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A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL 4th Sunday of Advent…€¦ ·  · 2017-12-21A Catholic...

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St. Thomas of Villanova A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL 4th Sunday of Advent—December 24, 2017 Christmas Eve Sunday, December 24, 2017 3:00pm—Children’s Mass 5:00pm—English Mass 10:00pm—English Mass Midnight—Polish Mass Christmas Day Monday, December 25, 2017 9:30am—English Mass 11:30am—English Mass 1:30pm—Polish Mass The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph Saturday, December 30, 2017 5:00pm—English Mass Sunday, December 31. 2017 7:30am—English Mass 9:30am—English Mass 11:15am—English Mass 1:30pm—Polish Mass New Year’s Day Monday, January 1, 2018 9:30am—English Mass 11:15am—English Mass 1:30pm—Polish Mass

St. Thomas of Villanova A Catholic Parish Family - Palatine, IL

4th Sunday of Advent—December 24, 2017

Christmas Eve

Sunday, December 24, 2017 3:00pm—Children’s Mass

5:00pm—English Mass 10:00pm—English Mass

Midnight—Polish Mass

Christmas Day

Monday, December 25, 2017 9:30am—English Mass

11:30am—English Mass

1:30pm—Polish Mass

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph

Saturday, December 30, 2017 5:00pm—English Mass

Sunday, December 31. 2017 7:30am—English Mass 9:30am—English Mass

11:15am—English Mass 1:30pm—Polish Mass

New Year’s Day

Monday, January 1, 2018 9:30am—English Mass

11:15am—English Mass 1:30pm—Polish Mass


Second Homily

Dear Parish Family of St. Thomas,

Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent! And Happy Christmas Eve! And Merry Christmas Day! Yes, all that is happening at almost the same time! Talk about a hectic day! And so hopefully, this Second Homily column needs to cover it all and still keep it straight.

So on this shortened Fourth Week of Advent, actually shortened Fourth Week Day of Advent—I would like to share a prayer written by Henri J.M. Nouwen:

“Lord Jesus, Master of both the light and the darkness, Send your Holy Spirit upon our preparation for Christmas.

We who have so much to do seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day. We who are anxious over many things look forward to your coming among us.

We who are blessed in so many ways long for the complete joy of your kingdom. We whose hearts are heavy seek the joy of your presence.

We are your people, walking in darkness, yet seeking the light. To you we say, “Come Lord Jesus!” Amen.”

I now would like to share with you Cardinal Blaise Cupich’s Christmas Letter:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In 1223, just two years before his death, Saint Francis of Assisi set up a living crèche, a replica of the manger in Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. He preached and prayed before the scene. His biographer, Thomas of Celano, says that in that moment Francis was “overwhelmed with love and filled with wonderful happiness.” His contemplation of Jesus, the Word made flesh, drew him to experience the depth of God’s love. We live in a troubled world beset by wars, violence, injustice, broken relationships, and illness. Beyond that, we do believe and are convinced that God loves us and walks with us in Jesus, his Son. As we know, God will heal us and our broken world and bring us into the fullness of life. It is my hope that when you pray before the mystery of the Incarnate Word, as Saint Francis prayed, you will be renewed in hope and confidence and be “overwhelmed with love and filled with wonderful happiness.” May God bless you with a renewal of faith, hope, and love as we celebrate the birth of the Lord.

And now on behalf of all the Priests, Deacons, the Pastoral Staff and all of our employees, I wish you God’s peace and love as found in the birth of Our Lord, Jesus! My prayer is that our Parish Family will continue to grow in bringing Jesus’ Life and Love to each other!

Your Pastor,

Rev. Thomas R. Rzepiela

P.S. See you at the Crib! Merry Christmas!

P.P.S. The next page will, hopefully, help you understand the “Renew My Church” process which our grouping—St. Theresa, St. Colette, Mission San Juan Diego and St. Thomas of Villanova—is beginning to undertake. Keep this important Archdiocesan initiative in your daily prayers—especially in the New Year.


“RENEW OUR CHURCH” BEGINS Dear People of St. Colette, Mision San Juan Diego, St. Theresa and St. Thomas of Villanova, God has made Himself vulnerable in a baby born in straw poverty, an act of humility of the One who is all. “Renew My Church” is a process inspired by St. Francis of Assisi, a Saint of humility and obedience. St. Francis was inspired in that same vulnerability of God. It connected him to the Lord and to his brothers and sisters accomplishing a much needed renewal in the Church. We strive for the same connection to one another and to the Lord. May we let ourselves be free of attachments and open to welcome the Lord so that He is present in stronger and more vibrant communities! Beginning in January, our grouping of Parishes (named by us “PALMEADOW HEIGHTS” because our Churches are located in Palatine, Rolling Meadows and Arlington Heights) will begin the “Renew My Church” process. The process is expected to take six or seven months. Each parish in the grouping will have a team of representatives working together, consisting of the Pastor, Associate Pastors, Principal (if there is a school), one other Pastoral Staff member, two parishioners at large and two school representatives. A facilitator is being provided by the Archdiocese of Chicago to help guide the process with us. There will be six meetings which will take place between January through May. These meetings will begin to draw out questions and topics to be addressed together by the “Palmeadow Heights” grouping. In addition, two Town Hall Meetings will provide an opportunity for the individual Parish teams to hear from their parishioners. “Renew My Church” will engage the following goals in every grouping throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago: MAKING DISCIPLES “Renew My Church” fosters belonging, particularly among young people, and invites them to have a true encounter and relationship with Jesus Christ. It evangelizes and forms new and existing Catholics in faith. It also will work to increase vocations. BUILDING COMMUNITIES “Renew My Church” supports vibrant parishes and schools that cultivate bonds with each other and provoke active participation in His Church. It will improve leadership development and support. It will increase parish mission vitality and Catholic school mission vitality. INSPIRING WITNESS “Renew My Church” asks us to come together in solidarity and spread the light and hope of Jesus Christ in order to transform the world. In addition, our “Palmeadow Heights” grouping will work together to come up with a plan that will specifically engage our four Parishes as we plan for future ministry together. We are all very grateful for the opportunity to work together and look forward to whatever the Holy Spirit will inspire us to accomplish in the years ahead. In the words of Tiny Tim this Christmas season, “God bless us every one!” Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Wesołych Świąt!


Parish Events


Sunday, December 24 —Christmas Eve—

and Monday, December 25

—Christmas Day— See Front Cover for Mass Times

Tuesday, December 26 2:45pm STV School Athle cs RAC 9:00pm Men’s Basketball RAC

Wednesday, December 27 6:00pm Eucharis c Adora on Church 8:00pm A.A. (Closed Mee ng) MR4

Thursday, December 28 2:45pm STV School Athle cs RAC 7:00pm Adult Choir Prac ce Church

Friday, December 29 No Ac vi es

Saturday, December 30 Parish Office Closed

8:40am Morning Bible Study MRC 7:00pm VOICES New Year’s Dance RAC

Sunday, December 31



PARISH OFFICE HOURS Mon 12/25 Closed Tue 12/26 9am—5pm Wed 12/27 9am—5pm Thu 12/28 9am—5pm Fri 12/29 9am—5pm Sat 12/30 Closed Mon 1/1 Closed


As you fill in your 2018 calendar, be sure to add the following Parish Events.

Monday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary—New Year’s Day

Monday, January 15 8th Grade Confirma on Retreat


Saturday, January 20 Catholic Cemeteries presenta on 12pm

Saturday, January 20 Couples Bags Tournament 6pm

Sunday, January 28— Saturday, February 3 Catholic Schools Week

Sunday, January 28 School Open House 11am

2017-2018 School Registra on officially begins

Sunday, January 28 Annual Catholic Appeal begins

Saturday, February 3 Annual Spaghe Dinner 6pm

Tuesday, February 6 1st Communion Parent Mee ng

7pm in Church

Wednesday, February 14 Ash Wednesday—Lent begins

Monday-Wednesday, Feb. 19—21 Parish Mission presented by

Fr. Tom Allender S.J.

Saturday, February 24 8th Grade Confirma on 10:30am

Saturday, March 3 St. Pat/St. Joe Parish Fundraiser 5pm

Saturday, March 17 Religious Educa on Closing

5pm Mass


Holy Thursday, March 29 • 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper • Adora on un l Midnight

Good Friday, March 30

• 3pm Our Lord’s Passion (English) • 5pm Our Lord’s Passion (Polish) • 7:30pm Living Sta ons of the Cross

Holy Saturday, March 31

• 1pm—Easter Basket Blessing (English)

• 2pm & 3pm—Easter Basket Blessing (Polish)

• 8pm—Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday, April 1 • 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am & noon Mass

(English) • 5:30am & 1:30pm Mass (Polish)

Keep looking in the bulle n for more exci ng

events at St. Thomas of Villanova!


NOTE: GOLDEN VILLANOVANS Don’t forget: Wednesday, December 27 at 1pm. Lunch at Sun Shui in Arlington Hts—155 W Rand Road. Call Maureen: 847-358-2586.

Parish News



PADS Help Needed: HELP! We s ll need volunteers for the 1st shi for New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31)—6:30pm to 11pm. Call Peg 847-358-5150 for more info. Signup Save-the-Date PADS Signup will be January 13 /14 a er Mass in the Gathering Area. Please mark your new 2018 calendar with that date!

MARCH FOR LIFE Chicago Trip: Sunday, Jan. 14, 2018 Reserve your seat for easy travel to and from the March for Life Chicago.

• 10:00 am Mass at St. Theresa • 11:00 am Bring your own lunch and

join us for fellowship in the St. The-resa Pauline Center

• 12:00 pm Board the bus for March for Life Chicago at Federal Plaza(2pm)

• 5:00 pm Arrive back at St. Theresa Wash. DC Youth Trip: Jan 17 - 21, 2018 The Archdiocese of Chicago is sponsoring an four-day pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. to join in the Na onal March for Life with over 500,000 young people. Unite with people from around our country to pray and march for life.


Signature & Dona on Collec on: January 6 / 7 The Catholic Parishes in the Chicago Archdiocese and the Joliet Diocese, are sponsoring a pro-life ad in the Daily Herald to mourn the 45th anni-versary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abor on through all nine months of pregnancy. You will have the opportunity to support the ad through a dona on and if desired, your signature. More informa on in the next bulle n… stay tuned.

Contact Mary Ann Kenesey 847-991-9732 or email [email protected] for more info

regarding these Respect Life ini a ves.

GREETER MINISTRY The Lord ineeds people to greet everyone who walks into His house for weekend Mass. He wants His friends and family to feel welcome. He gave each of you a smile and a warm heart, so you can fulfill this role. We are in desperate need for greet-ers especially at the Saturday 5pm and Sunday 7:30am Masses. No experience necessary. Flexible scheduling. Great heavenly pay. No mee ngs to a end. Training is fast and can be done over the phone. Please, please volunteer! Just contact Jeanie or Jack Landeweer 847-842-0679.

PASSION PLAY TRIP IN 2020 Fr. Jim Presta, Pastor of St. Emily Parish in Mt. Prospect, will be hos ng a trip from June 17—24, 2020 to the Oberammergau Passion Play. The trip will be a visit to the Alpine Treasures, including the city of Salzburg where the Sound of Music was filmed, the Eagle’s Nest Excursion, Innsbruck as well as the city of Oberammergau where the famous Passion Play will take place. Informa on Mee ng: Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 1pm at St. Emily Church, 1400 East Central Rd, Mt. Prospect—Parish Center (Hajdu Hall—west side of the Church building). For a brochure on the trip or more info, contact Sue Hogan at St. Emily’s (847-824-5049 or [email protected]).



Saturday January 20, 2018 6:30 p.m. un l ???? In the Rowley Ac vity Center

$20.00 admission per couple Includes: Pizza; Non-Alcoholic Liquid Refreshments and prize pool

BYOB (wine or beer) PLEASE RSVP (by January 17) TO: John or Donna Breit (847) 359-2870

ALL COUPLES ARE INVITED! (Married, engaged or da ng)



STV School News

St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic School

OPEN HOUSE Sunday, January 28th 11AM to 1PM Thursday, February 1st 6PM to 7PM

Here’s what one parent has to say about our school:

Our experience at St. Thomas of Villanova has been warm, welcoming and enriching for our entire family. The private school education provided at this facility coupled with extraordinary talented teachers and teach-ers’ aides provides a wonderful foundation for learning for my child. There is just something uniquely, intangi-bly special about this building and the faithful people…children, parents and teachers alike who make up the extraordinary community that is STV. - Kery B.

From the Principal’s Desk

Our door decora ng contest says it all! MERRY CHRISTMAS, St. Thomas of Villanova Parish Family! Mary Brinkman


STV School News


The Christ-Child of the Year Every year Time magazine recognizes someone as “Person of the Year”. The recogni on isn’t necessarily an honor; it’s given to the person whom Time judges to have been the newsmaker of the year – for good or for bad. This year, instead of choosing an individual to recognize as newsmaker of the year, it recognized instead a category of persons, the Silence Breakers, namely, women who have spoken out about having experienced sexual harassment and sexual violence.

Part of the challenge of Christmas is to recognize where Christ is being born in our world today, where two thousand years a er the birth of Jesus we can again visit the stable in Bethlehem, see the new-born child, and have our hearts moved by the power of divine innocence and powerlessness.

For Christmas this year, I suggest we honor refugee children as the “Christ-Child of the Year”. They bring as close to the original crib in Bethlehem as we can get within our world today because for them, as for Jesus two thousand years ago, there is no room at the inn.

Jesus’ birth, like his death, comes wrapped in paradox: He came as God’s answer to our deepest desire, badly wanted, and yet, both in birth and in death, the outsider. No ce that Jesus is born outside the city and he dies outside the city. That’s no accident. He wasn’t born a “wanted” child and he wasn’t an accepted child. Granted, his mother, Mary, and those with genuine religious hearts wanted him, but the world didn’t, at least not on the terms on which he came, as a powerless child. Had he come as a superstar, powerful, a figure so dominant that knees would automa cally bend in his presence, a messiah tailored to our imagina on,

every inn door would have opened to him, not just at birth but throughout his whole life.

But Christ wasn’t the messiah of our expecta ons. He came as an infant, powerless, hidden in anonymity, without status, invited, unwanted. And so Thomas Merton describes his birth this way: Into this world, this demented inn, in which there is abso-lutely no room for Him at all, Christ has come uninvited. But because He cannot be at home in it, because He is out of place in it, and yet He must be in it, His place is with those others for whom there is no room.

There was no room for him at the inn! Biblical scholars tell us that our homilies and imaginings about the heartlessness of the innkeepers who turned Mary and Joseph away on Christmas Eve miss the point of that narra ve. The point that the Gospels want to make here is not that the inn-keepers in Bethlehem were cruel and calloused and this singular, poor, peasant couple, Joseph and Mary, were treated unfairly. The mo f of “no room at the inn” wants rather to make a much larger point, the one Thomas Merton just highlighted, namely, that there’s never room in our world for the real Christ, the one who doesn’t fit comfortably into our expecta ons and imaginings. The real Christ generally shocks our imagina-

on, is a disappointment to our expecta ons, comes uninvited, is perennially here, but is forever on the outside, on the periphery, excluded by our imagina ons and sent packing from our doors. The real Christ is for-ever seeking a home in a world within which there’s no room for him.

So who best fits that descrip on best today? I suggest the following: Millions of refugee children. The Christ

-Child can be seen most clearly today in the countless refugee children who, with their families, are being driven from their homes by violence, war, starva on, ethnic cleansing, poverty, tribalism, racism, and religious persecu on. They, and their families, best fit the picture of Joseph and Mary, searching for a room, outsiders, powerless, uninvited, no home, no one to take them in, on the periphery, strangers, labeled as “aliens”. But they are the present-day Holy Family and their children are the Christ-Child for us and our world.

Where is the crib of Bethlehem today? Where might we find the infant Christ to worship? In many places, admi ed-ly in every delivery room and nursery in the world, but “preferen ally” in refugee camps; in boats making peri-lous journeys across the Mediterrane-an; in migrants trekking endless miles in hunger, thirst, and dangerous con-di ons; in people wai ng in endless lines to be processed in hope of being accepted somewhere, in persons ar-riving at various borders a er a long journey only to be sent back; in moth-ers in deten on centers, holding their young and hoping; and most especial-ly, preferen ally, in the faces of count-less refugee children.

The face of God at Christmas is seen more in the helplessness of children than in all the earthly and charisma c power in our world. And so today, if we want, like the shepherds and wise men, to find our way to the crib in Bethlehem we need to look at where, in this demented inn, the most help-less of the children dwell.

Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser, theologian, teacher, and award-winning author, is Presi-dent of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. He can be contacted through his website www.ronrolheiser.com. Now on Facebook www.facebook.com/ronrolheiser


Catholic Cemeteries


St. Pat / St. Joe Fundraiser



YTD Totals

YTD Budget $ 592,500.00

Over / (Under) ($ 45,273.92)

YTD Actual $ 547,226.08


Date Weekend Collec on

On-Line Giving

Weekly Total

Over / Under Budget: $23,700

Dec 3 $25,447.47 $ 2,523.00 $ 27,970.47 $ 4,270.47

Dec 10 $ 17,634.66 $ 2,903.00 $ 20,537.66 ($ 3,162.34)

Dec 17 $ 22,874.12 $ 1,533.00 $ 24,407.12 $ 707.12

Dec 24

Dec 31


GiveCentral ONLINE GIVING is a convenient way for St. Thomas of Villanova to receive your SSG support, as well as your Parish Christmas Gi , especially if you will be away for Christmas. It is a secure online system with payment op ons from direct debit (ACH) to all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. You can donate to these funds:

• Sunday Giving • Parish Christmas Gi • Christmas Flowers • Sharing / Ministry of Care • “To Teach Who Christ Is”

How to sign up:

1. Go to www.givecentral.org 2. Click the “START GIVING” bu on. 3. Type St. Thomas of Villanova in the

search box and click on our picture when it appears.

4. Choose a fund to which you would like to donate, entering the frequency, date range and dollar amount, then click “ADD TO MY GIFT BASKET.”

5. You may click “CHECKOUT” at any me, or add more dona ons, if you

wish. 6. When you are ready, click “MY GIFT

BASKET” at the top of the page and verify your gi s.

7. Click “CONTINUE,” then “COMPLETE PROFILE” to register.

8. Complete the registra on form, then click “REGISTER AND CONFIRM GIFT.”

9. You’re registered! You will receive a confirma on email from GiveCentral.


Christmas gi to your Parish Family.

Forgot your Christmas gi ? We s ll gratefully accept your Christmas gi un l Monday, January 8, 2018. Christmas checks dated December 31, 2017 can s ll be included in your 2017 charitable dona ons. Thank you!

- Your Finance Committee

DOLLAR SHOPPING POWER (DSP) There is a change for DSP ordering during Christmas and New Year’s.

No A er-Mass DSP during the holiday weekends of:

Christmas—Dec. 23 /24 New Year—Dec. 30 /31 January 6 / 7

All orders placed during holiday weeks will be included in the next submis-sion on January 14, 2018 and cards will be available on January 17, 2018.

If you have any ques ons, please contact the DSP Coordinator

at [email protected].




STVSS—WINTER 2018 Looking to grow your faith in 2018? St. Thomas of Villanova Scripture Study announces our Winter Offerings. Please join us!

Follow Me: Mee ng Jesus in the Gospel of John

An 8-Week Study

Friday mornings beginning January 12th, 2018 from 9:30-11:30am

OR Tuesday evenings beginning

January 16th, 2018 from 7-9pm

$25 per person

Contact Nancy Hulsebosch at [email protected] or

847-757-5630 to register.


Copyright 2017 by John B. Reynolds

Growing Your Faith

An ex-work colleague--Liana--and I had one thing in common before she le the corporate scene: we kept li le s cky notes posted on our bookcase shelves at work with quotes or inspira onal sayings that meant something to us. My chosen quotes--nine of them currently--remain well-displayed at my worksta on, and I o en take a moment in the early AM to read them. Things like, “'Fool', said my Muse to me. 'Look into thy heart, and write'” by English poet Sir Philip Sidney, and “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gi ” by American runner Steve Prefon-taine. I find that these thoughts help me remember who I really am as I deal with whatever work crisis comes along. I used the past tense in my opening sentence on Liana’s behalf because she’s long gone, leaving our place to take on some other assignment. Hence her s cky notes are long gone as well. While I have all of my quotes commi ed to memory, I can’t remember any of hers. Surely she does, though, and I pray they are s ll inspiring her. Just the same, I do recall something she shared with me before she booked. I remember it because it rang true for me then and it s ll rings true for me today. I don’t think it made it to her bookcase shelf. I’m not even sure who said it (some online sites a ribute it to Audrey Hepburn) but it speaks to me: “Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!'” I told Liana that I’d seen the word impossible many mes but that I’d

never made the I’m possible connec on. This comes to mind now as I consider today’s Gospel. Luke’s account of the announcement of Christ’s birth is all about Mary. Her name is men oned several mes, a er all, and she’s a key player in the salva on story. “Behold,” Gabriel tells her, “you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High…” Mary challenges this, given her virginal status. “Details, schmetails,” the angel essen ally responds, telling Mary of the Holy Spirit coming upon her and of Elizabeth’s old-age preg-nancy, and then adding in ma er-of-

fact fashion, “for nothing will be impossible for God.” Yes, this Gospel speaks of Mary. By Mary acknowl-edging herself before Gabriel as the handmaid of the Lord, however, and by saying, “May it be done to me according to your word,” she makes

“I’m possible” out of “impossible” (How can this be…?), so this Gospel speaks, too, of a God who doesn’t know the meaning of the word. But here’s the thing. Here’s the amazing, glorious, divinely-deemed-possible thing: we all play a part in the story. And not a bit part. In step with the Holy Spirit, God not only conceives Christ in Mary, He brings Christ to life in each of us. Me. You. Liana. Think about that. Ponder it in a quiet mo-ment. We are God-carriers to the world. Awwwesome, no? Aw-wwesome, yes. Not easy, certainly, but like Prefontaine said, to give any-thing less than our best is to sacrifice the gi . Merry Christmas.


Family Matters




DEACON Deacon John Breit Deacon Tom Dunne Deacon Rich Willer Deacon Mark Duffey


LECTORS Lee Fialek Robert Trauth

Maureen Treanor Bonnie Fennig

Mary Spila Dorene Wackerfuss

Jill Cervenka Jennifer Santos


Donna Breit Louis Akins

Mary Bragiel Marian DeGroot

Dan Dunne Jim Dunne

Corinne Greico Helen Janicki Peggy King

Mick Lasiewicz

Jeanne Monson Tom Nicholas

Mark Orr Carole Parsons

Mila Quiaoit Sarah Rauen Gay Sladky

Bob Slanicky Lori Smithe

Mary Willer Roswitha Kist Paula Logsdon Steve Lundell

Andrew Nalywajko Theresa Naran c

Jackie Nogle Kate O'Connell

Kathy Schappert Randy Schappert

Ann Duffey Earl Schaffnit Ted Tomusiak

Maureen Treanor Mary Carlson Donna Casey

Tom Cavenagh Bob Haas Lynn Haas Laura Klotz

SERVERS Names in RED are Altar Servers In Training

Caroline Kawiecki Michael Nix Bill Shoults

Patrick Shoults Kara Rady

Garre Colbrook Joshua Reiswig Tori Ruetsche Jack Castelli

Ben Pribilski Olivia Walczynski

Victoria Walsh Alyssa Bourgeois

Anika Tsau

David Dabrowski Jason Mayschak Truman Sanchez William Slatkay

Madalyn Chambers


Judy Go Sylvia Schaffer

Bob & Nancy Bachmann

Tom & Marianne Greener Mila Quiaoit

Bob & Margo Stanek

Cheryl Su on Stedronsky Family Carol Thompson

Lynn Haas Laura Klotz

Jack & Jeanie Landeweer




In the fields near Bethlehem, shepherds were caring for their sheep. An angel came and told them a Savior had been born.

Immediately, the shepherds le to go see Jesus.

Use the code below to figure out what happened next.


Our Weekly Prayers

MASS INTENTIONS Monday, December 25 —CHRISTMAS DAY— Midnight Mass—POLISH 9:30am Mass—ENGLISH 11:30am Mass—ENGLISH 1:30pm Mass—POLISH Tuesday, December 26 6:30am Communion Service 8:00am All Who Are Sick Wednesday, December 27 6:30am Communion Service 8:00am Deceased of Susorney &

Wellington Families

Thursday, December 28 6:30am Communion Service 8:00am Thomas Yadron Friday, December 29

NO Communion Service 8:00am Bernade e Dempsey; Jennifer Lis; Ernest Carlsen Saturday, December 30 8:00am All Military Personnel 5:00pm Manuel R. Dominguez; Int. for Robert & Barbara Ri —

60th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, December 31 7:30am All Living & Deceased Parishioners 9:30am Sylvia Gronski; Alice Hogan; June Falardeau; Elaine Dunne 11:15am Sue Rheaume; Carmela Krosgtad; Carl Hlavka 1:30pm Mass—POLISH

WEEKLY READINGS Mon: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14] Tue: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59;Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22 Wed: 1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12; Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Thu: 1 Jn 1:5 -- 2:2; Ps 124:2-5, 7cd-8; Mt 2:13-18 Fri: 1 Jn 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3, 5b-6; Lk 2:22-35 Sat: 1 Jn 2:12-17; Ps 96:7-10; Lk 2:36-40 Sun: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-

Barbara Amato Lou Anderson

Jim Baur Vito Boffa

Cherie Bott Andy Bouchonville Charles Campagna Eleanor Campagna

Anna Marie Candorla Tom Cook

Baby Seamus Cullen Brenda Darling

Jason Dean Emily Dempsey

Beth Dix Jeanne Formanski

Jaime Forseth Kirk Forseth

Faith Forseth Parker Forseth

Daniel Gajewski Mel Gass Bill Gerl

Ralph Gonzalez Adeline Kaczmarek Mary Anne Kiesel Wesley Knutson

Mary Alice Kobler Susan Kordell

Lauren Lambert Gene Lazich Harold Lewis

Allan Loden Peggy Lowe

Richard Maloney Baby Alexa Mang

Helen Mariano Bob Maruska

Elayne Maruska Baby Benjamin Mauro

Mike McGee Candida Morales

Mike Moran JoAnn Moser Paul Moser Rita Olles

Pa y Reynolds Elaine Romanchek

Ken Romanchek Dick Samojla Dan Schaffer Carlos Serna Shawn Smith Russell Spano

Kris na Sromek Alice Stedronsky

Anne Swaw Robert Szo

Sharon Tadsen John Welge Tom Yadron

Frances Zane Martha Zara


U.S. Air Force • MSGT Dan Fialek • SSGT Jus n Godsey • MSGT Ma hew Grelck • CPT Erin Killion • CPT Sean McGee • SrA Trenton J. Metyk • SSGT Darrel J. Moe • Lt Col Ross A. Mol • SSGT Brian R. O’Donnell • SrA Joshua Olszak • MAJ Ma hew Walz U.S. Army • MAJ Robert Bland • MAJ Bernade e O’Shea Bland • PFC Ryan Camis-Sutherland • CPT Ben Couchey • SSGT Brian J. Dankowski • CPT Joel Hilborn • SPC Jeffry Ketelsen

• SF Joseph Kilcullen III, Green Beret

• LT Michael Labek • 2LT Daniel Lloyd • SSGT Dus n Lyles • SPC Michael Medina • SGT Kevin Miller • CWO2 Timothy O’Cain • CPT James Ruetsche, Ranger • PFC Will Willis • Troops in the Middle East U.S. Coast Guard • LT Kevin O’Brien

U.S. Marine Corps • MAJ Joey Cross • CPL David Crouse • PVT Nicholas G. Dean • WO1 Thomas Grygowski • PFC Jeffrey Daniel Krantz

• CPT Thomas McCarthy • CPL Cameron Miller • CPL Sam Miller • SGT Conor O’Neill • SGT Nicholas Regini • SGT Kyle Rich • LT Jake Schlenbecker • SGT Corey A. White U.S. Navy • LTJG Jeremy Adams • LCDR Kevin Brandwein • LCDR John-Paul Falardeau • CAPT Jason Haen • SN Caleb Harrington • PO2 David Holley • LT Quinn Daniel Kilpatrick • SN Gregory Mino • AN James Steininger


Lord, bless the men and women of our military as they answer the call to serve our na on and defend our freedom. Protect and heal them-- body, soul, mind and spirit--especially those in harm's way. Most of all let them know your love; that you are with them, and that you will never forsake or abandon them. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

ROSE OF LIFE In Loving Memory of My Father



Zofia Matuszewska

OUR NEWLY BAPTIZED Jack Michael Walocha


Parish Information

MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, 11:15am

1:30pm (Polish)

Weekday 6:30am (Communion Service) 8:00am (Including Saturday)

RECONCILIATION Saturdays 8:30am—9:30am


NEW PARISHIONERS: All are welcome! Stop by the Parish Office to register and learn more about our Parish. BAPTISM: Parents are required to a end a Bap sm Prepara on class preferable before the baby is born to avoid babysi ng concerns. Bap sms are celebrated on most Sundays following the 11:15am Mass. Call the Parish Office for more informa on. Upcoming Bap sm Prep Classes— Jan 9, Jan 23 & Feb 15 MARRIAGE: Arrangements for the celebra on of marriage should be made at least six (6) months prior to your planned wedding date. Call Deacon Tom Dunne for more informa on. BECOMING A CATHOLIC: Our RCIA (Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults) Process is for adults who were never bap zed in any faith, who were bap zed in another Chris an faith but wish to become Catholic or who were bap zed Catholics but never received the Sacraments of Confirma on and Eucharist. Contact the Parish Office for more info. Bro-chures available in the Gathering Area kiosk. COMMUNION FOR HOMEBOUND: Ministers of Care are available to bring Communion to the homebound. Contact Deacon Tom Dunne for informa on. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Call the Parish Office to add your name to the sick list. Due to pa ent privacy (HIPAA Law,) only the ailing person, or in case of their incapacita on, the person delegated for the medical care, can add their name to the sick list. PRAYERS FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL: Call the Parish Office to add a name of some-one serving in the military, so our faith com-munity can pray for their safety and service.

PARISH OFFICE 1201 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074

Phone: 847-358-6999; Fax: 847-934-4919; www.stov.org Parish Office Hours: Mon-Thu 9am—8pm, Fri 9am—5pm, Sat 9am—1pm

Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor Ext 204 [email protected] Rev. Marcin Zasada, Associate Pastor Ext 206 [email protected] Rev. Mirek Kulesa, Associate Pastor Ext 200 [email protected] Deacon John Breit, Business Manager Ext 202 [email protected] Ron Schaefer, Project Manager Ext 208 [email protected] Deacon Tom Dunne, Minister of Care Ext 201 [email protected] Jeff Walczynski, High School Youth Dir. Ext 212 [email protected] Connie West, Bereavement Director Ext 207 [email protected] Suzie Walczynski, Bulle n Editor/Admin Ext 205 [email protected] Joseph Spano, Admin. Assistant Ext 200 [email protected] Meaghan Spano, Admin. Assistant Ext 200 [email protected]


1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Phone: 847-358-2110; FAX: 847-776-1435; www.stvschool.org

Mary Brinkman, Principal [email protected] Stephanie Hardy, Assistant Principal [email protected] Darcy Moder, Admin. Assistant [email protected]


1141 E Anderson Drive, Pala ne, IL 60074 Phone: 847-358-2386; www.stvrec.org

Mary Strybel, Religious Ed Coordinator [email protected] Lisa Lechowicz, Religious Ed Admin Asst. [email protected] Meaghan Spano, Religious Ed Admin Asst. [email protected]


Priests Rev. Tom Rzepiela, Pastor

Rev. Marcin Zasada, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Mirek Kulesa, Assoc. Pastor

Rev. Mar n Luboyera, Weekend Assoc. Rev. Ray Yadron, Pastor Emeritus

Permanent Deacons

Deacon John Breit Deacon Mark Duffey Deacon Tom Dunne

Deacon Bill Karstenson Deacon Len Marturano

Deacon Rich Willer

Pastoral Council Jane St. Pierre Murguia, Chairperson

Deacon John Breit Lexine Cramm Barb Howell Ann Johnson

Norbert Krogstad Rev. Mirek Kulesa

Steve Lundell Pam Maloney

Rev. Tom Rzepiela Gay Sladky

Connie West Rev. Marcin Zasada

NOTE: Bulle n deadlines Ar cles for the bulle n are due on Fridays—9 days before publica on


Informacje po polsku (Polish Information) IV Niedziela Adwentu – Radujmy się!

Słowa powitania skierowane do Maryi przez anioła powinny się stać i naszym udziałem. Jej ‘tak’ jest bowiem początkiem zbawienia nas samych. To dzięki niemu odwieczny, nieskończony Bóg wchodzi w ludzką rzeczywistość, w historię. To już dzisiejszej nocy zaśpiewamy staropolską kolędę ‘Bóg się rodzi’. Kończy się czas adwentu, czas oczekiwania, i nastaje wypełnienie wszystkich obietnic zbawienia skiero-wanych nie tylko do Izraela, ale jak już wiemy, do całego świata, do każdego człowieka. Radość Maryi może się stać naszą radością. Choć jesteśmy przygotowani do jej poniesienia w różny sposób, choć nie zawsze udało nam się zrealizować nasze postanowienia adwentowe, to w tym momencie tylko jedno się liczy: Zbawiciel jest już blisko, stoi u naszych drzwi (Ap 3, 20). Otwórzmy Mu nasze serca i zaprośmy do naszego życia, by przemieniał nas od środka swoją obecnością…

26. grudnia – Św. Szczepan – Swoi go nie przyjęli… W drugim dniu oktawy Bożego Narodzenia Kościół wspomina swojego pierwszego męczennika, diakona Szczepana... Od kontemplacji wydarzenia Wcielenia Boga, otulonej troską o Dzieciątko Jezus przez Maryję i Józefa, przechodzimy do pełnej przemocy i krwi sceny ukamienowania św. Szczepana, gorliwego i odważnego głosiciela Dobrej Nowiny o śmierci i zmartwych powstaniu Jezusa, Zbawiciela świata.

Wydarzenie to obrazuje głęboki konflikt pomiędzy grzesznym światem ludzi, z tak wielkim trudem otwierających się na Miłość Boga. Człowiek głoszący Życie zostaje zabity. Największa dobroć i dar zbawienia zostają odrzucone. Dramat odrzucenia Słowa – Jezusa, Światłości świata – trwa w całej historii zbawienia. To Światło nie narzuca się, jest delikatne, a jest nim Miłosierdzie Boga, wciąż bezbronne wobec przemocy człowieka, który wybiera ciemność, sam chce się zbawić i przestaje się interesować takim Bogiem, który wszystko stworzył, wszystkiemu nadał sens i podtrzymuje w istnieniu.

Pan Jezus przygotowywał swoich uczniów na odrzucenie i prześladowanie, tak ze strony Żydów jak i pogan. Jezus zapowiedział swoim uczniom, że będą prześladowani: ‘Wydadzą was do synagog i do więzień oraz z powodu Mojego Imienia wlec was będą do królów i namiestników. Będzie to dla was sposobność do składania świadectwa’. Pośród tych, którzy ze względu na fałszywie pojętą wierność wiary w Boga Przymierza prześladowali wyznawców Jezusa, był Szaweł, później nawrócony Paweł. Na jego przykładzie widać, jak wielką nowością dla wierzącego Żyda było przyjęcie Objawienia w Bogu-Człowieku Jezusie Chrystusie.

Święty Szczepan ukazuje i dzisiaj odwagę wiary. Swoja gotowością na przyjęcie męczeństwa uczy nas, jak zawierzyć Bogu najtrudniejsze chwile naszego życia. Wytrwał w wierności do końca, jak Jego ukrzyżowany Pan, bo widział niebo otwarte i Syna Człowieczego, stojącego po prawicy Boga. Wobec tych, którzy pełni gniewu zgrzytali na niego zębami, zachował pokój serca, bo napełniony był duchem Świętym.

Święty Szczepan umierał z przebaczeniem na ustach: ‘Panie, nie poczytuj im tego grzechu…’ Przebaczenie jest znakiem, że Bóg naprawdę zamieszkał pośród świata, a opowiadanie o Bożym Narodzeniu nie jest jedynie sentymentalną opowieścią, by nieco łagodzić ból człowieczego istnienia w świecie pełnym sprzeczności, konkurencji, przemocy i wojen…

UROCZYSTOŚĆ NARODZENIA PAŃSKIEGO – Dziś narodził się nam Zbawiciel Narodzenie Jezusa w Betlejem, choć w niczym nie sugeruje narodzenia Zbawcy całej ludzkości, jest czymś tak doniosłym, że ewangelista Łukasz radosną nowinę o przyjściu na świat Mesjasza wkłada w usta anioła. To on pierwszy raz w dziejach ludzkości ogłasza Ewangelię, dobrą nowinę o narodzeniu Zbawiciela. Jest ona wezwaniem do radości, która przez-wycięża wszelki strach. Rozpoczynające ją słowa ‘Nie bójcie się’ nie straciły nic ze swojej aktualności. Bóg wszedł w ludzką rzec-zywistość, stał się człowiekiem dla naszego zbawienia. Nic nie może odebrać nam radości, którą przyniósł nam w darze. Choć anioł zapowiadał, że stanie się ona udziałem całego ludu, tj. Izraela, to Bóg okazał się dużo bardziej hojny, niż zdolni byli to zracjonalizować strzegący swoich trzód pasterze. Radość z narodzenia Jezusa stała się udziałem całego świata, który dzięki Niemu otrzymał w darze i doświadczył zbawienia…


‘Odnów Mój Kościół’

Drodzy Parafianie wspólnot: Misji Św. Juan Diego oraz parafii Św. Colette, Św. Teresy i Św. Tomasza z Villanova Bóg narodził się w skrajnym ubóstwie będąc zupełnie bezbronnym w osobie dziecięcia. To był akt pokory Tego, który jest wszystkim. Inicjatywa ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’ jest procesem zainspirowanym przez Św. Franciszka z Asyżu, świętego urzec-zywistniającego prawdziwie wartość pokory i posłuszeństwa. To doświadczenie bezbronności Boga zainspirowało Św. Franciszka i zjednoczyło go z Panem i innymi w tak bardzo niezbędnej potrzebie odnowy w Kościele. W tym samym duchu, zmierzamy ku analogicznemu zjednoczeniu. Bądźmy wolni od wszelkich uprzedzeń i przywiązań. I bądźmy otwarci na działanie Boga, by On był obecnym w dynamicznych wspólnotach parafialnych. Z początkiem stycznia, grupa naszych czterech parafii (nazwana przez nas: ‘PALMEADOW HEIGHTS’, z uwagi na ich lokalizacje w Palatine, Rolling Meadows i Arlington Heights) rozpocznie realizację inicjatywy ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’. Proces ten potrwa 6-7 miesięcy i koordynowany będzie przez przedstawiciela naszej Archidiecezji. Re-prezentanci każdej z parafii (proboszcz, wikariusz/e, dyrekcja szkoły parafialnej, dwóch parafian, dwóch przed-stawicieli szkoły oraz przedstawiciel biura parafialnego) wypracują powszechny consensus. Pomiędzy styczniem a majem odbędzi się cykl sześciu spotkań, podczas których będą adresowane i analizowane zagadnienia przeznaczone dla naszej grupy. Poza tym, w każdej z parafii, dwa dodatkowe spotkania będą możliwością konsultacji przedstawici-eli ze swoimi parafianami. Archidiecezjalna inicjatywa ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’ prowadzić będzie ku realizacji następujących celów w każdej z grup parafialnych:

‘Powołanie uczniów’ Inicjatywa ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’ wychowuje do przynależności, szczególnie pośród młodych osób, i zaprasza ich do spotkania z Chrystusem, do kreowania z Nim personalnej relacji. Ewangelizuje i formuje w wierze nowych i aktualnych Katolików. I zmierza ku zwiększeniu liczby powołań.

‘Budowanie społeczności’ Inicjatywa ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’ wspomaga dynamizm parafii i szkół parafialnych prowokując do bar-dziej aktywnego zaangażania w swoim Kościele. Polepsza ich rozwój i przekształcenia oraz zwiększa ich witalność, dynamikę i aktywność.

‘Inspirowanie świadków’ Inicjatywa ‘Odnów Mój Kościół’ zaprasza, by razem, w duchu solidarności, iść i nieść światło i nadzieję płynące od Chrystusa i zmieniać świat.

Dodatkowo, grupa naszych czterech parafii ‘PALMEADOW HEIGHTS’ wypracuje plan odnoszący się konkretnie do naszej wspólnej przyszłości. Z wdzięcznością za tą możliwość współpracy, oczekujemy na inspirujące działanie Ducha Świętego w tym procesie transformacji. Niech Bóg nam wszyskim błogosławi. Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Wesołych Świąt!
