VEGA1 - Capability Statement

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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VEGA 1 in brief

• Winner of the Award for the Best Building of the Year 2012 in Latvia – nominee „Renovation incl. rising of energy efficiency”, 2nd place „Renovation and landscaping of Liepaja Museum building and garden, Kurmajas ave. 16, Liepaja”

• Winner of the Award for the Best Building of the Year 2013 in Latvia – nominee „Newly constructed building”, 1st place, „Regional multifunctional Centre of Eastern Latvia, Pilsstr.4, Rezekne”

• Winner of the Award for the Best Building of the Year 2013 in Latvia – nominee „Sanitary facilities”, 2nd place, „Installation of the 1st fast-freezing system with CO2 as a freezing agent in Latvia at the meet processing factory „Kurzemes Galsaimnieks” ltd., Pupoli, Paplaka, Priekule district”


SIA «VEGA 1» is one of the leadingLatvian Mechanical & Electricalinstallation companies. Founded as ainstaller of refrigeration systems in 1999,it has expanded operations to performinstallation of any pipe, wire and industrialmachinery systems.

«VEGA 1» is providing customer with fullrange of service, including preparation ofdesign, installation and service &maintenance.

• Member of:

- Latvian Builders Association

- Latvia water and waste water

works association

- Latvian Association of

Refrigeration Engineering

- CleanTech Latvia Cluster

• Founded in 1999, located in Liepaja city, Latvia

• More than 150 employees

• Experience of over 2200 projects

• Certified according to:- ISO 9001:2008- ISO 14001:2004- OHSAS 18001:2007


Scope of activities

Working environment

Engineering systems installation: • Ventilation and air conditioning systems • Heating systems • Water supply and sewage systems • Electrical installations • Low - voltage installations • Electricity supply connections 1 – 20 kV • Water, sewage and heating mains

Refrigeration: • Fast-freezing • Freezing cameras • Industrial refrigeration installations • Commercial refrigeration installations

Water management projects: • Public and industrial waste water treatment• Drinking water preparation

Energy: • Biogas co-generation electro stations• Bio-fuel heating boilers

Construction: • Construction project management

Technical designs: • Ventilation, air-conditioning, electrical and low voltage installations, electro supply connections


Renovation of Liepaja City Museum


Project Renovation of Liepaja City Museum

Customer Liepaja City Council

Location Liepāja

Contract value 1 134 270 EURO

Project execution years 2011 - 2012

Renovation of Liepaja City Museum received 2nd prize in competition «The Best Building of the Year 2012» in nomination «Renovation and increasing of energy-efficiency»

Project was challenging as the target of renovation of architectural monument was both improvement of energy efficiency of the buildings, both preservation of historical value of facades and elements of interior.

During the project there was installed ventilation system, replaced heating, water supply and sewage, electrical and low voltage networks and gas fire extinguishing system.

Rezekne Concert HallRegional multi-purpose center

of Eastern Latvia


Project Rezekne Concert Hall - Regional multi-purpose center of Eastern Latvia

Customer SIA «Arčers»

Location Rezekne

Contract value 1 600 000 EURO

Project execution years 2010 - 2013

Engineering experience of VEGA 1 engineers and installators had to be shown at full extent in Rezekne Concert Hall project.Scope of the works:- ventilation system (total air exchange L=161395 m3/h)- smoke removal systems,- humidifying systems- Air conditioning systems (total cooling capacity Qc=1685 kW)- heating and heat supply systems (total heating power Qh=1819 kW)

Reconstruction of steel factory,installation of electrical arc furnace


Project Reconstruction of steel melting factory, installation of electric arc furnace

Customer „Liepājas Metalurgs”, SIA „Merks”, STG GROUP SPA

Location Liepāja

Contract value 996 015 EURO

Project execution years 2011 - 2012

VEGA 1 executed part of the works within 100 million euro reconstruction project of steel meelting shop, turning melting process from Martin technology to electro furnace technology.• Assembling of water treatment and cooling plant equipment for steel melting

machinery• Installation of water mains (diameter 100-500mm, height of installation up to 16m)• Assembling and welding of the main steel melting plant part – furnace (weight 84

tons)• Electro installation of equipment and lights• Installation of ventilation and air conditioning• Water supply and sewage installation

CO2 refrigerantvertical plate freezer unit


Project Vertical plate freezer with CO2 refrigerant

Customer SIA «Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks»

Location Paplaka, Priekule parish

Refrigerant CO2 ( Carbon dioxide), Refrigerant classification R744

Cooling capacity 37 kW

Cooling power 1 ton of meat per 180-200 minutes

COP 2,15

Project execution year 2013

VEGA 1 installed and comissioned the first vertical plate freezer with CO2 refrigerant in NorthernEurope .

Equipment is used to freeze meat in blocks. Usage of CO2 as refrigerant provides higher COPfigures and reduced consumption of electricity – 2,15 against 0,9-1,2 in similar power equipmentthat is using freon refrigerants. Still higher working pressures requires more skills at installationand maintenance of machinery.

CO2 is new technology in refrigeration, but is considered to become a future in refrigeration world.

Main reason for this is environmental aspect. To compare, if 10 kg of refrigerant R404a is throwninto the air due to leak inthe system, it can be compared to pollution that a car is generating after200 000 km driven.

Another reason for future is power efficiency. All components - compressors, pipes, valves, etc.are compact and consume less electricity. Although initial CO2 unit purchase and installation costsare more expensive, energy savings provide better payback in long term.

Installation of vertical plate freezer with CO2 refrigerant is part of installation innovative foodprocesing equipment to the customers in the Baltics.

Vertical plate freezer unit with CO2 refrigerant

Pre-treatment unitwaste water treatment plant


Project Pre-treatment unit improvement in Liepaja city Waste Water Plant

Customer SIA «Liepājas Ūdens»

Location Liepāja

Average capacity 36 000 m3 of municipal waste water per day

Contract value 1 197 454 EURO

Project execution year 2008-2009

Example of innovative technology implementation in municipal waste water treatment plant.Target of the project – to reduce amount of hydrogen sulphide.Benefits of the project:- Improvement in biological and chemical processes of waste water treatment plant- Reduction of chemical effect to mechanical parts ot the plant, thus prolonging life

cycle of the parts.

Liepaja Regional HospitalReconstruction


Project Liepaja Regional Hospital reconstruction, 1st part

Customer SIA “RBSSKALS Būvvadība”

Location Liepāja

Project value 546 752 EUR

Project execution year 2011-2012

SIA «VEGA 1» executed following work:• Ventilation and air conditioning system installation• Climate control systems in surgery rooms

After successful execution of works of the first part, VEGA 1 has secured contract for execution of HVAC, water and sewage installations for 2nd, 3rd and 4th parts of the reconstruction. Commisioning of job is planned in spring 2014.

Liepaja Regional Hospital reconstruction

SIA „Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks” Reconstruction of slaughterhouse



Project Reconstruction of slaughterhouse building

Customer SIA “Kurzemes Gaļsaimieks ”

Location Paplaka

Contract value 2 998 544 EURO

Project execution years 2012

• Refrigeration equipment• Power supply (10 kV substation)• Electro installations• Low voltage installations• Water and sewage installations• HVAC system installation• Biological waste water treatment plant• Construction work

Ice production, storage and transportation equipment


Project Ice production, storage and transportation equipment

Customer Biedrība «Baltijas Zivsaimnieku Apvienība»

Location Liepāja, Vecā Ostmala

Storage capacity 8 tons of flake ice

Transportation speed 130-170 kg of ice per minute

Project execution year 2013

VEGA 1 installed and comissioned ice production, preservation andtransportation equipment with storage capacity 8 tons of ice.

Storage equipment is constructed from sandwich panel in metal frame.Autonomous cooling machine maintain inside air temperature below zero.

To load fishing ships with ice, stored ice can be easily disintegrated withscraper system and passed to discharging unit. With capacity 130 – 170 kg perminute ice can be transported to distance of 30 metres via flexible air pipe.

In collaboration with the equipment suppliers and producers, VEGA 1 candevelop and install ice preservation and transportation equipment with storagecapacity up to 200 tons, discharge capacity to 45 t/hour, ice discharge alongthe flexible pipes in the distance up to 200 metres horizontally and 25 metresvertically.

Ice production, storage and transportation equipment

Biogas cogeneration plants


Project Erection of biogas cogeneration plants in Latvia

Customer Biogas Nord Anlagenbau GmbH

Project execution year 2011 – 2013

SIA «VEGA 1» as cooperation partner of one of the leading German biogas technology suppliers executed project managment and construction works of 4 biogas plants in territory of Latvia.

Technical EngineeringService Company



SIA “VEGA 1 Serviss” is operating since 2007.The main activities of the company areinstallation, maintenance and repairing ofcooling equipment, heat pumps, ventilation,conditioning, refrigeration equipment andheating equipment systems. Companyconduct installation works of shopping centersand production companies equipment andoffers its complex maintenance.Team of professionals, internationally certifiedexperience, the most modern equipment andstrictly followed qualified proceduresconcerning quality, environment and safety,enables the employees of SIA “VEGA 1Serviss” to fulfill any desire of the customer.


Kurzeme, Vidzeme, Latgale and Riga region. Operating in objects all across the territory

of Latvia and, by customer request, are able to provide the service outside Latvia as well.


“Our target – satisfied customer. We guarantee safety, professionalism, quality.”



Our biggest customers

SIA „Kurzemes gaļsaimnieks”, AS „Latvijas valsts meži”, SIA „Puratos Latvia”, SIA

„Rūjienas saldējums”, SIA „Pica serviss”, AS „Balticovo”, etc., as well as shopping

networks of Latvia – Rimi, Maxima, Elvi and TOP shops.

SIA „VEGA 1 Serviss” offers

Cooling equipment installations and maintenance (displays,

refrigeration chambers, compressors;

Installation and maintenance of gas heating boilers;

Installations and maintenance if heating units;

Maintenance and repairing of water supply and sewage systems


Installation and maintenance of ventilation equipment systems;

Installation and maintenance of air curtains;

Installation and maintenance of conditioning equipment;

Installation and maintenance of heating pumps air/air, air/water;

Maintenance of technological equipment;

Maintenance and repairing of automatic lifting gates;

Maintenance and repairing of automatic sectional doors;

Electric installations and repairing works.


“VEGA 1 Serviss” is developing constantly,improving its range of services and providenew services, concerning about individualshealth, safety, costs and energy saving.



To have the fresh air in the premises and to provide constant air exchange,the air duct systems must be clean. Headaches, tiredness, irritation of noseand throat are the symptoms provoked by foul, dirty ventilation system. It isinevitably that ventilation systems clogs up in the long run and developsunpleasant things like must, viruses, increase inefficiency of ventilationsystem, and energy consumption is growing, as well. High-qualifiedspecialists of our company provide accurate, professional cleaning anddisinfection of the ventilation system.

“Fresh air in the building is the key to safe,comfortable and effective social life and workconditions.”

• Medical institutions• Railway stations• Office buildings• Bus terminals• Airports• Hotels• Restaurants• Food factories• Car repairing shops• Supermarkets• Chemistry plants• Storehouses etc.

Before AfterTarget groups


Visual inspectionIs it ascertained during visual

inspection that ventilation system confirms with the

standard exploitation requirements?

Technical inspectionIs it possible to conclude

during technical inspection, that ventilation systems

confirms with the standard requirements?

Cleaning works

Technical inspectionIs the desirable result


Fills in heating and ventilation systems

cleaning register

Preparation of further cleaning work schedule

Preparation of the protocols

Ventilation system maintenance chart















• Restaurants

• Pizzerias

• Fast-food restaurants

• Canteens

• Food factories etc.ies

“Tidiness and fire safety are essential components of every well-managed kitchen.’’

If You run the restaurant, canteen, fast-food company or any other cateringinstitution, major attention must be turned to tidiness of kitchen ventilationand extract systems, which are exposed to pollution of dust and fatsediments. Fat sediments cause high fire risk, bringing big threats to Yourbusiness. Fat waste and sediments must be prevented and removed timely,not waiting for fire calamity. To prevent the fire risk, regular extract andventilation systems cleaning must be performed. Specialists if our companywill carry out cleaning of extract and ventilation systems and removal of fatsin accordance with all fire safety rules.

Before AfterTarget groups

Kitchen extract system maintenance chart

Regulations No.82, clause No.204, issued by Latvian Republic Cabinet of MinistersVentilation systems, which exhaust combustible gases, vapour or dust, should be equippedwith safety devices, which detain foreign bodies from getting into the system. During theexploitation, such ventilation systems should be inspected and cleaned at least once in theyear and record in the heating and ventilation systems cleaning register should be made.

Visual inspectionIs it possible to conclude

during visual inspection, that fat sediments in the system

can cause fire risk?


Cleaning works22

Technical inspectionIs the desirable result


Preparation of the protocols


Preparation of further cleaning work schedule


Fills in heating and ventilation systems

cleaning register66





“Controlled air and heating energy consumption reduce exploitation costs.’’

The task of new or reconstructed ventilation system is to provide the airexchange in the premises. Promptly balanced system allows to supplypremises with the fresh air, consuming less energy. One of the topicalproblems – necessary air amount and temperature in the premises is notprovided. Frequently system is not balanced after the construction process,very often initial parameters are changing in the long rung of initial balancingparameters have changed after the cleaning of ventilation. “VEGA 1 Serviss”provide following service: diagnose and check exploitation air flow conformitywith the project, take measurements, adjust and balance ventilation systems.Correctly balanced system gives advantages, it effectively provides properamount of fresh air in entire building.

• Office buildings• Education institutions• Hotels• Airports• Production companies• Pharmaceutical companies• Banks• Libraries etc.

Target groups

Ventilation system balancing chart

Measurement takingDoes ventilation system

confirms with the project data and standard requirements?


Balancing of the ventilation22

Measurement takingDoes ventilation system

confirms with the project data and standard requirements?


Preparation of the protocols 44







Energy efficiency can be raised and costs reduced by heat distributionoptimization in current heating system. Often the best solution is balancing ofbuilding’s heat supply system, ether it is newly constructed or renovatedheating system. The problem with non-balanced heating system – someradiators of heating system are supplied with extra flow and temperature inthe room is increased, at the same time, necessary temperature in otherrooms is no received. Non-balanced heating system works inefficiently, withincreased capacity, not supplying heating system evenly. The professionals ofour company will balance hydronic systems of Your house or company andwill reduce Your operating expenses.

Target groups

• Newly erected building• Education institutions• Hotels• Shipping agencies• Storehouses• Office buildings• High technology parks• Sporting centers etc.

Hydronic system balancing chart

Measurement takingDoes system confirms with the

project data and standard requirements?


Balancing of the system22

Measurement takingDoes system confirms with the

project data and standard requirements?


Preparation of the protocols 44





VEGA 1 Serviss, SIAReg. No.:LV42103042049Dūņu Str. 8, Liepāja, LV 3401Phone: +371 80000588Fax: +371 63489245e-mail: