The Robinson Round Robin: Gen One, Part Three

Post on 20-Jan-2015

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Clara tapped at the xylophone experimentally, grinning with glee as she discovered it made a sound.

Beau and Clara looked on, proudly.

“She's got your creativity, Clara.” Beau smiled, looking from his daughter to his wife. Clara gently stroked the canvas with her brush.

“Maybe. I'd like to think she'll be different from both of us,” Clara paused, mixing the colours on her palette, “do you think she'll be like me? You know, leaving to find out who I am.”

“Maybe. Who knows? Let's just let her grow for now.”

Riley looked up from her xylophone, and smiled at Beau.

“Daddy! Listen!” She commanded.

Beau grinned and moved onto the floor, “I'm listening, little lady.”

Later that evening, Clara began showing signs of a second pregnancy. Riley was not going to be an only child.

Clara was delighted. She hoped Beau would be, too.

Across town, Dina Caliente was messing about with the coffee machine.

“You're not happy.” Someone said, quietly.

Dina sighed, irritatedly, and stood up, three coffee cups in her hands, “I am happy!”

“See? Do unhappy people juggle?” Dina asked, grinning.

Alice, who had been the one to point out Dina's unhappiness, looked away, “Doesn't matter. You're upset.”

“Oh, go talk to Mummy or Daddy or something. Leave me be.”

“See, you're unhappy.”

Dina moodily put the cups away, and went up the stairs.

Dina opened Nina's wardrobe, with no particular reason behind it, and sighed. She was just looking for a distraction from all the tension in the house she lived in.

The peaceful silence was broken by the entry of Dina's least favourite person that she lived with.

“Dina, have you seen Don anywhere?” Lucy asked, nicely.

Dina slammed the wardrobe door shut, “No. Do I look like I track the movements of Don?!”

“Chill...I was just curious...”

“Why are you searching for Don, anyway?” Dina demanded, “You know he's engaged to Nina.”

“You know that's an open relationship, and they've been engaged since I was a teenager.”

Dina pulled a face, “So that's it? You're just another one of Don's girls?”

Lucy laughed, “Oh no, I'm the last Don girl. See, you know that aisle my parents put up for my wedding? I am walking down that, and back up it, successfully.”

“With Don? No chance.”

“Dina, we're all after different things here, it's only a matter of time before I get what I want.”

“Lucy Lotherio.” Dina said, with a hint of doubt, as Lucy smirked and wandered away. One thing from the conversation was most definitely true, however – they were all after different things.

The next day, the Robinsons celebrated a birthday. Riley had grown into a child.

“Look! I'm taller!”

With a quick change of clothes, Riley emerged from her room, cheerful and adorable.

“I am ready for anything! I want to go to school!”

Riley, it seemed, couldn't wait to take on the world.

Shortly after Riley was celebrating her birthday, Clara began to feel some familiar pains.

“Oh, why can't the baby wait until Beau is back from work?”

The baby wouldn't wait until Beau had returned, and Clara ended up bringing her baby boy into the world by herself.

Welcome Wesley Robinson.

News in Pleasantview spreads quickly, and many of the neighbours were happy to hear of Wesley's safe arrival.

Lucy Burb, however, was disgusted by the news. She ventured out into the late-winter snow with the sole intention of causing a roach infestation at the Robinson household.

It was the constant attacks on their rubbish bin that cause Wesley's birthday party to be a private family affair. Beau didn't even invite his brothers or mother along.

Clara, at first, had disagreed with the idea, but it became apparent it was for the best.

Wes didn't mind. He was too young to really want a party anyway.

Riley was just happy that her brother was finally a bit older. It wouldn't be long before they could play together.

The day after Wesley's birthday was a Saturday, and as a treat, Beau let Riley invite over some friends while he took care of Wes.

“Alice's birthday party is today, Riley, are you going?” Nate Dreamer asked, smiling.

“I really want to,” Riley smiled, “I've never been to a birthday party before.”

“They're fun.” Nate said, encouragingly.

“Then I hope I can go,” Riley frowned, “my Mum and my Dad don't really like Alice's parents...”

“That's silly, Alice's parents are really friendly!” Nate paused, thoughtfully, “Well, friendly with each other.”

“Friendly is better than fighting.” Riley replied, cheerfully.

Eventually, the children stopped playing on the swings and sat in the damp grass, uncomfortable in the early spring weather.

“Maybe we should all get going,” Cassia Pleasant sniffed, “you know, make sure we're ready for the party later.”

“Of course.” Riley agreed, though she wished they weren't about to go.

“I can't wait!” Alice announced, excitedly, “Promise me you'll be there, Riley!”

As the children hugged each other goodbye, Clara watched, intrigued.

“Why is it that the children in Pleasantview get along better than any of the adults do?” Clara wondered, out loud, “Grudges and rivalries just don't matter to them.”

Clara couldn't continue her train of thought, as Riley wandered over to her.

“Mum, if there was a birthday party at Alice's house, could I go?” Riley asked, sweetly.

Clara smiled – no such thing as rivalries to the children of Pleasantview, “Of course. It's only round the corner.”

“Yay!” Riley grinned, “I love you, Mum.”

“I love you, too, Riley. No matter what.”

When the party started, Alice and Anthony Caliente were already teenagers. The children – Nate, Cassia and Riley – felt out of place compared to the bolder, older kids.

Everyone was there, from Dimitri Goth to Skip Broke Junior.

Riley couldn't take being in the room any longer. Conversations about boys who were suddenly cute, or girls who were suddenly hot made no sense to Riley at all, and so she set out in search of a bathroom.

Outside of the kitchen, the house was eerily silent as Riley climbed the stairs, remembering that Alice had mentioned the bathroom was up there.

Pushing open a door, Riley paused, hearing voices talking on the other side.

Clearly, it wasn't the bathroom, but Riley wasn't interested in that any more. She was interested in what the people were saying.

“What are we going to do about the brats?” Lucy Burb questioned, tiredly.

“Thought you loved kids.” Came the response.

“I do,” Lucy said, before adding, spitefully, “but no kids spawned by her.”

“Then the kids can go to a nice orphanage in Sim City, what with their father gone and their mother missing,” Don smirked a little, “that is, if you have no objections to terminating Mr Robinson.”

Lucy replied, calmly, “I'll handle that personally. It was my idea, Don.”

Don set his pen down, carefully, “Why are you doing this?”

“To help you.” Lucy said, simply.

“You realise the moment I have, er, dealt with Clara, I'm supposed to marry Nina, right?” Don said, suddenly.

“That hasn't stopped you before, has it?” Lucy responded, playfully. She began stretching in her chair.

“You know me too well, Lucy,” Don admitted, “it scares me.”

“Knowledge is a deadly weapon.” Don murmured, to himself.

“So the plan?” Lucy questioned, clearing her throat.

“Simple,” Don answered, “you take out the father, I kidnap the mother, and we ship the little ones off to an orphanage miles away from here.”

Frozen in place behind the door, Riley's eyes widened.

“I have to go home.”

Riley had managed to convince her parents the party had been loads of fun when she walked in. There was no way of convincing them that Don and Lucy had an evil plan.

Instead, Riley found her little brother. Wesley didn't sleep at night, or at least, not properly. For once, Riley was grateful of the fact.

“I have a horrible secret, Wes.” Riley told him, sadly.

“Secret!” Wes laughed, clapping his hands. Riley frowned.

“I think I might have to wait until you're older before we talk about this.” Riley decided. She sighed, and left her brother to play with his toys.

Riley didn't have to wait long for her brother to join her in childhood.

“Who's ready to be a big boy?” Beau asked, as he got Wes out of his bed.

“Me! Me me!” Wes laughed.

But Riley wasn't downstairs by the cake, cheering on her brother. She was too busy watching the Caliente's house, wondering if she should tell her parents.

“Riley?” Clara called up the stairs, “Come on! You'll miss Wes growing up!”

Riley made it downstairs just in time to see Wesley growing into a child.

“This is so cool!”

Later than evening, Wes found his sister sitting on the balcony, looking slightly worried.

“Why are you up here by yourself, sis'?” Wes asked with a smile.

Riley didn't return his grin, “Can I tell you something?”


“If you knew something bad was going to happen, would you tell Mum and Dad?” Riley questioned, in a small voice.

“Of course. Dad's almost Captain Hero, he can save anyone.”

“What if it was something so bad that Captain Hero can't fix it?”

“What do you mean, Riley?” Wes shrugged, “What's so bad they can't know?”

“We're all in danger,” Riley whispered, “Don Lotherio and Lucy...”

“Our neighbours?” Wes raised an eyebrow, “I don't get it.”

“They don't like us, Wes.”

“Riley, if we're in danger, you have to tell Mum and Dad.” Wes said, firmly.

“Maybe,” Riley murmured, “I don't know. I'm going to bed.”

“But it's only midnight!”

“Exactly. Night, Wes.”

“Night, sis'. Don't worry.”

Wesley then went down into the garden to play on the swing. Apparently, Wes's inability to sleep at night had not been lost with age.

“Wheee! I'm flying!”

Upstairs, Clara and Beau could hear him.

“Do you think we should take Wes to a doctor?” Clara asked Beau, seriously.

“About his insomnia?” Beau raised an eyebrow, “Nah. He might still grow out of it, yet.”

Clara didn't really know whether to agree or not, “Maybe. I don't really want to leave him up by himself, but I actually sleep at night, so...”

“He'll be fine.” Beau said, smiling, “We live in Pleasantview, not Sim City.”

Wesley didn't change though. He spent his evenings wide awake.

Eventually, he stayed awake while his family fell asleep. Some nights, he would dance, or play on the swings.

While other nights, Wes would curl up on the sofa with a book or watch a film.

It didn't really matter what he did. By the time morning came, Clara and Beau would often find their son still on the sofa.

Most mornings, they found him asleep on the sofa.

This is why no one heard Don walking up to the Robinson's house at five in the morning. Why no one heard him let himself in.

Why Don was able to sneak up the stairs virtually unnoticed.

Everyone was asleep...

...not a soul was able to catch Don now...

Wes sat up, hearing footsteps. On top of being an insomniac, Wes was a light-sleeper, and within minutes had realised someone was in the house.

“MUUUM!” He yelled, “DAAAD!”

Upstairs, Beau, hearing Wes's cries, snapped awake.

“Clara,” he whispered, “wake up. There's someone in the house.”

“What?” Clara asked, tiredly, “Wes probably just had a nightmare.”

“I'm serious, Clara. There's someone in our house.”

“Don?” Clara questioned, sitting up in bed. Both of the adult Robinsons got out of the bed. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Don fidgeted, nervously, but didn't answer.

“Mum!” Wes cried, running in, as Riley wandered in, terrified, heading straight to Beau.

“Why are you here, Don?” Clara demanded, “Make the explanation a good one, because you've woken up both of my babies.”

“Clara...I...” Don began. Clara's expression unnerved him. “I'm sorry. I'll just leave now...”

Mentally cursing, Don headed back down the stairs. The plan would have gone perfectly if only he had not been heard.

“It's okay,” Beau said, soothingly, as Clara watched Don leave, “he's not coming back.”

“He is!” Riley said, loudly. Wes watched her, dazed.

“Are you okay, Wes?” Clara asked, quietly. Wes said nothing, but nodded.

Riley turned to face Wes, and began a whispered conversation.

“Don't say 'I told you so'.” Riley sniffed.

“Would I do that?” Wes laughed.

“Yes, you would,” Riley smiled a little, “I will tell them. But not tonight.”

The siblings hugged, both of them slightly shaky from finding a man they didn't know in their house.

“Too bad you're growing up real soon,” Wes commented, quietly, “because we could have hung out some more.”

“We can still hang out.”

Wes laughed, “Yes, me, you and your teenage friends. Unlikely.”

Riley didn't respond, but continued to hug her brother.

In the nights following the break-in by Don, Beau had also suffered sleeping problems. He wanted to know his family was safe.

“Are you okay about everything, Wes? Why is it you don't sleep at night, do you think?” Beau smiled.

Wes shrugged, “Some people just don't match everyone else, Dad.”

“That is a very good point, actually.”

“You're not worried about Don, are you, Wes?”

Wesley dropped his gaze, “Just a little.”

“You know, he isn't coming back.”

“How can you be sure?” Wes asked, thinking of the secrets Riley knew about Don and Lucy.

“Wes, I am not going to let him hurt you, or Riley, or any of us, okay?” Beau said, determinedly, “Don't worry about him.”

Beau reached out and put an arm around his son. Wesley grinned, feeling safer immediately.

“Okay, Dad. I won't worry about it.”

The following day was Riley's birthday, and regardless of how shaken up the family felt from their recent encounter with Don, Riley was allowed a party.

“Grow up cool, but not too cool.” Wesley smiled.

“Thanks, Wes, I'll try to remember that.” Riley laughed.

Quite a few people from Pleasantview turned out for Riley's birthday, including Skip and Lilith.

Beau and Clara blew on their party horns nervously, thinking about how their eldest child was about to become a teenager.

Riley grew into a beautiful young lady of the Pleasure aspiration.

After changing and putting on a touch of make-up, Riley rejoined her old friends, ready to explore what it meant to be a teenager.

A few days later, Alice was puzzled. She had stumbled across some strange etchings with Don's signature on them, and slowly figured out what had been going on behind her back for years.

“Mum, what I'm saying is, we can't do this to that family.”

“I hear you, Alice, but I'm not involved with Don and Lucy's sick games.”

“Then help me prevent it!” Alice cried. Nina frowned.

“You want to stop Don? Do you know how impossible that is?”

“Don is my Dad, Mum, I think I know what he's like.”

“I thought I knew what he was like.” Nina shook her head, and looked away. Alice noted that Nina wasn't wearing her engagement ring. That could only mean one thing.

“Please help me, Mum? I need to know what Dad is up to.”

Nina's frown deepened, “I don't know why it matters so much.”

“Because I'd like to think Riley would do the same thing for us, if everything was reversed.”

Nina nodded, “Alright, Alice, this is what your father is planning...”

And this is where I leave you! But first, some info on Wes:

Wesley Robinson10/9/2/10/1Taurus

Thanks for reading!