Bismillah - Understand Al-Qur'an Academy...Br. Mohsin Siddiqui, Sr. Sana Dossul, Qari Imran Khan for...

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Dr. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem


Lesson-39Shamsi Letters

بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم لم عل رسول اهلل لوة والس الحمد هلل والص

لم عليكم ورحمة اهلل وبركته الس

Relax & Smile!

You are the best! Why? The Prophet pbuh said so!

You learn best and remember more when you feel good!


Take a deep breath

Get Ready..

Get the Textbook, Workbook, (pdf) from this link:

Switch off that mobile and chat windows.

Open the workbook, and go to today’s lesson and

be ready to write.


and وso فـfor لـ

Attached to words!

a book كتاب


and a book وكتاب so a book فـكتاب for a book لـكتاب

Attached to words!


Similarly, we attach

Can you say it easily?

= رحيم لـ ا رحيملا

These makhraj of of ر ل & is the same.

= رحيم لـا رحيم لاLam loses its sound

Its sign is gone!

And gives its sound to ر ر

Easy in Writing!Easy in Talking!


Ease in writing because they are merged. Ease in talking b’cos Lam is sacrificed.

Lam sacrificed for all tongue-tip letters!B’cos the makhraj of these letters is close to that of ل

Lam sacrificed.. For 2 more(for similar reasons)


مسلا= شمس + ال ش

Laam is Sacrificed for 14 letters

مسلا= شمس + ال ش

Shamsi Letters(Sun Letters)

Stronger like sunlight (occur with Shaddah)

س شر زد ذت ثص ضط ظل ن


Shamsi Letters : Similar shape pairs (except عغ)

Ba is not included b’cos it has dot on the other side; جحخ have dots on different sides;

the Sun مس ا لشand the Sun مس وا لش

so the Sun مس فا لش

Two attachments!

Two attachments!

Simple Rule!

مس لش وامس لش فا لص وعملوا ا لح

For More detailson the logic of this rule…

Watch a separate presentation on

Shamsi & Qamari Letters.


2,500 timesin the Qur’an

4 times/page

Let us try to read those words that occur most frequently in the Qur’an!

Try to read with me or at least repeat after me!

الثـ= ثـ + الـ الثـ= ثـ + الـ الثـ= ثـ + الـ

Shamsi Lettersشمس


و مرت الثAnd the fruits

Shamsi Lettersشمس

وعلى الثلثة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

Whenever you have Alif in the start w/o sign…. Join the words!

وعلى لثة الثand on the three

Shamsi Lettersشمس

اب بالقول الث

Shamsi Lettersشمس

بالقول الث اب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

with the firm word

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

و وعلى مرت الث الث بالقول لثة الث اب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الذ = ذ + الـ

كر للذ

Shamsi Lettersشمس

for remembrance

كر لذ ل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

كر لذ ل

هب من الذ

Shamsi Lettersشمس

from the gold

هب الذ من

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

نب غافر الذ

Shamsi Lettersشمس

the forgiver of sin

نب الذ غافر

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

نب الذ غافر هب الذ من كر لذ ل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الظ = ظ + الـ

Shamsi Lettersشمس

اهر والظ

and the Ascendant

Shamsi Lettersشمس

اهر الظ و

لمين من الظ

Shamsi Lettersشمس

from the wrongdoers

Shamsi Lettersشمس

لمين الظ من Alif-Madd

onlywithin a word

* 60+

ن ال الظShamsi Lettersشمس

except assumption

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ن الظ ال

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

ن الظ ال لمين الظ من اهر الظ و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

التـ= تـ + الـ

والتين Shamsi Lettersشمس

except assumption

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ين الت و

اهل التقوىShamsi Lettersشمس

worthy of fear

Shamsi Lettersشمس

قوىالت اهل * 50+

التورىة انزل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

Torah was sent down

ورىة الت انزل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

قوىالت اهل ين الت و ورىة الت انزل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الد = د + الـ

م والدShamsi Lettersشمس

and the blood

Shamsi Lettersشمس

م الد و

نيا فى الدShamsi Lettersشمس

in the world

Shamsi Lettersشمس

+110 *نياالد فى

ين يوم الدShamsi Lettersشمس

the day of judgment

Shamsi Lettersشمس

+45 *ين الد يوم

* 230+

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

ين الد يوم نياالد فى م الد و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ـ= طـ + الـ الط

ور والطShamsi Lettersشمس

By the mount

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ور الط و

يب من الط

Shamsi Lettersشمس

from the good things

الط من يب

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

يب والبلد الط

Shamsi Lettersشمس

and the good land

يب الط والبلد

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

الط من ور الط و يب الط والبلد يب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الز = ز + الـ

والزيتون Shamsi Lettersشمس

and the olive

Shamsi Lettersشمس

يتون الز و

واتوا الزكوة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

and give Zakah

كوة الز واتوا

Shamsi Lettersشمس

* 20+

شجرة الزقوم

Shamsi Lettersشمس

the tree of zaqqum

قوم الز شجرة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

قوم الز شجرة كوة الز واتوا يتون الز و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ـ= سـ + الـ الس

ماء والسShamsi Lettersشمس

and the sky

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ماء الس و

موت خلق الس

Shamsi Lettersشمس

created the heavens

موت الس خلق

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

* 180+

بيل سواء الس

Shamsi Lettersشمس

soundness of the way

بيل الس سواء

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

* 25+

* 20+

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

بيل الس سواء موت الس خلق ماء الس و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ـ= صـ + الـ الص

بر بالصShamsi Lettersشمس

through/to patience

Shamsi Lettersشمس

بر الص ب

لوة واقيموا الص

Shamsi Lettersشمس

and establish the prayer

لوة الص واقيموا

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الح والعمل الص

Shamsi Lettersشمس

and the righteous work

الح الص والعمل

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

الح الص والعمل لوة الص واقيموا بر الص ب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

اللـ= لـ + الـ

واليل Shamsi Lettersشمس

by the night

Shamsi Lettersشمس

+55 *يل ال و

هو اللطيف

Shamsi Lettersشمس

He is the knower of subtleties

طيف الل هو

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

ولهم اللعنة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

and for them is curse

الل ولهم عنة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

الل ولهم طيف الل هو ليل او عنة

Shamsi Lettersشمس

النـ= نـ + الـ

والنهار Shamsi Lettersشمس

and the day

Shamsi Lettersشمس

+20 *هار الن و

رب الناس

Shamsi Lettersشمس

the Rabb of the people

اس الن رب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

* 180+

عذاب النار

Shamsi Lettersشمس

the punishment of the fire

ار الن عذاب

Shamsi Lettersشمس

* 100+

* 105

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

ار الن عذاب اس الن رب هار الن و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الر = ر + الـ

والروح Shamsi Lettersشمس

and the spirit

Shamsi Lettersشمس

وح الر و

هو الرحمن

Shamsi Lettersشمس

He is the Entirely Merciful

حمن الر هو

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

* 45

امن الرسول

Shamsi Lettersشمس

سول الر امن the messenger believed

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

* 45+

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

سول الر امن حمن الر هو وح الر و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ـ= شـ + الـ الش

مس والش

Shamsi Lettersشمس

* 20

مس الش و By the sun

Shamsi Lettersشمس

يطن من الش

Shamsi Lettersشمس

يطن الش من from the Shaitan

Shamsi Lettersشمس


within a word

* 60+

هوت حب الش

Shamsi Lettersشمس

هوت الش حب love of desires

Shamsi Lettersشمس

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

هوت الش حب يطن الش من مس الش و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

ـ= ضـ + الـ الض

حى والض

Shamsi Lettersشمس

حىالض و By the morning brightness

Shamsi Lettersشمس

للة فى الض

Shamsi Lettersشمس

للة الض فى in the error

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الين ول الض

Shamsi Lettersشمس

الين الض ول and not those who go astray

Shamsi Lettersشمس

* 5+

In one wordIn two simple wordsIn two words

الين الض ول للة الض فى حىالض و

Shamsi Lettersشمس

The Shamsi rule is for ال only!

Not for any other Laam!

ثوب ل ه ظننتم ل ب تحسدوننا ل ب

دعاء ل وتقب

ل انز نا ل ارس م ل الس تم ل زل

In one wordIn two words

“The one who taught by the pen”

Lets write theMost Common Words

from the Qur’an!


ن يا الد




Spoken ArabicSelections are such that they occur most in the Qur’an!


عنيا عن

With me

With us

عنك عنكم

With you

With you all


With him

With them


By now, you know how to RECITE the words that

occur approx. 34300

By now, you know the MEANINGS of words that

occur approx. 27700

لم عليكم والسورحمة اهلل وبركته

That’s it for now.See you in the next lesson.

Keep praying: رب زدني علما

Acknowledgments To the Ever-Merciful Allah who gave me Tawfeeq to serve His Book. To my parents for their prayers. My wife and children who have been extremely patient because many things

were prepared at the cost of family time! Br. Abdul Kader Fazlani, Br. Khaja Ahsan and his family for help in different ways. Br. Mohsin Siddiqui, Sr. Sana Dossul, Qari Imran Khan for ideas on teaching and

other aspects. Br. Tariq Aziz, Br. Qurram Qureshi, and Br. Mujtaba Shareef for statistical analysis

and programming support. Br. Ahmed Shawky for his excellent graphics designs in addition to those by Sr.

Shabana Parveen & Acewebdesigns. Br. Aamir Irshad and Br. Abdul Quddus Umri for their help in preparation. Dr. Abdul Basit Siddiqui, Br. Arshad Iqbal Malik, Br. Arjan Ali, Br. Syed Anisul

Hasan, and Sr. Jamila Qavi for their help in translation. Br. Daleeluddin Khan, Br. Nawaz Ilyas, Br. Ejaz, Br. Zubair, Br. Farhan, and many

others in recording and editing works. Br. Maqsood Umri, Br. Osman Umri, Sr. Massarrat Bharucha and so many others

for their feedback, support, and prayers. May Allah reward them all and accept it from all of us.