Zakat Presentation. Important Fiqh Rules الأحكام الشرعية تفتقر في ثبوتها...

Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Zakat PresentationZakat Presentation

Important Fiqh RulesImportant Fiqh Rules

ثبوتها في تفتقر الشرعية األحكامالصريحة الصحيحة لألدلة

All Shari’ah Rulings must be verified with clear-cut, authentic proofs

بها يستدل وال لها يستدل األئمة أقوالThe statements of scholars cannot be used as proofs,

rather must be proven as correct

بالرجال يعرف ال الحقThe Truth is not known by those who follow it


Definition of Zakah Linguistically: blessing, purity, growth….etc. Legal Meaning: An act of worship in which

one gives out a specific amount of money at a specific time to a specific group of people under certain conditions.

Link between the ‘Linguistic’ and ‘Legal’ meanings of Zakah.

It is also referred to as ‘Sadaqah’ in the Qur’an.

A VerseA Verse

Allah says: بها وتزكيهم تطهرهم صدقة أموالهم من خذ

والله لهم سكن صالتك إن عليهم وصلعليم سميع

Take, [O, Muhammad], from their wealth charity by which you purify them and

cause them increase, and invoke [Allah's blessings] upon them. Indeed, your

invocations are reassurance for them. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

An Authentic Hadeeth

The Messenger of Allah said: في صدقة عليهم افترض الله أن أعلمهمعلى وترد أغنيائهم من تؤخذ أموالهم

فقرائهم Tell them that there is a charity due

upon them to be taken from their rich and to be given back to their poor. (Bukhari)

Status of Zakah in IslamStatus of Zakah in Islam

A pillar of Islam. Abu Bakr fought against those who refused to pay Zakah. عليه لجاهدتهم عقاال منعوني لو

It is mentioned 33 times in the Qur’an. Also a duty for previous nations.

It is a means through which one will obtain the mercy of Allah.

ويؤتون يتقون للذين فسأكتبها شيء كل وسعت ورحمتييؤمنون بآياتنا هم والذين الزكاة

A condition for gaining victory.

. إن الذين عزيز لقوي الله إن ينصره من الله ولينصرنالزكاة وآتوا الصالة أقاموا األرض في مكناهم

Status of Zakah in Islam

hood in Islam. Strengthens brotherhood in Islam فإخوانكم الزكاة وآتوا الصالة وأقاموا تابوا فإن

الدين في An attribute of a believing society, and the

sign of a believer. بعض أولياء بعضهم والمؤمنات والمؤمنون

ويقيمون المنكر عن وينهون بالمعروف يأمرونورسوله الله ويطيعون الزكاة ويؤتون الصالة

حكيم عزيز الله إن الله سيرحمهم أولئك

Benefits of Zakah

There are many benefits, of them are: A cause for Khair and protection from

punishments. Ibn Umar said: ‘when they prevent giving out their Zakah they would be prevented from rain, and had it not been for the animals they would not have received a drop of rain.’

It effaces the sins. The Prophet said: ‘Sadaqah would efface the sins as water puts out fire.’

Types of Zakah

Zakat an-Nafs (Tazkiyat an-Nafs). دساها من خاب وقد زكاها من أفلح قد

Zakat al-Badan (Zakat al-Fitr) There are a number of hadeeth that speak

of Zakat al-Fitr. Zakat al-Maal – a number of verses

have been mentioned regarding it.

General Conditions of Zakah

Islam. Absolute Possession. i.e. that it belongs to him,

and he may do with it as he pleases. Reaching the Nisab

*Nisab of gold 20 Mithqal, which equals 85 grams of pure gold. مثقال نصف مثقاال عشرين كل من يأخذ كان

*Nisab of silver 200 Islamic dirham, which equals 595 grams of pure silver. العشر ربع الرقة في

Passing of one lunar year while the wealth is under a person’s possession and remains at Nisab level.

الحول عليه يحول حتى مال في زكاة ال

Beneficiaries of Zakah

ا ( ع�ل�ي�ه� ل�ين� ال�ع�ام� و� اك�ين� ال�م�س� و� اء� ر� ق� ل�ل�ف� ات� د�ق� الص� ا �ن�م� إو�ف�ي ال�َغ�ار�م�ين� و� اب� ق� الر� و�ف�ي م� ل�وب�ه� ق� ة� ل�ف� ؤ� ال�م� و�

ع�ل�يم� الل�ه� و� الل�ه� م�ن� ة� ر�يض� ف� ب�يل� الس� اب�ن� و� الل�ه� ب�يل� س�ك�يم� 60التوبة/ ) ح�

Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakah] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler – an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.

FaqeerFaqeer – Poor / – Poor / MiskeenMiskeen - - NeedyNeedy

Who are they? Scholars have differed. Fact: The Faqeer is poorer than the Miskeen. (Allah began by mentioning them in the verse).

Fact: The Miskeen my own something. Allah says: البحر في يعملون لمساكين فكانت السفينة� أما

Fact: Faqeer doesn’t have any money, for it is not mentioned in the Qur'an that they own anything.

ن�ى ي�َغ�ن�يه� د� غ� ال� ال�ذ�ي ال� ي�ج� ول� الل�ه� ق� س� ك�ين� ي�ا ر� ا ال�م�س� م�ي�ئ�ا أ�ل� الن�اَس� ش� د�َق� ع�ل�ي�ه� و�ال� ي�س� ي�ت�ص� ط�ن� ل�ه� ف� و�ال� ي�ف�

Those who Distribute itThose who Distribute it

They are those who have been charged by the Imam to distribute the Zakah to those who deserve it.

It is to be given in fair proportion on account of the work he is putting forth. : لعامل” لخمسة إال لَغني الصدقة تحل ال


Softening the Hearts

Scholars are at variance… Imam Ahmed and ash-Shafi’ee state that they would receive a share on account of what is mentioned in the verse. This is the more correct opinion.

This Opinion has been supported by Sheik Islam b. Taymiyyah, on account of what is mentioned in the verse.

It can also be given to ward away one’s evil or to strengthen one’s Iman.

قلوبهم والمؤلفة

Those in Debt

Those in debt are of two categories: a. One who is indebted for something lawful.

Taking a loan to help in marriage, or a debt in general.

b. To make good between two groups of Muslims… by settling their affairs with a financial settlement.

c. One cannot take Zakah to make a mortgage payment!

In the Path of Allah

When ‘Fee Sabeel Allah’ is mentioned in general, it refers to Jihad.

Imam Abu Hanifah, Malik, Ash-Shafi’ee, and Ahmed all stated that it refers to Jihad or an aspect of Jihad.

In the Path of Allah

There is an odd opinion mentioned by al-Hasan al-Basri that Imam Malik said, ‘What is meant are all avenues of goodness.’

البر وجوه كل Proof for this: The wording of the verse is

general. Response: No use for using an ‘inclusive’

clause at the beginning of the verse. Proof: الله سبيل من This hadeeth is الحج

weak; thus, cannot be used as a decisive proof in this issue.


Who is he? He is the one who is traveling and has lost all his finances during the trip and is stranded.

Condition: The trip must be a ‘lawful’ trip. If the trip is ‘unlawful’ and he has made Tobah, he too can be given of the Zakah.

He is to be given that which will make it easy for him to reach his country.

Details of Zakah Beneficiaries

The Ulama mention: المساجد بناء من غيرهم في صرفها يجوز ال

ووقف الموتى وتكفين البثوَق وسد والقناطرالمصاحف.

It is not lawful to spend the Zakah to build a Masjid, bridges, or to fix a dam; as it is not

lawful to use the money to shroud a deceased or to purchase a Mushaf.

The Proof is in the words of Allah: للفقراء الصدقات ...إنما

Zakah on Money

Obligation of Zakah on monies. *all currencies (banknotes, coins).

Proofs from the Quran: ينفقونها ) وال والفضة الذهب يكنزون والذين

أليم بعذاب فبشرهم الله سبيل (في Proofs from the Sunnah:

إال ) حقها يؤدي ال فضة وال ذهب صاحب من مامن صفائح له صفحت القيامة يوم كان إذابها فيكوى جهنم نار في عليها فأحمي نار

وظهره وجبينه (جنبه

Zakah Activity for Nisaab

If one gram of silver is = .20 Canadian cents and the Nisab of silver is 595 grams of ‘pure’ silver… the Nisab would then be 120 Canadian Dollars.

120 Canadian Dollars would then be the money Nisab.

Let’s say someone has saved 1000 dollars for one lunar year, 2.5% is the percentage taken from the money that has reached nisab, then the sum of Zakah is 1000 (multiplied by) 2.5% = 25 dollars

Zakah Activity for Nisaab

If one gram of gold = 30 dollars Canadian, and the Nisab of gold is 85 grams of ‘pure’ gold… the Nisab would then be 2550 Canadian Dollars.

2550 Canadian Dollars would then be the money Nisab.

Let’s say someone has saved 5000 dollars for one lunar year, 2.5% is the percentage taken from the money that has reached nisab, then the sum of Zakah is 5000 (multiplied by) 2.5% = 125 dollars


Is Zakah due on Jewelry that is used for personal use? Scholars are at variance. Zakah is due on ‘pure’ gold or silver. *Pure gold = 24 carat gold.

Zakah on gold ornaments and jewelry that is ‘haram’. Zakah on utensils made from gold or silver. Zakah on precious stones; diamonds, rubies, pearls.

White Gold

White gold is a mixture of metals including gold.

Due to this Zakah is due on it when it reaches Nisaab which is 85 grams. 2.5% is due on it in this case.

Simple Zakah Equation for Gold

Equation to figure out Zakah on Jewelry:

Weight of Gold (multiplied by) Purity of Gold (multiplied by) price of one gram

of Gold on the day Zakah is due (multiplied by) 2.5% (divided by) 24

1st Situation

Zakat on Wages: a. If no money is saved, then there is no Zakah

at all. b. If the money is saved, and the amount that is

saved reaches the Nisab, then in that case Zakah is due.

For example if from each month a person saves 150 dollars and it remains with him till the end of the year, he can pay the amount due each month or wait till the end of the year and pay it all off at once.

2nd Situation

Money goes less than Nisaab. If one has a 1000 dollars which he has

kept for a period of10 months and he then uses the 970 dollars. The Nisaab has not been maintained for a 12 lunar month period, so in this case if the money reaches the Nisaab again, the period will begin from that point on.

3rd Situation

If the one loses ownership during the period of 12 lunar months.

If one ceases to own Nisaab before the end of the year, then zakaah is not obligatory on it.

4th Situation

Zakah on a loan. If the loan is with one who can pay it

back then in that case it would be best for him to give the Zakah.

If the loan is with one who cannot pay it back, then one is not required to pay Zakah, but it is best in this case for him to do so.