Falciform ligament -...

Post on 30-Dec-2019

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Falciform ligament

round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres)

Left lobe of liver

Right lobe of liver


Parietal (diaphragmatic) surface of liver

Falciform ligament

Left triangular ligament

Right triangular ligament

Hepatophrenic ligament

Hepatorenal ligament

bare area of the liver

Visceral surface of the liver

right sagittal fissure

bounded by the inferior vena cava posteriorly

gallbladder anteriorly

left sagittal fissure

bounded by the ligamentum venosum posteriorly

ligamentum teres anteriorly

transverse fissure or porta hepatis

Quadrate lobe

Caudate lobe

Impressions on the visceral surface of the liver

Gastric impression

Duodenal impression (second part of duodenum)

Colic impression (right colic flexure)

Renal impression (right kidney)

Suprarenal impression (right suprarenal gland)

The Internal Structure of the Liver

Branches of the portal vein

portal triad

Branches of the hepatic artery

portal triad

Small bile ducts.

portal triad

Tributaries of the hepatic veins

The gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts







Cystic duct

Common hepatic duct

Common bile duct

Head of pancreas

Uncinate process of pancreas

Body of pancreas

Tail of pancreas

The visceral surface of the spleen

Diaphragmatic surface

Visceral surface

Anterior border

Gastrolienal ligament

Splenic vein

Splenic artery

The kidney and its surrounding fasciae

Perirenal fat

Pararenal fat

Section of the kidney, anterior view



Renal pyramid

Renal papillae

Renal column

Minor calyx

Major calyx

Renal pelvis

The suprarenal glands

Right suprarenal gland

Superior suprarenal artery

Middle suprarenal artery

Inferior suprarenal artery

Suprarenal vein

Left renal vein

Gonadal (testicular or ovarian) artery and vein

Inferior vena cava

Right renal vein

Parietal and visceral branches of the abdominal aorta

Celiac trunk

Superior mesenteric artery

Inferior mesenteric artery

Middle suprarenal

Renal artery

Lumbar arteries

Common iliac arteries