Social media

Post on 03-Nov-2014

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Social Media By Anthony Altamura

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Introducing Myself

My name is Anthony Altamura

Senior at The University of Nevada-Reno

I Major in Business management

and Marketing



I have been a huge sports fan for all of my life This is where my distinctive competencies come from:

Team Work

Solving Problems


Working hard


I currently work at the Peppermill as a valet

My Brand Mantra and Values

My brand mantra and name of my blog is the same “Social Media Works”

My core values are independence, integrity, and loyalty

My Experience with Social Media

In the 2011 Fall Semester I took a personal branding class with Dr. Bret Simmons

He told us how social media was a big part of business today and that if companies didn’t join soon they would be left behind

He taught us that having on online presence today was very important and will lead to:

More Job Opportunities

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I really doubted what he was saying in the beginning

I thought this was just another required class for my major but I was:

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Before that class all I had was a facebook

He required us to create social media platforms on: Twitter





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Through these platforms we were suppose to build our personal brands

Being the big sports fan that I am, I choose to do my personal brand on fantasy football

Bret wanted us to create a lot of content to help increase our Google juice We were required to tweet or retweet similar content 3

times a day six days of the week

He also required us to blog 2-3 times a week

Since I choose a topic that interesting to me and since we were in the NFL season this was relatively easy for me

But I was only doing it for the class and I didn’t think anything was going to come from it I didn’t have a lot of followers and my blog wasn’t viewed

that much

But one day I got this tweet

So right then and there I saw that this social media thing was for real

And that tweeting and blogging really worked

So I took the job with I wrote fantasy football content for them for the next six

weeks till the fantasy football season was over

That was my personal social media success story

Since I succeeded personally I created another brand: I wanted to help people learn how use social media

To do this I created Social Media Works at

My Social Media Blog

On my social media blog I created five blogs: Social Media Works!

Evaluating Two Competitors: Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Creating a Blog

Using Twitter Effectively

People and Companies Shifting Towards Social Media

Through these blogs I learned a lot

Social Media Works

Is a blog basically explaining what I have already told you about how I got into social media and how I actually saw some success

Evaluating Two Competitors: Coca-Cola and Pepsi

This was a blog I wrote about Coca-Cola and Pepsi and how they use social media I came to the conclusion that even though Pepsi has more

followers on Twitter Coca-Cola has a better online presence because:

The have an accessible blog

The blog more often

Over 15,00 Sites link to their site

They Tweet every 23 minutes

They have over 60,000 subscribers on YouTube

They have over 40 million likes on Facebook

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Creating A Blog

In this blog I wrote about how important a blog is to your social media profile

I learned that their are five steps to keep in mind when you start blogging:

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Step One

Write about something you are truly interested in For me it was fantasy football and social media

When you are interested in the topic readers can tell

Step Two

Go over your original posts and make sure to limit the mistakes When creating an online presence it is important to appear

to be professional and using good grammar is essential

Step Three

Release your content on social media platforms By posting your content on Twitter, Facebook, etc. you are

releasing your content to the hundred of millions of social media users out there

Step Four

Be persistent Just keep on pushing content

Step Five

Never give up If blogging is something you truly want to do and you are

not being noticed just blog more and eventually you will be noticed.

Using Twitter Effectively

On this blog I talked about how I believe that Twitter is the most effective social media platform you need to get you content out there

I learned thath there 6 steps on how to use Twitter effectively for your personal brand or your company

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Step One

In order to gain followers you must first follow other people that share the similar brand

Step Two

In order for them to really notice you, you have to retweet their content

Step Three

Tweet out your own content

Step Four

Be Responsive Just like the automated systems on the phone, there are

automated systems for Twitter

Step Five

Thank people for retweeting your content and retweet theirs if you believe you followers will enjoy it

Step Six

Follow everyone that follows you (except spammers) In the beginning you need to get and keep as many

followers as possible so that you can signal to the people on Twitter that your content is relevant

People and Companies Shifting Towards Social Media

In this blog I explain how business are shifting towards social media I explain how Companies can use this to their advantage

Ex. Redbox

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