continued through Jul!) 1998. ~onstTu ction on the initial phase began in J u l~J 1998 and is due to be completed in August of 1999.

Th • to tal cost b r our new church) excludi ng landJis $+' "1- million . O t this total, construction costs represent $2.5 million. The remaining$1.9 million includes all other costs including Fea­sibi lit~J ~tudiesJ Master Plan development , permits, archit~hlra l tee~., ta~es , ~9 uipment and fu rnishings. To help ott set costs, over $190,000 was receIved as Glfts-In -Klnd h o mpansh­ioners, zontractors, suppliers, artists and members at the communit!J.

T h new St. Andrew c hurch has man!) unique teatures. It is traditional in design with a tra n~ept floor plan. T he chur-ch buil0ing is one at the most prominent in the Cit~J at Sumner. Man.l) of the most unique aspects at construction and design will be tea tured in this dedication booklet.

Whilt.: man!) talented craltsmcn and womenand man~J s» .rous Ind ividual donors have contrib­uted tow~ rd the buildingof our new St .An dr. w ChurchJthe pr~ect is bLJ I,~ the work at the people of St. Andrew and their commitment to Ch~stian Stewardship. O ur outdoor-gathering space is called St wardship Plaza. The plaza is 90 feet in diameter with a + -toot commem­orative medallion in its center. The inscnption on the medallion reads:

The Foundation up<?n which our Paris~ Mission and Goa ls are built is the attirude of all at

St. A ndrew towa rd Christian Stewardship."

Approxirna telq 950 brick pavers inscri bed with t~e namesof individuals and b milie..., arc em­bedded in the Stewardship Plaza in the shape of the cross at St. , ndr-ew.

A t t he t ime of this publicat ion, the people of St. Andrew Will continue to gather at both the new church on Va ll e~J Ave. and our present tac.ilities on Kincaid Ave. Weekend Masses will be·-el­ebrated in our new church whife aith Formation. Scx.ial and Administrativ activih s continue at our existing facilities. .

Page 11: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The 5eginning

A Snow,y Site

The St. Andrew Moat

Getting Closer

The St. Andrew Church

Page 12: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The New St . Andrew church

It is aj O~J t illed time In the lite a t t he peo ple at St. A nd rew. ve have blessed the c hur'ch that has served us well for mor-e than 78!jears and said ourgood b!jes. We have pra!jed and celebrated th transition to our- new C hurch. We have walked the route tr"o m70+ Kincaid to 1401valle!j carr~Ji ng wit h us reminders a t our past and hopes tor our tuture. And we are f~ lIed with ho pe!

T he new chur-ch ot St. A nd rew is a st!l.J -t ure t hat speaks about the hopes at the cornmu­nit,LJ' T he bui lding, which is th horne tor the people at God, is a warm and hosp ita b le ~ pa c > ,

Co nsiderable t hought and caret ul planningwent into ever.!::) decision so that in spite of our wonderfu l new and spacious surToundinss, we might still be a close kn it) caring and welcom ­ing communitLJ We have a beautitul outdoo r gather-ing area we call Stewardship Plaza. It is spacious and will eventua lh] be surrounded b~) bea~Jtitu llandscaping. O n warmer da~Js , it will be an ideal place to ~eet and gat her b ~ore and after Mass. The p'laza was named in honor ot the stewar-dship giH:s at t he p oplea t St. A ndrew, which helped to build this new c hurch.

The indoo r~gathe ring s p'ace is 90 X)o teet. This space is separated t ro mthe asse rnb lq area b!j a wall o t ~ass . Thi - allows us to greet o ne another betore Mass while P" ~e rvi llg a pra!jertul at mosphere in t he main bod~J o t the C hur'ch. T he gathering spac will be well utilized , as itis our o nl.!::) large indoor area in Phase I o t our building prcject. This is wher'e we will host coffee, donuts and other hosp ita l it~J'

We teel b lessed to have such beautitu l and hosp ita ble greetingareas but we tru l~J believe that t he most valuable re-..5ou.rce in creatinga climate othosp ita litLJ has been and a lwa~J s will be t he welcomingattitude ot the peopl ~ ol St. A ndrew. Now we tinall.LJ have a home to enhance what is alread.!::) in o ur hearts .

T he spaciousness o t the assem b l~J ar-ea j - one a t the most exciting d ifferences in OLJr"new Chur -h . Seating in the chuli I, is a combination a t pews a d individual, interlocking cha irs T he center section ot the worship area holds )18chairs. The side sections are a co mbination a t o pe n-ended pews and mo.,re interlocking chairs. The tot~ 1 seating capacit,:! is 640 . Having both chairs and pews allows to r t1exibillf:!j in t he seating arrangement to r ~turgi cal celebra ­tio ns ot her th an o ur weekend Masses.such as the Easter Vig il, L iturftJ o t the Hours or Reconciliatio n Services . The design t the tl oo r plan allows us to seat 640 people with no o ne much Further t rom the altar t han in o ur old St. A nd rew c hurch. The plan also allows to r­app roximate lq ) 0 0 portable chairs t hat can be set up in t he gathering space to r overFlow seatingon hOlida.LJs when we t.LJpicall.LJ have man.~J vi sito rs .

O ur new ch urch isgrand in a st!jle t hat trul~J gives hono r to God . Above all else, it is a sa Ted and beaut ifu l bu ild ing that we will co nsecrate, anoint, bless and call our own. As.. Roman Catholics, we are a sacramental peo p le. We believe lites most sacred moments are celebrated within the Christ ian communit:!J ' Fro m t hi - ded iC3tion da.l::l to~a rd t his build ing will b ~ the parish ho rne ot th peo p le of God at St. A nd rew. Vert) C3ret ul design and artist ic deta il have created a sac red enviro nment to r t he Sacramental celeb ratio ns ot our communit!j .

Page 13: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Mission Statement

The mission at the people a t St. Andrew is to Follow the teach ings

FJesus Christ as procla imed in the gospel a nd exp ressed in t h traditions a t our church. We do this b:J res pecting each othe r Fo r' the d ive rse t rad itions a nd ta lents we represe nt . and b~J the loving, ded icated service we g ive to each other an d to the co mmunitLJ-

St. Andrew Parish Goals

• To provide a n atmosphere b~J which members ca n easil:J assimilate in the communi t~LJ Nith sc: ns itiv it~J to t hose Who co me hom d ive rse cultural tradit ions.

• To e nco urage broader I?a rish participation through a ll parish activities a nd organiza­tio ns .

• To s upport our long range plan to accommodate the pr~jected g rowth in the COI11 ­

mu r: l t~J-• To t urther-enha nce th e spiri­

t ual lite a t t he parish .

Page 14: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Our Entrance Door

O ur-entrance door is an artist's depict ion o t a loving C hrist, wit h hands ex tende toward ch ildren: T h door , which is the work of artist and sculptor Toma - Oliv .Jr., is hand ­carved f rom Hond uran mahogan,Sj . Th door is eig ht feet wide and ten t eet hi h. It weighed in excess of 1,) 0 0 pounds beFore being ca rved. The doors are uni9ue in ma n~J wa,LJs..';n example is t he wa!:) the doors open. If the doo rs w re to open exact lq in t he middle, t he image of C hrist would be split down the middle . Instead t ~e d oors pen n a line that starts in the middle o n the ver!:) top, t hen conti nues down, o FF-cente r, -urv i0g aro und hrist 's head and t hen straight down between Christ and the child o n his lef t. l o mas has titled t he doo rs "T he Wa.~ J) , because he believes Christ is "The W3.=f as ~e greets L!Swith open arms and b lesses us as his children. The doors arereilective o f- .'1 spir-it o f- war-mth and welcoming , which is important t o the co mmunit':Jo f St. ;\nd l-ew.

Page 15: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Ba ptistr'y

w hen ~Jou t irst walk through our inter ior door into t he main bod~ at t he church ~J o u will know the import ance at the Sacrament o~ E>aptism wit hin o ur tr?dition. We believe t hat bap.tism is t he sacrament t hroug h which we become memb ers at God 's tamil,Lj . In bap'tism w~ become children at God. E>aptism is t he sacrament that first brought us into the lite o f- th e c hurch. each time we enter t his chu rch , we will be reminded o f- our baptism. e ach time we bless our-selves with t he water t rom t his tont we will be reminded that we have an obligation to live o ut our baptismal promises in our dail,:) lives.

ike our alta r , our bap­tist r,LJ is eig ht .sided . This is s9 mbolic of the new lite at the baptized C hristian since the eighth da,:) is understood as t he da,:) a t the resurrection - th e d a~J b e~J ond t ime.

Ourbapt istru is const ructed out of concrete and e,ran it e and is sunken be low th e level o t t he tl oor . It is bled in small deep-pur"ple ti les with th e cross at St. Andrew running t hrough the center in a light , t ranslucent colo r. e ight lare;e ti les, handmad e in .Jerusale rn,

are in t he sides at the bap.tistr.:J . T he til es are brig ht andcolorFuI, telling m Zl n~J a t the most important stor ies tra m salvation h i sto r~J in childr'en's art.

The baptis t r,LJhas an elevated !l ol~J water stoop wit h a copper" bowl inset on on ~ side. T hiS copper- bowl will be used fo r intant bapt isms. T he t hTee blessed o ils used tor our" s~crame ntal celebrations will be p laced on a special shel f- ju::;t t o the back at the copper bowl. The c aster cand le is r. laced on the ot her side at the fon t , Two sets at steps on th no r th-so ut h axis are a visua l reminder to us th at t hroug h bapti sm we enter int o Chr ist's deat h so as to rise With H im to new lite. Our new bapti st r,LJ is a powerfu l t eacher ot t his centra l m~J ster,LJ of our b ith .

Page 16: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Altar

As ~Jo u e nter-t rom t he ga thering sp'ac into the wors hip a rea 01 our new c hurch the alta r is loca ted towa r-ds t he east wall o n a n elevated platform. From a d istance the a ltar looks simple ~J et elegant in desie;n. A closer loo k will reveal the mag?; i Fjc~ nt beaut~ a t a t rue piece ot a rt tormed lro -n maple an d ~Jew .

The altar in OUl.- church is simple but ve r~J beautif-ul. It is fashioned out at nor-th ­western maple, which is a nat ive wood light in color. The trimis ot LJew wood, wh ich ad 5 the darker acc~nts. The octagonal shape spans 5+ inches and w, 5 cI osen to match the eight-sided bap'tismal ton t o The number eight has had impo rt.ant th eo log iG.11 me.aning since the da~ s ot the ear l~ Church, whe n It ca rne t be understood as t he d a~ a fter the co mpletio n o t creation- t he d a~ b e~ ond time. Our eight-sided a ltar wi ll r-e mind us tha t the action that ta kes place a t this a lta r helps us a nbcip'ate the heavenlLJ ban qu et where God is the eternal host.

The Church teaches that the assernb lq itself is the p ri m a r~ s~Jmboi a t Chl-ist 's presence in our Church. Afte r t he -ommu n it~ gat hered in Christ 's name , the a lta r is t he most importa nt s~Jmbo l in ou r worship'space . J ust as o ur d ining rooma nd kitcl?en tables are 20werful s~ mbo ls ot o ur Fam i l~ histo ries the a lta r is a powerful sLJmboi a t our co mmo n ta it h h j sto r-~ . This table is the place where we come to be no urished a nd to sha re 0 ir

co mmon lite b~J sha ring bread a nd wine .

Since t he a lta r is o ne ot th e pr i ma r~ s~mb~ls a t C hris t in the ga the red comm u n i t~J a t be lievers , it is proper to s how O Ul- res pect tor it t hroug h ritua lgestur . The a pprop'riate a bo n o t r-evere nce towa rds the a lta r- is a res pectful bow. A s we ta ke o ur place in the asse rnb lq we will be expected to bow towar-ds th e alt.ar to ind icate our uncle rstand ing ot this importa nt sq rn bo ] in o ur church.

The c lta r a nd Ita r turnishings including the a mbo, the ca nto r's stand, the p r-e_s id e r'~ c ha ir, the g ift ta ble, the ,:rucit ixa nd the processiona l cross are a ll t he wo rk of Ga r~ Ho llo ma n, a rtis t and c rafts man .

Page 17: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Ambo To the left or the a lb r- o n the elevated platform is our a mbo 0.1rved a t the samewoods as ou r alta r.The common woods and cornp lirnentarq designs he lp us understand the connection between the Litura Jot the Word and the ~it­urgtJ of t he Eucharist. The prominence of th a rriba comes out a t our-renewed sense of t he import.ance a t pmcla imingand preaching the Word. The ambo is caretllll!j placed to gjve a sense of balanc e, ha rmon~ and unlt.Lj between Word and Sacrament. The ca l-etuldesign and placement of the alt.ar and a m60 a rc intended to make visible the relationship betvveen the two.

The ambo is ~l :vorth.LJ pa rtner to ~h e a lt.ar. The lIVIng Word a t ~a c rea SCripture Will be p'm­claimed from our a mbo. Because th e c hurch emphasizes the unih) ot allScriptur-e, a ll o t our readings incl.ud 'ngt he responsoria l psalmare procla imed fmmone ambo.The des~ d -our ambo incorporates a decorative shel f- on the fn~m t side, facing th e assernblq, where t he ISaak ot the Gospels will be placed after the Gospel reading is proclaimed a t each Eucharist

The Crucifix And The Processional Cross

Th e same art ist who_ made our a lta r and ambo ca J-etu l l~) des ig r:ed t he cross fOI-O U I- new sanctuary. It is tas hio ned out of walnut and hos a detachable processional cross .

The cor-pus o r the bod.Lj a t Christ was designed and hand ­tash io ned b.Lj pa ris hioner-a nd a rtis t , Karl s pishock. It is ca st in bron ze with ve r~) rea listic deta il. The corpus is a pp roxjm atel~J tou r teet in size a nd is affixed to the cross .

Page 18: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Sacred Images Sacred images are ver~ important in our Roman Catho lic her itage. Two niches have been cr ated in our new wO.I-ship space. O ne holds an imag e o f O ur Lad.1) o f Guadalupe and o ne holds an image 01-. the Sacred Heart . 50th have bee n careFull.tJ designed and painted to creat e the image o f- a sacred space within a sacred space.

A r-tist.s.have prepared t he niches in o ur new church b~ app l~Ji ng severa l shad es o f paints with di Herent t echniques. T his has helped to set the niches apart as "sacred spaces" within ~ Ll r assernblq area. Insp ir ing wo r-ds From Scripture are hand painted r.ight o n the walls o.f t he niches and on other walls.throughou t o ur church. We are gr-at ~hJ I to Susan _ Kar-Is to r be autiF~ing our niches and fo r painting the inscription:" with t he assista nc of­L iz Dobes . Liz is also the artist who provided us with the beautitu l paintings d piding the Seven Sacr-amer:ts , which hang in our gath r ing space. Local artist Karen Schm id t has created a set o f fou r l iturgica~banners t hat hang o n the wall behind the cho ir- area to t h I h at the ambo. T he Fabric a t the banners was c...·:wet ullq cho sen to accent our inter io r col o rs and to celebrate our lit urg ical seasons. Two ~t t he banners have a scrip ­t ure passage In Span ish and two have t h ~ same passage in Eng lish . / ddiboni'llbanners are be ing m de t o co rrespond with our- seasonal d ecor .

Our Lad!j of Guadalupe

T he image o f OUI- Lad~ o f Guadalup'~ o r Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe is a parti cu l ar l~ irnportant o ne to our Hispan ic co mmunibJ O ur" Lad!) 01­Guadalupe is the patr-o ness at th~ rner icas but is p articul ar l~J important to those a t us o f- Mexican Catholic heritage. Our Lad,LJ's ap peara nce in . Mexico, near lq 50 0.tJ ars ago, has be n a sour-ce of conversion and a sign o f -o mpassion ever since .

T he image of O ur Ladl) o f Guadalupe in our new chu r"ch 15 an exact rep lica o f the o rig ina l which hangs in the basilica in Mexico C it!) . T his image , a g ift o f our H ispanic com m~ ni t.tJ for t he whole co m­munit.tJ , was hand carr ied t ram Mexico b~ a repre­sentative o f our St. A ndrew H ispanic commun i t~J , Luis A lc:Jand re.

T he beautifu l hand - carved trame which surrounds ,?ur a d~J was made b~J A lexand re Sa tonov. Beauti­f-ul Rowers and b ird - are carved into the wood. In H ispani spirit ual it .tJ Howers and music have impo r­tant meaning . Hispan i~s believe that whenever ~Jo u are in the presence o f-fl owers and song o r "f1ar ~J canto" LJO U are in the spir it o f trut h . (No tice t hat our" SpaniSh music books are ca lled "flor !) Canto ".)

Page 19: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Sacred Heart

T he beauti~u l hand painted niche in t he south tr':lnsept will be home to a stunning image o t the Sac red Heart o~ J esus. T he artis t , ~Iexand re Safonov , has capt ured a beautiful and gent le image of a ~ o U!1g Jesus in this o rigi nal wo rk. Ca rved t-rC?m basswood, the image will rest o n the f loor ol t he c hurc h. T his will_allow people t o p rJ~J in t he p resence o~ th e image o r even to touch t he image. s at-onov has given us a ver:) inviting and approachab le Jesus.

celebrating th e Liturgica l Ye ar As Roman Ca thol ics we celebrate both Ordinar-,LJ T ime and special seasons, such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and caste r . We have des igna~ed the space to th e right o~ t he alt"ar p latt-orm, between the altar and the Euchar istic c hapel, as o ur "seasonal deco r" area . T his is where we will p lace our Advent wreath and our creche. T his is where we will ~ocu s our Lenten and Easter environments . D_ur ing O rd ina r~J T ime a beautit-u l ico n at-St . A nd rew will hane; on the wall above a mantle created fo r th is space. T he mant le will hold vot ive candles which pa rishioners are invited to lig ht as the~ kneel in p r-a~er .

Page 20: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Stained Glass Altar Windows

Stained g lass artists Marc Gels rud and Jim Perr!::J have p r-ov ided us with a set o t tour stained glass wind ows set into t he wall 6ehind the altar . The win­dows were intentio nal lq created to look ve r~) much like t he windows in our "old" St. A ndrew Church . The pattern in the windows and even the colo r o t t he glass are nearl~Lidentica l t o t he windows we have "lett 6ehind" . I ~ !::JOU look c1osel!::J though, !::Jou will notice t hat the circular pa tte.rn in th~ bottom a t each window is lar-ger- and ditteren t t rom a n~J in our o ld c hurch.

Look ing a t the windows trom lett to r-igh t ~Jou will see ~ man, a lio n, an ox and an eagle representing ou r four Lvangelists, Matthew, rv1ark , Luke and J o hn.

Stained Glass Wa ll

of t he Eucha ristic Chapell!:===========~

Page 21: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

The Eucharistic Chapel

Our Lucharisti c Chapel stands o n its own as a ver,:) sacred place in OU/-c hU/-ch . It will ho use our Tabernacle and t he reserved Eucharist. The chapel is a ve r~ p leasing p lace tor private pra~)er ~etor<,? the Blessed Sacrament. T he chapel has been caretu ll-SJ de­signed as a space for reflection and 9u iet pra~Jer. It is located just to the r ig ht at our "seasonal" space in the southeastern corner o t the c hurch. If-h as a large corner win­dow and looks out onto a small garden area otter-inga beautifu l view o t Mt. Rainier in the d i?t.ance. The Eucharisti c ch~pe l is set apart t rom th e main bod'y o f the c ht-:rch b-SJ a wal l of stained and etched glass f acing t he ass emb l~J area. T his gives ~ sense of p,rivac.':J and intim ac~) without true walls . T he stor~ at J esus washing the feet o f the apost les t rom the l a ~t supper account in the Gospel o f John is depicted in the glass. It is a reminder to all o f us o ~ t he inti mate connection be tween Lucharist and service. The glass wall was created b~j Marc Gelsrud and .Jirn Perr.L). _ T he Tabernacle will be visible from m a n~J areas o f our main worship space. T he l aber­nade and ped estal were crafted b:J C]ar~J l-J o llo man to be in uniso n with o ur altar, ambo and presider's chair . The TabernaCle I? located in t he corner ot the ch apel allowing fo r sever-al kneelers and ch airs to t it co rnrortab lq in the space for private devotion . A beautiful Czechoslovakian cut cr~stal sanctuar,:) lamp holding a can dle that is a lwa~s burning reminds us of the presence of o ur Lord in t he Tabernacle. T his lamp is visible trom everLJseat in t he church.

The Reconciliation Chapel

LOGlted to the lef t o f t he baptismal to nt as 'you ente r the church is o ur reconciliation chapel. This location was pu rpos etu ll~J chosen to help us make thC? connectio n bel-wee.n our SaptisfT!, our {-irst experience a t th e f-or-giveness o f sins, and recon cilia­tion , an on-going experience ot God 's merc.~J and forgiv~ness . For t his reaso n,. in rhe ear l~J da,:)s o f o ur-church, t he rite d­p'enance was called "second barrtism" . 1n thiS Simple, sacred place, we budd up t he communit,:) b~J welcoming back all who surrender to God 's rn erc~J and torg iveness and who renew th eir commitment t o p arti~ i ­pate In t he missio n o~ C hr ist. T he be_autiful s tajn e~ gl ass butter+ I~J reminds us o f th e new life we have found in c hr-ist . Upon leaving t he reconciliation c hape], we wil l t ind ourse lves o riented d irect-Ill towards the bapt ismal f ont where we w~ lI ~Iess o urselves aga in with the water o f re-birth .

Page 22: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

Music In Our New Church The Johnson Memorial Pipe Organ

or c nt uri s t he p ipe lrgan has b ~ n the principal instrument of support and insp ir-a­bo n For liturgical music. Th rough~L1 t t he centur ies, the o rgan has been continua ll~J I' ­

~in ed to meet the demand s a t different liturg ical and .musical s t~ les. T he orga n fo r o ur new St . r: nd rew hurch i ~ an o utstand ing exa mp le o f a marriage o f old t rad itio ns and n w techno log ies. w hen h nished, it will su ccessf-u ll~J resPr0nd to the d ictates o~ limited space and o ur need Fo r litur-g ical Hexib i l i t~J without saCrificing its a b ilit~J to respo nd to the most delicate nuances o r t he boldest proclamatio ns.

The bei'luti t ul A lborn -Galanti t hree­manUi'll console hou ses a computer "brain" t hat will translate the organist's musical commands t o over s ixt.~ stops and o ne hund red and hvent!:J eight progra mmab le stop combinatio ns. T he tonal rcm§ ._o f- th is inst rument is greater t han t hat o f- a s!:Jmphonic ba nd or orchestra . T he co mrr1ete instrument will ut ilize eleve n ra nks of real p ipes and f or-l::J-n ,ne ranks o f d igital p ipes.

The completed instrument will be a tr-ibute to t he co unt less hours ot labo r do nat ~d b:J parish io ners and p rores- . sional peo ple who were loving t r-,ends of Ho mer and Jane Johnson. Wind chests were built in local garages and pi pes were cleaned , r pa ired and prepared fo r f inal asse rnblq. A debt o f g ratit ude is owed to t he Jo hnso n estate, R.W. Walli n Piroe O rgan Servic:e (Do n Wall in and Ron ernrni, techni­cians) I and J o nas No rdwall , co nsultant (organist t o r the Port land S!:Jmpho n!:J, Portland f irst Method ist Church, and inte rn at ionall u accla imed perf-o rmer) .

O ur new c hurch oFf-ers a wc:nderFul and amp le s p~ ce fo r the ch ancel -.h.o ir-. The music minist ers will lead the music f rom an area in f ront o f- t he church to t he I ft o f t he altar plattorm. Our beautiFul voca l music will be en hanced b~ a 6 too t varna ha co nservator,L) gr-and piano and our beautiFul reFurb ished pipe o rgan. The same c rait srnan who made our alta r and ambo made a beauti ~u l cantor sta nd . This is a nice visua l r-emind er o f- the interconnectedness of all of o ur lit urg ica l minist r ies. We ho pe that O LJr" spac ious music area mig ht encourage musicians in the co mmun it:J to step t o rward .

We are delig hted that a wheelchair access ib le ramp is located to t he r-ea r o t t he choir area allowing wheelchair bound par ishio ner-s t oJOIn in al l o f our liturg ical ministries.

Page 23: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.


T he F',wishio ners of. 5t. A ndrew I 'ewish: A ll members of our communit:J who have supported ou r missio n of Christia n stewardship , the foundation upo n which our c hu r-ch was built . St. Andrew Long Range planning And ~>uildjng Com ­


nr l Vie;na-Chair lor . TcJ; t'>el le9uc­

Gord on 5 uhmc:m

.Jan Grif+ith"

c ,rol Guen ther

5i1l"bald H<'JUgaal"d

t'> dl M" ihusc h Rich Powers

5 al"bara s k inner

aura Stewart

Archd iocese of Seattle

F'ropert.l) and Const ructio n

Dnp hnc Gahn Ji m Williams

.JimO ' Ma lle~ Shan non odell

Parish financial Serv ices e d Wlliiams

• [ 'at Sursc l~ L iturgical Consultant

Kcv. -"kvc Sall is.

S t. b re nda n, 50thc ll

The Ci t ,y of Sumner • 5 ;trbara Skinner, M aqor

Merritt/Pardini Arch itects

J im MC'r r it-t, r-'r incipal

I '<lui F'0povl,~ h J'roj~d AI",- hlk d

Absher Construction

General Contractor Da n r\ bshcr-, F'l"esld ent

Dan Lind bo . Supel-intend ent

5n:m Sa:)rc. 'I ' p re-co nstructio n

Able E.ng inee r s Ivil Clnd Strudurn l

Abacu s E.ng inee r s

Mec hanical and Eb -.tncal

5ergcr Partnership­

L a nd sca p e Arch itect

• L;mdscap lnl!,

5ruck Richards - chaud iere

Inc . A co ustics

C he r,yl Marshall And Associ­

ates • Interio r DC'_si~n

subcontractor'-s and Suppliers

Krazan [." Associates

PMF' Sccu rit.lJSer vice, Inc.

VaIIc.t:J Sign A dd iso n Co nstruct ion Su ppl.t:J

A ir S:Jstcms Cnginee ring, Inc

5a rcla~ ) Dean Con structio n e rvices

Cabinetmakers, Inc

Cleo's Root ing

Contract Ha rdwa re Cochran Elcclr-ic

ornell Plumbi ng and He.'3ting

Coro na Sted, Inc.

Corliss Co nc re te David L vans C'>' Asso, i.,tcs , Inc

D PR Co nst ructio n Inc.

East l-1 ill Mason r~ ECOIlOfll.t:J E lectriC e mera ld Paint ing

Cc hr i Sheet Me~1 Co. , Inc.

H i Grade Const ructio n

sp halt , Inc. J o hnso n T ile & Sto ne

La rso n Glass Co ., Inc

L Io~ d e nterpr ises Mid-Mount1in Contractors

b tio nal Partitio ns, Inc.

'o rthwest Star

I ~orthwestcrn La ndscape

f'atnot r ire Pro tectio n

Fowers West Corpo r-i1tio n

Re. Source Wash ingto n

R.L C leilr-ing

~C l'" C o mmercia l, Inc skaar Constr ur t io n

Sti l~s Cu sto m Meta ls

T ht: Roo Fing Cllmp ,m.t:J TrUE> .Jo rst IvlacMrlb n

Unlimited T ilt: Co ., Inc

Vanderlip [,. Compi1n:J

Washingtun A coustics, Inc.

Wash ingto n - O r-egon Painters western Stecl J ~a briGl to rs

W.H . Cress Co. , Inc.

Wolte Co nst ructio n

Acm e Co nst ruction sllpr l~ ) Copeland Lumber Ferrell GCl5

Graq Lu mb("r

M .f\ . Segal McLe nd o n's Hardware

Star Rent~l l s

Sunnen Cranc

White G, p

Specia l Thanks T o :

St. Andrew Parish Staff

T he Parish Advisorq Council

The Parish finance Committee

The fa ith Formation 50ard

The Interior Design Committee

• Carol Guenther , Chair

J ud:J Cav icz.ii11 Liz. Dobes

D onna Hard t ke

(~ eo rge J os te n

Susan Karls

D ebbie Norris

Erin Rumpz.a

Ma r LJ Lou T kach

The Lit"i:Jrgica l A r t Committee,

• Carl Vig na, C hair

Sue Munda.t:J e lizabeth Stewar t

Pat ricia Harrel l

A nn Richardso n

Matt Richzlfdso n

Ro m LaVerdi ere:

c rin LaVerd iere

• Man) A nn Keis er

T h e La;;dscape Committee

5arbara Hau&'<Jrd, Chai r Gene Erhard t

D iane Erhard t

Kandy Morris

J esse Martinez.

Th e Kitchenette Committee

Mar!) E . R~:Fm , Ck1ir E.ileen Pc nn.t:J 5 0 b Rich

• Sall.t:J Greene The Maintenance/Grounds


Ca r l Vigna, Chair fern B reault

Martin Siciliano

T h e chancel C hoir Committee Rich Powers, C.ha ir­

• T im T ho mpso n Organ Co nsulta nt e;

H o rner Johnson

J o nas Nordwi111

O rga n 5 u ildc~

• Don Wallin Ron Hemmi

Page 24: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

T he Technica l Committee lSill Maibusch. Chair Go rdo n lS um ~n D o ue,Seid ler

Ch ri~ Murp h,SJ The Sacristies/Chapel Committee

Fr.10m f>ellegue, Chair Mike Ca ntu E'..sther Cantu I uc~ F'il SCjulc r .Ioqce Seid ler' C,!cwia Grover Rose Ma rie Srllimc'ln M ar ~~ Melton

GiH:s In Kind

Absher C o nst r uctio n l'or int rod uCing th . GiFt-in-Kind Program to us,' helping us imprement it and For co ntributi ng towclrd it

Merritt/Pardin i A r chitects Don ated en /ices

Northwest L a nd scap e • D rscounted pi nts and bnd ­

sc.'pe materials Pacif ic Construct ion Se rv ices

D ~ywa ll materials Patrio t F ir e Protection

Cred it on our Fire Pro tection s,ystem

George and Ro ber t a Sch midt • Sb rned c.lass 5 u ttc rR~ Doug and J0!:Jce Seid le r

Metal For our dome, rooF Felt and eL .brow met.~ !

Tom and Sand!:) Stumpf and f am il!:J

L3bo r and mate rials For two Fence enclosures

S u nnen C r a ne Donated servic es

Tacoma Mon ume nt a l Wo r k s ,ou r cemcnt bench ~5

West e rn Wo o d Preserva t ive • p lyw<..Xld Was hington - O rego n Pa int i ng • Cred it t o\vard paint and labor Re v. T o m ~e lle9ue • Ti les f ro mJerusalem For our

baptismal tont Gene and Diane E r ha rdt • Nurscr.0plants A ir S!:Jstems E ng ineer, Inc . • A portion of their des ign Fees

A sso ci a t ed Catholic Cemeteries Richnrd Peterson, Dwector O ur cornersto ne and th Steward ­ship Medallion

Catho lic Printer!:J • Printing T im Corliss and Son

Pea Gravel Contract Hardware

Doors cmd hardw<:l re Edward and E n id Duncan

Th c artist s f~..e fo r our entrance doo r's

H i Grade Aspha lt • w bor ;l nd cC]Lllpm' nl For our

parki ne,lot M.A. Segile • A5p halt For our p3rking lot Gordon's L o c k Service

For kc~ ing th • church Berm Maintenance

Jeo r :e,~~ Schmidt , Ra.1) fy Millie Cheek, r 'crn 5 re.-:lult cmd Louis & A nn Smith

Charles and Luc!:J Pas9uier • f~o r j hewgenero sit:Jin allowing the

Mu lh- Purpo - -!Pr7-l: jc r Roo mto be comp ld~(J

Art B o usc h • Dellver.:J of inscribed bricks B r ic k L aq ers • Tom ~'1 u mf11er , J imTraCL) John

u mphel l, Jim F'rencvos t and u rI .Jonc s

George J o st e n Jr. • Paintin2,labor La r so n Glass

Cred it to ward our windows F ir la ne Fu ner al H o me and Memo­r ial Park • i \ hme c3p'sulc Puget So und Pre Cast

ro ur exterio r trash co nta iners St. A ndrew Grief Ministr!:J • Rolling serving ta ble St. Andrew A lt a r S ociet!:J • ContT,bution t ward ou r A ltar S t . A ndr ew M en 's c lub • Th e p roces sio ns ] cross J im a nd M a r ion O 'N e il • T he Eucharistic Lamp Pat and Susie D uH'y

Th c Presider's Chair T he Kar l s p ish o c k Fa mil!:J • A rtist fccs For the creat ion of t he


The Communit!:J ot SS. Cos mas and D amian

Contribution towCird the stained g lCiSS wall of the "uchar isbc Ch<lpe l

Maintenance and Storage shed Individuals who contributed

;\ d .Ie 5 1"ub<:lck Donna C.Olll>!;-" L:lilabeth S t~.wa rt 5 ud and ~ veltJ n ska.:w Joh n and 5arh :1I:1~ki n ner Joc NoIl

Windmill Greenhouses Plants tor' church interio r

Powers Funeral Home Guest I)ook.stands

Flag and Flagpole • ~<:lt 5mdy, to r p r-ovdln,., our U nit :d

Sta tes flagand 3rrang,1I13 to have It flown o v -r our Nati<.Jns GT ,tal on April 19,1.99.9, commcmof<lbng the 78th zlfl ni\·c r-sar.:J of st. r\ ndrcw Parish

All Individuals who co nt r ib u t ed toward the Hag pole • Ruth and uri Vi2,na

WCllkr J rnnes ~ Tom and s ;md:JStumpF A nn ':lI1d Louis Smith Doug and Jo~c ' Seid ler -rclln and Eileen Rieger Joe and D iane McQ uade Pat <lnd Susie D uFF.:J Torn PasCjuier ,Ad rian and Susan "1:'.0 lo r Dimrell .m d l ~ ilce n D lje Jiml hlc.:J ~

A ndrc.w and M:Jr!1 I :-lirchok Scott So mers an(-J t-dmil.:J Cordon 5 uman Martin and Gloria Sicilidno

[) ill and Lena Wilson

Page 25: The St. Andrew Cross · 2019-09-18 · The St. Andrew Cross . The distinctive cross set atop the cupola of . our new St. Andrew c . hurch hasa s pecial meanine;tor our communit.lj.

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