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SCIENTIFIC WORKING PAPER 2 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERPESONAL COMMUNICATION APPROACH IN HEALTH COMMUNICATION GROUP D Instructor : Roesanto Heroe Soebekti, drg., MS. Dita Rana Widati 021211131046 Wilda Safira 021211131047 Masha Andina 021211131048 Aghnia Alma Larasati 021211131049 Isna Nur Inayatur R. 021211131050 Nabiela Rahardia 021211131052 FACULTY OF DENTISTRY AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY 2011/2012 1
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GROUP DInstructor : Roesanto Heroe Soebekti, drg., MS.

Dita Rana Widati 021211131046Wilda Safira 021211131047Masha Andina 021211131048Aghnia Alma Larasati 021211131049Isna Nur Inayatur R. 021211131050Nabiela Rahardia 021211131052




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First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to God for all of the guidance,

opportunity, and blessings so we can finish our discussion activity and make a

conclusion paper about “The Effectiveness of Interpersonal Communication Approach

in Health Communication”.

We arrange this paper in order to complete the module subject task. By making

this paper, we learn how to improve our communication skills and think critically. We

also answer our curiosity by collecting facts and discuss it together until we get the

answer and the conclusion. This is not a new experience for us yet still very precious.

Our special regards goes to Hanindio Soelarso, drg, MS, as our lecturer and

Roesanto Heroe Soebekti, drg, MS, as our instructor in discussion class. We are also

indebted to Prof. Dr. Arifzan Razak, drg., Sp.Pros, Dr. R. Darmawan Setijianto, drg.,

M.Kes, Agus Subiwahyudi, drg., MS., Sp.KG, Prawati Nuraini, drg., M.Kes, Sp.KGA,

Adi Hapsoro, drg., MS, Retno Palupi, drg., M.Kes, Ninuk Hariyani, drg., M.Kes, and

Taufan Bramantoro, drg., M.Kes. who gave us knowledge and information in module

subject, and all persons who were related to this discussion.

We confess honestly that this work is far from perfect and therefore, all

constructive criticisms on this paper would be appreciated. We hope this paper will be

useful for every reader.

Surabaya, November 2012



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COVER ...............................................................................................i




CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.........................................................1


1.2.Problems Statements.....................................................................2


1.4.Scientific Methods.........................................................................5

CHAPTER II GLOSARRY.................................................................7

2.1. Communication............................................................................8

2.2. Interpersonal communication.......................................................9

2.3. Self Concepts................................................................................12

2.4. Communication Components.......................................................16

2.5. Cause of Gap Communication......................................................19

2.6. Interpersonal relationship.............................................................20

2.7. Interpersonal Relationship in Denstistry......................................25

2.8. Anamnesis....................................................................................28

CHAPTER III CONCEPT OF MAPPING..........................................30

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION..............................................................32

CHAPTER V SUMMARY.................................................................35

3.1. Conclusion....................................................................................36

3.2. Advice...........................................................................................36



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It cannot be denied that the importance of interpersonal communication

to the development of our society. Without interpersonal communication, people

are unable to understand each other, cooperate with each other and promote the

development of human society unceasingly. Therefore, the study of

interpersonal communication has great significance.

Interpersonal communication is fulfilled through two forms: one is verbal

behaviors, the other one is nonverbal behaviors. Verbal communication is the

most common and significant form of communication. But it does not mean that

we can ignore the importance of nonverbal communication. In interpersonal

communication, many messages and meanings are expressed through touch, eye

contact and gaze, slight diversity of tone, gesture and facial expressions with or

without the help of verbal behaviors .We often try to understand one’s heart

thoroughly and make important judgment and decision to others according to

nonverbal behaviors. So, the study of nonverbal communication and the effect

on interpersonal communication has great practical significance.



1.1 Background

Communication plays an important role in human being life. Almost all

of our activity happens through it. We can make friends and socialize with them

by communicating. We can obtain and understand more knowledge if we

communicate well with the lecturers. Even we can argue and get enemies from

communication process, too.

The study of interpersonal communication is gaining importance in this milieu

globalization. We all need to develop interpersonal communication skills since

personal communication is woven trough all aspects of living and is meaningful


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only in the context of living. As a multidisciplinary activity, the study of

interpersonal communication includes

much of psychology, sociology, anthropology, medicine, social psychology,

psychiatry, clinical psichology, and touches on many facets

of the language studies as well. The primary objective behind the conception of

this article is not to assess the theories that show the relationship between

psychology and interpersonal communication but to bring forth the

‘intelligibility’ and ‘coherence’ to the process and progress of research in the

field of interpersonal communication.

One of communication types that we use commonly and also the most

important is interpersonal communication. It occurs when two persons or a small

group of people communicate intensely in order to reach certain purposes. This

skill is needed especially by people who work in medical sector, including

doctors and dentists. Unfortunately, sometimes they still do not consider this

skill is important to be learnt.

As dentistry students, learning about interpersonal communication is a demand

since in the future we will interact with lots of people. We will need the

interpersonal communication skills to examine the patient and make a good

relationship with them at the same time. In wider scope, we also have to

communicate with our dentist colleagues and the society.

Based on those purposes, we make this interpersonal communication working

paper. In this paper, a constellation of theories and principles that share common

assumptions and concepts are taken for study and analysis to understand the issues

related to interpersonal communication.

After we know about the importance of interpersonal communication skills,

especially for dentists, we hope we can learn further about it from this paper. We

also hope we can improve our interpersonal communication skills that will be

useful for us as a dentist in the future.

1.2 Problems Statement

1.2.1 What is interpersonal communication?


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1.2.2 What are the components of interpersonal communication?

1.2.3 What are the purposes of interpersonal communication?

1.2.4 What are the characteristic of interpersonal communication?

1.2.5 How the process of interpersonal communication?

1.2.6 What is the relationship between communication an Interpersonal


1.3 Objective

1.3.1. To know what interpersonal communication is

1.3.2. To know what the components of interpersonal communication are

1.3.3. To know what the purposes of interpersonal communication are

1.3.4. To know what characteristic of interpersonal communication are

1.3.5. To know how the process of interpersonal communication are

1.3.6. To know what the relationship between communication an Interpersonal


1.4 Benefits

1.4.1 We know what interpersonal communication is

1.4.2 We know the components of interpersonal communication

1.4.3 We know what the purposes of interpersonal communication

1.4.4 We know what characteristic of interpersonal communication

1.4.5 We know the process of interpersonal communication

1.4.6 We know the relationship between communication an Interpersonal


1.5 Scientific Methods

Our working paper can be finished is based on journals and textbooks that we

get not only from mass but also electronic media. So, we get references credibly.


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2.1 Definition of Interpersonal Communication

a. Interpersonal communication is a kind of communication where people

interact face to face that allows each participant captures the reactions of

others directly, either verbal or nonverbal (Mulyana, 2004). This type of

communication is considered as the most effective to change attitudes,

opinions, or behavior, because of its dialogical form of conversation

(Effendi, 1993).

b. Interpersonal communication is also defined as communication that occurs

between two persons who have obvious relationship, such as father and

daughter conversation, teacher and student conversation, and so on (Devito,


2.2 Components of Interpersonal Communication

1. Interpersonal Perception

Perception is giving the meaning of sense, in stimuli or interpreting

information sense. Interpersonal perception is giving meaning to stimuli sense

that derived from a person (communicant), which is in the form of a verbal

message and nonverbal. Conscientiousness in perception interpersonal

communication, will impact on the success of a participant a communication that

any give meaning to a message will impact to failure of communication. An

object of perception interpersonal are human. Peception is affected by various

factors. Factors that influence the perceptions against others can be grouped into

two, namely external factors and the personal. The external factor is clues that

could be observed. This factor will help us to do a close perception. Including

the external factor is an indicator of verbal and instructions nonverbal. A factor

of personal is characteristic of a person who gives response to stimulation

perception. Including the external factor is an indicator of verbal and instructions

nonverbal. Meanwhile, including personal factors are:


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a) Experience

The experience is affecting the ability of perception. The experience did

not always pass the formal learning process. Our experience also grew

through a series of events that we have ever faced.

b) Motivation

Process that influences the perceptions interpersonal also involve the

elements of motivation.

c) Personality

In psychoanalysis is known projection, as one way of defense ego. A

projection is externalize subjective experience unconsciously. Men throw

their guilty feeling to others. On perceptual interpersonal, people impose

on others traits that there is to himself, that is undesirable. Obviously,

one who did a lot of projection will not respond the stimuli persona , in

response to stimuli even actually obscure the picture. On the contrary, a

person who accepts himself as it is, one who does not burdened guilt

feelings, tending to interprete others more closely.

Our behavior in communication interpersonal very dependent on perceptual

interpersonal. Because the wrong perception, often occur failure in

communication. Failure communication repairable if the people realize that their

perception might be wrong. Interpersonal communication will be better if we

know that our perception is subjective and tends mistaken. We rarely examined

back our perception. Due to another of our perception that unexamined: distort

the message not as we are. Our perception about others is stable, the perceptual

stimuli are a always changing. The gap between perception with reality it

actually causes not only attention selective, but also interpretation message that

isn’t true.

2. Self Concept

Self-concept is perception about ourselves; the physical, psychological or

socially; that comes from experience and our interactions with others. The


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tendency of a person to behave in accordance with the concept of himself called

self fulfilling prophecy. Self-concept has two qualities or valence, namely

positive self concept and negative self concept.

A positive self concept, characterized by five things, namely:

a. Believe on the ability of fixing the problem;

b. Feel equivalent to others;

c. Accept compliments without sense of shame;

d. Realize that everyone has different feelings, desires and behavior that is

not entirely accepted by the community;

e. Able to fix himself because he was able to reveal aspects of personality

that he likes and try to change.

While the characteristics of people who have negative self concept is:

a. sensitive to the criticism, responsive to praises

b. have an hypercritis attitude

c. tend to be feel disliked by others

d. feel unnoticed

e. be pessimistic against competition

The Formation of Self Concept

The concept of the self is not carried since birth but gradually gradually

arise in line with the development of the ability of perception of the individual.

The concept of the human self is formed through a process of learning from the

time a person's growth from small to mature. Newborns have no concept of self

because they can't tell the difference between himself and his environment.

According to Allport (in Darmayekti Thesis, 2006: 21) a newborn does not

know about him.

In addition to the establishment and development of the self-concept is

influenced by the people around oneself. The greatest influence comes from


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those closest to (significant others), such as parents, siblings, and others who

have an emotional attachment (affective others). Factors that influence later. the

concept of self extends to the following parties, amongst others: friends, groups,

organizations, and so on.

Self-concept has three dimensions, namely:

a. Self knowledgeis information owned about ourselves. Suppose gender,

appearance, and so on.

b. Hope of yourself, is the possibility of what you will bw in the future.

c. An assessment of self, is the measurement of self about the state of

yourself compared to what according to themselves could and should

happen to yourself. The results of such measurement is a sense of self-


3. Interpersonal Attraction

We can predict the flow of interpersonal communication that is going to

happen. The increase of our interestion to someone,the bigger propensity that we

will communicate with him. Hence, interpersonal attraction is pleasure in others,

positiveness and attractiveness of a person. The attraction of this formed a taste

like. The taste of love with somebody generally makes people that we like to be

significant for us.

Interpersonal Attraction Theory

a. Reinforcement theory explains that someone who like another person is

a result of study.

b. Equity theory suggests that in a relationship, people always tend to

maintain a balance between the price (cost) incurred with the

compensation(reward) is obtained.


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c. Exchange theory made it clear that social interaction like as trade

transactions. If people know someone who brings an advantage

economically and psychologically, it would be preferable.

d. Gain-loss theory states that people tend to like people who has benefit

than the people who hurt us.

Factors that affect interpersonal attraction is divided into two, namely, personal

factors and situational factors. The following is a description of those factors:

a. Personal factors that affects attraction interpersonal

Similarity personal characteristics

People who have in common the values, attitudes, beliefs, level

of socioeconomic differences, religious, and ideological trend of

mutual love. According to the theories of Cognitive consistency

of Fritz Heider in Jalaluddin Rakhmat (2011), human beings are

always trying to achieve consistency in attitude and behavior.

Example: when we're riding public transportation and met a new

acquaintance. Then our conversation took place and starts from

the demographic problems (where you live, your job, etc.) until

the political issues and so on.

Emotional pressure (stress)

When someone is worrying or have the emotional distress, then

he will want the presence of others. This emotional distress is

evidenced by Stanley Schacter in Jalaluddin Rakhmat (2011) by

making an experiment. He collected two Sorority groups. To the

first group he states that they will be the subject of an experiment

to examine the effect of a very painful electric shocks. As for the

second group he informed me that they only got a mild shock. Of


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the two groups, the first group discovers that Schacter has anxiety

by 63%, whereas the second group had the anxiety levels of 33%.

From these data Schacter concludes that a situation that makes

people anxious will increase the need for affection.

Low self-esteem

When a person's self esteem is lowered, affiliate passion (join

with others) is growing, and it is more responsive to receive the

affection of others. People low self-esteem tend to be easy to love


Social isolation

Humans are social creatures. Human life may hold the estranged

for some time and not for a long time. Social isolation is an

unpleasant experience. Several studies have concluded that the

level of social isolation great influence on our preferences on


b. Situational factors

Physical Attractiveness

Some researchers concluded that physical attractiveness is often a

major cause of personal attraction. We tend to like the people that

handsome or beautiful. They are very easy to gain the attention of

the surrounding environment. So, not one that many companies

that use beautiful women and handsome men to be employees in

the promotion, advertising, and even the community relations.


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We would like people who like us and we will favor those who

praise us. According to social exchange theory, social interaction

is a kind of commercial transaction. We will continue the

transaction if we get a lot of profit. According to Thibault and

Kelley in Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011), when our association was

very pleasant, very favorable in terms of psychological and

economical, we loved each other.


The principle of familiarity is reflected in Indonesian proverb, "if

you do not know, it was love". As we often meet someone and

there is nothing to talk pentik then we would love it. Robert B.

Zajonc the Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011) showed pictures of faces in

the experimental subjects. He found the more cheerfully given

subject saw the face he would disliked it. From these studies gave

birth to a theory of "more exposure" (exposure only). The

hypothesis was used as the scientific basis of the importance of

repetition messages in influencing opinions and attitudes.


Proximity is closely associated with familiarity. People tend to

favor those who lived nearby. People who place other would tend

to like each other. It is often taken for granted. However, in terms

of psychology it is remarkable because the place looks neutral to

influence human psychological order. That means, they can

manipulate space or architectural design to create friendship and



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We tend to favor people who have a higher capacity than we are,

or more successful in life. Aronson in Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011)

found in his research that the most favored are those who have

high ability, but showed some weaknesses. Aronson created four

experimental conditions, namely:

- People who have high ability and error

- Capable of high but not error

- People who have average ability and error

- People who are capable of average and have done nothing


Effect of interpersonal attraction on interpersonal communication

a. Message interpretation and assessment

It is known that the opinion and judgment of others is not solely based on

rational considerations. We are also emotional creatures. Therefore,

when our loved one, we also look at all things related to him positively.

Conversely, if we hate it, we tend to see the negative characteristics.

b. Effectiveness of communication

Declared effective interpersonal communication when meeting

communication is fun for the communicant. When we get together with a

group mamiliki lot in common with us, then we will favor them. And

vice versa. According to the Jalaluddin Wolosin Grace (2011),

communication will be more effective if the communicant to like each


Interpersonal Relationship14

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The unique characteristics of interpersonal communication can be

explored by tracing the meaning of the word interpersonal. It is derived

from the prefix ‘inter’ meaning “between”, and the word person. So,

interpersonal communication literally occurs between people. On one

sense, all communication happens among people, yet many interactions

don’t involve us personally. Communication exists on a continuum from

impersonal to interpersonal. The heart of interpersonal communication is

shared meanings between people. We don’t just exchange words when we

communicate. Instead, we create meanings as we figure out what each other’s

words and behaviours stand for, represent, or imply. Meanings grow out of

histories of interactions between unique persons.

The Oxford English Dictionary (1989, Vol. III, p. 578), for example,

defines communication as "the imparting, conveying, or exchange of ideas,

knowledge, information, etc. (whether by speech, writing, or signs)". Gergen

(1991) argues that the notion that people have ideas, formed in the mind, which

are then conveyed to others by a process of communication, is pervasive in all

cultures. In 1928 the English literary critic and author I.A. Richards (cited in

www.britannica.com) offered one of the first and in some ways still the best

definitions of communication as a discrete aspect of human enterprise:

Communication takes place when one mind so acts upon its environment

that another mind is influenced, and in that other mind an experience occurs

which is like the experience in the first mind, and is caused in part by that


Richards’s definition clearly presents the link between psychology and

the study of communication skills. M. E. Roloff defines interpersonal

communication as …a symbolic interaction between people rather than between

a person and an inanimate object.

Mark L. Knapp and John Augustine Daly in their Handbook of

Interpersonal Communication (2002) state: Interpersonal communication can

mean the ability to relate to people in written as well as verbal communication.

This type of communication can occur in both a one-on-one and a group setting.

This also means being able to handle different people in different situations, and 15

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making people feel at ease. Gestures such as eye contact, body movement, and

hand gestures are also part of interpersonal communication. The most common

functions of interpersonal communication are listening, talking and conflict


Types of interpersonal communication vary from verbal to non-verbal

and from situation to situation. Interpersonal communication involves face-to-

face communication in a way that accomplishes the purpose and is appropriate.

Stewart & Angelo in their book Together: Communicating Interpersonally

defines communication in the following manner: Interpersonal communication is

a mutual relational, co-constructed process, as opposed to something that one

person does “to” someone else.

Foa & Foa's Resource Theory (Societal Structures of the Mind, 1974)

focuses on the development of cognitive structures in the mind. Behavior is

guided by motivational states. People are motivated to engage in certain

behaviors whenever quantities of resources fall outside the optimal range. They

posit that every interpersonal behavior consists of giving or taking away one or

more resources, and that closely allied resources exchanges occur more

frequently (i.e. love for love). Michael Cody defines interpersonal

communication (cited in Myers & Myers, 1972) …as the exchange of symbols

used to achieve interpersonal goals (p.28). An interpersonal communication

focus emphasizes the process of the person interacting rather than the verbal

content of the interaction, accentuates behaviours and skills which extend the

alternatives available for interpersonal communication. It includes affective as

well as cognitive dimensions drawn from the behavioural and other sciences as

well as from the humanities. It is concerned about both verbal and nonverbal

human messages and responses, and represents an emphasis on the objective

investigation of the experience of person-to-person communication.

Effective communication is characterized by interpersonal relationships.

According to Anita Taylor in Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011), effective interpersonal

communication include many elements but interpersonal relationships perhaps

the most important. Every communication, we not just deliver the message


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(content), but also determine the level of interpersonal relationships


The view that defines the relationship of interpersonal communication

has been presented by Ruesch and Bateson (1951) in the 1950s. The idea was

popularized by the communication among Waulawuck, Beavin, and Jackson

(1967). In addition, the psychologists also began to take great interest in

interpersonal relationships as shown in the writings Gordon W. Allport (1960),

Erich Fromm's (1962), Martin Buber (1975), Carl Rogers (1951). All figures

represent the school of humanistic psychology.

In terms of the psychology of communication, we can state that the better

interpersonal relationships, the more open people to express themselves, the

more accurate perception of others and self-perception, so that more effective

communication that takes place between the communicant.

Interpersonal relationships take place in three stages , namely :

a. The establishment of relationships

This stage is often referred to as the introductory stage

(acquaintance process). Some researchers such as Newcomb (1961),

Berger (1973), Zunin (1972), and Duck (1976) have found interesting

things from the introduction. The first phase is the beginning of the

contact phase (initial contact phase) is characterized by the efforts of

both parties to capture information from the reaction of his friends. Each

side tried to explore identity, attitudes, and values of others. If there are

similarities, they begin a process of self-disclosure. The process is called

Newcomb watch each other as mutually investigate (reciprocal

scanning). At this stage the information sought about the demographic

data, age, occupation, residence, etc.


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According to Charles R. Berger in Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011),

information on the introductory stage can be grouped in seven


Demographic information

Attitudes and opinions (about the person or object)

Plan for the future


The behavior in the past

Other people

Hobbies and interests

It is not always that we get the information obtained from verbal

communication. We also formed an impression from the instructions

proksemik, kinesik, paralinguistic, and artifactual. According to William

Brooks and Philip Emmert in Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011), the first

impression is crucial, because it's the first thing that seems crucial first


b. Confirmation of the relationships

Interpersonal relationship is not static, but always changing. To maintain

and strengthen interpersonal relationships, changes require the existence

of certain actions to restore the balance. There are four factors that are

important in maintaining the balance, namely:


Familiarity is the fulfillment of the need for love. Interpersonal

relationships will be maintained if both parties agree on the

necessary familiarity.


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Control include an agreement on who will control what, and

when. Conflict occurs in general when each wants power, or

neither side budge.

The accuracy of responses

The accuracy of the response means the response A response of B

should be followed accordingly. This response not only with

regard to verbal messages, but also nonverbal messages.

c. Termination of relationships

Termination can occur, and can also lead to conflict. R.D. Nye in Jalaluddin

Rahmat (2011) mentions, there are five sources of conflict, namely:

Competition, namely the existence of one of the parties bersaha

gain something at the expense of others.

Domination, namely the existence of one of the parties seeking to

control the other party so that people feel their rights are violated.

Failure, ie, each trying to blame the other party if common goals

are not achieved.

Provocation, namely the existence of one of the parties constantly

doing something that he knew to offend others.

The difference in value, that the two parties do not agree on the

values they believed.


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Factors that increase interpersonal relations in interpersonal communication:


Of all the factors, trust is the most important. According to the

Jalaluddin Rahmat Giffin (2011), trust is defined as relying on

people's behavior in order to achieve the desired objectives, the

achievement is uncertain and risky situations. The definition

mentions believe that there are three elements, namely:

- There is a situation that poses a risk

- People who put faith in others is to realize that the

consequences depend on the behavior of others

- People who believe that the behavior of others will be

good for him

Benefits put trust in others are improving interpersonal

communication due to open channels of communication, sending

and receiving clarifying information, and communicants expand

opportunities to reach the point. In addition, the loss of trust in

others will hinder the development of intimate interpersonal


In addition to personal factors, there are several factors related to

the attitude of trust such as the characteristics and intentions of

others, the existence of power relations, the nature and quality of

communication, as well as the honesty of each communicant. In

addition, there are also three main things that can foster trust and

develop communication attitudes that are based on mutual trust,



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- Receive, is the ability to relate to others without judging

and trying to control. According to Anita Taylor in

Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011), receiving is the attitude that

seeing others as human family, as individuals are

commendable. Accepting does not mean agreeing all the

behavior of others or are willing to bear the consequences

of his behavior.

- Empathy, is regarded as the attitude to understand others

who do not have emotional meaning for us. In empathy,

we do not put ourselves in the position of others, but we

are emotionally and intellectually involved in the

experience of others. Empathize means imagining

ourselves at what happened to other people.

- Honesty, can diartikna as a gesture for what it is. Receive

and empathy may be perceived incorrectly by others.

Acceptance we can be perceived indifference, cold and

unfriendly. While empathy we can respond as a sham. So

that is actually addressed, then we must be honest in

expressing ourselves to others. Honesty cause

unpredictable behavior, so as to encourage others to

believe in us.

Supportive attitude

Supportive attitude is the attitude that reduces

defensiveness in communication. People who get defensive when

he did not receive, dishonest, and empathetic. Defensive

communication can occur due to personal factors (fear, anxiety,

low self-esteem, defensive experience, etc.) and situational

factors (communication behavior of others). Jack R. Gibb in

Jalaluddin Rahmat (2011) says there are six behaviors that create


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supportive behavior. Briefly behaviors that create defensive and

supportive climates found in the following list:

Defensive climate Supportive climate

Evaluation Description

Control Problem orientation

Strategy Spontanity

Neetrality Empathy

Superiority Equation

Certainty Professionality

Table 1. Behaviors that lead to defensive and supportive climate

The following is an explanation of the list above, namely:

- Evaluation and description

Evaluation means assessing others (praise or censure). While the

description means submission feelings and perceptions without


- Control and orientation problems

Behavioral control means trying to change others, controlling

behavior, changing attitudes, opinions, and actions. While

orientation is opposite problem communicating keninginan to

work together to find solutions to problems.

- Strategy and spontanity


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The strategy is the use of deceit or manipulation to affect the

others. While spontaneity means being honest and considered not

envelop the hidden motive.

- Neutrality and empathy

Neutrality means impersonal attitude that treats people not as a

person, but rather as an object. While empathy is the opposite of


- Superiority and equations

Superiority High temperatures mean attitude shows more or

better than others. While the equation is the attitude of treating

others horizontally and democratically.

- Certainty and professionalisity

Near certainty with an attitude of superiority. People who tend to

be dogmatic certainty, to be selfish, and see their opinions as the

absolute truth. While professionalism is the opposite, namely a

willingness to revisit our opinion, to recognize that human

opinion is a mistake.

Openness attitude

Openness is very influential in fostering effective interpersonal

communication. The opposite of being open is dogmatism.

According to Brooks and the Jalaluddin Rahmat Emmert (2011),

there are some characteristics of an open and opinionated,



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Table 2. Characteristics of openness and dogmatic

No Openness Attitude Closed Attitude


1. Assessing messages

objectively using

data and logic


Assessing messages

based personal


2. Differentiating with ease,

seeing shades, etc.

Think simply.

3. Orientated to the content. Leaning more on the

source of the message

rather than the


4. Search for information

from various sources.

Looking for information

about the beliefs of

others from the source

itself, not from other

people's trust.

5. More professional and

willing to change

your beliefs.

Rigidly maintain and

uphold the belief


6. Seeks to understand the

message that is

Reject, ignore, distort the

message that is


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incompatible with a

series of beliefs.

inconsistent with his

belief system.

2.3 Purposes of Interpersonal communication

1. convey information and make sense

the purpose of communication is giving information and make the receiver

undertands what we want to inform.

2. produce pleasure

each other of communicant and receiver should be pleasant to have a

communication and there’s not a barrier to communicate each other.

3. affect attitudes

from communication, attitudes change are hopefully there. By communication

they are affecting each other and in result, it affecting their attitudes.

4. resulted in better social

by communicating, there will be a exercise to a real life. The more we

communicate, the more we learn the life and its people.

5. generate real action

by communicating, we are generate real action because we are surface the real

thing of real life, knowing what people inside, learn, and informate each other.

2.4 Characteristic of Interpersonal Communication

1. We cannot NOT communicate.

In other words, interpersonal communication always takes place when two or

more people are together. Think about it: if you are in a elevator with one other

person, communication is taking place. So long as the other person is aware of

you, you are communicating. You communicate friendliness or apathy or any

number of things through the way you stand, your eye contact, an many other

nonverbal cues. Even if you say nothing, you cannot not communicate. Assume


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you choose not to say anything at all. Isn’t that communicating something about

your attitude to the other person?

2. Interpersonal communication includes both content and information about

the content.

In other words, at the same time we are “saying” something, we are giving

many cues about how what we are saying should be interpreted. For example,

you’ve heard students say to teachers many times, “Do we have a test today?”

That is the content of the message, but the student can do many things to provide

information about the content and change how the message is received. If the

student adds a bit of whine to her voice, the message isn’t a question at all; the

student really means “I don’t want to have a test today.” If the student furrows

her brow while asking the question, the teacher will conclude the student truly

doesn’t know if there is a test. The whine and the furrowed brow are examples

of “metacommunication” (pp. 79-80). They are nonverbal cues for the listener

on how to communicate your message.

3. Interpersonal communication is contextual.

In addition to the use of context you’ve encountered so far (pp. 13-14), you can

view interpersonal communication as occurring in a very fluid context subject to

reinterpretation. Some things are, of course, fixed. If we are alone in an elevator,

the physical context is unlikely to change. But consider an example in which we

are constantly interpreting our interpersonal exchanges in ways that clarify (and

sometimes confuse) our exchange of meaning. In other words, we are constantly

“tagging” our interactions to define ourselves in relationship to others. Take the

example of two people who are studying together. As they exchange information

and ask each other questions, the constantly define their roles. One person is

dependent on another, then the roles switch. One person is using the study

session to express dissatisfaction with the class, and so becomes a “confessor.”

And so forth. As the two people communicate, they constantly redefine the

relationship, and so they redefine how they interpret their own communication.


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4. Interpersonal communication is irreversible.

Once you’ve said something, itcan’t be “unsaid.” You can explain what you’ve

said, apologize for what you’ve said, or anything else to modify it, but you can’t

really “take it back.” An old saying holds that words are like stones, and “once

flown can ne'er be recalled”. So it is with communication…and not just with

words. As a result, we note thatin interpersonal communication we constantly

build on what has recently occurred. Your comment to your best friend about

what you are doing tonight can change depending on the communication you’ve

recently exchanged.

5. Interpersonal communication is complex.

As you can tell for the first four principles, interpersonal communication

involves so much that we are often communicating instinctively. We are

registering verbal and nonverbal cues, we are tagging and defining our roles and

relationships, we are building on communication that just happened—we are

doing so much that we can’t be thinking about everything that’s happening at the

time it is happening.

2.5 Process of Interpersonal Communication

1. Target Audience

Those within the organization whose roles require them to achieve results by

being able to influence other people such as colleagues, senior managers, or

clients. Also anyone who has a responsibility for managing, supervising, or

leading staff.

2. Course Objective


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It is almost impossible to be productive in today's business environment without

being an effective communicator. This is particularly true if achievement of your

goals depends on your ability to influence others. You need to be able to

communicate your ideas, instructions, thoughts, and feelings accurately. This is

not as easy as it may seem, and ineffective communication is often at the core of

a high proportion of the errors, misunderstandings, and conflicts that occur in

the workplace. This course is designed to give you an understanding of the

prime causes of poor communication, and, more importantly, the skills required

to minimize their impact.

Topics Covered

The Communication Process

a. identify the benefits of improving the effectiveness of interpersonal


b. sequence the stages of the communication process in the correct order.

c. identify the objectives for the aiming, encoding, and transmission stages of

the communication process.

d. analyze the details of an interaction between two people to determine which


e. objective(s) were not achieved.

f. characterize the various types of feedback which can be given in relation to a

communicated message.

g. give probing and understanding feedback in response to a communicated

message, in a given scenario.

h. determine the methods of building rapport to improve the clarity of

interpersonal communication, in a given scenario.

Using Communication Styles to Connect

a. identify the benefit of being able to recognize and respond to the

preferred communication styles of staff, colleagues, and clients.


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b. identify the characteristics of people with a preference for the

auditory communication style.

c. respond appropriately to a person with an auditory communication

style, in a given situation.

d. identify the characteristics of people with a preference for the visual

communication style.

e. respond appropriately to someone who prefers the visual

communication style, in a given situation.

f. identify the characteristics of people with a preference for the

kinesthetic communication style.

g. respond appropriately to someone with a preference for the

kinesthetic communication style, in a given situation.




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1. Why communication gap occured on three such person ?

2. What factors that play a role in communication gap ? How is the role of

communication ?

3. How to solve communication gap ?

1. Causes of Communication Gap in communicant and receiver

1) Both are busy : if both of communicant and receiver are busy of

their selves, busy of what they doing, the communication will not

be clear and probability of missunderstanding is arrised.

2) Contradicting opinion and decision: There will never be a smooth

communication if there are two contradicting opinions that might

send a couple arguing. If they do not argue, someone or both might

just keep quiet which can create a crisis in the relationship if not

given solution.

3) Fear: This fear may involve many things. One might be afraid to be

rejected by the other so instead of talking he/she would keep silent.

Or one might have poor communication skills that make receiver

afraid to express ideas. communicator may be afraid to upset your

spouse so you’ll shut up even if there is an issue that needs to be


4) Carefree attitude of one or both: One or both have no involvement

and feels free that they don’t care to communicate with each other

They don’t care to talk because they don’t feel the need to share

things to the other.

Whatever relationship problems come and storm your life as

couple, you need to work it out by fixing the issue through constant

communication. Leaving the work to nature cannot help you bridge

the communication gap.


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2.Cause of Gap Communication

There are four main causes of communication gaps. The first is

that communication is so fundamental to our very existence, that nobody

stops to think about the role it plays when misunderstandings happen.

Secondly, most people assume they are good communicators, so

they deny responsibility for problems caused by communication gaps.

They put it down to being ‘one of those things’ or that ‘it could have

happened to anybody’. Even better, we blame it on somebody else, ‘They

should have known’, or ‘They should have asked’.

Thirdly, there are those few people who know they are unskilled

communicators, but don’t really care. They aren’t motivated to improve

this skill because they probably don’t make the link between how they

communicate and why they constantly create confusion.

The final reason is that most people don’t take the time to make

an effort to understand each other. Take a conversation between 2

people, what could be more simple? Yet the opportunity for

misinterpretation is endless.

So what can we do differently to avoid falling into

communication gaps? In a nutshell don’t make assumptions, clarify,

clarify, clarify, take responsibility for how you communicate and balance

your needs and goals for communicating with those you are

communicating with.

Communication is the basis of every relationship. A relationship

starts with communication which can be verbal, body language, gestures

or actions. A relationship goes on with communication and it also ends

upon communicating. Communication is throughout the relationship

form start to end (if there is one). In short, communication is the key to a

relationship that unlocks, I mean solves, so many problems (however, if

not used properly many locks are jammed resulting in a series of no-

solution problems).


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A couple who communicate effectively can solve most of the

problems. More importantly, a couple who communicate constantly are

open. They share everything with their partner; they speak out their love,

concerns, emotions, joy, success, failures and so on. So it is really bad to

not to communicate in a relationship. Communication gap is a big

problem since this will ignite so many issues in due course. What are the

reasons that a couple suffer from communication gap?

1) Lack of involvement

When one or both of the couple have no involvement in the relationship,

they don’t care to communicate with their partner. They don’t realize the

need to share things of their life with their partner. Persons without

involvement in a relationship don’t care to talk and they don’t actually

feel that they ‘have’ something to share with their partner.

2) Busy schedule

A couple who have a busy schedule may either not have the time to

communicate even if they wanted to, or they may not feel the need to

communicate since there are many other things in their schedule that

keeps them occupied. A person who is very busy with work may also

have the chance to have work buddies to share things with so that they

won’t have new things to talk about with their partner. Further some

won’t like to speak about things repeatedly.

3) Difference of opinion

When there is difference of opinion, communication will not be so

smooth and this also depends on how the couple deal with difference of

opinion. Some couple end up in arguing over a difference while some

others would want to just be silent when a difference arises. In any case

the communication is the victim.

4) Fear of rejection


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Sometimes one or both of the couple have a fear of rejection from the

other which hinders them from communicating. One may have the fear

that their partner may altogether avoid them or get away from them due

to poor communication. Some may also do not have enough confidence

on their communication skill, which again puts them in the fear of

rejection. What if I say something that might irritate my partner? What if

I could not bring up an issue effectively? What if I upset my partner

because of my poor wording? All these questions naturally put one in

hesitation towards communication, which leads to a communication gap


5) Problems

General problems can cause communication gaps. When your partner

does something that you don’t like, when he/she behaves in a chaotic

manner, when he/she is crazy about something, when he/she is so

criticizing and so on, it is really hard to establish successful

communication. Also, when there is infidelity in the relationship, a

problem where a third person comes in, it is really hard to communicate

openly. The cheating partner will have to hide so many things and hence

will restrict from communicating to the other. Similarly a suspicious

partner would want to catch the other one without asking explicitly about

the cheating sometimes. In some other cases, the couple try to fix an

issue by constant communication and then when they are not able to fix

it, they ultimately give up and hesitate to talk about such issues in the


One of the most important keys to having a successful

relationship is the ability to relate, communicate and discuss

relationship problems. Do you have a lot of heated arguments with

your spouse? Do you avoid discussing issues with your partner? Do you

find it getting more difficult to connect in the relationship? Conflicts are


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common to all couples and relationships, but you can manage them if

you communicate properly.

Poor or lack of communication can cause a breakdown to any

relationship whether it is between parents and children, employer and

staff, or couples in love. When people cannot talk about things, problems

will build up. Couples can find solutions to problems if they can

communicate effectively and learn to be open to share everything with

each other.

Communication gap is sometimes taken lightly by people without

realizing it will cause big problems and many issues may spark in due

time. There are definite reasons why a relationship can suffer from

communication gap.



3.1 Conclusion

3.1.2 Communication

There are some essential components in communication to get the good

interpersonal relations, especially in doing anamnesis or health

communication between dentist and the patient, they are :

a. Self concept

Self-concept is perception about ourselves; the physical, psychological or

socially; that comes from experience and our interactions with others.

There must be a balance self concept between dentist and patient so there

will be not a trouble in communication/anamnesis

b. Communication components :

The presence of all components and inter-component communication ;

Sender, message, channel, communicant, receiver, feedback, and agreed

rules. They should support each other.


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c. Communication process


Communicator Channel Communicant


d. Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication is the sending and receiving of messages

between two parties, usually in close visual and aural which allows for

immediate feedback and close attention to verbal and nonverbal cues. To

built the good interpersonal communication, we should :

~ know what we want from interpersonal communication, or

knowing the purpose of interpersonal communication so well.

~ built communication supporting factors, by trust, supportive

behaviour, open mindedness, equality, positiveness on

communicant and receiver

~ avoid the communication barrier by physical, psychological,

and semantic approach

~ make sure that each communicant and receiver have the same

perception and sensation, so there will be not a


~ need to be considered in effective comunication

3.1.3 Anamnesis

One of the communication activities carried out by a doctor when

dealing with patients is anamnesa, the digging history of the disease has

ever suffered by the patient. Purpose of anamnesis is to obtain data and

information for medical decisions and gain the trust of patients.

Anamnesis have some steps, they are :




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stage work

termination (closing)

in order to get a good anamnesis, dentist should considering a good

communication and approaching the good interpersonal relationship by using

intrapersonal communications.

5.2 Advice

1. Communication between doctors with patients, should be woven in such a way,

so there is no gap between the patient's doctor.

2. To foster good communication, the dentist should be aware that patient is not

just a set of teeth but the whole person people who really want to be treated like

that is supposed to be heard, cared for and neglected.

3. Be a wise doctor, A wise doctor is able to communicate effectively with the

patient. Want to listen to patient complaints, answer questions and explain the

situation for patients, giving advice is not enough merely prescribe that the

patient was satisfied.


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