Seventh Sunday of Easter Séptimo Domingo de Pascua May ... · a recommendation letter for COVID-19...

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Seventh Sunday of Easter Séptimo Domingo de Pascua

May 24th, 2020

Everything is connected…

Todo se conecta…

(Continúa en la página 3)

From the Desk of Michael Sennett, Parish Administrative Assistant

2/Seventh Sunday of Easter (Continued on page 3)

Seventh Sunday of Easter w May 24th, 2020Acts 1:12-14 w 1 Peter 4:13-16 w John 17:1-11a

That would never happen to me. This thought has crossed many a human mind in the wake of tragedy. When we employ this belief, we distance ourselves from the fear that grips us in the present moment. The mind compartmentalizes the experienc-es of ourselves and others, allowing us to deny that anything disastrous could ever happen to us. However, growing num-bers in cases and deaths of COVID-19 have proved individ-uals are not quite as invincible as we prefer to think. I’m no exception. With every news report I would think, I’m young. I’m healthy. I have nothing to worry about. My thoughts reassured me; everything was fine. Until it wasn’t.

In retrospect, my COVID-19 experience began as a text-book case. On a Sunday, I came into contact with a possible exposure, so I began to self-quarantine. Monday had beauti-ful weather and I was annoyed to be confined to my porch. By Tuesday night, I had a burning sore throat and a nauseat-ing headache. It must be allergies, I thought to myself and took some Benadryl. I woke around 2 a.m. with a dry cough and couldn’t fall back to sleep. In the morning I contacted my physician, who wrote me a recommendation letter for COVID-19 testing. As someone with Lyme disease and asthma, I was considered high risk.

When the results came back positive I was all but hermetically sealed inside my bedroom. Still, it was too late; my room-mates began exhibiting symptoms too. Throughout the next few days we bonded over chills and fatigue.

Multiple doctors had warned me that my symptoms could worsen during week two. How bad could it be? I asked myself. The virus apparently took this as a challenge to show me just how bad it could be. The slight fever I’d had increased, and no fever reducers could lower it. Chills and aches made it impos-sible to sleep. The combination of high fevers and lack of rest contributed to hallucinations. It was also becoming increasing-ly more difficult to breathe. My family decided to take me to the emergency room. I was admitted and they monitored my symptoms. The last thing I remember was asking for orange Jell-O. From there on out my memory is non-existent. I have no recollection of being intubated and put on a ventilator. When I regained consciousness a few days later I was con-fused and scared. It took a few more days for my breathing to completely return to normal.

Even now, four weeks later, I am still not fully recovered. Fatigue gets the best of me most days, and I experience body aches frequently. My breathing is fine, which I monitor with an oximeter daily. While it is a hurdle, it is also a very small price to

Eso nunca me pasará a mí. Este pensamiento ha cruzado mu-chas mentes humanas tras la tragedia. Cuando empleamos esta creencia, nos distanciamos del miedo que nos atrapa en ese momento. La mente encasilla las experiencias de nosotros mis-mos y las de los demás, permitiéndonos negar que cualquier cosa desastrosa podría sucedernos. Sin embargo, los númer-os crecientes en los casos y las muertes por COVID-19 han demostrado que los individuos no son tan invencibles como preferiríamos pensar. No soy una excepción. Con cada repor-taje pensaría que, soy joven. Estoy sano. No tengo de qué preocuparme. Mis pensamientos me tranquilizaron; todo estaba bien. Hasta que no lo estuvo.

En retrospectiva, mi experiencia con COVID-19 comenzó como un caso de libro de texto. Un domingo, entré en contac-to con una posible exposición, así que comencé la auto-cuaren-tena. El lunes estaba hermoso y me molestaba estar confinado

a mi porche. Para el martes por la noche, tenía un dolor de garganta ardiente y un dolor de cabeza nauseabundo. Deben ser las alergias, pensé para mí y tomé un poco de Benadryl. Me levanté a las 2 a.m. con una tos seca y no pude volverme a dormir. Por la mañana contacté a mi médico, quien me escribió una carta de recomendación para hacerme las pruebas de COVID-19. Te-niendo la enfermedad de Lyme y asma, me consideraban de alto riesgo.

Cuando los resultados regresaron dan-do positivo, yo estaba casi herméticamente

sellado dentro de mi habitación. Sin embargo, fue demasiado tarde; mis compañeros de piso también comenzaron a ten-er los mismos síntomas. A lo largo de los próximos días nos conectamos por los escalofríos y la fatiga.

Muchos médicos me habían advertido que mis síntomas po-drían empeorar durante la segunda semana. ¿Qué tan malo podría ser?, me pregunté. El virus aparentemente tomó esto como un desafío para mostrarme lo malo que podía ser. La ligera fie-bre que tenía aumentó, y ningún antipirético podía bajarla. Los escalofríos y dolores hacían imposible dormirme. La combi-nación de fiebres altas y falta de descanso contribuyó a las alu-cinaciones. También era cada vez más difícil respirar. Mi famil-ia decidió llevarme a la sala de emergencias. Me admitieron y monitorearon mis síntomas. Lo último que recuerdo fue pedir una gelatina de naranja. A partir de ahí, mi memoria es inex-istente. No recuerdo haber sido intubado ni conectado a un respirador. Cuando recuperé la conciencia unos días después, estaba confundido y asustado. Me tomó unos días más para que mi respiración volviera a la normalidad.

Incluso ahora, cuatro semanas después, todavía no estoy

A message about COVID-19/ Un mensaje sobre COVID-19

3/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Liturgy of the HoursWednesdays: 4:30 p.m.

Fridays: 9:00 a.m.Facebook or Instagram Live

Join Jesuits Jason Downer, Doug Ray, Michael Lamanna,

and Bill Woody on Facebook or Instagram for livestreams of these

Psalms-based prayers.You will surely find this article by Deacon Jason Downer, S.J.,

helpful in understanding the Liturgy of the Hours:

pay considering not everyone has been so fortunate.

I am no longer contagious, but I continue to abide by the shelter in place guidelines to keep others safe. Right now, wearing a mask is a sign of solidarity and love toward our neighbors. It is normal to feel fear because of this pan-demic and its consequences. We also must recognize that COVID-19 can and may impact us personally. Let us pray for the grace to accept our vulnerability, so that we may commit ourselves to protecting one another.

completamente recuperado. La fatiga predomina la mayor parte de los días, y siento dolores corporales con frecuencia. La respiración está bien, la cual monitoreo con un oxímetro todos los días. Si bien es un obstáculo, también es un precio muy pequeño de pagar si tengo en cuenta que no todo el mundo ha sido tan afortunado.

Ya no soy contagioso, pero sigo acatando las pautas de confinamiento para mantener a los demás a salvo. En este momento, usar una máscara es un signo de solidaridad y amor hacia nuestros vecinos. Es normal sentir miedo debido a esta pandemia y sus consecuencias. También debemos reconocer que COVID-19 puede y podría afectarnos personalmente. Ore-mos por la gracia de aceptar nuestra vulnerabilidad para que nos comprometamos a protegernos unos a otros.

(Continued from page 2) (Continúa de la página 2)

Please Continue to Support our Parish!

If you are able, consider one of the following:Register for onlive giving via our website

stignatiuschestnuthill.orgSet up monthly/weekly donations via your

bank's online banking/billpayMail a Check to the Parish Office

You can now also donate via Venmo:

StIgnatius-Church or 617-991-5410

¡Les rogamos que sigan contribuyen-do con nuestra parroquia!

Considere una de las siguientes opciones:Regístrense para hacer en línea sus donaciones a

través de nuestra página web

Configuren sus donaciones semanales/men-suales a través de la banca en línea en su banco

Haga un cheque y lo envía a nuestras oficinas parroquiales

Ahora también puede hacer su do-nativo a través de Venmo:

StIgnatius-Church or 617-991-5410

Green Team - 5th Anniversary of "Laudato Sí" - May 24th

Come together as one global Catholic family to uphold the mission of Laudato Sí, "to hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor."

What You Can Do:Watch our Mystery of Creation Rosary video:

View a message from Pope Francis: the Laudato Sí Pledge on our website:

Revisit or visit for the first time our Earth Day program:

Keeping the Laudato Sí Pledge in the time of a Pandemic

Two years ago, Fr. Joe committed the parish to the Laudato Sí Pledge:

•Pray for and with creation•Live more simply

•Advocate to protect our common home

With Fr. Joe’s support, the Green Team has worked to help sustain and advance that commitment. The team offered prayers and actions weekly in the bulletin, sponsored a beach cleanup, worked with Jamie Huggins and Karen O’Reilly to establish a recycling program, and helped celebrate Earth Day and the Season of Creation.

This year’s Earth Day celebration on April 22nd was to be a spe-cial commemoration of the 50th anniversary. When the stay-at-home order came, we struggled to create an activity. Then, with the door shut, a window opened. Fr. Joe asked us to provide recorded reflec-tions for Earth Day, which we did. Matt Anderson also suggested we do an online version of the prayer service from the Season of Creation – the Mysteries of Creation Rosary. Neither of these online programs would have happened without the limits on physical gath-erings.

Our team meetings were a challenge. Schedules and distance made things complicated. With the Parish Office closed, we took up vid-eoconferencing. Suddenly we could meet more easily. Scheduling was more open and no more commuting. We enjoy our shorter, more frequent meetings and have gotten to know each other better. There was a green benefit: no more tailpipe pollution from our travels.

We’ve seen the changes brought on by the lock down: air is clean-er in China; Venice canal waters aren’t muddy; groups of coyotes roam the streets of San Francisco. Human-caused disruption of our planet is obvious when you see the reversal when human actions are restricted.

We’ve also seen how Covid-19 has become a litmus test for pov-erty and poor health. The Bolivian bishops note the same is true for environmental injustice: “… the gravest effects of all attacks on the environment are suffered by the poorest” (LS 48).

There is the same resistance to the changes in behavior needed to protect the community from the pandemic that we see in resisting the changes needed to care for God’s creation in a holistic way. “Ob-structionist attitudes, even on the part of believers, can range from de¬nial of the problem to indifference, nonchalant resignation or blind confidence in technical solu¬tions” (LS 14).

But Pope Francis gives encouragement and direction: “Injustice is not invincible” (LS 74); “We require a new and universal solidarity” (LS 14). We see signs of this in the pandemic response and hope for that solidarity in caring for our common home.

To honor the 5th anniversary of Laudato Sí, join with us and sign, or sign again, the Laudato Sí Pledge in solidarity with Pope Fran-cis’ urgent call for action. The form is on the St. Ignatius web site:

-Strad Engler

Mantener el Compromiso de Laudato Sí en tiempos de pandemia

Hace dos años, el P. Joe encomendó la parroquia al Compromis Laudato Sí:•Oren por y con la creación

•Vivan de una forma más sencilla•Aboguen por proteger nuestra casa común

Con el apoyo del P. Joe, el Equipo Verde ha trabajado en ayudar a sosten-er y avanzar ese compromiso. El equipo ofreció oraciones y acciones se-manalmente en el boletín, patrocinó la limpieza en una playa, trabajó con Jamie Huggins y Karen O'Reilly para establecer un programa de reciclaje, y ayudar a celebrar el Día de la Tierra y la Época de la Creación.

La celebración del Día de la Tierra de este año, el 22 de abril, iba a ser una conmemoración especial por su 50º aniversario; cuando llegó la petición de quedarnos en casa, nos costaba crear una actividad. Entonc-es, con la puerta cerrada, se abrió una ventana. El P. Joe nos pidió que hiciéramos reflexiones grabadas para el Día de la Tierra, lo cual hicimos. Matt Anderson también sugirió que hiciéramos una versión en línea del servicio de oración de la Época de la Creación – los Misterios del Rosario de la Creación. Ninguno de estos programas en línea habría ocurrido si no hubiera existido la limitación de no tener reuniones físicas.

Nuestras reuniones de equipo eran todo un desafío. Los horarios y la distancia complicaban las cosas. Con la Oficina Parroquial cerrada, lo hici-mos por videoconferencias. De repente podíamos encontrarnos más fácil-mente. La programación era más abierta y no hubo más desplazamientos. Disfrutamos de nuestras reuniones más cortas y frecuentes y nos hemos conocido mejor. Hubo un beneficio verde: no más contaminación por tubo de escape como consecuencia de dichos desplazamientos.

Hemos visto los cambios provocados por el cierre: el aire está más limpio en China; Las aguas de los canales de Venecia no están enfan-gadas; grupos de coyotes deambulan por las calles de San Francisco. La disrupción humana sobre nuestro planeta es obvia cuando se ve su reversión por las acciones humanas restringidas.

También hemos visto cómo Covid-19 se ha convertido en una prueba de fuego para la pobreza y la mala salud. Los obispos bolivianos señalan que lo mismo es cierto para la injusticia ambiental: "...los efectos más graves de to-dos los ataques contra el medio ambiente los sufren los más pobres" (LS 48).

Existe la misma resistencia a los cambios en el comportamiento, necesarios para proteger a la comunidad de la pandemia, que nota-mos en el cuidar la creación de Dios de una manera holística. "Las actitudes obstruccionistas, incluso por parte de los creyentes, pueden ir desde la negación del problema hasta la indiferencia, la resignación indiferente o la confianza ciega en las soluciones técnicas" (LS 14).

Pero el Papa Francisco da ánimo y dirección: "La injusticia no es invencible" (LS 74); "Requerimos una nueva y universal solidaridad" (LS 14). Vemos signos de ello en la respuesta pandémica y esperamos esa solidaridad en el cuidado de nuestra casa común.

Para honrar el 5º aniversario de Laudato Sí, únete a nosotros y firma, o firma de nuevo, el Compromiso de Laudato Sí en soli-daridad con el urgente llamamiento a la acción del Papa Fran-cisco. El formulario se encuentra en el sitio web de San Ignacio:

- Strad Engler

Faith FormationSummer Activities and Events

Just for Kids...Children's Book of the Week - Each weekly newsletter will include a video read-aloud of a different children's book, accompanied by a simple activity! Check your emails to read this week's book, ""Those Shoes" by Maribeth Boelts.Weekly Children's Bulletin - Each week, our newsletter includes printable bulletins curated specifically for children ages 3-6 and 7-12. These bulletins feature engaging activities exploring the themes of our Sunday gospel readings, and are a fantastic (and low-maintenance) resource for parents.

As a Family...Family Mass Liturgy of the Word!

In this time of physical distancing, we have certainly been missing our Family Mass community. Starting this Sunday, May 24th, we will be posting weekly liturgies of the word hosted by one of our Host Families, in-cluding reflections by Deacon Jason and Annarose, and with our very own Mickey Zibello leading us in song!

We look forward to praying together with you.

Bi-weekly Family Movie Night Every other Sunday at 6 p.m., St. Ignatius will host a

family movie night via Zoom. This Sunday, May 24th's movie

will be Christopher Robin.Check your inboxes for more information, or reach out to

Annarose at

7/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Online Masses at St. IgnatiusSundays

10:30 a.m. (English)

12:00 p.m. (Español) Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Recieve notifications about new videos:

Email reminders are sent out about these Masses. If you have not received them and would like to be on our mailing list, please contact the

Parish Office: 617-552-6100 or

Outreach MinistriesPROJECT BREAD: Project Bread is more than just the Walk for Hunger. Helping families and elders facing food insecurity is Project Bread’s mission, 24/7, all year long. The added needs resulting from the COVID 19 crisis make sup-port of Project Bread more important than ever. Please consider donating online by going to and selecting Walk for Hunger. It’s not too late to support TEAM IGNATIUS or a TEAM “walker.” On behalf of TEAM IGNATIUS and Project Bread, we thank you for considering this invitation to be a part of this huge, hope-giving outreach effort.

CRS RICE BOWL 2020 RETURNSOnline donations can be made by going to the CRS/Rice Bowl website or you can send a check for your collected amount to

St. Ignatius, with Rice Bowl on the memo line, and it will be forwarded to CRS. We know CRS will be greatly impacted by the health crisis, so whatever you can do will, without a doubt, be greatly appreciated.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESPlease go to the Outreach section of the parish website and click on

the events page to find a list of agencies that are/might be looking for volunteers (individuals, not groups) at this time. Let’s keep up our

compassion in action, to the degree that we can!

8/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Spiritual Life | Vida Espiritual



Reflections on the Risen Christ, the Acts of the Apostles and Our Jesuit Vocation

With Christ Alive Zoom ProgramTuesdays: June 2nd

7 - 7:45 p.m.With Christ Alive is an invitation to exploreour Ignatian identity in Christ through daily

reflection and four gatherings for Ignatian conversations.


Ignatian Community Building ResourcesOur website features Spiritual Resources as well as Wellness and Social Supports

during this time of

Contact the Parish Office to request check-in phone calls or other resources/supports: or 617-552-6100.

















Recursos para la Construcción de la Comunidad Ignaciana

Nuestro sitio web cuenta con Recursos Espirituales así como Apoyos para el Bienestar y lo Social

durante este tiempo de

Comuníquese con la Oficina Parroquial para solicitar llamadas telefónicas de chequeo

u otros recursos/ or 617-552-6100.

9/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Liturgy Commission

10/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Church At Home/La Iglesia En Casa †

Intention/ IntenciónWe recognize that these are difficult and uncertain times, and we miss the gift of

gathering as a faith community at St. Ignatius Parish. But we take Consolation in that “God is in all things,” including in our homes, from the dirty dishes in the sink to the

fancy plates in the cupboard, God is with us!econocemos que son tiempos difíciles e inciertos, y nos perdemos del don de reunirnos como comunidad de fe en la Parroquia de San Ignacio. Pero tenemos el consuelo de que "Dios está en todas las cosas," incluyendo nuestros hogares, desde los platos sucios

en el fregadero hasta los platos de lujo en la alacena, ¡Dios está con nosotros!

Sacred Space/Espacio Sagrado Liturgy/Liturgia

Connection/ Conexión Gratitude/ Gratitud

St. Ignatius Liturgy Commission

Comisión de liturgia en

San Ignacio

To See the Full Document Click Here:

Haz clic aquí para ver el documento en total:

Stay Connected!Follow us on social media for

Parish updates, Jesuit news, and

Ignatian Spirituality.




11/Seventh Sunday of Easter




12/Seventh Sunday of Easter

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church28 Commonwealth AvenueChestnut Hill, MA 02467

Phone: 617-552-6100 v Fax: 617-552-6101 v Email: v Web: stignatiuschestnuthill.orgPARISH OFFICE HOURS

Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m (Closed 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.)

The Parish StaffRev. Joseph Costantino, S.J., Pastor 617-552-6100Rev. Donald MacMillan, S.J., Associate Pastor 617-552-6100Rev. Gerald Finnegan, S.J., Senior Priest 617-552-6100 Karen O’Reilly, Accounts/HR Manager 617-552-6117Michael Sennett, Administrative Assistant/Media Specialist 617-552-6102Sr. Diane Vallerio, MFIC, Director of Outreach Ministries 617-552-6107Matt Anderson, Organist, Director of Music Ministries 617-552-6114Justin Hoch, Confirmation Coordinator 617-552-6105Annarose Jowenson, Pre-K - 8 Coordinator 617-552-6103 Kathy Maher, Spiritual Life & Ignatian Community Development Coordinator 617-552-6112 Rev. Mr. Jason Downer, S.J., Transitional Deacon jason.downer@bc.eduRev. Mr. Doug Ray, S.J., Transitional Deacon douglas.ray@bc.eduJamie Huggins, Facilities Manager 617-552-6100Maureen Saldarini, Funeral Coordinator 617-552-6100Parish Pastoral Council

The Celebration of the Eucharist

Newcomers to St. Ignatius are invited and encouraged to formally register as members of the parish so that we can stay in touch with you via email with Faith Formation news, notice of special events, volunteer opportunities and more.

Registration forms are available at the back of the church in the gathering space or on the website.Please note that you must be registered for at least six months before we can issue any verification

of your status as a parishioner for godparent or sponsor letters.

CAP Team (Child Abuse Protection) Ensures the protection of all, providing training, consultation, and support. Kathy Maher, Chair katherine.maher@bc.eduMarc Gervais, Team Member

Other SacramentsReconciliation—Saturdays, 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Upper Church or by appointment.Baptism—Adults are baptized at the Easter Vigil as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). Infant and child Baptisms are by arrangement. First Eucharist—Preparation begins in grade one and incudes classes, retreats, and home instruction. Children receive First Eucharist in grade two.Confirmation—Our Confirmation program begins in 9th grade; students are confirmed in the spring of 10th grade. For young adults who have been baptized but are not yet confirmed, contact the Parish Office.Matrimony—Parishioners, BC Grads and non-parishioners are welcome to be married at St. Ignatius. Contact the parish office for available dates and details. Anointing of the Sick—By arrangement. Contact the parish office.

Upper ChurchLower Church

Lower ChurchLower ChurchUpper Church

8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 Noon, 5:30 p.m.10:00 a.m., Family Liturgy12:00 p.m., Misa En Español En La Capilla Lannon12:15 p.m. & 5:30 p.m [Friday Adoration -- 12:45 p.m.]9:00 a.m.4:00 p.m. (Vigil)



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