Epicondylitis - Swisshandsurgery · Open release of medial epicondylitis 83-94% success after max....

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a chronic headache for patients and their doctors

Michael Glanzmann 25.10.2012

Obere Extremitäten

Anatomie: Extensoren Gruppe

Bedeutend für radiale, insbesondere die posterolaterale Rotationsstabilität des Ellbogengelenkes

Obere Extremitäten


4 – 7 pro 1000 pro Jahr 1 – 3% der Bevölkerung übers Leben Peak zwischen 35 – 54 LJ Medial : lateral → 1:3 Male : women→ 4:1 Mit Abstand das häufigste Ellbogenleiden

Obere Extremitäten

Medial epicondylitis

Ueberbeanspruchung der flexor/pronator Einheit Werfer (pitchers) Microrupturen zwischen pronator teres and FCR Oft verbunden mit ulnarer Neuritis

Obere Extremitäten

Differential diagnosis of ‘Tennis Elbow’

C6/7 radiculopathy Radial tunnel syndrome Posterior interosseous nerve syndrome Distal biceps tendon degeneration Radiocapitellar arthritis Capsular infolding Posterolateral instability

Management of nerve compression lesions of the upper extremity. Spinner M et al. Management of peripheral nerve problems 2nd ed. 1998 Philadelphia, pp.501-33

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Clinical tests: lateral epicondylitis

Cozen and Maudsley tests

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Non-operative successful in 95%

Operative only after failed non-operative treatment usually successful

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Non-operative options

•  Analgesia •  Acupuncture •  Blood injection •  Bracing •  Botulinum toxin •  Casting •  Change of job •  Endurance training •  Extracorporeal shockwave Rx •  Heat •  Ice •  Iontophoresis •  Low-level laser therapy •  Manipulation

•  Massage •  Oedema control •  Phonophoresis •  Physio •  Polarized polychromatic non-

coherent light •  Pulsed electromagnetic field Rx •  Rest •  Splinting •  Steroid injection •  Taping •  TENS •  Topical NSAID gel •  Ultrasound

Obere Extremitäten

Steroid injection Good short-term relief for 6 weeks Poorer outcome in the longer term than

watch and wait physio placebo

Mobilisation with movement and exercise, corticosteroid injection, or wait and see for tennis elbow: randomised trial. Bisset L et al. BMJ 2006 Nov 4;333(7575):939-44

Steroid injection therapy is the best conservative treatment for lateral epicondylitis: a prospective randomised controlled trial. Tonks J et al. Int J Clin Pract 2007 Feb;61(2):240-6

Obere Extremitäten


At 6 weeks: better than ‘watch and wait’ worse than steroid injection

Long-term: better than steroid injection same as ‘watch and wait’

Mobilisation with movement and exercise, corticosteroid injection, or wait and see for tennis elbow: randomised trial. Bisset L et al. BMJ 2006 Nov 4;333(7575):939-44

Corticosteroid injections, physiotherapy, or a wait-and-see policy for lateral epicondylitis: a randomised controlled trial. Smidt N. Lancet 2002;359: 657-62

Obere Extremitäten

Predictors of poor outcome Dominant hand (OR=3.4) Manual labour (OR=2.3) High physical strain at work (OR=3.6) High level of baseline pain (OR=2.3) Lower social class

83% improved at 1yr, regardless of occupational input Intervention did not reduce visits

Prognostic factors in lateral epicondylitis: a randomised trial with one-year follow-up in 266 new cases treated with minimal occupational intervention or the usual approach in general practice. Haarh J, Andersen J. Rheumatology. Oct 2003, 42(10):1216

Obere Extremitäten

Non-operative options

•  Analgesia •  Acupuncture •  Platelet rich plasma injection •  Bracing •  Botulinum toxin •  Casting •  Change of job •  Endurance training •  Extracorporeal shockwave Rx •  Heat •  Ice •  Iontophoresis •  Low-level laser therapy •  Manipulation

•  Massage •  Oedema control •  Phonophoresis •  Physio •  Polarized polychromatic non-

coherent light •  Pulsed electromagnetic field Rx •  Rest •  Splinting •  Steroid injection •  Taping •  TENS •  Topical NSAID gel •  Ultrasound

Obere Extremitäten

Was ist PRP überhaupt?

Blutbestandteil mit erhöhter Konzentration an Blutplättchen (platelets)

Konzentrationsfaktor ist aufbearbeitungsabhängig (2.5 bis 9x)

niedrig 2.5-3x

hoch 5-9x

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Vom Vollblut zu den Wachstumsfaktoren

Sedimentationsrate = (Durchmesser) ²

Rote BK: 7² = 49

Plättchen: 2² = 4

Obere Extremitäten



Platelet-rich plasma



Molloy et al, Sports Medicine, 2003;33(5);381-94

Obere Extremitäten

Bei subakuten und chronischen muskuloskelettalen Problemen

•  Tendinopathien (degenerativer Schaden) •  Bänderzerrung (beschleunigte Bandheilung) •  Muskelzerrung •  Knorpelschaden/Arthrose •  Diskopathien, Radikulopathien

Wann macht PRP/ACP Sinn ?

Obere Extremitäten

•  Störung der Thrombozyten •  Infektionen •  Kortison Infiltration < 1 Monat •  Perorale Kortison Therapie < 2 Wochen •  NSAR < 48h

Wann ist PRP/ACP Unsinn ?


Obere Extremitäten

Peerbooms JC, Sluimer J, Bruijn DJ et al. (2011) Ongoing positive effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma versus Corticosteroid Injection in lateral Epicondylitis: A double-blind randomized controlled trial with 2-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 39:6

Cortison (n=49) ACP (n=51)

Schmerzreduktion >25% 43% 73%

DASH >25% 39% 73%

ACP®: Schulmedizinische Evidenz

Obere Extremitäten

Peerbooms JC, Sluimer J, Bruijn DJ et al. (2011) Ongoing positive effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma versus Corticosteroid Injection in lateral Epicondylitis: A double-blind randomized controlled trial with 2-year follow-up. Am J Sports Med 39:6

Obere Extremitäten

Operative options

Open release Arthroscopic release Percutaneous release/Microtenotomy

Obere Extremitäten

Lateral Epicondylitis

JBJS 1979 Sep;61(6A):832-9. Tennis elbow. The surgical treatment of lateral epicondylitis.

Obere Extremitäten

Lateral Epicondylitis

Surgical Steps 1) Debride degenerative

tissue at ECRB origin 2) remove traction spurs 3) stimulate angiogenesis 4) repair defect/

superficial extensor closure


Obere Extremitäten

Lateral Epicondylitis

Hohmann: Quer-Einkerbung d. Extensoren-Sehnenspiegels

Wilhelm: Denervation

Goldie: Längssplittung des Sehnenspiegels

Obere Extremitäten

Open Lateral Epicondylitis

Outcomes 85-90% return to FULL

activities 10% have some pain 2% do not improve 10 year experience

success rate 95% undetected/iatrogenic posterolateral rotatory


Failures due to Incomplete resection of pathologic tissue Poor soft tissue

Obere Extremitäten

Open release

Excellent / good 75 – 91% Poor / failed 2 – 11% 80 – 95% return to normal activity in 4 months

Lateral extensor release for tennis elbow. A prospective long-term follow-up study. Verhaar J et al. JBJS(Am) 1993;75(7):1034-43

The surgical treatment of chronic lateral humeral epicondylitis by common extensor release. Goldberg E et al. Clin Orthop 1998;Aug(233):208-12

Outcome of release of the lateral extensor muscle origin for epicondylitis. Svernlov B et al. Scand J Plast Recon Surg Hand 2006;40(3):161-5

Obere Extremitäten

Percutaneous release

As good as open or arthroscopic May have earlier return to work

Long-term follow-up of open and endoscopic Hohmann procedures for lateral epicondylitis. Rubenhaler F et al. Arthroscopy 2005;21(6):684-90

Surgical treatment of tennis elbow: percutaneous release of the common extensor origin. Kaleli T et al. Acta Orthop Belg 2004;70(2):131-3

Tendinosis of the extensor carpi radialis brevis: an evaluation of three methods of operative treatment. Szabo SJ et al. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2006;15(6):721-7

Obere Extremitäten


70% satisfactory to excellent 473 cases

4 deep infection 33 prolonged drainage 12 transient nerve palsies

Arthroscopic tennis elbow release. Kalainov D et al. Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. 2007;11(1):2-7

Arthroscopy leaves residual tendinopathy Gross and histological Results in poorer outcomes

Lateral Epicondylitis: In Vivo Assessment of Arthroscopic Debridement and Correlation With Patient Outcomes. Cummins CA. Am J Sports Med Sep 2006, 34(9):1486

Obere Extremitäten

Open release of medial epicondylitis

83-94% success after max. follow-up of 7 years Less favorable results in concomitant ulnar


Gabel GT, Morrey BT. Operative treatment of medial epicondylitis: the influence of Concomitant ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1995;77:1065–9.

Wittenberg RH, Schaal S, Muhr G. Surgical treatment of persistent elbow epicondylitis. Clin Orthop 1992;278:73– 80.

Obere Extremitäten


95% settle without surgery Platelet rich plasma: low risk, aprox. 50% chance Short-term: steroids +/- physio Long-term: ‘watch and wait’ as good as any

Surgery only after failed non-operative treatment high success rate consider other diagnoses: PLR Instability, Plica, Chondral


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