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MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS: Morning & Evening Prayer: Week 4

SUNDAY 16th September 24th Sunday of Year

Coggeshall Kelvedon Tiptree

9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

All Parishioners Pat & Harry Streat RIP Private Intention

MONDAY 17th September St Robert Bellarmine

Kelvedon 9.00 a.m. Jean Lynch RIP

TUESDAY 18th September

Kelvedon Tiptree

8.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

Fr Peter Lessiter RIP Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration

WEDNESDAY 19th September St Theodore of Canterbury

Kelvedon 7.30 p.m. Private Intention

THURSDAY 20th September St Andrew Kim Taegon & Companions


FRIDAY 21st September St Matthew


SATURDAY 22nd September


SUNDAY 23rd September 25th Sunday of Year

Coggeshall Kelvedon Tiptree

9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

Private Intention In Thanks to St Padre Pio Private Intention

Sacrament of Reconciliation: NONE this Saturday



ST. BERNARD COGGESHALL & ST JOHN HOUGHTON TIPTREE (Twinned with St Joseph’s Mission, Besters, KwaZulu-Natal)

Monsignor Gordon Read Telephone: 01376 570348

Address: The Presbytery, Church Street, Kelvedon, C05 9AH Email:

Parish Website: Diocesan Website:

Parish Facebook Page

PARISH NEWSLETTER 16th September 2018

TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY OF YEAR You are the Christ. The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously.

First Reading Is 50:5-9 Responsorial Psalm Ps 114:1-6. 8-9 Second Reading Jm 2:14-18 Gospel Mark 8:27-35

TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY: In today’s Gospel Jesus presents us, as disciples, with a challenging question, ‘Who do you say I am?’ For some the most challenging element of this question is about whether we talk about him at all. Today on Home Mission Sunday we have been praying for the spread of the Gospel. There is an opportunity to support this work financially through the special envelopes in your Gift Aid packs. This helps to provide training and support for those working at evangelisation at diocesan level and to trial events and other ways of inspiring people to share their faith. Our Diocesan scheme of ‘stewards of the Gospel’ can be seen as a result of this in our own Diocese. At Vatican II the Church emphasised that each and every Christian is called to be a missionary in his or her own context. If we love God and appreciate the gift of Faith then we should want to share this with our family and friends. This will not be easy! In the Gospel Jesus tells the disciples that it will involve taking up the cross and being willing to lose our lives for his sake. PRAYER NEEDS: Please continue to pray for those parishioners who are sick and housebound. ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember Kate Mais, Bernadette McCann, Elizabeth Adcock, John Geddes and Jean Lynch whose anniversaries occur at this time. FIRST COMMUNIONS 2019: If you would like your child to receive his or her First Communion in 2019, please complete and return an application form, available at the back of the Church, as soon as possible, certainly before half term, so that we can organise a preliminary parents’ meeting and order the necessary materials. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ ADMISSIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2019: To apply for a place at a Catholic Primary or Secondary school parents need to complete a supplementary information form, signed by the parish priest, or a certificate of ‘Catholic Practice’, which provides information on the level of religious practice so establish which admissions category the child should be ascribed to. Please see the school websites for details and application forms. The ‘Certificate of Catholic Practice’ is obtained directly from the parish priest and attests that the child attends Mass in the parish every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, barring exceptions such as illness and does not allow for any flexibility in this regard. However it is relevant only if the school is oversubscribed in this category. APF APPEAL 23RD SEPTEMBER: Next Sunday 23rd September Fr Donie O’Connor, MHM, will be celebrating the Masses and looking for support for the missions through the red ‘Mission Boxes’ and for our local organiser Mrs Jean Mullane. He will not be taking a collection but looking for longer term spiritual and practical support. I will take the opportunity to have a weekend away so it would be good if someone could offer to provide him with lunch on that Sunday.

PILGRIMAGE OF REPARATION & PRAYER FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE: This will take place at Walsingham on Sunday 7th October and be led by Archbishop Kevin McDonald. It starts with mass at the Chapel of Reconciliation 12.00 noon. For more details see fliers at back of church, visit or phone 0185 571242. A DAY WITH MARY: Westminster Cathedral Saturday 20th October 9.45 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. with Mass at 10.30 a.m. ST BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE: Open Evening Thursday 27th September from 6.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. During the evening you will have the opportunity to meet students and teachers, visit departments and take part in exciting activities. There will be a talk during the evening. You are also very welcome to visit the school during a school day, giving you the opportunity to visit lessons. Tours are available from 1st October 2018. For full details please visit our website Telephone College reception on 01206 549222 to book a place. ‘THE TABLET’: We have been sent some free samples. We sell very few Catholic papers in this parish – if you would like to stretch yourself a little why not take and read? Copies of the ‘Universe’ are available every week. If you would like to order a copy of ‘The Tablet’ once the free trial has finished please let me know. There are also spare copies of the monthly ‘Bible Alive’ magazine with daily reflections. PRAYER VISITING – TIPTREE: This long term programme will resume shortly: Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September. Having completed the Wilkin Drive area we will be visiting the new houses on Berryfields plus hopefully making a start on Station Road. Any help would be appreciated – starting from URC at 10.30 a.m. Saturday. TIPTREE BIBLE SOCIETY ACTION GROUP: At the AGM on Wednesday it was reported that we have raised £579 in the past year to support the work of the Bible Society in promoting the use of the Scriptures both at home and overseas with their work of producing translations of the Bible for the many languages of our world. The next event will be a coffee morning at St Luke’s Church 10.30 a.m. on Thursday 4th October. The long serving treasurer is standing down and we need someone to take on this role. It is simpler than the title suggests – keeping a record of the donations received and paying them over to the Bible Society and producing a brief annual report. Just a few minutes several times a year. Ideally the person would attend the committee meetings that take place about three times a year but this is not essential. CONFERENCE FOR MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: Saturday 27th October at Aylesford Priory, Kent ME20 7BX. Following the success of the Catholic Mothers Conference and by popular request, mothers and daughters (between 13-18 years of age) are invited to a day retreat. Come and spend a day of prayer, discussion and friendship learning to be mothers and daughters God wants you to be in the beautiful surroundings of Aylesford Priory. To book a place visit Full details are on our Parish Website.

TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY: In today’s Gospel Jesus presents us, as disciples, with a challenging question, ‘Who do you say I am?’ For some the most challenging element of this question is about whether we talk about him at all. Today on Home Mission Sunday we have been praying for the spread of the Gospel. There is an opportunity to support this work financially through the special envelopes in your Gift Aid packs. This helps to provide training and support for those working at evangelisation at diocesan level and to trial events and other ways of inspiring people to share their faith. Our Diocesan scheme of ‘stewards of the Gospel’ can be seen as a result of this in our own Diocese. At Vatican II the Church emphasised that each and every Christian is called to be a missionary in his or her own context. If we love God and appreciate the gift of Faith then we should want to share this with our family and friends. This will not be easy! In the Gospel Jesus tells the disciples that it will involve taking up the cross and being willing to lose our lives for his sake. PRAYER NEEDS: Please continue to pray for those parishioners who are sick and housebound. ANNIVERSARIES: Please remember Kate Mais, Bernadette McCann, Elizabeth Adcock, John Geddes and Jean Lynch whose anniversaries occur at this time. FIRST COMMUNIONS 2019: If you would like your child to receive his or her First Communion in 2019, please complete and return an application form, available at the back of the Church, as soon as possible, certainly before half term, so that we can organise a preliminary parents’ meeting and order the necessary materials. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ ADMISSIONS FOR SEPTEMBER 2019: To apply for a place at a Catholic Primary or Secondary school parents need to complete a supplementary information form, signed by the parish priest, or a certificate of ‘Catholic Practice’, which provides information on the level of religious practice so establish which admissions category the child should be ascribed to. Please see the school websites for details and application forms. The ‘Certificate of Catholic Practice’ is obtained directly from the parish priest and attests that the child attends Mass in the parish every Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation, barring exceptions such as illness and does not allow for any flexibility in this regard. However it is relevant only if the school is oversubscribed in this category. APF APPEAL 23RD SEPTEMBER: Next Sunday 23rd September Fr Donie O’Connor, MHM, will be celebrating the Masses and looking for support for the missions through the red ‘Mission Boxes’ and for our local organiser Mrs Jean Mullane. He will not be taking a collection but looking for longer term spiritual and practical support. I will take the opportunity to have a weekend away so it would be good if someone could offer to provide him with lunch on that Sunday.

PILGRIMAGE OF REPARATION & PRAYER FOR THE SANCTITY OF LIFE: This will take place at Walsingham on Sunday 7th October and be led by Archbishop Kevin McDonald. It starts with mass at the Chapel of Reconciliation 12.00 noon. For more details see fliers at back of church, visit or phone 0185 571242. A DAY WITH MARY: Westminster Cathedral Saturday 20th October 9.45 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. with Mass at 10.30 a.m. ST BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE: Open Evening Thursday 27th September from 6.00 p.m. - 8.30 p.m. During the evening you will have the opportunity to meet students and teachers, visit departments and take part in exciting activities. There will be a talk during the evening. You are also very welcome to visit the school during a school day, giving you the opportunity to visit lessons. Tours are available from 1st October 2018. For full details please visit our website Telephone College reception on 01206 549222 to book a place. ‘THE TABLET’: We have been sent some free samples. We sell very few Catholic papers in this parish – if you would like to stretch yourself a little why not take and read? Copies of the ‘Universe’ are available every week. If you would like to order a copy of ‘The Tablet’ once the free trial has finished please let me know. There are also spare copies of the monthly ‘Bible Alive’ magazine with daily reflections. PRAYER VISITING – TIPTREE: This long term programme will resume shortly: Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September. Having completed the Wilkin Drive area we will be visiting the new houses on Berryfields plus hopefully making a start on Station Road. Any help would be appreciated – starting from URC at 10.30 a.m. Saturday. TIPTREE BIBLE SOCIETY ACTION GROUP: At the AGM on Wednesday it was reported that we have raised £579 in the past year to support the work of the Bible Society in promoting the use of the Scriptures both at home and overseas with their work of producing translations of the Bible for the many languages of our world. The next event will be a coffee morning at St Luke’s Church 10.30 a.m. on Thursday 4th October. The long serving treasurer is standing down and we need someone to take on this role. It is simpler than the title suggests – keeping a record of the donations received and paying them over to the Bible Society and producing a brief annual report. Just a few minutes several times a year. Ideally the person would attend the committee meetings that take place about three times a year but this is not essential. CONFERENCE FOR MOTHERS & DAUGHTERS: Saturday 27th October at Aylesford Priory, Kent ME20 7BX. Following the success of the Catholic Mothers Conference and by popular request, mothers and daughters (between 13-18 years of age) are invited to a day retreat. Come and spend a day of prayer, discussion and friendship learning to be mothers and daughters God wants you to be in the beautiful surroundings of Aylesford Priory. To book a place visit Full details are on our Parish Website.

THE GREAT PARISH BAKE OFF: Entry forms now available for The Great Parish Bake-Off. There are four categories: sponge; cupcakes; biscuits; and fruitcakes. Entry is £2.50 per category (proceeds going back to the Parish). Why not better your chances of winning by entering more than one category? Good luck to all that enter! If you'd like more information please see/contact Gloria Streat 01621 819698/ PLEASE NOTE: As of today we still do not have any entries for the Cupcake or Fruitcake categories; claim your prize by entering today! Deadline for entries 23rd September. DONATIONS NEEDED FOR PARISH AUTUMN FAYRE: Baked goods for our tea room/cake stall; bottles for the bottle tombola (please no Fruit Shoots); jams/chutneys/etc., produce, and plant cuttings for our produce stall (please no seeds). CHRISTMAS CORNER: We are also asking for anything "Christmas-y" to be donated to our Christmas Corner table such as cards, ornaments, gift wrap, etc. Please leave in the back of the churches or bring down to St. John Houghton Friday 28th September between 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m., or Saturday the 29th anytime after 9.00 a.m. FINANCE: Offertory collection for Sunday 9th September - £692.64. GOOD COUNSEL NETWORK: Moves are afoot to bring in anti- Christian censorship zones around abortion centres in the U.K. On Friday the 28th September, the Vigil of the Feast of St. Michael, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this Country. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed, and it really does save lives. For information on the days of Prayer and Fasting see: ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY (Brentwood Diocesan Historical Society): The next meeting will take place at The Grange, Queens Road, Brentwood CM14 4EY on Saturday 29th September at 2.30 p.m., when Mrs Patricia Paxon will speak on ‘Connections between Recusant Families in Essex and Lancashire. All are welcome.

THE GREAT PARISH BAKE OFF: Entry forms now available for The Great Parish Bake-Off. There are four categories: sponge; cupcakes; biscuits; and fruitcakes. Entry is £2.50 per category (proceeds going back to the Parish). Why not better your chances of winning by entering more than one category? Good luck to all that enter! If you'd like more information please see/contact Gloria Streat 01621 819698/ PLEASE NOTE: As of today we still do not have any entries for the Cupcake or Fruitcake categories; claim your prize by entering today! Deadline for entries 23rd September. DONATIONS NEEDED FOR PARISH AUTUMN FAYRE: Baked goods for our tea room/cake stall; bottles for the bottle tombola (please no Fruit Shoots); jams/chutneys/etc., produce, and plant cuttings for our produce stall (please no seeds). CHRISTMAS CORNER: We are also asking for anything "Christmas-y" to be donated to our Christmas Corner table such as cards, ornaments, gift wrap, etc. Please leave in the back of the churches or bring down to St. John Houghton Friday 28th September between 10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m., or Saturday the 29th anytime after 9.00 a.m. FINANCE: Offertory collection for Sunday 9th September - £692.64. GOOD COUNSEL NETWORK: Moves are afoot to bring in anti- Christian censorship zones around abortion centres in the U.K. On Friday the 28th September, the Vigil of the Feast of St. Michael, please pray and fast for the end of abortion and euthanasia in this Country. Your prayer and fasting is urgently needed, and it really does save lives. For information on the days of Prayer and Fasting see: ESSEX RECUSANT SOCIETY (Brentwood Diocesan Historical Society): The next meeting will take place at The Grange, Queens Road, Brentwood CM14 4EY on Saturday 29th September at 2.30 p.m., when Mrs Patricia Paxon will speak on ‘Connections between Recusant Families in Essex and Lancashire. All are welcome.

MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS: Morning & Evening Prayer: Week 4

SUNDAY 16th September 24th Sunday of Year

Coggeshall Kelvedon Tiptree

9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

All Parishioners Pat & Harry Streat RIP Private Intention

MONDAY 17th September St Robert Bellarmine

Kelvedon 9.00 a.m. Jean Lynch RIP

TUESDAY 18th September

Kelvedon Tiptree

8.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

Fr Peter Lessiter RIP Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration

WEDNESDAY 19th September St Theodore of Canterbury

Kelvedon 7.30 p.m. Private Intention

THURSDAY 20th September St Andrew Kim Taegon & Companions


FRIDAY 21st September St Matthew


SATURDAY 22nd September


SUNDAY 23rd September 25th Sunday of Year

Coggeshall Kelvedon Tiptree

9.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

6.00 p.m.

Private Intention In Thanks to St Padre Pio Private Intention

Sacrament of Reconciliation: NONE this Saturday



ST. BERNARD COGGESHALL & ST JOHN HOUGHTON TIPTREE (Twinned with St Joseph’s Mission, Besters, KwaZulu-Natal)

Monsignor Gordon Read Telephone: 01376 570348

Address: The Presbytery, Church Street, Kelvedon, C05 9AH Email:

Parish Website: Diocesan Website:

Parish Facebook Page

PARISH NEWSLETTER 16th September 2018

TWENTY-FOURTH SUNDAY OF YEAR You are the Christ. The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously.

First Reading Is 50:5-9 Responsorial Psalm Ps 114:1-6. 8-9 Second Reading Jm 2:14-18 Gospel Mark 8:27-35