Annex 3-8 Presentation Materials for Final Seminar 3.8.6 Hama...

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Project Completion Report Annex

Annex 3-8: Presentation Materials for Final Seminar

3.8.6 Hama DFEA

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. The Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring at Directorates


A special presentation about the activities of the project for developing capacities in

environmental monitoring in the environment directorates"Directorate of Environmental

Affairs in Hama Governorate "

Environmental monitoring plan of Directorate of Environmental Affairs in Hama in 2007

Environmental monitoring objectives

1. Monitoring industrial wastewater.2. Monitoring water of Orontes river. 3. Monitoring Sewage water.4. Monitoring pollution sources sites especially when complaints are

received in respect of them.


The parameters that must analyze and monitor






ooooNH3 -N5

ooooNO 3 -4

ooooCL -3



2-Lab measurements




oooEC /TDS2


1-Field measurementsground waterseas and costal areasrivers and lakesdomestic waste waterindustrial waste waterparameternumber

Monitoring stations

Wًhen there is a complaintcomplaints

As needed- like in case of well pollution


Orontes river 1 stationRivers and Lakes

Hama wastewater treatment plant1 stationDomestic wastewater

1. Sami Factory2. Al-Ras Diary3. Sallora factory4. Robana factory5. Al-Hani factory6. Nada factory for soft drink7. Kernazi Oil Factory8. Kheder Abdulrazzak oil factory9. Al-Zouhour oil factory10. Al- Nawa'eer oil Factory11. Al- Safa oil factor12. Al- Nour oil factory13. Al- Omara oil Factory14. Al- Ahlieh oil factory15. Al- Fadel Oil Factory16. Hama Oil Company17. Sheizar factory for soft drink18. Wool factory19. Ceramic Factory 20. Iron Factory21. Onion Factory22. Al-Majd company for soft drink23. Cement Factory24. Azzara power plant25. Mohardeh power planet

25 stationsIndustrial wastewater

remark locations No. of stationswater body

-Monitoring duration and frequency Duration of this EMP is from the 1st of February to the 31st of December 2007.

The frequency of the monitoring plan is summarized in the table below.



11Once / monthOrontes river Rivers and Lakes

11Once / monthHama wastewater treatment plantDomestic wastewater


Once / monthOnce / monthOnce / monthOnce / monthOnce / monthOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 3 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 3 monthsOnce / 3 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsFrom Aug. to Nov Once / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 monthsOnce / 2 months

1. Sami Factory2. Al-Ras Diary3. Sallora factory4. Robana factory5. Al-Hani factory6. Nada factory for soft drink7. Kernazi Oil Factory8. Kheder Abdulrazzak oil factory9. Al-Zouhour oil factory10. Al- Nawa'eer oil Factory11. Al- Safa oil factor12. Al- Nour oil factory13. Al- Omara oil Factory14. Al- Ahlieh oil factory15. Al- Fadel Oil Factory16. Hama Oil Company17. Sheizar factory for soft drink18. Wool factory19. Ceramic Factory 20. Iron Factory21. Onion Factory22. Al-Majd company for soft drink23. Cement Factory24. Azzara power plant25. Mohardeh power planet

Industrial wastewater

times (February – December)frequencystationswater body


Analysis method

Pressure sensor methodBOD514

Reactor digesting method 0-1500 mg/LCOD13

Photometric method 0-750 mg/LSS11

Amino acid method 0-30 mg/LPO4-310

Salicilate method 0-50 mg/LNH3 -N9

Cadmium reduction method 0-10 mg/LNO 3 -8

Silver nitrate method 10-10000 mg/LCL -7

Niphilometric method 0.01-1000 NTUTurbidity6

Platinum -cobalt APHA 0-500 unitColor5

Electrode methodTemperature4

Membrane electrode method DO3

Electrode method EC /TDS2

Electrode method PH1

remarksanalysis methodparametersOrontes River

Hama wastewater treatment plantSampling from Hama wastewater treatment plant


Maximum and minimum data that that have been obtained for Al Hani factory and Wool factory


1.26501349433806161834.79.2minimum data


1.610002100540936186936.28.4Maximum data

Wool factory

26170230<0.85530110207554680936025.06.4minimum data


23.66.1Maximum data

Al Hani



Maximum limits




Analysis the current environmental conditions based on the monitoring activities:

Based on monitoring activities, we notice the presence of pollution resulting from cheese and dairy factories, oil factories, and gaseous drinks factories. Stuff in the lab in cooperation with other departments in the DFEA and with the Environmental Inspection Committee, and in coordination with the Governor warned the polluting factories in order to make effective treatment stations. Some of these factories have started to prepare these stations. Factories, which had not started to prepare treatment stations, were closed ( 17 establishments wereclosed), 17 other establishments were referred to the judiciary to apply the provisions of articles of environmental law No. / 50 / of in 2002, in addition to pursuing continuing to develop the rest of the

establishments and the others sources of pollution in the governorate.

Problems to be solved and the difficulties facing the preservation of the environment

1- the problem of solid waste 2-the problem of sewage 3-the problem of industrial wastewater 4-the problem of transporting systemIn addition to the technical problems which are:A. Lack of special devices to measure the waste of oil factories in

view of their huge number in the governorate.B. Absence of devices for measuring air pollutants.C. Absence of devices for measuring microbial contaminants

Action Plan for environmental awareness using monitoring data:

Based on the monitoring data and through comparison with the maximum limits, the most polluting factories were identified, and thus environmental awareness campaigns were done within these factories in partnership with people's organizations and NGOs. Environmental seminars were also held in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry. All of the industrialists in the governorate were invited in order to raise the awareness about: the need of establishing treatment plants to deal with liquid wastewater, maintaining cleanliness in public facilities, and the need to dispose the wastes through regular methods especially chemical methods, as well as their awareness about the safe use of chemicals in establishments that deal with these materials

Information and facts which will be shared with other DFEAs

- When staff faces a problem during lab work, they call another lab in other DFEA which has more experience in order to ask about the way to solve the problem.

- We coordinated with Damascus DFEA lab where samples for heavy metals will be sent to, until soil lab will be ready and staff will be trained in Hama DFEA.

- We coordinated with Damascus DFEA lab in order to treat the liquid waste which is produced by our lab.

Ideas and activities about QA/QC and project sustainability

We have sent to an application GCEA to express our desire toparticipate in the national program to assess the quality of chemical analysis in the AEC in order to accredit the results of our lab.

- We are also in coordination with the General Sanitation Company and the Directorate of Water Resources (members of the Committeeon Environmental Inspection. We check the analysis results of our lab, and compare them with the results of the mentioned laboratories for the same samples to ascertain the validity of the results of measurements which are carried out by our personnel.

- We hope to continue the project for developing capacities in environmental monitoring in order for our personnel to gain more experience in the laboratory working and in order to train them on measuring other indicators of water quality


Future plan for environmental monitoring in the Directorate of Environmental Affairs in Hama

In coordination with GCEA and with Governor we seek to maintain in our future to:

Prepare a mobile laboratory for measuring air pollutants.Prepare additional laboratory equipment (water laboratory -soil laboratory). Train the staff of the lab more. Measure other indicators of water quality.Prepare modes of transport to facilitate the work of staff of the laboratory. Prepare larger staff to work in the lab.

By providing the mentioned things, we will be able to achieve wider and better environmental monitoring.

Thanks for your attention

Project Completion Report Annex

Annex 3-8: Presentation Materials for Final Seminar

3.8.7 Lattakia DFEA

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. The Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring at Directorates

The project on Capacity Building of Environment

Monitoring at Lattakia DFEA

Purpose of Environmental monitoring• Analysis of industrial waste water effluent

• Continuous river and lake water quality monitoring and in particular during the olive harvesting season

• Monitoring the contaminated well water to check the degree of contamination

• Following up the complaints• Monitoring of seawater, sedimentary, and

fish• Monitoring urban waste water to check

new sources of extreme contamination

• Possibility of utilisation of water resources• Analysis of heavy metals in water, soil, and sedimentary• Analysis of hydrocarbons, halogen, and non halogens

and pesticides• Analysis of nutrients such as nitrate, nitrite, phosphate,

ammonia• Measurement of COD, and BOD• Total coliform count• Measurements related to physical and distinctive water

quality• All this leads to the identification of the pollution source

in order to apply countermeasures

Industrial wasteJoud Soft drinksOgarit soft drinks

Joud steel castAluminum and engines factory

Al Rabie for perume oilsShamsy dairy

Joud Wood factoryAl Mutawasset tissue paper

Demestic Waste WaterAl Azhary outletSouth Corniche Outlet

Port outlet

Monitoring stations

Rivers and lakesAl kabir eshimaly river, bridge ref pointLattakia Tartous highway, near by river mouthAl Sanauber riverAl sharashir River (near by the mouth)Al sin River after meeting abu Bara riverAl Kash riverSaferkubbe LakeBalloran Lake16 tishreen lakeAِl sin lakeErrumaila lake

Seawater, sedimentary, and fish

Frequency and durationIndustrial Waste4 times a year

Domestic waste4 times a yearRivers and lakes6 times a year

Seawater, sedimentary, and fishTwice a year


Laboratory tools and equipment• AAS with accessories, flame device, grafitt furnace, hidride generator, air

generator, cooling system• GS with accessories, Nitrogen generator, Hydrogen generator, air generator,

PC, pillars• Spectrophotometer with PC• Incinerator, centrifuge, evaporator• Analytical balance (2 pcs)• COD reactor, and BOD incubator• Color meter DR890• Turbidity meter• pH Meter (2 pcs)• DO Meter• TDS meter• Glassware• Microscope, incubator, autoclave• Millipore water purification device• Distiller• Refrigerator (3 pc)

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

GS deviceJICA Lab equipment

COD reactor, and BOD incubator

Current situation of Monitoring activities

• Lattakia DFEA is conducting inspection tours according to the its designated roles and the directives of Lattakia governor, and GCEA to monitor the industrial effluent water and investigate the pollution levels and advise the suitable countermeasures to preserve a healthy environment and environment conservation.

• DFEA is warning violators and grants them some time to improve the quality of effluent sewage water to become within the Syrian standards


Problems and difficulties

• Lattakia DFEA is suffering lack of vehicles to conduct environment monitoring activates

• The random distribution of industries and the remoteness of their locations causing difficulties in regular monitoring.

Activities and proposals for QA, QC and sustainability

1. Participating to the national programme for Quality assurance of laboratory work in the domain of water quality analysis, and heavy metal analysis (AAS)

2. Continuous self training through laboratory analysis and regular monitoring, and implementing DFEA plan

3. Joint sampling with Water and Sewage Establishment, and Directorate of Irrigation to achieve good results

Sampling and field analysis

Thank you for your attention


Project Completion Report Annex

Annex 3-8: Presentation Materials for Final Seminar

3.8.8 Deir ez Zor DFEA

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. The Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring at Directorates


Dier Ezzor DFEA

• Deir Ezzor DFEA – 4 storey building– 32 Rooms including

laboratory rooms, and laboratory staff rooms


• Two halls allocated for lab, and equipped with necessary equipment for water quality analysis in cooperation with Ministry of Local Administration, GCEA, and JICA

Objective of Monitoring plan

• A monitoring plan was developed to cover the main pollution sources (large factories, city domestic sewage, agricultural sewage, Euphrates river monitoring)

• The objective of the monitoring plan is to monitor Euphrates river water quality since it is the only source of water for domestic, and irrigation purposes. For this objective, 7 monitoring station were established

Sampling Activities

• Staff equipped with proper sampling apparatus go to collect samples and bring them back to the laboratory for analysis

Sampling Activities

• One of pollutants– Industrial Effluent

sewage outlet

Euphrates River monitoring

• Samples collected at points located before the river enters into Deir Ezzor, at the middle, and at the end of the city


Monitoring of Waste water

• Open Sewage water channel

Laboratory analysis

• After sampling, laboratory staff commence laboratory work


• The results of measurement varrydepending on the season, since the quality of Euphrates river water coming from Turkey, domestic, and agricultural sewage varies from season to season

• The parameter analysis show that the values are exceeding the allowed according to the Syrian standards

MeasuresAccording to the inspection results, official letter were sent to

the concerned entities to work on reducing the pollution load on Euphrates river. Many countermeasures were taken

1. preparation of a study to treat sugar factory waste water2. A study to design Deir Ezzor waste water plant which will

be commenced in 20083. A study for Jenineh village sewage treatment plant4. To advise the paper factory to rehabilitate its own sewage

treatment plant

Environmental awareness plan• Deir Ezzor DFEA is

spreading environmental awareness amongst the public by holding meetings, inviting institutes, and faculties for observation tours.

• DFEA staff is very cooperative in explaining all issues related to environment

Follow up of 2007 plan

• All activities are running smoothly and according to the plan except for July 2007, as the staff were busy in in relocating to the new building, and re-establishing the laboratories.


Cooperation with other DFEAs

• There is a coordination plan with Rakka DFEA to jointly monitor Euphrates river in order to prepare a joint report on the environmental status of the river round the year and assess the pollution amount added within the span between the two cities

Future Plan

• The observation locations will be increased to count in the big cities within the governoerate

Thank you for your attention

Project Completion Report Annex

Annex 3-8: Presentation Materials for Final Seminar

3.8.9 Idleb DFEA

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. The Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring at Directorates



Idleb DFEA

Idleb DFEA Lab

● The national strategy and Environmental work plan in Syria considered the water pollution and shortage as one of the Environmental problems priorities.

● Water pollution is a real problem, its danger is increasing day by day, and the person share of drinking water is decreasing annually.

● Idleb Governorate is a part of the interior area where drinking water resources decrease gradually for climatic, developmental and population increasing problems.



The project of Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring in Syrian Governorates came on time, the most benefits was establishing labs in all Syrian DFEAs to be the best scientific means because to evaluate Water and Air Quality precisely .

And the Data these labs present is considered as the essential basis which all plans and constructive activities will start from to prevent Environmental pollution


The main pollution sources which their liquid wastes are considered as an Environmental problem are:Domestic wastewater resulted from cities and other residential areas in the governorate


Liquid wastes resulted from olive oil pressing factories Alghab sugar factory which discharges industrial wastewater to the Orantes River


other factories: vegetable oil, agro food products, diary, and pickles factories...

We should not forget the wasting water issue

Characteristics of Idleb Governorate

1- Idleb is not an industrial governorate, most of its industries are small workshops, and the daily quantity of water consumed does not exceed some cubic meters, (agro food products like pickles and diary factories...)

2- big number of olive oil factories ( more than 160 pressing factories) discharging high polluted, not treated wastewater to the sewer, rivers, valleys, and near springs and wells during two months every year ( about ten times the pollution of domestic wastewater) because of its high biological load


3- no treatment for domestic wastewater of small or big residential areas, this water is reaching rivers, springs, and near wells, it is used also in irrigation

4- Orontes River, its tributaries, and its Winter ravines are polluted when entering the Governorate, this pollution increases when running through the Governorate lands because there are no practical countermeasures to prevent discharging pollutants into it, and because of liquid and solid wastes (from olive oil presses, Sugar factory, domestic wastewater) which discharge to the river, the pollution increases in Summer because of law flow rate, which may pollutes wells near the river


Characteristics of Idleb Governorate

EMP objectives

Monitoring industrial wastewater to support Environmental inspection when the lab becomes officially accredited

Monitoring Domestic wastewater for the main cities of the Governorate to find out any changes (new pollution source), and TSPs in the future


Monitoring ground water quality near possible pollution sources or according to request of decision Makers or complaints

Monitoring natural water resources (rivers, dams, reservoirs) in some important locations

Acquiring sufficient practical and scientific experience in the field of samples analysis, results interpretation, and Environmental Monitoring

EMP objectives



lands1-3 m3/day405001501683Domestic


5 mills

5-8 factories

5 factories

One factory 1m3/sec = 3600 m3/h

175 presses work only

40 days/year 25 m3/day


Domestic wastewater8002000>160024540Diary factories

Domestic wastewater8005101600500-13000Vegetable oil


Domestic wastewater800123316002573Wheat mills

Orontes River40150-720150441-965Alghab sugar



agricultural lands

4040000> 15080000 > Olive oil pressing factories

The future of


maximum limit



maximum limit



Name of establishment

As high concentration of : BODو COD


5 factories


10 factories1-3 m3/day

5-8 factories2-5 m3/day

All cities and villages in

the Governorate


---4.5Standard: 6.5-9.5

Olive oil press factories

Domestic wastewater

1107 Standard: 600

4520Standard: 2000

5.6Standard: 6.5-9.5Pickles factories

Domestic wastewater-2497

Standard: 20006.6-9.0

Standard: 6.5-9.5Vegetable oil


Domestic wastewater

700-1500Standard: 600

1273-22330 Standard:


4.7-6Standard: 6.5-9.5Diary factories

Rivers, agricultural


570 mg/lStandard: -

4500 Standard:


7-8.5Standard: 6-9

Domestic wastewater

The future of


TDS Mg/l

PHName of establishment

As high concentration of : CL-,TDS,PH


10 factories1-3 m3/day

5-8 factories2-5 m3/day

All cities and villages in the Governorate

175 presses40 days/year 25 m3/day


Domestic wastewater

59 Standard: 20

90Standard: 100

6.9 Standard:-Pickles factories

Domestic wastewater

638 Standard: 20

93 Standard: 10061

Standard:-Diary factories

Rivers, agricultural


43 Standard: 15

70 Standard: 58.5

Standard: 50Domestic


Rivers, sewage, valleys,

agricultural lands

1030 Standard: 1540

Standard: 5-Olive oil press factories

The future of waterPO4NH3-NNO3-NName of


As high concentration of NH3-N ,NO3-N,PO4


Grinders: big quantity of water, around 80 m3/day, BOD is high, solid suspenses

Slaughters: big quantity of water, organic pollutants (BOD is high)

Handicraft areas (industrial city in Idleb): oil and grease, solid suspenses

Agro food products: big quantity of waterconsumption, olive wastewater


Factories are forced to establish treatment station plantsIndustrial wastewater

A study of a TSP on Jisr Alshughour axis was set and is about to be declared in the Ministry and implemented within 2007 plan

The studies of other axes of sewage water (which is discharging to Orontes River) are ready, they are either under preparing the contracts or studying TSPs TSP of Sugar factory is being announced

Pollution of Orontes River - many domestic wastewater outlets discharging to Orontes River, especially in Jisr Alshughour area- Olive oil wastewater- Sugar factory wastewater

- Domestic wastewater: discharging without treatment out of residential areas and causing pollution to:1- Drinking water resources (rivers, springs, wells, and dams) directly and indirectly2- Agricultural lands which irrigated by this wastewater illegally 3- general hygiene

1- olive oil pressing wastes: a) liquid wastes: discharging to sewage network, rivers, valleys, and agricultural lands, polluting underground water and drinking water resources

Environmental problems

Support establishing sewage networks, rehabilitating old networks, implementing TSP for sewage water to avoid the risk of pollution with sewage water and use this treated water for irrigation, the matter which reduce ground water depletion.

Fertilizing irrigation was adopted



Legislated authorities

Executive authorities



Environmental Protection Activities



Total number of samples in EMP 2007 was 47 samples+10 undefined possible samples

All industrial establishments of liquid wastes work seasonally Most establishments work seasonally for several reasons, no continuous discharge (manholes often), we visit the establishment several times to take one sampleSome establishments don’t have outlet to collect samples from, because they discharge directly to the sewer Establishments are spreading all over the Governorate (7000 km2), most of sampling stations are more than 60 km far from DFEAMobile lab is not designed in a way to protect equipments from shocks, the service car is not enough for all lab staff, shortage in gasolineWeather conditions (Summer, Winter), roughness of the location of some sampling stationsLab staff has no interest in working full time in the lab because it is a hard work and they don’t get any incentives

Work difficulties


suggestionsCompletion of providing labs with technical equipments needed, and developing lab equipments continuously Working on accrediting the labs formallyAssign needed budget for the labs and try to achieve self fundTaking care of lab staff (full time work, continuous qualifying, incentives)


Thank you for listening

Project Completion Report Annex

Annex 3-8: Presentation Materials for Final Seminar

3.8.10 Hasakeh DFEA

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. The Capacity Development of Environmental Monitoring at Directorates


Syrian Arab RepublicMinistry of Local Administration and EnvironmentGCEAHasake DFEAــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

The Project on Capacity Building of Environment Monitoring in Hasake DFEA

Jul. 2005 – Dec. 2007

The project on Capacity building of environment monitoring was started at Hasake DFEA on July 2007. first the staff attended a lecture training in Damascus, then received the lab. Equipment, and practical training in the field of sampling, field analysis, and lab analysis under the supervision of JICA experts. At the beginning we committed many mistakes, but with constant guidance of JICA experts we were able to overcome our short comes.

We ware able to develop our environmental monitoring plan for 2006 including a stationary monitoring stations at al Khabour river, Al-JagJagriver, and Basel al Asad lake, in addition to emergency measures.The plan aimed at increasing the practical experience of the staff, and we received training from JICA experts from time to time. During this training, we have become aware to the necessity of Quality Assurance, and Quality Control, which gave us confidence in our results.

At the end of 2006 we produced our first annual report on the environment monitoring plan with the assistance of JICA experts.

The 2007 plan was established utilising the feedbacks we received on the 2006 plan, this plan is about to be fully implemented nowadays

the 2007 plan was prepared in participation with Directorate of irrigation, General establishment of Water and Sewage, joint sampling was introducedour confidence grew as after wefound that our result are more accurate.For instance, when we measured NH3-N parameter we found that the values of NH3-N was 0.08 mg/l, but Water establishment result came out 0.215 mg/l, after we cross checked our results according to QC standards, we confirmed our result , and investigating the problem it has been found that Water Establishment reagents were not storedproperly, and that they can reach our result by replacing the corrupted reagent set.

As for the data we have acquired, it was archived and analysed according to what we’ve been trained on. We kept paper data, and stored soft copy on lab PCFollowing is a sample data of 2006 inspection of Basel Al Asad lake- Hasake Southern lake













































We have benefited a lot from the results, and specially the emergency countermeasures related to factories effluent and potable water standards, as we merged this activity to the environment monitoring activity.

Comparing the results to the Syrian standards we have found that there are many violations for many standards. For instance;

Part of Suwais channel in Kameshly was totally blocked causing the sewage water back flow to the houses, and forced residents to use their abandoned well for dumping sewage, which affected the wells that are still used, when we received a complaint, we investigated the cause, and found that the cause of pollution is sewage, consequently we informed the concerned authorities which reacted by providing a drinking new water network

Analysis of Environment situation on the basis of environment monitoring activities:

The results shows that our rivers are highly contaminated by urban, and industrial sewage water, and consequently polluting lakes. A countermeasure should be taken by establishing treatment plants for sewage, and solid waste, as solid waste Leachate drains into ground water as in Nafker village, where potable water wells were affected by the landfill near by.

This is where the role of environment monitoring plan emerges to support reports with data

(at the same time we find that Tigris river water quality is high, but let unutilised)

Environmental Awareness plan using monitoring data:

According to the 2008 plan, We are planning to start awareness campaign utilising monitoring data by disclosing the results to public through seminars, lectures, and newsletters, in addition to make this data available at the DFEA library for the public

We are planning to include the society into our plan in order to receive useful feed back, as the social pressure will work as incentive for factories to apply environment regulations.


Qualit assurance and Quality control activities:

We have gave this issue a great deal of care for many reasons:

To check the equipment

To check the accuracy of results

This process gives self confidence when we find our results accurate, for instance, when we measure the COD of the standard solution of 500mg/l in the presence of JICA expert Dr. Matsue we find the result 506 mg/l which is quite good

We have also applied this technique to check the reagents which were out of date, in order to prolong the use of these reagents to the maximum possible duration

We will continue this procedure on regular basis from now on until we receive QC certificate.

في مديرية شؤون البيئة بالحسكة 2008خطة المراقبة البيئية للنصف األول لعام

: األسبوع األول . 1: األسبوع الثاني . 2: األسبوع الثالث . 3: األسبوع الرابع . 4: األسبوع الخامس . 5

+ : الموعد المفترض ألخذ العينة . : موقع االعتيان من نهر الخابور قبل التقائه بنهر الجغجغ في مدينة الحسكة . 1الخابور : موقع االعتيان من نهر الخابور بعد التقائه بنهر الجغجغ في مدينة الحسكة . 2الخابور : موقع االعتيان من نهر الجغجغ قبل التقائه بنهر الخابور في مدينة الحسكة . 1الجغجغ : موقع االعتيان من نهر الجغجغ في مدينة القامشلي . 2الجغجغ

البحيرة : موقع االعتيان من بحيرة الشهيد باسل األسد جنوب الحسكة


حزيران أيار نيسان آذار شباط آانون الثاني

المحطة 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


+ + + + + +


+ + + + + +


+ + + + + +




+ +


Thank you for your attention


Noالرقم. Item (البند) Date 2007/11/20 التاريخ Remarks (مالحظات)

وثائق وأجهزة لتسجيل البيانات

1Itinerary for the trip (route, stations to be covered, start and return time)

√ خط الرحلة (الطرقات والمحطات المراد تغطيتها ووقت البدء والعودة)

2 Area map (including sampling site station map) √ (متضمنة مواقع خريطة للمنطقة

ومحطات االعتيان)3 Data result sheets √ صحيفة نتائج البيانات4 Filed notebook √ دفتر مالحظات حقلية

5 SOP and equipment manuals √ إجراء التشغيل القياسي ودليل استخدام األجهزة

6 Digital camera with date √ آاميرا رقمية

1 Sampler (long-handled sampler and bucket) √ أداة االعتيان (دلو بمقبض طويل)

2 Rope √ حبل3 Icebox (with ice packs) √ حافظة الثلج مع قطع الثلج4 Sample bottles √ قوارير العينات5 Labels for sample containers √ لصاقات لحاويات العينات

6 Pen, pencils, marker (waterproof) √ قلم حبر وقلم رصاص وقلم عالم (ضد الماء)

7Wash bottle within distilled water (for rinsing electrode and equipment)

√ قارورة غسيل ضمن الماء المقطر (لشطف االلكترود والجهاز)

8 Knife/scissors √ سكين/مقص9 Gloves/gum boots √ قفازات / جزمة مطاطية

10 Tap water for washing hands/towel √ مياه الصنبور لغسل اليدين /منشفة

11 Drinking water √ مياه للشرب

12 Portable electric light (especially for sampling during night) بيل (خاصة لالعتيان خالل الليل)

1 pH meter and calibration standards √ مقياس الـ pH ومقاييس المعايرة

2 EC and TDS meter √ TDS و EC مقياس الـ3 DO meter √ DO مقياس الـ

4 Check batters in meters, replace if necessary √ تحقق من البطاريات في المقاييس

واستبدلها عند الضرورة

5 Check conditions of meters- no dirt etc. √ تحقق من حالة المقاييس-عدم وجود

أوساخ.الخ6 Thermometer √ ميزان الحرارة

7 Simple equipment for measuring velocity and flow

أجهزة بسيطة لقياس السرعة والجريان

8 Other field measurement kit, as required أدوات قياس أخرى حسب الطلب

1 Emergency phone numbers: رقم هاتف الطوارىء234

Checklist for Sampling (قائمة الكشف لالعتيان)

Sampling أجهزة االعتيان

Documents and equipment for recording data

Field Measurement Equipment أجهزة قياس في الحقل

Note: 1) Depending on the local conditions, water body, type of pollution source, etc., all items may not be necessary, or other items, not listed, may be required. 2) It is always safer to carry a few additional numbers

مالحظة: 1) اعتمادًا على الظروف المحلية وجسم الماء ونوع مصادر التلوث. الخ، قد ال تكون جميع البنود مطلوبة وقد يطلب بنود أخرى غير مذآورة في القائمة 2) من األفضل حمل مواد إضافية أآثر من المطلوب

Others أخرى

(The following is a list of items, which should be checked before going to the field. (use tick i.e.√


Field Measurement and Observation Record سجل القياسات والمالحظات الميدانية

<1 1-2 3-5 6-10 11-20 >20

<0.1 0.1-0.3 0.4-0.6 0.7-1.0 1-2 >5

<0.2 0.2-0.4 0.5-0.7 0.7-1 >1

عينة من نهر دجلة في المثلث الحدودي بمنطقة المالكية بالقرب من قرية خراب رش

لوحظ غزارة واضحة للنهر ونشاط لبعض المقالع في المنطقة على ضفة النهر السورية

نواف عثمان

أيسر بنيامين

2007/11/20 13:45 نهر


Longitude:خط الطول

2 L

SS COD BOD NO3 Turbidity


Type of waterbody:نوع جسم الماءSampling station code:رمز محطة االعتيانLatitude:خط العرض


PO4 Cl-

Rain (heavy) ماطر بغزارة خالل االسبوع الماضي

Rain (heavy)ماطر بغزارة


Sample received by:تم استالم العينة من قبل



Date:التاريخName of sampling station:اسم محطة االعتيان

Estimated velocity (m/s)::السرعة المقدرة


Noneال يوجد



Weather now:الطقس اآلن





Sample Volume (L)حجم العينة

Depth (m):العمق

Past 24 hours:الـ 24 ساعة الماضية



Rain (steady)ماطر باعتدالRain (steady)ماطر باعتدال





Width (m):العرض




=100 m

Brief description of site:وصف مختصر للموقع


Oil slick:االنزالق بالزيوت None

ال يوجدLittleقليل



Water Quality Results نتائج نوعية المياه



Sample (No.1) Result

نتيجة العينة رقم 1

Replicate Sample (No.2) Result

نتيجة العينة المكررة رقم2

Replicate Sample (No.3)

Result نتيجة العينة المكررة

رقم 3

Final Result of the Sample

النتيجة النهائية للعينة

Name and Signature:of

Analystاسم المحلل


Ph pH unitsوحدات 7.3 7.3 7.3 م.نواف

Air temp.حرارة الهواء

0C 18.0 18.0 18.0 م.نواف

Water temp.حرارة الماء

0C 15.9 15.2 15.6 م.نواف

EC μS/cm 507 491 499 م.نواف

TDS mg/l 246 241 244 م.نواف

DO mg/l 692.00 6.64 6.78 م.نواف

Color Unit 55 55 55 م.نواف

SS mg/l 10 15 13 م.نواف

CODCr mg/l 5 4 5 م.نواف

BOD5 mg/l 2 2 2 م.نواف

NO3--N mg/l 1.7 1.0 1.4 م.نواف

PO43- mg/l 0.80 1.00 0.90 م.نواف

Cl- mg/l 50 48 49 م.نواف

NH3-N mg/l <0.08 <0.08 <0.08 م.نواف

Turbidityالعكارة NTU 7 7 7 م.نواف

Type of Waterbody: Date of Analysis:نوع جسم الماء تاريخ التحليل

نهر 2007/11/20

Laboratory Analysis التحليل المخبري

Field Measurement القياسات الميدانية

Name of Sampling stationاسم محطة االعتيان: دجلة

توقيع المدير

Signature of Laboratory Chief:

توقيع رئيس المخبر

Signature of Director:


Suggested Preservation Methods and Storage Times

No. Parameter Recommended Container

Preservation Method

Max. Permissible Storage Time Comments

1 pH Plastic* None, analyze immediately 6 hours Should be measured on site

2 Water temp. - Not applicable Not applicable Must be measured on site.

3 EC Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours Should be measured on site

4 TDS Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours Should be measured on site

5 DO - None, analyze immediately Analyze immediate Must be measured on site.

6 Color Plastic Refrigeration 48 hours

7 SS Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours

8 CODCr Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours Analyze as soon as possible

9 BOD5 Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours Analyze as soon as possible

10 NO3--N Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours

Analyze as soon as possible. For longer storage periods, adjust sample pH to 2 or less with sulfuric acid, ACS (about 2ml per liter); sample refrigeration; Before testing the stored sample, warm to room temp. and neutralize with 5.0 N Sodium Hydroxide Standard Solution.

11 PO43- Glass** Refrigeration 24 hours

12 Cl- Plastic Refrigeration 7 days

13 NH3-N Plastic Refrigeration 24 hours Analyze as soon as possible

14 Turbidity Plastic None required 24 hours Preferably tested in the field