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Location? Location? Location?

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Location, location, location James Clay, Senior Co-Design Manager, Jisc 20/01/20 22 Image Credit: James Clay CC BY-SA 2.0

Building digital capability

Location, location, locationJames Clay, Senior Co-Design Manager, Jisc

20/06/2016Image Credit: James Clay CC BY-SA 2.0

Welcome to this presentationImage Credit James Clay

Effective use of digital technology by university and college staff is vital in providing a compelling student experience and in realising a good return on investment in digital technology. Our codesign work with stakeholders in universities, colleges and skills providers has highlighted that improving the digital skills of the workforce, particularly moving beyond the early adopters, is a key concern across the sectors, and something that they want Jisc to help them address.

20/06/20161Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Building digital capabilityAssumption that staff have the digital capabilities to carry out their role in a changing digital world.But do they?How would you know?How would they know?Who knows?Assumption that staff have the digital capabilities to carry out their role anytime, any location, off or on campus?

20/06/2016Building digital capability

20/06/20162Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Building digital capability20/06/20163

Jisc are building a digital capability service, comprising initially of four key components.

A digital capability framework which describes the skills needed by staff in a wide range of academic, administrative and professional roles to thrive in a digital environment. This provides a structure to help managers and individuals understand what is needed and supports the development of tools. The generic framework is complete and in use in the sector.A suite of discovery tools to help individuals and managers in a range of roles identify and reflect on current skills levels and digital capability, and make plans for how these can be improved. The discovery tool is currently in beta piloting. A digital leadership development programme to support leaders in developing strategy and plans for the kind of digital university or college they want theirs to become, and the workforce skills that will require. Tailored packages of online information and staff development resources. 3

Digital capability: the six elements


ICT proficiencyInformation,data andmedia literaciesDigitallearning andself developmentDigital creationinnovation andscholarshipCommunication,collaboration andparticipationDigital identityand wellbeing

We have published the framework, the background report, profiles

The Jisc '7 elements of digital literacy' model is well used and recognised (93% recognition from survey April 2015). Most other frameworks and definitions can be fitted comfortably into one or more of the elements as originally defined. However, since it was first devised, two issues have emerged as critical in living, learning and working effectively with technology: data literacy in an age of proliferating personal data, big/deep data and data hacking, and various aspects of 'well-being' (health, safety, work-life balance, relationships, personal safety and privacy) in an increasingly hybridised (real/virtual) environment. Some of the original elements also look a bit dated as digital practice has moved on and as discourse about digital literacy has become more nuanced and widely shared. The most significant change is to combine 'information' with 'media' literacies, as feedback suggests that users have difficulty distinguishing between the two.This version has been adapted considerably from an earlier version in response to detailed feedback from 16 stakeholders (over 40 were consulted over the initial version) and broad brush feedback from consultation events, which are ongoing. There was consensus over the need for shared language and an appetite for a shared framework, but one that was mapped carefully to otherframeworks such as the SCONUL 7 pillars, CILIP, ANCIL, UK PSF, Vitae digital lens etc showing how and where these representations add detail to the broader picture.The framework was seen as most useful to:bridge staff and student digital capabilities (i.e. supporting discussion about and planning for both in departments and services)plan for embedding digital capabilities into specific subject areas (for which the 7 elements are already well used)map digital expertise across different staff


Looking to create more profiles, encouraging organisations and sector bodies to create profiles.20/06/20165Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Teacher profileParticipate in digital teams and working groups e.g. around curriculum development and review.Collaborate effectively in digital spaces e.g. building shared resources, sharing calendars and task lists.Support learners to collaborate using shared digital tools and media, and to work effectively across cultural, social and linguistic boundaries.Digital collaboration20/06/2016Building digital capability

Example profile, what is means to be capable in digital collaboration.20/06/20166Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Researcher profileDevelop new research questions, hypotheses and explanations and explore new approaches relevant to the digital age.At higher levels, develop new research methods and practices with digital technology; identify digital challenges and opportunities in a field of scholarship; lead research teams, centres and departments in new directions in response to digital risks and opportunities.Digital innovation20/06/2016Building digital capability

Example profile, what is means to be capable in digital innovation.

20/06/20167Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Old Tools by arbyreed CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/hQQFyGOld

Image Credit Old Tools by arbyreed CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/hQQFyGOld 20/06/20168Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Discovery toolWe have built a discovery tool to help staff discover their digital capability and provide them with feedback that will help them to build their capability and digital skills

20/06/2016Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability9

An individual user will be provided with a link to help them understand their own and build their digital capability.This tool will help them discover their digital capabilities and assess what they can do to build your skills and experience across the six digital capabilities, broken down into twelve sub-elements.Having answered the questions in the tool the user is provided with a diagram which reflects their current level of digital capability, which they will be able to compare with others who are similar to them.They will be provided with a series of feedback statements across the twelve sub-elements of digital capability. The focus of the statements will be about helping them to help themselves to build their own digital capability.

20/06/20169Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Discovery tool20/06/2016Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability10

Screengrab of the beta version of the tool20/06/201610Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Discovery tool pilotsAs well as large scale tests we have a number of institutions, FE, HE and Skills who are undertaking small scale pilots with groups of staff.In addition we have provided the Digital capability user group of eighty plus institutions with a version of the tool for them to test with small groups. As a result we have had further user feedback that will inform development and functionality.20/06/201611Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability

Pilots20/06/201611Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Image credit: Lego Color Bricks by Alan Chia CC BY-SA 2.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lego_Color_Bricks.jpg via Wikimedia Commons

Image credit: Lego Color Bricks by Alan Chia CC BY-SA 2.0 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lego_Color_Bricks.jpg via Wikimedia Commons

20/06/201612Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Digital Leadership CourseThe Jisc Digital Leaders programme has been designed specifically to equip current and aspiring leaders and managers with the tools and knowledge to inform their digital practice, enabling them to: Become a more effective digital leader or manager through personal and professional development Explore how their organisations can engage more effectively with the technology at their disposal at both strategic and operational levels Lead, manage and influence digitally-driven strategy across organisations, departments, services and teams

20/06/201613Emedding digital literacy; building digital capability

The Jisc Digital Leaders programme has been designed specifically to equip current and aspiring leaders and managers with the tools and knowledge to inform their digital practice, enabling them to:Become a more effective digital leader or manager through personal and professional development Explore how their organisations can engage more effectively with the technology at their disposal at both strategic and operational levels Lead, manage and influence digitally-driven strategy across organisations, departments, services and teams Strategic challenges across the higher and further education sectors, such as those posed by the FELTAG, Area Based Reviews, teaching excellence framework and open research agenda, need embedded, organisation-wide digital capability in order to successfully implement technology-driven responses. These responses might include, increased uptake of cloud and data-driven solutions, adoption of analytics for decision-making and learner-support or improving network and learning technology access for staff and students to enable blended learning to happen more effectively. Digitally-informed and empowered leaders not only embrace the innovation, collaboration and efficiency gains these bring to their organisation, but also create an environment where others can fully exploit and embed them in their practice.

20/06/201613Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Digital Leadership CourseThe first paid for course will be run in October.2,200 per person

20/06/201614Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability

Image by James Clay CC BY-NC 2.0

20/06/201615Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Online OfferPersonalised dynamic online offer.Playlists of activities, resources, content, guides.We are basing the online offer on the upcoming Jisc app and content store. Development on the app and content store is now at the stage where we able able to link to tagged playlists of relevant content and resources from the discovery tool results page.20/06/201616Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability

These playlists will be updated as new content and resources are published.Playlists will be personalised to sector, role, level and capability.20/06/201616Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

The Shop of Books by Fergus Murrary CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/JmoaZ

Image Credit The Shop of Books by Fergus Murrary CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/JmoaZ20/06/201617Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

QuestionWhat do we understand by digital capability?20/06/2016Building digital capability

Asking the delegates what we mean when we say digital capability?

The ability to live, work and learn in a digital world.

The importance of a shared understanding.

20/06/201618Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Twitter Bird by DryIcons with permission https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/09/practika-a-free-icon-set/

Twitter Bird by DryIcons with permission https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/09/practika-a-free-icon-set/

20/06/201619Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

This was my first ever tweet20/06/201620Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

How could I use Twitter?What was the point?20/06/201621Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

HIV Clinic e-mail error

A mistake resulted in the leak of 780 e-mail addresses of patients who attended an HIV clinic in London.

The clinic blamed the breach on human error.

There are some key digital capability lessons that come out from this incident. Why was simple e-mail been used to send out a newsletter, when there was a risk of a leak of sensitive data?

The clinic were fined 180,000

Read more https://digitalcapability.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2015/09/03/focus-on-data-literacies-and-ict-proficiency-the-importance-of-digital-capabilities/

20/06/201622Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Image Copyright NERC

NERC and BoatyMacBoatface

Dont ask the internet to name stuff, dont expect them to take it seriously.

20/06/201623Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Image: Lawrie Phipps

Location independent working


Work is something you do, not somewhere you go!

Obviously this is not true for many people from chefs to hospital staff, work is somewhere you obviously go. But in a connected world, it doesnt need to be true for everyone. Moreover, now, it is not just something and somewhere, but also somewhen.20/06/201624Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingLocation, location, location20/06/2016Building digital capability

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Image: Lawrie Phipps

Location independent working20/06/201626Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingBenefits to the individualImprove work-life balanceReduce commute timeReduce travel costsRemove unnecessary stress20/06/2016Building digital capability

The insistence that the only legitimate place for work to take place is within an office or a building results in a situation where it can be difficult to parse out where physical presence is actually necessary, because the working assumption is that it is always necessary.

Doing the iterative exploration allows people to figure out when face to face meetings are crucial, or can be substituted for with emails, Skype or phone calls, texting exchanges, or even social media DMs.

People can become more connected and communicative when allowed a wider range of possibilities, rather than locking communication into tethered channels, and mistaking physical location for presence or attention.

20/06/201627Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingBenefits to the universityProvide employees with flexibility regarding their working hours and locationReduce the occupancy of University premisesImprove employees work life balance and thereby reduce levels of absenteeism and stressReduce pressure on car parking facilitiesPosition the University as an employer of choice20/06/2016Building digital capability

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But what elseCapability20/06/2016Building digital capability

The web affords us newways of working,new opportunities to connect. It furthermore allows for a richer experience of work and life, rather than forcing us to segregate our time from ourselves via physical location, allowing us to choose when and where we are most productive, and how to conserve our face to face energy for those times that truly require it.

But we mustnt assume that staff have the necessary digital capabilities to do so.

20/06/201629Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingIssues in terms of capabilitiesICT proficiencyDigital communicationDigital collaborationDigital participationDigital wellbeing20/06/2016Building digital capability

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20/06/201631Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Communicationits not just about e-mail20/06/2016Building digital capability

ToolsYammerSlackBasecampJiraConfluenceCRMSharepointGoogle AppsSkype, LyncGoogle HangoutsInvisionScribblarDropbox, Google DriveTrelloPadletAdobe Connect, Collaborate20/06/2016Building digital capability

There are various tools and services out there that can support location independent working as well as tools such as the VLE.20/06/201633Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingRisk20/06/2016Building digital capability

So people can work anywhere, anytime.

Isnt that risky?


But similar risks exist when working in offices and physical locations.

Presence doesnt necessary mean productivity.20/06/201634Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Old Man's Desk by Daniel Hansson CC BY 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/2oeYqL

Image Credit Old Man's Desk by Daniel Hansson CC BY 2.0 https://flic.kr/p/2oeYqL20/06/201635Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingPresence20/06/2016Building digital capability

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Location independent workingOutcomes20/06/2016Building digital capability

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Things to think aboutTrustResponsibilityWellbeingWork-life balance

20/06/2016Building digital capability

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Location independent workingManagement20/06/2016Building digital capability

20/06/201639Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Location independent workingLeadership20/06/2016Building digital capability

Leadership is important at all levels in the university.

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Image by Randy von Liski https://flic.kr/p/8pxy4r CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

20/06/201641Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Building digital capabilityInstitutional digital capability20/06/2016Building digital capability

DashboardBringing together information and aggregation of data from usage of the discovery tool.We are currently designing the prototype institutional dashboard based on our emerging understanding of what the institutional leads want to know about their staffs results in the discovery tool.Link in with resources and services currently in use and what is available.

20/06/2016Building digital capability

20/06/201643Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Further developmentWe know from the interest in the project among Jisc member institutions, and from the reactions and experiences from pilot sites, that we could usefully expand the organisational capability side of the service to help institutions ensure that they have all of the building blocks in place for a fully digital capable organisation20/06/2016Embedding digital literacy; building digital capability44


Image Credit: Moyan Brenn https://flic.kr/p/e7M5Qx CC BY 2.0

Image Credit: Moyan Brenn https://flic.kr/p/e7M5Qx CC BY 2.020/06/201645Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

SoDigital capability is core to: Teaching & Learning, Research and Public EngagementDependent on the infrastructure, organisation, development, data, resources, the campus and content.Which are the domains of the different functions of the organisation.Who need to understand digital and the impact on the organisation.

20/06/2016Building digital capability

20/06/201646Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Image by James Clay CC BY-NC 2.0

Image Credit https://flic.kr/p/b93YGx 20/06/201647Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

There is the main site on the Jisc website.https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/building-digital-capability Web siteFollow the project on the blog.http://digitalcapability.jiscinvolve.org/wp/ Project Blog20/06/2016Building digital capability

There is the main site on the Jisc website.https://www.jisc.ac.uk/rd/projects/building-digital-capability

Follow the project on the blog.http://digitalcapability.jiscinvolve.org/wp/

20/06/201648Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

TwitterFollow the community using the hashtag #digitalcapabilityhttps://twitter.com/hashtag/digitalcapability?vertical=default&src=hash Twitter20/06/2016Building digital capability


20/06/201649Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

Get in touchBuilding digital capability

James Clay

Project manager

[email protected]


Building digital capability


Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND

20/06/201650Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all)

You're No One If You're Not On TwitterJB Walker50/90 Challenge, track 14/502008211526.3eng - iTunPGAP0eng - iTunNORM 0000168E 0000167E 0000A069 0000B6FF 00008472 00008472 00008C70 00008BC6 00027682 00027682eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000970 00000000008E4900 00000000 004D61CC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
