Time Management Presentation

Post on 12-May-2015

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Never leave till tomorrow that which you can do today." - Benjamin Franklin.HELLO EVERYBODY – GOOD MORNING TO YOU ALLWelcome to Anvil India and thank you for coming and thank you for being here.We all keep hearing about unemployment/More qualified people no jobs at the same we also here about opportunities That exist in the banking sector-IT corridor- the Demand for more people in the BPO industryWhich is true which is false BOTHBecause when we refer qualified we mean basic qualification what the industry wants is people with a competitive edge or cutting edge in short With some soft skills.You may ask it was not the case few years ago TRUE then it was differentBecause much less competition time was in your favor and no globalizationThat is where every thing changed .Industry want people who can beProductive in a very short period because time became the essence and qualified people with soft skills are in demandSo there is a gap between qualified people and industry demand .this has to be bridged.This is where ANVIL India steps in to bridge the gap with soft skills.

In the next two days we at ANVIL shall introduce you to inter personalSkills communication skills Time ManagementLeadership skills Motivational skills Sales& Marketing and please be told THESE ARE VERY POWERFUL CAREER BUILDING SKILLS.Also please be informed these subjects are extensive and vast and to get into the intricacies of the subjects are beyond the scope of this few sessions. The objective is to introduce to you the working culture and make familiar with the different aspects of corporate way of functioning.Our goal is to provide you with all the tools you need to be on top.This is an interactive workshop and you are active participation is requested /demanded.Please try to understand the finer aspects and put it to use and you can see the change in your personal and professional life. HOWEVERIt is up to each one of you to develop these skills to suit your needs and take it to next level. GOOD LUCK TO YOU All

Hello every body .welcome to ANVIL and thank you for coming.My name is Sushil Pillai and together we shall try to find out a few things about Time .OK.On weekends I chat with my grandson .recently I missed him on a weekend and when asked him about this he says grandpa I am sorry because I just didn’t have the time .now what do u say and how do u react and mind you he is just 6 years old.Now two possibilities are there he said so because he has been hearing from others around him ORHe really didn’t have time because his day was full of activities IF SO WE NEED TO DO SOME SERIOUS THINKING.Anyways OKWe keep hearing this statement of not having time whenever a certain task is not completed or failed .Why you and me also have made similar statements about shortage of time.What do you think about this? What is happening/ How far do you think this is true? Participants are expected to come in mostly with an answer need time management if soOK If soYou can manage production purchase-sales but can you really manage time.If stop this watch for one hour does you think you are managing time? No still Time will move on SODon’t you think we are blaming the poor time for our failuresTime cannot be managed but …………………………………… only usedAgain this particular blame game on time is on the rise in the last decade and it will only get worse as the time goes result we all shall have time only to complain about shortage of time. So what can be done or what should be doneWait the participants to contributeOK.I wants to tell you some thing which I have experienced rather seen.I finished my last three years of schooling staying with my aunt at my ancestral home which is a small town and we were a total of 11 children and 8 adults. 3 college going and 5 school going and 3 were below 4 at home. We had buffaloes and cows. All of us had what we asked for breakfast and lunch and meals were cooked twice family had lot of time together and mind you no gas-mixer -oven-grinder-TV and mobile phones

We waste time These complaint was non existent rather to a much lesser extent in the past so what happened now. Life style change- trying to achieve too much many things.

Activities have increased in the span of time.Imagine 10 years before you did not have mobile phones and also you did not spend so much time watching TV.What can be done or what should be done?Please have all your activities recorded for the whole day for a period of 3 days.

You shall observe 80% of your activities give 20% resultsWhere in 20% shall account for 80% of resultsWhich is called 80 / 20 principle or PARROT PRINCIPLE?So what is that you have to manage …..?Yes …..Come on…..You have to manage the 20% work

Once you eliminate the most useless tasks and less important tasks you shall observe activity list shrinking to much smaller size.Make a must to do list Priorities them once that is done do the most important things first.

Have a personal goal setting done.Now let us go about systematically using the time.

Time Management skills are needed in any business environment where individuals have the choice on how to allocate their working day. Essentially it is not time that needs managing, but working priorities.

Missing deadlines, working long hours, taking work home, not spending enough time with family or friends, or unable to get everything done

Time is! It just is! 24 hours a day. 1400+ minutes every day.

Time is a resource that many of us wish we had more of. But since we can’t make a day last longer than 24 hours, then honing our time management skills is a sure way to become more effective.

I am sure u must have heard many a times during any day from different people about shortage of time or not having sufficient time to attend their regular jobs mostly EXCUSES could not complete /attend A task due to lack of time or Sorry I am late because I was held upBecause the caller would not hang upThis fellow met me at the corridor and would not let me go. OKHow often you have found yourself in the same situationIn effect you can utilize time- you can manage your activity During time actually you are managing activates during time. THIS IS BECAUSE NOT BEING ABLE TO DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN PRODUCTIVE AND NONPRODUCTIV TASKS.

What is Time Management? A technique in which certain tools and skills are used to optimize and manage the available time to accomplish certain tasks. projects, goals. This

involves a series of functions like planning, allocating available resources, delegating, scheduling, planning, monitoring prioritizing etc...

What is limited is precious and time is precious.People who use this technique are the highest achievers in all walks of life.

WHY DO WE PROCRASTINATE?Because we do something that is more enjoyable/comfortable doingBecause do not understand the difference between urgent and important tasks resulting in Attending urgent tasks that are not important.Driven by people whose demands are loudest?Another reason is feeling overwhelmed by the task-may not know where to begin-may doubt about the skills or resources that one need.Waiting for the right mood/timeFear of failure /success-PerfectionismPoor decision making skills/organizational skillsBecause the task is unpleasant and over whelming.

INDICATORS THAT YOU ARE PROCRASTINATINGFilling the day with low priority tasks-reading junk mail-begin an important task and immediately going off to attend some thing elseSaying yes to every thing and to every bodyHOW TO OVERCOME PROCRASTINATIONFirst of all it must be recognized –dealt with and controlled before you miss opportunities.Make your own reward-Ask some one else to check on .peer pressure is very good.Identify the consequences of not attending the task. Cost of your time to employer.Break the project into small-manageable tasks. Have an action plan and you shall start moving and achievingACTIVITY- LOGS. Finding how the time is spentHow much time you spend on unimportant things. Things that do notContribute to success at workActivity log helps you to find out How you actually spend your time .YOU WILL BE SHOCKED TO SEE THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU WASTE.Eliminate jobs that you are not paid for-Schedule the challenging tasks for the times of the day you are most energetic.Do not keep switching between tasks. Example. Read/reply mails once in the morning and evening-less time on personal activities.

TO DO LISTSHow often you find working under pressure to finish time bound action?Do you sometimes forget to do something important?Overwhelmed by the amount of work you have to do?You are always chased by people to get work done. All of these are symptoms of not keeping a proper do listTO DO LIST Are prioritized lists of all tasks that you need to carry out most important task at the top and the last important tasks at the bottom when people start to use to do Lists properly that they often make their first personal Productivity breakthrough.

To do List captures all tasks one has to complete in one place. Then break down the tasks Into their component elements and then prioritize.This list will be able to tackle these in order of importance or urgency. To do lists ensuresYou remember to carry out all necessary tasksYou tackle important task first and do not waste timeDo not get stressed by large number of unimportant tasks

PRIORITIZATIONIs important when time is limited and tasks are unlimited. It helps you to allocate your time when it is most needed and wisely spent freeing you From less important tasks. Simple prioritizationBased on time constraints, on the potential profitability, on the benefit of the task, or the pressure you are facing.In special casesPaired comparison analysis-Pareto analysis.Preserve contingency time to handle 'the unexpected'; minimize stress by avoiding over-commitment to others.

PERSONAL GOAL SETTINGIt is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.Process of setting goals and what you want to achieve you know where to concentrate your efforts.Properly set goals are incredibly motivating and this habit finds that your self confidence built fast.Goal setting is normally used by athletes –business people


It is not humanly possible to remember all things and rely on memory alone. Likely to forget something that is important. It creates anxiety and waste of time by trying to remember.

So it is advised to write down every thing instead of keeping in the memory.


Normally urgent things they need not necessarily important also important things are not urgent. This ends up you attending to not important things most of the time.

Make a plan and work accordingly so you always attend to important things rather than urgent ones.

NOT SPENDING ENOUGH TIME ON PRIORITES. Too much to do -Poor prioritization –not making progress on important goals.

Prioritize your do list


The BENEFIT of planning is that you SAVE TIME and you achieve much more in less time, because you know exactly what needs to be done, how to do it and the resources need to complete it.

Planning is a very important activity in time management. Every minute spend on planning can save 3 in execution.

First you have to accept and recognize the need and importance of planning


In time management the word overload means the condition of having too much work mostly self inflicted due to poor planning

Understand your own limitations and capacity. With prioritizing-planning and controlling you will be better off.


Should be aware of ones own commitments and limitations before saying yes.

This only brings more time bound actions resulting in derailing the projects which is already on schedule.

Before saying yes to each request/demand please consider and see that the request fits into the current situation and scheme of things.

It is better saying a No with the deepest conviction rather than a yes merely to please.


1 Delegate

Effective people know that mastering time management is an ongoing process that requires regular reviews and updates.

What is effective communication?-Participant

Conveying messages to other person or persons with clarity/transparency and unambiguously ALSOReceiving the information with as little distortion as possible.The communication is successful only when both the sender / receiver understand the same information as a result of the communication.

Example We can think have many examples of ineffective communication: a mumbled presentation: a rambling meeting: a long email containing unclear messages: a badly written reports what is the impact

Thoroughly confused and a very poor impactWhen we think of communicating we often focus one side of communication what and how we are communicating.Communication is a two way process .It involves more than speaking and writing; also involves reading-watching-and listening by the person or group persons with whom you are communicating. When you communicate by speaking, writing and presenting we are trying someone else to understand the information and ideas in our mind.

Sender-encoding-channel- decoding-receiver-feedbackThis process is communication process. When communications are ineffective it meansSomething has gone wrong at some stage in this process. In other words there are some barriers which we have to remove.

So what is the impact you are creating when you are communicating? How good are your communication skills?

How do we communicate?Verbal- face to face word of mouthNon verbal- written-gestures-body language-sign language-visuals-eye contact.

There are three major parts in human face to face communication Body language- voice tonality-words

Types of communication Formal /informal

Vertical-upward- Respectful-to suit the listener mostly not completeDownward-Authoritative-commanding –not clearHorizontal-very informal-peer group

Communication Skills- The Importance of Removing Barriers. .

Clarity about what is being communicated. Encoding transferring the information correctly –anticipates and eliminates sources of confusion.Channel selection since each has its own weaknesses and strengths (advantages &disadvantages) face to face –telephone- video conferring-email-letters etcReceiver Decoding and understand correctly-individuals groups will receive the same message with their own perceptions hence caution must be exercised by the sender.

Feedback verbal and non verbal shall understand weather message has been Received and perceived the way it should be if not you have the opportunity toMessage again.

Other BarriersLack of vocabulary.Fear of speaking addressing a group of people.Ineffective presentation skills.Fear of failure.

Listening skills Listening is one of the very important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and the quality of your relationships with others.

We all listen and remember only 25% .we hear only 21/2 minutes of a 10 minute conversation.It takes a lot of concentration and determination to be an active listener. You have to be deliberate in your listening. Active listening will improve your productivity as well as your ability to influence, persuade also you will avoid misunderstanding and can make you a better communicator all necessary for workplace success.To become an active listener is to practice active listening where you also try and understand the total message being sent.Avoid being distracted by environmental factors Refrain from side conversations when listening in a group setting. Put aside the distracting thoughts

Set aside all thoughts and behaviors and concentrate on the message. Pay 100% attention

Give the speaker your undivided attention and acknowledge the message.look at the speaker directly and observe the body language of the speaker

Avoid being distracted by environmental factors

Show you are listeningShow respect Use your own body language- your posture should be open and inviting-nod occasionallySmile and use other facial expressions.Encourage the speaker with verbal comments this all will result in receiving more information

Defer JudgmentDo not interrupt, it frustrates the speaker and limits the full understanding of the message.

Provide feed backBe honest in the opinion and assert opinions with respect,

Respond appropriately .treat the other person as he or she would like to be treated55% impact body language-postures-gestures and eye contact

38% tone of voice7% content or words used the communication process. Understanding /listening skills is very important. A skill we all have to improve which in turn improves productivity as well as ability to influence-persuade and negotiate importantly will be able to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings which are essential for career success.

Why is it important to communicate effectively?Effective communication skills are now required in each and every aspect of our life.We can measure the importance of communication skills in business sector when we take a look at job advertisements asking for good communication skills.

Today, effective communication skills have become a predominant factor even while recruiting employees. While interviewing candidates, most interviewers judge them on the basis of the way they communicate.

This skill creates a positive impact when a person goes for a job interview other qualifications are being more or less same for all.It is not possible to climb a corporate ladder with out excellent communication skills Promotions come to those who communicate effectively at all levels from senior management to the lowest employee.

The most important skill in life is learning how to deal with people. This is a skill that will make you more successful in your personal/ professional life

In survey conducted by university of Pittsburg poets out that Communication skills, including written and oral presentations as well as ability to work with others are the main factors contributing to job success.In another survey communication skills were sited as the single most decisive factor in choosing MANAGERS.

It is essential to communicate effectively if you want to build a successful career. To do this you must understand what your message is, what audience you’re sending it to and how it will be perceived. You must also weigh in circumstances surrounding your communications, such as situational and cultural.

Report WritingReporting is a normal form of communication in many areas of business whether it is describing about certain incident, or about an important meeting the objective is to express all relevant information without exaggerating and omitting facts and also not biased. It must be indicative but not influencing the reader.

However format of the report depends on the purpose of the report.Business report should be structured properly and should include summaries, use of headings, charts and tables to break up the information as simple, effective and should reduce the chance of skipping any key point.

Please pay attention to the language of the report it should be appropriate considering the audience.the report must be professional Think before writing the report about how to structure it so that it is clear and logical.Include a summary at the beginning for busy readers.Give cler headings and numbers so as to make it easier for reference.Please keep reading the report few times or read out to some one to consider restructuring if required Start new paragrapgh for every point and language must be simple and with examples Pages must be numbered and do not use words which are not easy to understand and do not use a single words more than required.

Questioning Techniques.Asking right question is at the heart of effective communication and information exchange. In certain situations the right questions results in gathering better and improved information which in turn helps build stronger relationships-manage people more effectively.How do you do it

Presentation SkillsCan you recall a mumbled presentation where you left the room during tea break thoroughly confused and with a feeling what a waste of time.Why does this happen?Nothing but a very poor communication

Each presentation differs from other .It depends on the subject, the audience. A sales presentation and a Production presentation are different. Sales team should be highlightThe products and is not really not concerned about the production details.Like wise Budget presentation has nothing to do with Project progress.Also presenter should be capable of communicating properly with right body language and correct diction and emotion to reach the audience.Please all related to presentation is in condition like Mic-lights- projectors.


Email Writing skills.This is the trend and the in thing and has actually replaced many normalEmail communication normally tends to be less formal but when well structured has the desired effect.The barrier is receiver does not receive or does not read it

Meeting Management Skills Why is important to communicate effectively.How does it influence/improve personnel/professional life?


Knowingly or unknowingly we all use some skills in communication. EXAMPLES.Child crying- keeping quite when someone is angry-doing things realizing it helps create a good understanding etc.Clarity/ language/timing JOKESTo improve listening skills the other person should know you’re seriously listeningIt doesn’t mean agreeing body language and other signs also help to focus.

The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot. - Michael Althsuler