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Page 1: What Does Twitter Have to Do With Adult Ed

8/8/2019 What Does Twitter Have to Do With Adult Ed

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ACSA Adult Education Conferences, September 29-October 1, 2010, Sacramento | Focus +Connections = Impact

What Does Twitter Have to Do with Adult Ed? And What is It, Anyway?

Sacramento RoomBranka Marceta, Coordinator of Technology Projects, OTAN, Presenter 

 Thursday, September 30, 2010, 3:00 – 4:15 p.m.

Administrators new to Web 2.0 will discover online tools for social networking andcollaboration such as Twitter, Facebook, Ning, Linked In, Wikis, and Blogs. They willsee how some of their adult education colleagues use these new ways to publicizeand communicate with the target audience. Hands-on activities will demonstrate thebenefit and the ‘cool factor’ today’s modern technology can bring to adult education.

Why would adult schools use these tools?- Adult learners are already on these networks. Some adult educators are on there,

too.- There’s a potential to reach untapped audiences.

- This is a new way of marketing.- With the use of mobile devices these tools provide learning and professional

development “on-the-go”.- Your reasons here...- Your reasons here...

 TWITTER Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can restrict messagedelivery to their friends list. Users may subscribe to other author tweets—this isknown as following and subscribers are known as followers.


In EducationFor professional development – Personal Learning NetworksFor teacher/learner interaction – Writing and discussion prompts, research skillsFor marketing – Advertising school events and classes

Who’s on Twitter?


US Dept of Educationhttp://twitter.com/usedgov

National Coalition for Literacyhttp://twitter.com/#!/NCLAdvocacy 

OTAN Adult Education Listhttp://twitter.com/#!/list/otan/adult-education

Branka Marceta, [email protected]

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ACSA Adult Education Conferences, September 29-October 1, 2010, Sacramento | Focus +Connections = Impact


Facebook is a social networking website. Users can add people as friends and sendthem messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends aboutthemselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by workplace, school, orcollege.

Users can create profiles with photos, lists of personal interests, contact informationand other personal information. Communicating with friends and other users can bedone through private or public messages or a chat feature. Users can also create and join interest groups and "like pages" (formerly called "fan pages" until April 19, 2010),some of which are maintained by organizations as a means of advertising.[ 

 To allay concerns about privacy, Facebook enables users to choose their own privacysettings and choose who can see what parts of their profile. The website is free tousers and generates revenue from advertising, such as banner ads. Facebookrequires a user’s name and profile picture (if applicable) to be accessible byeveryone. Users can control who sees other information they have shared, as well aswho can find them in searches, through their privacy settings.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook 

Facebook features


In EducationFor professional development – PersonalLearning NetworksFor teacher/learner interaction – DiscussionBoardsFor marketing – Advertising school events andclasses

Who’s on Facebook?

 Torrance Adult School - Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/#!/torranceadultschool  

Downey Adult Ed – DAS Edu – Friend Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/#!/das.edu?v=wall 

Basset Adult School - Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/La-Puente-CA/Bassett-Adult-School/59269537420?ref=ts 

Hemet Adult School - Page

Branka Marceta, [email protected]

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ACSA Adult Education Conferences, September 29-October 1, 2010, Sacramento | Focus +Connections = Impact


Milpitas Adult Education - Grouphttp://www.facebook.com/facebook?v=wall#!/group.php?gid=148067548545737&ref=ts  

San Diego Workplace Learning Resource Centers – Pagehttp://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Workplace-Learning-Resource-Centers/308461087574 

Ron Fujihara’s Online Learning Class - Grouphttp://www.facebook.com/Senseiron#!/group.php?gid=240223841715

NINGNing competes with social sites like MySpace, Facebook and BigTent by appealing topeople who want to create their own social networks around specific interests withtheir own visual design, choice of features and member data. The central feature of 

Ning is that anyone can create their own social network for a particular topic or need,catering to specific membership bases.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ning_(website)

In EducationFor professional development – Participating in Discussion GroupsFor teacher/learner interaction – Keeping in touch, participating in n DiscussionGroups

Who’s on Ning?ACSA


ABE Initiativehttp://californiaabe.ning.com/ Started charging so many educators discontinuedusing it and are looking for other alternatives such ashttp://wiggio.com/ and http://grou.ps/

LinkedInLinkedIn (pronounced /ˌlɪŋkt.ˈɪn/) is a business-oriented social networking site.Founded in December 2002 and launched in May 2003, it is mainly used forprofessional networking. As of 9 August 2010, LinkedIn had more than 75 millionregistered users, spanning more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Thesite is available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LinkedIn 

In EducationFor professional development – Participating in Discussion Groups

Branka Marceta, [email protected]

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ACSA Adult Education Conferences, September 29-October 1, 2010, Sacramento | Focus +Connections = Impact

For teacher/learner interaction – Creating Resumes

Wikis and Blogs

CDE consultants communicating with their regions

Neil KellyNew Administrator - http://newadultadmin.pbworks.com/CTE Adult Education - http://cteadulted.pbworks.com/

Mindi Yates The West LA and San Bernardino Network Site -http://socaladulted.weebly.com/index.html

Branka Marceta, [email protected]

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