Bures C.E. Primary School Newsletters14035.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/08.06.18-Web1.pdf · PSA News...

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Bures C.E. Primary School


Contact us: 01787 227446 primary@bures.suffolk.sch.uk Date: 8th June 2018

BIG Question of the Week - “100 years from now what do you hope will have been invented?”

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

SCIENCE WEEK This week has been Science Week! All throughout the

school children have been engaging with other pupils in

different year groups on a range of engineering and sci-

ence activities. In Year 6 (and in other year groups) we

made Scribble Bots. Following on from a question we

were asked earlier in the week - ‘What if there were no

clocks?’ - We have also been creating our own water

clocks. We were all amazed to find out that by

shaking full fat milk for a good length of time you

can create your own butter! It has been a

fabulous week which pupils and teachers have all

enjoyed. We would like to say thank you to Mrs Ben-

nie for organising

it all and we

would also like to

say a HUGE thank you to

our lovely PSA who funding

the whole occasion.

By Finn and Aice—Y6

Messy Church Come and enjoy the Messy Church end of term

summer picnic in The Vicarage garden (CO8 5AA)

on the 23rd June from 4-6pm. We will be discov-

ering all about the amazing story of how Jesus

turned a little boy’s simple packed lunch into a

feast for 5,000 people and created the BIGGEST

picnic ever!! We’ll play lots of fun games, make

bread in the firepit, fishes in a net, build boats,

hook ducks and much more… . Please bring along

your own chairs/rugs.

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

PSA News

Smarties for Silver We hope that your children are enjoying the chal-lenge of raising some money to refill their Smarties tube. It's not too late to get creative as we will be holding an after-school Smarties for Silver Market next Friday (15th June). If your child would like to reserve a stall to sell something they have made, please add their name to the list in the school office. Dress Down Day On Friday 15th June, we will be holding a Dress Down Day in support of the Summer Fair. Children are invited to come to school wearing 'home' clothes in return for a contribution of either packets of individually wrapped sweets, small pack-ets of sweets (ie small packets of Haribos or similar) or a financial contribution towards to the cost of putting on the Fair. Summer Fair - Saturday 30th June, 12-2pm Our Summer Fair is fast approaching and we are still in need of donations of old crockery for our Crock-ery Smash stall, as well as a few pairs of old welly boots please. We are also still welcoming donations of good quality toys / games / children's books / dressing up clothes etc, as well as any raffle prizes or prizes for the tombola (bottles, confectionery, toiletries or any other suitable items). If you are able to donate any of these items, please speak to Jo Bryant or leave the item(s) with the school office.

Morning Arrangements

It has been lovely to see the children arriving

bright and early at school and I know the staff

have found that they can now fit even more high

quality learning into each day!

Thank you for being patient with us as we have

begun to manage the new system. I recognise that

congestion as the children surge into classrooms

has been an issue this week so from Monday we

will return to the old system—the gate will open

at 8.40 am and children will be able to go

straight into their classrooms. This should mean

there is a more natural flow. Please could children

in Years 1, 4 and 5 use the outside doors directly

into their classrooms (For Year 1 and 5 these are

accessed from the school garden at the front) -

again this should help the flow.

I feel I need to say that I was saddened to hear

from my staff team that a small minority of

parents were extremely rude to them when doors

were opened this week—whilst I recognise that

the situation may have caused feelings of

frustration, abuse towards members of staff is

not acceptable and is certainly not what any of us

would want to see modelled to our children.

One Step Closer to Garden Glory

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all the members of

the local community who are helping us to develop our school

garden. This week soil for our planters was donated by

’Weavers’ and we are hugely grateful for their support. It was

delivered to us on Tuesday evening when a few dedicated vol-

unteers gave up two hours of their time to transfer it from

the tractor into the beds. Our thanks go to Mrs Gwynn, Mi-

chael Gwynn, Mr Gwynn, Mr Fairbairn, Matthew and Mrs Farley

who came to lend a hand from our school and a big thank you to

Mr Jackson and Ms Turner from the Horticultural Society who

also gave up their time to help and Mr Ambrose who skilfully

drove the tractor. It is lovely to see the community showing

such support for developing and improving our school.

Collective Worship

Mrs Bacon began our Collective Worship

week by introducing this half term’s value

of COURAGE by sharing the story of

‘Daniel in the Lion’s Den’.

The theme of Courage continued as the

‘Open the Book’ Team shared the story of

Peter’s release from jail as a result of the

time his friends spent in prayer and devo-

tion to God. Tia and Daisy were particular-

ly effective Roman prison guards in this

dramatic retelling!

On Wednesday, we thought about plastic

waste and what we could do to help reduce

this in

An Inspector Calls

On Thursday 14th June we will behaving our ‘SIAMs’ Church School Inspection. Our Inspector’s name is

Caroline Clarke. Here is a little more information about what this involves:

Why are we having this Church School inspection? The very first schools in England were set up by the Church of England to serve the local community around

200 years ago. Nowadays, CEVC schools like Bures are funded by the government, but still have strong links

to the Church traditions and base their values on ideas that come from the Bible. Church Schools are in-

spected periodically to check if this Christian Ethos is evident in the day to day experience of the children.

What do they want to know? The inspector will ask questions such as …. Do the children learning about our school values using Bible sto-

ries as a springboard? Is this having an effect on them as people? Does the whole school take part in a Col-

lective Worship session each day? Are children encouraged to lead and interact in these sessions? What im-

pact do they have on the children? To what extent do the church and school work together and serve the

local community?

What will happen on the day? The inspector will talk to a range of staff and Governors. They will come out on the playground and have a

chat with parents. They will chat with children and have a guided tour around the school. They will look at

work and watch an assembly. Will my child be involved?

Your child may be asked to talk to the inspector about their view of the school, or perhaps chat during a les-

son. They may take part in the Collective Worship. Their normal school day will not be disrupted. How can I help? Please think about these questions and how you might answer them;

Are you aware this is a Church School?

What does that mean to you?

Bures Music Festival

Bures Music festival would like to announce that this

competition is now open to all Y6 children.

A Note about Summer Term Events

We have decided not to run a Parent Workshop

this half term as there are so many other events

happening which we are hoping you will support.

I am hoping to invite Dads and Grandads to join

the children for a belated Fathers’ Day lunch on

Wednesday 11th July or Thursday 12th July. A

letter will follow shortly but you may want to get

this date in your diary.

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Menu Change on Tuesday

Please note that we will now be serving Pasta

Bolognaise on Tuesday 12th June instead of the

Beef Teriyaki.

Class Newsletters

for this half term will be on our website by Monday. Year 6 will not

have an updated version as they are continuing with ‘Alchemy Island’

and getting their play practised to perfection!! Guess what Y1 and

Y2 are learning about (See picture clue!)

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’

Our Learning Ambassadors for this week are:

Izzy, Toby, Holly, Betty, Willem, John, Evie, Angus,

Huckleberry, Layla, Marley-Ray, Oscar, Lottie and


Well Done to all of them!

World Cup themed menu

Sporting News

Explore, Believe, Shine

‘The Adventure Awaits…’