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presentasi jurnal

Date post: 01-Mar-2016
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 Department of Ophthalmolo gy Moch Hoesin Hospital Palembang 2015 Case report Wednestday June 14 2015 Neuro-ophtha lmic Presentations and Treatment of Cryptococcal Meninitis-related !ncreased !ntracranial Pressure  "ndrian #uner$ Consultant dr% &'% (e)i "*ri Wahyuni+ #pM,.

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Department of Ophthalmology

Moch Hoesin Hospital

Palembang 2015

Case report

Wednestday June 14 2015

Neuro-ophthalmic Presentations and

Treatment of Cryptococcal Meninitis-related

!ncreased !ntracranial Pressure

 "ndrian #uner$

Consultantdr% &'% (e)i "*ri Wahyuni+ #pM,.

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CM is the most common manifestationof extra pulmonary cryptococcosis.

Intracranial hypertension occurs in upto 75% of patients ith CM an! isassociate! ith increase! mortality.

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CM can present to the ophthalmolo"istas #ision loss$ papille!ema$ a!ucens

palsy$ an!&or other cranialneuropathies.

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 To illustrate three !i*erentophthalmic presentations ofcryptococcal menin"itis +CM,

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C-() R)'ORT +C-() ,

- /01year1ol! male as referre! to theneuro1 ophthalmolo"y clinic fore#aluation of ilateral optic atrophy. 2eha! een ell until 3 months prior henhe experience! #ision loss$ hea!ache$nausea$ an! fe#er. 2e presente! to hisprimary me!ical !octor an! his local

hospital emer"ency !epartment se#eraltimes an! as !ia"nose! ith an!treate! presumpti#ely for sinusitis.

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on hospitali4ationforma"neticresonanceima"in"+MRI, an!lumarpuncture+',.Contrast1enhance!MRIofthe rainasunremar6ale.'shoe!anele#ate!openin"pressure+O',of3/cm2O. Cererospinal 8ui! +C(9, ha!

:hiteloo!cells+;<C,&m +75%lymphocytes$ 5%monocytes$=%neutrophils,.CryptococcalC(9 anti"enaspositi#eatmorethan>:$an!culture"re C.neoformans. Cytolo"yan! 8o cytometryerene"ati#e formali"nancy.2I?1testin"aspositi#eithaCD/ count

of0cells&m an!a#iralloa!of3@$===copies&m. Thepatientasstarte!onamphotericin<an! 8ucytosine forCM.Repeat'sereperforme!torelie#eIC'an!monitoranti"entiters.

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On examination$ acuity as =&5OD an!=&== O(. -utomate! #isual Ael!s shoe!a ri"ht !ense superior arcuate an! inferior

altitu!inal Ael! !efect an! a left centralscotoma. Ishihara plates ere &/ on theri"ht an! =&/ on the left. There as a leftrelati#e a*erent pupillary !efect +R-'D,.

Ophthalmoscopy shoe! !i*use opticatrophy ilaterally. -ntifun"al treatmentas continue!.

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C-() R)'ORT

Case - /31year1ol!femalepresente!ith3ee6sofhea!1ache$ hori4ontal!iplopia$an!ilateral#isionloss.Me!icalhistory assi"niAcant forrenaltransplantationforcon1"enital 6i!ney!iseasein==5an!repeattransplantationfor

focal"lomerulosclerosisreBuirin"immunosuppressionfor @years.'ost1transplant6i!neyfunctionasstale.(heha! chronic$utstalesecon!aryreno#ascularhyper1tension$

hyperlipi!emia$anemiaofchronic!isease$an!prior !eep#enous thromosis e#ents in ==5 treate! itharfarin until her most recent transplant 0 monthsa"o.

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C-() R)'ORT

'hysical )xamination eneral (tatus > Normal

Ophthalmolo"y (tatus>


VA N/P 100

IOP PN30 5 mm&

Eye ballPosititon


Eye BallMovement

ood to "ll a*e ood to "ll a*e

Palpebra Normal Normal

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C-() R)'ORTConjunctiva Normal Normal

Cornea Cicatri all o)er corneasurface


Anterior Chamber  Moderate Moderate

Iris Posterior synechia ,3. Normal

Pupil 6)al+ /7 ,-. N 7ound+ Central+/7,3. +8 5 mm

Lens Can9t :e assessed Clear

Fundus e!le" Neati)e Positi)e

Papil Can9t :e assessed 7ound+ :lurred marin+ Normal 7edColour+ C(; Can9t :e assessed "<;2

Macula =o)eal refle,-.

etina 4 >uadrants detachment ,3.+ iant

retinal tear ,3. temporal reion%

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C-() R)'ORTRE'#&L DR&('#%


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)9T )E) U(

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RI2T )E) U(

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C-() R)'ORT

#ia$nosis % 

7hematoenous 7etinal (etachment /? 3 Cornea

/eu@oma 7? 3 7etinal (etachment /?

Mana$ement% !nformed Consent


/a:oratorium ?amination 3 Chest A-7ay

Pro consult "nesthesioloy (epartment Pro #cleral Buc@le 3 Pars Plana <itrectomy 3 ?ndolaser 3

#ilicone 6il /? ith eneral "nesthesia

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Pro$nosis %

Duo ad <itam ; Bonam

Duo ad =unctionam ; (u:ia ad :onam

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C-() R)'ORT

&ur$ical eport% '()*+*(,)-.1% Patient in supine position ith "

2%  "septic E antiseptic performed+ surical field as narroed

% F00  con'uncti)al peritomy E etraocular muscle isolated

4% #ilicone :and inserted under rectus muscle+ #lee)e installed at

nasal inferior E :and sutured to sclera at 4 ith mersilene 5%0

5% #clerotomy site mar@ed at mm from lim:al and at G o9cloc@ filled

infusion cannula+ 10 o9cloc@-)itrector E 2 o9cloc@-endoilluminator 

F% (etached retina and tear as identified+ proceed to performin

)itrectomy until optimal clearance

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C-() R)'ORT

H% &ea)y fluid in'ected to sta:ili*e retina and to do the endodrainaeG% fluid-air echane performed+ endolaser applied around tear and

F00 peripheral retina

I% #ilicone 6il in'ected to )itreal ca)ity

10% !nfusion cannula+endoilluminator E )itrector ere remo)ed fromca)ity E sclera sutured ith G%0 )ycril

11% (eamethason-entamycin in'ected su:con'uncti)al and eye

as closed ith sterile patch

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Post operti)e therapy CeAxime x == m" 'aracetamol 3 x 5= m" Metil pre!nisolon 3x / m"  Toramycine F !exametason )D 0 x

"tt OD

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C-() R)'ORT +=6//6W P.

Right Eye 1st *ay post op +th *ay post op

?- 4F0 P&,-. FF0 ph ,-.

IO' 1+1 mm& 15+F mm&

9R +F, +F,

'apil 7ound+ =irm marin+ Normal 7ed Colour+C(;0+ "<;2

7ound+ =irm marin+ Normal 7edColour+ C(;0+ "<;2

Macula =o)eal refle ,3. =o)eal refle,3.

Retina Tiroid appearance+ /attice deeneration,3. + scar laser ,3.+ su:retinal hemorrhaic,3.

Tiroid appearance+ /atticedeeneration ,3.+ scar laser ,3.+su:retinal hemorrhaic ,3.

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C-() R)'ORT

1st *ay post op ,th *ay post op


'ost Buckle (6lera F parsplana #itrectomyF )n!olaser F(ilicon oil /?F corneal leucomaR) F Retinal !etachment R)

'ost Buckle (6lera F parsplana #itrectomyF )n!olaserF (ilicon oil /?F cornealleucoma R) F Retinal

!etachment R)

 Therapy KCeAxime x == m"K'aracetamol 3 x 5= m"KMetil pre!nisolon 3x / m"K Toramycine F !exametason)D 0 x "tt OD

K Toramycine F !exametason)D 0 x "tt OD

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

It exten!s almost as far anteriorlyas the ciliary o!y

)n!in" point

 The ora serrata  The outer surface of the sensory

retina is appose! to the retinal

pi"ment epithelium an! thusrelate! to <ruchGs memrane$ thechoroi!$ an! the sclera.



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 Thic6ness  =. mm at the ora

serrata an! =.50 mm at theposterior pole  The macula lutea is !eAne!

anatomically as the 3 mm !iameterarea containin" the yello lutealpi"ment xanthophyll


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The retinal a)ascular *one of

fluorescein anioraphy% L 1%5 mm

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- !epression that creates a

particular re8ection hen #iee!ophthalmoscopically.

In the center of the macula  /mm lateral to the optic !is6

H =.5 mm


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K In the mi!!le of K  The thinnest part of area of the

retina  =.5 mmK Only cone photoreceptors.K 'ro#i!in" optimal #isual acuity.


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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

Retinal !etachment> separation of thesensory retina from the pi"ment epithelium

hich occur at potential space.

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

Normally$ sensoryneural attach to R') maintaine!y alance hy!rostatic. R') preser#e the potentialspace free from 8ui! y osmotic "ra!ient an!acti#e1pump mechanism.

3 maJor factor of RD> full1thic6ness retinal !efect +rea6,  Traction of retina

(uretinal 8ui!

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

'otential space in RD Alle! ithsuretinal 8ui!. 9lui! came from

syneretic #itreous throu"h retinal rea6an! separate the sensory retina fromR')

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

7is@ factor; Myopic eye


/attice deeneration

&istory of surery =amily history

“Lattice degeneration is a predisposing factor of RRD. 8 % of

 population have lattice and 40% case of RD associated withlattice” 

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(EM'TOM( Metamorphopsia 'hotopsia

(ha!o or curtain o#er a portion of#isual Ael!

<lur in #ision

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);Management of RRD.  An! an! close the rea6 Reattachment retina

Post operati)e o/tcome *epen* on. Macular in#ol#ement !uration of separation until sur"ical mana"ementapply

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

$/rgical echni/e1 $cleral /c3ling



(90 C39:

  5  h  o  r i  o  r  e  t i  n  a l  a  *  h  e  s i  o  n

Cryo aser

  $  c l  e  r  a l i  n  *  e  n  t  a  t i  o  n(ilicone



Performed ; sinle :rea@ E peripheral

  ood )isuali*ation

only in 1 >uadrant I0 ood result


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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

#C/?7"/ BC/!N C6MP/!C"T!6N

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

2 -itrectomyRationally$ #itrectomy is a proce!ure too#ercome traction an! a#oi!

complication of scleral uc6lin".

VI/EC/OM0clean up hyaloid corte" o! vitreous avoid vitreoretinal traction  

# associated vitreous mobility 'li1ue!action 2 PV#.


ela"ation vitreal


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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);


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(ia:etic 7etinopathy


Macular in)ol)ement


Malinancy case


iant tears

<itreous hemorrhae

Multiple :rea@

?>uatorial tear 

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

<itrectomy Complication

Intra operati#e

Iatro"enic rea6

Iatro"enic to lens

'ost operati#eIncrease IO'


Cataract form

2yphema +hea#y

8ui! to -C,



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iant retinal tears  circumferentialretinal rea6s of @= !e"rees or more

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 The "eneral principles of mana"ement> Unfol! the posterior 8ap of the tear 9latten it a"ainst the eye all (eal the tear ith a A rm a!hesion.

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-namnesis (u!!en lur #ision

No re!!ish eye 'hotopsia 9loaters

Curtain1li6e #ision

#eein flash liht

,photopsia. and =lyin

matter, floaters. are 50

of 77( early symptoms%

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9un!us )xamination>K Retinal !etachment +un!ulation

ulae,K 9o#eal in#ol#ementK  iant retinal tearK attice !e"eneration

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2istory of earin" spectacles +F, 1@D  hi"hmiopia  lattice !e"eneration

Lattice *egeneration.

-normal con!ition of retina cause! y thinnin"of inner limittin" memrane ith athropic process

of neurosensory$ hich is lea! retinal rea6formation  mi"ration of #itreous 8ui! suretinal the sensory retinaKR') separation

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Mana"ement for this patient is (clerauc6le F 'ars 'lana ?itrectomy F)n!olaser F InJection (ilicone OilIntra#itreal

 iant retinal tear



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Reason .

Retinal !etachment  shallo oo! i!entiAcation of retinal tear

 Post operati)e o/tcome.

Complication not foun!

Retinal 8at +F, ?isual acuity  impro#ement at follo up

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'ro"nosis > Luo a! #itam > onam

Luo a! fun"sional > !uia a! onam 

9ollo Up > etter #isual acBuity$

attache! retina$ no complication

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Its ha#e een reporte! a case of Rhe"mato"enretinal !etachment ith "iant retinal tear mana"e!y (clera uc6le F 'ars 'lana ?itrectomy F)n!olaser F InJection silicone oil intra#itreal.

RRD cause! y lattice !e"eneration   history ofhi"h miopia.

'ro"nosis !uia a! onam for this patient  etter#isual acBuity$ attache! retina$ no complication


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H&#6 !O"

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'ro"nosis > !uia a! onam

(etelah tin!a6an operasi !i!apat6anretina yan" attach dan perai6an taJam

pen"lihatan pa!a follow up$ serta ti!a6!i!apat6an 6ompli6asi tin!a6an e!ah.

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-()R TI((U) )99)CT

'hotocoa"ulation e*ects.  Thermal e*ects$ those most commonly

encountere! ith retinal photocoa"ulation #isile or infrare! li"ht is asore! y tissue

pi"ment asorption of laser ener"y results in a= to = C temperature rise 111 protein!enaturation is seen clinically as tissue hitenin"

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-()R TI((U) )99)CT

 Thermal e*ects.

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(EM'TOM( 8oaters 1 its of !eris in Ael! of

#ision that loo6 li6e spots$ hairs orstrin"s

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

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IT)R-TUR) R)?I);

Vitrectomy 4 &cleral Buc5le

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De"enerasi lattice merupa6an6elainan !ari permu6aan#itreoretinal$ !apat !itemu6an 01=% !ari populasi umum !anilateral pa!a &3 sampai

 Jumlah6asus!e"enerasi lattice.De"enerasi lattice serin" munculpa!a pasien !en"an miopia$ tapiti!a6 hanya teratas pa!a pasien


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Retinal breaks

a - Large U-tear with‘ subclinical RD ’

- treatb - Large symptomatic U-tear

- treat

c - Operculated tear bridgedby blood vessel

- treatd - Asymptomatic operculated

tear- do not treat

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Retinal breaks not reuiring treatment

e - Asymptomatic dialysissurrounded by pigment

! - "reaks in both layers o!   retinoschisis

g - #mall asymptomatic holesnear ora serrata

h - #mall inner layer holes inretinoschisis

$ypical lattice degeneration

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$ypical lattice degeneration•   %resent in about &' o! general population•   %resent in about ()' o! eyes with RD

•   #pindle-shaped islands o! retinal thinning•   *etwork o! white lines within islands•   +ariable associated R%, changes•   #mall round holes within lesions are common

•   Overlying vitreous liue!action•   ,aggerated attachments

around margin o! lesion

Retina +itreous

. li ti ! l tti d ti

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.omplications o! lattice degeneration

/ndications !or prophylais

•   *o complications - in most cases•   RD associated with atropic holes0 particularly in young myopes•   RD associated with tractional tears in eyes with acute %+D

•   RD in !ellow eye•   ,tensive lattice in high myopia

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C-((I9IC-TION O9 '?R

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C-((I9IC-TION O9 '?R

 The term Pproliferati#e #itreoretinopathyP as coine! in@:3 y the Retina (ociety Terminolo"y Committee.

 In @:@$ the classiAcation as amen!e! y the (ilicone(tu!y roup efore ein" most recently mo!iAe! in @@ toits current classiAcation.

Currently$ '?R is !i#i!e! into "ra!es -$ <$ an! C.  ra!e - is limite! to the presence of #itreous cells or ha4e. ra!e < is !eAne! y the presence of rolle! or irre"ular

e!"es of a tear or inner retinal surface rin6lin"$ !enotin"suclinical contraction.

ra!e C is reco"ni4e! y the presence of preretinal orsuretinal memranes. ra!e C is further !elineate! asein" anterior to the eBuator +"ra!e Ca, or posterior to theeBuator +"ra!e Cp, an! y the numer of cloc6 hoursin#ol#e! + to ,.

i! i i i

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%roli!erative vitreoretinopathy

•   +itreous ha1e and

  tobacco dust

2rade A 3minimal4

•   Rigid retinal !olds

•   +itreous condensationsand strands

2rade . 3severe4

•   Retinal wrinkling and

  sti!!ness•   Rolled edges o! tears

2rade " 3moderate4

%R/*./%L,# O5 R,$/*AL D,$A.67,*$ #UR2,R8

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%R/*./%L,# O5 R,$/*AL D,$A.67,*$ #UR2,R8

9: #cleral buckling

;: %neumatic retinopey

•   .on!iguration o! buckles•   %reliminary steps•   Locali1ation o! breaks•   /nsertion o! local eplant•   ,ncircling procedure•   Drainage o! subretinal !luid

  <: +itrectomy

•   2iant tears•   %roli!erative vitreoretinopathy 3%+R4•   Diabetic tractional RD

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+itrectomy !or Retinal Detachment

Release o! circum!erentialtraction

Release o! antero-posterior traction ,ndophotocoagulation

+itrectomy !or %+R

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+itrectomy !or %+R 

•   Dissection o! star !olds and peeling o! membranes•   /n=ection o! epanding gas or silicone oil

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'ntraoc/lar gases

(ulfur hexa8uori!e +(90,per8uoropropane +C39:, are the "ases

most freBuently use!.(uccess also has een reporte! ithsterile room air.

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%reliminary steps

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%reliminary steps

%eritomy /nsertion o! suint hook underrectus muscle

/nsertion o! bridle suture /nspection o! sclera !or thinningor anomalous vorte veins

,ncircling procedure

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,ncircling procedure

#trap !ed under !our recti ,nds secured with >at1ke sleeve

#trap slid posteriorly and securedin each uadrant

#trap tightened to produce reuiredamount o! internal indentation

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