Sacha Chua - The A, B, Cs Of Generations X, Y, Z (And Boomers, Too): Reaching Different Generations...

Post on 21-Sep-2014

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85% of Canadians are online – and they’re not all tweens! Did you know: - 70% read blogs - 80% are on social networks like Facebook and Myspace - 90% watch videos online! Is your charity taking advantage of the incredible and versatile low-cost channels for engaging volunteers, supporters and potential donors? Are you using a one-size-fits-all approach, or have you tailored your message to different generations’ communication preferences and priorities? Find out how you can reach different generations using blogs, social networks, viral video and other social media tools!


The ABCs of Boomers, X, Ys, Zs

Sacha Chua (

June 2009