St Jude s World Book Day

Post on 12-Jan-2022

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@stjudeslambeth 9th October 2020

@stjudeslambeth 16th July 2021

St Jude’s World Book Day

Our pupils loved our belated World Book Day!

Year 2’s learning this week

Earlier in the half term we went on a school trip to Herne Hill to find

out more about our local area. We have used this information this

week to help us find out about littering as well as making our own

maps of Herne Hill. We really enjoyed making the keys and labelling

the different sections.

In maths we have been learning

about weight and mass, we

have been able to use the

balance scales. We have really

enjoyed working out whether

different items are lighter,

heavier or equal to each other

in weight.

In science we have been exploring our whole school topic of

nothing but nature and made food chain mobiles. We discussed the

role of the producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer

when making them too. We think they look great!

Last week we went to Margate

on a special school trip to help

us with our learning about the

seaside. We had the most

wonderful time playing in the sea

and building sandcastles. It

was a fun way to celebrate all

our hard work this year!

This week St. Jude’s were lucky enough to be visited by Brixton

Orchestra for an afternoon. We really enjoyed listening to them

play and loved dancing along!

In English we have been writing our own stories about

endangered animals. Year 2 have been busy creating story maps

and we can’t wait to publish our stories on St Jude’s World

Book Day celebrations this week! We have loved our learning

and final half term in Year 2.

Thank you to all parents and carers for making our exciting

trips happen this half term too!

Year 6’s Production

Year 6 Production!

On Wednesday 14th July, the Year 6 team put on a spectacular performance of The Lion King. It

was a roaring success! We are so proud of the children who worked so hard in their rehearsals

and brought such energy and professionalism to the stage.

Year 6’s Sailing Trip

Year 6 had a brilliant time yesterday on our sailing trip.

We learnt how to set up a boat ready for the water, we controlled rudders and rowed

them, and we played a number of games on the water. Some of us even jumped in at the


Friday Stars !


Class 3

Class 2

Class 1 Reception’s Friday Star is all of Reception! Well done on a wonderful first year at St Jude’s. We are so proud of the enthusiasm, kindness, and resilience you have shown this year - and we hope you are too!

Class One’s Friday Star is Jack! Jack has been doing some brilliant writing about The Fish that could Wish this week and written about a fish he would like to be! Well done Jack!

Class Two’s Friday Star is Erin. Erin has shown a wonderful effort this week, she has shared lots of ideas in lessons and excellent attitude in all her learning. She has written an amazing story and even tried to include speech marks in her work, great job Erin!

Class Three’s Friday Star Luka. Luka has been a fantastic listener this week and shown great respect and manners towards the adults in the room. He has made sure that he is ready and prepared for all of his learning. Well done Luka!

Class 4 Class Four’s Friday Star is Stephanie. Stephanie worked so hard this week in art and created an amazing landscape painting using watercolours. She thought really carefully about the different skills and techniques she wanted to use to create her masterpiece. Excellent work Steph!

Class 5

Class 6

Class Six’s Friday Star is Year 6. You are beyond brilliant and Miss Mcleish has had the best two years with you. We can’t wait to see the successes that are yet to come for each and every one of you. Keep shining!

Class Five’s Friday Star is Stella. I have been so impressed with all of Stella’s hard work and commitment this week. She has been incredibly motivated and diligent when uploading work. She even sent me a video of her science investigation involving solubility. Keep up the great work Stella!

Dojo Winners

With 205 points, the

winners are... Year 2

You got most of your Dojos this week for being have-a-go heroes and being so motivated! Well done!

PTA Update

Brixton Chamber Orchestra The PTA hope that everyone enjoyed the BCO street orchestra this week. It was such a joyous event and we were very sad that year 5 missed out. If anybody would like to contribute towards this event you can donate via our online fundraising page: A message from the PTA As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank everyone who has helped raise funds for the PTA over the last year. Without the ability to hold our usual ‘in person’ activities including the Christmas & summer fairs, Valentine’s disco and cake sales, it’s been a challenging year for fundraising, however the team have been amazing and very creative with online events and activities. At Christmas we had the Advent Challenge, raffle and sales of tea towels, bags and Christmas cards. Then came the online Valentine’s Disco from the comfort of our own homes which was great fun for all who joined. It was obviously very disappointing to have to cancel the Summer Fair this month, especially after Hellen's meticulous planning, but we have still managed to raise £712 from the raffle and £810 from the Peddar boards which is fantastic. Thank you to everyone who has helped to organise the events this year and thank you to all the parents who have supported the PTA and our virtual events. I am proud of what we have achieved in this unprecedented year. With the money the PTA has raised, we have been able to fund some lovely things for the children including some workshops from the Brockwell Community Greenhouses, the joyous Brixton Chamber Orchestra performance that happened this week and our biggest achievement, the beautiful makeover of the Nature Garden. Sarah Dyer and the team worked weekend after weekend to create a beautiful garden for the children to enjoy their outdoor learning in and it has already been well used. Thank you Sarah and everyone who helped out. We would also like to share the good news that the council have recently agreed to match fund our contribution of £6500 to fund a 'Green Screen'. This is an ivy plant that will grow and cover the school playground fences to help combat pollution from the busy roads. This has been an ongoing project we've been trying to achieve for several years now so it's great to finally have the council's agreement that they will fund and organise installation. We will update you on in-stallation dates when we have them. With the lifting of restrictions, we are already planning some fun events for next term. I have just agreed with Brockwell Park that the Fun Run can take place so please put Saturday 2nd October in your diaries. We will also have the Christmas events to look forward to. Finally, I would like to say thank you and farewell to the parents and children from Year 6. We will miss you and appreciate all of the support over the years. And welcome to the Reception parents and children joining in September. We are always looking for new families to get in-volved with the PTA so please look out for us. It's a great way to meet people in the school and help organise some fun events. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share for future events please email or we'd be delighted if anyone wants to join our WhatsApp group. Many thanks again & have a great summer.

Anoushka, PTA Chair

Year 5 Trip to Brockwell Park: 20th July, Tuesday

End of term date: Wednesday 21st July

These are the pick up times on the last day of term. Reception and Year 1 - 1pm Year 2 and Year 3 - 1.15pm Year 4 and Year 5 - 1.30pm Year 6 - 1.45pm

As it stands at the moment, schools must send home the class bubble to isolate for

10 days when a positive case is confirmed.

If your child has a positive test result, please email the school Covid

communications email:

Please state the timings of the symptoms.

The email will be checked daily and at 7.00pm on a Sunday evening, so that the

school receives the information soon enough to inform parents to keep their child at


The admin team will be informed on Monday morning and will send out an email be-

tween 8.00am – 8.15am to parents to be advised to keep their

children at home.

The staff team will also be contacted swiftly so that they can plan the switch to re-

mote home learning.

I hope this guidance is helpful - should your child test positive over a weekend.


Miss New


Covid communication update

Important Dates

KG Doodles Summer Playscheme

KG Doodles Summer Playscheme Timetable

Summer Activity Timetable 26th July -13th August 2021

You can book a full day or half day

Week One

Mon 26th July Tue 27th July Wed 28th July Thurs 29th July Fri 30th July

Morning 7:45- 12:30

Experimental Cities


Lava lamp Rainbow Bubble Snakes

Free play in the Park

Afternoon 12:45 – 17:30

Football in the Park

Sun catchers Spaghetti &

Marshmallow Towers

Pass the water Tie Dye my T-Shirt

Week Two

Mon 2nd Aug Tue 3rd Aug Wed 4th Aug Thurs 5th Aug Fri 6th Aug

Morning 7:45- 12:30

Forest School Milk Fire-works

Yoga Chain reaction


After-noon 12:45 – 17:30

Group games in the park

Cricket Drumming and Percussion

Drama Oodles of Noodles

Week Three

Mon 9th Aug Tue 10th


Wed 11th


Thurs 12th


Fri 13th Aug

Morning 7:45- 12:30

Aerodynamics Park Play The Big Build

Carnival Day Forest School

Afternoon 12:45 – 17:30

Bake Off Art Attack Designer Bags

Ball Games Tennis


Return consent slip, fee & registration form to KG Doodles

Pack a packed lunch box each day, include snacks and water/juice

Sun cream, sun hat or waterproofs