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Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21...

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Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J*TODAY,DBCEMIU 9, 1910* an Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI Fftn B| 0«rjm YoiM.ik.watatt.Mt MfHrn We want to gbt yea MOB- to own nm mymyu MOMI « '/ »fta§wwoaa natt, •htteaje, Yeaamy C* Mart-Tat OhMWMWWi mi Atmb to •aaa? IJBBIBMSBI *f au^a^^ A. ay rTalw BMliWII lay MBM mmtr. » iw maw N *•» wH.kay *. »•«» •ntajoelh'. Mai of tbt "StoayRaB* M Wtobtof- Ml" b tor tkt in Mhtobtwtaw- MB top to kaMamtoe***! oMMkalor laweteaiMlaaief tta*towttobft*yaNMafcai <•» wi^^i^^ B^W MS^^SW mipav ^^I^^F^^E>- And a few in between thoe figures ready for Immediate possession. Rent or Sett. SobvUi Real Eifcte Eiduap 1 rmptct Stmt . TikphoM MS Wwtfittt WESTFIELD SEGNUTES CGWWT UAL ESTA1I AND DMfMDIlS f n p H E variety of choice in 1 . lot*/ to ... be bad in Tenace Park cannot be ex- celled in other localities of thetownofWestfleld. The terms can be made to wit the business converienceof any purchaser. The prices a n lower than they canever be in the future. Ifyoulike WettfWddonot wait until the land is beyond your mains. Therisein values in Westfield hasfarexceeded the carryinl chargesforthe PdpaJationcteates demand US BtOAD fltER , wismBAtiJ. -. V '•< at lit waAJatbi -Btody BaB" ty-two, or BMN tbaa an kail, tat to bt wNlvai fnja ih* lataaw oa eorponttoa and fnwtktot torn tor tbt yaw lll« will reach tbt total af 11.141.11/ Out tbe terparatlea tarn to I4.4M.II, and tkt tarn ..._ titto fraaaktet tun, wktoh art abja aaM by tbe rtaraaMt a total of H.Tll.l*. Tbt PubHe lerrlM to tbt hurgttt to tkt towa that tmpaay'i tkart betas M.TIl.T* •r awre tbaa halt at tkt toto> aateaat fMai tkt vartoaa for HiI property,._. ll.tlMI, aad Ha tkt fruaMie tot to IMIMt. Tbt tbt corperattoaa are at (CaKed «• MM totuaa Or. aMtotoMareajtrkitotbtBoarf hbbaltolthat at their atbotl datto* for otberpiaHmt. Under present eeaditioa* Hbjh •pibbtgia tbttr " which oaattoae* aatfl 1:10 p. m., exeto- aWtofthtrajali la view of Dr. Savitx report of tbt tbat next year theoUaU boaraetn ataybs adopted in tbe High • c k o o l , i . t . • a . m . t o l * o'etook an*' attack to 4 o'clock. . It appear, to tbe sentiment of the Board that High acbool pnpil* ban too mack spare time on their hoods, a port of which *hoaJd be devoted to study in tbt classroom. "The school Is no place to encourage Idleness among pupils," any* Dr. SuviU, and judging by expressions by the Board members, the latter also entertain tho same opinion.' - Outing tbe discussion it wumentionetl that a majority of tbepupil* are willing to rash off to play or attend basketball gomes during tbe afternoon, while on the other hand they ware unwilling to do any "studying. To tbb Mr. Lowe ac- Bosket ball b all right to Ht place, bat too much of it bit. O." Wwawi Cub Marine The Woman's Club met Monday at- tornooa with tha President, Mr*. Tabby, in the chair. ThertudkaofOiMbetl Utemtare wen conUaned. Mr*. New- eomb read the nnt paper, a moat later- estiagacoouatofjohn Wetotor, draav tbt. M^akttob of bb BMtt iajportaBt Mrs. KewcoMb we* followed by Mr. Alfnd Btet wkb aaag tarn, btaaK ..,. Mother'* Mtee, aairt* o f P * * , "•e~*~||nPBj *jBBBBej v^^BBjaat t ^ B a i e ajs^Bawa 1 vw^B^npaaeBw^s* *w raid dalbjktM M k t>d Hfcof ••ww^W^^ jaH™'w^a^PBpajJB]PBNB}ajp^^^a^aw A**MoflMrba«lpwwa •SUaWaataW" •«•• a~rf~a~BBHl 1 IBrlfth Braaaaaiwr WBVI pjmMt WIBM _ tWBtb*»Stt. Mr. Bait ajato aaaa> atatatogitat aaahMt wttk -taax at Araby.", ArWagvoto af thaaki WM atrea Mr. B t f c r tb. gwK aluiawb* aatadtltlMawaibMof tbt Women'* KMrlt CMIMV). IIM.ll: PlMIt •mitt (Mllvajr). ll.JM.Mj Gn» tort OM Ugkt OMiBMy, MM.44t »I74.41; Vatoa Water tomaBV lll.«4i Wtetera Vatoa Telegraph >, 174.11; Nortkaaetora Tola* graph Company, IMI. Tbe traaeklet taxe. raoMrabto ar* a* follow*: Patlk •onto* Corpora- ttoa, (liilway). IMII.II; Pablle •trritt (Ualtoi nettrle), Mlt.ll; Cnaford Oai Ught Compaay, MIL* II; PtolaatM-Ualon Water Compaay, »«!.«; Now York Ttleaboae Coil* ptay, till.**. It beeame known tbto week tut tbe New York Telephoae Company to Itk the a. dlieatbaea with «3t,Tll made on IU property ky As- •estor Mirth. Tht compaay appetled to the Uatoa County Boaro of Tax- . i atton tor a reduction aad the cue V* mat be attested by tbe board today. "• The objection of the company came aa a surprise, in view of the fact that tho assessment this year to Identically the same a* fixed iu 190», and which wai paid without murmur.' It to understood that the company will cn- doivor to get the county board, to re- duce the asKMineut to 125,000. The total property niteaaments agtlnat the corporation* a. fixed by Assessor Marsh aggregated I22S,- 4 00.1», divider a* follow*: Public Service, 1100,189.76; Cran- tocd baa Light, «l,l»9.04; New York Telephone, |S0,718; Union Water, $61,691.80; Weatern Union, ».,000; Northeastern Telegraph 1100. HEALTH BOARO DEMANDS CLEANER TROLLEY CARS. Aottof on a suggestion by laapsetor Andrew Carney, Jr. tbe Boardof Health, at a meeting on Friday night, decided to appeal to tbt Puttie Service Corpora- tbn for cleaner trolley car*. Mr. Car- any contended that little care b exer- cased by tbt company'* empto; toward keeping tbe interior of tbe oar* t aad span shape. Carney w# take tbe matter •pwtth BaperuteBdent Oeorg. Labr. Or. 3. B. s HarrboB referred to tbe wwlltkai of aotje of tbt atretto) lad tkltwalka oavwalob work ka. rtotatly Ha declared tbat the CM- treotor* la charge of new work ahoaU Oed to leave tto street* ia and abaat. Under present eoadtttoa* bt o^eawtdtkatthsreanaaaMrowdaafer ajHl* tbat tboaU bt ettmiaattd. ^ g aa4 Oatan wa> notMed to aaWtbtrtaakoata Tht IMCWM that tkat tbtjr t«lk. iNiiw of Otori* MtrwK aad aaatrtbtlattof* taattehadaetdbBowiofbl. l at JfoB hvtktaMalk, Aaatoktr of kaktrtoi OK. HtahoNaortoltlMta auisK> afaajBaU ahaM*M *Btiui •SJaWal aaVaV •MBf WaW •rtttoltgrM btiwajbat Mm alt> M M to take aa Mm ajtetorat tMawHa*. »«•*• Ito wXffW*top ai^ o) MiVBflf Monday M^M. mmmmmmmim nmmwBtnmnum I on tab dale aad •toooadaoltbe aboMoa. AtiaMMBmtoiaabeMiatbe pod. wUlhtoaw tmalferMjtpaia. : Oaatok> >»,>» tor tTmtMbtaas,tolMUdtb* Oftbe |ia,»»b)itaalitafarta« at DM i M d a a d MT.OOOtor tkt of Mttm. Dtaab, Bad aatOnat. r aa# aaataaaUaB^a^BJae^BA V V m^^t^m BMK O H I v •sjpanawiwBBiBi •* •* sjBfUBi via wav fartbtbtatfltofibapialb. The matter of todrilbwaeabeiiia Itwitwtoitodiipaii with the drilb dadBf tbt ooU waatbtr, Or. Igtl, of tbt BalbUagaad Qtoaaat OoauaHto*, itportot tbat then to no aeed of Or. MOBBMto) aay of the eobool btUdlag*. T^DtoMetOtorkwataa- k tofiow ^ltOlb tot oaitwt Dr. Siaelairiahb report at awdioal wamiaer lafanati tbt Board tbat a* •had MacW iaS tfaTWUllflllriMff BBaTttf paptbhwtmoath. Oat of thbnmmber ofoamM abouldbe notiltod laldDr. Sinclair. Dr. tgel reported that then I. need for improvement: in dlfferont heating Bpparatuw*. Beveral miner repair* win be made and it 1* powible a new boating syitem will be recommended for next juir. MiaTvbbiwaiengagedtoteaob Latin for the Mnainderof tbe wliool year, itemn. Grape and Dempwy were appointed menten of tbe Manual Training Committee and Mr. Perkins wan uamed a* a member of the Finance Committee. Tbe Board adjourned nntil Friday niRht, December S3. In addition to nntiitg on the reult of the. Map jl elec- tion, which will take phue on the pre- vious dny, tbe bndKet for 1*11 will alio bedtocuned. CIVIC PROBLEMS. Problems of local government will furnish a theme for discussion at tbe next meeting of tho Westfield Board of Trade to be held on Thursday. January 10. Among the upeakers wbo will dissect the subject* tbb meeting are Mayor Augustus L . A l p m and Mayor- elect J.AflrtoBDemito. The meeting will be the first of a series of mtWiags to which dvte atalm wfllbedbmandby promment dttam* as arranged at tbe meeting of the Board last month. Tbt committee appointed to arrange tbe meeting* consist* of Town Attorney Paul Q, OUvet, Arthur K. Fienon and OIBbrd B. PeamaO. Tbe public b iavitsd to attend allot tbe meeting*. ' SCHOOL SUPT.J.J.SAVrTZ ON MANUAL la ia addiaa ata metlaf of tbt UakaOonaty MMOI Prtoeiaal'. Aa» datloaat atetohliatoMaMMaar. GMatjr ••fjananaaRiaanOKamsnaai «• •» •arlu atataikata>Mlal ttrMbtaav a.4l4rVCiMMratlftV> iif • » * WM b* QMa>« WteMtM wUI begin tbt New Year at the owner of ito own Town Ball. Tkt way wa* paved for tbt pucka*, of the tmildlog now owned, by Boa. Uoya Tbompnn, and for which tht tow*, pay* an annul nnt of taw, by tbt Town Council at Ita regular awettBg oa TBtaday night when anordmaaoswM passed oa It* ant reading calling tor am fcwaeof M0,«Witt bond* tot UtaiNpalBtod in tbe ordiaaaoatbat kt bead* wiU become payable a* tat WtaMaM Trait Company oa Of b II, 1M«. Tat bond* win bur *X par caat totomt, aad wiU b.twwty manmbtr, the dewomlnatjoa of a a * baatf4,0l». Tbeaetica of the OoincU pwrMb* tor a bond tomato purohaea tb* b a l • ganwally rajarded a* a •akndid bmaV aMatfroaatnaacuUpoiatofvltw. II wpreiiat* aavmgot fe»,0H, irhaaN *otad at a cpecial election two yean ago. to expend lt»,000 Cor a atta aai NecttogaaiaalclpaltiBUdiBg. Theexpema Involved In carryiag tkt d0,0Wbond b m e b coneWerably bt* tbin tkt natal charge; within tbirty. yean* it b Bgnndby realettateexptrto, that tbt bod on which tbe ball to thy natod will he worth ckantuthenaMbaM price. Thfa) apnean qnlto pomlble a* recent ade* of real ettate in tbe vlcinHy of the Metbodbt church and on Broai •licet were made at rate* ranging from MM to «n» per foot. Onthepraeent bMiiof imrchaie of the property tkt CMtoftlwIinlonProipectSraeTwbleb b only a abort dbtance from Broad rtreet, b about M0 per font. ' The'ortllnunce governing the Mlariee of (Own officers win alM)innen(l«l where- by the stipend* of town attornoy and re- corder will be increased. The fftlnry of attorney wo* boosted from fm to ?!00,' ami the salary of recorder raised from 9W0t<«00 W<. The ealary as tixal for town attorney is (tlnulnted tocover oiiicu work while he is to receive additional compensation for cxtro work. The ordinance providing for $111000 bond* to be known as north m»in sower bonds, will (40,000 bondt, to'.» known ns stieet. siilewnlk ami' sower bond* were passed upon second ami final readings. ~ A communication was received from The New York Telephone Company notifying the Council that tho company had plans to elect ninn poles to Ixt aiwd jointly by that company and the PuUie. Service Corporutlon. The letter provokeit mnild <lisca*sioa in which TownAttornoy Oliver Informed the Conncilmen that nil poles erected by thecompany must bo for Its sole me nnd not to fie wteX by tin; P. S. C. Town Clerk Thoinpwn was instrtscttd to notify tho mtniany to tills eflfuct. A number of protcstN were received from resident* relative to tha Town lay- ing sidewalk* on New street. Tbe let- ter* were from M. T. Townley. Edward 8.'Welch, Carrie Hart andMiriam a Miller. A permit wo* issued to Jams* H. Gam too lay a sidewalk on KimbaU avenue, between Euclid and Harrison. Oa theretommewlatlon of Coonfllman Floyd, special policemen Dotsey, March* ant and Traynorwere advanced to "n& nlars" and Edwiinl Kelson, recently of Dover, wasaptninted'a* aspeclal oMeer.' Tbe Council also ratified the contract between tbe Town and W. O. Peckhaa for tbe grading of Highland avenue. TnB iw9 oouwiittM WMeUiumriMBl to bare a ftre nytantptoedIMI HlUd near the residence of Mr. thn liafaHilliM iif fourtatiimilweltotih) ttghtotaditferent sections of the towa. Acommantoition was received r ~ rUbea iCb beactad^iatthe UttMll bsitori a bach Ho***. .. . —; -Mn.BMwbttoMfja*oa bMntoswel to ktr b e t la Ttirytowa tltoi iMItoJi her *on, Mr. F. B.Maja*aa. af WaNWI';-' **?•**y* tjaiiuil esBMtaawainviptny. -Mr aai MW.W..P. btatiaa^aaataBayfv'ji iuilt> af tNaafjajaj t n y i
Page 1: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*

Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any otharVOL. XXVL NO. 21

Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty.


Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWIFftn B| 0«rjm



We want to gbt yea MOB-to own nm

mymyu MOMI «'/ »fta§wwoaa natt, •

•htteaje, Yeaamy

C* Mart-TatOhMWMWWi

mi Atmb to

•aaa? IJBBIBMSBI *f au^a^^ A. a y

rTalw BMliWII lay MBM

mmtr. » iw maw N*•» wH.kay *. » • « » •ntajoelh'. Mai of tbt "StoayRaB*

M Wtobtof-

Ml" b tor tktin

Mhtobtwtaw-M B top to kaMam t» toe***! oMMkalorlaweteaiMlaaief


<•» wi^^i^^ B^W MS^^SW mipav ^^I^^F^^E>-

And a few in between thoefigures ready for Immediatepossession. Rent or Sett.

SobvUi Real Eifcte Eiduap1 rmptct Stmt . TikphoM MS Wwtfittt



npHE variety of choice in1 . lot*/ to ... be bad in

Tenace Park cannot be ex-celled in other localities ofthetownofWestfleld. Theterms can be made to witthe business converienceofany purchaser. The pricesa n lower than they caneverbe in the future. IfyoulikeWettfWddonot wait untilthe land is beyond yourmains. The rise in valuesin Westfield has far exceededthe carryinl charges for the

PdpaJationcteates demand


, wismBAtiJ.-. V

' • <

at l i t waAJatbi -Btody BaB"

ty-two, or BMN tbaa an kail, tat

to bt wNlvai fnja ih*

lataaw oa eorponttoaand fnwtktot torn tor tbt yaw l l l «will reach tbt total af 11.141.11/ Out

tbe terparatlea tarnto I4.4M.II, and tkt tarn

.. ._ titto fraaaktet t u n , wktohart abja aaM by tbertaraaMt a total of H.Tll . l*.

Tbt PubHe lerrlM to tbt hurgtttto tkt towa

that tmpaay'i tkart betas M.TIl.T*•r awre tbaa halt at tkt toto> aateaat

fMai tkt vartoaafor HiI property,._.

l l . t l M I , aad Hatkt fruaMie tot to I M I M t . Tbt

tbtcorperattoaa are at


«• MM totuaa

Or. aMtotoMareajtrkitotbtBoarfhbbaltolthat

at their atbotl datto* forotberpiaHmt.

Under present eeaditioa* Hbjh•pibbtgia tbttr "

which oaattoae* aatfl 1:10 p. m., exeto-aWtofthtrajali

la view of Dr. Savitx report of tbt

tbat next year theoUaUboaraetn ataybs adopted in tbe High•ckool , i . t . •a .m.to l* o'etook an*'attack to 4 o'clock. . It appear, totbe sentiment of the Board that Highacbool pnpil* ban too mack spare timeon their hoods, a port of which *hoaJdbe devoted to study in tbt classroom.

"The school Is no place to encourageIdleness among pupils," any* Dr. SuviU,and judging by expressions by the Boardmembers, the latter also entertain thosame opinion.' -

Outing tbe discussion it wumentionetlthat a majority of tbe pupil* are willingto rash off to play or attend basketballgomes during tbe afternoon, while onthe other hand they ware unwilling to doany "studying. To tbb Mr. Lowe ac-

Bosket ball b all right to Ht place,bat too much of it b i t . O."

Wwawi Cub MarineThe Woman's Club met Monday at-

tornooa with tha President, Mr*. Tabby,in the chair. ThertudkaofOiMbetlUtemtare wen conUaned. Mr*. New-eomb read the nnt paper, a moat later-estiagacoouatofjohn Wetotor, draavtbt. M^akttob of bb BMtt iajportaBt

Mrs. KewcoMb we* followed by Mr.Alfnd Btet wkb aaag tarn, btaaK. . , . Mother'* Mtee, aairt* ofP**,"•e~*~||nPBj *jBBBBej v^^BBjaat t^Baie ajs^Bawa1 vw^B^npaaeBw^s* * w

raid • dalbjktMM k t>d Hfcof

• • w w ^ W ^ ^ jaH™'w^a^PBpajJB]PBNB}ajp^^^a^aw

A**MoflMrba«lpwwa•SUaWaataW" • « • • a~rf~a~BBHl 1 IBrlfth

Braaaaaiwr WBVI pjmMt WIBM

_ tWBtb*»Stt.Mr. Bait ajato aaaa>

atatatogitat aaahMt wttk -taax atAraby.", A rWagvoto af thaaki WMatrea Mr. Bt fcr tb. gwK aluiawb*aatadtltlMawaibMof tbt Women'*

KMrlt C M I M V ) . IIM.ll: PlMIt•mi t t (Mllvajr). ll.JM.Mj Gn»tort OM Ugkt OMiBMy, MM.44t

»I74.41; Vatoa Water tomaBVlll .«4i Wtetera Vatoa Telegraph

>, 174.11; Nortkaaetora Tola*graph Company, I M I .

Tbe traaeklet taxe. raoMrabto ar*a* follow*: Patlk •onto* Corpora-ttoa, (liilway). I M I I . I I ; Pablle•trritt (Ualtoi nettrle), M l t . l l ;Cnaford Oai Ught Compaay, MIL*II; PtolaatM-Ualon Water Compaay,» « ! . « ; Now York Ttleaboae Coil*ptay, t i l l .** .

It beeame known tbto week t u ttbe New York Telephoae Company to

Itk the a .dlieatbaea with«3t,Tll made on IU property ky As-•estor Mirth. Tht compaay appetledto the Uatoa County Boaro of Tax-

. i atton tor a reduction aad the c u eV* mat be attested by tbe board today."• The objection of the company came

aa a surprise, in view of the fact thattho assessment this year to Identicallythe same a* fixed iu 190», and whichwai paid without • murmur.' It tounderstood that the company will cn-doivor to get the county board, to re-duce the asKMineut to 125,000.

The total property niteaamentsagtlnat the corporation* a. fixed byAssessor Marsh aggregated I22S,-4 00.1», divider a* follow*:

Public Service, 1100,189.76; Cran-tocd baa Light, « l , l»9 .04; NewYork Telephone, |S0,718; UnionWater, $61,691.80; Weatern Union,».,000; Northeastern Telegraph1100.


Aottof on a suggestion by laapsetorAndrew Carney, Jr. tbe Board of Health,at a meeting on Friday night, decidedto appeal to tbt Puttie Service Corpora-tbn for cleaner trolley car*. Mr. Car-any contended that little care b exer-cased by tbt company'* empto;toward keeping tbe interior of tbe oar*

t aad span shape.Carney w # take tbe matter •pwtthBaperuteBdent Oeorg. Labr.

Or. 3. B.sHarrboB referred to tbewwlltkai of aotje of tbt atretto) lad

tkltwalka oavwalob work ka. rtotatlyHa declared tbat the CM-

treotor* la charge of new work ahoaUOed to leave tto street* ia and

abaat. Under present eoadtttoa* bto^eawtdtkatthsreanaaaMrowdaaferajHl* tbat tboaU bt ettmiaattd.

^ gaa4 Oatan wa> notMed to

aaWtbtrtaakoataTht I M C W M that tkat tbtjrt«lk. i N i i w of Otori* MtrwK aad


taattehadaetdbBowiofbl.l at JfoB

hvtktaMalk, Aaatoktr of kaktrtoi

OK. HtahoNaortoltlMtaauisK> afaajBaU ahaM*M *Btiui•SJaWal a a V a V • M B f WaW


Mmalt> M M to take aa Mm ajtetorat

tMawHa*. » « • * •

Ito wX ffW *top ai^

o) MiVBflf Monday M^M.mmmmmmmim nmmwBtnmnum

I on tab dale aad•toooadaoltbe

aboMoa. AtiaMMBmtoiaabeMiatbepod. wUlhtoaw tmalferMjtpaia.

: Oaatok>>»,>» tor


|ia,»»b)itaalitafarta«at DM iMdaad MT.OOOtor

tktof Mttm. Dtaab, Bad

aatOnat. r

aa# aaataaaUaB a BJae BA V V m^^t^m BMK O H I

v •sjpanawiwBBiBi •* •* sjBfUBi via wav

fartbtbtatfltofibapialb.The matter of todrilbwaeabeiiia

I twi twto i tod i ipa i i with the drilbdadBf tbt ooU waatbtr, Or. Igtl,

of tbt BalbUagaad QtoaaatOoauaHto*, itportot tbat then to noaeed of Or. MOBBM to) aay of the eoboolbtUdlag*. T^DtoMetOtorkwataa-k tofiow ^ltOlb tot oaitwt

Dr. Siaelairiahb report at awdioalwamiaer lafanati tbt Board tbat a*•had MacW iaS tfaTWUllflllriMff BBaTttfpaptbhwtmoath. Oat of thbnmmberofoamM abouldbe notiltod laldDr.Sinclair.

Dr. tgel reported that then I. needfor improvement: in dlfferont heatingBpparatuw*. Beveral miner repair* winbe made and it 1* powible a new boatingsyitem will be recommended for nextjuir. MiaTvbbiwaiengagedtoteaobLatin for the Mnainderof tbe wlioolyear, itemn. Grape and Dempwywere appointed menten of tbe ManualTraining Committee and Mr. Perkinswan uamed a* a member of the FinanceCommittee.

Tbe Board adjourned nntil FridayniRht, December S3. In addition tonntiitg on the reult of the. Map jl elec-tion, which will take phue on the pre-vious dny, tbe bndKet for 1*11 will aliobedtocuned.

CIVIC PROBLEMS.Problems of local government will

furnish a theme for discussion at tbenext meeting of tho Westfield Board ofTrade to be held on Thursday. January10. Among the upeakers wbo willdissect the subject* tbb meeting areMayor Augustus L.Alpm and Mayor-elect J.AflrtoBDemito.

The meeting will be the first of aseries of mtWiags to which dvte atalmwfllbedbmandby promment dttam*as arranged at tbe meeting of the Boardlast month. Tbt committee appointedto arrange tbe meeting* consist* ofTown Attorney Paul Q, OUvet, ArthurK. Fienon and OIBbrd B. PeamaO.Tbe public b iavitsd to attend allottbe meeting*. '


la ia addiaa ata metlaf of tbtUakaOonaty MMOI Prtoeiaal'. Aa»datloaat atetohliatoMaMMaar.GMatjr ••fjananaaRiaan OK amsnaai «• •»•arlu atataikata>Mlal ttrMbtaav


iif • » * WM b* QMa>«

WteMtM wUI begin tbt New Year atthe owner of ito own Town Ball. Tktway wa* paved for tbt pucka*, of thetmildlog now owned, by Boa. UoyaTbompnn, and for which tht tow*,pay* an annul nnt of taw, by tbtTown Council at Ita regular awettBg oaTBtaday night when anordmaaoswMpassed oa It* ant reading calling tor amfcwaeof M0,«Witt bond* tot

UtaiNpalBtod in tbe ordiaaaoatbatkt bead* wiU become payable a*

tat WtaMaM Trait Company oa Ofb II, 1M«. Tat bond* win bur

*X par caat totomt, aad wiU b.twwtymanmbtr, the dewomlnatjoa of a a *baatf4,0l».

Tbeaetica of the OoincU pwrMb*tor a bond tomato purohaea tb* bal •ganwally rajarded a* a •akndid bmaVaMatfroaatnaacuUpoiatofvltw. IIwpreiiat* aavmgot fe»,0H, irhaaN

*otad at a cpecial election two yeanago. to expend lt»,000 Cor a atta aaiNecttogaaiaalclpaltiBUdiBg.

Theexpema Involved In carryiag tktd0,0Wbond bmeb coneWerably bt*tbin tkt natal charge; within tbirty.yean* it b Bgnndby realettateexptrto,that tbt bod on which tbe ball to thynatod will he worth ckantuthenaMbaMprice. Thfa) apnean qnlto pomlble a*recent ade* of real ettate in tbe vlcinHyof the Metbodbt church and on Broai•licet were made at rate* ranging fromMM to «n» per foot. OnthepraeentbMiiof imrchaie of the property tktCMtoftlwIinlonProipectSraeTwblebb only a abort dbtance from Broadrtreet, b about M0 per font.' The'ortllnunce governing the Mlarieeof (Own officers win alM)innen(l«l where-by the stipend* of town attornoy and re-corder will be increased. The fftlnry ofattorney wo* boosted from fm to ?!00,'ami the salary of recorder raised from9W0t<«00W < .

The ealary as tixal for town attorneyis (tlnulnted to cover oiiicu work whilehe is to receive additional compensationfor cxtro work.

The ordinance providing for $111000bond* to be known as north m»in sowerbonds, will (40,000 bondt, to'.» knownns stieet. siilewnlk ami' sower bond*were passed upon second ami finalreadings.~ A communication was received from

The New York Telephone Companynotifying the Council that tho companyhad plans to elect ninn poles to Ixt aiwdjointly by that company and the PuUie.Service Corporutlon.

The letter provokeit mnild <lisca*sioain which Town Attornoy Oliver Informedthe Conncilmen that nil poles erectedby the company must bo for Its sole mennd not to fie wteX by tin; P. S. C. TownClerk Thoinpwn was instrtscttd to notifytho mtniany to tills eflfuct.

A number of protcstN were receivedfrom resident* relative to tha Town lay-ing sidewalk* on New street. Tbe let-ter* were from M. T. Townley. Edward8.'Welch, Carrie Hart and Miriam aMiller. A permit wo* issued to Jams*H. Gam too lay a sidewalk on KimbaUavenue, between Euclid and Harrison.

Oa theretommewlatlon of CoonfllmanFloyd, special policemen Dotsey, March*ant and Traynor were advanced to "n&nlars" and Edwiinl Kelson, recently ofDover, wasaptninted'a* aspeclal oMeer.'

Tbe Council also ratified the contractbetween tbe Town and W. O. Peckhaafor tbe grading of Highland avenue.TnB iw9 oouwiittM WM eUiumriMBl tobare a ftre n y t a n t p t o e d I M I H l U d

near the residence of Mr.

thn liafaHilliM iif fourtatiimilweltotih)ttghtotaditferent sections of the towa.

Acommantoition was received r ~

r U b e ai C b


UttMllbsitoria bach Ho***.

.. . —;-Mn.BMwbttoMfja*oa bMntoswel •

to ktr b e t la Ttirytowa tltoi iMItoJiher *on, Mr. F. B.Maja*aa. af WaNWI';-'

**?•**y* tjaiiuilesBMtaawainviptny.

- M r aai MW.W..P.

btatiaa^aaataBayfv'jiiuilt> af tNaafjajajt n y i

Page 2: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*


Ironclad When the Prudential issuesa policy it guarantees resultsto the last item. Nothing isestimated, nothing is left tocause doubt or confusion inthe future. Its policies are"ironclad" contracts with therights of thepolicyholder fullyprotected.

The Prudential









KM JStB) StftfBL XMB) f}Ma>

Frionds of Mix Mabollo E. Beck,daughter of Julias Beck, of Downer St.,received a pleasant surprise in the an-nouncement of her marriage to AdrianO.Murray.ofEUxabeth. Theeeremosrywas performedon November Mb, by theRev Dr. 1. T. Uwts, in tbe Church ofTremUgaratlon, New York. The wed-ding was celebrated on qeiet lines owingto the recent death of one of th»brida-groom's relatives. On New Year's DayMr. and Mrs. Murray wiU begin bom»keeping on Morrh avenue. Btahsth,

M m W Gtsh FsnihW.A.CookftBon.theprlae ponhry

raisers of this town, made a data sweepof the prints in the White Orpington

ss at the recent Viaahnd PoultryShow. The' local entries captared aMfifteen prime. At the MorrMwPoultry nhow the local Mida oaptaradthirteen oat of the Bfteta prim. Mr.Cook I* now engaged In making pramvrations to attend tbe New York Pigseaand PonHry Show which will he heM toMadison Bqoare Garden to New York,December H to January I.


Fredericks ToldJudg* Ha W M on WiyTo Sunday School and Escaped.

Auto spumllng l« parilonnblo lit' Now-ink when tlm |Hiiwn in making luuito toCMitt*) lioinif hitB for Bwniiny ncliool,Tluit 1» wlmt .Tndgo Hulm detirood when«eorg« Fredericks, of thU town, up-iwnrod In » Nowork court, following lii»lirrust for unto »i»»dilig, Fredericksoxplulnod to tlio Judge tlmt lie wiw an

I hii wny to rtnmlny ichool mid wntencowiw siisiKjiiilwl

Tlio liifniotlun of tlio taw wiw witncmal by Motorcycle PatrolmanFrniika, who took Fredorirbi inciirtody.AivonlttiK t» tlio testimony otTcrcd l>ythoolHcur ut tko liourliiK- Frederick*wiw drivliiK lih nuioinoWIe on Clintonnvonuo ut thu ruta of twenty-Hvo milesnn hour. Tlio cop also doi'luml thatFradoricln failed to Bliicken liin spoolwbuii warned,

Frederick* ww upprchcnded by thootlicor In u merry cluwe tlio Westtlolderled tlic luttor on Klitubnth IIVPIIIIP. Incourt Fredericks told tho judge thut hewas on hi* wuy to Sunday whuol. ItwasSiMo'clot'kwnenhe npproavhetl atrolley car in front of him mid it wusthon that ho began speeding in order topaw the ear,

»«» -


Gsunty A n Invnso to A U S M .Phyridans tnd dentitte In Union

county will nave an opportunity ofhewing Dr. M. H. Cryer, of the Uni-versity of Pennsylvania, deliver an•ddraai on medical work among panilsin the fBblto scboob, ta WatUngtonicbool, Wedneeday night, January II.

Or. Cryer will cane to town as theguest of Dr. durance? M. F. Egel, whois pnaUeat of the PwiafleU DeatalSociety. On the »»me day the PlatofteMgociety will entertain Dr. Orjrtt. bvt-tatioBswiUbeeiteadedtothe member*of thi medical profs*** to Unioncounty to attend the lecttre which willbe UhNtratal by itereoptioon view*.

Lsos) Djsl EsMs TnMSipT.The following transfer of WeMSeM

real estate was reoorded in the oOee ofOnmtjr Registrar Frank H. Smith, atDiubeth:

N. V. Bnbnrban Land Oompwy toPaul ERgdbert. lota 1, S,«, 4, Mot* 6,map of N. V, Sabarban LaadCompany,WestneU,*!.

HE KNEW J, IH 6AiroflCtisndbT Renews Friendship ef 40

Years Ago with VststMi k m m ,After tin nlisonce from town of nearly

forty yours Atmm Clmndler Mirprlsod aimmber of thu old tlmu rwulonts > ester-dity by bin pri'snnuo on Hroud street.AK Mr. Chandler expressed himsttlf iub»gazed on tho Improvement* and growthtwo scorn of yours hud brought about'," I wns almost lost until I ran IntoJohnny Marsh, anil It wiw not until thendid I realise I wiw bade in tlio old townngiiin."

Mr. Clmndler nnd "J. M O , ' met onBroad street nnar the |nst office andeach recognized \ tho other withoutformal introdiiotions, Tlioro was ahappy liund nlmklng bee which was.fo>lowed by a two-hour chut in which (he,pioneer incidents of old times were, re-honnted. Another, old friend thut Mr.Chandler mot while here'was WilliamDawesono of the veteran memtorsof tbelocal fire department. Both worked to-gather as mown* In the ohlen'days.

While here Mr, Chandler told somefriend* and new acquaintance* of his ac-quaintanceship with John D. Roi'karfel-ler, the Standard Oil King and thorichest raun in tbe world. Tint »about thirty yean ugo in the oil Adds intho vicinity of Hulamanius, S.\, Chandler at that time was employed by a manwho disposed of second handud barrelsto tbe oil well operators In northwesternPennsylvania nnd southwestern NewYork. Koekerfollor being one of his c


on W ^nssdted S

In those days, according to Chandler,John D. was credited with having onlya limited capital, and he was obliged topay spot cash for his barrels. The or-ders from my boat wan:

Kevertoaaload aajr hamhi for Mr.

tele toKockerfeller for about a year awlbedeclina that John D.WM one of Ik*shrewdest basiaeee men ha e*ar came tooontactwHh, "Ma w s g w a t at makingbargains at cBttgtna" SBM Chaaaiir.

AgwatwiswtrfMr.Chandler'saolrfedays were spent to worktag at his tradeof m a m and bricklayer. / "seventy-one yean of at* ha hi still aotlvocmlfe fertandlw dtokrtdthat hah)able tolayMOB brick to eight hoar*.Mr. Chandler said If there are any

Umbtkw Thomases" be is willing toback up hit (Warn by betttegkWoBhtov

U. There were no takers la sightBefore heaofuired the BMIM

Chandler was employed at a driver bytbe oompaay that operated the oldcoach line between New Branswickand

•ad Brook abont ftfty years ago. Dar


buck to January last when Wtimast severe snowstorm, not ejthe great hMuard In l m , took •

According to Mr, Or«nth ijpw on Hatarday and Itwithout abatement until _ _ _The snow Ml In driving aha**!such velocity that persons wets' jtodisoern trees, barns, boosH sr Iobjeota through the wlndmr DM

When the snow ceased then u

fences In sight a n d i t w a > » M hdilHrnltythat the pathways a t l |ways were cleared. ThetnowT1

did not melt away until April •was continuum skinning (ram Ithat month. . r-"

There was little inoonvenkaoe sby the storm efthiswmk.nem on the paitoftbtP.iMag aaow plows IcmarlBg the tMssviMullidhiBno delay to tnBey traSfe.)

TheettUeaa also Mmadnt ioccasion by deaaiag thdr ipromptly aad Chief of Iwas not obliged toeaforcethsi

I****** to ehwipgotofthstr

vkM wHstB at fwsMl I•The Wearing of the 0mm.»1

ma*^ Irish drama, with I

-|e«|B*mjBBs a f t BJtwIa^^LJ. I

gfafvm* anu^Ls^BJ) B^Bai BjIgm^Bt

The kjcale of "Tha Wei



awEnRked tte

FFST ^^esu T j a t , w ^ ^ ^ ' *&£&&.

No Second or Cheap Auction Trash!

There is No Hardware Store Anywhere That HalLower Prices Than at'The Big Store^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^^^^^K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ** . '



Useful Presents:Carving Sets

Bread Mixers

Pocket KnivesCoffee PercolatorCarpet Sweepers



':•*** ;-*•*$%&•• ^TJiTWW^lfX-

Page 3: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*

Ckinw UUkBaumann


4 *

At Standard Price.!

Tkt wnfc tarn* out from o«r ww and ip.ikvprtMriy ariwlid rtwjio on Brad atnZtto * * ( t t u m r b*m. fedwill i

lmJftN«<|».ftMiiAm TABU. w<


ft. PM)iChumhwMoi|ml«d in WBf. Betrleea von held, for«oawllnw,ln^wniMMiMa(|m.p.R.QM, an Broad atreet on the,•UeaflhepmeniUbrMybuikllnt, The IMU of the rwMenee waa weedlorae|iap»laa4Jeeta1»ottmuwdforM»t«, On November 17, I860,ltWM"8Mo|vedtlwttherc«torJim|im4ed to procure neonwiy fuelrad ttjhta |pr UM chapel and loimbuffe hfoelf out of the oollwtlona."It wutlwn known M Ones Ohanih.

In 1870 the congregation nfaaed kmatrto meet for worship underweh randitioiM Mid the entire congregation wltlKlrew. Tlw next plowof wwhlpwaa in the PraqNct Street School Building where wrvkwwere conducted by William R. br io ,a perpetual deacon. They abort-ly afterwarda pureluued a plot at the toot of Churk ftreet and erected aplan of woraldpcalled Christ Church with Rev. G. M. Bradley Rector.In 1S47 the Bishop of the DioceH rccognlied the practically defunct" Graoo Church " aajjbe official church to which moat of the congrega*tion returned.

the land upon, which the pretont ediflee rtandf) wan donated by theBev.lir.06>. TheourMr atone ww laid November 4, 1874. Thechurch waa opened for wonhip March 81,1875.



ftVegetaUeMrk'tfor theBertPoultryThattheMarketCan

Mataaeeof the Watklnjnon w t w MMIMgarnadorianeatioa, Union ocwatr. anMotorM, 1N0,1 bent,noWyjaMad,through r°».lhe Board A«Chomi Vr»koldenof Uaketomty, that tlw n t i madbat tow snapktad to Mr Mllie «tWae-tlonandle therefore MMptid apoa DMput of the Slate.

Very truly youn,FHKDKR1CKQ1LKTSOM.

On motion of Freeholder Smith notired

Hw.%i#a?ii%ji(, olerk oltbe board ofTnhoBtii. Unto*, aomty »«w Jweey..Dw.Hr.KiaV-W»aM"la, NMIB» af

commiinfcalkHi of NorembeM and aeiinto thank yon and tbe Boanl oo Frwholibntor their prompt and jmt asthn in the m»Ul«r brought Wore them, concerning St.Bllwbeth H«|iiul.

Our <ioor»»t» »lmjr< omit to tho worthypoor of Union emmtjrimd «njr marameiuk-tbnfrom*freeholder will ttK'v prompt•lid re8|Kst(ul iitti'iitlon, hut jrwi omi v mthe lujuitko of this o»«, In tliM a tihrai-okn Mnt the [xitient to a ^ieoi*li«t forhUopinion; tho liosjiltnl up to thii time, iiovtrentered into tlw c u e at nil; then wlion iteane to the |wrt of the hiw|iiul, the patientlink a private room ot Ml owu (no will,Chen after all debt* won Incurred a letter

frou a freeholder wai brought forth.

As binlaeH men, m k n o v r o n will agreewith ui, tout if they latonaed to u k e ad-vantage of thb kind, they should havelirouRnttlieirlelteratRnt,aiHUIwii madearranReannttiuKainliuiiljr, a method whichMiWluly would hare beta Jurtai agreeableto xu. t '•

Thinking you'again we remain, OratefBllyyoure,


On motion of FMhoHer Wilbur rewindand placed on DU>.

0OMSI1TTKK BKPORT.OetilleiDne-eMbJrftto coollrmattoo of

tbb hoaid, I hart clows nefottallom with'. J. Byan (or the purahan of U Kahway

»«tniw/Sithitofth> three bondinga laBahwayar«u»«Bf jwned brtto omiaty,and which thU board at it« W ra»*ng

d C t A t b i

The flrat Methodlit ncrvkca Ifr WertfleW were held under the ahaditrewonllwUwnotC. A. LoTeridse. 8ervlec» were ccmduetMl by Rev.William Perry of PUInfleW. On Blareh 97,1880, the wclety "waa for.mally orgnnlaed and a Board of Tnutsca elected. On October 27, 1851,John H.CInk donated a rite for tho church 75x120 feet, where theprednt edlfleo itondi. The corner atone of thin church waa laidNovember 7,1851, and the church was dedicated December 90, 18S8.An extention waa added in 1881. The (tat Sunday school waa oqaniaedJune 10,18S8, with aeven tcaehew und thirty wholan. On May 20,1877, the present rtrocttire waa completed. The fine bell waa (Jonntwl\y Mm. Mary Ann Burham in 1880, and the clock waa presented by theMapca family., A line new church 1» now being erected.

. * - Ttwlibrtrr.On Mny »', 1878, the " Every rJaturdajr Book Clnl" waa orgnnixed

by women. In October 187(1 the books numbered. 200. On February17,1877, the " Kvery Hoturdny Circulating Ulirary " WM opened to thepublic in tho Proupect Street School Building. In March 1878 It* mimewas changed to Wastflcld Publiu Lilirary. In 1U05 Andrew Carnegiegiive «lD,000 fur tho building, if tho Town would furnish the ffite Midexpend lOXuf the co|t of the JtulUKng per year for lnnlnteniince, Arod hot upecial election fuilowul on April 11, 100T>. The vote xtood m iin favor—201 ngnm«t.

Tho corner ptono of tho present building wan laid June 0, 1IMU.In 190!} Mr. Carnegie gave 85,000 to enlarge the building.

" A landmark nfintcrctt was tho little old red brick school housekmg.Bince talwh' down—aimut 1870. It was located on 'Mountain nvr.nuentxttotheAmeteryand-oqpoqU) the Prabytcrlnn Church, Upstairs uiw a large room which the church people used for their weeklyprayer meeting!*. Down stairs wns the school room." OpyKisitu theschool house and directly in front of the " Presbyterian Church wits thetown common, where the'childrcn played and the out door celebrations






Our Usmt Low Trim Witt Prevail


nd which thU b o d a i »*ngIrutrocUdtaeCointy Attorney to bringooadennatim jirocmliugf to aciulr* forhe wmof»3,M0. '"' •

Vtrr trnlyfoura,V. B. LIAVITT.

County OollNtor.On MottaotyncboUtr ium ntAni

aadpbMtdoaU*.NEW BUS1NB8S

! hefd.

BjrajaTli^Congregntioiial Church wits the nutcoiuj of n meeting held in

tho old Lyceum* Building May 22, 1880. The organizers were theninciiiljon) of the Prcsl)VtorJnnCliur«li.( Bcrvicciu wero held in LyceumHall Under the pmtomto of Rev. l o W ^ e M , ' who Iteeaine tho firstpiwtor on Jniranry It), 1881. BaririM|M^istorftte plans yiero made forImilding u pcrmiment church. Xlie present tiitc was chuseii mul a build-ing erected. Olio hundred dulliir bonds to tho nmount of $2,000 werebsuud'io caver the cost of land and building. Since then tho structurehas been *&$ to a numlia of .ti|}ic8juid additional lurid purdiiiavd forfuture IKHXIS. , Q \ \""

XM'ol jmaton:

1 BdkUaf Mi Loan Shareholder- The ngalar ooot^-Bwathpaymeat doea the trick, and bsfen

yea know it yoa bav» it aolid fonodatka laid for faton needa.Bboaldyoa waai tt. bay or btild a hoaw we will tout yoa ttM

money at As Interest, allow yoa to pay It back in' monthly Install-mento, and in amount! abort what yon wo«ld pay torrent. If yoaare amUttnw our plan will appnil to yon.

The Mutual Building and Loan AssociationHAROLD B. WALWORTH. Secretary.

HenryCornelius PiittoirHenry Ketcbnm


James R. DanforthHenry H. GuernseyFrd'k. lSamuel wh'e 1/uU.iis


List of chnrtcr menilwrs:Henry F. Alpera'Elnora Alpers .

•Williinn J. AlpersMutildn Alpen

•diurlotto Bccbe•Emma L. BridgesWilliam W. Baker

•Julia gJBaker•Hekrn B. BakerKate E.ClarkLudlow V.ClarkEmily J.CoaneyEleanor 8. CoaneyCharlotte H. CoaneyElhtaA. Carberry.

•John A. DennisHenry HmlordFanny E. osford


'Adelaide B. EvaiftA.touiwLnddM. UuiBoEmbrccAddie L. GrayGeorge F. Gray

EdwanlH. Ladd-JulUE.LaddMargaret O. Ladd '

Alice R. LaddEllen R. LaddEdwanl H. Lodd, Jr.Letitia MUlerAnna A. PierianArabella PienonAnnie JI. Sinltli

•Lucy C. WorthSUaa W. BojrdnriJuHaK.Boyden•Still aeUw membeM.

IrvingJ'*ixvisa Irving

Vr.%. ConnolyA. B. Connoly

' *Joaopli R. Connoly•garah F. Connoly•CceellflJ.CondltCecelia E. CouditFrederic BaldwinJames L. MillerFanny M. Miller

•Jennie N.HiokokAnno M. BelknapEUnA-Bridgw

•Hekn BeebeEb Hart, Jr.'AliWe L.CornellEmily W. Wlwlock

MULLINS218-220 Marktt Street, Newark, N. J.IH-US Newark A«.. Jcmr City. M. 1. 78-B4 Nyrtlt Av«., Brooklyn, N. Y.

m mrr TIAM m Fowmr uouHnmNisuwc raw or mw JIUIT.

Holiday Display Uepifalleled!Never havo yon noon anch on elaborate and artistic assortment of beautifulhonacfarnlshiiiKH. Every place suitable for Kilts and siiiiiMntml for Mr-vico- Pried that are ntaolutely lowest/purchasul forthcir immente storesat onormou* rednctionn.

We> Maka Cenvenlant Payment Tarma

A* Dttown In illmtratini. TbUrait b moat nnuttul value and wocan Mil them oaly in thk «ak> atthb figure. Beautifally carved

h flnUbed fnurwa, loo*e39.50Our New Brmtt

B«l Displayla ky far taw ftawt akwrlaa] « •kar* a*ar aaaata at tm km friaaalVataaaanabi

This Exact Dnair

•The WeaUtold IndepeniJeiit" waa paUWwd In 18M. Later wnamed "The Union Ctounty Standard." Bwned out In \m and 1MB.

Earlier papera weto The WanUMd Monitor and The WcatfleU•Me«rapli. ,

Dr-rattM't nmnoraUe aenrnm-" A Cttiaen of Ko Mean « V . "w«Pro«!htd|nthtacbw*liJ«iiH,10,1888. ttww latpaly iaHnuMnMlta«>UwdiifWe*tfWdVad»lrabt.ari^iyi«aa. . _

lawOnak ftn. On January 4, i f r i t o Harted in the N M o t | | ^ m a n

•baeM until naaHy all the aoulli aW. of B I M JrtmHawMck-troytd. Theloaa waaow »7o,000.


tan*! oalM \ug» ba«r«Matoii «bi»r> at iUwitraMii

Page 4: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*


Hi UMti M y StMtartSTANDARD nilUMNO,

WnilkU, N. iT>t. an.

Biitcrwl nt th« I'twt OfScti at Ww»IBeW Jerwiy, AH Bt oml-clmMf mutter'

PuMliluil «v«r Friday hjr

I k * Standard Publishing Concern,lino.)


•n.chOHIttr. N. SOMMER,

7*4 Br«« St., N.Wirk, N, I.

AdTertiaing Btitia FurnUhwl on Application.

ROBERT V. HOrrMAN. Editor.

Official newapapor for WestficW, Jf. J.


The SUadard's Christatas E4i-tiM win b* out *arlf aext Fri-star afteraooa. Tweaty pagMwith *pecial c o m aeei|a by A.a Learned. Other special he-tan* aa* all the latest local

Far u b at all aew*.3c the

Tin Town HtJI ffopcutiotiiThe propMitioa of Mr. Lloyd

Thompson upon which initial andfavorable action wat taken at themeeting of Council Monday night,and by whkh, if finally carried, theTown of WeatfieM will acquire it*present headquarten for a TownHaHfor the nominal ram of $80,000.b viewed by all who know localreal estate value* as a money-saverfor the tax payers. By the purchaseof the property at this price, theTown secures a building speciallyplanned by the present owner for mu-nicipal purposes and so constructedthat suitable additions can be madewhenever need arises, Furthermore,the economy of the purchase is evi-dent from the following:

The Town now pays the owner$995 per year for rent. If the prop-erty is bought the interest on $20,-000 at 4/2 per dent will be $900; ora net saving of $95 per year.

Mr. Thompson has invested in thepresent building $15,000,' coveringall additions and improvements. Hevalues the land at $5,0u$ He paid$2,000 for the lijnd (a low figureeven at that ^ j j p i n J906, Mr.Thompson 'wairoffered $3,000 forthe property in less than six weeksafter he bought it.' Property vaju-ehave increased nearly 300 per centon Broad (lrom $200 to $300 perfoot, present values) on nearbystreets in ten years. It is prob-,•Me that in the market today MrThompiun. cnuld get considerablymore than «',0i»u for this land,which has a depth of 180 and afrontage of 80 feet; approximately$42 per front foot valuations.

It will also be remembered thatthe Town not long sinceobtamcd anoption on the purchase of tha Galeproperty on Gun street, on whichthe STANDARD Building has sincebeen built, at $100 per foot It i*but fair to estimatetbat theThomp-•on lot is worth at least asmaehVnot mow par frant foot thaa thaGale lot. or SUMO, M M thsa It a•mini to thBTowBotSayOMtalaad:•ot to mwdon th» InrriaBBi b a wStt which future land Htm hi our

i d t o f c t w u l b n * Thirtyby tbt tae tha

w f l b t worth thafftat aftht MHtag aad taaa.tr

mir irbaraby ihtTawabalaialht

M a * are paM apea akttarity I*|*aaabh) at'S par eaaV Baasfk

-" l a th * way to

fflwtfeU. insat flto.

- 4%Interest in Savings DepartmentSmtm Deposit Beams mm4 t t o r s g *

Assets Over

$1,000,000.00Capital and Surpltis Over

$160,000.00ACCOUNT* t,JtnOt> •»* MAt4<

land and the building of a TownHall thereon. There is a differencehere of $55,000 in the turn author-ized and the sum to be expendedfor Town Hall purposes. Further-more the purchase of the Thompsonbuilding at $20,000 will serve as apositive check to the expenditure ofa maximum of $100,000 for a mu-nicipal building as authorised atthe special election held in 190&

From every point of view theproposition to purchase the Thomp-son buihung is fair and it U doubt-ful if a better proposition ha* everbeen or will be offered to the TaxPayers. The Council is wisein tak-ing prompt and favorable actionupon it. '

We used to remember our fami-lies and friends about Christmastime. and. incidentally forget aboutthe tired and overworked clerks,most of them young gnis, who stoodbehind the counter from airly n o n -ing uftil late at night to supply thewants of countless Christmas buy-ers. But within recent yean wehave become mindful of the needsof the toilers, the humanity in ushas been awakened, so we make Itour pleasant duty to buy our Christ-mas .gifts during the first two weeksin December—this that the amountof shopping may be more evenly dis-tributed over the comparativelyshort period devoted to that pur-pose, and that, thereby, the clerksmay not be taxed to the limit, andsometimes beyond the limit of theirendurance.. tr~

This is to serve as a gentle re-minder to the Christmas shoppers ofWestfleW,, You will be doing thegirls behind the counters a kindnessif you shop now.

MethodM church, b one of the inter-ested citiieiu. Dr. Hayeeb Wrong forthe pictarnqae end of tb« parade andraggate tint •peolal effort* he madetoward Mewing a large representationof citlteni to march in nuwque andITotenque oattumea.

A concert of nntunal -merit la to begiven at tbe Metbodiat Chan* oaTbaraday evening, December 1Mb whentbe Mendeuaohn Olee Club, of Elisa-beth will be heart for the Aral time mWertneld. TheOleeClab which nowbw a membenhip of aboat forty Ibeen giving auhecripUoo concertoEUxabeth for th« put tU yean and Icome to be reconlaed a* the beet orga-nization of Ita kind to thle part of CMState.

Tbe concert to be glvaa la WaataaMU one of tbt ooara* given aadar tbtaaapieea of tba llaii'a Laagaa of tat%aT^jTairtjllm# a^WtaflMaBa EvwVBl ^^aB^BBBn BB]

however be obtained at tk* i*ga

Tbt fanenl s t h i n i of Mn. AaawFrance WM coadaetad la Holy TriattjrCatholic Chareh oa Tantejr

h u Fatber Bejrtr celebrattd nMn. riMM.wko WMtbowMt

of Owen Franee, of


Efibrto to Bs Mads to Have arhgimsMof Militia for Parade.

Mi» WestfleW Is preparing to pat oaher •' Old Gray Bonnet" for the carol-vaLofgayety which wlU reign hare onJuly 1, a. » and 4, the suggested dateafor tbe big toil celebration. Nearlyeverybody haa caught tbe fever and Isgetting "In theawba." Wlthoatdoabtit will be one of tbe anat elaborate cMademomtratlona in the history of centralNew Jeney; at any rate it will aarely•cllpan the WestBeld saMenahd ohar*.ance held In 18W whan tbe towa watabbMWlthenthaabvMi.

one are being Motived by tawNOfV OJT thtt taMpOIWy C|VMatttt0s) O*

of Tnda wakaatarWdtk*halla-folUag. One of tbetataat, la lh*Uta of havtag a tafoMBt orstonef

Mlala tb* sataat. flat Maaboa*of tht popalar aaaa-aadwlllbaawdetoobmla asaQuwtaor-alaetWIIaaa aad

latUidlraotlaa,at th*

Ta» W DrMagOab at Ms

sttsr ana* atr taaasntsaiwMplaylatt*


It Is at-

•at**-1WfaTdaj t * * • # +* •WMBMBX/I * * * V • BBWBI

1^B^B*^B^B*W ^ s ^ a ^ u 4 %M a^baaat •a^aaB^aabi 4W B^aB^aaak

l a v ^W^^la^Bff av avaW aV BB^^B^PBV VSIBV^ rVJar

died on BatnnUy,; following a Mat laVneat from pneomonla. She waa thirtynine yean of age and la aanivad b y ehaeband aad foar children.

Mfe CavNainB MDttli

Mn. Catharine Alpen, aged 81 yean,tbe motberof Mayor Aagmtat L. Alpen.died at her borne, 118 Weat Dudley are-nae, on Tneaday morning following anillncM of nearly two weeks. Deathwas due to pneumonia following an at-tack of bronchitis that developed onThanksgiving day, a few bourn afterMn. Alpen had enjoyed dinner withmemlwra of her family.

The funeral mrvlce waa conducted ather lute home yesterday afternoon bythe Rev. Dr. 8. L. Uomia, paetorflftbe Congregational Church, of whichMn. Alpen waa a charter member.There waa a bug* attendance of friendsof tbe deceived, and In tbe ooarte of hia

Dr. Ijoomla referred feelinglytotbeChrlattanllfeof the defatted andher falthfat aerviea to her ebareh.VTberemalnawere taken to Brooklyn todayfor burial to Oratnwood ceaaatury.

Mn. Alpan waabaloved and respectedin »large circle of frieadi In town. Foryean aba was one of the moat ataloaaworken in the cmgiegatiOD and San-day Kfaooiof tbe Oongngatlonalchnicb.

AU daring her life, until her batillneaa, Mn. Alpen hae enjoyed remark-ably good health. WbenabewMrtricten

TkukakivlDg Day, the members ofof her family had bopcaof bar neurety,bat aba waa unable to coartat with tba

that raaultedia death.na coaslng to WeatfleU, Mn.

Alptra waa a mambarof tbe Bar. T.DeWItt TalmadjN'a church In Brooklyn,

addltaw to taUag a Ug latnaat lalocal caareh aad charttaua aSaln, UrnAlpara waaadot* ataeaatot ehrle»f-

dbttaKtioBofbalag taaflrat wapamiaWaatMdto vote at aataiool *lM*ka.Mn. Alsan wataaw ahaj*ra^aataw

•rack of bar tea wataaaat la f r>aaaataig tba Iwaatjraaoii la aad awartWaataaM. . ' ' % '

Un. Alpan we* a Jaffa of «*w[flffe | M 8MM lO W M M H H to Matt! to

Sa» laaawhaa by SwdaBaaas ta t oaa aaagBaar.. Two

a. aat Afas lM L. aai taa, Mat ItatMaO.

Ha«Vpsrt.atwte.aMla MN,aaii

BUY YOUR BOY AN ENDOWMENT^POLICY for a Christmas gift. He willnot only secure the benefit of the flritpremium you pay, but will atao behelped on the road to future success bya lesson in saving money. On anEndowment Policy issued two yeanago at age 21, the New York life divi-dend this year is $5.41 per $1,000.

f*»a*M>S WtoaMet.

T*l«€artla»tt 111 IraaaSrtr.Ntw Talk


Wcstfield NurseriesGROWERS OF , #



Oapt ViMt; Apia*, tm,Ckmrf, mm. Ptaek

nW§.Bt pHMfB3«Mp 119 ml

the work will be done weU.icaeomptettoaMycaaiefordliaatlrfacttoaremalM.wtdoallthrtlt.pnaabhtowawwH. And oar ache— ladaat* all braaeaii of wora

1 one faapoaalbla tnnnageaMat, carpaatiy, saajoar*/, ptaaAtag,- -Hnttag, decorating, electrical aad Ifadad glaat

Hift I M HMini aksjp Hi |»v


MoMAHON'85, M «ad 25 Ctat Shra

b the Place to Get Your CHriatmu Presents (*>

Also Presents (te the Grown people I

Per Ms W

J . %f. MilWCMttsUve,TeLtttl. f Wriavftfi

?* M. «m.PM«fl^aTw*4ttairjN

•MM a^^M«aia *a^^^AM. BBM-iya> aiaaaaapa»»i*i»i^>.,^F*aa»Hrt«r4)**a«Bt«*wpa|NaW JatSST. waito gWaj'

KMtm&Cske!HMCaittlaii, Ckvatttlmt,

, • HM TW1! t*.•aW '•BBBBjgjfBBJ ByjfgBBj S J U M M a ^ t H I l a T M l

. Yoa haw ao ama a»» *caady mm be, If yoa'ia sat*

L n a . Ttoartof maklagaa*caady I«»nacha4 the * » ^

The We at fie Id Bakery

Styt Half Prk* of kdmMtmlI^CsaaiaSl etMl eat »****a to Mi

'•> ij ' " * laWs^W ^Sj *Wp; S M VaH * r

WettfieW Canao.W l i Saaata •••'fflsa'flsaaa aSl aaall eaa at

" l. . * . "-> ki ' " * 1""^*W ^Sj p; S M VaH

Page 5: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*



Bif f MwMHB.

lag a»vtoa 1.41. ItaarwBli


p >pator• Dr. bMah> wBt preaoki' Vopto,"UfMMh«tl»LM<." OMr a a * ."ounM«»«MiiMi," Bank* mt

UY*LawMt,nMNrw.•wadayeaaoalalliiie. Mr.OvyW,

Topte tord"


wurs> flat* eight la tewa b\oar

letodtofglltooialalalag[Mat fa M a * , lew aad

la. WtMbj*. Dlaanad* aadffWHfJf W > Will

Chrtotaw gita of awraJa*rthaadnhM. Maiaoad Bug*

tfca.oo worth an.o». nveBtaa*Hoop MagV «* 1118.10

•moo. Earring* a * »•80.00. TWO atoM nagtr

ilHOOworthlMMIO. TfckbiMWitaMeoaUkaidb-beto any M M or woaaaof *iijlii| iHianaii fir'

ink IMt ft to.

- f lnm Bwaii, «| tkmm etwot b

-MM. H. L. Aknaa. of P*MMMrtMl, b MfTMMk tawwNrf l i hMhkaadtoakMtob*a>a*elNNtagala.


fa valla*



at BaeBd

toatowet hb Mead* to Ike

-Mr.aadMn. B.K. I>aalerlaar l a i U mMew Yea*, laty.eaj

-Aa « • mallei •

B. OMKW to wHkJ

io airP

-Mto» I t U VMBMUA. otprtoe party aa

d MtoLp py

TMhjr maiaf by Crtandi. MtoiL.KrtMk wai ,aiflhM|B sail abMU forty

- I U M MDNMHM » driwr tetat

W*a* WMawaaaraBW* aewaa a w • * • « • * • » * » * n "

era! HaejMal tab weak, where he aader-waat twalaeat forabwa**,

- D M yoa have yoar eUewatt charedofaowaadkewHhlatke tlae Ualt•^^i^^elfttaal IS ar aWea* # ifaVak a i n U m ilMkB**BV

aeat wU M e t tab year bat awryprapertr owan Urn ap to thehwr-

-Voijr a w * to the dtojaaaad tanaTaahaeaof aaay WMMtoM attUNwtkelfcUa.ahespMkMJoLMdtke nab*.(the -kaab" etapptag at Craafarf.BOMB* aad Bbemth. Tha «owa»wrypopator. nehealhaot.

-.TheDeeeaberaeettesaf the Wo-aaa't AmiJHary of at. Paal'i FartwwBI be kaM oa Tbanday, DeeeawrU,MM0p. a . at tha boa* of Mn. O.T. Nor, M WMtaeM atroaae. AU

of tke pariek aia oordaBy la-

htomiaHamaa* Hartofi Ooafiaai whk*

Maatdtto aaateaa la WwMagtoa, 0.c T i t Oaktow»ytoWaaMM>

f P r i tofa twttfcHHtkid a


m ^OBwrWH*

laajajaTf, MB a*d I t L.lw*ai«jr.

Tuttle Broa,Mi MU wm, em"-' • yf.twiiit'

Nkml fma •a* 'MM

ajMhemp a a t W*

NhMw » TmtM wa

• « * »•«•

toakMi Mtoat«M*r MakkaB Mtor-

• Wa*Md

-Mr. aad Mn.>Vbto,Ta,,a

k BabrM, of•adytoi triple

I * .attka UataaCkawr' Nt

Maa'e Oak at Hadta Iat MM

<qr Mr. aad Mia. Hairy


gf• >


JwwTf MMMICs waWafHMHaty W t B 4C flQWI

h M i t

aadWaltorA.-Ooatoeoton Pottoa * Apjar an

laeUagwoikoaahWBBaaw koae* farIke PMnaB Obapiay OBetreet, with tke kept of geHtog ttw

- M I M Pkram Obto, ofvwM. wfco Meeotly «ahaUta4 toaa

opemllaalor apptadtolttoiatath Oeaaral RoMHal thto weak to aow•t htaw aad h i I•treofth.

-MlaO»rri«DtWM,orOMtMl am-aae, wwoaa otttoarttatowhoaaaaandat avoaufrt BJIVHI at Daaailaii aa Wad*•aalay alfkt. MtofDaweiaMccoawaMowlMaadasoMd a kaj-ktt laaw effort*.

MW) HjoWwyot TMitotmatheaMk. Tk*

happy panato of tkrivtaf yaaag aaaaan Mr. aad M B . Walter A. Swe*, ofUnnaTCeae,aad Mr. aadHn. H. H.artowoH, at North BaoUd rnimm. t-

-EAjarS. Bmkaw, afcrawrnillialot tkto tewa, dtod bet W w h j i at fctolatokoawtaWMkawkM. TkelkMtalMnk» w»» haM at hto law hoawoa

awde to Kilfttoir B—etory «aTaiaiay.Mr. BmtaW WM IS yam of a n aad

la tkekalMlat


Ohrtataa Badiwar at 7itft. Topto,How Mmet a Ckrlettoa BeOUhmat

fMaOwenT" t

WaaaMday twatof at •o'doofc.Tk Woawa'a Aamtotton wUI koM

loftaeitorawlthMra. OkartM

01 MMtOMafy

MMMiaNaaldMtiUM M:U. a. « .i ftMdeyt Ha> Oaya, M» aad TtW a.h; week days, • a. ai.•aadayackari.ty.at.• V M B V M M I I * A laf I^HMMBMI

•aa4a|a,l:«p.m.iIVtni^S p.

f»ah«ln d a n t p - a .k>v.PMa«rBy*rtoto ekai«e of aB

TkaMM^bauatwMkeld a prate*

Mr.WtA.awMp.kalar.The pater'a toiialag tkawi. at ***,

wMhe, "HaahBaak la CMettoa 8a>




TheI k * panor, Dr.f «

Tk* pater. Bar. W. t Bbaaa, O. D..Hpi«atkj I t a. Blhto Sohoo); S p.

a-ewaiataerrb*. AekortaddiMebythepMtor. Spectolaaelohy the choirT p. a . Ctuatton

Cbftotton bedUhrent tma othenT" I dor. • -.14-U. . ^ - . , .

Monday, 8 ^ a . Boyt' BrindeMILTwwtoy, S:M>p. a . J«Mer Okriatbad * '3Wedaaday, • p. a. aid-week prayer

I t rVafl GNatkSenrloea aest gandayi tUj Cm-Majoa a* T:» a. a.; Momlaf Prayer,•daanata at U a. a.; Gkjnd Va»

pmat4.np.ai.! »MdayMiMat»fta, ai (MaaiyOMa a l S r t t h i



laaatoVexW ferae***

Three Twins

TM ffesHtU M Wt" . ' - ^ - . • • - • •

Odal>MMVaaa%al B * A J afdaidUdauHWDM IMcHll i• ; > .

221.229 Bntkwl Sttttl, Wttifitli Fi J.T«B CMy. K T.

"MM to .Km"1 A 7 I T H tnith, thii kgead Mlfht be writtenover tho «oersfv ? iiaar • hoa»e (• every citr. tw>a, u*i Wllage ia tkw o « j r

tnr. tafogaaHh agalnat I n a n aJanrfe aaa effective, ret a* fairknow aboat then, or teak to take adrtatage of theai, thtt witBSBtthe owoer'a kaowledce auay a MOW kooae. fair to look npoa, ia iiag awre thaai a Are trep, literally iavitiag deatmction.

I f ym are bniMiag a aew boaee, caaeidercirefally thto <tloa of <re preveatioa then the qaeetioa of Bra iaeanaco. 1well eai teea iaeare well by g*ttia« a tat laatrtnce policy U M *MNaVBfw*aJM or M B W B B B B ) ABBaViajBB)w aad voa arlll aaaj

, M Mapa apvavw a^ «ja aanani avaaaaar a^apavaav vaaaaav atewaj j a a ap aev aaava

doae what VOH oagkt for the pnteetloa of yoar pnptrtr.

Wm. S. Welch Ic Soa,

1 1 - ' — VatMHl

I H f l IMBTfmmiimlmm



Wai tf teIT is the most useful thing in

the house/' said a lady ofher Bell Telephone. "It takesmy message to the market, to themerchant, to the doctor, to thefire station, to anybody at anyplace."

aorrice of the wwfcl, and every Bell Tefc>ifeMMtoal^DfeUnceStatka.

HArTTNEWTEAtTb ooi away MMMbaad iwtiDM BIMI tlMiak tlMNB temUng wtfajMgjtoj of tar IBBMBV TaMki lariaii H iB^__^ H ^ a ei f_^LB_a_^_^ ^Ma*f l •^BaaaMtoBBaaai a%Hy««a^BB^aBl AaaaaBi ^ftgk«hAA^gfgm^M '

Ktir Yttk Immmlbm* TdMc U


Page 6: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*


In This Pre-Christmas Season You Are GiftThere., no butler waion In the year, and none to full of happy anticipation. Every hour of the day, which la,

not devoted to the routine home duties, the good houie wife spends In preparing her Xmai glfta.What can be mon conducive to her peace of mind, therefore, than to know that her table necessities an;

being supplied promptly and without the annoyance of order clerks etc., and by the Wiadfoldt Cssm4ls)atleeiHan . Everything she needs Is at her command. She gives but one order by telephone for choice Meats, Vege-tables, Groceries, Pies, Cake, etc., and all the goods are deUvered at the one time and at any hour of the day she -•may need them, . ' „

And the Christmas Season is Coming!It is Then She Orders Her Choice Christmas Turkey and Accessories.

The WindfeMt store Is prepared to give equal service to all its customers. There is no time like the presentto team the lasting benefits derived from patronizing

The Windfeldt120 EAST BROAD STREET.


Tel .402. WESTFI1

A SHATTERED SIMILE.P u t FtaNley Pmerilm Some MiHion-

•Jra Madicine and t Fiw TnunpAntidote

The iniereit In Prof. Peaieley'i Borrow•obduer 8hop is aujuuiulatlug fasterIkMl Ibe intercut on n seven per centfarm mortgage. BUI Imd made prep&-Httoui to go hshiug last Tuesday bot hisMail matter lor that day precluded thatpleunre. Among the many epistlesthat demanded bit sdcutiHo solutionwas tho followlug written in a plain,animruished fashion wliiob, while itwas minux tho regulation feo mid thewriter's nainu, bore no uumutaknWly theobaraoteristius of u superior WOUWU'Hpan and nusulilsh innocence that liedetenuiuel to answer it,

•'Wertfleltl. N. J , May 1,18IW.fnt. Praiselor:

Your ubilitj- in sottiin« troublesomequestions iuiluccii mi> to usk yon how toprevent thoiroiuufaoluropt millionaires.The cart ing of. out) uiilliouulro produces• great mitny cliips uillul trainswhich am wry trooblosoiuo to Uonrokeepers. Hoping you will bo nblo todealwith the problem a* »ncce«sfully a* yonhare with former ones I remain,

Yours very truly,0. O. O."

Bill scratched the oleailUK on htidoaie of tbomjht, opened the faucet ofMa think tank and prewntly the liqaldkwio reached bin pen and sprend itaelfhastily orer several sheets of paperthasly:

•My Dear 0: CO, :Why should we be rtranger.? YOB

ale a student of banian nature, (me auundergraduate, bat aereral laps aheadtm the right direction. Yoar attemptat philosophy ii a beautiful •peduien of• taanl with rhetoric, It sounds aweelbat to makeiteasetlr* it needs pruningat Spring cleaning. It MOOS a shameto shatter sach a SMtnasatal siaule, bat

thefaotaare millimiirn ttt not mumftt-Imtti, neither are they carrel, benoe thetramp is not made of waste material oryoar ohip almik). MUUoaaifM aadtramp, „„»«•» the distinguishing dlf-ferenoe being the one is born buy thoother born—tired. Wero simile to it-Imlrate a millionaire it would propertybe in this fashion: A haman magnetatnng in executive ability,- temperedwith the heat of determined ambition,ebiUed with sternness and regard for•elf, not only i. ttraoting but falling ererjr<tiling and everybody toward him andholding all he attracts. I bare neterhad any serious Mentions of becominga millionaire simply became the obtain'ing of the nee«Mary attribute) ha»always been beyond my reach. It maybo iliwjrable to be o millionaire tmt myflnor HcnsibtlitieH would tit the distinc-tion of having' just sufficient wealth toallow mu to elevate my now aboveRfow of my Acquaintances,

Poi'lmps thin Mime desire for wealth isnuigloni, even among umn of oar

bust Iqmilios, asI have often beard of itsoxlatuncu niiico I originated tho idea.

un1.! luiqairo wealth in. many way*,otlier tliau by wrving one. term aa amemlHir of tho Hew Jeney legislatureor liy publiahing a newspaper.

Tim wiiy of gutting wealth does notmutter to the mauwliowautiiitiua hur-ry. It in inneb easier to avoid theafflie-tiou ut weoltb tlmu is ordinarily lap-pond. Tlio following n h » if riRadhered to will positively prevent thepossibility irfpronparity:

I, So all yoar atoro trading ou thecredit system; it has the advantage ofyoar ordering ad libitum without wor-ryiagroonwlf that •onetlmetbe store-

• o will want his money.». Keep in line with yoar neighbor.

He mj not be able to afford his displaybat don't bo behind Mai la anything.

*. If good batiacM or an increase in•alary will swell yoar income spread itoat accordingly on your UvlngeipunaM.

4. Boy lots of things yea don't need.

£• I r w t to varbal agnaBwati*-s* favor a Iriaad witbotit aMatity*7. Ohwish the conceit that yoarabll

Ity and tnteUi«eaoe nrpaaMi that ofyoar aaperiort*

Mow for the. phtlonphioal ptlb ofproaperltyi

1. Adapt roaawK to ciroanutaaceii.I. Kever spend money for what yon

don't need.I. Always ooant yoar change,4. Ssaot tho hut penny that la roar

dae.8. If yon are a subordinate doyonr

task with a feeling that if yoa'dont doit well Homeone ebe will be givMi theopportonity. This a«rveito makayonindUpeusible. ^ - ,' .;

II. Never allow other people's afflic-tions or abort coining* to inoouveulenooyon.

7. Never borrow or lead without se-curity*

Aud uow for the tramp: •Every mau who is Hliiftleu, loiy and

contented an long as his nppotito ia sat-billed is of the tramp Bpooles. Being atramp is a condition brought about bythe absenco of tact, judgement, Htnmlnaof nmblHon.. Adam bore thedintliictionof lieiug the original millionaire and theoriginal tramp. Adam coold not stiiudprosperity. There am lots of trampswho miugle in society, there are trampprinter*, tramp barber* aud many othervarieties down to the pare., unadulter-ated article tkt tramp who does thecountry oaths traokeof trains or.onfoot.

Beware of M/ tramp. He is the vh>Mm of hU soul rooted hunness. l a thedoll lexicon of trampnoai then i i nomob word as 'work' aa applied to honesttoll. Work to the tramp Means workpeople, pr«y upon their pity. '1'nero isno relief from the Infection of tramps,like the nun qnettfcm weoaa afttate,agitat6-aad we still have the ram—and the tramp. Then are no goodtramps oomeqaenUy tramps are no good,Give yoar old clothes to the lUsakmary

Society, yoar spare food to Ike neightor's hens, tell yoar girl to hart a notiron at the first tramp who comes toyoar back door, bans; a shot fan fromyour front obasnber window, clip voardog's earn to make him swage andthat he ia kept hungry. Ail these pro-ewtioas will lead to asqaalatdto trampsof yoar. antipathy to then* aad ia timeiitdaoe them to avoid your premises.

Yoan professionally,WlMJAX PKAtlSUV, P. T. K.

STANDAHU, A|iril 20,1888,iS-Next week Prof. Poaseloy dis-

counea on the Curlylc-Harrls syrnpathlzers.

A CORROBORATIONOf Inttrstt to Wntflaid Ruder!,

For month* WestfieH eititoiw lmvemon in thew iniumimcnthnshuticprnliiaof Doim'd Kidney Pills, by residents ofthin locality.

Would these prominent people recom-mend u remedy that hud not provenreliable t

Wonld tliey oonHrm thnlr statomcnti!after yean hud olapwd If pomomil ex-porioncc had not shown the remedy tobo worthy of endaaament ?vNo stronger proof of merit can be hadthun euros that have stood tho tout oftime.

Tho following1 statement should curryconviction to the mind of every West-field reader.

William aehwarta, It K.Hcott Place,EHxabeth, N. I., says: •• I was a vieilm of kidney complaint for some time.My bock was very weak and ached intensely, especially after I hadcontmcteda eokl or waa exposed to damp weather.lefteafeltMitlooaldnoteMlnra the

M in my head and an annoyingkUnqr weakBOH dMressed me nightand day. Pkjnaeiana' medicines didnot help me a»d when I beard of Doan'sKidney Plda, I procured a supply.After atiagatoot three boxeaaay kid-

y « * -.

Itudaonfennmal,Branch BssUsiH«Maalba


BankDATRONS assured

courteous and libera! service in everydepartment.

Business and PersonalAccount* invited. .



neys were restored to aand the paini In my hack wen re-moved."

THB TEST o r TUB,On June no, 1MB, Mr. Hchwarb said.

"1 have had no occasion to • .» Doan'sKMney nils sinoo i n s . I a.: still asstrong in any prabe of this renssdy aa

rorsalehyaUdsak«s,lrMsr-MUbinOo.,1 " '

forth* Vsitstlthe

IA Glance at Our Show Case. [I H. R. Apple^ate &

Will convince you that we have always on hand, and particulariyapproikTktetotbeCliristmaiUiM : : : :

Wecari7alar^nMorUnent Our caiidles an nufe ev«y day aridan guaranteed to b»(i«ib and pure. YoaeannalMyottraalaetioaof a ona, two or three poood box of cndy. (A CkMaw Mr 9m) togive to your Wife, yoar Mother, or yoar Sweetheart

New Yoi*

Annotince the Opening of Their First daftHardware and Houee Fwiiiahiiig Store at

143 BROAD STREETOn Monday, Peoembar 1

Tlua Slon WUI Bo RaihtUptoclialli^

Hardware. Cillery.Cutlery. Suadria wi SmAx*.


Page 7: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*



mitoi if fmtnd M MTrltoof tod MM W* eW*tlto awettog la OM Fallow

N^5lbt.U M M M I I U J | * , A , O , IT. W,, wtN

—laatooftkwnat Hi meeting to tola Odd Fellow. IMI Tawdar

IWWJ This YourChristmas Stor*

The Great Chriirmai machine ha*begun to grind and every cog ifworking imoothly. Thii big ttorewith to tpltndkt holiday atoclu-kaiparkUng light*—iu great, goodcheer—is an ideal place to ihop.Come early in the morning if youcan—later irf the day ii you mutt.The Bunherger latch itring it al-ways out and you are welcome; OldSanta Claw U up in "Toylsnd"(5th floor), where the wonderfulplaything! are.

MarotWeMleM O M M U , Daagktor.of America, win M«t»at» H h m forUwMMhwywrktiti meeting ta Ar-

HIII to-night.Hlflb Cbbf Ranger A. 0. WcnMl,

will pay uioftlcUlvUt to Conn Provi-dence, Xo. IIW, Independent Order ofIJowetow, M U Monday right. Atthb MMhM lb« MWMl etacttoaoToffiocnwIll hWMMrt tto bylaw* a mmmBge njomj PyMejQ ^^^vJBJBmi I J B j m D j | B j H j | p | v 9

tto prawrt by-law, wktcb will to H M Ion Bnt reading. Several - • -will he initiated.

In Vht Field of Sporte.'MMM LCMUC A I M AIK


(Harm Ortbb'i WUUaat pitching far


amaflirfofa^MrbagMriatoMd Iih poaibb that "Ow OeorgeH t M N l M M l Ml fcdg** bagwirMat

Ortleb ha. already Motived ofMi to•Ign with tto Uwrra«cl«bof tto XewKngtandUajeaal with tto York clabof tto Trl State Uagae. Ortfabdelayad patttaghtaJohn Hancock to *contract w It b pamtbb that Hal Chaw,the parrlmflret .actor and w i l i e r oftiw Kew York Aawrfcaa. may give theheal boy a trying oat on the amthmtraining trip of the Vaaben.

With a big .apply of ajead and per-(ectcontrolo«et».Ur|» lanrtaMt ofenrraa OrlMi k Mad «* me of thefutart Mat-imdlmlaMl twlrhm 1B the

itropoUtwdtatHct. ItWMdaetobh

WMlMdptn knlibt* vMtad Cmp-I»H'» alky* »t PUIaMdoa rrldajr "VrlrtMd tot too odd BMW laariatonalLea|«e wriai to Mw Qawa Oltv MOONqalatet. t(wunat«atUlht«Ml|«aMtha h o b m M M d a ¥letorjr owr theiropp»ieato,thiH0M hetag « • to 1U

- - ~U J U^ fl i

WaMAXd eaa now baaet otMMthtrUl AaMBtorotjroaaf

M M o( thla town h»M (onaal • ancMfentitled UM Yoanf Aaerlcu 8oetalClnb ant have encund a roma la tkeWeMfleUCMno for their iMdmoai.The rajrtlar weekly haebwai BMetiaf

Frtdajr Mtalaf atirblohaMrtincMbJeetiot vital wportare dtanand aad eoaiawatad apoa.The eUrtaudebjr thb clnb bM bean MMepiHawomuidattfan weD for Its


#T> A 0A5 RANOB,ls Something that every Householder should have

HO DIRT. HEXT OK XSH6S•14.OO to • 8 8 . 0 0

The CranfonJ Q M Light Co..I N IMAD WBTFIELD, N. J.

I t b eipeetod that a atrong toctoyIve wttl cany It. colon on tto lee

(I tbi. winter and next year it ta predictedjltbltabweballteamofnomean caUtm

will repreaent it on tto diamond.j I They tow already tto nadeaa of allpoweifalbawbiU team md all that to

needed b a llttto practice to briag ttopUyantoto their old Urn* form. BmetbaU win not to played thb amaon a> ahuUealtabbfgrttotparpuecaaiMt toobtained.

Honey toemmttal ta all dab enter-prlaa.; toooa, It ha. been deemed ex-pedient to bold a raAe whkh will tatoplace na December*!. Ticketi are nowIon eale by tto dab member* aad can toaerated froai them. Other oniqoeandra will take place in tto near fatnreand will to annonaced by thb paperfrom time to time.

L»t Saturday night wa* "ladle,night" and a number of ttolr girlfriend, were preaent to make tto occa-sion memorable. Bong, were rang bythe member, who displayed great vocalpower. Whlbtboae who manipulatedthe ivory key. on the piano (bowed afacility in playing that waa truly re-markable. The tone expnwion ilocW and evoked great appla**. At alate honr refdjihmwito were aerred andabortly after tto meeting adjoanml.

Tto oAcen of thbenterprbiagorganination are a. followe: Percy Welch,imaidtit; Robert Walker, treasurerRobert EUer, wcretary.

CASINOOH*. • . WILUAJB, I M aa« Matagw.


avery aftenooa from I P. M. to fl P. K.W d l M U d l

EVERY EVENING £ £a*mk*» *J *M 4^L- B | B B ^_^ f f e • • ^ t J ^ ^ - M mmmmmM


Old Market Wagonflgarsi Is •» totorsfttol toddast receBtly,|wfce. tke eXMSferr el the "Ma** WuT i s

y. WiiaeeanT, IMday aadtatar-

day tTwIaai fmn T « P. htto»MP. M.. we.pt whan thaw a w l a n fnloafaHaay*.

ipbadU work bat N M M with BoandBrook that tto ftmwrait coaaty aggre-gation wa» enafabd to oomptota tto•eaton with an envtoWe raoord.

In addition to ptoyiagat Boand Brook,Ortbb bat ceaun aha played on ttotNnakbaandtto Natkmal Tarmereii


Vnlea A t Weattdd Caalao quintetlake, a htao* in ttolr plantar, tto local.

1 to doomed to aeeapjr the cellarwhen tto Fraternal Leape dHunpton-ihlpdoae.. At tto pnwnt tto local,are in laat place with live vtctorle. and(en defeat.. The toadm in tto oontoMare the Mowe bowler, of Plataneld.

raoawtiln the toafae. They have«levan win. and fear defeat., a aplandidadvaatoft over the Kaighta of Ooiam-bo., who are la atrand place with atewin. wid three defeat*.

Tto auin topic of conremtion inlocal bowltaf drctoi b tto feat per-fwHMdlMtweekb)-.A.K. Bayder whowonttoprtoabaUwttha eoonof 174.Everybody wa. aar|irbcd incindlnf Mr.Snyder- The biter benjoying a foodlaagh over t to fact that hb opponent,lort their "nerve "when the time cametntoettoasratchinttoRnal (aaw fortbe guerdon.

George OrtUeb to banging tto p i nover at a merry clip and m i . TomWtllard.

Tto local. wlU tackle tto PlalnfleWMooat. tto league kmlen to-ntoht atPUinlteM.

EvnyOmg tutmlh to**i tn «Jtmttwart Stun.


•ark A N . eat flveatM.. riaMtoU *.t.

. any ttyb. InttotaltmlebMhttoy overwhelmed ttoCaatao athlete. SW to H i while theyanaeied the anond contort by nature of8Mto8M,

C. OrtUeb eieoated tto apectacalarpinning for WeiNbld. Beginning witha lowly l « mark In the »r* game belegbteMI talUe. of Ms In ttoeecondand third oonteeto. Tto

BUtr.Lee... IN IW It?

t« m »a1M Ml 1Mm m 111

aw m 744


HcMahon in IW i n. Ortlleb 14S «)t MS

O. OrtUeb » l 144 IWChapman :. IW 14» 184HoweU IN 1H IM

m tu no

Robert F. Keyee wa. .elected aa cap-tain for WeatteU'. footfaaU ataaon forIMI. TtoebeOoaof KtyeawMnaaal-

at a meeting of tto ebventaetrrlday night. Mr. Snyder wU coachtto playar. again next amna.

Te M NManinin aai M M RHpanYoa and tto general pahas are tore-

by warned that tto Board of Health willtake eteu for tto proseoation of anyone

Moe b in direct vMatbn of lectton? ofOrdinance No. 11 concerning the eontrol of tto aecaamlatloa and dbpodtkm of garbage to tto TownoTWeet

order of theBOABD or HKALTH


TtoveedyKaiohwVictorftnllHmVt ftmmmMM Inml mmmrnVW tlSmmimttemmVhmW mmT

HlgnhyttoamfaafHO to 18 la tto aaditortoja tort riMarnight. Pelatoar tto fornm High aetoal•taruhiUtMloractoriaek form aad MWMbrgelydaetuhb elort. that tto

- •" -rolWd ap tto

A. a remit of it* defeat ttoteam toe torn patting to «ome atwnn-oMprautke daring tto week and theyeiptet to dbpmy totter farm to-monownight when thtycbeh with tto awtota)Bightvaofnwbith.

Tto KnbkertoctoM led all tto way tatto onnteet bat that did not dampen thacnthamMnofttoHIgh fcbool cohortowho HKxmnged ttolr favorite, atong

ithconetintetoerlng. TtoHnenpiWastfbld Hlgh-P. Keeler, h. Meyar,

forward.; Underwood, center; ». Baaband W. Bbaerwn, gnanb.

for****., O, Oetotoar, canters P.Traynor, H. Parker, gaarda.

Referee, Roy Bnyder; nrnpiiv, 0. D.Uaet; timer., R, 8aviu, • . Reex.

Tto Nader, of tab piper wU toaband to tanm that ttore b at haaiana

abb to care ta all it. mnaj, and Han bOatoirh. Rail'. Oatorrh Oata b thaIWtif BQMlV# OMV BOW HMWafi IV MM

Oatorrh tatag a

HaUe OatorrhOar* b token tatomally. aeHag diiwthjr

nm aufnnai off

foaneajton of tto dteana*, aadgrrtagtto pMbat ktraagth by balldlag ap tto

dotaglb work. Tto nttarbtoti have•o math faith ta it* oanUve pswor,that the; oter One Haadnforaaycawlhatttfalbto car*;fctlMoftomtaMntab.Addne*: P. J. Oarna* * Co.,

Toledo, O.8oMbyDr*ggl*t(,7Se.TatoHaU'i Pamily Pin* for ooaati-


ReamTkt Wtstfltli CMJH Iti i itf Allift

Boy Swoop Cleaner Than a How BroomWork-No WorryAnd There is

Vtry *tj-trtlc---1 tsoNato far tfce atttjimi M * JBnavaaieBt tor aU ctemrMi •*

Ihtte b t « fc-ttor to h m hit Ik* W«l

Fidelity Trost Co.NEWARK N. J.

The Vacuum | CiAT^fk I With AUV±/,%J\J | Attachment*LHtle Effort I Other t e n A a a iBeat RamtU Claanera W%3AJ\I np

CLEANERRent by $n

Day ~

Albert £. Snyder,Stationer, Newedealer and Sporting Goode Hottee


Page 8: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*


H I ft, IMI.MNs,, IMI.MNs, Arpsltiwl-OeaatrsiitliinSmm awl latorlim, iut Nun

. lit Vara mrw«,

nonce*.* aWaWllamrrt Ubank

iritt fcl»nH»t, Uiuifiinli New Ju1 •• A i miM|{HHtnw* afclla'.-mrrtUiuifiinl N

Awmitt aiiil Mllilltlriwt. Hnrirlauiill! I WnlitMifa; iiniiihiif • u'nliwli

...um »|wiUlirMlail _Al lan wuliioiiiu,

II a. ill, i WiHliuiiUy iirmiliiii a u'n|HI><>III niKii dill), III », m, lu

*i?T.. hjTTiT.i*.:. MtalffaaaMlt1*! i

fiOMUUKUATIOMAMIHUMUHUt'OHIUsT\J Nsniuiil IJUlu IOHIIIIIII, II, !>•, PfMtiir, Hent-£111011 uml Muiiiitsln Annuiii Huiitlwr Hriwli'fill auntiuw at lu.Mi *, 111, BiiiiUHy Huiiiiol at IDu'olwilt, utmural iirsiriir imwtliitf Wt*ln«iNl*y•voting at II11, lu. A uwirlj wiilminin In all,

I BAI'TIKl' UHUHOH, W™ill.,l.l, N,«

i, lit Klin Btr.Tt, flimm iww,h r i t n ' tWoliluii IIMM a. lu.

|wul Mu'olwa, Junior V P, « , ( ) . • .I ' l 46 MM k

. _j|wul Muolwa, Junir V P,I:»lii, IU. I'nwliliiil i,46 |i,iu, MM wuuk pramwwliiw, WwluuolHy « p. lu, Von uruoonllnllrGvltwTta *tltuil all tlie«« atfvloua.

lltTHODInr BVMtiOPAU I'HDUCH, kL MUmm W. Ha)i», D. 0., l-iwtiir, Huuwkin Flaw, auwlsi luuruluii Burvto" lu.ui

k, HUIUKJ Mchool. at nuun. VUIIIKu'a Mttvtlnu «t T u'llkwk. Kvi-nlim Mervlcu

liwacliHia. (lUwiiutwtliiii, t'rliUy ,ivi,iilu|i altu'oliwk. UuiwralfnyurMwtliu, W.,iii,«Uy»»i»lm» at 11 :* o'clock, All «m» urn fnil.

Wo uxtenil you a liwrty wulwniiu tu lamssarttom, UiiotMinitlUuUwllh uiir utlmrcrogatlou wu lUunlil b« i>ltwm* tu m* rusaiauiw mr rmular attundaiitu aiul uunllallri*vrk> yuu to iiiaku IliU ohuroli your some,

M»nilKlt lAN (IUUHUH-UBV. W. >HtwuM, U. p., iMutor, Htirvliwa : gundar

HI •>. lu. H.UU |i. iu, Houlal NwAlum-WwliiMi

KuJte . MmUii* 7.U) |>, iu. Uiuxl*jr Kilwol it*). A. M. Ptomm, HuiwrliituudBiil. Htraiwiand* to Iml at IIOIIIB.

H I . PAUL'H PBOTaWTANT KI-I81XIPALH OHUUUH, *>r. Kjiuiioy Oro»., Uuitor.aecttUT, temii •vunuv, ru»r uf obumt.•let*: HitiKlajm-Hiil; L'uiuiiiiinlwi, 7:IW >.•urnlnt prayer, wtta nertiion, II a. 111.

loMcf «n» f raiet Ml «t»cwBT PHOVIDBNT, Mo. Bi:» IndependentWtterotirtirwtvn. AxHiwInrioulzntlim

tuM.OUUImUMUra. Mwta MKOIU„__ Monilar of inch montli. Haul«. Kim and Broad Ntreutii. (3. Carroll

nry. Hi Downer »trt»t, Uhkl lUiiicrK. Wlutw, « Hrrt »t»»t, HwonUiif


w«9tn«id Prat omc«i| 4UH w avIWMl laVieifJIt

ovaui , Owwral Dellrmr aaoauTl("'wiima, Malllni Olerk.svsv I. Hasaawooii « • *an. C. B«rj«n,Hp«>. IMIvtrjr M<«an|iir.

City Carrier*Jacob SUIT, Jr., No. I.(toonm A. Olark, No, *.Htilhp K. Winter, Mo. 9,Tbm'si.r). W«lh, !(o.1.rwiiWin.

a.R.Walb, !to.i.a. D< Lour. No. s.

Emhlto», Bull.

Ofttew Hour*OMM from ? a. m. to 1 o'clock, p. si.•Surdaya until 8 o'clock, p.m.Hottdaya from 1 to 111 o'clock, a. m.Canton- wladow op«i hrooi bin to t:IS p. • .

OelleetlenaBtfla at list a. m., aad *IK whea psaataf

kasaa as thfir «n» awl Mewl dallwrlea. .

BW Ia^ * *AJ IA IMA^ ""''"H|Bj||m •fsjsjajiwajaj •

m a N*w Vork, Cut, South aad Honthww*.{NnrarMjiiar)patl«ii.t:«l*.si.. l:»,t:IS,lil3

1, *:<*, VIM a. *i., IM,

Malla maaa

'•vrWiJaaVirRaBtosiaad war.aUUsa* 0:»T:*a. *•„ lew, l:W*wH:«)p. m.

MaHintaliiiM* P. O.Arrim at V.m a. at. asd*M p. at.Gaiiartatiana. «.aad»:a>p.ai.

•U7ima.ii." i:io p. at.

Fin Mum Box Locations.MS-Clark St. MMI Dwlluv Ave.H7-WeatlMd Ave. and Hark 8t.SM-Highlaad and Hountatn Ave*.M * - n n t m. and Oalnrn AVD.4M-Moant«in Ave, near Chestnut.« t t — d m St. and Klmhull Am.SJT-Oentral Ave. and Park Ht.Sft-Braad and Euclid Ave*.UO-Hoath Ave. and Cumberland 8t.f SB-Clark and Charfe* 8t*.S M - F l n Department Hoaao.f t - North and Fourth Ave*.

SPECIALS. '1 taprf bel lwll awan tttne, test orS tap* of' bell, " Recall Mrs ia nnder

oontfnl.M tap* of bell will be apodal call for

Track Oo No. 1.4 4 tap* of bell call for Cbesitcal En-

gine Mo. 1._T« Saaa hi Abna-Bnak gtaas, U•ay whtoh opena ddor, pall flown MIaaalatgo. After aenillng in atanaataadMartha call but anUT arrival of ap-

•afl mm •+* at tt fej •K h) • ailltt Mti M


l a v M N l lnfJ«aatttl»tatnjBTar. Ill*) it


LEHLNTICES.ksbof Landi to UnoaU T U N DIN MM

Public iMitliHi I* bunibjr girun bv Ad-illwm H Olark, Uolkutar «if lk« Townof Wwlrliilil, Oouiity uf Union, »WI« ofNow J«ra»v, Iliut he will sell at (mblln•uk) all tliu lamia, tanmuiinti, ItoriiillU-munta and real oatate Imrelii inenllimwl,lot thu ahortvat torni fur wliloh any u»r-arni or |mraoua will. nine to tak« th«aaaie aint pay Mien thenxm, iuolndingiuttirest ami orat of *aio,

Tim will aalu will taku ulaoe on MOMAny, Deo, iu, mo, at the honruto'ulook p. in,, at the Town Hoimta, 1frmpeot atruet, iu aalil town, Thu aaiilauils, touumouta, humlltanieut* amireal eMato so to be solil, aud lh« name*of the puraou* agiiliiat wlumi the aaiiltaw* have bwnlaidou aoooantot thuaaiuo, awl tho nnionut of taxe* hid onacouuntuf each n»roBl,area«followa, vi»:

Tim aum of twoiilviiluu ilullars audforty-four uiuta ngaiuat William DeWtttPiunwii for and 011 account of houaeandlot 1114 to HIM Broad 8t,, Hl'k 40H.

Thu Hum of flftnuii ilolbira and aixteencents wcaiunt JHIIIOB Dary for and oniicoonut of luiuwi nnd lot MM, Broad St.Bl'k 430.

Thu mini of four dollar* and forty-llmio cuiiU iwuiuat nukuowu owner foruml ou account ot lot a I it. Broad Ht.Bl'k 4:!!!.

Tliuaamot foorteou dolutr* and titteen centa iiuiilint frank Bovornge forand on nccouut of hon*» and lotnu Oentral Ave.

Tboituni of four dolbr* »uit forty-fonroeut* BMaiuat Clark S. K-riim for and onULinunt of lota an Central Ave,

Tho until of throe dollars and fifty fonrI't'iitxnuuiUHt Central Heal Katatu Agennylor anilouncoouutot lotHOiiProapeotHt.

The aunt of twelve dollar* and thirty-nfno cent* aintimt Central Real EatateAKenoyfor and ou sweoantof lot* on

Thu snui of five Dollars and thirty-oneceuta anaiuat Bat. Mary B. Hattnewafor and ou uccount of five nore wood loton Piotpect Ht.

The rein of three dollar* and fifty-fourcent* agaiiMt unknown owner for andon aconnutof lota (III to Illit, Downer Ht.Bl'k +i*

Ihe •Bill of twentr dollars and thirty,seven oenl* againat Oeo. W, Johnaonfor and 1111 acoonnt of hoase and lot No,120, Sunex fit., Bl'k SIS.

Tbe anm of twentjr-foar dollar* andreventy-uiaht oeut* ngaiuat John Guithwand Kate Dunn for and on aoooant ofhouae and hit US to 1J« BaawK St.,Bl'k »13.

The Hum of eight dollar, and eighty-five centa agaiuat John Eaatiee andKate Dunn for uud on aooonnt of lota4 » to 4iD Bluer 81., Bl'k H05.

Tho anm of neveu dnUara and eightosnta againat Weatfleld Ioe and ColdStorage Oo. for and on aooonut of lot*MM to m. North Ave.

The sum of ten dollar* aud aixtjr-tworant* aiainst unknown owner* for andMl auoouat of two lot* 865 to 086,

orth Ave.The aim of forty-two dollars and fortr-

sight OBiiu amlmt Irviug I. ROM for andon aoooant of houae aud lota 681 to 686,Sooth Ave., Bl'k 408.

The mm of ten dollar* and sixty-twooenl* against Clark S. Perrine for andon acooant of lot* on Grove St.

The mm of thirty-five cento againstJams* White for aad ou aoooaut of kit46, Prospect Height* map.

The mm of on* doltar and ate cent*against Richard Harria for aad onac-oonnl of lot* 8,1 and 8, Prmpeot Heights

TheTh t

Th ram of thirty-five rnnta againatThou, tear for mid on acooant of lot St.reviled map of PraaptBt hrk .

The mm of thlrty-flyo ceuta agalntiMattie Keknn for and ou acooant of lot41. Prwpect Park map.

The ram of aeventy-one oent* afaituti D Adam* for and on aoooant of

d W h l U b blot* 18 and 14,Washington Height* nap.Witnea* my hand thbievenSeutbday

of November, IWftA0D180N H. CLARK,

Collector.4118,85 dee.»,». HSU

navOI Off IWrMfiNotice I* hereby giv«a that UM Ooan

ell of the .Town o? WeatAeM. In b'Uaty of Uatoa, will ateat inown Roorna, f -Town Room*, Ml n n p w t atreet. W*M

field, N. J., oa Monday, DecemberIWh.ltm, at eight o'olwklu tbe even-ing, to receive nnd obnuhhr oUeotioasin writing, if any, to the work doaeaadmaterial* famished and ased In Ifollowing impnvmMnia, to wll:..

Ckautracttng ooaente sidewalk 4 fastMe and 4 Inuae* thick along tbe aoath-

westerly side of Pmpact street, andertbe provision* of Special Ordlnaaee No.

16. pwwd and adopted Ootobar Did,

IAOTD TMom*o», Town Ckirk,WeMOeld, N. J., Norember 17, »IO.

D M . »,». lo.

Kotlooi* Hereby Riven that the Coun-cil of Uw Town of WeMOeld In theOonnty of Uninn, New Jtmttf, willnoatva.it tbeUoancit room, Ul ProneetM M , WeattWd, Uatoa Ooaaty, New

•nay. oa Taeadar erenlag, JaaaaryHid, IWI. atSilBoWoek,ataEd bid* foraa iaaaa of bond* aatkoriaed anderGeneral Ordiaane* No. lia, militled,"Anordiaaaratoprovlda far aa lameof fcottdatorain UM mat and expaawof wwrtraetiBg the North Mala Sewer,"aaand and adopttd Dsarmbiir 5th, 1*10.The total UMMamoaat* wtloVOOO, theret irr<-- i t a t e w"'- t o

M. Ittl. jaaaary M ,per aaaam, pay-andJaly irTJa

Orvtaoithaoroiaaae* anaW watchaaM tana* a n hawed may at badoaaivlkatthMtolWTowiiOterb.

T i e Caandl naaraa the rhjM toreJaotaararalllM*. -

hum TinaWMMi. Town Ohwk.r«*MaW, N. J., DnMBbwtth, INt.

Die. tt -M

XIBM aumbtr oftht H8tMUtar4w

ovtntxt Fridaf.

NotliHi lahvruby givun tliat tho Connnil ot the Town of WwilnuM, lit IwiOiiityiif Uiiion, New Juiwy, will ro-wiVHatiltoUiMiiullruHii, nil Prunwot•trotit, Wiwlnekl, Union Ooanly, NewJoraur, on Tueatlay evnnlnii, •lanaM'.rDrd, 1UII, at HsID o'clock,apalud Udn furan iaane of bouila authoilii(d aiirturOeiiuml umiimuiM No, 117, eutltkul," Aw urdlnaaou to antkorlie tho Townof Wmtlinkl to inane it* ournorato «"»IIUfur the iHirpoMi of iwyiUH off oertnlnImprovement oertlnoatea and niteudiugHie time wlteu tli« wveralanwant* there-of uliall Iwdlaohargod." paued and adopt-ed Oeoewbur fitb, 11*10. The total i«ueamoaiit* to 040,WM, UIWH buing fortytend* of the deliominatton of 01,INN)twpli. Intanat onujiuiia attached, iuter-

at payable hairyearlyT option ofliateriug. Bond* dated Jaaaary llrd,I, payable «4.0llw oa Jaunary Hrd,

IDIII, fMWO each year thereafter. Ill'terrat at 5% par annum, payable onJanuary ant aud July llrd oteacn year,

Oonie* of the ordinance nnder whichaaM bnud* are iaaaud may be had onapplication to the Town Olerk.

The Council reaerve* th* right torejtot nny or all bid*.

huovo TnoMPwiN, Town Olerk,WeatneM, N. J., Deoeniber 8th, 1910.

Deo.» III

tWARK'5nrtw-*»» HALSMY J

An ordinaniw to provide for on i**aeof bouda to falw theooat and expnnae of

nMrnotiuH the ••North Main Hewer."Where**, the Oounoil of the Town of

WerttteM, baving tlrat provided thereforbyordiuauoe April tut. IW», and afterdue advwtiwmvnt for bid*, and makingand enteriun into a contract, a* requiredbylaw, ha* heretofore named atrank w r with th

maintra'nk newer, with the neoeaaary appar-teuunom, to be vonatracted in aad alongeertain straeta and highways within theTown of Wbatueld, to wit s from a pointiu North avenue aboat Wfee t west ofOlark street, through North avenue,Kitgewonl avenue, Ulark atreet, Pros-pect street, Newton place, Kim atroet,Cliettunt atreet and vartoa* rightamf-w»y to the luterseutioB of Lawreuouavenae aud Cheatuut atreet, and

Whereat, tbe total east of constructingrnM sewer and appurtenance* was tbe

M of 117,51!!. IV; uudWbenaK, tu tbe Jadgaient of ttaia

Ooaueil it i* etpedient tliat bond* in tbecorporate name of aald Town shoakl beiaaued in order to rake sixteen tbouaaadilullar* of rack oast and expenae.

Therefore, be it ordained by tbeOoaa-ill ot tbe Town of WeatAeld, in thetoont/ of Union:

1. that tbe borjnrate boada of tbeTown of WeatHeM intbe aunt of aixtaenboaiaud dollars be lamed for the pur-

pose of payiug the eipeuw* and oott fortbe onnatmotlon ot the niaiu sewer, soa* aforesaid heretofore ooastravtud iuaad aknni ssid atreet* and avenue*, towit: from a poiut in North avenae,about m feet west of Olark streetthrough North avenue, Bdgvwood ave.

le, Clark street, Prospect street, N e wa place, Kim street, Chestnut street

and varioon righta-of-way to the inter-section iif Lawreuoe avenae and Ohest-uut atreet nuder and parsaant to thelirovbtouaotanact of tbe Legialatureof the Htate of New Jersey, entitled,"A farther Mpphnaeut to aa act en-titled, an aot to provide for tbe forma-tion, establUlimeut and governiucui oftown*, approved March Tth; IWI8,"whiub aatd aot wa* approved May lath,

% ' That the aatd bond! shall bear

The State'* GreatTreasure House of Gifts

From thedayafterThankt-glving the rush of holiday•hoppers began—gift hunterscould be seen in every de-partment-early in the Held,intent on gettting first choicefrom the full fresh stocks wehad gathered so diligentlyand carefully from every partthe earth, the Christinas spirit iseverywhere. It permeates the atmos-phere. The store is brilliant withlights and beautiful gift things. Come—enjoy it.

We are glad to see this eagerness onthe part of so many to get their Christ-mas buying done early. It saves ourfriends worry and vexation and helpsus with our work of distribution.

She* early if yett can, but ahaf)

We are here to serve the public.An army of workers are at our back—willing workers, who do not regard theirtasks as hardships, but rather as privileges.

OUR, G R E A T T O Y • T O R Emaintained the year 'round with generous stock* of all mrf*of plaything*, ia greatly enlarged for the holiday season noas to give wide*t scope to the diaplay of munition* plaything* ,that so closely imitate the reul. Kvery type of ajrabaj, all *Rorto oT ataam trala*. with complete railroad eqaipment—bridge*, ilgnab, *taUon*, turn-table*, wafer tower* everything—and antasaailan -racer*, limousine*; and trails* aara,alaatrta sagto**. t f a i m n Oh I ever m many thlngs-so nmayof them, in fact, thnt we cannot begin to tell you about them. BinoUy fasniimting to th» little ORBS iro th» bwaaiasala - tbe borsm, cow*, •heen. dogii dowa to Noah'* Arks full of sorts of anlmala-ind the wagaaM, aart* an)-•-^-i-they are nil here in seemingly endless variety.

Bring %!.• ChiMiwn to l e t •*»*» Cls>«aH« K M Wvmm Gifts for AU of Thmm


date the Did day of Jihundred and eleven and


, nineteenbe iaraed

in the name ef the Town of WeatHcIdaud nnder ita corporate nal, and ahallbe aigtied by the Mayor aud by thefowa Treamrer, and ahall bo atteateilbv the Town Clerk: that the aaM bouda•ball be knowu a* *' North Mala Sewer

*. Bald bond* aball be aixteen innumber of the denomination of ouethowaud dolUra each, with Intereatooapoua attached for halfTear,'every Iinterent until dae, or may beat the option of the bolder sinterest shall be at the rat* of 4% pertient. per annum, and said bond* ahall•ediapoawtofittpuUtcaaleat aot less

ooapons, II . —name of the Town Treasurer, and ahallbe aambwed to correspond with theboada to which ttor AaU be re*lively attached. Tbe priaotpil of _ .the above meutkmed toad*, togetherwith the Intereat, *BBII be payable iugoMooinof the Unitad Btaus of tbe

meat standard of weight and niwneu4. All bond* aball be nambered audregister of MOB namben, the date of

aatd bonds, th^d*te of lasalag and thelime of payment, shall be made by andander th* dlreotioa of the Town

rer, la a book provided for that. a. All Men boada ahall reciteaotinMnaaaceof wbiob they aro<A atidtbl* urilaanoe, aad shallforth the date apoa wairb this.

ordinance wa* adopted.ft. That the principal of sakl bond*

•hall be payable at the Wsatneld TraatCompany oa the third day vt Jaaaarynineteen hundred and tweaty-oae aadtbe later*! coupon* attached to mobbond* ahall be parable *Mal«aaaally, oa

le third day oTjalr aad the third dayo j u l y aad the third daylhannVBof tha W n t M t

«. Thl. onuaaan ahall taka•MMwIwy*Paaad and


WIO.Avuvsna U Aurmm, Mayor.

_ . J • ' •• .• .

IADVP TMntrwa, Town Ohrk.Dso.0


tb.aarpan.af |»»tog.«i esrtala

tmmmmimmmmmmHrmm.BaKordalasdbrtbe OMactl of the

Towa of WinaiH, ia tb* Oaaatf afU a t o a i • • • " • . ' • .. •

I . TattUMataporat* bnaas of lbsTnwa of WMtthMla tbf.aaaa af forty

Ouattugiudebtedneiia and their maturedand mataring bonds, approved marchtwenty-thtnl, one tltonaaud eiglit huu-dradandniuetjr-niiie," aa umended byaot approved Pebrnnry nth, 1*01, midfurther aniended by aot approved April•jjjth, IINI*.

a. Tliat tho aaid lxnwt* ahall bearelite thn llrd day of Jmiaary ulnetwiihoudred aud eleven audi h f h T

Jiuiaarymdakalllbe iaaneil

Wiu the nnUH) of the Towu W WeMBeld,nnd under ita oorporate aeal, awl shallbe sigued by the Mayor and by theTown Treasurer, aud aball be atteatcdby the Towu Clerk; that aaid bouda•hall be known a* "Sewer, Sidewalknnd Road Bouda " and shall be tmued topay off certain improvement OHrtlHcatesuow oatatandiag for the construction ofoertala newer* and for the oouatruotlonuf certain sidewalk* and the nwcaiw.mlaing of certain road* within the

1T*Th*t the aaid bond* shall be fortyin number of tbe denominattou of oneIbouand dolbnm eanh,, with intere*tcoupon* attached for every half yean'interent until dae, or may abe reghtered


ue, or may be regiateredoption of the holder: the said

ntern aball be at the rate of Hve percent, per annum, and aaid bond* shallbBdhpoaeaofatthan their pi

atpabUcvalae. .1

•ale at not lea*The aatd Interest

coupon*. If attached, ahall bear the nameof the Town Treaaaror, aud ahall benumbered to cormpoud with the bond*to which they ahall be napootively at-tached. The principal of alTthe abovementkmeit bonds, together with theinletMt, ahull be payable lu gold coin ofthe United Htatea of the present stand-ard of weight and flaenei*.

4. Allboud»«hallbe aumtswd anda register ufnoch nambera, the date ofaaM bonda, the date of iaaaiug and thelime of p y m t b l l b d b d

d taudarf payment, abtlwdlnothm

a aiugaball be made

f h T

theall b made by aadof the Town 1 W -

pom. All each loud* ahall rmite thenet la paraaaaoe of which they are t*.aaedandthtaontlmuwe, and shall setforth the dat*anoa which this ordl-

*ayaWa_oa the Srd day of Jaaaanr nine-tfMJraadnd a d twelve aad fnartfamniud dollar, of the hsae shall hedaa aWl jayaUe aa the Srd day of<!5 i5L25!!* "w!*""11* y««r then-

ftLHfJjlS * | |•ftLHfJjlS" «a*Ja»WW»«||nitytboaatadanllarab u*M. Tin Interestooap»MallaB*^towMbond*ahaU beMaMa MMl«nnMlly on the Ird dtJalraadtliMjfJ

jT^a^a' e^"_pa^sw WTf ^a>aw1SMs> w-« .ww ^ • • • • • •

«. ThiaonUaauoi aball late

M M adopted Oceatafcer Mb,


Taoarwa, Town Olerk.Oee.t






Mltci Cad Inks* N I Cfeny Stntt.Phone 193-L. RAHWAY, N.I

Our Waira.reema. mrm fell ef W«MMad* and Neatly Designed

F U R N I T U R ECall and Sea Our Stock.



B. N. BROWN, Mir. , ')%


Page 9: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*

Xmts Store.Wt Q»m 3. fc H. Gfwn Tr«Anc Sttmpi

it Important Fur a«uEver Kwira hi Thh «r Aay Other CHy


mo Into w»mi["gatta^iiroidthiaboveflrmtoretire,fa rowHi we got the amah) to uArM web nmurkaUe"5l «!.» very M 1^«» 'Wto^ve» l ^3

Slid' nf Bttendlaiie» ut liny ttatt.

toNorenrceAT[•III* h

Biilln;long, llaed With; Mm amntautl-

dies ffft

liw on der:edge of ooatllining; vatae

ffJitt MJ5


irWMa, vataa

D M Ms, vatae1.75


**-" 42.5124.7S17.N

. H*adttront—r«y r«m.

A cold wave-the handlniwhief,

A poker partjr-ttie kitchen girl.• *

A reform elub—trw polkwroan'**.* - *

Tuke* thing* to' heart—the lowletter,

.* •Talent tied to timidity seldom


Notlilng •uceecdi like a rocoeMlon




«e twttMtliMVtfff%*

r. V. Snyder Ca-:- New Jertey

unaUptigkpmitic piano of the high**""je, celebrated for line

'gruiitdurabillty.oneofaing and moit popular

1, Mil- ' * ^ rinly

*250Mown and f 7 monthly

Also ~

3-»triss. full iron tame,


O^rrant td


. . * for catalogue withfpnceiandttrnuonthc

2'•»'•» ytati'tlwithout inttiMt

tlmt on

Our AMraetlv* Price*

Make Gifo ofDiunoneU Eomoncal

Nearly every ono reallxeii that nogift could bo more flawing o r more

tirfi to all concerned than

Mil ntnn In Nim.rk ctrritx an nujr


•likrt, «r wtal tkt> prim, tlw H»rtdihigh rciiutatioii b bchlwl iivury wtlclv.



WIUBttlMYou Upand MakeYou Strong

Od people, tjrtd,O d people, t j , ,

childitn, frail mothen, andthose recovering frame vew



* •A Imrrowlngslght—a ship plough-

ing the oeenn.

" No ! " said pleasantly preachesa powerful Mormon.

It is the narrow opinions thatform tho widest differences.

* •It is some harder to remember to

forget than to forget to remember.• ' • e

Tho long, loud and lneifor sermon seems to have languished.. . • • ' e •

The skeptic is a man who won't accept senso until he sounds it.

Has anybody seen a calico horse or a Newfoundland dog lately ?

Fashion makes many things that are a torture for women toget into.

The showing of foolish pity may turn out to be unconscious cruolty.

We wonder if Cupid ever wac coaxed to contribute to a cook book?• • e

When it is a baby and a rubber plant, neglect the rubber plant first.e e •

The notorious transgressor and the little trespasser travel the samethoroughfare.

• e .. eThe boss end of any family is that which exercises most the going

out privilege.• • • •

Give w the homugpun kind of a man who feels at home onlywhen he is there.

The pessimist is a person who catcbiscs and consumes and neitherproves or producv*. < ' ,

The worst feutur0 about success is its changcablcncgs; it in not atall rcgulur in its habits.

• • *A woman is a world lxntcr at making a bundlo of a few facts and

attaching significance to it.• • •

It is,":ti(I thnt tlic inventor of the vacuum cleaner got his idea frombsu-ving n man sip- ing soup.

v.. .* e •The cnngficntiniiH m:in carries n countenance that is in itsolf an

uflidavit nntl a certified check.' * ' » • •

The man up in the air uver public matters generally .wonts lots ofnewspaper space to fly through.

• e •Politics is somewhat similar to poultry—wings, machinery and,

according to the breed, lean or fat.• ' • •

The renl diplomat is a man who can say tho necessary thing at atimely moment in an admirable way.

Store nway the knowledge that is certain and sensible and forsakethe flimsy (nils that feature foolishness.

si • ,. •When a man gets going in the wrong direction he seldom realises

that the further lie gets the longer the way back. x

• • • •

The crudest criminal is the individual who set* himself up as theidol uf an independent religion designed to dupe the deluded.

The really dutiful and loving husband brings heaven near enough tohis home so his wifo and children have an Idea what it feels like. . •

That the laborer is worthy of his hire seems to bo an accepted sentimeiit for about all of the occupations except the toiler in the Lord'svineyard.

• • egome public men arc so dlisy at reaching the top of the ladder of

fame that they don't realise when they commence to crawl down on theotter ride.

Remind the children that the noon isn't made of green cheese, thatthe heat of the sun comes not from Hi red whiskers but let their sub-linnet sentiment stink • Santa Claw.

When a woMnattrta in to colleit terofsita^foMiie

home to see if heIsn't wearing something he

Holiday GoodsIn Straus' Bltjcsr * Better Store

Toys and Doll*Mb i i i w l ta *Uk Md

variow color h»lr,

Mo. I.No. 1.


sjlllbnllt ajjrnicely * ooratod. Very .pedal..

or Ice, delivery eats. Btrunjtynicely *o-ry .pedl


Pluth Horse*$£&£QS**.)?!?!:8ocSpecial Handkerchief Values

to tatgt nrleijr

weena*.aaafc at Bn« rimr tawa,

' Mend lalttvatae Me.;

llss'a| w , M a . a | L MiUf. — _ - A ^^

umnusn* WIB MM MI*dMM to A BMt **m



4* tad 44TsLUM.


Entinatm Cheerfully Furabbed.JoMang Promptly Atttnaed to.


Latest Design in Wall Paper. Always on Hand.

E l a u d Oiiajbjr « & .Waetlisld, N. X Talff.W

J. S. IRVING CO.,Coal and Lumber


Phone 19.

239 Central Ave.r Wettfield, N. J.



andwahswUlbedoesn't need.

- I .


ft ha* never hem expUeWy etplamtd why a woMiwill tkankktlfawTla her I » « d k 3 ? t h a l * e has to untie wHh.hif h h>4stiwtc«la»arfwWr<m^l^f

with a wad of Mill, humsk ^ k h l

warn AVIHUB WaWITOLD(ll $.

Albert E. DeckerFIRST-CLAM RIGS. ^

Lcgommodelioag for Boarding Honea.


• " '

Page 10: Mita-nicawiiMTiiiRaHniiaBEtaToif TWI · Ba» a lariat ofeoolatkn than any othar VOL. XXVL NO. 21 Pttbliahad to Union Ooonty. WttTPIILD, UNION COUNTT, H. J* TODAY, DBCEMIU 9,1910*





This store will be open evenings until9 o'clock, beginning

MONDAY, DECEMBER 191k,and continuing through the, week.

Permit us to oft* a kmwhich may assist youChristmas Gift We havearticles to choose ftom, ovaryable, many beautiful as watt t saU reasonable In Mice.


um^imatm B M ^ K M M 4 Tail*! MLftlM

laniail Tmmm M mm lawns,

LHHt1 M Up.m i writ*.ffesltvalat'e) flaS^BfljM

liitiil liiiMkkh.

MHtHl UMl RtHfli

We are wall prepared Cor the Christmasseason, having a Una assortment of advertisedmerchandise from which you may select suitableand useful Christmas gifts:

int Sift HitHUH'U(M SMprt





MsvHk^^Viw WWW

IMISSI SHMIAny of the above mentioned

would make a moat acceptable preseat u Iwould promote personal oonvenienoscomfort.

F. H. Schaefer & CoBroad Street. Tel. 199. Wwtfield, N. J.

What You Can Buy atAnspach Bros.

OPTICIANS583 Broad St., Newark

_, iatattlnaie&SOafiIn Mack leather BIIII nciurl. Witnor without bandies

L « r ( a « t t « - A gnat manylnantffiiidml|rn«. including thepupal" "Marie Antoinette."

ruM _including

Ktarlal I n l i M i H i of all, indudlng tfceStotU

JOI for which we MW•sdwivc sjgenftft*

Hovcllo Park-TlmtUM Capr.ro |IM.Aiuxiitnlor Cuniinlii|iK~8l 80, EdwardSterciis 30, Arthur Churchill IK), A MWuaixutt CO.

UOHIIIU Dorciugli—!*wl« Mulfonl (III),JlMtaadorao,! W Oooclliro l», JolmCUrl»t!», Uturgd ffodlej 1(0, JrlmCallit-lunSO. i

gprlnjffleld—Patrick Gunn »)W, 8 8Woadrufl DO, Abram Kolrtw 80, W KBlckkr DO, Edward IVwnlcj 73 93.

Summit—Lawrencf Kouny fan, \ltertBw«nttr 80, niclitn! ThaTr 8C, JowpbMuklowner so, Elmer IMy lit, QainOHTII 15. J M U line i». Jnme< Funekeon'80 JII Senior W, 1) C l)nv 80,TkomHU'N.IIIWBculamln lloluua •».CbHrle.Cu»l.ln| 80, Wlfliaat McMate W.Jnlm PlwaHOlV PliKelley 80, C WItaldwInBO, D HOIIdirbt 88 M, Jlhoa* FmlkeabarR M W, J E lfcrn. SIS.

VnhNi-Loul* UrwaaMr «t», John Ujr-«r 80. Jaook WM W, TO Paltoula A ,OwrgvCoaiptaD tt 00, RII Hauler W,LTownlevM, BOCbaulerW, DO I k

t'/nir 80, Onrf i Ooatpton (1 .- - — — —-- --- - r ^ — w _ a^W8^8?Waa#jy e v e H n ay a a

Townbn 80, Htrold Thoa>|<«« M. J RMmnb 80. E J Wlkmx » . J 8 Mllier !HuwiM MMHIM It, J W Wall « , «

BoTliieilO, Jnlin Oniryur 90, Jainon Kirk00, WlllUm Allen TO, Wllltanl Lcnre,*m.Henr> Wolftkqll 80. Wllllnm White :»,Gcorxe Sohi'uck 09. T K Wbwlor U,lloujniiiinUwrencrlW. Frnuk Slirar i»,Philip Uoushurtr 111, Oorio Migw itO.Willlkm Miller SI. Wllllnm frne 30, j 1guhinvBV.MMCullnun 30, T J Cronln80, i:URi!iw l.ytlc 81, William limit no,JuBinCMiklar 80. ItMcliiiuck 90. WHIILMUolvull SI, Mlcliail HmrKNt l» j lCarlwiSI. Alexaiulcr Dick 4», *l | | | n l l ,SfcCordM, KmrntCu^berly J, Willlnii,


Vmrnt CM h»oh»««ed»f»wttio

plain andfancy, for aU kindi of aw, to-rideorontdoor aw. ••MWati (tt» fa-

* l o a n Bake) from

, ^ ,W, Otag, Cos 80, BIMMT fiuUerM.

liatath-Juhn Bolllbaa n oN O I I W,



I w i t i W i plain and faaey.TUmmmd

n nK m II, John NCOMMII W, TIWMUi l t t M T h B M WIIUMIHaCaffn» II, JaMt Lyw* SL FndVmlkMM,OiairBka #IIII

RS&A Nnawib;

J«fc«tl«t>». AHUM O»«rl»*». Kdwanl OHNI N N , UM. M. tM«fi dMUliSr aVPatrlak

DMMM, Aaanw «ra« Wk 1mm Ma>QMIjrjh J.*n Xaiii. JlTtlMdMw f*

iml-JiM|>h McUnili|M,OBwl«»lMH-r It, Jnlm WUatr W. Allan

W l h l a k

.t-nC.Hira.lltV. Wlllk- II u S S j

M TtwHthl* i iVrM* AHllHM •», I I0« , UMIM TtwHthl* iiV

r-'-i. K*I -•. i*

Pill*. CO. 79 ft), «*, liiMtriDr « » • n | : »*(

Oe,,rgcSt«wnrt«0. Peter

rntknUer Jonw j m n d Iff- tdjoarn.<fUob«MaHrrM. The Ureetor dMUmittobnardadjoariMd till DMembtr 1,1MB,


On display and demonstrated atshowrooms. '

Public Service.

A Tempting Xmas

Seudder JL SlWe Will Sell, for the Benefit of OurCustomer*, What Is Positively the

Corned Beef in theAt 16o Per Pound.

ourPUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES.This by way ofChri T k

W* I m a Lm. fajsft/ ef

Oeuddir 4 «ns»«

mtwnitffliKr. mmmm t oaw

' in Q. M, at a«
