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Hindawi Publishing CorporationInfectious Diseases in Obstetrics and GynecologyVolume 2010, Article ID 521921, 7 pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/521921

Review Article

Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma, and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes:A Fresh Look

Bryan Larsen1 and Joseph Hwang2

1 Iowa Center for Translational and Clinical Research, Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines University, Des Moines, IA 50312, USA2 Iowa Perinatal Center, Mercy Medical Center, Des Moines, IA 50312, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Bryan Larsen,

Received 25 March 2010; Accepted 8 June 2010

Academic Editor: Francesco De Seta

Copyright © 2010 B. Larsen and J. Hwang. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properlycited.

Recent work on the Molicutes that associate with genital tract tissues focuses on four species that may be of interest in potentialmaternal, fetal, and neonatal infection and in contributing to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasmaurealyticum have historically been the subject of attention, but Mycoplasma genitalis which causes male urethritis in addition tocolonizing the female genital tract and the division of Ureaplasma into two species, urealyticum and parvum, has also added newtaxonomic clarity. The role of these genital tract inhabitants in infection during pregnancy and their ability to invade and infectplacental and fetal tissue is discussed. In particular, the role of some of these organisms in prematurity may be mechanisticallyrelated to their ability to induce inflammatory cytokines, thereby triggering pathways leading to preterm labor. A review of thisintensifying exploration of the mycoplasmas in relation to pregnancy yields several questions which will be important to examinein future research.

1. Introduction

Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum have had sev-eral decades of history among experts in genital tractinfectious disease with indications that the former can bepart of the normal flora of sexually experienced womenand both may play a role in chorioamnionitis, salpingitis,bacterial vaginosis, and postpartum endometritis. Despite anabundance of reports on these organisms, work progressedslowly, mainly due to the fastidiousness and technicallychallenging culture methods needed to link the organism toclinical conditions. The availability of molecular methods hassubstantially altered our ability to derive valid informationabout the pathogenic potential of these bacteria which lackrigid cell walls (Molicutes, specifically the family Mycoplas-mataceae).

More recently, interest in Mycoplasma genitalium hasdeveloped among basic scientists; not so much because of itbeing an organism that can infect the human reproductivetract—though it can, but because it is a self-replicatingmicroorganism with a minimally sized genome and hasbeen sequenced, showing how little DNA is actually neededto permit microbial life. The genome of this organism is

580,000 base pairs and contains 482 genes. By comparisonthe genome of Neisseria gonorrhea is about 2.2 million basepairs. Despite attention in Mycoplasma genitalium beinglargely to interest in its genetic organization and the focusof the creation of a synthetic Mycoplasma by the J. CraigVenter Institute, it has also been given substantial attentionas a genital tract colonizer or pathogen.

In this paper, we will review contemporary informationabout Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma with special attention tothe manner in which these organisms may be associated withpremature birth and related syndromes. As a convenience, attimes when both genera are being referred to, the term genitalmycoplasmas will be used to denote that the discussionencompasses all the Mycoplasmataceae that may occur in thefemale genital tract.

2. Common Pathways to Preterm Labor andAdverse Pregnancy Outcome

Inflammatory reactions within the genital tract tissues ofthe pregnant female represent a common pathway that leadsto delivery, not only when labor is initiated prematurely,

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but also when it occurs spontaneously at term. While acomplete discussion of the details of parturition could runto a book-length work, just a few points require mentionas background for the discussion of the very small bacteriaconsidered here that can contribute to preterm labor anddelivery.

First, the components of parturition include, uter-ine activity, cervical effacement, and rupture of the fetalmembranes, while mechanical processes at one level areultimately dependent on mediators that are released priorto these mechanical actions occurring. Several sources ofproinflammatory substances can be noted including stress onthe mother or fetus, blood borne infection of the placenta(even if occult), short cervix allowing vaginal flora to bein abnormally close proximity to the fetal membranes,overdistention of the uterus, and altered vaginal flora inwhich elevated concentrations of proinflammatory microor-ganisms may be present. Recent observations indicate thatinflammatory cells invade the chorion and amnion inboth premature and term labor, and inflammatory cellsmay be a source of inflammatory mediators [1]. Uterinecontractions are driven by prostaglandin in the form ofPGF2-a which is increased in the amniotic fluid in pretermlabor both when the inflammation is associated with positivemicrobial culture and even in the absence of positive culture[2].

As a result, there is concern about microbial stimuli thatcan lead to inflammatory reactions in the gravid uterusas these could initiate the cascade of events leading toprecipitous delivery. The source of such inflammation-inducing insults includes specific bacteria whether acquiredexogenously (such as STD pathogens) or endogenously(altered ecology of the normal flora), expanding numbersof certain bacteria which are otherwise normal inhabitantsof the healthy host, escape of normal bacteria to otherwiseprivileged sites to anatomic locations in proximity to thefetus, and specific genetic backgrounds of the pregnantwoman that allow modified responses to microbial challenge.Any of these might incite inflammation in the cervix,membranes, amniotic fluid, placenta, or cord. Indeed, eventhe fetus may become part of generating an inflammatoryresponse that may result in preterm labor.

Thus, attention may be paid to specific organisms,such as the Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas, even thoughthey may elicit adverse pregnancy outcomes in ways thatare functionally similar to the way other bacteria elicitinflammatory reactions that lead to preterm labor and birth.

Nevertheless, there is a second layer of concern andinterest in preterm birth elicited by excursions in micro-bial populations. If preterm birth occurs secondary to aninflammatory stimulus occurring because of an expandedbacterial population, the infant at the time of birth maybe exposed to a qualitatively or quantitatively abnormalbacterial challenge and if premature, this exposure couldcontribute to the pathologies that are well known amongpreterm infants. Waites and colleagues noted that theassociation, though not the actual causality of Ureaplasmaswith premature infant bronchopulmonary dysplasia, has wellbeen established [3], and even as more data is collected on

etiologic and mechanistic connections, more efficacious andtargeted therapies are needed.

3. Mycoplasma genitalium (MG)

Among sexual partners in a recent study of MexicanAmerican and African American individuals, there was a9.5 and 10.6% infection rate with MG in women and men,respectively, and symptoms of urethritis among men, butlack of symptoms in women [4]. Further underscoring therole of this organism in male nongonococcal urethritis, anAustralian case control study recently published indicatedthat MG prevalence was 10% among cases versus 2% amongcontrols, but C. trachomatis among cases was 33.5% [5].

The organism has also been incriminated as a cause ofcervicitis. In a study of a cross section of women attendingan STD clinic in Baltimore, the rate of MG in womenwith cervicitis was 28.6%, while C. trachomatis was 15.8%among cervicitis patients, and MG was found in 19.2%of all patients in the study, while Chlamydia trachomatiswas present in 11.1%. Although coinfections were common,multiple logistic regression revealed that only MG coloniza-tion was significantly associated with cervicitis [6]. Amongnonpregnant women, MG also has been associated withsalpingitis and in a study of Cefoxitin treatment of salpingitis,failure to eliminate symptoms was attributed to eradicateMG [7]. And in a study of Swedish women undergoingelective termination, postabortal salpingitis was associatedwith MG colonization in 2.8% of women, furnishing anodds ratio above 6-fold compared to noncolonized women[8].

In an animal study, rapid dissemination from vaginaldeposition of MG to the upper genital tract and to joints wasobserved to occur in a mouse model of infection, providinga hint that this mycoplasma may behave through pathogenicpathways similar to other mycoplasmas that have been foundin salpingitis [9]. Indeed, a study by Short and coworkers,who studied 22 MG monoinfected women, with pelvicinflammatory disease, comparing them to 172 gonococcaland or chlamydial infected women found natural history andepidemiologic characteristics of the three infections to besimilar [10].

The role of MG in premature birth is less well definedand is complicated because it may be superimposed on thecarriage of other organisms also implicated as causes orat least associates of adverse pregnancy outcome. A recentcase-control study from analyzed pregnant women tested forseveral genital tract pathogens and after multivariate analysisfound that young maternal age and MG colonization wereindependent risk factors for preterm birth [11].

One of the early studies conducted in London looked atmore than 1200 pregnant women and found that coloniza-tion rate by MG was only 0.7% and only one miscarriage,and no evidence of a connection with preterm birth wasdiscovered. In a study from Japan, investigators also failed tofind an association of MG with prematurity, although theydid associate Ureaplasma parvum (and not U. urealyticum)with preterm birth and late spontaneous abortion [12].In Blanchard and co-workers study, they examined 232

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amniotic fluids and were unable to find PCR evidence of MG[13]. Thus, the preponderance of evidence suggests that MG,while quite prevalent, is more important in male urethritisand nonpregnant women than in pregnancy. Nevertheless,indications that MG may have a role in adverse pregnancyoutcomes were reported in very recent papers, suggestingthat as technology improves and diligence in searching forassociations with MG in pregnancy increases, new evidenceof its significance may yet emerge.

4. Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasmaurealyticum (MH and UU)

These two organisms are considered together because muchof the literature related to these organisms has developedtogether. In 1985, a Canadian study by Ebmil and Pererianoted that cervical cultures of MH and UU revealed thatthe organisms were found simultaneously in women fromfamily planning and prenatal clinics much more frequentlythan ether was found alone [14].

What was first learned about the importance of theseorganisms in the female genital tract was based on detectionby arduous culture methods and in some cases by antibodystudies. The early work on these organisms suggested,MH was a marker for sexual activity, with higher preva-lence in cervicovaginal cultures of sexually active womenthan prior to sexual debut. UU was typically thought ofas a more virulent organism. These organisms have beenassociated with bacterial vaginosis and salpingitis, but theirrole in gynecologic infections has often been a matterof dispute. In a recent survey of women from a sexualhealth clinic in Australia, the rates of colonization with UUand MH were 6.1 and 13.7%, respectively, however, an-other Ureaplasma, U. parvum, was found in 57% of women[15].

The term “genital mycoplasmas” is taxonomically impre-cise way of referring jointly to MH and UU, and becauseof its use in the literature, it will also be used in thefollowing paragraphs. Current literature related to the genitalmycoplasmas reports on observations that are made bothby culture-based detections and by molecular diagnosticmethods. Relatively few reports rely on antibodies to theseorganisms for detection or diagnosis. There is little doubtthat molecular methods have revolutionized our understand-ing of these microorganisms, because when culture andmolecular detection are used simultaneously, methods suchas PCR seem to offer great sensitivity. As noted by Ohet al. [16], cultivation missed most Ureaplasma present ingenital tract tissues in women with placental insufficiency.Such individuals would be expected to have a high rateof genital mycoplasma migration into the amniotic fluidor fetal membranes, but by culture, 91% of women withPCR evidence of Ureaplasma had negative cultures for theorganism [17].

Despite limitations in methods, the preponderance ofreports implicates UU more frequently in relationship toprematurity-linked conditions. Thus, for preterm prematurerupture of the fetal membranes, preterm labor, intra-amniotic infection, chorioamniointis, funisitis, and placental

invasion, the presence of genital mycoplasmas is ofteninterpreted as these organisms having a role in pathogenesis.This may be an overinterpretation, but cautious investigatorsdescribe these epidemiologic associations as influencing therisk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Several reports men-tioned below will emphasize the apparent greater importanceof UU compared to MH.

It is appropriate to note that in a Czech study of 225women with pPROM, 68% had cervical colonization byUU compared to 17% among control patients, and 28%of pPROM patients were colonized by MH compared to15% among control patients [18]. Kasper et al. [19] made anextensive analysis of microbial flora with several categoriesof vaginal conditions including BV, partial BV, altered vaginalflora, aerobic vaginosis, and genital Mycoplasma colonizationand reported that after 24 weeks gestation, MH was a riskfactor for preterm birth (as were partial BV and abnormalvaginal flora characterized by a diminution of Lactobacillus).In contrast, another study [20] of 977 pregnancies in whichNugent scoring was done found that 14% of individuals hada high (8 or greater) Nugent score and this was associatedwith preterm birth, but genital mycoplasma colonization wasnot. Interestingly UU colonization was much higher thanwas high Nugent score (UU was found in 88% and MH waspresent in only 3%).

A study of nearly 2000 women in Brussels found apreterm birth rate of 4.9%, and 53.6% of those who deliveredprematurely showed UU colonization. In this study, thedescription of abnormal bacterial flora often accompaniedcolonization by UU. Although logistic regression showeda significant risk associated with UU, it did not show acommensurate risk associated with what the authors referredto as abnormal flora [21]. Another recent study of 150women with pPROM reported that UU was present in96% but was only found in 32% of women who didnot experience membrane rupture [22]. Ureaplasma willcertainly not be the only threat during pregnancy as notedby a study of bacterial invasion of the amniotic fluid, butit is striking that in 15 women for whom cervical insuffi-ciency was the predisposing cause to amniotic invasion, 7women had intra-amniotic bacteria (one or more species)and 5 of these 7 had UU [23]. Finally, a recent studyof placental cultures from Japan found that among 151placentas from pregnancies that ended with spontaneouspreterm birth before 32 completed weeks, 63 were culturepositive for Ureaplasma and 83% of these showed histo-logic chorioamnionitis, whereas only 30% of Ureaplasmaculture negative placentas showed signs of chorioamnionitis[24].

The preceding paragraphs support the idea that bothspecies of genital mycoplasmas may infect the products ofconception, but predominantly, UU seems the more frequentand by inference the more virulent of the two opportunisticorganisms. This raises further questions as to what consti-tutes virulence among the genital mycoplasmas and whethervirulence can be measured. Further, and probably related, ishow the genital mycoplasmas are able to elicit the adversepregnancy outcomes, and in particular, how may they berelated to premature birth?

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5. Ureaplasma parvum (UP)

The taxonomic designation of UP as phylogentically distinctfrom other mycoplasmas is a relatively recent occurrenceand makes backward looks at the literature challenging. It ispossible that earlier papers subsumed this organism underUU, but it is also possible that its presence was missed.Therefore, emphasis will be placed in the next paragraphson the literature that has recognized the separate status ofUP.

A modern innovation in microbiology is using thegenetic material rather than phenotypic information as apoint from which to understand the organism. A ground-breaking paper by Perevre and colleagues [25] comparedgenomes of MH, MG, and UP and identified 247 codingsequences that were common to the three organisms andfor UP there were 280 coding sequences unique to thatorganism. In addition, analysis of the genomes revealedthe energy metabolism, and growth substrates were dis-tinct for the three species. This is notable because itimplies that despite living in a common environment, theyeach derive their energy from the host milieu in differentways.

Given the availability of reagents that can detect UP, itmay be expected that a large number of reports will be seen inthe future that articulate the ecology of this organism in thehuman genital tract. For example, a recent report found thatin healthy nonpregnant women UP was identified in 57% oftheir cohort which was far more prevalent than any of theother genital mycoplasmas, a host of viruses or Chlamydia,Trichomonas, or Group B Streptococcus [15]. The organismwas confirmed in other populations as well. In a study ofwomen postrenal transplant genital mycoplasmas were moreprevalent (40%) than in nontransplant women (27.5%) withUP showing a strong dominance [26]. A group in Polandrecently reported on the prevalence of UP in women inrelation to cervical pathology and found that among 143women with squamous intraepithelial lesions compared to39 healthy controls, mycoplasmas were found in 34% of caseswith UP predominating.

Several reports have focused on the frequency ofmycoplasmas including UP in the male genital tract withpotential relationships to urethritis, male infertility, and sex-ual transmission. These topics are not immediately germane,but the literature suggests a role for male partners in femaleinfections.

The arrival of a new taxonomic classification is usuallymet with the question of what specific role does this newlynamed organism play in clinical infections? For UP thereis emerging evidence that it may play a role in infectionsof pregnancy or in eliciting conditions associated withprematurity. A recent study indicated that there is a dose-related intra-amniotic inflammatory response to UP andthat this is related not only to pPROM, preterm labor,and chorioamnionitis, but also to early onset sepsis in thebaby and bronchopulmonary dysplasia [27]. Kataoka’s studyfrom 2006 indicated a high prevalence of UP and a statis-tical association with late abortion and early preterm birth[12].

6. Clinical Features ofHost-Mycoplasma Interaction andMechanisms of Adverse Outcomes

The pathogenicity of mycoplasmas in the female genital tractwas previously confirmed by the presence of antimycoplasmaantibodies among women with intra-amniotic infectionand postpartum fevers [28], but currently the details ofimmunologic networks are better known and it is possibleto make more direct links to clinical outcomes.

Even before specific immunity in the form of antibodyis engaged, the host employs mechanisms for recognizingmolecular motifs that lead to intracellular signaling andupregulation of host defense factors. A system of recognitionfactors includes the toll-like receptors or TLRs which havebeen identified in the genital tract [29]. Activation of TLRsresults in the expression of cytokines that can elicit inflam-mation and phagocytosis leading to antigen presentationand ultimately specific immunity. If we are able to conductcell culture experiments that indicate that specific molecularmotifs known as PAMPs or pathogen-associated molecularpatterns exist in genital mycoplasmas, it could explain howthese organisms elicit the inflammatory reactions that canlead to labor.

It is appropriate to explore the question of whethergenital mycoplasmas have the ability to ligand TLRs withthe result of that inflammatory mediators are elaborated.MG is known to upregulate the key signaling moleculeNFκB through the Toll 2 and 6 receptors on epithelialcells [16]. This research also indicated vaginal epithelialcells were less responsive than cervical epithelial cells. Ina study of detergent-extractable macrophage stimulatingactivity from UU, activation of Toll 2 and 4 showed activationof a monocyte cell line [30]. Trophoblast cells from termplacentas are also activated (producing elevated NFκB andp38 MAP kinase and ERK 1/2 in response to mycoplasmalipoprotein [31]). These trophoblastic cells contain TLRs 2,4, and 6 and the stimulation through exposure to lipopeptideultimately elicits production of COX2 and PGE2. Thus,cervical and trophoblast tissue, are able to respond tocommon elements of mycoplasma, namely the lipopeptideportion of the cell membrane and evidence points to theTLR2 being a key receptor in this process. Cytokines are partof a highly regulated network and include proinflammatoryfactors as well as anti-inflammatory factors. Proinflam-matory cytokines have been associated with amnion andplacental infections. Interleukins 1β, 6, and 8 as well as TNF-α [16, 32], are typically elevated in amniotic fluid, cordblood, and expression in tissues that simultaneously containbacterial DNA [33]. The cytokines, prostaglandin syntheticpathway (cyclo-oxygenase), and prostaglandins provide amechanistic connection between the inflammatory stimulusand the ultimate initiation of labor.

7. Mycoplasma Virulence

Certainly the substances that elicit an inflammatory responsemay be considered among the most important virulence fac-tors present in the genital mycoplasmas. However, additional

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factors may be important in the pathogenic potential ofthese normally opportunistic organisms. The bulk of theexisting literature on this topic relates to the hundredsof mycoplasmas that infect animals, where long standinginterest in veterinary medicine has existed. There is evidenceto suggest that membrane active substances with hemolyticactivity are found in all the arginine using mycoplasmas[34] such as MH. Adherence factors may be predicted asare typical for epithelial microorganisms and like othermucosal pathogens, an IgA protease has been reported forUU [35]. While the difficulty in culturing and workingwith mycoplasmas in the same way that more conventionalorganisms are studied has probably limited the pursuit ofvirulence factors, the annotated genomes of these organismswill allow the prediction of the presence of factors that maybe analogous to virulence factors in other organisms and willprovide a fertile area of research for theoretical biologists.

8. Remaining Issues

The story of mycoplasmas that are found in pregnant womenand specifically in the reproductive tract and in occasionalassociation with adverse pregnancy outcome is an incom-plete and sometimes confusing story. One complicatingfactor is the fact that the mycoplasmas can reside in thenormal flora and when pregnancy complications that couldhave a microbial etiology arise, it is often difficult or evenillogical to incriminate one microorganism. The difficulty inunderstanding the mycoplasmas in relation to prematurityis much like the difficulty in connecting preterm birth inwomen with bacterial vaginosis (BV) to the BV. While thecondition has a statistical association with preterm birth,BV itself involves organisms that are part of the normalflora. While the numbers and relationships among thenormal vaginal flora organisms are altered in BV, there isa natural tendency among schooled clinicians singling outan individual organism as an object of therapeutic drugtreatment, to think that an organism such as Gardnerellavaginalis may be the important target when in reality acomplex bacterial milieu seems to be important and somebacterial species that may be a part of the process have onlybeen identified relatively recently (Atopobium vaginae, forone).

Realizing that mycoplasmas are also part of the bacterialmilieu of BV, we again face the dilemma of whether we canincriminate the mycoplasmas alone for adverse pregnancyoutcomes or must consider only the entirety of the floraas responsible. Increasingly, multivariable analysis is beingused to tease individual factors out of complex collectionsof epidemiologic, statistical, and clinical data. In this way,certain organisms that are part of the normal flora can beassociated as independent risk factors for clinical conditions.Moreover, it will be important for those who follow thisfield to pay close attention to the questions being askedand specific associations being hypothesized because thereis a difference in whether an association is being madebetween mycoplasmas and prematurity, and/or low birth-weight, and/or amnionitis, and/or amniotic fluid infection,and/or preterm rupture of the membranes. Likewise, the

clinical question could be whether one or more of theseoutcomes is related to genital tract colonization by a par-ticular organism or whether a specific tissue (e.g., amnion,placenta, amniotic fluid) must be infected to result in clinicalsymptoms.

Future research will undoubtedly continue to dissectdetails about the role of mycoplasmas in adverse preg-nancy outcome through statistical means and more specificquestions. But a limitation of these kinds of investigationwill be dependent on the success with which mycoplasmasare identified among cohorts of patients to be studied.Mycoplasmas have been included as a subject of investigationfor many years, their presence was first based on culture, andbecause the culture techniques are challenging, differences intechnical expertise between laboratories may have slowed theprocess of discovery and certainty about the clinical role ofthese organisms.

Currently, we have the advantage of molecular detectionmethods. Polymerase chain reaction is now commonlyused to detect the presence of these organisms with greatspecificity, and when used in a quantitative mode has theability to make inferences about dose response relationshipsin clinical situations. The ability to exploit molecular meth-ods to examine microbe interactions with their receptorsand transduction of cellular signals and upregulation ofcytokines and other effector molecules from susceptibletissues puts us on the edge of a clear understanding of theinteraction of the genital mycoplasmas and host cells at themost fundamental level. New opportunities for therapeuticinterventions should follow understanding infectious mech-anisms in extreme detail.

One last point to be made in the ever increasing emphasison medicine delivered by health care teams, we shouldbe reminded that the issues of infectious disease leadingto preterm birth and other complications of pregnancydo not end with the delivery. The fact is that the infantmay be born with infection that threatens survival, but themicroorganisms that may help precipitate labor may alsoparticipate in other significant problems of the prematureinfant. The growing literature on this topic is beyondthe scope of this paper, but associations of mycoplasmaswith bronchopulmonary dysplasia, fetal respiratory distresssyndrome [36], and intraventricular hemorrhage are begin-ning to appear in the literature and should be watchedcarefully over the coming years. These significant advancesin understanding of the consequences of infection shouldheighten the determination of obstetricians and neonatalintensivists to focus on good communication for the benefitof both mother and her offspring.


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