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ASME Newsletter - May - 2013 - DRAFT Newsletter - May - 2013...conferences attended asme newsletter...

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Promong Excellence in Clinical Educaon and Training CONFERENCES ATTENDED ASME NEWSLETTER | May 2013 In our last newsleer we featured our Course for Updang and Refreshing Educators in Medicine (CUREM). This course between 25 –27 September will be held at Moram Hall, Moram St Andrew, Cheshire. With sessions including “The Future of Postgraduate Medical Educaon” by Professor Wendy Reid, Medical Director of Health Educaon England and “Common pialls for educaonal and clinical supervisors” by Professor Gill Doody; this course is ideal for anyone taking on an educaonal role or those in the early stages of taking on an educaonal porolio and is aimed at postgraduate NHS educators who wish to update their medical educaon knowledge and: . Supplement and refresh knowledge gained from gaining a higher qualificaon in medical educaon Gain academic smulaon in a bite-sized chunk Refresh their interest in medical educaon advances, Gain an overview of the field, but who do not have the me, inclinaon or finances to undertake a higher qualificaon in medical educaon This course will be facilitated by: Professor Gill Doody: ASME Educator Development Group (EDG) Lead and Professor in General Adult Psychiatry and Medical Educaon, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nongham. Professor Joe Herzberg: Emeritus NHS Professor of Postgraduate Medical Educaon, Queen Mary, University of London. Former Associate Postgraduate Dean, London Deanery. Dr Colin Macdougall Deputy Director, MBChB, Warwick Medical School. Dr Liz Spencer Consultant Anaesthest and Clinical Tutor for Professional Development, Gloucestershire Hospitals. For more informaon and to book, please visit www.asme.org.uk CUREM Course AWMD 2013 ASME exhibited at the All Wales Medical and Dental Conference held in March in Swansea. With a high concentraon of students and a JASME meeng our stand was constantly buzzing with quesons on our conferences and courses and how best to get your work published— workshops are being planned to cater for this need. CCME 2013 ASME aended the Canadian Conference on Medical Educaon (CCME) in Quebec in April. This annual gathering aracted students, health educators, researchers and government representaves who were able to share their thoughts and experiences within medical educaon. Our stand was well received and there was great interest in our journals— Medical Educaon and The Clinical Teacher. ASPiH/ SCSN in Edinburgh ASME were delighted to aend the joint ASPiH and Scosh Clinical Skills Network Scosh Symposium in Dynamic Earth, Edinburgh. ASPiH will also aend our 2013 Annual Scienfic Meeng later in the year in Edinburgh. Our stand was inundated as we offered our usual array of teaching tools such as copies of our journals and our Miller’s Pyramid. We are in the process of updang our website in order to make it more user friendly and to ensure you can easily navigate the site. We are also looking to ensure that all areas and pages of our site are visible whether you are using an iPad, tablet or a mobile. We have an acve community on Twier and Facebook and are looking to create a members only area in the coming months which will give you access to unique areas of our site including videos and abstract informaon from our conferences and events. www.asme.org.uk WEBSITE ASME DIARY DATES Developing Leaders in Healthcare Educaon Masterclass: Leading and Building Sustainable Change—1 SPACE LEFT!! 7-8 May 2013, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, UK Conducng Medical Educaon Research Workshop 9 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK FLAME Workshop 9 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK Annual Scienfic Meeng: Delivering a High Quality Learning Experience in Changing Times 10-12 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK Developing Leaders in Healthcare Educaon—Residenal Course 29 July to 2 August 2013, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, UK Course for Updang and Refreshing Educators in Medicine (CUREM) 25-27 September 2013, Moram Hall, Moram St Andrew, Cheshire, UK Professionalism and Professional Identy—NEW CONFERENCE!! 25 October 2013, Ausn Court, Birmingham, UK

Promo�ng Excellence in Clinical Educa�on and Training



In our last newsle�er we featured our

Course for Upda�ng and Refreshing

Educators in Medicine (CUREM). This

course between 25 –27 September will be

held at Mo�ram Hall, Mo�ram St Andrew,


With sessions including “The Future of

Postgraduate Medical Educa�on” by

Professor Wendy Reid, Medical Director of

Health Educa�on England and “Common

pi�alls for educa�onal and clinical

supervisors” by Professor Gill Doody; this

course is ideal for anyone taking on an

educa�onal role or those in the early stages

of taking on an educa�onal por1olio and is

aimed at postgraduate NHS educators who

wish to update their medical educa�on

knowledge and: .

⇒ Supplement and refresh knowledge

gained from gaining a higher

qualifica�on in medical educa�on

⇒ Gain academic s�mula�on in a

bite-sized chunk

⇒ Refresh their interest in medical

educa�on advances,

⇒ Gain an overview of the field, but

who do not have the �me,

inclina�on or finances to undertake

a higher qualifica�on in medical


This course will be facilitated by:

Professor Gill Doody: ASME Educator

Development Group (EDG) Lead and

Professor in General Adult Psychiatry and

Medical Educa�on, Faculty of Medicine,

University of No;ngham.

Professor Joe Herzberg: Emeritus NHS

Professor of Postgraduate Medical

Educa�on, Queen Mary, University of

London. Former Associate Postgraduate

Dean, London Deanery.

Dr Colin Macdougall Deputy Director,

MBChB, Warwick Medical School.

Dr Liz Spencer Consultant Anaesthe�st and

Clinical Tutor for Professional

Development, Gloucestershire Hospitals.

For more informa�on and to book, please

visit www.asme.org.uk

CUREM Course

AWMD 2013

ASME exhibited at the All Wales Medical

and Dental Conference held in March in

Swansea. With a high concentra�on of

students and a JASME mee�ng our stand

was constantly buzzing with ques�ons on

our conferences and courses and how

best to get your work published—

workshops are being planned to cater for

this need.

CCME 2013

ASME a�ended the Canadian Conference

on Medical Educa�on (CCME) in Quebec

in April. This annual gathering a�racted

students, health educators, researchers

and government representa�ves who

were able to share their thoughts and

experiences within medical educa�on.

Our stand was well received and there

was great interest in our journals—

Medical Educa�on and The Clinical


ASPiH/ SCSN in Edinburgh

ASME were delighted to a�end the joint

ASPiH and Sco;sh Clinical Skills Network

Sco;sh Symposium in Dynamic Earth,


ASPiH will also a�end our 2013 Annual

Scien�fic Mee�ng later in the year in

Edinburgh. Our stand was inundated as

we offered our usual array of teaching

tools such as copies of our journals and

our Miller’s Pyramid.

We are in the process of upda�ng our

website in order to make it more user

friendly and to ensure you can easily

navigate the site. We are also looking to

ensure that all areas and

pages of our site are visible

whether you are using an

iPad, tablet or a mobile.

We have an ac�ve

community on Twi�er and Facebook and

are looking to create a members only area

in the coming months which will give you

access to unique areas of our site

including videos and abstract informa�on

from our conferences and events.




Developing Leaders in Healthcare Educa�on Masterclass: Leading and Building

Sustainable Change—1 SPACE LEFT!!

7-8 May 2013, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor, Berkshire, UK

Conduc�ng Medical Educa�on Research Workshop

9 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

FLAME Workshop

9 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Annual Scien�fic Mee�ng: Delivering a High Quality Learning Experience in Changing


10-12 July 2013, Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Developing Leaders in Healthcare Educa�on—Residen�al Course

29 July to 2 August 2013, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, Windsor,

Berkshire, UK

Course for Upda�ng and Refreshing Educators in Medicine (CUREM)

25-27 September 2013, Mo�ram Hall, Mo�ram St Andrew, Cheshire, UK

Professionalism and Professional Iden�ty—NEW CONFERENCE!!

25 October 2013, Aus�n Court, Birmingham, UK

Promo�ng Excellence in Clinical Educa�on and Training CREATIVE COMMONS

Membership Renewals Process

You may have no�ced the Crea�ve

Commons logo on the front page of

this newsle�er. This logo en�tles

you to redistribute this newsle�er as

long as you do not alter it and give

ASME credit.

It is our aim that by the end of 2013,

that the majority of all

documenta�on produced by ASME

will have a Crea�ve Commons logo

making it clear how materials can be

used and shared.

This will ensure that the proper

recogni�on is given to informa�on

we distribute and to ensure that

knowledge is spread. According to

the Crea�ve Commons Organisa�on:

“Crea�ve Commons also works to

minimize legal, technical, and social

barriers to sharing and reuse of

educa�onal materials, with dedicated

projects in this field since star�ng in


ASME are adop�ng open academic

prac�ce where appropriate and

inves�ng �me into this system

following our a�endance at the Open

Educa�onal Resources 2013

Conference, which we men�oned in

the March newsle�er.

For more informa�on, please visit


Are you receiving ASME emails?

We send out regular mailings on a

monthly basis from [email protected],

please save this email into your address

book or safe senders list to ensure that

you are kept up to date with ASME

conferences and courses, vacancies and

important medical educa�on news!

Since the beginning of 2013, we have been

upda�ng our membership database and

streamlining our membership renewals


If you are an exis�ng ASME member and

have received your annual subscrip�on

invoice you can now fill out our online form

to renew your membership using our secure

payment provider.

Renewing online is quick and easy and

ensures that you don't miss out on any

copies of your journals!

In order to receive membership renewal

reminders by email, please ensure that we

have your up to date contact details. Please

email any personal detail updates to Jennifer

Bowser ([email protected]) or use the

Change of Details form available on our


Should you wish to opt out of email updates

but wish to be reminded of membership

renewal by email, please contact Claire

Cunningham ([email protected]).

Please look out for our Members Zone at our

ASM in Edinburgh where you will have the

opportunity to update your details; confirm

your areas of interest and confirm your

membership of our various Special Interest



Ins�tu�onal Members


Congratula�ons to Dr Lesley

Pugsley from Cardiff who came up

with the following cap�on:

“Join the Leader and become a

Leader - ASME marches on its


Look out for our compe��on during

our ASM in Edinburgh where we

will have a Understanding Medical

Educa�on textbook up for grabs!

We are s�ll in the process of sending

out our ins�tu�onal logo for members

to display on the educa�on sec�on of

their website with a link back to ASME.

If you are an ins�tu�onal member, and

wish to display the logo, please com-

plete the Condi�ons of License form

which was sent to you previously and

return to Claire Cunningham,

Communica�on and Marke�ng

Officer—[email protected] .

Should you have any ques�ons

regarding this, or to let us know of any

changes to the ASME representa�ve at

your Ins�tu�on, please direct them to

Nicky Pender ([email protected]).


Newsle�er Editors: Claire Cunningham ([email protected]) and Nicky Pender ([email protected])

Associa�on for the Study of Medical Educa�on, 12 Queen Street, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE

Tel: +44 (0) 131 225 9111 Fax: +44 (0) 131 225 9444 www.asme.org.uk
