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Mm C&SMM - NYS Historic...

Date post: 24-Oct-2019
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Indiana) £*&?& nVte ahtriet In x^" I *>? a soldier. IT *™^ gfce- Bo j^ ^tt«$r snw&a&v * BAJ^HHs^far"* sags?* » unt^ ^ a^ei-JngretiS«a, per&lf^wliT b, vi I ~ * n* atierprodncia^ Several fitetrTtsilt , sdrijerff*BK* Pf" ffr. Eteaw day4-«s«Jg)iag r have recently rn 1 HMinJ" } v aajj, Cfaercifa* ^dianTcBritqiiy t i vera{_ tribes «- A(6ir|tetura to,- , snd]«rernnlted: ^f^rnarauders- dJPeijiiisylvaai* "WSUi»eSsatioa- irfe -^iaidniwn; id^oftltePotcK spordajoftljere* etebelheeljitt <l |> gttat nag-been. teleg^aDi fica s" 7 •J "St wiere ft iilt&ijso bid rep^Cnheron, itt^e of Bar> the. s^ppoiat- ad. 1 sei of stansjr As tlieae* hose Basing * r ~ Tjndor Sag; ring: itt the e attack an eeJiapf not iral yarea- eetCvessels, u^esgecfc" ! : t outcfo re- sent iiome 3ftJ»ejr*rfc * river st e jon< |EVi- ctnrejwaa I ~! - TW^» - erersgesi Catingf sidiolte f«BSlE, n acfaallY.. liters*" f i the « far X j oth u*- * W* - >* t -•*s«» *> * t ^ +» V N, {IM^.^ " Mt MM *m Die .tsMsWavafettaC^ ^ Hiss Jain OUtDurta with Mrs. W w w , « n L H ? , r **5>* Palmer's are continually raeeirmr it* takrt*u*tai« e*s<* from now York and are prepared » *>»lt *«"» *°5,* the latest styles and best ataftaer. . Tlwy toy* / • • S f J facilities for.statuplng Also,the w^*********,*J£5 fashionable and beautiful m e t t o d t t «**»*«J^SHS*"? for dresses, cloaks, to *»»^J^° , ^.^J* WW "* i embroidery,to,will be executed fa tie best manner. Afalene, April 98, ISM—tt L xr^iau n*atiK»iw» »!iOB,juana» ^ neVMee, at Malone, AnteKlst, lWi, G»w».'tt*r.-»t*dley, 0 W T Beaey, X.;kaaker, 8U«s; »£«**»»,CW<,W. * DaiJ V.ADdrew,JJwuJ. R-«j BascalL Henry »; Hamlin, OrUe»J , Jtt*. Obartee r Jonet, Siraat; / < « * Aj,Jt, ¥aaee,John, MeOandres, Fatrtek; -«. «t irarrm«nr bat »t«d« •* w M W M t w«b »•• MsPADOOCBlbTHie purpose *r ejrrj^ijfAfttteP»* m oldfeiton'Ficlory oopdMc «B Main 8tre,et in U » Til- lage of ifaloae. The most of the macblnery Is already In and f e jexpeet to-jcbrnmence operations abonl tie 1st at jsme. r ' ; w -"» t^ ^ Mr. PjiDooctisa^ experfeiKe4.wortai»naad wJO-jJ' excluslre'jittentlon (a the manufacturing department.' huge to merit»liberal share of the pnbBc patronafe. Cash paldforWaol. ' - i:»""' '" .•:'** -*•»%"& - . O.aWHITTKlSBr. CHA8. PADDOCK. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S C^lebrat BY ROYAU Prepared from a pretieripSdntifSir «K Ctorft 3f.J>., Piyticiitn Extraordinary tet/u.Gutm. This Jnralaatile medicine, it anrailing tn the cures of alt those painful and dangerous diseases; to which the female constitution ia subject? ft moderates allexcess and remores all obstacles, and a speedy core may be rdled on. >;:. - TO raiiBBiEO CAbiES lilts peculiarly snlted. It will, In a ihort time, bring on the monthly period with liegnlarlty. - , < fScch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Gr««t Britain, to prerent connterfelts. Tti&e Titt* should'- not to tafo» by Fdoinlt* during Me Ft^ST TBRSE MOHTBS of Pregnane^* at ttey an fare to T>rikg on, MitcarrittQe, Sxi at any other than Suy, areiafi. l .'- M; In all cuses of Iferrous and Spinal Affections, Pains In- the Back and Umbs,F.ttlgriejO» slight exertion^ Paiplutlon of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites,, these Pills will, effect a care- when all other {meant'hare failed; and although a powerful remedy, do dot contain. Iron, calomel, antimony, or anything nurtjil to the constitution. Foifc direction^tothe pamphlet around each package, which should be careftijly preserved, SOLD, Bf ALU. DRUGGISTS. aolejgent for the tWited' States and Canada, JOB Mf03Bs„2r Cortlandt St., New York.', N. a—»1.(K) and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any author izede^nt,wminsm«k'botUeVc;odta1nlng'^;Eilli < byre : torn matt. §ki. 1st WestTille, on lb? S&hlnst.. Mr. MARTW BERSY^ 5oongest sort of thelatiJPhlieman Berry, Esq., aged 25 years. On Tuesday erenlng kt 10 o'clock, after a short but serere Olnea, BET3ET £,, - ~ - - - - - - year orBe*tge> , wife of Orsemos Crooks, In the 4Sth Shs leiresja busbandi a 1 " 1 daughter to mourn her sudden »»d|ynexpected death, j The decessed bad been a deroted and consUtent-ChrUtlsn, and member of the U.-E. Church for more than fifteen years. B>r mna and amiable dlsposi- tion:cas) s?hs ! pp/ radiance orer her private Ufe, an'd sbed't h si* ofbeao^y'andgloryarouad her CbristUnTlrtues, doubly <nae«ipgberto all wh^> bad the fortune of her acqsjalnf ance> and entwining fabr name and character arounft (be devoted alters of her Chiisiian friendl, ' •'None knew her but to lore her, NonS named her but to praise." The husband has lost an estlmafe companion and beloved wife, the daughter a fond and loving mother, and the church. constant worshiper abd humble follower of her rise Savior. 1 "We loved her, jm How much we lota God loved ber tooj^ To take the'Chris Ho tongue can tell, her and how well, id thought it best, *on^oCr«»>.« A Burnt.' MALONE,! Fs&smm co. C . ! - " * . Use the N e w Snltstittiavte tADisa'lsiT -Bwwn, ITrs. Clara T; Cheater, aHw«Mt)«. rine, Daliey, Mrs. C. J -9; Emery, Mrs Bint, stale, Mt*. Anna; tarivier, Aonlla t Lapanne, lymlsa, Maools, Mrs. M., McHannU,Mrs.C.Ji.;BWn,MIsVE.rUn5fcrwoodiAdelia;,_ Whipple > M|ia!«^^|?IU Wn-,1t^ Persons. caUBJr ttWtffofm I<tte^.i"»rn->le^--iay'" •s-iwss, mm V. S. 10-40 Bonds •^Tw^'*MHH^9^aiH^«H«wMS,M^M«av^ f •"•^-T MM* Snub at* taratd a f a i l t ^ * C A # s r ^ | r M f March 8tb,J8W, wbleh providei (hit all Bonds issued under thlAActshattb^J^eMPT MOM TAXATION by or under anyr S 8taWkMWDal.inu4^ Bonde are rs<«vedjn TJalW ^tea^netea -or^te^Bl^ay; .iOM«i3iP»E; t»^i>st],MihP?rniiage;. AiADiia* conUInldgBNnTING WOKK^ic.-To be had tthUoM^gdga^n^foVthhAdverUsement, **lii&ii^! Shop kttUt : Ma«ef«»Brifttre. .«* U. S> AS! tlth ^bQe(^<^pi9aii%lGNt0:'^.^ssY Yojcfc . i^-pnrsuan.ee.o* 8ee|fcB;j5-^tteAes^»l(I^|ln}Ae* to provide rnterM'Re#nmeto-support:tb£<fc«rnment^^ta and the Amendatory Act.approVed.March^l^^btIc«f Uhereby glyeri to all persons concerned, resldlog. and^obig- b^n«pn;tniri^Mllecabn:*is«ct «f^fas»ate.^e:Swsr rork, composed of thi Ooontfes of-Franklin.'fad St. .feaw^ rence.thattheAnnuatAsssssrteotf* the^year 18M, Son- ulnlng theMUts,T»instIoi^, and enumeratto made and .taken ill the Countyolst; S w ^ sors,wi»hinandfOrs*JdCMOtf,*Ul be'opeij for^^« Uorutt the omcoofSsji-.&rigaaA, an^Silsta'nVAIsessor,. at bisol8ceJn.tbe vlll^ot Pi!«i«x,.frpm» to;.1* o'clock, A M.,Wd r fromrt^«c^^^ijW«lpr»A»1*:»«01l 9f» tun of %HIS NOTioK;,Sii«nAW|aw»r«P! An4J*afc»he.irsta, valuations, and enumefwlom, nude add taken b* .the Assis- tant Assessors within, and.for the County or;rranklIn, will be open for examination as aforeMldtJat. my olltce In the village or Miuws, froci 9 to IS o'clock, AyW.b.WS'o'clock. P M., for 15 p « a radii TH«D*T*or iBisNpricii'.BiniOSTS tauxtrat. ' • I .. ., H , 'iJt't., &<*-iejsr»» ; - ••'• Notice is also hereby [given tn pprsuanbi of'the Aet, afore- said, that the bnderaigile.l, the Assessor of said Collection District; will attend at the.offlce-of Bs^tsiiosD: J5«dosa,'JEi<i V In: the tillage tit PorSDiM, in the County of 8t. tawren'ce, onthelIthDi*or Auomr next, whereappeal* will be rr- celvedMddeteraolncdjiy-rme.relaUye.to any-erroneous or excessive valuations oif enuaieratloHs fcaUe by. any Assis- tant Assessor.In and fori the Coufit^of 8t. Lawrence.-afore- satd, ana thatl will attend at my office, in ttte village of; Msxoiis, in the County; Of Franklin, aforesaid, on the 38th tua or \uac;T ..next, where' appeal*' will be received and determined a*.afores*%rel«Uv.e to »ny erronpous or exces- sive valuations.or enumtratlons,"nfada by any Assistant Assessor of thstatdCoiSfiljrWYranJtlib. • f - - All Appeals to the Assessor must be marteIn writing, and specify "the ps^iicuUricaus*. matter. orstblng, respecting -which: a decision Isre'WSvwv abd.mi^f,'moreoyer,slate i " i '-'-iSiity-o"i e r ' -- J -" the grbond'or principle bCInequ^W-ir error conipisltied of. - tmti at.my offlcejn 6*W*»,J*JsSIth1o>*of July, J864. i, s .l|r»b%%t?6JS;B.istHct, New-YorE * *-t'' ** '-y ( *^t i*&. Ts^_ •• SA r.^ir~5j'"5.--'** *"-— ' , tional Banks.- They are f Tp.*E MDsUtMEDINrolN, at tsst nor more &d»Jbrfif 1/eari from their date, and nntll thefcMempUont^^PM C ^ 4f 'eVm^ifap^^^ifb «f ;t»q|9r«en»-MMdifdV, ; i^lW annually and on -W:Qlfytp>$ty»e&w<«W-^¥$10; est topayabI«onW.fltst<Jay« of March andBeptesabtrte year. *»•••*2a£&:i-'!sis~*i .. •ri4-.---« J rmnd Elegant f UsssssssssA^ssssssssssW " essssal ^^L^^^a i isssssssssssa4aBsslMasssa%^ssssssssssBi.' ' *JMSSSSSSSSV mam fmftm WMI BOOMS, I their value Ittacttsj*e^;f)ipw»one! t> tlireejiet. annual, according to the rate of tax levies In jvarious part* of the country. ,-Vv "'- \ ,. • • ,*t: ,- At the present rate of premium on gold ttsy pay,, Over Eight pier Cent Inteisemt idcarrency; and a>|b,f,«guai "aJnveniedce as-a p'ermanent or temporary'inveA&ent, It is beBeved thp no securlUesoirer so great lodueeatente to lenders as Ihe.vartotav descriptions of fJi S.-Boads. In all other forsM of Indk^dness, the faith or abDliy or private purtles or slock companies or separate cominunlUes only is pledged for.paymen^ whUefor thedebtojbf the United Btates thewftoteprojpertjfsi'tAp-ooiBnti^lli^aiai^a secure the paymentVfbbthTrlneTpal'andinte'restlneoui ~ - 'These bonds may b i sabscrlbed: for In suau, front IBOlup; •- -- •- .,• *st «V4 ^ "* "» T *' '••*'«V, . ' . -, ^*-w- o<ny_magnUuae, ob the same terms, and are thus-made eqaalIy'atalSb^"toHhe4ms]lesttender and l i e largest capi- talist. They can be cbnverfe3~bHo money arany momefii,* and the hbiderwUf have thVbeoen^ohfeih , , It may be^ui^fnl to sute^ln this conneeSIopthSjt the total Vunijed Debt of'the United SlaWon"'whI6h'ln4resV i 'U pay. H. JS£ We»t Site of tat! away ^s-. s ,• * : - ^ ! *_ ^ ,- Hat now on Hand'the targest arid mosV ; KIeiant Assort tnent of : ' Ever offered for sid.etaSortheritSew Yorfc ' to wMch he invites t^o attention of all purchasersi * . 4 Call imd'Pina for Tonriwiv.fc *WalnntiSo-fsi%> T b iilSSJn^^aarble.^YablefT \.-, JO»Jt.jBiU*ns!b.ri do - , 'jChesinaVChamber 5ela. Mahogany do Black Walnut Tete-a-Tel I Mm C&SMM i UADB tRQli FlIsiE -BAKMJBV: AND COFFEE ! •- *|:--S^'--*<}'-SJ5--«--• .j* * ,'; < ' The only Genuine, Mannfactured K i^ in the ^tetefe«J;g!fc|»a,,^ 4 For'Sale ^w^mr6<6eirsi throughout the i . Statu a*d($anad(U. J ^H*'«r-»ioOBB, -. ,-:;"', ' ..,fe»,!ff»«a»,DanleI8., - • --# •Albanjr.N.Yi-- , r I,E«U*CUSB, : AsentsrorJIIiUoae^ ! .. > - •• PtEASE SENP IN YOGS OBDEB9. I use tthe coffee In my osmjhoase, and* recommend tt very llghly. I think f ought to bje » Judge," having bean in the .grocery business-fifteen years, , t ' .., fi','D.filICDLAK, Hlnrflng, N. Y. »The:s^^tl»onghoat|n| aw'ftadflit& most saleable ~'snibsttt^&r,c<tfee^5wia^.*«*et»^.' ' . - Jtwillfinda good sale In this vicinity, . , • Ol O.TBHKT, Hartford, Conn. Theasoet popular susstitnte for the fisst India bent;- pt. '• . „ " • '• • Tv JIarblgfpp Bnreanf, WashaSi" - «.. vWsshBi Sea-"Pbi . Mahogany Chairs, Walnut- -. fO'6. r Cane Seat do Oak Dining do Office,,- 1 do: Bar-Room do Wood Seat Dining Ohatm,| Wood Seat Kitchen-do •( - Book Cases,, <j*j-2 Desks, i Bedsteads, altklnds, Bedsteads, with springs,, Black Walnut Collins, [ lWhat-No'ts,alls{ses,' ,3- EtakersK. t Havaw Crfl^ iataiute Hsilr Mattresses,' - S»l^? UrMEBarle^Srprj, Walnut: Mouldings, Revolving Office Chairs, Reclining v -do, Oral Frames, all sixes, uooST'-: A, liases' Rockers, Children's High Chairs, Children's low " do < Bltck Walnut Caskets, Looklng.Olaas plates, Toilet Glasses, '.F:#»N S Butternut -&. >t -i-vucf<Fj:^fO0nS,w^- I i ' iKetallc BurialCasesifwtsnU 1 ;YABlQO|«tYE« ,. . liun.sellji EXTBElELi Mahme, April 81, ISM-; ratJ- r\%^0TB^ni THE GREAtlS ~ •—» jj^? !r s& - . f ,-v*--*. , 'S ••pr*M-Bl^lf:-»©UTeH[X ; l: w .' - """i'^fr^lr i' & k?a«MiiEafc; ; *^. , i*»«U¥r ! "'"-* '^ * ierf- "moM-Wa^'&|«|%in5iJI^.^ »nd , ProvisiOn^HoilselaMalone,- GiveosaCsll. onr^-UlxAw; »*««>.. ^i* .' .-;,'.. :. „ , « . Jr. S>i»«- ; ' 8WAKI<»!«:*IMB!,-.'ii|t. ; '."V* i7*Tc*.; -J H08KHPA1.B €E«BWT, stt *J:fe Cl»»«.. ClYOACtK T B A j i , «tt7 •& • -' Bonds, as they Bay prefer. BeglsUred Bonds are recorded Wttetjttfco^ifyu^Jb^sw^^ only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable, jto bearer, and art mflew'nv^enVforeommerelaf use*. \[\, Ho 3E»gleBroc4,oppoaite MUler Houie. Has lately been replenished with a\snfflclent stock of . *. H. "WilMxJnot onljr.bffers ,hls niusl large and well se- lecledstock of prngsi'litedlcinej, Chemicals, Essential Oils, *^*orhwi>&Bp;ete4 hft iBtook and jatenderthetr ra- fliers flL7lnduVtry;energ>5p»rstWranceapdexp^ the, *' btuVnes? wlli enable^ifc to.«ll gop^ at so little a prod? thafo£to^ers^lflndltt6theIr*dvsBtsietoglve him a caUbelbri'Biakl^thdrptnrchases elsewhere. . '"^ J ^-*a*^|bAJ^'lo-iIiabr-aSvMM««!to&• him their rfW*^#»^.#M^ at 'all AMO^'.'».|rtw»pJtt^jBW>twM:oW tomeriHain^^ytB^^^^saltottor the nndersigoed their ^n*draw in terestfromMar^ 's^est bs^iejtilia' iej^o^^^^I j^iia|^s|Hii«^ nolWof MattoniJBanicaVa^ or .the Exempt fiwnKunicIpal or Stito Taxation, J tb_ thretjiel^eiif pei- at the dwelling house of 0. ?M. .''.•i.'ACjl if'^* •''• V;V -;'.•'" -' I' - ' :- ;;i i t -sits Stock comprises SUPPORTERS, TRUSSES, 8TETHE- SOOPESL BTJBPKNS0EX BANDAGiiS, GUM BtAHTIC and -HMqtKCATHITERaandBOGRIv8, RUBBER and OlASS dTRINGEa ofevery t i « , BREASr PUMPS, PEfiSARIES. ,v. - • -- ,:00MBS,;ii almost ^veryvariety^EUBBER and HORN DKsSaN&.CIRCtEf BIDRafld BACKCOMBS, IVORY and RUBBER FINE, HORN* and BUBBER P0CKET.-00MB3; BRUSHES—TOOM and NAIL, AMERICAN and BE8T Iu' "- " - ' - - 3 i«! e *. I » )I,0< arid small sixes, also'00L0ONB made at the 1 i Purchasers.' A good Assortment of FANCY always, on' hand, .(very, variety of PORT MON 8Wr*«- fBOASK'alwaj*: AIES.OAIF and MOROCCO WAU.ET3, KNIVES, PIPES, PATENT MEDICINES! DYE COLORS CNaVFAMffiY-pVE CplORBOf nearly d' SS ient^packages)' kept'atthe CASH A good Assortment or CUOICB CANDIES will be found •tmy.Store. Ttolnlereaton^ih^debtjqir.thecomtoElU^ **'..'" '! »)lo^,law,'*l4vthe: ; e^merWenneiL4ole>^^ lEt O - S E J 1ST E O I L ! AND A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF 2LAMPS. ft- At-WAVS ON HAND. My Goods are all warranted PURB and GENUINE, and iy person dissatisfied with them win please return them end the JiurehuernoneyVfll be refunded. jWrabisi^Y., febraary °,f8«8.' able tn gold, on the 8d day of March, 18M,was |T«8,M9,000. Taeinterest on, this debtfor the coming fiscal year will tbi. gttS^sr.lM.wHlstheettstomsrevenne'lni:gol**jrUie cur- rent fiscal year, ending June 80th, 18M, has been to far it the raieofover 1100,000,000 per annum. It will be seen that even the presenlifeold revenues of the Government are .largely In excess of the wants of the Treas- Srffb'rtheVtyitient of-gbld iritereii, whlieQiiVecent in- cresse of the Urlff( will donbUess raise the annual receipts from customs;on the same amount, of importations, to|160,-' Ofc Instructions tS'Uie'N'atiodal^Bsriks acifrig as^loan-agcnbt^ w e n not issued from the United State Treasury until March 3S, but la the first three weeks of April the subscriptions; l averaiedmoT«thanTIMMI£H^ a. ' Subseiiptipnt will be received by ail , which artdeposltarles of PubHo moneynand all RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the* National D«porit»ryI^)»iufirr^^^^ ;«a«en-|o4,-f - v- j yr ., ..,, ^j-^-'_, g-j 'f ..AfMBDsn^YfAC^OTxOiBrasOslJBIES. , jane 10. . „, iv- u. i?fl»i. an. sv.-:.C"i." ggrj.. .^fc; •, t , ESTABLISHED 18M ; .,..' n. '•'A** r«eB-t*«!el gtV»»' el T excellent satisfaction, and I have; y i t t o and a etutomer to complain. " ' ' ; ' " .-' W, t. VANN03TRAND, Boston, Mass. . It is having a general aaleinthls city, and Is fast coming Into genera) use.—Z>wy/>aCy Whig. --.' " We aarUeaU housekeepers to try it.- Mb*ny AUo* and - , .Tie "corfte sells beyond OM expsettttoa*,~aad give* thst testofsaUsfactloit. ;. ;Bats%««AY^*|jtQ«H^.oM^ Many persona .who Save ts^tfcaarOeto prels? It to the ^esfJavaif—PUMtowgh kepiibUeai^ - Yourcoffeeisunrr^y * rt hy my cw-o-oes, I Merer hevd one complain. ' D.^ MCCARTHY, »Uad«lpoI«. * As a substitou for coffee it is soperkr toaajtthmg Mw |n <me.—Atl>aHy&ti*Hi»0 Journal, \ -, •.,;•<,.• - Ifindt6gtve»say>o4nthmetlons« that for whl* was payfcg^nrtycentte - --.---.;.- ,-••;• :u-^ a jiwy»^«»^xe»ittH0i^'Kijr; stobeaad.-7As.Miw Yorker. M And will sell' toai^««^^»%«fc»fc*?»t6r««H##? -^t-. it . n rSZttt for a » to traits with as. Corns and wee." - She coffee gives exe< :: JINOtT* THOMPSON, New Haven, Ceaa. ' It asakes a deeldedjy palatable sakstitate fog rest Java . ^<K~jur*\_mt^» : mg* (/****. - - ;-;., ' iaVe»ylii#-|a^Iiia»« Of the gniste* *o»»«rf«o* «»»«•«* ' ft BKOAPBEWT, lasthsloecMsl ''-' Your Majs Coffee Is spoksw a t ' « aba fcajfctet lens*, la' this city. '; WAEUI<*AaW>.,fc»etJ/«,l». Y ' .' TB»lrIstte*eesrtabi»ts«ae«d«f tlwswa»>»f%rw Y e e t - Beware arj aH ether kuwv«fc«y «*».- Wfws.'- r«f»i««s»; PsraWiitsr.. •'- Alagwst simtr,- _ Pwf-Jar Bu4 a dtra«ftra luic. •p t aiTCS.A^s>MBPl«^rVBe^^^ at WMoleutltv oil Mi,ii.?,ii/jsi.,Tt.ji.i|-. jj^igjKg^t^v^ tBa» UaiV,«» acre* ofenoleilSd, a first rile stock and?fraln mjsr^«s^Sta^j^^fe '\:.7 : :-^>-* : si#»:f|p Afcfc#Js^»»5«.I* ft*/*... S-:™' _ _ 0nij&i}'u tiie ssiat* «r K l a ^ B e w B r i s s i * , deceased, eittjsr by -Mat. ** q»laffi|^ls^^l^l fbe preoerty situated on ttie Flat in IbU TiHafw, Utetr ewn^»yi.lKw«a4t. It eonstaUrfaboM seven Aes^tf taad w«tb tWsa SJWJOD^fcoaat*.Ma of wWcbare bslanded WU8E F0I SAU, 01 TO U»T. Tae Istsfc PwsUiiigea B v e r a W , ferssaHr sesaplsd by si>tIauOaawM«asBvis(«isea<lbrsal«,*r|* rea*- astawk-tatsat. - "i:. <" " W T W a l t .'TsWr iMMrw* JwfwssMsPi Usfc-,-,,-jaf _ ' S*—' s j M ' i l l ^B«tsti-sssr-a> saf t -wEssVsk 'ssaisr sst ^sssa swssa <a>jawtswssa»sii i aisji nwiiwinsiis.nl* s p , „ , a,ass<Wsa«^a«sssj ai , ,..,. We have again rietumea from Market with a large and well ' Velecte«iWltSf\tte«ani!»nd;otbe^ -onr line, ejoniisUni'Of irashtbnable "''•:' mBWMmmms t ?AKfSAK^ VESTS, Frohj the* loweit'tti'the firi^'t grades, liivloding ail the ' . * ANDnr" "it .', - = I ?* .. - . m^"- •'.• ' ,'f r ' VAIilETIES! , -rAMpfiii . CUSTOiTI-IflADE HLKE|AT8. All of the very Latest Style<( at Prices to suit. Gent's Fiirnishing Goods! Too numerable to mentloh, but' as good an assortment as c<n be found In any first Class Store. By assuring ail our Customers of the late firm that we will continuetogive them the same satisfaction as before, we would say to itjiose who do not so frequently deal with us 'that without boasting, we Keep the LARGEST ASSORTMENT - « v ' •<*••• ':• » • - ' »' '. - '-.>Y.-..V. ~AND- S tJMME -••-, WEAR; And are ready to show, toall who may can, the J. \r^oM' -mom* atari DRUGdTOH! 0(5* •E. PUEE WINES & LIQTJOES For UKDl6iNAr> PURP03K3 al CONGRESS WATER In PINT and brthe-BOrrtEorBOX. ways on band. -FRESH QUART BOTTLES for ssle •$>-«3>- . ,e^^JfaZorf«5td"Hc5i»}fF/ We the undersljrned, Physicians of the village ofPajhi'dam, do heeeby'ceruTy that we are well acquainted with MTTE. H. WILCOX and have been for several yeara past, during which tlme: be has been employed In JDrng Acres Jtn this village; .we;belIe#elilM tplbe cdmpetenti to.corhppun'd prescriptions "s^Mp^as' |jea>ral Dna brja^estJanatTecoatoend Wm> to- yonrfavorable'coDsIderatlbn^and pAtrdBagMJ I ^ . .Ginsoa*.Cot»,S«VI>. - J. USTHOLDS,M. D. :j.H.M0C»sei«T,M.,D. C.O.J3j,Ti3,sJ.D. •. . , , , -, NTDi 1 J^Waaca, MjD? "• " •••' "EpTBDAHi». Y.j February! Wtb, 1 Stl^f1S^Sj^* l t*5 , «^ , « certlflcatwof»»hyslv»^, th» said K H.WUeox having been in my'employ about four yearsyand chssTfaUyrsoommend him as ope worthy of your CoPOdenoe and support. ' •• ',,,,, ,, ?Q. H. PECK, Druggist, Pot*damT N. Y; i . E . H . WILCOX ? " W ' ^ 4*1 ?""'. f* ' i\ •'-•' '••* C "1" '" ' ' a*-*, f '^Wi»^««i'B»^waosxi*,-i««a 0 W. MaIoneJane2,18M. ' '• - . /i*"w-jl ^^y i isf i ^S1 «-*^*»>si . -#mjt;- **£ or in .7 day of May, X-'-' «ir>«, -vtJ H * II '" M0 .fy' J r9- Q -1 'f •« Sji*'5tt^2) i« «l «M^I/ i„'*Jj • • iskmatnr s'em* of the;Nov*lUes of the day,comprising b orinr Store fa iNortliera irewJYoEk; Special facilities enable us to SELL SUPERIOR ARTICLES far| Below the lUsual Figures. . I,w -f iGfve u> a C»II, apt) See rornYouraelf. tt will artao be ft>V t r i e l a t e r e a t of tboae wrboUve ID, «14s{taisu X o ^ v n a to «JC- tuniae onrcwodut and Prlcca. LEOPOLD A OFFErtBACHER. nmoitByApxa it, 1864. iJB IS THIS OB "4HY OTHEE" TOWH. * •. » ,<•-»-.• BEA . | T S and O^I»S, A LARGE STOCK AND NEW STYLES, t at- PAIJlIBBS'. BOOTS «fe SHOES, SELLING ATLESSTHAN OLD PRICES, TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK, at PAIiKBat'S. HOOP SKIRTS, 8ELUNG VERY LOW TO CLOSE, .at PALSIEBcV. NECKTIES, COLLARS AND GLOVES, A SPLENDID STO0K AND PATTERNS, at PAI>OIJBKS>. SPRING OVERCOATS, A RICE ARTICLE, at PAI.JKEBS>. M^TOBCEID SUITS, iiiWH^teaYw^teMa Ertract. A PURE TONfO; u>. That wiUHeliflVe the Affllctwd^and ' l> Re ^O.vMl J A-.0K S O K, PBit^ttrau,P^,will:EffectuallyandMpstCertalnly Cure AllDiseaseo ABI8IBOIJOJI Aj. - . - v '.» . fc OISOBIIBBICO .-'* 1 •> ^ 7 *. " \, r UTBatV" - ' - - i x ' -'" ' ^'f . fJE aatlDRKsrS. HOOFiAHD'S GEEMAH BITTEE8 . ; < WUlOareiveryOaBeof Cbronio or Hervons DebUity. Df«-*i' of the Kidneyi, and Diseases from a l^t'deredjtom'ich. O B S E R V E T H E F O M i O W H T G SYMPTOMS ' Retailing from Disorder* ofalie Digestive Qrgsns: S»ward ' . m&. Fqll-' ' " . ness or Blood to the. 4 Head, Acidity„;ot<j;flie ,i Btomaoi, Nausea, Heari. bumiTlIsgnst for Pood,.l?ullness or Weight In the 8tomach,Soiir Erus- tatlons. Sinking or FIntterlng'at the Pit of the Stomach, Swtamm*ofj*eMead,Hnrried and DifBcuIt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when In a lying pos tare. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs befor the Sight, Fever and Drill Pain in the Head, Beflcle"no> olf ferapiraMoD,, Yellowness of the Skin 1 and Eyes, Paintothe Side, Back,'- Chest, i Limbs, Ac SSSden Flushes of Heat, Burning IntheFlesH Constant Imaginations of Erik * And great Depree- I . slon of Spirit* j Conttipt- •: tlon. A LAB6Ei8T00K> •t PAI.BIERS>. A VERY NICE ABTICLE, at PALnEBS*. Fiillf3d Cloths & Satinets, FOR SAL1UT Bl^SOIfA:?LE PRICES. RING AND NEW SPRING AND 3UMHER GOODS! PCST RECEIVED AT *" No. 1, Union Block,' oh lne Corher. Mr,tt,ha# Just rettrrnefl frojn,New York with a splendid U^.-.^i-H-,?^^ '•few—nJ-r> WE ALSO HAVE ON HAND A PABTIOUaVAK NOTIOB. Jtoere arenutnvJ>rep(^Mot»tmMnder. hie name of BU$er», put up m quart Sottlei, compounded of the cheapest wnitkey or common rum, cmtinfffrom 26 to 40 eenttpfrgallon,tAetastedieautoedbyAnieeyt! Corian- This class of Bitters has caused and will continue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of a drunkard.. By their nte^the tyttem Is kept'conlinMlly under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulant* of, the;worst kind, the desire for Liquor Is created and -kept up, arid' the result Is all tbe^horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life gad-death. \ * i'"* .;• ^ _ n I MtS e .f**; 3 ??*? m '«?»*•**« ^im Bitten, we publish the following recelpt^ Get. OUR Bottle Hooflamd'aGetraaalUttenandrnixwik tgosu-ts ot CM><>d HAuHf or Wfjlal<.ey, and the result will be a preparation that wUl' flir e x c e l in ifieflici nal virtues arid true excellenceany or the urimerout JUauor £l.^i- to .S , *K ro,u £f t * « nd /rtacort m u e u le«a,TVon will have all the virtues of laooflaiid'a Blttera tn eonnecflon with a e o o d article ol LlqubrTata mncnlesa price than these inferior preparations willcost you. t WHICH WE WILL SELL 60 PER CENT -*> .LESS THAN PRESENT PRICES,, at PAXlbTBftSVx. IN SHORT WEHAVEGOT THE GOODS AND ABE BOUND'TO SELL THEM, At PALISEBS'. THE SPRING CAMPAIGN The Battle Fought; and victory ",, v; •;... S. oil ojilCiSSs|oi^^- . .' DRESS GOODS Off LATEST STYLES. sramEB SHAWLS VERY CHEAP t m n XTC-XXaXi l)atn£.Xa 033:iDu9L3 ^.nts •&•.-&'u,v 'Ji..r& te -it"-, f ' •: ay ?'4r-'i'-'.^?'>:.:'-i<*'P7q i t,-t-.'~<--'----^. ! >': J '; ''jr.-.:-*, ci-: )-t. >z rr=".- i\-!xi.-,'' V-- f .-'-'V .,-iu >%'i'•..—-.'•''>."-* * - fl-ipJ-*:- «•?*»&. . ^•/•-*r-*.r--v- , -"»'- -'^Ar ATTHpLAtt «oo 0^4p4J*|>a5; wats^(tts|pAjrwtjsVs|H^ T-"' : '.v''''--'V ''-'V-'wSWfaflfelf.^*' *";.'..'''*'' COMFORTABLE FAUM HOITSEs On the sswtsUe of the road, with tw» bant* ' loottsd- ansl tlsa m~ btrgv' TPwf^oiiify -'awcesjttff 'sstouMis >s«s, tsgathsr wjtli , , T o »- ww^st wBw* JstT^^ww? P s F ^ W a f s i s l ^ r W •a^ 1 »tJ•Sas^|'^Bl , * -«BB^IWMaMw9lNwlHLHI^ Attthe aayve property wig be said on reassaakla tarast- BfiitE ^ffltfrwt^ Sifcw? a»«, y^t*"?^ ^«fc*Sfc. «PA«JWteu r m -.,t -- •V.^I'jP^^*' 3 ^^»i»ito*»«-i' J-i-ff«-: fcmir;tt»WA:.N;,- .-•s.^»ANCHifeth»'Pc«tOmee,*sl*ne, where'ba ..^jp-r-.-et. -. '^-'--'n^aasi r ^ r ,-/*?We^a^"te^^lf«»*"wl'n he'lreUt : ^&&^£m*m* ^roattbg of all Mr. jMwlti-^tBltl; ^rlv^ ^ ^ to r a s i s i h e attempt to Introdnoe the y* «^Kf)iwtwtr 'irtiyr a^Mt«»i.v:' -.' »totttiffieaitiiral Pesjartstent irf. his Fonndryboslness, tsr tut mmn muun, at WHOLESALE PEICES. Vr*tm,U6ULQW'*rAHE, *c sjaattu.jtf!, irfasatt^eotlwestsseos sf't^aalda <toaatyte ' C.^.WHTlTtlJKY FARMERS! HUBWlrtBC^ HARVESTER I -K*V *-5»»J>sj«Utl Osawty. A FiTbvlagiaw! -"• MrattvUt. ^¥M n-S! ,#• ti'^o-*-- '-'j"tf'«0 *-. BALMORAL SKIRTS AND HOOP SKIRTJ! OABSIMERBS ANDOI.OTH OOATSJ W. 6. DICKINSON & BRO. , ^ . i"^ *** "^ , ^ * '~'**' nburice to; the Pubfio (arid, to the EAD"IS«: partl^arly) - - th»t^eyhav*no»irafere>Wbrtfie"nriesr" STOCK OF GOODSi Which it hat been their pleasure before to exhibit, and not- wlthsUndrng the genbralhlgh'prloes of Goods, they ihave made war. Bpon?'Credlt8ystem." and doing. bosiness strictly upon JhevPav. X>ote»jS>of«n/ar^ enabled ' 3to give t'leir patrons the benefit of «aH "bad debts," . •---and thereby save to*-«he purchaier a good large percentage, whichtathese ;• Waa Tores," Is worth saving. HOOFLJINOS CERMilN BITTERS will give yon a " JJ- ," GOOD A^^iriator will give yout '"7..- STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, .' »wUI g i v e y o u BRISK AMD ENSROBXld FEEU&QB wDlensbleyou-to « and tvUlpoaltiwelr prerent': YELLOW & BjLIOllS FEVER, ACi 'Those sulrering.from Broken Down and Delicate Constitutions i from whatever camte, either In - mxmxi will find in - ' ' HOOPLANirSGERMAfBilFIitS ThatwiU restore ttem to'(heir uihiliealtir-SaSi-hSJtbeen the case In thousands of Instances, and a fair trial Is bnt ~ reqnlred-to pftntftte ajperfloji^.^.y _£zg- •l RBMBMBBH -- a ^TfficlT THESE Blf We lutv'e received a large supplyof' 7f&&M'!t'«\ S~a,X3L3x.&& NotioxLial BATSMJ>Qm, BOOTS-MDSHOES! Lidles' an- Misses' Balmoral Boots I "••- ; '. ) -'"'."•-"•f.'iT'''- *-'• /!',f" ; \-'-v-.^?'''' tv *- --«i'-"•. ..^-;*'-'- J .i^Vli^»«rehSAtdh>^e^att|iev»^-r^ «' .«ae»E«J«|M|r*,i||^» ^ vi*$*fe ;"•' /;;v -: vtt'- ; .'' 'I*"»#^ t «^;-;; < v;r^|i^^-; % '. " s- -•_•; •;.• •-.,,/. - . ';•'.. .:•; ,-'.- . '•> , o ; ' -, ; v Vory Small AtiYanee f roin Cost, - " : ' - , ' - . - - . ~< * . -*- : . :-"•.:.'-^'• ' . 1 . ^ •i' -.:-*.*-.-i •'*;•' - , . , - i -'., ' • - . .-T- '.-,-* -,•': •'•'. And will make It an object "for those having money to to, ,„,-: ,,.,. ' '„ ,Te»t,-.,to-jf|v«;:b4^-».j6aJl,;v;...:_.5i^c,-.,,;; J^^^^fr* $^^*&* *k^^^ ^"''"^'ff- '•"sspssr V KiirpTicrtratJtiinjnrTDrroaor ' '' PATENT BREECH L0ADIN8 FIRE-ARM! ; . j •• - - ' Malting thUderuu^ment of onr^trade a spe'claBty, we flat-, ter ourstlvee "we excel" in It. forif a good seJeetlon, large stock and saperior styles are desirable for a lady to select from, oar assortment should be teen before your purchases *f***3V ' , r-. , r-.;"-i- '•.' :' •*\$'.*&'•'•••-•' "'.>>•• " *beaVtiAj^y^,and'reaAb^eta^ ' Brwh^ Black Silk, niWt, Simgle Wool, Prenlere and Grenatiiere. ' : ' ! ''' : 'Z;l^'' *S .',' ,-'.--!**I|**^''"""' ; ^*' - - : :*' ''' ' -i WHITE AvfiiAcii CRAPE! ^'^f^^rif^t^ The mowt Sjtaple ppd DaraWe of ~" tany Rifle InYeuted t ' rHI^A»BDwYITAtOI7TBOn,aTAst'ri acr,*r PtttaM for Use ssWU. No LOBS OF CAKlilDGE CA8EU. TM Case, w b t e d b ^ ^ , c w a « leaded and nstd wry number of timet, iMtjfc* CHEAPB8T aiFLE TfOR IPOITSMBT! Ul«C^«t»r8.«Ossa^«Bs>« l l>a;« 4 .SS. t»tMwder,m«teitee,<B>Tvett, »* ........... 10 I bezas Cats, •* twj. #a**..,-.., ,.,.,...,;,.,. v ,. ; _ $HBst Latst, SjVItUt; t t t . V Et,*.^..^-yt»-t>',«»y-\«^ '_ . '".< ""wtii «rt.«t AMP M.TQU MAJW OR0EH. a«pwirtof Is aUofiti BMMlml toeroaMintrrajurr.MAVOU.rt.t, .'"•;" iiU I .won tA A ^MBf^Kftj^a^BtbJ[ s^^l fAftak- *" ^wsr^PE^EfaswMjstBWSsW^^^rm B^'EJMi •S 1..4-.1 V . w.'i.i'.Ji'.iif'.M- ; " - - - - ?. fiprinv,€loiAaU Mud Du»ter» t . '- .t i* ' i ;V.w; <--•• - ^: J .; }\ 1&/Jh$; ff'», ' *' .•'* ' •* '- A n d « # a l » p « p * w d to iaae-OIo«fcrto order np#n ihort , sotio«iii(l3ierawt2pato Webtreatao Clwtlisui all Colors, »4 Repel.*.* for '•^S'-TSSSv,' •f/,/*--,•' NOT ALCOHOLIC, A n d N O X i n t e r BEVDBiACr. * ^s «?#«»' ! f*^t « Young *r Agei :e'';«ir'r^«J»*ir|. '§riw^:W<r#i^*»l^: Are speedily removed, andAhe paMenJ r,estored,to healib. '"-'•.''-.•>' ;-*•;'"':•'-• \i^^»*v-W*l*i4M& IN VABUHY AND AT ALL PRICES. »i:. • ' '•• .-. -••-• £>V..,!' -'. i '- •' • , Of all*lnd«,inol»dlng : sMrchlatk. ZJnsjtii.' ill 0:#.J 3B;3ft; TJTvv #e. ..-:!,•-^'.-^WabAva-a-lar^aatwistaatof '" ",•''] ' - _ 9rWe% »*•§• Sil9Pfr]r« U*M»Ut(*0-Y«^ E«4»eUMilv.T«w, jaM Tftwffjw, wsltS ftetis' * ^^^Hp >- ^w»^wWl WW^TP * ^p*w> >0T£ '*',li5 U-ssve, sUAaOMftM. AsawYt*-. ; .^.^7f X^i >ea,.U4w»t-*r : •• • W.V.tMssWWsl&lMVrwslJ iiittsaaisliiiiiiawa MB tiMMPf ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ a ^ a Z ^a^Aasja^sBBBBBisBBi-^BSBBssai ^BBsssst _§^ki ^ ^a^asiBBT ySt^BaJ^^wPKa^^aKaCi'SE?,. fH aWiv«ffw«ssweY ^wV af»**>W^ssttHKT^rW•BB*AV W ' !.J*J„'^;': *i<j-T—if Srs<jA j Those sufferlog from m a r a a m n a , wasting away, with »pw»e'r^^eab"'i»Bwie' bMev«»iCnjred*» ajrarx »bort •tln«.j.ona*»ttrftJn«ieS.^atet^%JaM^ ingeffect. - ••'-•'•' " ' . ; ;-"'-- Xt 3ST*F*9, •••<?^ J-i^f^ 4 ' -jM • u above, and wishing to ratr a ._. "with thesa Having suffering child: J5«WfYiU:aarer;i^ettfie itlayJIiey cammencea LITERARY MEN, STt3BEjWSY £ . '3' 'v-'-'^.'i -T "fey?.; ^^••»:,v?i =•?• y^rf00:, Ana-tneja«ejnn»£-nsm.iwl|a-^el^ AheinuraiwaVa ^A»«^^#«-»'«5ffit^^ ":-"^ AND tHtt MIKND. Or.OLDl»». ^a^'W'tSS^Siaat 1 g-r*|a«»at ei-frlends In ruwB^Osjtauti Birraas » exposures ed |_«i by Hoofland'S Gerssao Mtters. n ... Are awferins: j|t«#rrtw^imrea MMMasTtwin wrfi Tiiiiir wwil iiaiian nin *nf. - dtJrCTSSS^i^ "»^«iM«-Uiw from : «ew*^ ^••»»^»Mtw-»lt^awJ»l-t«KB:by their;, sUWAJa£OFC^frfmUtreiV«, -ii Bw« t^t th« aiigatv. of "O. BC JAOatSON" lAo.tb»Vrtw«ofw«cl.BofU». *w» !' - i 'i v L»«!-. ^ : . i ^-*^Ha4*R»a*-'>.»^ '' /.' - <"••-': A-i^St ^ ^
Page 1: Mm C&SMM - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1864-08-04/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Foifc direction^ to th e pamphlet around each package, which should be careftijly

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vi I ~ * n* atierprodncia^ Several fitetrTtsilt , sdrije rff *BK* Pf" ffr. Eteaw day4-«s«Jg)iag r have recently rn1 HMinJ" }

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Hiss Jain OUtDurta with Mrs. Www, « n L H ? , r * * 5 > * Palmer's are continually raeeirmr i t* takrt*u*tai« e*s<* from now York and are prepared » *>»lt *«"» ™ * ° 5 , * the latest styles and best ataftaer. . Tlwy toy* / • • S f J facilities for.statuplng Also,the w ^ * * * * * * * * * , * J £ 5 fashionable and beautiful mettodtt « * * » * « J ^ S H S * " ? for dresses, cloaks, to * » » ^ J ^ ° , ^ . ^ J * W W " * i

embroidery, to, will be executed fa t i e best manner. Afalene, April 98, ISM—tt

Lxr^iau n*atiK»iw» »!iOB,juana» i» ^ n e V M e e , at Malone, AnteKlst , lWi ,

G»w».'tt*r.-»t*dley, 0 W T Beaey, X.;kaaker, 8U«s; » £ « * * » » , C W < , W . * DaiJV.ADdrew,JJwuJ. R - « j BascalL Henry » ; Hamlin, OrUe» J , Jtt*. Obartee r Jonet, Siraat; / < « * Aj,Jt, ¥aaee,John, MeOandres, Fatrtek;

-« . «t irarrm«nr bat »t«d« •* w M W M t w«b » • • MsPADOOCBlbTHie purpose * r ejrrj^ijfAft tte P » *

m oldfeiton'Ficlory oopdMc «B Main 8tre,et in U » Til-lage of ifaloae. The most o f the macblnery Is already In and f e jexpeet to-jcbrnmence operations abonl t i e 1st at jsme. r';w -"» t^ ^

Mr. PjiDooctisa^ experfeiKe4.wortai»naad wJO-jJ' excluslre'jittentlon (a the manufacturing department.' huge to merit»liberal share of the pnbBc patronafe. Cash paldforWaol. ' - i:»""' '" .•:'** -*•»%"& - .




BY ROYAU Prepared from a pretieripSdntifSir «K Ctorft 3f.J>.,

Piyticiitn Extraordinary tet/u.Gutm. This Jnralaatile medicine, i t anrailing tn the cures of alt

those painful and dangerous diseases; to which the female constitution ia subject? ft moderates allexcess and remores all obstacles, and a speedy core may be rdled on.

>;:. - T O raiiBBiEO C A b i E S

lilts peculiarly snlted. It will, In a ihort time, bring on the monthly period with liegnlarlty. - , < fScch bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Gr««t Britain, to prerent connterfelts.

Tti&e Titt* should'- not to tafo» by Fdoinlt* during Me Ft^ST TBRSE MOHTBS of Pregnane^* at ttey an fare to T>rikg on, MitcarrittQe, Sxi at any other than Suy, areiafi. l .'- M;

In all cuses o f Iferrous and Spinal Affections, Pains In- t h e Back a n d Umbs,F.tt lgriejO» slight exertion^ Paiplut lon of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites,, these Pills will, effect a care- when a l l other {meant'hare fai led; a n d although a powerful remedy, do dot contain. Iron, calomel, antimony, o r anything nurtji l t o the constitution.

Foifc direction^ to the pamphlet around e a c h package, which should be careftijly preserved,

SOLD, B f ALU. D R U G G I S T S . aolejgent for the tWited' States and Canada,

JOB Mf03Bs„2r Cortlandt St., New York.', N. a—»1.(K) and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any author

izede^nt,wminsm«k'botUeVc;odta1nlng'^;Eilli< b y r e :

torn matt.

§ki. 1st WestTille, on lb? S&hlnst.. Mr. MARTW BERSY^

5oongest sort of thelatiJPhlieman Berry, Esq., aged 25 years. On Tuesday erenlng kt 10 o'clock, after a short but serere

Olnea, BET3ET £,, - ~ - - - - - -year orBe*tge>

, wife of Orsemos Crooks, In the 4Sth

Shs leiresja busbandi a1"1 daughter to mourn her sudden »»d|ynexpected death, j The decessed bad been a deroted and consUtent-ChrUtlsn, and member of the U.-E. Church for more than fifteen years. B>r mna and amiable dlsposi-tion:cas) s?hs!pp/ radiance orer her private Ufe, an'd sbed't h s i* ofbeao^y'andgloryarouad her CbristUnTlrtues, doubly <nae«ipgberto all wh > bad the fortune of her acqsjalnf ance> and entwining fabr name and character arounft (be devoted alters of her Chiisiian friendl, ' •'None knew her but to lore her,

NonS named her but to praise." The husband has lost an estlmafe companion and beloved

wife, the daughter a fond and loving mother, and the church. • constant worshiper abd humble follower of her rise Savior. 1

"We loved her, jm How much we lota God loved ber tooj^ To take the'Chris

Ho tongue can tell, her and how well, id thought i t best, *on^oCr«»>.«

A Burnt.'

MALONE,! Fs&smm co. C . ! - • " * . •

Use the New Snltstittiavte

tADisa'lsiT - B w w n , ITrs. Clara T; Cheater, aHw«Mt)«. rine, Daliey, Mrs. C. J -9; Emery, Mrs B i n t , stale, Mt*. Anna; tarivier, Aonlla t Lapanne, lymlsa, Maools, Mrs. M., McHannU,Mrs.C.Ji.;BWn,MIsVE.rUn5fcrwoodiAdelia;,_ Whipple > M|ia!«^^|?IU W n- ,1 t^

Persons. caUBJr ttWtffofm I<tte^. i"»rn->le^-- iay'"

•s-iwss, mm V. S. 10-40 Bonds

•^Tw^'*MHH^9^aiH^«H«wMS,M^M«av^ f •"•^-T

M M * S n u b at* taratd a f a i l t ^ * C A # s r ^ | r M f

March 8tb,J8W, wbleh providei (hit all Bonds issued under

thlAActshattb^J^eMPT MOM TAXATION by or under

a n y r S 8 t a W k M W D a l . i n u 4 ^

Bonde are rs<«vedjn TJalW ^tea^netea -or^te^Bl^ay;


t»^i>st],MihP?rniiage;. AiADiia* conUInldgBNnTING WOKK^ic.-To be had


**lii&ii^! S h o p kttUt :Ma«ef«»Brifttre.


U. S> AS! tlth ^bQe(^<^pi9aii%lGNt0:'^.^ssY Yojcfc . i^-pnrsuan.ee.o* 8ee | fcB;j5-^tteAes^»l(I^ | ln}Ae* to provide rnterM'Re#nmeto-support:tb£<fc«rnment^^ta

and the Amendatory Act .approVed.March^l^^btIc«f Uhereby glyeri to all persons concerned, resldlog. and^obig-b ^ n « p n ; t n i r i ^ M l l e c a b n : * i s « c t «f^fas»ate.^e:Swsr rork, composed of thi Ooontfes of-Franklin.'fad St. .feaw^ rence.thattheAnnuatAsssssrteotf* the^year 18M, Son-ulnlng theMUts,T»instIoi^, and enumeratto made and .taken ill the Countyolst; S w ^ sors,wi»hinandfOrs*JdCMOtf,*Ul be'opeij for^^« Uorutt the omcoofSsj i - .&rigaaA, an^Silsta'nVAIsessor,. at bisol8ceJn.tbe v l l l ^ o t Pi!«i«x,.frpm» to;.1* o'clock, A M. ,Wd r f romrt^«c^^^i jW«lpr»A»1*:»«01 l 9f» tun of %HIS NOTioK;,Sii«nAW|aw»r«P! An4J*afc»he.irsta, valuations, and enumefwlom, nude add taken b* .the Assis­tant Assessors within, and.for the County or;rranklIn, will be open for examination as aforeMldtJat. my olltce In the village or Miuws, froci 9 to IS o'clock, AyW.b.WS'o'clock. P M., for 15 p « a radii TH«D*T*or iBisNpricii'.BiniOSTS tauxtrat. ' • I .. ., H

,'iJt't.,&<*-iejsr»» ; - ••'• Notice is also hereby [given tn pprsuanbi of'the Aet, afore­

said, that the bnderaigile.l, the Assessor of said Collection District; will attend at the.offlce-of Bs^tsiiosD: J5«dosa,'JEi<i V In: the tillage tit PorSDiM, in the County of 8t. tawren'ce, onthe l I thDi*or Auomr next, whereappeal* will be rr-celvedMddeteraolncdjiy-rme.relaUye.to any-erroneous or excessive valuations oif enuaieratloHs fcaUe by. any Assis­tant Assessor.In and fori the Coufit^of 8t. Lawrence.-afore-satd, ana that l will attend at my office, in ttte village of; Msxoiis, in the County; Of Franklin, aforesaid, on the 38th tua or \uac;T ..next, where' appeal*' will be received and determined a*.afores*%rel«Uv.e to »ny erronpous or exces­sive valuations.or enumtratlons,"nfada by any Assistant Assessor of thstatdCoiSfiljrWYranJtlib. • f - -

All Appeals to the Assessor must be marteIn writing, and specify "the ps^iicuUricaus*. matter. orstblng, respecting

-which: a decision Isre'WSvwv abd.mi^f,'moreoyer,slate i"i'-'-iSiity-o"ier ' - - J - " the grbond'or principle bCInequ^W-ir error conipisltied of.

- tmti at.my offlcejn 6*W*»,J*JsSIth1o>*of July, J864.

i , „ s .l|r»b%%t?6JS;B.istHct, New-YorE * *-t'' ** '-y(*^t i*&. Ts _ ••SA

r.^ir~5j'"5.--'** *"-— ' ,

tional Banks.- They are fTp.*E MDsUtMEDINrolN, at

tsst nor more &d»Jbrfif 1/eari from their date, and nntll

t h e f c M e m p U o n t ^ ^ P M C ^

4 f ' e V m ^ i f a p ^ ^ ^ i f b «f ;t»q|9r«en»-MMdifdV,;i^lW

annually and on -W:Qlfytp>$ty»e&w<«W-^¥$10;

est topayabI«onW.fltst<Jay« of March andBeptesabtrte

year. *»•••*2a£&:i-'!sis~*i .. •r i4 - . - - -« J

rmnd Elegant

fUsssssssssA^ssssssssssW " essssal ^^L^^^aiisssssssssssa4aBsslMasssa%^ssssssssssBi.' ' *JMSSSSSSSSV

mam fmftm WMI BOOMS, I

their value It tacttsj*e^;f)ipw» one! t> tlireejiet.

annual, according to the rate of tax levies In jvarious part*

of the country. , - V v "'- \ , . • • ,*t:

,- At the present rate of premium on gold ttsy p a y , ,

Over Eight pier Cent Inteisemt idcarrency; and a>|b,f,«guai "aJnveniedce as -a p'ermanent

or temporary'in veA&ent,

It is beBeved t h p no securlUesoirer so great lodueeatente

to lenders as Ihe.vartotav descriptions of fJi S.-Boads. In all

other forsM of Indk^dness, the faith or abDliy or private

purtles or slock companies or separate cominunlUes only is

pledged for.paymen^ whUefor thedebtojbf the United Btates

thewftoteprojpertjfsi'tAp-ooiBnti^lli^aiai^a secure the

paymentVfbbthTrlneTpal'andinte'restlneoui ~ -

'These bonds may b i sabscrlbed: for In suau, front IBOlup; • - -- •- .,• *st «V4 "* "»T *' '••*'«V, . ' . - , ^ * - w -

o<ny_magnUuae, ob the same terms, and are thus-made

eqaalIy'atalSb^"toHhe4ms]lesttender and l i e largest capi­

talist. They can be cbnverfe3~bHo money arany momefii,*

and the hbiderwUf have thVbeoen^ohfeih ,

, I t may be^ui^fnl to sute^ln this conneeSIopthSjt the total

Vunijed Debt of'the United SlaWon"'whI6h'ln4resVi'U pay.

H . JS£ We»t Site of tat! away s-. s ,• * :

- ^ ! *_ ,-

Hat now on Hand'the t a r g e s t arid mosV;KIeiant Assort tnent o f :'

Ever offered for sid.e ta S o r t h e r i t S e w Yorfc ' to wMch he invites t^o attention o f all purchasersi * .

4 C a l l i m d ' P i n a for T o n r i w i v . f c

*WalnntiSo-fsi%> T b iilSSJn^^aarble.^YablefT \.-, JO»Jt.jBiU*ns!b.ri do - , 'jChesinaVChamber 5ela.

Mahogany do Black Walnut Tete-a-Tel



F l I s i E -BAKMJBV: AND COFFEE ! •- * | : - -S^' - -*<} ' -SJ5- -«- - • . j * * ,'; < '

The only Genuine, Mannfactured K i^ in the tetefe«J;g!fc|»a,,^ 4

For'Sale ^w^mr6<6eirsi throughout the • i . Statu a*d($anad(U.

• • J ^H*'«r-»ioOBB, -. , - : ; " ' , ' . . , f e» , ! f f»«a» ,DanleI8 . , •

- • --# • •Albanjr.N.Yi--

, r I , E « U * C U S B , : AsentsrorJIIiUoae^

! . . > - • • •


I use tthe coffee In m y osmjhoase, and* recommend tt v e r y l l g h l y . I think f ought t o bje » Judge," having bean i n the .grocery business-fifteen years , , t '

.., fi ',' • D. fil ICDLAK, Hlnrflng, N . Y.

» T h e : s ^ ^ t l » o n g h o a t | n | aw'ftadflit& most saleable ~'snibsttt^&r,c<tfee^5wia^.*«*et»^.' ' . -

Jtwillfinda good sale In this vicinity, . , • Ol O.TBHKT, Hartford, Conn.

Theasoet popular susstitnte for the fisst India bent; -pt. '• . „ " • ' • •


J I a r b l g f p p Bnreanf, W a s h a S i " - «.. • vWsshBi Sea-"Pbi . Mahogany Chairs, Walnut- -. fO'6. r Cane Seat do Oak Dining do Of f i ce , , - 1 do: Bar-Room do Wood Seat Dining Ohatm,| Wood Seat Kitchen-do •( -Book Cases,, <j*j-2 Desks, i Bedsteads, altklnds, Bedsteads, with springs,,

Black Walnut Collins,

[ lWhat-No'ts,alls{ses,' ,3-

EtakersK. t

Havaw C r f l ^ iataiute Hsilr Mattresses,' - S»l^? UrMEBarle^Srprj, Walnut: Mouldings, Revolving Office Chairs, Reclining v -do, Oral Frames, all sixes, uooST'-: A, l iases ' Rockers ,

Children's High Chairs, Children's l o w " d o < B l t c k Walnut Caskets , Looklng.Olaas plates , Toilet Glasses , '.F:#»N S

Butternut -&. >t -i-vucf<Fj:^fO0nS,w^- I i ' iKetallc BurialCasesifwtsnU1


,. . liun.sellji

EXTBElELi Mahme, Apri l 8 1 , ISM-;




•—» jj^? ! rs& - . f , -v* - - * . , 'S

• • p r * M - B l ^ l f : - » © U T e H [ X ; l : w . '

- """i'^fr^lr i' &

k?a«MiiEafc;;*^.,i*»«U¥r!"'"-* ' ^ *

ierf- " m o M - W a ^ ' & | « | % i n 5 i J I ^ . ^ »nd , ProvisiOn^HoilselaMalone,- GiveosaCsll .

o n r ^ - U l x A w ; » * « « > . . ^ i * .' .-;,'.. :. „ , « . J r . S > i » « - ;' 8WAKI<»!«:*IMB!, - . ' i i | t . ; '."V* i7*Tc*.; -J

H 0 8 K H P A 1 . B € E « B W T , stt * J : f e Cl»»«..

ClYOACtK T B A j i , «tt7 •& • -'

Bonds, as they Bay prefer. BeglsUred Bonds are recorded

W t t e t j t t f c o ^ i f y u ^ J b ^ s w ^ ^

only on the owner's order. Coupon Bonds are payable, jto

bearer, and art mflew'nv^enVforeommerelaf use*. \[\,

Ho 3E»gleBroc4,oppoaite MUler Houie.

Has lately been replenished with a\snfflclent stock of

. * . H. "WilMxJnot onljr.bffers ,hls niusl large and well se-lecledstock of prngsi'litedlcinej, Chemicals, Essential Oils, * ^ * o r h w i > & B p ; e t e 4 hft iBtook and jatenderthetr ra-

f l i e r s flL7lnduVtry;energ>5p»rstWranceapdexp^ the, *' btuVnes? wlli enable^ifc to .« l l gop^ at so little a prod?

thafo£to^ers^lf lndlt t6theIr*dvsBts ietoglve him a caUbelbri'Biakl^thdrptnrchases elsewhere. .

'"^J^-*a*^|bAJ^'lo-iIiabr-aSvMM««! to &• him their

rfW*^#»^.#M^ at 'all AMO^'. '». |r tw»pJtt^jBW>twM:oW tomeriHain^^ytB^^^^saltottor the nndersigoed

their n * d r a w in terestfromMar^ 's^est bs^iejtilia' i e j^o^^^^I j^iia |^s |Hii«^

nolWof MattoniJBanicaVa^

or .the

Exempt fiwnKunicIpal or Stito Taxation,

J tb_ thretjiel^eiif pei-

at the dwelling house of 0.

?M. .''.•i.'ACjl if' * •''• V;V - ; ' . • ' " -' I' - ' :- ;;i • i t -sits Stock comprises SUPPORTERS, TRUSSES, 8TETHE-


, v . - • --, : 0 0 M B S , ; i i almost ^ v e r y v a r i e t y ^ E U B B E R and HORN D K s S a N & . C I R C t E f BIDRafld BACKCOMBS, IVORY and RUBBER FINE, HORN* a n d BUBBER P0CKET.-00MB3; BRUSHES—TOOM and NAIL, AMERICAN and BE8T I u '

"- " - ' - - 3 i«!e*.I»

)I,0< arid small sixes, a l s o ' 0 0 L 0 O N B made a t the1

i Purchasers. ' A good Assortment o f FANCY always, on' hand, . (very , var ie ty o f PORT MON

8 W r * « -fBOASK'alwaj*: „

A I E S . O A I F a n d MOROCCO W A U . E T 3 , K N I V E S , P I P E S ,


DYE COLORS CNaVFAMffiY-pVE CplORBOf nearly d' SS ient^packages)' kept'atthe CASH

A good Assortment or CUOICB CANDIES will be found •tmy.Store.

Ttolnlereaton^ih^debtjqir.thecomtoElU^ * * ' . . ' " ' !

» ) l o ^ , l a w , ' * l 4 v t h e : ; e ^ m e r W e n n e i L 4 o l e > ^ ^ lEt O - S E J 1 S T E O I L !



My Goods are all warranted PURB and GENUINE, and iy person dissatisfied with them win please return them

end the JiurehuernoneyVfll be refunded.

j W r a b i s i ^ Y . , febraary °,f8«8.'

able tn gold, on the 8d day of March, 18M,was |T«8,M9,000.

Taeinterest on, this debtfor the coming fiscal year will tbi.

gttS^sr.lM.wHlstheettstomsrevenne'lni:gol**jrUie cur­

rent fiscal year, ending June 80th, 18M, has been to far i t

the raieofover 1100,000,000 per annum.

It will be seen that even the presenlifeold revenues of the

Government are .largely In excess of the wants of the Treas-

Srffb'rtheVtyitient of-gbld iritereii, whlieQiiVecent in-

cresse of the Urlff( will donbUess raise the annual receipts

from customs;on the same amount, of importations, to|160,-'

Ofc Instructions tS'Uie'N'atiodal^Bsriks acifrig as^loan-agcnbt^

w e n not issued from the United State Treasury until March

3S, but la the first three weeks of April the subscriptions; laveraiedmoT«thanTIMMI£H^ a. '

Subseiiptipnt will be received by ail ,

which artdeposltarles of PubHo moneynand all


throughout the country, (acting as agents of the* National D « p o r i t » r y I ^ ) » i u f i r r ^ ^ ^ ^

;«a«en-|o4,-f - v - j yr ., ..,, ^ j - ^ - ' _ , g-j 'f

. .AfMBDsn^YfAC^OTxOiBrasOslJBIES. ,

jane 10. . „,

iv- u. i?fl»i. an. sv.-:.C"i." ggrj.. .^ fc ; • •,

t , ESTABLISHED 18M; .,..'

n. '•'A**

r«eB-t*«!elgtV»»'elT excellent satisfaction, and I have; y i t t o and a etutomer to complain. " ' ' ; ' "

.-' W, t . VANN03TRAND, Boston, Mass.

. It is having a general aaleinthls city, and Is fast coming Into genera) use.—Z>wy/>aCy Whig. --.' "

We aarUeaU housekeepers to try i t . -Mb*ny AUo* and

- , .Tie "corfte sells beyond O M expsettttoa*,~aad give* thst testofsaUsfactloit.

;. ; B a t s % « « A Y ^ * | j t Q « H ^ . o M ^

Many persona .who Save ts^tfcaarOeto prels? It to the ^esfJavaif—PUMtowgh kepiibUeai^

- Y o u r c o f f e e i s u n r r ^ y * r t h y my cw-o-oes, I Merer hevd one complain. '

D . ^ MCCARTHY, »Uad«lpoI«.

* As a substitou for coffee it is soperkr toaajtthmg M w |n <me.—Atl>aHy&ti*Hi»0 Journal, \ -, •.,;•<,.•

- I find t6gtve»say>o4nthmetlons« that for w h l * was payfcg^nrtycentte - --.---.;.-

,-••;• :u-^ajiwy»^«»^xe»ittH0i^'Kijr; • stobeaad.-7As.Miw Yorker.

M And will sell' toai^««^^»%«fc»fc*?»t6r««H##?

- ^ t - . it . n rSZttt for a » to traits with as. Corns and wee." •

- She coffee gives exe< :: JINOtT* THOMPSON, New Haven, Ceaa.

' I t asakes a deeldedjy palatable sakstitate fog rest Java

. <K~jur*\_mt^»:mg* (/****. - - ;-;., ' i aVe»y l i i# - |a^I i ia»« Of the gniste* *o»»«r f«o* «»»«•«*

' ft BKOAPBEWT, lasthsloecMsl

''-' Your Majs Coffee Is spoksw a t ' « aba fcajfctet lens*, la' this city. ' ; WAEUI<*AaW>.,fc»etJ/«,l». Y '

.' TB»lrIstte*eesrtabi»ts«ae«d«f tlwswa»>»f%rw Y e e t -Beware arj aH ether kuwv«fc«y «*».- Wfws.'- r«f»i««s»; PsraWiitsr..

•'- Alagwst simtr,- _

Pwf-Jar B u 4 a dtra«ftra l u i c .

• p t a i T C S . A ^ s > M B P l « ^ r V B e ^ ^ ^

a t W M o l e u t l t v oil

Mi,ii.?,ii/jsi.,Tt.ji.i|-. j j ^ i g j K g ^ t ^ v ^ t B a »

UaiV,«» acre* ofenole i lSd, a first r i le stock and?fraln

mjsr^«s^Sta^j^^fe '\:.7::-^>-*:si#»:f|p Afcfc#Js^»»5«.I*

f t * / * . . . S-:™' _ _ 0nij&i}'u tiie ssiat* «r

K l a ^ B e w B r i s s i * , deceased, eittjsr by -Mat. **

q » l a f f i | ^ l s ^ ^ l ^ l

fbe preoerty situated on ttie Flat in IbU TiHafw, Utetr ewn^»y i . lKw«a4t . It eonstaUrfaboM seven A e s ^ t f taad w«tb tWsa SJWJOD^ fcoaat*. Ma of wWcbare bslanded

WU8E F0I SAU, 01 TO U»T. Tae Istsfc PwsUiiigea B v e r a W , ferssaHr sesaplsd by

si>tIauOaawM«asBvis(«isea<lbrsal«,*r|* rea*-astawk-tatsat. - "i:. <" "

W T W a l t . ' T s W r i M M r w * J w f w s s M s P i U s f c - , - , , - j a f _ ' S * — ' s j M ' i l l ^B«tsti-sssr-a> saf t -wEssVsk 'ssaisr sst ^sssa swssa <a>jawtswssa»sii i a isj i n w i i w i n s i i s . n l * s p „ , „ , a,ass<Wsa«^a«sssj ai , , . . , .

We have again rietumea from Market with a large and well ' Velecte«iWltSf\tte«ani!»nd;otbe^

-onr line, ejoniisUni'Of irashtbnable "''•:'

mBWMmmms t ? A K f S A K ^ VESTS,

Frohj the* loweit'tti'the firi^'t grades, liivloding ail the

' . * • A N D n r " • "it .', -= I ?* .. - . m^"- •'.• ' , ' f


, -rAMpfiii .


HLKE|AT8. All of the very Latest Style<( a t Prices to suit.

Gent's Fiirnishing Goods! Too numerable to mentloh, but' as good a n assortment as

c<n be found In any first Class Store.

By assuring ai l our Customers o f the late firm that w e will continue to give them the same satisfaction as before,

we would say to itjiose who do not so frequently • deal with us 'that without boasting, we Keep the


- « v ' • < * • • • ':• » • - ' • » '

'. - ' - . > Y . - . . V . ~ A N D -

S tJMME -••-, W E A R ;

And are ready to show, toal l who may can, the



-mom* a t a r i DRUGdTOH!

0(5* •E.


ways on band. -FRESH QUART BOTTLES for ssle

•$>-«3>-. ,e^^JfaZorf«5td"Hc5i»}fF/

We the undersljrned, Physicians of the village ofPajhi'dam, do heeeby'ceruTy that we are well acquainted with MTTE. H. WILCOX and have been for several yeara past, during which tlme:be has been employed In JDrng Acres Jtn this village; .we;belIe#elilM tplbe cdmpetenti to.corhppun'd prescriptions "s^Mp^as' |jea>ral D n a brja^estJanatTecoatoend Wm> to-yonrfavorable'coDsIderatlbn^and pAtrdBagMJ I ^ .

.Ginsoa*.Cot»,S«VI>. - J. USTHOLDS,M. D. :j.H.M0C»sei«T,M.,D. C.O.J3j,Ti3,sJ.D.

•. . , , , -, NTDi1 J^Waaca, MjD? "• • " •••' "EpTBDAHi». Y.j February! W t b , 1

S t l ^ f 1 S ^ S j ^ * l t * 5 , « ^ , « certlflcatwof»»hyslv»^, th» said K H.WUeox having been in my'employ about four yearsyand chssTfaUyrsoommend him as ope worthy of your CoPOdenoe and support. ' ••

' , , , , , , , ?Q. H. PECK, Druggist , Po t*dam T N. Y ; i

. E . H . W I L C O X ? " W ' ^ 4*1 ?""'. f* ' i \ •'-•' '••* C "1" '" ' '

a*-*, f '^Wi»^««i'B»^waosxi*,-i««a0W. MaIoneJane2 ,18M. ' '• - .

/ i * " w - j l ^ y i isf i ^ S 1 «-* *»>si . -#mjt;- **£

or in .7

day of May,

X-'-' «ir>«, -vtJH*II'"M0.fy'Jr9-Q-1 'f •« S j i * ' 5 t t ^ 2 ) i« «l «M^I/ i„ '*Jj • •

iskmatnr s'em* of the;Nov*lUes o f the day,comprising b

o r i n r Store fa iNortliera irewJYoEk; Special facilities enable us to

SELL SUPERIOR ARTICLES far| Below the lUsual Figures. .

I,w -f

iGfve u> a C»II, apt) S e e rornYouraelf.

t t w i l l artao b e ft>V t r i e l a t e r e a t o f t b o a e w r b o U v e I D , «14s{taisu X o ^ v n a t o « J C -

t u n i a e o n r c w o d u t a n d P r l c c a .


nmoitByApxa it, 1864. i J B

I S THIS OB "4HY OTHEE" TOWH. * •. » ,< • -» - . •


t at - P A I J l I B B S ' .


TO CLOSE OUT THE STOCK, at P A I i K B a t ' S .


.at P A L S I E B c V .




at P A I . J K E B S > .

M ^ T O B C E I D S U I T S ,

iiiWH^teaYw^teMa Ertract.

A PURE TONfO; u>. T h a t w iUHel i f lVe t h e Affllctwd^and '

l> Re O.vMl J A-.0K S O K, PBit^ttrau,P^,will:EffectuallyandMpstCertalnly

Cure AllDiseaseo ABI8IBOIJOJI A j . - . -v'.» . fc

O I S O B I I B B I C O .-'* 1 •> ^ 7 *. " \ , r

UTBatV" • - ' - - i x' -'"

' 'f . fJE a a t l D R K s r S .


; < • WUlOareiveryOaBeof

Cbronio or Hervons DebUity. Df«-*i' of the Kidneyi, and Diseases

from a l^t'deredjtom'ich.

O B S E R V E T H E F O M i O W H T G S Y M P T O M S

' Retailing from Disorder* ofalie Digestive Qrgsns:

S»ward ' . m&. Fqll-' ' " .

ness or Blood to the. 4 Head, Acidity„;ot<j;flie ,i

Btomaoi, Nausea, Heari . bumiTlIsgnst for Pood,.l?ullness

or Weight In the 8tomach,Soiir Erus-tatlons. Sinking or FIntterlng'at the Pit of

the Stomach, Swtamm*ofj*eMead,Hnrried and DifBcuIt Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart.

Choking or Suffocating Sensations when In a lying pos tare. Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs befor the Sight, Fever

and Drill Pain in the Head, Beflcle"no> olf ferapiraMoD,, Yellowness of the Skin1 and Eyes, Pain to the

Side, Back,'- Chest, i Limbs, Ac SSSden • Flushes of Heat, Burning IntheFlesH

Constant Imaginations of Erik * And great Depree- I .

slon of Spirit* j Conttipt-

•: tlon.

A LAB6Ei8T00K>

• t P A I . B I E R S > .


Fiillf3d Cloths & Satinets, FOR SAL1UT Bl SOIfA:?LE PRICES.



No. 1, Union Block,' oh lne Corher. M r , tt, ha# Just rettrrnefl frojn,New York with a splendid

U ^ . - . ^ i - H - , ? ^ ^ ' • f e w — n J - r >


P A B T I O U a V A K N O T I O B .

Jtoere arenutnvJ>rep(^Mot»tmMnder. hie name of BU$er», put up m quart Sottlei, compounded of the cheapest wnitkey or common rum, cmtinfffrom 26 to 40 eenttpfrgallon,tAetastedieautoedbyAnieeyt! Corian-

This class of Bitters has caused and will continue t o c a u s e , as long a s they can be sold, hundreds to die the death of a drunkard.. B y their nte^the t y t t e m Is kept ' con l inMl ly under the influence of Alcoholic Stimulant* of, the;worst kind, the desire for Liquor Is created and -kept up , arid' t h e result Is a l l tbe^horrors attendant upon a drunkard's l ife gad-death. \ * i'"* .;• ^

_ nI MtSe .f**;3??*? m'«?»*•**« ^im Bitten, we publish the following recelpt^ Get. O U R B o t t l e H o o f l a m d ' a G e t r a a a l U t t e n a n d r n i x w i k t g o s u - t s ot CM><>d HAuHf o r Wfjlal<.ey, and the result will be a preparation that wUl' flir e x c e l in ifieflici nal virtues arid true excellenceany or the urimerout JUauor £l .^i - t o .S , *K r o , u £f t * « n d / r t a c o r t m u e u le«a,TVon will have all the virtues of l a o o f l a i i d ' a B l t t e r a tn eonnecflon with a e o o d article ol LlqubrTata mncnlesa price than these inferior preparations willcost you.



At P A L I S E B S ' .


The Battle Fought; and victory ",, v; •;... S. oil ojilCiSSs|oi^^- . .'



m n

XTC-XXaXi l ) a tn£ .Xa 033:iDu9L3

.nts •&•.-&'u,v 'Ji..r& te -it"-, f ' •:

ay ?'4r-'i'-'.^?'>:.:'-i<*'P7qit,-t-.'~<--'----^.!>':J'; ''jr.-.:-*, ci-: )-t. >z

rr=".- i\-!xi.-,'' V-- f .-'-'V .,-iu >%'i' •..—-.'•''>."- * * -



. •/•-*r-*.r--v-,-"»'- - '^Ar ATTHpLAtt

«oo 0^4p4J*|>a5; wats (tts|pAjrwtjsVs|H^

T-" ' : ' .v ' ' ' ' - - 'V ' ' - ' V - ' w S W f a f l f e l f . ^ * ' * " ; . ' . . ' ' ' * ' '

COMFORTABLE FAUM HOITSEs On the sswtsUe of the road, with tw» bant* '

loottsd- ansl tlsa

m~ btrgv' TPwf oiiify -'awcesjttff 'sstouMis

>s«s, tsgathsr wjtli , , T o » -

ww^st w B w * JstT ^ww? P s F ^ W a f s i sl^rW •a^1»tJ•Sas^|'^Bl,

* -«BB IWMaMw9lNwlHLHI

Attthe aayve property w ig be said on reassaakla tarast-

Bf iitE ^ f f l t f r w t ^

Sifcw? a»«, y ^ t * " ? ^ ^«fc*Sfc. «PA«JWteu r

m -.,t --

• V . ^ I ' j P ^ ^ * ' 3 ^ ^ » i » i t o * » « - i ' •


fcmir;tt»WA:.N;,-.-•s.^»ANCHifeth»'Pc«tOmee,*sl*ne, where'ba . . ^ j p - r - . - e t . - . ' ^ - ' - - ' n ^ a a s i

r ^ r , - / * ? W e ^ a ^ " t e ^ ^ l f « » * " w l ' n he'lreUt



of all Mr.

jMwlti-^tBltl; ^ r l v ^

^ ^ to r a s i s i h e attempt to Introdnoe the

y* «^Kf)iwtwtr 'irtiyr a^Mt«»i.v:' -.' » t o ttt i f f ieai t i iral Pesjartstent irf. his Fonndryboslness,

tsr tut mmn muun, at WHOLESALE PEICES. Vr*tm,U6ULQW'*rAHE, * c


irfasatt^eotlwestsseos sf't^aalda <toaatyte

' C.^.WHTlTtlJKY


- K * V • *-5»»J>sj«Utl


A FiTbvlagiaw! -"• MrattvUt.

^¥M n-S! , # •

t i '^o-*- - '-'j"tf'«0 *-.



W. 6 . DICKINSON & BRO. , ^ . i " ^ *** " ^ , ^ * '~'**' nburice to; the Pubfio (arid, to the EAD"IS«: partl^arly) - - th»t^eyhav*no»irafere>Wbrtfie"nriesr"

STOCK OF GOODSi Which it h a t been their pleasure before to exhibit, and not-

wlthsUndrng the genbralhlgh'prloes o f Goods, they i h a v e made war. Bpon?'Credl t8ystem." and doing.

bosiness strictly upon JhevPav. X>ote»jS>of«n/ar^ enabled ' 3to g ive t'leir patrons the benefit o f «aH "bad debts," .

• - - - a n d thereby save to*-«he purchaier a good large percentage, which ta these ;• Waa Tores," Is worth saving.

HOOFLJINOS CERMilN BITTERS will give yon a " JJ- ,"

GOOD A^^iriator will give yout '"7..-

STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, .' »wUI g ive y o u

BRISK AMD ENSROBXld FEEU&QB wDlensbleyou-to « •

and tvUlpoaltiwelr prerent':

YELLOW & BjLIOllS FEVER, ACi 'Those sulrering.from

Broken Down and Delicate Constitutions i

from w h a t e v e r camte, e i ther In - mxmxi

will find in - ' '

HOOPLANirSGERMAfBilFIitS ThatwiU restore ttem to'(heir uihiliealtir-SaSi-hSJtbeen the case In thousands of Instances, and a fair trial Is bnt ~ reqnlred-to pftntftte ajperfloji^ .^.y _£zg-



-- a ^TfficlT THESE Blf

W e lutv'e received a large s u p p l y o f '

7f&&M'!t'«\ S~a,X3L3x.&& NotioxLial


Lidles' an- Misses' Balmoral Boots I

"••- •;'.)-'"'."•-"•f.'iT'''- *-'• /!',f";\-'-v-.^?''''tv*- --«i'-"•.

..^-;*'-'-J . i^Vl i^»«rehSAtdh>^e^att | i ev»^-r^ «'

. « a e » E « J « | M | r * , i | | ^ » ^ v i * $ * f e

;"•'/;;v-: vtt'-;.'' 'I*"»#^ t«^;-;;<v;r^|i^^-; % • '. " s- -•_•; •;.• • - . , , / . - . ';•'.. .:•; ,-'.- . ' •> , o ; ' -, ; v

Vory Small AtiYanee f roin Cost, • - " : ' - , ' - . - - . ~ < * . -*-:. : - " • . : . ' - ^ ' • ' . 1 . ^

• i ' - . : - * . * - . - i • ' * ; • ' - , . , - i - ' . , ' • - . . - T - '.-,-* - , • ' : • ' • ' .

And will make It an object "for those having money t o to, , „ , - : ,,.,. ' ' „ ,Te»t,-.,to-jf|v«;:b4^-».j6aJl,;v;...:_.5i^c,-.,,;;

J^^^^fr* $^^*&* * k ^ ^ ^ ^"''"^'ff- '•"sspssr V

KiirpTicrtratJt i injnrTDrroaor ' ''


' Malting thUderuu^ment o f onr^trade a spe'claBty, w e flat-, ter ourstlvee "we exce l" i n It. f o r i f a good seJeetlon, large stock and saperior styles are desirable for a l a d y t o select from, oar assortment should b e t e e n before your purchases

* f * * * 3 V ' , r - . , r - . ; " - i - ' • . ' :' •*\$'.*&'•'•••-•' "'.>>••

" * b e a V t i A j ^ y ^ , a n d ' r e a A b ^ e t a ^ '

Brwh^ Black Silk, n iWt , Simgle Wool, Prenlere and Grenatiiere.

': '!''':'Z;l^'' *S .',' , - ' . - - ! * * I | * * ^ ' ' " " " ' ; ^ * ' - - : : * ' '''' -i •

W H I T E A v f i i A c i i C R A P E !


The mowt Sjtaple ppd DaraWe o f ~" tany Rifle InYeuted t '

r H I ^ A » B D w Y I T A t O I 7 T B O n , a T A s t ' r i a c r , * r PtttaM f o r U s e ssWU. N o LOBS OF CAKlilDGE CA8EU. TM Case, w b t e d b ^ ^ , c w a « leaded and nstd wry number of timet, iMtjfc*

CHEAPB8T aiFLE TfOR IPOITSMBT! U l « C ^ « t » r 8 . « O s s a ^ « B s > « l l > a ; « 4 . S S .

t»tMwder,m«teitee,<B>Tvett, » * . . . . . . . . . . . 10 I bezas Cats, • * twj. # a * * . . , - . . , , . , . , . . . , ; , . , . v , . ; _ $HBst Latst, SjVItUt; ttt. V Et,*.^..^-yt»-t>',«»y-\«^ '_ .

'".< ""wtii «rt .«t AMP M.TQU MAJW Y« OR0EH.

a«pwirtof I s aUofiti BMMlml toeroaMintrrajurr.MAVOU.rt.t, .'"•;" i i U


.won tA A ^MBf^Kftj^a^BtbJ[ s ^ ^ l fAftak-*" wsr PE EfaswMjstBWSsW ^^rm B 'EJMi

•S 1..4-.1 V . w . ' i . i ' . J i ' . i i f ' . M - ;" - - - -

?. fiprinv,€loiAaU Mud Du»ter» t . '- .t i* ' i ; V . w ; <--•• - ^:J.; } \ 1&/Jh$; ff'», ' *'' .•'* ' •* '-A n d « # a l » p « p * w d to iaae-OIo«fcrto order np#n ihort

, sotio«iii(l3ierawt2pato Webtreatao

Clwtlisui all Colors, » 4 Repel.*.* for '•^S'-TSSSv,' • f / , / * - - , • '

N O T A L C O H O L I C , A n d N O X i n t e r


* ^ s «?#«»'!

f*^ t« Young *r Agei :e'';«ir'r^«J»*ir|.


Are speedily removed, andAhe paMenJ r,estored,to healib. '"-'•.''-.•>' ;-*•;'"':•'-• \ i ^ ^ » * v - W * l * i 4 M &

I N VABUHY A N D A T ALL PRICES. » i : . • ' '•• .-. -••-• £ > V . . , ! ' -'. i '- •' • ,

Of al l*lnd«,inol»dlng

: sMrchlatk. ZJnsjtii . '

i l l 0 : # . J 3B;3ft; TJTvv # e .

..-:!,•-^'.-^WabAva-a-lar^aatwistaatof '" ",•'']

' - _ 9rWe% » * • § • S i l 9 P f r ] r «

U * M » U t ( * 0 - Y « ^ E«4»eUMilv.T«w,

j a M Tftwffjw, w s l t S ftetis'

* ^^Hp >- ^w»^wWl WW^TP * ^p*w>


'*',li5 U-ssve,

sUAaOMftM. AsawYt*-. ; .^.^7f X ^ i >ea , .U4w»t -*r • : •• • W . V . t M s s W W s l & l M V r w s l J

iiittsaaisliiiiiiawa MB t i M M P f ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ a ^ a Z ^a^Aasja^sBBBBBisBBi-^BSBBssai ^BBsssst _§^ki ^ ^a^asiBBT

ySt^BaJ^^wPKa^^aKaCi'SE?,. f H aWiv«ffw«ssweY ^wV af»**>W ^ssttHKT^rW •BB*AVW' ! . J * J „ ' ^ ; ' :

*i<j-T—if Srs<jA j

Those sufferlog from m a r a a m n a , wasting away, with »pw»e'r^^eab"'i»Bwie' bMev«»iCnjred*» ajrarx »bort • t ln«.j .ona*»ttrftJn«ieS.^atet^%JaM^ ingeffect. - ••'-•'•' " ' . ; ;-"'--

Xt 3ST*F*9, •••<?^ J-i^f^4' -jM • u above, and wishing to ratr a . _ . "with thesa

Having suffering child: „ J5«WfYiU:aarer;i^ettfie itlayJIiey cammencea


. '3' 'v-'-'^.'i -T "fey?.; ••»:,v?i =•?• y^rf00:, Ana-tneja«ejnn»£-nsm.iwl|a-^el^ AheinuraiwaVa


":-"^ AND tHtt MIKND. O r . O L D l » » .

^a^ 'W' tSS^Siaat1 g-r*|a«»at ei-frlends In ruwB^Osjtauti Birraas »

exposures ed

| _ « i by Hoofland'S Gerssao Mtters. n ... Are awferins:

j | t « # r r t w ^ i m r e a

MMMasTtwin wrfi Tiiiiir wwil iiaiian nin *nf. -

d t J r C T S S S ^ i ^ " » ^ « i M « - U i w from : « e w * ^ ^• •»»^»Mtw-» l t^awJ»l - t«KB:by their;,

s U W A J a £ O F C ^ f r f m U t r e i V « , -ii

Bw« t ^ t th« ai igatv. of "O. BC JAOatSON" lAo.tb»Vrtw«ofw«cl.BofU».


!' - i

'i v


^ : . i^-*^Ha4*R»a*-'>.»^

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