HxRefactored 2015: Yuri Quintana "Design of People-Centric Global e-health Systems"

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Design of People-Centric Global e-health Systems

Yuri Quintana, Ph.D. Division of Clinical Informatics

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Harvard Medical School

April 2, 2015

What drives the design of systems?


People  (desirability)  



Business  (viable)  



Technology  (feasibility)  


What drives usage of systems?








System  SCmuli  

User  AcCons  

Design Thinking “The design thinking process is best thought of as a system of overlapping spaces rather than a sequence of orderly steps. There are three spaces to keep in mind: inspiration, ideation, and implementation.” Source: Design Thinking for Social Innovation, IDEO by Tim Brown and Jocelyn Watt

Who are your stakeholders? Who  is  your  primary  user?  

Source:  Quintana  Y,  Lorenzi  NM,  Shani  M.  People-­‐Centred  Healthcare  systems:  opportuniCes  and  challenges.  In:  Global  People-­‐centred  eHealth  InnovaCon  Forum.  London:  BriCsh  Medical  Journal  Group.  Satellites.  2011:18;  17-­‐24.  

Observing users in natural habitat

Letting users tell their story

Principle of Distributed Cognition - “People Self-index their stories, adding layers of meaning to their experiences, not just interpreting content.

Principle of Disintermediation – Removal of intermediaries allows original material to be accessed

Source: - David Snowden, PhD

Giving users choices

Infosage hZps://infosagehealth.org    

An Academic Division of the Dept of Medicineat Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at BIDMC, Inc.


Global Design Considerations

•  Language

•  Health literacy

•  Technical literacy

•  Local culture

•  Workplace customs

•  Culturally appropriate change management

Global Maternal e-Health Care •  Design of systems for coordination of care and communication •  How to design systems that are locally and culturally appropriate

Think Globally

Key Points

•  Design thinking requires engagement with multiple stakeholders

•  People-centric design requires a focus on main users and their needs

•  Global design requires deep understanding of the local context

Yuri Quintana, Ph.D. Director, Global Health Informatics

Division of Clinical Informatics

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

Harvard Medical School


An Academic Division of the Dept of Medicineat Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians at BIDMC, Inc.