Divine Inspirations Magazine October 2011

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Inspired Words to Uplift and Edify


Mylow Young

Author of

“Against the Gates of Hell: A Crack

House Exodus

Pg. 18

Divine Inspirations


October 2011

Vol.2 Issue 10

Stop Casting Your Pearls

Before Swine pg. 30

Break Out of Your

Shell! Pg.27

10 Reasons to be

Generous pg,24



Divine Inspirations Magazine

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Editor in Chief

Qualita Pendergrass

Layout & Graphic Designer

Blake Pendergrass

Inspired Words to Uplift and Edify the Spirit



My spirit was an untidy mess; hence unclean and cluttered.

My heart was worn out; barely thumped; it faintly fluttered.

I was knocked down by many years pain and unrelenting sin.

So filthy, I was too ashamed to invite Jesus’ Spirit to come in.

Jesus came often to my house; He knocked at my injured spirit.

He whispered gently of His love; I feigned that I did not hear it.

Jesus unwearyingly knocked; man’s hands would have been sore.

I couldn’t convince myself to unfasten my bewildered soul’s door.

Oh well, you know how Jesus rolls; He is bound and determined.

His intention was to save my iniquitous mortal souls from burnin’.

My life arrived at a place’; I was so wicked I could almost see hell.

Hell’s burning pits are no place for a human being’s soul to dwell.

I realized that I needed Jesus; I couldn’t clean my own filthy home.

My house had bee too dirty for too long; I couldn’t do it on my own.

Because of confusion; I tuned out Jesus knock for a really long time.

I felt a hoarder; it was time to clean up that dirty inner home of mine.

I responded to the knock of Jesus; with sincere utterances of remorse.

Thank God for Jesus’ patience of; I got a chance to make a new choice.

My house is in order; by God’s grace and my surrender to His holy will;

Christ made His way into my dirty house; His Spirit resides with me still.

BY: Sharon Reid-Robinson

September, 2008


I love to travel. I have a personal goal to visit every

continent on the face of the earth. Well, with the exception of

Antarctica for obvious reason. I am not a polar bear. But, there

is a land I unwittingly visit with great frequency; without any

real intention. I do not like this place. I try to stay away but I

cannot avoid it. It is not on any map but I guarantee you have

been there too.

It looks like a bomb was dropped there. Bits and

pieces of people’s life scattered all over the landscape. It is an

arid place. Hot and dry. You will find little relief from the

elements. It is over-populated but there are no signs of life.

When you stop by, you find the current tenants merely exist;

they are not thriving, they are just biding their time. It is an

abysmal place and you want to get out as quickly as you can.

Though, it is not an easy place to leave. It is called, “In Be-


In Between is that place where life is neither what it

was nor what it will become. It is akin twilight – not day but

not night either. It is the place, well, in between here and

there. Normal (here) has been disrupted and your new normal

(there) has not yet been revealed. It is that murky place of


Getting to In Between is very easy. There is nothing

you have to do. Just keep on living, as the old-folk say. Its

borders are precipitated by a life-changing event. And if there

is one thing constant in life, it is change. You know you have

reached In Between the moment you hang up from that 2 AM

phone call informing you, “There’s been an accident.” You

take up residence in In Between while reading the pink slip

your boss just placed in your hand. Your doctor has revealed

your test result. The growth is malignant. Next stop: “In Be-

tween”. The children of Israel spent 40 years In Between. No

longer slaves, not yet a nation.

It can be a hopeless, barren land; a place to muddle

through, feeling lost, empty, alone, hurt, discouraged and de-

feated, while waiting on things to change. But I want to reveal

something very interesting about In Between. It is deceptive,

much like a Michigan winter. Everything feels cold and un-

welcoming, looks dead and lifeless. But, underneath the blan-

ket of snow, the earth is bursting with new life. In Between,

though painful, is the most fertile soil for transformation in

which you will ever plant your feet. It can be the place of your

largest defeat or your most significant spiritual growth. It can

be the place of premature death or the beginning of the great-

est adventure of your life. It can be the place where faith per-

ishes. Or the place where God does the deepest work in our

hearts He has ever done.

See, there is change taking place in In Between. One

(Continued on page 6)

In Between

By C.C. Shumake


way or the other, you are becoming something. You are either

becoming an embittered, complaining, resentful, entitled

grouch. (Ouch!) Or you are becoming a surrendered, grateful,

faith-filled, Christ-centered overcomer. And it is not our reac-

tion to what landed us In Between that determines what we

become. There is a saying, “God knows and Jesus under-

stands.” God accepts that we are going to be hurt, disap-

pointed, and angry even, in times of turmoil. He expects us to

react to pain. It is not our reaction that controls where we end

up. Rather, it is our response. Our response to God determines

if we end up becoming salty or flavorless.

To survive In Between with our faith intact, we must

keep in the forefront of our minds that God is inherently good

and that His plans for us are good. Trusting His character will

bring great peace when life tilts on its axis. Let me give you

an example. Last year my husband and I had a misunderstand-

ing. Because he always treats me and others with thoughtful-

ness and kindness, when we addressed the issue I was able to

say to him, “Baby, I felt disrespected when X happened but I

know your heart for me so help me understand what happened

and where I might be wrong in my perception.” Because we

have faith in our love and friendship, we were able to deal

with the issue and continue on as if nothing ever happened.

If you can maintain trust in the goodness of the Lord,

even though you are disoriented and cast down, you will

emerge with a life-altering faith that will have profound im-

pact on your life and the lives of others. Paul wrote in II Co-

rinthians 4:8-10: We are hard pressed on every side, but not

crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not

abandoned; cast down but not destroyed. We always carry

around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus

may also be revealed in our body. Paul was saying, “Look, we

are surrounded by trouble, beat-up in every way. But we are

going through the vilest persecution so you can get in on the

best … the world-changing power of the resurrected life of

Jesus Christ! Paul experienced In Between a lot. Because of

his response to God, “In Between” transformed Paul’s torture

into a powerful testimony. Because he kept his focus on God’s

plan, from the place called “In Between” emerged the Apostle

to the Gentiles.

If you are In Between, and if you are not now you

will be, I want to encourage you. I do not know how long it

will take but hold on. On the other side of In Between is the

promise land. A land with renewed joy, unshakeable faith,

peace beyond comprehension, Christ-centered living and a

new face, which looks a lot like Jesus.

Cheryl C. Shumake






Greetings, Loved One.

It’s hard to believe that we are again approaching the end of another year, 2011 – a year in which God has bestowed His bless-ings upon us, and a time in which none of us deserved His blessings. We cannot earn these blessings. God gives them to us solely because of His grace and mercy. They are a gift.

What is grace? Grace is one of the key attributes or characteristics of God. It is His favor or kindness

shown without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what that person


What is mercy? Another key attribute of God. It is the kindness of God in withholding deserved judg-

ment and extending undeserved compassion and forgiveness to us. God can do this without compro-

mising His justice, because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that God weeps? Yes, we, His greatest and most loved creation, can truly cause Our Father to weep. He weeps in His spirit for us. It saddens Him to see us embrace sin, for which He gave His life.

A much-celebrated “fun time” for some is, once again, in our midst. It is called “Samhain” or, better known as, “Halloween”. Please be patient with me as I give you some information which you may not know about Halloween. What you will learn is absolute, startling truth.

Halloween is a religion to honor Satan (also known as Lucifer, who became a fallen angel from Heaven because he rebelled against the throne of God – he wanted to be God). This “holy day” of Satan was originally observed more than 4,000 years ago. The main purpose of this religion is to declare Satan the god of this world, and to contact other spirits of the underworld for empowerment to do evil. Within the structure of Satan’s kingdom, many members hold high positions of authority under the titles of High Priest and High Priestess.

(Continued on page 10)


All the seemingly innocent symbolisms of Halloween – black cats, snakes, broomsticks, bonfires, “Trick or Treat”, Jack-O-Lanterns (or carved-out pumpkins, an ancient sym-bol of a doomed soul and denotes sympathy to the souls of the underworld), apple dunking and costumes – has its roots in Sorcery, Witchcraft and Satanism. God clearly warns us in the Holy Scriptures of the consequences of participating in any form of pagan (or occult) activity. The Holy Scriptures unmistakably instructs us that spiritualism is forbidden. Please study these passages from the Holy Scriptures for your guidance. There are others, as well.

The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians, Chapter 5:19-21.

The Book of Malachi, Chapter 3:5.

The Fifth Book of Moses, Deuteronomy, Chapter 18:10-12.

The Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapter 21:8.

Other real-life and documented tragedies and symbols devoted to the recognition and furtherance of Satan’s kingdom are:

Human Sacrifices. These are demonic killings on altars using babies, little children and adults, for their blood. Drinking of the blood is to empower, for the doing of evil, the ones who drink of it. Female sacrifices (infants to adults) are often raped before they are murdered for their blood. Just as in abortion, the children have no voice in their circumstance and destiny.

Breeding Machines. Teen girls are impregnated and their babies used as blood sacrifices. Just like the babies and younger children, they are robbed of their opportunity to choose how their bodies and minds are used.

Animal Sacrifices. Bones, body parts and blood are used in rituals.

Horror/Occult Movies. Witches are often used as Techni-cal Advisors to authenticate the satanic theme of the film.

Children’s Books. Most popular is Harry Potter. These books presented as fantasy, embrace witchcraft and sor-cery, which are sin in God’s eye. The seemingly innocence of the characters and storylines are being absorbed into the developing and impressionable psyche of our children, and will have a negative influence in their future decision-making processes and actions.

Demonic Symbols. The Pentagram (a five-pointed star inside a circle) used to symbolize Satan. Number “666” (the number of Satan). Upside-Down Cross (another symbol of Satan; used in his rituals; an abomination to our Holy God, used to ridicule His purpose).

Celebrity. Persons of notoriety who have been deter-mined by mental specialists to have very possibly acquired their lust for evil through personal experience in the killing of animals, drug use, or absorption of mind-altering virtual reality games – Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, and the “Boys

of Columbine”. All graduated to the murder of human beings. There are others, too numerous to count, notori-ous or not.

The spectrum of believers to this doomed faith and wor-ship is permeated throughout our communities, even to-day. Recruitment is rampant. No one is exempt by posi-tion in life – not the homemaker, not our leaders, not law enforcement, not the pulpit. No one.

God has commanded us to separate ourselves from these things and not compromise. A few hours of pleasure cele-brating this unholy being is not worth relinquishing the gift of eternal life God has offered us.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will return soon and take the faithful in Him to Heaven. If you are a Christian, please confess your sins and rededicate yourself to Him. If you do not know Christ, please confess your sins and ask Him to be your personal Lord and Savior.

The Lord is not slack concerning his promise,

as some men count slackness; but is longsuffer-

ing to usward, not willing that any should per-

ish, but that all should come to repentance. 2

Peter, Chapter 3:9.

The choice is yours.


This plea to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior is my gift to you.

A SUGGESTION: Purchase and hand-out Christian material on Salvation instead of candy. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Submitted By:

Brenda J. Brooks



They say that opposites attract- and that's true. However,

sometimes, opposites can clash, - even in our most spiri-

tual state.

Our Christian experience, depth and Christian activities

do not dictate our personality! It is vital to realize that an

enormous amount of our marital and relational experi-

ences really do not depend on our Spirituality, but on our

learning of our partner and how best to love them.

Understanding our spouse

This alone is worth the length of a book all in itself, but

let's shed a little light on how we can best understand,

encourage and love our spouse if they are naturally the

"quiet type."

It was once said by Dr. John Gray, author of

'Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus',

"When men and women are able to respect and

accept their differences then love has a chance to


In understanding our spouse, whether they are intro-

verted or extroverted, (soft spoken or outspoken) it is

important to realize that the more you learn about your

partner, the more enriched your marriage and relation-

ship will be!

Countless couples face constant frustration simply be-

cause they fail to comprehend that their spouse is not

them; they're different and that's exactly how God made


We cannot change our spouse, but it not only our respon-

sibility, but our privilege to learn and love them the way

they need to be loved and cherished.

God really did make us different

We first need to fully understand, and accept, that we are

all made different, consisting of varying character and

personality traits, along with the baggage or mileage of

our past which inevitably shapes who we are and how

we think; regardless of where we're at Spiritually.

In other words, God does not change who we are, but

uses and blesses who we are for His glory and if we are

married, to bless, encourage, compliment and connect

with our spouse to make the marriage complete.

Many who are dealing with a spouse who is either oppo-

site, or in this article's case, introverted, get very frus-

trated in what appears to be the lack of direct openness

and motivation to work through things.

In a Harvard study of several hundred preschoolers, re-

searchers discovered an interesting phenomenon. As they

(Continued on page 12)

When your spouse is the Silent Type

Pastors Mike & Trisha Fox


taped the children’s playground conversation, they real-

ized that all the sounds coming from little girls’ mouths

were recognizable words. However, only 60 percent of

the sounds coming from little boys were recognizable.

The other 40 percent were yells and sound effects like

"Vrrrooooom!" "Aaaaagh!" "Toot toot!" This difference

persists into adulthood.

Communication experts say that the average woman

speaks over 25,000 words a day while the average man

speaks only a little over 10,000. What does this mean for

our understanding of marriage and relationships?

On average, the wife may need 45 minutes to an hour

each day in meaningful conversation with her husband

to feel close and reconnected. Yet for husbands, the av-

erage is only 15-25 minutes, possibly only a few times

per week!

The needs are different; the expression of communica-

tion is different and our character and makeup of who

are is different as well.

Force it open, it will break

Out of sheer frustration, many spouses try to "pry" open

their spouse and demand and force their spouse to deal

instantly with issues that are at hand.

Realize that in most cases, yes those issues are real, they

are important and they do need to be addressed. But

there has to be a loving middle ground that both the ex-

troverted and introverted can comfortably deal with in

their own way.

However, we wholeheartedly agree that no matter how

or when - there are just some issues that must be dealt

with asap to avoid possible marital disaster.

Know thyself - and thy spouse

Learn the Personality traits of our spouse and yourself

“Only those who respect the personality of oth-

ers can be of real use to them” ~Albert


It is helpful to better understand our own personality,

and gather some hints as to the personality of others.

This, in turn, helps us not only to be better ministers

and people, but better witnesses to those outside the

gates of the church realm, and better at loving our

spouse because we understand their personality.

If you can understand yourself and others, you can

more effectively minister and love. This includes your


Here is a brief, yet detailed summary of the General

Personalities of people:

Originally, there has been FIVE major Personality Styles

that we can fit in, although as with anything, there are

many variations and exceptions to every rule. The fol-

lowing is just your base...

Extroverted Outgoing, open and easy to talk to,

spontaneous. Introverted

Observatory, careful, watchful, not spontaneous, planning

Analytical Calculating scenarios, logical, rea-

soning. Driver

Plan, first to lead, unafraid to fail, successful

Amiable Friendly, caring, compassionate,


Imagine if you have an Extroverted-Driver (E.D.) and an

Introverted-Amiable (I.A.) in the same room discussing

deep, emotional, important issues. What do you think

the outcome will be? In the most likely case scenario,

the Extroverted-Driver will eventually get fueled up

emotionally about what they believe, and the Intro-

verted-Amiable will become more and more reclusive.

The E.D becomes increasingly dominating, and over-

bearing, driving loudly their point to where the I.A. will

eventually stop talking all together.

A few tips for the frustrated spouse on how to commu-

nicate to their soft-spoken partner

1. When speaking to your spouse, watch your pitch

and loudness. The pitch and loudness presents to your

spouse that you are becoming irritated, frustrated not

with the problem… but with them! This behavior actu-

ally easily translates to the soft-spoken spouse a flat

(Continued on page 13)


out disproval of "them", and in essence is screaming in

their face on how unhappy you are with them, your

marriage and an overall displeasure of them as your


2. Watch out for blaming or accusing statements.

Pointing your finger or verbally blaming your partner

only elevates any type of defensiveness in your partner.

This is counter-productive.

Draw them out with kindness. Instead of allowing anger to be your motivating factor of discussing things, you need to use soft love and kindness to help them "trust" that you are not out to hurt them or tear them apart.

Most cases of introversion are really people who

are in defense mode trying to protect them-

selves from either looking silly, feeling stupid,

being hurt by others and basically keeping

themselves from being vulnerable to others.

If you cannot control your temper, anger or in-

tensity in your heated discussions, you need



Christians need to scrap the unbiblical idea that

Counseling is not biblical. This is one of the age

old traditional cliché's that do not hold water in

the light of scripture. How can we forget that

Jesus Christ Himself is called "Wonderful, Coun-

selor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Fa-

ther" (Is. 9:6) Most people don't even think

twice about the word "counselor".

If your marriage is heading in a direction that

consists of angry, violent or unfruitful discus-

sions, it is indeed heading in the wrong direc-

tion… period. Whether you are praying 24 hours

in a day, fasting 7 days per week, some things

don't come by spiritual means. They come by

you actually physically doing something about

your marriage.

Whether it's Marriage Counseling, Marriage

Coaching, your Spiritual leaders or a trusted,

unbiased person, it is imperative that assistance

be incorporated into that relationship.

We must get to a place in our Christian walk,

that we learn how to “build up” other’s

strengths, instead of tearing down our differ-

ences. “Let nothing be done through strife or

vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each es-

teem other better than themselves.” Philippians

2:3 –KJV)

Marriage Coaches Mike & Trisha Fox MARRIAGE FOR TODAY www.marriagefortoday.com info@marriagefortoday.com

Pastor Mike and Trisha Fox



The Truth About Shame

Judith M. Mosley

Shame is a powerful emotion that yields no positive results. If you are under its influence, you are primed

to live not producing much fruit. It makes you afraid, usually of having a behavior, weakness or embarrassing

situation exposed. Your progress is halted. Shame even causes you to doubt if God could possible love someone

such as yourself. It wounds you so deeply that you cannot carry God’s will for you as he has planned it. You are

inconsistent. You start and stop, leaving tasks unfinished and people untouched.

Shame and being ashamed don't have the same meaning. It is good to be ashamed of wrong behavior or

habits, because that can lead to repentance And I said: “O my God, I am too ashamed and humiliated to lift up

my face to You, my God; for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has grown up to the

heavens. Ezra 9:6. On the other hand, allowing yourself to be under the control of shame, listening daily to its

damnable accusations is a different matter altogether. Unless you uncover the truth about shame, you could

die believing you were a failure.

What is the truth about shame? What is it that shame has kept hidden, so it will survive and you will re-

main in its grip? This truth is found in Hebrews 12:2: Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith,

who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame. Did you see the last three

words, “despising the shame”? Jesus set the example for you. He showed you that shame is to be despised

(hated). He gave shame no place in His life. Scholars have said that Jesus hung on the cross naked. How shame-

ful! Yet Jesus did not allow that shame to overpower Him, depress Him, and keep Him from carrying out the will

of the Father, namely dying on the cross for our sins.

You too cannot give shame any authority. It cannot dictate what you will do, where you will go or what you will

become. You have to be free to run the race that God has designed. He has a work for each of His children to

do. Don’t allow shame to get in the way. Despise it like Jesus did. Kick it out of your life, and then live!

If you want to be better later,

do your best now.


We need to sit down and reason about the change

of season.

Can you see what’s happening in the world today?

Society is making our children lose their identity

and personality to carnality.

We’re losing our son’s and daughters, to street


Our children are dying, mothers crying and even


No one seems to get to the root of these problems.

Your child may not be a victim of gun and knife


But as a mother you should be caring,

Sharing your thoughts and opinions with other


So many mothers are going through silent pain

Their loved one has gone in vain.

Where’s the encouragement and support?

We don’t need to hear another bad report.

Mother’s trying to cope with their loss? It’s time to

stop covering it with gloss.

We need to make a stand and take hold of each

other’s hand.

United we stand divided we fall.

Mother 2 Mother can’t you hear the Heavenly call to


So many mothers feel so alone.

What will it take before we take heed?

We have the power to lead and succeed.

Let us help stop this unnecessary bleed.

We need to act now and put our hands to the


Mother 2 Mother please wake up, we are living in

perilous times.

We can make a change before society becomes


We have women leaders in Government and in the


We need to make the bloodshed cease.

Mother 2 Mother let us pray and ask God to make a

way for every mother’s child.

© 2011 Maureen Morgan

Mother 2 Mother


Memo to God

As I sit back and think about all that you’ve done for me

I give thanks for your grace and mercy

For all the things in this life that I’ve been through

There is no way possible that I could have ever made it without you.

You’ve been my shelter during the storm and rain

The only one who truly understood my pain.

My shoulder to lean on when I needed to cry

A friend indeed, by and by.

Yes, you are the solid rock on which I stand

When life events get out of hand

The better of me than I thought I would ever be

But that’s because you bring out the best in me.

You’ve blessed me with the wisdom to achieve my life goal

With that I’ve found your creativity to be the quality of my soul

Your vision, sometimes a mystery

I now know is my purposed planned destiny.

So while I sit back and think about all that you’ve done for me

I know without a doubt that I’ve been blessed abundantly.

So I rise to my feet

Shouting with great praise and sweet jubilee

“Thank You God for always loving me!”

Yvette Johnson

The Inspirational Poet

The Tilted Tea Cup – All Things Inspire



Psalms 106:1

Hallelujah! Thank You Lord!

How good you are!

Your love for us continues forever


Mylow Young

Author of:

Against the Gates of Hell: A Crack House



Against the Gates of Hell: A

Crack House Exodus

Over the years there have been special days or

months of the year to recognize, commemorate or

honor a people or a cause. On any given day of the

year, if you search, you will find a day for some-

thing or someone. There is Big Brothers and Big

Sisters Month, Earth Day, Cancer Awareness

Month and of course, Black History Month. But

many go unnoticed, many of which we don’t have

a clue that they even exist.

The one dearest to me and the one I most re-

cently learned about is National Drug and Alcohol

Recovery Month which is in September. Like many

of the days and months we observe, just as soon as

the month is over… so is our awareness. For Black

History Month we can be sure to see TV shows that

deal with the struggles of Black America. You

know “Roots” will be on someone’s network. What

unsettles me though, is that there is very little rec-

ognition (unless you’re watching BET) or obser-

vance at any other time of the year.

But it’s the same with other issues as well, par-

ticularly with the issue of drug and alcohol abuse.

Let’s bring attention to it for thirty days… then

what? What are we thinking or doing during this

time? More importantly, what are we doing the rest

of the time? More than likely we’re talking about

how so and so is “on that stuff” or his brother, sis-

ter or even Father or Mother. But how often do we

ever try to find help for the one who’s struggling?

As I said, this particular cause is close to my

heart. The reason is, I struggled with drugs and al-

cohol on and off for over twenty-five years. I re-

member the looks and the treatment I received

from family and friends as I resigned myself to a

life of guilt, degradation and humiliation. Shame

was the only real thing I knew as the hopelessness

of a crack addiction became a way of life for me.

What is there for the addicted one to embrace

when he or she has concluded that love and accep-

tance has evaded them? When approval from the

ones that mean the most seems non-existent?

When rejection has killed a dream or any presence

of life? When these most basic needs go unmet,

what do you do? You search for the fulfillment of

that need anywhere and anyway you can get it!

Some try and find comfort from another person,

leading often to emotional, verbal or physical

abuse, losing themselves further to hopelessness

and more shame.

Others look to alcohol which is easily and le-

gally obtained from the corner store but when

that’s not enough, smoking weed or taking pills is

the commonly preferred method of self medication

and even accepted by many as being “okay”. But

often, the “occasional” or “recreational” user even-

tually gives in to the deception and the lure of

“pleasure” only to find themselves falling headfirst

into crack cocaine, methamphetamine or heroin.

The downward spiral has developed into a world of

hurt and utter destruction! Now the law is being

broken and the risks have taken a much more seri-

ous progression.

“I only do it to take the edge off and relax from a

hard and stressful day at work” or “to get away for

a minute”, some say while others are “only having

a little fun”. What we don’t see at the time is that

one little trip to Fantasy Land can lead to a reality

that will rival your worst nightmare! You can pinch

yourself all you want but you’re already awake,

this is real! Devastation has become your life! The

choice has been made… now your life is over…


(Continued on page 20)


Yeah, choices were made and the reaction to the

cards dealt, to the circumstances of life has landed

the addicted one at the place they now reside. It is in

fact a choice. They could have chosen to respond

differently to the hurt but didn’t. That’s a fact as

well, and that’s where we are… for now.

The choices I made stemming from a

childhood of rejection and criticism led

me to the streets where I found a meas-

ure of acceptance from my peers, which,

later on only led to more pressure to per-

form and stay accepted. This is what my

life was like at twelve and thirteen. It

was unknown to me at the time that ad-

diction was in its early stages.

I made the choices I did as a young

man as well as later in life because I was

never equipped emotionally to make any

other. There is usually the sense of right

and wrong but when the pain of rejection is so ex-

treme, in dysfunction, wrong becomes normal.

For twenty six years I lived my life bound to

some form of drug. Much of that life I lived desti-

tute and in despair and even homeless at times. I

walked the streets of Philadelphia and many times

called the crack house my home. Other times I

would sneak on the subway so I would have some-

where to sleep for the night. That was my exis-

tence… what I called “life”. I was hopelessly

trapped in a mindset of rejection and worthlessness

and freedom from addiction was impossible for me

it seemed.

This was it for me though; this was my life I

thought so I had to play the cards that were dealt me.

The thing is, I was a very poor card player. Where

was hope? It was nowhere I could see. What did I

believe in… God? He saw my situation; He knew

what I was going through but still allowed the ava-

lanche, this downward spiral of hopelessness to con-


What would I do? What could I do? I left Philly

with a the shred of a glimmer of hope tucked away

in the deepest recesses of my soul, in search of a

way out of my mess but only found more opportu-

nity to indulge my hunger and

thirst for drugs. Even after land-

ing in Lenoir, NC where I heard

hope lived, where I had even met

hope. Hope resided at a place

called Bethel Colony of Mercy, a

ministry set apart to show men

like myself that there was a life

beyond the grasp of crack cocaine

and other drugs (and other life

controlling issues) and that Jesus

was the source of that life. But I

had to give myself to Him like I

had to the drug but I was unsuc-

cessful. I caught a glimpse of

hope but it seemed just beyond

my reach.

After going through their program three different

times, I left Lenoir for Statesville, N.C. still not free

from the bondage of drugs and alcohol. One night, it

was around midnight, after spending all of my

money on a drug binge I stood on a deserted corner

and wondered again what had happened. But God

was merciful to me. I had met a pastor of a church

who knew of a place like Bethel where I could find

my freedom and I was again faced with the promise

of hope.

“The Transformation Center” was a place started

by another local church that had men of God as

teachers and would build on the previous foundation

and insisted that hope indeed was alive. And then,

through no power of my own, there was that mo-

ment… “AH HA!” Everything that I had heard and

was taught hit me square in the head and settled

firmly in my heart! Hope had found its way into my

heart and made itself at home! Slowly, methodically

I believed! I believed in HOPE! Hope is a man

(Continued on page 21)


named Jesus, God in the flesh who, when I thought

I was unlovable, loved me all along! Through my

mess, through rejection, through my so called fail-

ure and perceived worthlessness! I believe! I believe

in hope! There IS hope for me! Hallelujah!

I’ve been clean now for about eight years! God

restored everything the devil had stolen from me…

with interest! I have a beautiful bride – Sondra - of

over eight years who is my biggest system of sup-

port. I serve as a deacon now and was licensed as a

minister by the same church God used to bring me

up out of the pit! He is so awesome!

Shortly after learning I was already free because

of what Christ did for me that I could not do for my-

self, I began to walk in that freedom. I wanted to tell

others of the freedom I found since surely there are

those who feel as hopeless and helpless as I did.

People have got to know

that there is an abundance

of mercy and grace just

waiting to fill their lives.

That there is a forgiving

God who loves them just

as they are and doesn’t

condemn them. He brings

life! So I began to write a

book, mixing in some of

my experiences. “Against

the Gates of Hell: A

Crack House Exodus”.

The following is a synopsis of the story:

Kerby Wilson had always looked down on

those who partook and pedaled drugs which

claimed the lives of many in the

streets. Now he finds himself duped by his

own pride and going down a very desperate

path of his own. Distraught over the death

of his parents and the murder of a fellow po-

lice officer, Kerby alienates those closest to

him, pushing them away-his wife, brother,

police force buddies and old friends. As the

bottom falls out of his life and darkness con-

sumes his soul, he sells all that he holds dear

for an elusive state of peace.

Herby, Kerby’s identical twin brother is an-

gry with Kerby for turning on his family,

friends, and the police force and for going

down this destructive path. As his heart

hardens and he is caught up in his own battle

of resentment and bitterness, he tries to shut

Kerby out. But Rene, his God-fearing wife

won’t allow that to happen. Instead she con-

tinually appeals to his conscience, reminding

him of God’s unfailing love and Kerby’s

need for his help.

When Kerby uses his past identity as a po-

lice officer to rob the biggest drug dealer in

Philly, a price is put on his head. Learning of

Kerby’s latest antics, Herby, family and

friends are challenged to push past their

struggles to help keep him alive and break

free of his addiction.

Spiritual Themes: God’s unconditional love

and healing power are evidence in this story

about one man’s struggle to break free of a

crack addiction and turn his life around. The

other spiritual themes that stand out in

Against the Gates of Hell are faith and hope

as the reader gets a glimpse of struggles en-

dured by family members and friends to for-

give and be restored to the main character.

Product Details: $14.99, Paperback. Publisher: Lift

Every Voice/Moody Publishers (September 1, 2011).

Language: English ISBN-10: 0802401694 ISBN-

13: 978-0802401694

There is a lot of debate on the subject as to why

someone living in addiction seems to not want to

get out. Let me say that no one wants to be addicted

to drugs, and of course that’s never the intention.

No one ever wakes up and says “I want to be a drug

addict”. No little girl ever says “I wanna be a prosti-

tute when I grow up” and no little boy ever says “I

wanna be a liar, a thief and a murderer”. These are

all consequences of bad decisions.

But you can help decrease the odds of your kids

becoming addicts (yes, your kids as well as you can

become drug addicts and alcoholics and everything

(Continued on page 22)


else in the middle) by first, loving your children. Don’t ever tell your child or teen that they are worthless

and will never amount to anything. You’re only speaking death to them and helping to seal their fate. In-

stead, give them nurturing and support while they’re young.

As they grow let them know that they are your gift from God and that they are significant and have value

and potential! When children and teens have what they need at home they are less likely to look for some-

thing more outside. Talk with your kids and find out about their lives.

So, if there was hope for me, a twenty five year veteran of drugs and alcohol, then for sure, there is hope

for ANYONE dealing with ANYTHING! There is hope for YOU!


Contacts: gatesofhell1@gmail.com or visit my website at www.mylowyoung.com for ordering information

or to be encouraged by my poetry and blogs. I also have a written a poetry book “You Can Still Rise Again: A Collection of Poems for the Struggle available at


You can also find me at www.facebook.com/mylowyoung Go to Against the Gates of Hell: A Crack House Exodus “Fan page”

and press “Like”. Thanks for your time and support…

You Are Blessed!



Derrick Williams is a man on a mission. Born and raised in Hampton, Va., Mr. Williams has always believed that his destiny was to be an entrepreneur. With a passion for marketing, he began promoting small businesses in the lo-cal community in 2010. A short time later, God’s vision evolved allowing him to establish Your Local Gospel Network. YLGN was created to highlight local ministries and gospel artists; it has since expanded to include authors and small business owners around the country. Mr. Williams is committed to help-ing other believers share their talents with as many people as possible. Mr. Williams is married to Shimeka Williams. Although they do not have children yet, they are the proud owners of a Yorkshire terrier named Sonny. For more information, please visit: www.YourLocalGospelNetwork.com and we are also on Facebook as well at www.facebook.com/YourLocalGospelNetwork.

Your Local Gospel Network


Derrick Williams


“10 Reasons to be Generous”

Generosity: (noun) - readiness or liberality in giving; freedom from meanness or smallness of mind or character.

Sometimes in the past I felt as if I had to almost beat my human flesh in order to be generous. Does any-one else know what I mean? I hate that part of my old, selfish nature which inflames my pride and fear and makes a thousand and one excuses as to WHY I cannot be generous. I see it in other people, too, especially as I work in advocacy for both the home-less and international child sponsorships. People are always so quick to pat a person on the back for their good works for the Lord, but their own flesh holds them back from being free enough to actually give of something themselves.

The idea of generosity has been stewing in me for some time because of my own selfish nature and my own reluctance to give at times. Working in urban ministry this past year has given me insight into both the real-ity of what generosity does for another hu-man being, but also what my own flesh lacks without the power and love of Jesus working through me.

I am not a fan of guilt trips, and I find ma-nipulation a poor and tasteless tactic to get

any point across. I write this article because I know that everyone is on a journey when it comes to understanding and overcoming their own flesh, and I believe that God has given me understanding to help anyone with the issue of generosity, no matter the place they are at.

Having said this, I present to you what I be-lieve God gave me as 10 Reasons to Be Gen-erous (in no particular order):

You can be generous because Isaiah 58 and Isaiah 61 explain that not only is it God’s heart to give, but Isaiah 61 says that for a born-again Christian God gives us the “Spirit of the Sovereign Lord” BECAUSE He has called us to do good works! We can give be-cause if it is His heart to give, He will em-power us to do so.

A reason to be generous is because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO. What exactly the “right thing” is for each of us individually is not relative, nor is it a “Christian” ideal. Nearly every world religion condones helping another human. No matter what big words one may use to frame it…GIVING (financially, time, resources or even just a smile to some-one who is down) is the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Another reason to give is because when you give, your world is enlarged. Period.

When you give, you get your eyes off of yourself and off of your own problems and issues.

(Continued on page 25)

“10 Reasons to be Generous”

by Mandy Woodhouse


When you give, you influence and inspire others around you (even non-directly) to GREAT-NESS in their own lives!

Giving (time, resources, a smile, money) and the process of giving changes YOUR heart.

Being generous means that there is more to this life than our own selfish desires.

You give because you can. EVERYONE has something to give. “Giving” is not just neces-sarily a monetary term.

You give because YOU are the answer to some-one else’s prayer.

The most obvious reason to be generous is be-cause there is NEED. You cannot just close your eyes and make it go away. Corpora-tions, developers and organizations cannot starve the homeless out of a city and think the problem of homelessness will go away. Businessmen cannot just turn off the TV whenever a commercial comes on advertis-ing poverty, and we cannot possibly believe that we can avoid the current world issues if we do not ever read the newspaper. There is always NEED.

So why do I give? Even in reviewing my own an-swers, I realize that Jesus has grown in me so much just in this past year!

I give spare change because my friend in Nevada has been handing out socks to the homeless in Las Ve-gas for months now, out of his own pocket because the local charities are too busy to help.

I give my time because there are 50+ people in my own hometown who are literally sleeping under people’s houses along the train-tracks.

I give my advocacy and prayers because there are hundreds of people living under bridges in New Or-leans, LA.

I give my money and passion because there are lit-erally millions of orphaned and needy children around the globe who need a sponsor so that they can get education, medical help and a nice meal.

I give my prayers and encouragement because my friend Angie’s heart is captured by the atrocities of the sex-slave trade, and she has no clue where to

begin or who will even back her.

I give my time and prayers because in South Caro-lina alone, the number of kids who fail the LEAP test in 3rd grade and end up dropping out of school to become criminals is sickening.

I give a warm smile because there are miserable women and men at my local grocery stores who just need a smile to get through the day.

I give my encouragement, prayers and even money because my best friend Lori and her family show kindness to the city’s most unloved, and they just cannot continue to do it on their own.

Perhaps most importantly for a Christian, I give of myself because Christ’s love COMPELS me. I am generous because Jesus FIRST GAVE to me.

And I give because I never know whose prayers I may have just answered.

After all, “We can’t do everything, but we must do something” –Hillsong Church, Sydney Australia.



Wake up God’s children to a brand new day; wake up God’s children in a spirited way.

Take a step that brings joy to you by sharing amongst others a way to renew, whether tiny steps to rekindle or something brand new, liven the spirit by beginning each day fresh and anew.

When the minutes become stagnant and you reach for more, seek and you shall find the answers the good Lord has in store. One-by-one take the minutes to enjoy the loving magic of words the

Lord has provided, as in these words you and your paths will never become divided. They will em-brace and guide you to compelling heights; with this freshness so alive and so new you can not

help but share the new found glories given you.

Whether in the light of the sun or dark corner you sit, an awakening of the spirit is certain to edify and uplift as your being beckons to the hand of the Holy One. You will not be long in darkness as

the Lord does not stay away from rejuvenating spirit in a very satisfying way. It could be in a long-awaited answer that comes in the night, it could be in the smile of a stranger who is closely within sight. It could come out of generosity silently extended from another good soul who refreshingly and miraculously ignites a glow so delightful and pleasing that you can not help to hope will con-sistently sow. Yes, the Lord will lift you in his time and in his way with resolve and peace; make

certain to embrace the words so vital and keen; for with His instruction you as a child of God will exemplify Wake Up God’s Children which in itself is truly pristine.

Heidi Maria Schilling


One often doesn’t know their strength until they are in a challenge. We often question where that spurt of boldness came from? What would have destroyed us in the past doesn’t even make us flinch in our current state. WHAT happened to the person who was once scared of their own shadow? What ever became of the person who only glimpsed at themselves in the mirror, afraid to look deep in the eyes staring back at them?

LIFE happened, but more importantly MATURITY hap-pened. You became uncomfortable in your safe zone and now its cramping your style. Like a baby in a moth-ers womb, it outgrew the place that was “holding them hostage” and if it didn’t immediately find a way out, death would occur. With or without the permission of the one who’s womb it was residing in, a decision was made to BREAK OUT.

Many women have had that same experience; being held hostage to their past mistakes and misfortunes. Imprisoned by others perceptions and bound to dys-functional relationships. No longer content with living beneath their means, refusing to accept a mediocre life they create signs and symptoms stating they DESIRE MORE. Resistance and denied access is to be expected from people and things that were COMFORTABLE with one being enslaved to confinements that prevent growth and expansion. However one must not be pas-sive and ask permission in their urgent state to obtain freedom, it must be obtained by any means necessary.

When a baby chick hatches, it begins by trying to shake itself free in the egg that is imprisoning it. When noth-ing is produced from that method it starts kicking and pecking from the inside until it begins cracking away at its barriers. Once the shell has been weakened and cracked , the baby chick continues to hit at those spots until it can free itself. The chick that is manifested is beyond bigger than the egg that attempted to suffo-

cate it. One often wonders how that little egg could have contained that MASS substance. Not only has the shell been broken to provide an exit for the content to be released it is severely damaged to the extent that it can not be placed back together again.

YOU are the MASS PURPOSED substance that can no longer be held captive by life’s circumstances. You’ve been nurturing your purpose to the point of expansion and it demands to be released. You’ve attempted sev-eral times to escape by telling people your dreams and aspirations. You’ve even took a few risks to see if you had what it took. Now, that fire that burns inside of you is an inferno about to cause serious damage to your life if it is not released. YOU HAVE TO BREAK OUT OF YOUR SHELL.

Everything you need is already deposited on the inside of you. Once you determine you want to Explore all that you can be, then go

after it at all cost, knowing it will hurt at times but is well worth the results. Embrace

your uniqueness and don’t be afraid to live life RADIKALLY! Why settle for flying when

you were born to SOAR!

Don’t be afraid to IGNITE your PASSION, allow it to EXPLODE in every environment

you come in contact with & NEVER be afraid


BREAK OUT of your shell


Who cares about the debt ceiling? You should. As an

American and a Believer there are events taking place in

the financial world that are affecting areas ranging from

employment to retirement. August 1st of this year

marked the day the United States raised the debt ceiling

to avoid defaulting on their loans. This isn’t the first

time the debt ceiling has increased; in fact it’s been

raised 74 times since 1962. The media may make it

sound more sophisticated by mentioning things like

GDP or budget and trade deficits. But in layman’s terms

the country is borrowing more than it can afford to pay

back. Sound familiar?

Our culture has made debt seem automatic when it

comes to financing things like cars, houses, and even

tuition. After all, who can afford to pay for such large

ticket items in cash? How would someone even accom-

plish such a task? Believe it or not the answer is not

hard. In fact it’s a simple one, save and invest. I know

there are readers who are probably thinking, “I’ve heard

that speech before,” but allow me to share a different


At a time when Egypt was viewed as a world power,

famine was about to plague the land. Out of all of Phar-

aoh’s court, which today would be our governing bod-

ies, no one knew what to do. No one except an ex-

convict brought out of prison named Joseph. His solu-

tion to a nationwide problem was this, save and invest,

20% to be exact. Now this may seem like a large per-

centage to some of us, but consider how much could be

saved if money used to pay for luxury items, that we’ve

labeled necessities, went into a savings account that

was actually used for savings.

If God, who never changes, gave Joseph such insightful

wisdom that saved a nation, why are we replacing His

wisdom with our own? We are advised to stay out of

debt and to be the lender and not the borrower so how

did we become seduced into abandoning those princi-

ples. I am not implying that it is a sin to borrow. Even

the bible records a woman instructed to “borrow” ves-

sels. The problem occurs when we start to believe bor-

rowing is the only way instead of just a way. If we can

extend our faith for God to grant us favor for loan ap-

provals, imagine the wisdom we could receive if He who

owns the cattle on a thousand hills gave us the instruc-

tion we need to live debt free and in abundance. It is

possible, as a matter of fact it’s promised to us. It be-

gins with us asking ourselves individually and as a nation

“Do we want to raise our debt ceiling again?”

J.C. Stevenson

J.C. Stevenson graduated with her B.S in finance from Florida

State University and has spent almost a decade working in the

financial industry. She advises numerous business owners on

matters concerning increasing cash flow and sound money

management. While licensed in the areas of insurance and

investments J.C. is passionate about educating believers on

implementing biblical principals in everyday finances.

Debt Ceiling


When I need to really hear from God, I take a ride. I get in my car, turn off the radio, drive around aim-

lessly and talk to Him (yes, even with these gas prices). After I’ve thanked Him for life, health and

strength, whined a little and complained a lot, I calm down and listen for his voice.

I am aware enough to realize that the things I struggle with most, are actually figments of my imagina-

tion, like fear. At my worst, I fear things that haven’t happened, making things up in my mind as I go. It

can be paralyzing. Knowing this is happening, however, doesn’t automatically stop it. I still have to work

at it and I get very frustrated. So one day I asked for instruction in conquering this thing, once and for all.

What I heard is this (and I’m paraphrasing since I can’t remember word for word): There is no ‘once and

for all’. Live in the moment. Live consciously in the moment because within this moment, you have eve-

rything you need. When you feel fear rising up in any moment, make the decision in that moment to re-

ject it. Do it again the next moment. And when you can do it for a few moments at a time, do it for a min-

ute. An hour. A day. A week. A month. Making conscious, positive choices to love, forgive, believe, or

whatever it is you need to heal, transforms you in each moment. Moments strung together transform

your life.

"If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of

it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment." - Marcus Aurelius

Tracy R. Jolly is a freelance writer, author, blogger, sometimes poet and budding entrepreneur. She blogs

at www.losingmymindfindingmyvoice.blogspot.com and can be reached via email at mindand-


Tracy R. Jolly

In This Moment


In life, we will encounter friends who are

like rare gems. They are positive and encouraging.

They are always willing to lend a hand or bend an

ear. They are cool, but they aren’t patsies either.

They will tell you the truth whether you want to

hear it or not. But, when they deliver the message

it’s done with a sense of compassion, humility and


Then, there are those friends who are quite

the opposite. These friends are negative, discourag-

ing and argumentative. You never really know if

you should call them friends, but you do so anyway

out of habit or some sort of misguided obligation.

Despite your better judgment, the so-called friend-

ship continues. Until, one day, you come to the re-

alization that it might be time to sever the relation-

ship. It is a hard lesson to learn, but you must dis-

cover that some friendships are not supposed to last

forever. They are only meant to last until you learn

the lesson that God has for you.

God could be trying to teach you humility or

endurance, but what he would never do is force you

to sacrifice your self-esteem, self-worth and self-

confidence for a relationship either platonic or ro-

mantic that is toxic. You know which relationships

these are because they change something very

unique about you. These are the friendships and re-

lationships that leave you feeling empty, mentally

drained, worn or used. If you find yourself, dread-

ing interaction with that person then that relation-

ship has reached its peak.

“To everything there is a season, and a time

to every purpose under the heaven,” Ecclesiastes


Therefore, if you find yourself pouring out

all of this love and encouragement, or you find

yourself offering time, advice, money, or anything

of value, and that effort is not returned, then in es-

sence, you are casting your pearls before swine.

That goes against the word of God, and Jesus wants

you to stop this behavior, immediately.

“Give not that which is holy unto the

dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest

they trample them under their feet, and turn again

and rend you,” Matt. 7:6

God only wants the best for you, and he

wants you to have healthy and balanced relation-

ships that lift you up -- not tear you down. No mat-

ter how much we feel that we may hurt someone’s

feelings, we must honor God’s word. Get the lesson

and walk away.

Don’t let unhealthy relationships keep you

from the blessings God has in store for you. Keep

your pearls for those who are worthy enough to re-

ceive them.

Stop Casting Your Pearls Before Swine

By Lee Williams


Bold and courageous

You've spread your wings

With hope and joy

Pink ribbons and things

The epistle in your heart

Is the song you sing

Of Peace and Healing

Upon your wing

Your journal of dreams

Freely flow into the sea

You've got so much to live for

Your best you long to be

As your destiny awaits you

The Hem of His garment

Enfolds you true

And a beautiful circle of butterfly hues

On this path you've traveled far

Your faith is the hope

That makes you a star

Your journey is over

Silence surrounds you

Your prayers have been answered

You my dear friend

Are a Breast Cancer Survivor.

Written by Cynthia G. Boyer


I am not one that does well with being still. I

am a mover and a shaker, a person who likes to be

active and busy. Having spent so many years in min-

istry without a lot of assistance means I have to be-

come very adapt at many things, very quickly. I am

almost always doing something because I do not like

being idle. In the process of such a life, swamped

with phone calls, due dates, articles and work to be

written, letters to write, web work to develop, people

to help, lessons to prepare, sermons to draft, books to

finish…and even more than this, I have developed a

literal spirituality where I am constantly

“praying without ceasing,” as written in 1

Thessalonians 5:18. I am always talking

to God, thinking of God, and listening for

His Word to me. I do not like to miss

God in anything, so I seek Him in every-


In not doing well with being still,

it is very difficult for me to rest. I am constantly

thinking, even when I am supposed to be sleeping. I

even talk in my sleep, trying to debate and work out

problems. I have had many people tell me I am even

teaching in my sleep. It is difficult for me to see

things that happen to the church and not be grieved

by them, not understanding why people don’t have

God’s revelation and do not understand the clarity of

His Word. While I am thankfully, past the point

where I take such confrontations or issues person-

ally, I am not to the point where I cannot see beyond

any personal attack to the inherent problems the false

heresies proclaimed by others affect the church. This

is a serious issue in covering, especially given the

fact that we do not want to let people run wild with

winds of doctrine. Much of my time is spent in a life

of apologetics and education, thinking and function-

ing with every thought for the Lord and His truth.

And…I think and pray about it, constantly.

Sometimes, it is exhausting.

Then I am confronted with two very powerful

realities that sometimes every one of us – even those

who are the most profound, most diligent, and most

dedicated – need to hear. Psalm 46:10: “Be still and

know that I am God.”

Hmmm. I know that He is God. The fact that

He is God is my very life and ministry. But the “be

still” part? That doesn’t come quite so

easily. In seeing this verse, however, I

recognize the command can’t be taken at

half a word. It says to “be still AND

know,” not just be still…or just know.

Being still AND knowing He is God

represents a powerful balance in the life

of the believer…and a powerful way to

hear from God in our everyday lives.

Certain religious groups have “be still” down

really, really well. They will sit and meditate for

hours…not moving…not distracted…in strange and

funny positions that look extremely uncomfortable.

They seek to center themselves by thinking about

nothing, focusing on singular phrases or riddles and

attempting to attain a new level of enlightenment.

While they know how to “be still,” they do

not know He is God. Many of these systems deny the

existence of a Creator and totally reject the idea of

God. Their meditations do not seek to bring them

closer to God, but to a greater awareness of them-

selves and of mysteries of the universe. They have

mastered stillness in every position under the sun,

(Continued on page 33)

The Challenge of Being Still AND Knowing


but reject the balance because they do not know God.

Christians today aren’t good at “being still.” I

would like to believe the majority of believers have

the second part, “Know He is God” down pat, but I

know better. A major reason why we do not know

He is God is because we are never still. We are so

busy jumping up and down, “amen-ing” everything

the preacher says, and wanting to run around the

room that we miss essential instruction in Who God

is and what believing in God is all about. In our

strive to try and know God with enthusiasm, we are

missing God because we can’t sit still.

The Lord is dealing with me in the impor-

tance of finding that balance of “being still AND

knowing He is God.” It is amazing what I learn when

I sit still and listen. I find this to be so true in my

prayer life as well as in a church setting. Apostle or

not, I am forever learning and receiving the Lord’s

revelation. If I am to hear the Lord, that means I

need to stop talking. I need to be still, so as not to

miss His move in my life. Sometimes I think we sur-

round ourselves with noise and business so as to

miss God’s Word because we are afraid we do not

want to hear it. It is easy to be noisy; it takes disci-

pline to be silent.

The church today could benefit from such a

discipline. I am not suggesting we have to sit mute in

church, but we can’t let our enthusiasm drown out

the Word proclaimed. I have offended preachers of

recent because I am not jumping out of my seat over

every word that they say. I simply respond, “If I am

jumping and yelling, I can’t hear what you are say-

ing. I do not like to miss revelation because I am be-

ing too emotional.” Some preachers are still of-

fended, even after this explanation, because it seems

to totally contradict how they believe the congrega-

tion should react to their preaching.

We also must “be silent AND know He is

God” to distinguish true preaching from false. A

deeply emotionally charged message can easily dis-

guise false doctrine. If we are busy looking for emo-

tional cues rather than the true Word, we will not be

“knowing God.”

How are you on “being still AND knowing?”

In a world of technological buzzes, phones ringing at

all hours, email, internet social networks, family dis-

tractions, computers, televisions, fax machines,

Bluetooth’s, instant messaging, and more – it is easy

to not “be still AND know God.” With all these dis-

tractions, the enemy knows how easy it is to swoop

in, feed our minds with nonsense, and send us chas-

ing after roads that lead to nothing but destruction. It

is time for us to grow up, BE STILL AND KNOW!

Emerson once said, “Let us be silent that we

may hear the whisper of God.” There is peace in si-

lence, revelation in silence, truth in silence. I want to

hear that whisper of God, uncontaminated, not com-

peting with anything else in my time and space. I am

learning to be still in a deeper sense than ever before.

I am learning to be silent, that I may hear the whisper

of God, and receive His revelation without distrac-


Apostle Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino, Ph.D., D.D.

Apostle In Office Apostolic Fellowship International Ministries

P.O. Box 935

Cary, North Carolina 27512 USA

Website: www.powerfortoday.org

Email: info@powerfortoday.org

(919) 397-9122

© 2011 Lee Ann B. Marino


Luke 21:29-38 NIV 29.He told them this parable:

"Look at the fig tree and all the trees. 30. When

they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves

and know that summer is near. 31. Even so,

when you see these things happening, you know

that the kingdom of God is near. 32."Truly I tell

you, this generation will certainly not pass away

until all these things have happened. 33. Heaven

and earth will pass away, but my words will

never pass away. 34."Be careful, or your hearts

will be weighed down with carousing, drunken-

ness and the anxieties of life, and that day will

close on you suddenly like a trap. 35. For it will

come on all those who live on the face of the

whole earth. 36. Be always on the watch, and

pray that you may be able to escape all that is

about to happen, and that you may be able to

stand before the Son of Man." 37. Each day Jesus

was teaching at the temple, and each evening he

went out to spend the night on the hill called the

Mount of Olives, and all the people came early in

the morning to hear him at the temple.

Have you ever been in deep thought and you

were thinking so hard that everything around

you seemed to not exist or be the least of

your problems? Thinking in deep thought can

cause one to daydream and even fantasize

about things that don’t exist or aren’t even


According to studies illusions distort the

truth and make fantasies seem like reality.

The human brain may daydream about

things that aren’t true sometimes making it

hard to focus and switch gears getting back

to reality. It’s like being in a board meeting

that’s boring and as a result you begin to

daydream. Before you know it everything

that you heard, those things in between and

afterwards have been lost, you have drifted

off into space to think on other things. De-

pending on the setting that you’re in, drifting

off into the “fantasy world” can be easy to

do instead of dealing with the reality of

things. Having an illusion can be tricky and

can cause one to believe those things that

aren’t so true. For instance, if one wishes

that they could be like Dorothy from the Wiz-

ard of Oz and go to a “far place from home”

they would be day dreaming an illusion. In

reality we all know that neither the Wizard of

Oz nor this “far place from home” is real but

with enough thought this fantasy will seem

to be a real place to you.

We all have wished that there was a faraway

place, or even a world full of candy, or no

sorrow or pain but in reality all these things

aren’t true. Think about how many times you

have believed things that weren’t true were

true? Did you convince yourself because you

perceived it one way that any other way was

wrong? Did the way you perceived this no-

tion (concept) seem right when all along it

was totally wrong? Let’s picture it-if God was

to paint a picture of everything that he had

ever mentioned in the Bible about his return

would you believe it. Would you believe what

you saw or would you perceive something

else causing you to not believe what God

showed you. Tricky isn’t it but this is how a

lot of Christians have been hypnotized by the

lies of this world.

What we’re seeing right now seems like God

isn’t in control but actually this is all a part of

his plan. We shouldn’t be shocked by the

(Continued on page 35)

Awaken From Your Illusions and Seek God! By

Sakinah Salley


painting we see on the easel when Christ

turns the picture around to show us his fin-

ished touches. He has given us warning and

scripture to back up what will transpire before

he returns so why are we afraid? Imagine

your reaction how would you feel, and what

would you do as a result of what you just

saw. Snap out of it and recognize what God is

doing! His purpose long ago was to bring us

to this very moment today-choosing where

we would be either blinded by the lies of what

we see now or boldly recognizing what God is

doing in spite of. The picture has been

painted and the Word of God is our proof that

God has given us warning of what we’re see-

ing today. See the bigger picture not just the

beautiful side of the painting.

God is still in control and has a mighty plan!

Jesus in Luke 22 warned his disciples to keep

watch of the time and his return-he told them

what was going to transpire and it was up to

them to see the bigger picture.

Although that was over 2,000 years ago that

Christ spoke that truth to his disciples the

same thing still remains for today. Christ is

coming again and we must watch for his re-

turn-we should be working faithfully on the

tasks he has given us waiting patiently for

him to come and receive us as his bride.

Don’t waste time daydreaming or doubting

when he’ll come just be ready when does.

May the illusions and burdens of everyday life

not cause you to miss out on God because

the picture he has painted is His hope for us

not to ignore it. Hold on to what God has

said, shown you and from this place seek God

-don’t miss him in this hour but seek after

him. Even when you can’t find him keeps

seeking and he will come find you. If you drift

off to another place to think about something

other than the troubles of life go where God

is. In that hidden place you will find strength,

peace, joy get whatever you need to keep

sane in God. The Bible says “whatever is true,

whatever is noble, whatever is right, what-

ever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is

admirable—if anything is excellent or praise-

worthy—think about such things” (Philippians

4:8) set your mind to focus only on those

things that matter. Stop daydreaming and

start seeking God when you do what you see

will be different and will cause you believe

just who what God promised.

Sakinah Salley


Sow Good

The seeds you sow,

You shall also reap.

They may take many days to return,

And present themselves at your feet.

Whether they be in brush or briar

In thicket or mane,

Whatever you plant in your life’s garden

Be willing to maintain.

Sow good seeds.

Sow in fertile soil.

So that you may reap bountifully

Even during the days of turmoil.

Sow good seeds

Into good ground,

And you can expect a good harvest

When they come back around.

They may not always return as they were sown.

But when they return, it will be known.

You planted, Another watered, and God gave increase

All for your willingness to sow good seeds.

Carlet Horne


It has been my life’s experience that it is not enough to

just survive. It has been proven in the Word of God

Jesus said, “I come that they have life, and that they

might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10) Some of

us are living beneath the benefits that come with being

a child of God. Life has a way of placing us in situations

that make us believe that it is okay to just survive.

There is no victory in our survival, if we are still drag-

ging the baggage that we carried into or that was

handed to us in the midst of our mess. Our goal should

be not only to survive but to thrive. Our goal should be

to make sure we do not come away looking like, smell-

ing like, or talking like the thing we survived. Just be-

cause the relationship left us feeling empty, hurt and

insignificant, that doesn’t mean that it is true. We are

who God says we are. The Word of God has giving us

the authority, the promise and the means to come

through all of life’s trials thriving. We serve a God that

we can have confidence in His ability, confidence of His

presence and confidence of His power.

In the book of Daniel Chapter 3 Meshach, Shadrach

and Abednego found themselves in quite a predica-

ment. A predicament not of their own making, one

created because of the insecurity of a king. King Nebu-

chadnezzar did not feel his position as king allowed

him the opportunity to be worshipped. So the king

built a statue of himself and commanded the people

bow down and worship the statue. The king wanted to

be worshipped as a god. Meshach, Shadrach and

Abednego along with Daniel were sent to work at the

palace. The three boys were Hebrew they had been

raised to know the laws of God. They knew the law

that states, “thou shall not bow down thyself to them:

for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.”(Exodus 20:5)

They knew to break that law was to interrupt their re-

lationship with the only God they would worship.

Their refusal to bow caused them to be taken before

the king. The three young men had become very

prominent. Because of their success jealousy sprang

up among some of their peers. Everyone around you is

not happy that you are blessed. Be careful of your sur-

roundings and the people in your circle, everyone that

cries friend is not a friend. Jealousy can cause people

to do some bad things.

Their love for God and a desire to stay in relationship

with Him they are exposed as traitors to the king. The

punishment for their crime was to be placed “bound

into the midst of the fire”. (Daniel 3:24) The furnace

was heated seven times hotter than normal. How

many of us know the enemy likes to turn the heat up

on our situations. Just when you thought the situation

couldn’t get any worse the bottom falls out. Just when

you thought that child would begin to act a little bet-

ter, they seem to turn into a demon. Just when you

thought your job was getting better the boss tells you

there is going to be a lay off. Just when… Just when

you thought your relationship was getting better, the

divorce decree comes in the mail. The king’s intention

was to make an example of Meshach, Shadrach and


The men faced their situation with confidence, “If it be

so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from

the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of

thine hand, O king.”(Daniel 3:17) Life is full of un-

knowns, the outcome of any given situation is a mys-

tery, however, God’s ability is a constant. There is a

lesson to be learned from their confidence in God’s

ability. Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego knew the

king would uphold the decree to place them in the fire.

They knew anyone that had been placed in the fire did

not survive. That had every right to be afraid instead

they chose to trust in God’s ability. It should be easy to

place trust in a God that told Abraham, “is there any-

thing to hard for God.” Why is it hard for us to place

our trust in Him? Is our lack of confidence in God due

to our lack of relationship with Him? The boys knew

the stories of how God had delivered the Israelites

(Continued on page 38)

It’s Not Enough To Survive

Amy Clayton


from Egypt, they knew the stories of how God had

brought them through the desert, delivered them from

their enemies and delivered them into the promise land.

They knew that God was able to do anything “but fail”.

They had enough confidence in His ability to believe even

if we die God is still able. I will trust in God’s ability

above everything. Any situation we face we must have

confidence in God’s ability. His ability to do whatever is

best for us and whatever will bring Him Glory. Our faith

in God is what moves God. Our faith in His ability is what

will cause His movement on our behalf. His movement

will bring us deliverance, His movement removes the

sting out of the situation and His movement will give us

the grace to endure. Jesus said, “lo I am with you always,

even until the end of the world.”(Matt 28:20) That is our

assurance, God will be with us. Three men were placed

in the fire much to the king’s amazement he saw four

men. “I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the

fire.”(Daniel 3:25) Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego

knew God would be there with them, even in the fire.

With that assurance they faced their situation with confi-

dence and did not waiver in their faith. Facing adversity

with confidence is the key to getting through any situa-

tion. Isolation is a tool used by the enemy. If the enemy

can convince you that no one understands and no one

cares you are less likely to have hope in a positive out-

come. God sent his Son to give us the confidence that

there is nothing that we will face in our lives that He will

not be aware of. That alone gives us reason to have

hope. Hope that the God of all creation is with us. Three

men entered the fire bound. Some situations are meant

to bind you, to keep you from completing the task God

has set before you. “If the Son therefore shall make you

free, ye shall be free indeed.”(John 8:36) According to

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think to-

ward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of

evil, to give you an expected end,” God has a plan for

your life. Trails come only to perfect what God has

started in you. All God requires of us is faithfulness and

obedience. Stay the course, no matter what obstacles

come your way, know that God has a plan, God is able

and He is with you. He will complete the work that He

began in you.

Finally, the three knew that God has the power to de-

liver. “He is able to deliver us from the burning fiery fur-

nace; and he will deliver us out of thine hand.” (Daniel

3:17) It is a wonderful thing to serve an “all powerful

God.” Because we have been in the fire we do not have

to come out smelling like smoke. Our lives my enter pe-

riods of turmoil but we do not have to come away look-

ing like what we just left. If the situation was consumed

with anger, hurt and bitterness we do not have to come

out behaving the same way. Notice the three Hebrew

boys were in a furnace, they should have come out

smelling like smoke their clothes singed and covered in

soot. According to the word of God, “upon whose bodies

the fire had no power, nor was a hair of their head was

singed, neither were their coats changed, nor the smell

of fire had passed on them.” (Dan 3:27) We have been

promised victory. Victory over the enemy and all his de-

vices, we have to learn to walk in our victory. The fire

had no power over the three boys and neither does your

situation have power of you. The only power your situa-

tion has is the power that you give it. Know where your

strength lies and trust in Him. He is the source of all


God has promised us a life filled with His presence, “He is

not a man that He should lie.”(Numbers 23:19) Our God

is a great God and He is able, He is willing and He will

deliver you out of your situation. The power belongs to

Him and Him alone, place yourself in His hands and trust

Him to handle it. Our God loves us so much and has

made it His business that we not only survive but we

thrive. According to Webster’s dictionary thrive means

“to grow luxuriantly; flourish.” (Webster, 1998) Stop liv-

ing beneath your God given right, begin to thrive in the

midst of your circumstances. Don’t allow your circum-

stances to define you, you define it. Consider your cir-

cumstances as a stepping stone, to get you to the place

in God that He ordained. He has the ability, He is with

you and most of all He has the power to deliver you. Him

to handle it. Our God loves us so much and has made it

His business that we not only survive but we thrive. Ac-

cording to Webster’s dictionary thrive means “to grow


luxuriantly; flourish.” (Webster, 1998) Stop living beneath your God given right; begin to thrive in the midst of your cir-

cumstances. Don’t allow your circumstances to define you, you define it. Consider your circumstances as a stepping

stone, to get you to the place in God that He ordained. He has the ability, He is with you and most of all He has the

power to deliver you .


Man said I can't But God said I can

Man said no But God said yes

Man said you failed But God said you're a winner

Man said you're last But God said you are first

Man said tomorrow But God said today

Man said don't believe But God said only believe

Man said fall down But God said stand up Man said you are poor

But God said you are rich Man said pay now

But God said I've already paid the price Man said you are weak

But God said you are strong Man said turn around

But God said move forward Man said I'm sick

But God said " I am healed Man said be proud

But God said stay humble Man said it is dark

But God said " I am the light" Man said maybe

But God said But God said " let there be"

Man said But GOD spoke, and it HAPPENED

Genesis 1:3 And God said, let there be light;

and there was light Min Cheryl Thomas © 2000


When going through tough times just like David, we have

to encourage ourselves in the Lord by speaking His words

over ourselves. God never wanted us to be consumed by

the things of this world but we are to cast all of our ca-

res, worries, and concerns upon Him for He cares for us.

Every detail of what we go through be it small or big God

cares. Actually the trials that we go through seem so

great because we magnify the insignificant mole hill to a

giant-sized mountain. BUT God declares in His word, "is

anything too hard for the Lord?" Genesis 18:14

Just imagine, God favored Abraham and Sarah to con-

ceive a child in their old age at the set time. That was

possible with God then and He is still well able to do

what seems impossible in our lives right now. On last

week I came upon what presented as an impossible

situation stacked against my son. He was in a classroom

that I did not feel was going to challenge him academi-

cally or be a sound structured environment. I stayed

calm, remained at peace, prayed and watch God do a

one day turn around. My son started a new school on

this week and stated "this was the fresh start I needed."

Now looking back I see the hand of God in everything

that transpired for the good. Do all of your tests or my

tests pass that quickly? No, because to be candid there

have been times in my life when I immediately rehearsed

the problem. Yet when I come to myself I reverse the

curse and began speaking the Word which is the solution

to every pain, hurt, obstacle, and challenge. Imagine if

the release of the concern we have in our lives were

given to the Lord quickly and completely. With you and I

allowing him to speak to our hearts and move according

to how He leads in the situation who knows how quickly

some of the storms in our lives could just simply pass

over. Yes, the challenge is to trust that God can do a

much better and thorough job with our issues than we


Let's take our eyes off of our situation right now and de-

clare that God is so much greater. And greater is He who

is us than he who is in the world. Remember how you

would toss a child in the air and he/she would say 'do it

again' because they trusted that you would catch them

and they had no fear of falling or getting hurt. You've just

come out of one trial successfully and now you're going

through financial difficulty, relational upsets, or an unex-

pected health issue. But can you think back on a similar

situation in which God brought you out? I challenge you

to say right now to Abba Father, 'you've brought me

through before, Lord, do it again!'

Lord, we're standing still, watching, waiting, and allowing

you Lord to fight every one of our battles. Casting all of

our cares one by one on you Lord and trusting...not that

you will work it out..but, that its already done! We're just

waiting on the manifestation of breakthrough. And that

particular enemy we will see no more forever!! in Jesus

name, thank you Lord. “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still

and watch the LORD rescue you today. The Egyptians you

see today will never be seen again. The LORD himself will

fight for you. Just stay calm.” Exodus 14:13-14

Are you holding onto something that the Lord should be

carrying for you? Or right now are you letting go of that

thing so that God can reach out and rescue you? If you're

ready right now, say, Yes Lord I'm releasing all to you.

You healed me before, you blessed me before, you

opened doors before, you brought me out before...Lord,

do it again, right now, in Jesus name, thank you Lord!


Lauretha Ward



Pomegranate: A Highly Prized Fruit

By Kaysha Sahai

Photo Credit: Mariano Heluani | Dreamstime.com

My grandfather had a huge pomegranate tree in the front of his yard when I was younger. My sister, cousins and I would always be so fascinated by this tree that bore so much that it would fill the entire area under-neath the tree. Each time I cut opened the pomegranate to eat, it was like I was hoping to learn something new about this unique fruit. Little did I know that the pome-granate was considered such a powerhouse fruit! Like the apple, the benefits of eating it or drinking the juice of the pomegranate seed, are numerous.

The value of the pomegranate can be traced back to Biblical times. For instance, in the book of Joel, when Judah was invaded by a horde of locusts, which eventually destroys everything; the Prophet Joel, in an effort to describe the extent of the devasta-tion, mentions the most valuable trees and crops that were destroyed. Among them were the fields of grains (a staple food in those times) and of course the apples and pomegranate trees:

"The vine has dried up, and the fig tree has withered; the pome-granate tree, the palm tree also, and the apple tree— All the trees of the field are withered; surely joy has withered away from the sons of men."- Joel 1:12 (NKJV)

Pomegranate is a small tree with a light brown bark, red buds, young shoots and small evergreen leaves. The tree blooms large attractive orange-red flowers. The fruit itself is very large, crowned with a calyx and contain nu-merous seeds in juice containing sacs.

The juice has a number of medicinal properties. Drinking the juice of the pomegranate has been shown to have antimicrobial properties against harmful bacteria that

can exist in the stomach. It also contains a number of antioxidants, including anthocyanins, polyphenols and tannins. Antioxidants protect against free radicals, which are normally are associated with causing a num-ber of health problems, including prostate, lung and breast cancers.

Pomegranate juice is often used to treat diarrhea and to help control blood glucose levels in diabetics. It also demonstrates the ability to prevent and reverse athero-sclerosis, or the build-up of plaque on artery walls. Ac-cording to a study conducted in Israel in 2004, drinking one glass of pomegranate juice in concentrated form per day for the course of a year can reduce cholesterol.

While there are many potential benefits associated with the pomegranate fruit, there are also some risks. Some people have an allergic reaction to the fruit and it is also known to interact with some medications. Therefore, if you are currently on any type of medication, be sure to consult with your doctor prior to starting a regular regi-men of pomegranate juice.

Kaysha currently serves as a Freelance Writer, Author and Artist. She is also a Biblical Health Coach with Meditation Teacher Training. She is the author of the book: The Biblical Path to Wellness: A Simple Guide to Achieving Balance in Your Life. You may visit her website at http://www.thebiblicalpathtowellness.com


Heavenly Father, The Greatest In The Land.

He Has All Power, Within His Mighty Hands.

He Sits High On The Throne, But Forever Looks Low.

He Comes To The Rescue In A Hurry, He's Never Slow.

He Knows Our Wants, And Provides Our Needs.

He Loves Us Dearly, For We Are His Seeds.

For His Children There's Nothing Good He Will With Hold.

He's Gone Away To Prepare A Place, For Our Eternal Soul.

We Honor And Reverence Him For His Sacrifice.

For Giving Of Himself, To Offer Eternal Life.

By His Precious Blood, We're Given The Salvation Plan.

Glory To The Heavenly Father, The Greatest In The Land.

Glory To God.

© 2011

Minister Tony Rowsey

Heavenly Father



Inspired Words to Uplift and Edify the Spirit
