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Mass Transfer

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Mass diffussion
MASS DIFFUSION Mass Transfer ............................................................................................................................................ 1 What it is and what it isn't ..................................................................................................................... 1 What it is for. Applications ................................................................................................................... 2 How to study it. Similarities and differences between Mass Transfer and Heat Transfer .................... 2 Forces and fluxes .............................................................................................................................. 3 Specifying composition. Nomenclature ............................................................................................ 4 Specifying boundary conditions for composition ............................................................................. 6 Species balance equation ...................................................................................................................... 8 Diffusion rate: Fick's law .................................................................................................................. 9 The diffusion equation for mass transfer ............................................................................................12 Some analytical solutions to mass diffusion .......................................................................................13 Instantaneous point-source ..............................................................................................................13 Semi-infinite planar diffusion .........................................................................................................14 Diffusion through a wall .................................................................................................................16 Summary table of analytical solutions to diffusion problems.........................................................17 Evaporation rate ..................................................................................................................................20 References ...........................................................................................................................................21 MASS TRANSFER WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT ISN'T The subject of Mass Transfer studies the relative motion of some chemical species with respect to others (i.e. separation and mixing processes), driven by concentration gradients (really, an imbalance in chemical potential, as explained in Entropy). Fluid flow without mass transfer is not part of the Mass Transfer field but of Fluid Mechanics. Heat transfer and mass transfer are kinetic processes that may occur and be studied separately or jointly. Studying them apart is simpler, but it is most convenient (to optimise the effort) to realise that both processes are modelled by similar mathematical equations in the case of diffusion and convection (there is no mass-transfer similarity to heat radiation), and it is thus more efficient to consider them jointly. On the other hand, the subject of Mass Transfer is directly linked to Fluid Mechanics, where the single-component fluid-flow is studied, but the approach usually followed is more similar to that used in Heat Transfer, where fluid flow is mainly a boundary condition empirically modelled; thus, the teaching of Mass Transfer traditionally follows and builds upon that of Heat Transfer (and not upon Fluid Mechanics). In fact, development in mass-transfer theory closely follows that in heat transfer, with the pioneering works of Lewis and Whitman in 1924 (already proposing a mass-transfer coefficient hm similar to the thermal convection coefficient h), and Sherwood's book of 1937 on "Absorption and extraction". Even more, since the milestone book on "Transport phenomena" by Bird et al. (1960), heat transfer, mass transfer, and momentum transfer, are often jointly considered as a new discipline. As usual, the basic study first focuses on homogeneous non-reacting systems with well-defined boundaries (not only in Mass Transfer, but in Heat Transfer and in Fluid Mechanics), touching upon moving-boundary problems and reacting processes only afterwards. As for the other subjects, it is

MASS DIFFUSION Mass Transfer ............................................................................................................................................ 1 What it is and what it isn't ..................................................................................................................... 1 What it is for. Applications ................................................................................................................... 2 How to study it. Similarities and differences between Mass Transfer and Heat Transfer .................... 2 Forces and fluxes .............................................................................................................................. 3 Specifying composition. Nomenclature ............................................................................................ 4 Specifying boundary conditions for composition ............................................................................. 6 Species balance equation ...................................................................................................................... 8 Diffusion rate: Fick's law .................................................................................................................. 9 The diffusion equation for mass transfer ............................................................................................ 12 Some analytical solutions to mass diffusion ....................................................................................... 13 Instantaneous point-source .............................................................................................................. 13 Semi-infinite planar diffusion ......................................................................................................... 14 Diffusion through a wall ................................................................................................................. 16 Summary table of analytical solutions to diffusion problems......................................................... 17 Evaporation rate .................................................................................................................................. 20 References ........................................................................................................................................... 21 MASS TRANSFER WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT ISN'T ThesubjectofMassTransferstudiestherelativemotionofsomechemicalspecieswithrespectto others(i.e.separationandmixingprocesses),drivenbyconcentrationgradients(really,animbalance inchemicalpotential,asexplainedinEntropy).Fluidflowwithoutmasstransferisnotpartofthe Mass Transfer field but of Fluid Mechanics. Heattransferandmasstransferarekineticprocessesthatmayoccurandbestudiedseparatelyor jointly. Studying them apart is simpler, but it is most convenient (to optimise the effort) to realise that both processes are modelled by similar mathematical equations in the case of diffusion and convection (thereisnomass-transfersimilaritytoheatradiation),anditisthusmoreefficienttoconsiderthem jointly.Ontheotherhand,thesubjectofMassTransferisdirectlylinkedtoFluidMechanics,where thesingle-componentfluid-flowisstudied,buttheapproachusuallyfollowedismoresimilartothat used in Heat Transfer, where fluid flow is mainly a boundary condition empirically modelled; thus, the teachingofMassTransfertraditionallyfollowsandbuildsuponthatofHeatTransfer(andnotupon FluidMechanics).Infact,developmentinmass-transfertheorycloselyfollowsthatinheattransfer, withthepioneeringworksofLewisandWhitmanin1924(alreadyproposingamass-transfer coefficienthmsimilartothethermalconvectioncoefficienth),andSherwood'sbookof1937on "Absorption and extraction". Even more, since the milestone book on "Transport phenomena" by Bird etal.(1960),heattransfer,masstransfer,andmomentumtransfer,areoftenjointlyconsideredasa new discipline. Asusual,thebasicstudyfirstfocusesonhomogeneousnon-reactingsystemswithwell-defined boundaries(notonlyinMassTransfer,butinHeatTransferandinFluidMechanics),touchingupon moving-boundaryproblemsandreactingprocessesonlyafterwards.Asfortheothersubjects,itis basedonthecontinuummediatheory,i.e.withoutaccountingforthemicroscopicmotionofthe molecules(sothatfieldtheoryandthefluid-particleconceptareappliedheretoo).Diffusiontheory onlyappliestomolecularmixtures(d10-5 m) Newtonian mechanics applies. Notice that we only consider here mass diffusion due to a concentration gradient, what might be called concentration-phoresisinanalogytoothermechanismsofmassdiffusionlikethermo-phoresis(Soret effect),piezo-phoresis(diffusionduetoapressuregradient),orelectrophoresis(diffusionduetoa gradient of electrical potential applied to ionic media). Traditionally,thefieldofMassTransferhasbeenstudiedonlywithintheChemicalEngineering curriculum, except for humid-air applications (evaporation) and thermal desalination processes, which has been always studied in Mechanical Engineering. But mass transfer problems are proliferating in so manycircumstances,especiallyathightemperatures(drying,combustion,materialstreatment, pyrolysis,ablation...),thatthesubjectshouldbecoveredondifferentgroundstoencourageeffective interdisciplinary team-workWHAT IT IS FOR. APPLICATIONS ApplicationsofMassTransferincludethedispersionofcontaminants,dryingandhumidifying, segregation and doping in materials, vaporisation and condensation in a mixture, evaporation (boiling ofapuresubstanceisnotmasstransfer),combustionandmostotherchemicalprocesses,cooling towers, sorption at an interface (adsorption) or in a bulk (absorption), and most living-matter processes as respiration (in the lungs and at cell level), nutrition, secretion, sweating, etc. Acommonprocesstoseparateagasfromagaseousmixtureistoselectivelydissolveitinan appropriateliquid(thisway,carbondioxidefromexhaustgasescanbetrappedinaqueouslime solutions, and hydrogen sulfide is absorbed from natural-gas sources; when water vapour is removed, theabsorptionprocessiscalleddrying.Strippingisthereverseofabsorption,i.e.theremovalof dissolved components in a liquid mixture. Distillation is the most important separation technique. HOWTOSTUDYIT.SIMILARITIESANDDIFFERENCESBETWEENMASSTRANSFERAND HEAT TRANSFER MassTransfereducationtraditionallyfollowsandbuildsuponthatofHeatTransferbecause,onthe one hand, mass diffusion due to a concentration gradient is analogous to thermal-energy diffusion due toatemperaturegradient,andthusthemathematicalmodellingpracticallycoincides,andthereare many cases where mass diffusion is coupled to heat transfer (as in evaporative cooling and fractional distillation);onanotherhand,HeatTransferismathematicallysimplerandofwiderengineering interest than Mass Transfer, what dictates the precedence. But there are important differences between both subjects. -Radiation.Firstofall,fromthethreeheattransfermodes(conduction,convection,and radiation),onlythetwofirstareconsideredinmasstransfer(diffusionandconvection), radiationofmaterialparticles(asneutronsandelectrons)beingstudiedapart(inNuclear Physics). Notice, by the way, that the word diffusion can be applied to the spreading of energy (heat diffusion), or species (mass diffusion), or even momentum in a fluid or electric charges in conductors, but the word conduction is more commonly used than heat diffusion (whereas mass conduction is rarely used). -Solidsversusfluids.HeatTransferstartswith,andfocuseson,heatdiffusioninsolids,which havehigherthermalconductivitiesthanfluids,thelatterbeingconsideredgloballythrough empirical convective coefficients, whereas Mass Transfer focuses ongases and liquids, which havehighermassdiffusivitiesthansolids.Theexplanationforsuchadifferenceisthatheat conduction propagates by particle contact (for the same type of particles, the shortest separation thebetter),whereasmassdiffusionpropagatesbyparticlesmovingthroughthematerial medium (for the same type of particles, the largest voids the better). Moreover, Heat Transfer problemsinsolidsaresimpleandrelevanttomanyapplications,whereasMassTransfer problemsinsolidsareofmuchlesserrelevance,andMassTransferproblemsinfluidsare muchmorecomplicatedbecausethesimplestmass-diffusionproblemsareoflittlepractical interest, convection within fluids being the rule (fluids tend to flow). When diffusion in solids is wanted, as in doping silicon substrates in microelectronics, or in surface diffusion of carbon ornitrogeninsteelhardening,hightemperatureoperationistherule(diffusioncoefficients show an Arrhenius' type dependence with temperature).-Slowness.Thermaldiffusivitiesdecreasefromsolidstofluids,withtypicalvaluesofa~10-4 m2/s for metals and a~10-5 m2/s for non-metals, down to a~10-5 m2/s for gases and a~10-7 m2/s forliquids.Onthecontrary,massdiffusivitiesdecreasefromfluidstosolids,withtypical values of Di~10-5 m2/s for gases and Di~10-9 m2/s for liquids, down to Di~10-12 m2/s for solids. -Bulk flow. There is no bulk flow in heat diffusion (either within solids or fluids), whereas there is always some bulk flow associated to diffusion of species (except in the rare event of counter-diffusion of similar species); i.e. mass diffusion generates mass convection, in general. -Numberoffieldvariables.Onemayconsiderjustoneheat-transferfunction,thetemperature field T (the heat flux is basically the gradient field), but several mass-transfer functions must be considered,onemassfraction,yi,foreachspeciesi=1..C(Cbeingthenumberofdistinct chemical species), although most problems are modelled as a binary system of just one species of interest diffusing in a background mixture of averaged properties.-Continuityatinterfaces.Mass-transferboundaryconditionsatinterfacesaremorecomplex thanthermalboundaryconditions,becausetherearealwaysconcentrationdiscontinuities, contrarytothecontinuoustemperaturedictatedbylocalequilibrium(chemicalpotentialsare continuous at an interface, not concentrations).-Diffusion'uphill'.Besidestheeffectofcoupledfluxes,itisimportanttorealisethatmass diffusioncanbefromalowconcentrationwithinacondensedmediumtowardsahigh concentration within a more disperse medium, because, as said, it is not concentration-gradient but chemical-potential-gradient, what drives mass diffusion (e.g. see Diffusion through a wall, below). Forces and fluxes Mixing,i.e.decreasingdifferencesincomposition(really,inchemicalpotential)ortemperature,isa natural process (i.e. it does not require an energy expenditure), driven by the gradients of temperature, relativespeedandchemicalcomposition(withthenaturalstratificationinthepresenceofgravityor another force field). Itisinterestingtorealisethatthethermalandmechanicalforcestowardsequilibriumhavebeen harnessed toyield useful power (heat engines, wind and water turbines),butthe chemical forces that drivemasstransferhavenotyetbeenrenderedusefulasenergysource,nodoubtbecauseofitslow specificenergy(therehasbeenproposalstobuiltpowerplantsdrivenbythedifferenceinsalt concentration at river mouths). Thegradientoftemperature,momentumandconcentrations,giverisetocorrespondingfluxesin thermalenergy,momentumandamountofspecies.Therelationbetweenforcesandfluxesarethe transportconstitutiveequations:FourierlawforHeatTransfer,Newton(orStokes)lawforFluid Mechanics, and Fick law for Mass Transfer (to be presented below), and the purpose of the subject is tosolvegenericfieldbalanceequations(energybalance,momentumbalance,andspeciesbalance), with the help of constitutive equations, and the particular boundary conditions and initial conditions. But before developing the theory, it must be understood that mixing is a slow physical process, if not forcedbyconvectionandturbulence,andevenso.Manypracticalprocessesarelimitedbythe difficulty to increase the mass transfer rate. An order of magnitude analysis shows that the relaxation timefordiffusion-controlledphenomena(thermal,momentum,species)acrossadistanceLis trelax=L2/a,whereaisthediffusivitythat,asexplainedbelow,isoforder10-5m2/singases,what teaches that diffusion across a 1 m distance takes some 105 s, i.e. one whole day. Of course, everybody knows that heating onemetre of air doesn't takeone day, neither it takesso long for odours to travel one metre, or for putting in motion or arresting a gas; the explanation is that fluids are very difficult to keepatrestwhenperturbed,andtheconvectionthatdevelopsgreatlyincreasesthemixingrateand lowers the required time. Thermodynamicsteachesthat,withinanisolatedsysteminabsenceofexternalforces,temperature, relativemotionandchemicalpotentialtendtogetuniform,byestablishingathermal-energyflux,a momentumfluxandamass-diffusionflux,proportional(toafirstapproximation)tothegradientsof temperature,velocityandconcentration,thattendtoequilibratethesystem.Noticehoweverthat, besides those direct fluxes, other smaller cross-coupling fluxes may appear, as mass-diffusion due to a temperature gradient in a uniform concentration, or heat transfer due to a concentration gradient in an isothermalfield,which,inthelinearapproximation,arerelatedamongthembyOnsager'sreciprocal relations. Specifying composition. Nomenclature Mass transfer may take place within gases, liquids, solids or through their interfaces, always involving a mixture, but mass diffusion in a gas is of main interest for two reasons: first, it is the best understood, andsecond,itisthebestdiffusingmedium(diffusioninliquidsandsolidsismuchslower).Forthat reason, and for simplicity, we start here with a gaseous (single phase) multi-component mixture. Amixtureisanymulti-componentsystem,i.e.onewithseveralchemicalspecies.The thermodynamicsofmixturesingeneral(gaseous,liquidorsolid)hasbeenconsideredunderthe headingMixtures,mainlydevotedtoidealmixtures.Weassumetruesolutions,i.e.homogeneous solutions, and do not consider colloids and suspensions, treated under the heading Mixture settling. Although, from the theoretical point-of-view, molar fractions and concentrations should be preferred, themostcommoncompositiondeterminantinasingle-phasemixtureisthemassfraction,yi,orthe mass density i. Only one of those parameters is needed, but all of them are made use of in practice, so a common (an tedious) task in mass-transfer calculations is to pass from one variable to another, based on their definitions: mass fractions:ymmx Mx Miiii ii i = (1) mass densities (or mass concentrations): iiimVy = (2) molar densities (or molar concentrations):cnV Mxx Mii iiii i = = (3) molar fractions:xnny My Miiii ii i = //(4) partial pressure of a species i in a gas mixture:IGMui i i u iiRp x p c R T TM = = .(5) ThemolarmassofthemixtureisdefinedasMmm/n=/c=xiMi,althoughitisonlyusedforgas mixtures.Therearestillotherspecialvariablesinusetodefineamixturecomposition,asair-to-fuel ratio and richness (equivalence ratio) in combustion problems. Exercise1.Dryaircanbeapproximatedasamixtureof79%N2and21%O2byvolume(meaning that,byletting79volumesofpurenitrogentomixwith21volumesofpureoxygen, without changes in pressure and temperature, i.e. by just removing the partition, we obtain 100volumesofamixturecloselyresemblingdryair).Determineotherpossible specifications of dry air composition, from (1-5). Solution.Assumingidealgasbehaviour,i.e.pV=nRT,atconstantpandT,volumesVare proportional to amounts of substance, n, and thus volume percentage coincides with molar fractions (4); i.e., we can consideras dataxN=0.79 and xO=0.21 (mind that subindices are just labels, not meaning atoms but molecules).From(1),withMN=0.028kg/molandMO=0.032kg/mol,onegets xiMi=0.79 0.028+0.21 0.032=0.029kg/mol,yN=0.79 0.028/0.029=0.77andyN=0.23, indicatingthatthemolarmassforthemixtureisaweightedaverageofthoseofthe components,Mmm/n=/c=xiMi=0.029kg/mol,andthattheheavierspeciesshowsa larger concentration-value in terms of masses than in terms of amounts of substance. From(2)wegetmassconcentrations(massdensities)intermsofthemixturedensity, whichdependsontemperatureandpressure;forT=288Kandp=100kPa,wegetforthe densityofair=1.21kg/m3,andforthespeciesN=0.77 1.22=0.93kg/m3,andO=0.23 1.22=0.28kg/m3.Noticethatsomeauthorsusemiorwiinsteadofyiformass fractions. From (3) we can get molar concentrations, again depending on actual p-T values; with the previouschoice,cN=N/MN=0.93/0.028=33mol/m3,andcO=O/MO=0.28/0.032=9mol/m3 (in total, c=cN+cO=p/(RT)=105/(8.3 288)=42 mol/m3). Fro(5)wegetthepartialpressures,pN=xNp=0.79 105=79kPa,andpO=xOp=0.21 105=21 kPa. Finally notice that we can equally say that air has 0.79/0.21=3.76 times more nitrogen than oxygen,byvolume(oramountofsubstance),or0.770.23=3.29timesmorenitrogenthan oxygen, by mass. Thefindingof qualitative or quantitativecomposition in a mixture is known as chemical analysis, or simply'theanalysis'.Wefocushereonquantitativeanalysis,assumingthesubstancesarealready known. Most methods of concentration analysis are based on measuring mixture density (provided the densitydependenceonspeciesconcentration,m=m(T,p,xi),isknownbeforehandbycalibration),by one of the different techniques: -Absorption radiometry. By light transmittance (in the visible, infrared, or monochromatic).-Refractometry. By ray tracing. Refractive index varies almost linearly with density. -Gravimetry.Weightingaknownvolumeofliquid.Thisisperhapstheeasiestandquickest method to measure solution concentration, but requires sampling. -Resonant vibration. The natural frequency of anencapsulated liquid sample precisely metered dependsonitsmass.Maybeappliedtoaliquidflowingalongabendconnectedbysoft bellows to the pipes.-Sonicvelocimetry.Densityisobtainedfrom=E/c2,whereEisthebulkmodulusofthe solution and c the sound speed through it. -Electricconductivity.Thisisthebestmethodforverylowconcentrationofelectrolytic solutions.Themeasuringelectrodesmaybegeneric,orselectiveforsomespecificion(e.g. Ca2+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-). Specifying boundary conditions for composition Composition at boundaries or internal interfaces in a mixture usually shows a discontinuity, contrary to temperatureinheattransferproblems,whencontinuityistherule(exceptforthespecialtopicof thermal joint conductance). The typical boundary conditions for a species concentration are, as for heat transfer, a known value of thefunction(imposedconcentrationortemperature,respectively),oraknownvalueofitsgradient (imposedspeciesfluxorheatflux,respectively),thespecialcaseinthelatterbeingtheimpermeable interface or adiabatic wall, respectively; here: impermeable interface: interface0, or in 1D 0iix xxx nx=cV = =c(6) n beingtheunitnormalvectortotheinterface.Imposinganon-zeromassflux,oragiven concentration value, is done as in Heat Transfer, i.e. by providing large sources of the chemical species (a solid chunk, a liquid pool, a gas reservoir), similarly to large metal blocks to specify the temperature atawall.Localthermodynamicequilibriumthenteachesthatthetemperatureofthesystemnearthe wallisequaltothatofthewall,butthesameisnottrueforconcentrations,wherelocalequilibrium implies equality of its chemical potential, not of its concentration. Theboundaryconditioninagasmixturemaybeanothergasphase,aswhenmixingalongatube connectedtoalargereservoirofagivengas;ifoneassumesthatthelargereservoiriswell-stirred, thence,theboundaryconditionforthegasmixtureinthetubemaybeapproximatedbytheknown concentration at the reservoir. Foragasmixtureincontactwithacondensedphase,thetypicalboundaryconditionsforaspecies concentration, assuming ideal mixtures, is Raoult's law (deduced in Mixtures): * *,gas pure condensed phase,vap,condensed( ) ( )exp/ii i uii uxp T p T p Bx Ax p p p C T T| |= = = |+\ . (7) whereAntoine'sfittingcoefficientsforthevapourpressurecurvehavebeenexplicitlyshown(see Phase Change for an explanation). Notice that sublimation vapour-pressure data should be used when thesourceissolid,e.g.wheniceisthesourceofwatervapour,insteadofliquidwater.Forinstance, theboundaryvalueforwater-vapourdiffusioninambientairclosetoawaterpoolat15Cis xi,vap=0.017,correspondingtothetwo-phaseequilibriumpressureofpurewaterat15C:1.7kPa. When gases are sparingly soluble, Henry's law must be used instead of Raoult's law (see Solutions). Exercise 2.Find the concentration of carbon dioxide at a water surface at 25 C, when exposed to a gas stream with a partial pressure of CO2 of 300 kPa.Solution.Henry'slawdatacanbefoundinabewilderingvarietyofmanners,andwithdifferent units,usuallyunderthecommonnameof'Henryconstant',KH.ForsolubilityofCO2in waterat25C,wemayfind,fromthesolubilitydata(Table3)inSolutions, KH=ci,liq/ci,gas=0.80, meaning that, for CO2 to be at equilibrium between the aqueous phase and the gas phase, there must be 0.80 mol/m3 of CO2 dissolved in water per each 1 mol/m3 of CO2 dissolved in the gas phase (or pure). We might find the same number but referring to mass concentrations, since they are just proportional with the factor MCO2=0.044 kg/mol, (3),KH=i,liq/i,gas=0.80,meaningthat,forCO2tobeatequilibriumbetweentheaqueous phaseandthegasphase,theremustbe0.80kg/m3ofCO2dissolvedinwaterpereach1 kg/m3ofCO2dissolvedinthegasphase(orpure).Thosearetheonlynon-dimensional 'constants' (constant in Henry's law, and other equilibrium laws in Chemistry, means that it only depends on temperature, not on pressure).We might findKH=ci,liq/pi,gas=32 (mol/m3)/bar, meaning that, for CO2 to be at equilibrium between the aqueous phase and the gas phase, there must be 32 mol/m3 of CO2 dissolved in waterpereach1bar(100kPa)ofpartialpressureofCO2dissolvedinthegasphase(or pure);ofcourse,wecancheckforconsistency:ci,liq/ci,gas=RTci,liq/pi,gas,butitisproneto trivialerrorsonunitconversion(e.g.the105in ci,liq/ci,gas=RTci,liq/pi,gas=0.80=8.3 298 32/105.We might find KH=xi,liq/pi,gas=580 ppm_mol/bar, meaning that, for CO2 to be at equilibrium between the aqueous phase and the gas phase, there must be 580 parts-per-million in molar baseofCO2dissolvedinwaterpereach1bar(100kPa)ofpartialpressureofCO2 dissolvedinthegasphase(orpure);wecancheckforconsistency: ci,liq/ci,gas=(mRT/Mm)xi,liq/pi,gas,wheresubindexmreferringtothesolution,whichcanbe approximatedaspurewater,andthence ci,liq/ci,gas=(mRT/Mm)xi,liq/pi,gas=0.80=(1000 8.3 298/0.018) 580 10-6/105. WemightfindKH=ci,liq/ci,gas,STP=0.73m3(STP)/bar,meaningthat,forCO2tobeat equilibriumbetweentheaqueousphaseandthegasphaseat25C,theamountofCO2 dissolved in 1 m3 of solution, per each 1 bar (100 kPa) of partial pressure of CO2 dissolved in the gas phase (or pure), would occupy 0.73 m3 at STP-conditions of 0 C and 100 kPa; wecancheckforconsistency:ci,liq/ci,gas,STP=(ci,liq/ci,gas)/(TSTP/T)=0.80 273/298=0.73, where subindex m referring to the solution, which can be approximated as pure water, and thence ci,liq/ci,gas=(mRT/Mm)xi,liq/pi,gas=0.80=(1000 8.3 298/0.018) 580 10-6/105. In summary, if we assume that pure carbon dioxide at 300 kPa (or a gas mixture with that partial pressure of CO2) is at equilibrium with water at 25 C, the CO2 concentration in the gasphaseisci,gas=xip/(RT)=300 105/(8.3 298)=121mol/m3,andtheCO2concentrationin solutionisci,liq=KHci,gas=0.80 121=97mol/m3,i.e.0.17%ofthemoleculesintheliquid phase are CO2, and 99.8% are H2O molecules (assuming no other solute is present); it can also be concluded that, if all the CO2 dissolved in 1 m3 of water at equilibrium at 25 C and 100 kPa, were extracted and put at STP-conditions (0 C and 100 kPa), it would occupy a volume of 2.2 m3. Foraliquidmixtureincontactwithanothercondensedphase(asolidoranimmiscibleliquid),the boundary condition for a species concentration, i, called a solute, cannot be modelled in a simple form asRaoult'slaw;atmost,intheidealcase,fromtheequalityofthesolutechemicalpotentialinboth phases one gets: ,liq ,sol ,liq ,sol-liq ,sol-liq ,sol-liq,sol( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )lni i i i i ii u u u ux T T g T h T s Tx R T R T R T R A A A= = = + (8) where the other phase has been labelled 'sol' both for the case of a solid or an immiscible liquid. In the caseofapuresolidasasourceofsolute,theboundarycondition(8)yields xi,liq=exp((i,soli,liq)/(RuT)),anditisknownasthesolubilityofthesolidsoluteintheliquidsolvent specified (i.e. the maximum molar fraction of solute the liquid can hold). Solubility data for solid and liquid solutes in a liquid solvent can be found aside. Diffusion of species within a solid is much more intricate, particularly when the solid is porous or is in agranularstate,wherehydrodynamicflowappears(seepage).Diffusionthroughone-piecesolidsis nearly negligible in most cases at room temperature, but can be studied with Henry's law (some values aregiven inSolutions). Gas solubility in solids increases with temperature, contrary to what happens in liquids, and subsequent degassing on cooling may be a nuisance (may even ruin a casting process by creatingporosityandvoids).Besides,chemicalreactionsmayoccuratroomtemperature(e.g. oxidation) but particularly when the temperature is increased to enhance mass transfer. SPECIES BALANCE EQUATION Foragivenspeciesiinamixture(solid, liquidorgaseous),itsmassbalanceforacontrolvolumeis (accumulation = flux + production): ,surfacesii i gen i iA Vdmm m j n dA wdVdt= + = +} }(9) where mi is the mass of species i in the volume V, ijis the local mass-flux of species i at the surface areaA,andwiapossiblelocalspeciesgenerationdensityduetochemicalreactions.Foracontrol-volume system of differential volume dxdydz, with the continuum model: ( ) ( )d d d d d d d d d d d d d ... d d di iyi ix ii ix i ix i iy i iy ivvxyz v yz v x yz v zx v y zx wxyzt x y ( | |cc | | c (| = + + + + + | |c c c (\ .\ . ( )ii i iv wtc +V =c(10) where i is its mass density and ivthe local velocity of the i-component fluid in a fix reference frame. Foraone-componentfluid,themassbalance(10)reducesto( ) / 0 t v c c+V = ,thewell-known continuity equation of Fluid Mechanics, that can be recovered by summation in (10) for all the species i in the mixture; i.e.: ( )( )( )with/0i iv vii i iv w vt t EcE c+V E = E +V =c c(11) Noticethatasimilarargumentmighthavebeenfollowedwithmolardensitiesinsteadofmass densities,andamolar-averagedvelocitydefinedthatwouldnotcoincideingeneralwiththemass-averaged velocityv , that is traditionally used. Besidesthespeciesbalanceinagenericdifferentialvolume(10),thespeciesbalanceinageneric interface must be established in many problems: , , ,0i out i in i surface genm m m= + (12) wherethelastterm,speciesgenerationattheinterface,onlyappearsinthecaseofheterogeneous reactions at the interface. Diffusion rate: Fick's law Actualmixingofchemicalspeciesisgovernedbymass-transferlawsverysimilartoheat-transfer laws, establishing a linear proportion between forces and fluxes:in Heat Transfer, a linear proportion betweenthetemperature-gradient,andtheenergyflowasheat;inMassTransfer,alinearproportion betweenthespeciesdensity-gradient,andtherelativevelocityofthespecies-fluidtothemean-fluid. The basic kinetic-law for mass diffusion was proposed in 1855 by the German physiologist A. Fick for a homogeneous media without phase changes or chemical reactions, namely: ( ) , withdii i i di di i i i i dimn v v v j D j y j jA = = V = +(13) thatreads:themass-flow-rateofspeciesidiffusingperunitareainthenormaldirectionn (mass-diffusionfluxofspeciesi), dij ,whichisitsdensitytimestherelativevelocityofthespecies-fluidto themean-fluid(thelatterdifferencesimplycalleddiffusionspeed di iv v v ),isproportionaland opposestothespeciesdensity-gradient,Vi,withtheproportionalityconstantDinamedmass-diffusivityforspeciesiinthegivenmixture,andi=yithemass-densityforspeciesiinthegiven mixture.NoticethatFick'slaw, di i ij D = V ,onlyaccountsformass-flow-ratesandfluxesdueto diffusion(byagradientinconcentration);ifthereisaconvectivefluxj v (notassociatedto gradientsinconcentrationbuttobulktransportatspeedv ),thenthenetfluxofspeciesiis i i dij y j j = + , or i i i i div v v = + , which was used in (13). TheoriginalFick'slaw(13),whichheproposedjustemulatingFourier'slaw(of1822),perfectly matchesexperimentswithdilutesolutions,i.e.whenthepropertiesofthemediumcanbeassumed independentofthespeciesiconcentration,and(13)canalsobewrittenas i i ij D y = V ,themost generalFick'slawstatement,extending(13)tocoverdiffusionathighconcentrations.Eveninthe originalcasehetried,saltdiffusionalongatesttubefromasaturatedbrinebelowtoafresh-water-swept zero-concentration at the mouth, with a density jump from 1200 kg/m3 at the salt-brine interface and 1000 kg/m3 at the top surface, deviations from the linear density profile corresponding to the one-dimensionalsteady-stateproblemwithconstantDiarelessthana1%atmost;hefound Dsalt,water=0.12 10-9 m2/s. Fick'slawissimilartoFourierslawforheattransferq k T = V (or ( )pq a c T = V foraconstant-property medium), and applies to gases, liquids and solid mixtures, with Di depending on the diffusing speciesi,themediumanditsthermodynamicstate.Fick'slawisalsosimilartoDarcy'slawofmean fluidvelocitythroughporous-media( ) /( ) v h p g k = V + ,andtoNewton'slawofmomentum transport by viscosity( ) v t v = Vfor a constant-density fluid of kinematic viscosity v, wheretis the stress tensor. In fact, for gases, a simplified analysis dictates that Di=o=v. NoticethatonlythefluxassociatedtothemaindrivingforceisconsideredinEq.(13),i.e.mass-diffusion due to a species-concentration gradient (as for heat-diffusion due to a temperature gradient). Therearealsosecondaryfluxesassociatedtootherpossiblegradients(e.g.mass-diffusionduetoa temperaturegradient,knownasSoreteffect,andmass-diffusionduetoapressuregradient; alternatively,theremaybeheat-diffusionduetoaspecies-concentrationgradient,knownasDufour effect, and heat-diffusion due to a pressure gradient), but most of the times those cross-coupling fluxes are negligible. Besides, selective force fields may yield diffusion (e.g. ions in an electric field). Typical valuesforDi(andthethermaldiffusivitya=k/(cp))aregiveninTable1,withSchmidtnumbers, Sc=v/Di,toevaluatenon-idealityingases(kinetictheoryofidealgasespredictsSc=1);forair solutions,thedynamicviscosityispracticallythatofair,v=15.9 10-6m2/sat300K.foraqueous solutions, the dynamic viscosity is practically that of water, v=0.86 10-6 m2/s at 300 K. Table 1. Typical values for mass and thermal diffusivities,Di and a, and Schmith number, Sc, all at 300 K (extracted from Mass diffusivity data). SubstanceDiffusivityTypical valuesExampleSc=v/Di Gasesa)a105 m2/saair=22106 m2/s aCH4=24106 m2/s Di105 m2/sDwaterapour,air=24106 m2/sDCO2,air=14106 m2/s (390106 m2/s at 2000 K) DCH4,air=16106 m2/s 0.66 1.14 0.99 Liquidsb)a107 m2/sawater=0.16106 m2/s Di109 m2/sDN2,water=3.6109 m2/s DO2,water=2.5109 m2/s 240 340 Solidsc)a106 m2/sasteel=13106 m2/s aice=1.3106 m2/s afresh food=0.13106 m2/s Di1012 m2/sDN2,rubber=1501012 m2/s DH2,polyethylene=870001012 m2/s DH2,steel=0.31012 m2/s a) For gas diffusion, both for a and Di, a general dependence with temperature and pressure of the form Tn/p can be used, with 1.50.Tends to a point-source (Gauss bell) for tContinuos planar-source, one-dimensional deposition 2exp4( , )2xQtatTx tc a t| | |\ .=(0, )2 QtT tc a t= Continuos line-source deposition 2Ei4( , )4rQatTr tca t| | |\ .= Singular at r=0. For4 r at R. Moving planar-source one-dimensional deposition ( )0expxVT T Ta | |= |\ . ( )0expi i iixVy y yD| | = |\ . t0: T(0)=T0, yi(0)=yi0. Moving point-source tri-dimensional deposition ( )exp24U r xqaTar t | | |\ .=Only valid for steady state (t ). r2=x2+y2+z2. U is the constant relative speed. Planar contact with forced jump at the surface ( )0erfc2 xT T Tat| |= |\ . ( )0erfc2i i iixy y yDt| |= | |\ . t0: T(0)=T0, yi(0)=yi0. Planar contact erf2 xT A Bat| |= + |\ . erf2iixy A BDt| |= +| |\ . 1 ,1 1 1 2 ,2 2 201 ,1 1 2 ,2 2p pp pc k T c k TTc k c k +=+ 1 1 1 2 2 201 1 1 2 2 2i i i iii iDy DyyD k Dk +=+ Contact value is T0 for heat transfer, or yi0 for mass transfer. t=0, Heaviside(x). If equal properties: T0=(T1+T2)/2 and yi0=(yi1+yi2)/2. Continuos one-dimensional planar plate immersion ( )0 i i iy y y= ( )22202 1exp412 1inn DtLntt= | |+ | |\ . + ( ) 2 1sinnxLt + | |`| \ .) t0: T(0)=T0, yi(0)=yi0, T(L)=T0, yi(L)=yi0. One-dimensional planar contact, steady in a moving frame (e.g. mixing layer of two equal-speed streams) erf2 /xy A Baz v| |= + |\ . It is the same as the latter changing t=z/v, where v is the common speed One-dimensional planar steady diffusion through a wall or gap (e.g. evaporation from a test tube) 0 1 01 0/10 00 1 01 0*0 , 1 11 1, ( )interface equilibrium: izLV D Li ii ii i i iii iv viaT T T T zq kT T L Ly yy yy y y y zj D Vy y L LMp TyMp
