Wellness –A Healthy Engagement: Organizational and Personal Fitness

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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V4: In a global, increasingly open, networked and social media savvy world, organizations are no longer the walled-gardens they once were. Learn what overt and subtle practices and signs differentiate the healthy, learning organizations and leader / team relationships from those that are struggling or declining. Silence, apathy, and disengaged compliance, as well as subtle and overt workplace bullying and harassment, even when handled well, can mar an organization’s productivity for years. Organizations like Glassdoor and others now publish employee nominated lists of pros and cons of great workplaces. It is also important to look beyond reported successes symptoms to find the deeper causes of what works and what doesn’t for leaders who want to fully use their staff talent to better handle complexity, including regulation, and to become more agile and “anti-fragile”, as well as innovative to not only survive, but thrive.



What Makes and SustainsHealthy Organizations Today?

Deb Nystrom, REVELN ConsultingThe Michigan Labor-Management Association2013 Partners in Progress


Sample Satisfaction News Company promotion policies & bonus plans >

lowest on the satisfaction scale. Educational & job training programs => Only

30% satisfied Wages => 33.5% of householders satisfied 55% of workers earning more than $50,000 were

satisfied with their jobs, but only 14% claimed they were very satisfied.

Source: The Segal Company, a New York-based compensation,

benefits and HR consultancy, 2008


Satisfaction News 40% of workers feel disconnected from their


Two out of every three workers do not identify with or feel motivated to drive their employer's business goals and objectives.

25% of employees are just "showing up to collect a paycheck.”

Source: Supplemental survey conducted by TNS in August 2004

The Segal Company, a New York-based compensation,

benefits and HR consultancy, 2008


Job Satisfaction in 2009


“I’m just so sick of hearing...”


The Drama Triangle


Rescuer Persecutor


William Bridges - Transitions


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."

~ Havelock Ellis


2013 Conversations Washington State Senior HR Labor

Relations Manager California Change / Communication

Consultant, Case Study, Large Union Ann Arbor Sr. Labor Relations Director SE Michigan Energy Plant Manager Consultant to the Auto Industry and

Professor of I/O Psychology, PhD Program students, Capella University


Loyalty "But when I talk to managers, they

often suggest that there really isn't much difference between the contractors and the company employees."

”...[it’s] why some people believe that company loyalty is dead.”

Dr. Matthew Bidwell, Wharton management professor


Case Study #1: House Officers, MDs1,100-member union, medical residents training at the health systemRequest by Dept. Head & FacultyProcess: Voluntary Interviews Participation encouraged by lead house

officer (elected by peers) Interviews with residents & key faculty,

Interviews were voluntary, 2-3 months



Orientation A Orientation B

• Start at the top• Develop clear vision, plans

and assignments• Move decisions to the

appropriate levels• Provide necessary

information and resources• Encourage process


Empowerment is about:

• Clarity, delegation, control, and accountability

• Start with the needs of the people

• Surface the difficult issues• Model integrity through risk-

taking• Build credibility through

small wins• Encourage initiative• Build teamwork

Empowerment is about:

• Risk, growth, trust and teamwork

Two approaches


Case Study #2: SEIU Local 1021 and its Two-Year Plan

SEIU - Service Employees International Union)

Fastest-growing union in North America

Diverse: Health care, property services and public services (Housekeepers, librarians, maintenance)

Local 1021 in Northern California has more than 54,000 members.


That would allow them to be inclusive, Be simple to execute and Give them a head start for preparing a

plan that delegates could discuss and vote on at the convention

The union devised a process ...


Flipcharts with comments and sticky dots lined the walls of the ballroom where the main events took place.

Each of four final planks was opened for discussion. Delegates used microphones to make their

points within their allotted time. They voiced their specific concerns, complaints

and criticisms, as well as fears and anxieties. Others expressed their enthusiasm and


At the SEIU convention


The SEIU Executive Board has arranged for follow-up regional meetings.

Members are actively participating, helping determine the concrete actions needed to make the plan come to life.

Conversation, collaboration and transparency are becoming hallmarks of how everyone works together to support the Two-Year Plan.

Since the convention


Drama Triangle vs. the Empowerment Dynamic Triangle

Karpman & David Emerald


Not so Great News

According to a survey conducted for The Conference Board, "Less than one-third of all supervisors and managers are perceived to be strong leaders."

As a result, increasingly larger percentages of our workforce are disengaged.

Source: TNS Survey, a leading market information company, conducted for The Conference Board, 2005


A classic – Engagement


Large, Midwest, unionized  Decide to adopt a team concept Within a 2 years of shifting to a team

concept, absenteeism became so low, they stopped measuring it as a monthly metric

Presenteeism much improved Teams showed productivity

improvement, quality, safety > all improved

Case Study #3: Manufacturing


Research by Berk and Associates (2011) found that clear and open channels of communication (regardless of the activity) were a key ingredient in union and management working together.

In a dissertation study, it was found that trust, open communication, and sharing information were keys in supporting a working relationship (Lamagna, 2010).

It’s the conversation


Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous

What works is to be very clear about where you’re going, but very flexible in how you get there. - Bob Johansen

Includes “Black Swan” events – Nassim Taleb

“Large-scale unpredictable and irregular events of massive consequence.”

Adapt to a VUCA World


Key paradox:

“Our focus on removing or minimizing randomness has actually had the perverse effect of increasing fragility.”

Adapt to a VUCA World


“Good goals that are specific and challenging produce the greatest degree of achievement.”

- Locke, Edwin; Gary Latham (2006)

DPPE: Data, Purpose, Plan, Evaluate

Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility


Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting www.REVELN.com DebNystrom@Reveln.com

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