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Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to...

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Qatar Academy Primary Tel: 445 46113 Email: [email protected] www.qasidra.com.qa Upcoming Events Vision: Leading Learning Mission: Qatar Academy Sidra is a suppor8ve community that engages and empowers all in the pursuit of learning, through a student centered, inquiry approach 8 th December 2016 https://sites.google.com/a/qasidra.org/qasidra-ps-portal/home Best, Mr. Harish Kanabar, Primary School Principal Thurs 8th Dec Movie Night in the Primary Quad 5pm start! Thurs 15 th Dec QAS Primary Qatar Na:onal Day Celebra:ons 12pm-2pm Sun 18 th Dec Qatar Na:onal Day (No School) Thurs 22 nd Dec Report Cards sent home Sun 25 th -29 th Dec Winter Break Sun 1 st Jan School Resumes Mon 9 th Jan Parents/Teachers Coffee evening & PTA General Mee:ng 5pm Venue TBA To contact the Primary School use: Tel: 445 46113 Dear Parents, You will see by reading this newsletter and keeping a track of your child’s class blog that GREAT things continue to happen at our school. Students are fully engaged and our parent community supports the implementation of the Primary Years Programme and the wonderful learning opportunities that it brings to our learners. We actively encourage students to show curiosity and creativity whilst at the same time developing integrity, commitment and appreciation. At times, the richness or structure of the programme may be different to what our parents are used to, from their schooling backgrounds, which may cause confusion or worry. Sometimes parents may not see the growth that they are looking for because they are looking for traditional growth in content areas. One of the main differences in the PYP is that instead of just acquiring the skills, now we are expecting our students to acquire and utilize the skills as they inquire into the world around them. So I want to reassure you, as parents, that the PYP framework develops skills beyond that of traditional content knowledge as well as deeper understandings of the world. Our understanding of how students learn best and what is often described as best practice can be summed up in a quote that I would like you to ponder: "Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.” - Chinmayanda
Page 1: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Qatar Academy Primary

Tel: 445 46113

Email: [email protected] www.qasidra.com.qa

Upcoming Events



8th December 2016



Mr. Harish Kanabar,

Primary School Principal

















To contact the Primary School use:

Tel: 445 46113

Dear Parents,

You will see by reading this newsletter and keeping a track of your child’s class blog that GREAT things continue to happen at our school.  Students are fully engaged and our parent community supports the implementation of the Primary Years Programme and the wonderful learning opportunities that it brings to our learners.  We actively encourage students to show curiosity and creativity whilst at the same time developing integrity, commitment and appreciation.  At times, the richness or structure of the programme may be different to what our parents are used to, from their schooling backgrounds, which may cause confusion or worry.  Sometimes parents may not see the growth that they are looking for because they are looking for traditional growth in content areas. One of the main differences in the PYP is that instead of just acquiring the skills, now we are expecting our students to acquire and utilize the skills as they inquire into the world around them. So I want to reassure you, as parents, that the PYP framework develops skills beyond that of traditional content knowledge as well as deeper understandings of the world.

Our understanding of how students learn best and what is often described as best practice can be summed up in a quote that I would like you to ponder:

"Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.” - Chinmayanda

Page 2: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Qatar Academy Primary

Tel: 445 46113

Email: [email protected] www.qasidra.com.qa



مأولياء األمور الكرا

من خالل قراءة هذه النشرة ومتابعة المدونة الخاصة بصف طفلك ستكتشف أن هناك الطالب ملتزمون التزاما تاما ومجتمع أشياء رائعة تستمر في الحدوث في مدرستنا.

األهالي يدعم تنفيذ "برنامج السنوات األولية" وفرص التعلم الرائعة التي يوفرها هذا وفي الوقت نفسه نحن نشجع الطالب إلظهار الفضول واإلبداع البرنامج لطالبنا.

و هيكل البرنامج في بعض األحيان، قد يكون ثراء أ تطوير النزاهة وااللتزام والتقدير. مختلفا عما اعتاد عليه آبائنا، من خالل خلفياتهم السابقة لاللتحاق بالمدارس، مما قد

وفي أحيان أخرى قد ال يالحظ اآلباء النمو الذي يتسبب في حدوث تشويش أو قلق. آانوا يبحثون عنه بسبب أنهم يبحثون عن النمو التقليدي في المحتوى. إن أحد

ئيسية في برنامج التعليم اإلبتدائي أنه بدال من مجرد اآتساب المهارات، االختالفات الراآلن نحن نتوقع من طالبنا اآتساب واستخدام هذه المهارات من خالل قيامهم بالبحث و

التساؤل عن العالم من حولهم. ولذلك أريد أن أؤآد لكم من جديد، آأولياء، أن إطار تطوير مهارات خارجة عن المعارف التقليدية في ب برنامج التعليم اإلبتدائي يقوم

المحتوى، فضال عن فهم أعمق للعالم.

فهمنا ألفضلية طرق تعلم الطالب وأفضل الممارسات المتبعة لذلك يمكن تلخيصها في اقتباس أود أن نتأمل فيه : "إن األطفال ليسوا أوعية يراد ملئها ولكن مصابيح يراد

اتشينماياند--إنارتها ."

Page 3: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very



In early November, QA Sidra set a goal of collecting 400 food items for EID Charity. This charity distributes cooking oil, flour, sugar, and rice to workers in the Doha area. The food drive was a huge success with 637 items donated by students and staff. The QA Sidra Student Council showed great leadership organizing and promoting the collection. Thanks to everyone who contributed so generously!













Page 4: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very hard to teach within the Primary Years Programme framework. A major part of this framework, is learning through inquiry. So what is inquiry? In simple terms it is learning approach that provides students opportunities to develop skills that enable them to locate, gather, analyze, critique and apply information in a wide range of contexts as they construct their own knowledge and understandings.

Here are some some characteristics of inquiry that we talked about:

• Inquiry learning involves working collaboratively with hands-on activities.

• It challenges students to engage in significant ideas where they can apply what they have previously learned.

• Students are not all expected to complete a task in the same way. They are asked to reflect upon what would be the best way for them to learn and showcase their knowledge.

• Inquiry learning is centered around the students’ wonderings and questions, which means that their teachers have to be reactive and flexible to accommodate the students’ needs.

• In an inquiry model the teacher is not the “expert.” Instead they act more like a coach to give each student the next step that they need to help them grow as a thinker and a learner.

So what does all this mean? Hopefully, your child is engaged in many tasks that you or I did not do in school. Rubrics have replaced quizzes, reflection has replaced scoring, and they are now generating their own questions instead of just learning what the teacher is teaching. When I attended school, my lessons were based around lecture or the teacher “telling us all about it.” Now our QAS teachers talk less and give the students more opportunities to find out the information on their own, which leads to much deeper understandings. Another difference is that our children are now engaged in learning from and understanding multiple perspectives that surround real life issues. They are becoming skilled at seeing all of the sides, and then beginning to form their own opinions about what they are learning about.

When you talk with your child about their thinking and learning I believe you will start to see some of the benefits of learning through inquiry including:

• That they are acquiring deeper and richer understandings through “doing” rather than listening

• They have an ability to problem solve across situations regardless of the content or situation

• They have an increased global understandings and ability to “see the other side”

• The students have learned how to learn

• They have increased their critical thinking skills

• They have increased ownership in their learning

Our school has worked very hard over the past two years to grow in inquiry, so this short article cannot sum it all up. Hopefully, it clarifies some of the learning that you have been witnessing with your children. The other night my second grader peppered me with questions about Ancient Egypt and explained to me that they were finding out about communication. To me, these are all reflections of the great inquiry learning that she is engaged in at our school. She views herself as a learner, a thinker, and knowledgeable - and isn’t that really what we all want for our children!

As always if you have questions, please talk to your children about them. And if I can explain any of this further or provide more examples please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. I would love the opportunity to celebrate our school with you!

Thank you,

Jason McCary, QAS PYP Co-ordinator

Page 5: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

عن التعلم من خالل التساؤول، أريد أن PYPفي حال آنت غائبا عن جلسة القهوة الخاصة ب نتوقف لحظة ونشرح لكم المفهوم. في " أآاديمية قطر السدرة" علينا العمل بجد للتدريس ضمن إطار "برنامج السنوات األولية". وجزء آبير من هذا اإلطار هو التعلم من خالل التساؤول. فما هو التساؤول؟ بعبارات بسيطة هو طريقة تعليمية توفر للطالب الفرصة لتطوير المهارات التي تمكنهم من تحديد وجمع، وتحليل، ونقد وتطبيق المعلومات ضمن مجموعة واسعة من السياقات بينما هم

يبنون معارفهم وفهمهم.

وفيما يلي بعض خصائص التساؤول التي تحدثنا عنها:

x ل التساؤول ينطوي على العمل التعاوني مع التدريب العملي على األنشطة. التعلم من خال x .أنه يتحدى الطالب االنخراط في أفكار هامة ويمكنهم من تطبيق ما تعلموه سابقا x مهام بنفس الطريقة. أنهم مطالبون بالتفكير الليس من المتوقع من جميع الطلبة إآمال إحدى

رضوا معرفتهم وفهمهم. في أفضل طريقة لكي يتعلموا ويعx التعلم بالتساؤول يتمحور حول أسئلة الطالب و استفساراتهم، مما يعني أن المعلمين يجب

أن يكونوا متفاعلين مرنين لتلبية احتياجات الطالب. x وفي نموذج االستفسار المعلم ليس "الخبير". بدال من ذلك أنه يعمل أآثر آمدرب إلرشاد

التي يحتاجها لمساعدته على النمو آمفكر ومتعلم. آل طالب للخطوة التالية

ماذا يعني آل هذا؟ نأمل أن يشارك طفلك في العديد من المهام التي لم أآن أنا أوأنت نفعلها في المدرسة.

اإلرشادات قد حلت محل االختبارات، التفكير حل محل التهديف، وهم اآلن تولد لديهم أسئلتهم آانت آل الحصص تعلم ما يعطيه المعلم فقط. عندما آنت بالمدرسة، الخاصة بهم بدال من مجرد

إلقاء محاضرة أو المعلم الذي يقول لنا آل شيء. اآلن معلمين أآاديمية قطر السدرة تستند حول يتحدثون أقل ويعطون الطالب المزيد من الفرص لمعرفة المعلومات بأنفسهم، األمر الذي يؤدي إلى

هم وجهات نظر متعددة فهم أعمق آثيرا. والفرق اآلخر هو أن أطفالنا منخرطون اآلن في تعلم وفالتي تحيط بقضايا الحياة الحقيقية. لقد أصبحوا متمكنين من رؤية آل جوانب المسألة ومن ثم تكوين

آرائهم الخاصة حول ما يتعلمون.

عند التحدث مع طفلك حول تفكيره وتعلمه ،أعتقد أنك سوف تبدأ في رؤية بعض فوائد للتعلم من ومن ذلك: خالل التساؤول

x يكتسبون فهما أعمق وأآثر ثراء من خالل أنهم "يعملون" بدال من أنهم أنهم يستمعون فقط .

x .لديهم القدرة على حل المشكلة عبر الحاالت بغض النظر عن المحتوى أو الوضع x .الطالب تعلموا ماهية التعلم x .زادت لديهم مهارات التفكير المنطقي x . زادت لديهم مهارات التعلم الفردية

Page 6: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

جاهدة على مدى العامين الماضيين أن تنمو في عملية التعلم بالتساؤول،وفي هذا مدرستنا عملتآل شيء عن هذا الموضوع، لكن نأمل أن يكون قد وضح شيئا من المقال القصير ال يمكن تلخيص

لديها بعض وآان أساليب التعلم الذي تشهده مع أطفالك. في ليلة سابقة جاءت إبنتي بالصف الثاني سئلة حول "مصر القديمة" وأوضحت لي أنهم آانوا يحاولون التعرف على وسائل للتواصل. األ

بالنسبة لي هذه هي جميع األفكار الناتجة عن التساؤوالت الضخمة التي تعلموها من خالل المدرسة. أوليس هذا حقا ما نريده جميعا ألطفالنا! -وقالت أنها ترى نفسها متعلمة، مفكرة، ومطلعة

ا هو الحال دائما إذا آانت لديك أي أسئلة، يرجى التحدث مع أطفالك عنهم. وإذا آان يمكن لي أن آمأشرح أي شيء من هذا أو أن أوفر المزيد من األمثلة ال تترددوا في اإلتصال بي على

[email protected] بالمدرسة معكم ! أنا سأحب هذه الفرصة لإلحتفال

شكرا لكم،

جايسون مككاري

PYPمنسق أآاديمية قطرسدرة لبرنامج

Thank You to everyone for contributing!

Special THANKS to Student Council!

Page 7: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

OnDecember5,thePre3swentonafieldtriptoAlShaqabinEduca>onCity,onetheworld’s best facili>es for horses. Itwas a great link to ourUnit of Inquiry into livingthingsaswehad the chance to learnaboutwhathorseseat,where they sleep,howtheyarecaredforandac>vi>estokeepthemhealthy. Whatthechildrenfoundmostinteres>ngwasdiscoveringconnec>onsbetweentheirownexperiencesandthatofthehorses. Someexamples are: horses (likepeople) alsoexercise, swim, takemedicine,need shoes, sleep and eat, take a shower almost every day and even go to school.Everyonehadafantas>c>meandmanychildrenwerethinkersandrisktakersduringthisexperience.GoodjobPre3s!

Pre 3 Visit

Al Shaqab

Page 8: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very


Last week QAS Grade 2 and 3 boys football teams took part in QPPSSA tournament hosted at QA Doha.

Grade 2 In Grade 2 group there were 8 schools competing. In the first round QAS played 3 games: QA Sidra - Loydence 0:0;QA Sidra - Compass 0:4; QA Sidra - DESS 0:3, that gave our boys 4th place and game for the 7th-8th place against Group's 2 fourth team - ACS. Both teams played their last game with enthusiasm and energy, with many options to score, but defense was better - 0:0. In penalty shoot-outs our team lost 0:2 and finished 8th overall.

Grade 3 In Grade 3 group there were 9 schools competing. In the first round QAS played 4 games:QA Sidra - Compass 0:0; QA Sidra - EMS 0:1; QA Sidra - DESS 0:4; QA Sidra - Loydence 0:3. As Compass tied one more game, we had less points than them - that gave our boys 5th place in a group and 9th overall.

Thanks to coaches Mr.Harish and Mr. Ghulam, assistant coaches Mr.George and Mr.Sandijs for energy and

enthusiasm coaching our students; students for commitment and always trying your best; parents for

continuous support!

Please, visit our Primary Sports teams blog for more information and photos at:


Mr. Sandijs

QA Sidra Primary Athletics Coordinator

Page 9: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very


Practice days/dates/venue: SUNDAYS, 2:00-3:00 gym Tournament: Wednesdays 2:00-3:20 at QA Doha QPPSSA – Gr.4 - Mar 27, 9:00 @ QA Doha QPPSSA – Gr.5 - Mar 29, 9:00 @ QA Doha


Coaches: Miss SARA and Miss KATHY Practice days/dates/venue: MONDAYS, 2:00-3:00 gym Tournament: QPPSSA – Gr.2 - Mar 19, 9:00 @ QA Doha QPPSSA – Gr.3 - Mar 21, 9:00 @ QA Doha


Coach: Miss SARAH Practice days/dates/venue: MONDAYS, 2:00-3:00 gym Tournament: QPPSSA – Gr.4 - Apr 24, 9:00 @ QA Doha QPPSSA – Gr.5 - Apr 26, 9:00 @ QA Doha

Sport: SWIMMING MIX Grade 2-5 Coach: Mr. SANDIJS & Ms. RUTA Practice days/dates/venue: MONDAYS, 2:00-3:30 at AWSAJ Swimming Pool Tournament: May

Sport: BASKETBALL Grade 2-3 BOYS Coach: Mr. SANDIJS

Practice days/dates/venue: WEDNESDAYS, 2:00-3:00 gym Tournament: QPPSSA – Gr.2 - Mar 12, 9:00 @ QA Doha QPPSSA – Gr.3 - Mar 14, 9:00 @ QA Doha

Visit QA Sidra PANTHERS blog for sign-ups and more information at: http://qasprimaryteams.blogspot.qa/

Page 10: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very




Page 11: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

طالب قام العربية املكتبة من بتنظيم برحلة والخامس الرابع، الثالث الصف

الدولي الدوحة معرض إلى ميدانية

املختلفة األنشطة في وشاركو ، للكتاب

في املعنية الجهات بعض من املقدمه

مكتبة : مثل ، األطفال وأدب التعليم مجال . وغيرها الطفل أدب مركز، الوطنية قطر

واملصادر الكتب بشراء الطالب قام كما

واملتنوعة املفيدة

The Library has organized a successful field trip for Grade 3,4&5 students to Doha Annual Book Fair. Students participated in

various activities with QNL, CLC and others. Children also visited booths to

purchase desired books.

Page 12: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

األهالي لجميع شكرا لحسن املتطوعني

وتعاونهم مشاركتهم

. الرحالت خالل معنا




ParentVolunteersKudostothemanyQASidraParentvolunteerswhohelpedsetupourPrimaryLibrary!Iappreciateallthehardworkyoudidtomove&unpackboxes,helparrangetheshelving,scanandre-shelvebooks.Manyhandsmakelightwork!IfyouareinterestedinvolunteeringinthePrimaryLibraryin2017,[email protected]….

Page 13: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very
Page 14: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Dec 8-20 Celebrate Qatar National Day Daily at Darb Al Saai

Visit daily from 8 am to 12 noon and 4 pm to 10 pm at the Darb El-Saai grounds.

Come and celebrate Qatar’s National Day at QAS Primary on 15th of December. 12:00 pm to 2:00pm

Some of the activities planned!

Page 15: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

MOVIE NIGHT “Monkey Kingdom” When: Thursday December 08 at 5 pm.

Where: in the primary school Inner Quad.

Free popcorn will be provided !

See you all there!

Page 16: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Dear Parents,

Parents Meet Parents coffee mornings have been so wonderful we'd like to keep that going and introduce different times to get more parents involved and would love to extend the invitation to teachers to join. Everyone enjoyed the pastries, coffee, donuts, conversations, and friendships formed. The next Parents Meet Parents/Teachers coffee is scheduled for January 9th, 5pm, after the PTA General Meeting with parents and administration, in the General-Purpose Room upstairs in the Primary Building, so PTA General meeting and a parent social event together. We'd love to hear ideas of how to make our school community stronger. Parent led initiatives like the walking group that has started from the coffee morning is wonderful, so if someone wants to start a book club, or English Language Sessions for non-speakers, or any interest based group for parents, let us know.

The PTA is continuing the tradition of hosting a Family Movie Night on Thursday December 8th at 5pm in the Primary School Inner Quad. Bring a picnic blanket, and maybe a fold-able chair, and we will provide the popcorn and movie. The movie title is (Monkey Kingdom).

We are always looking for volunteers and we will announce the need for volunteers on Facebook and to specific events as they come up.

Current Volunteer Opportunities are: • Parent chaperones for (Darb Al Saai) Qatar National day festival grounds field

trips that the Arabic department is organizing on:

• Monday Dec 12th, Grades 2 & 5. • Tuesday Dec 13th, Grades 3 & 4. • Wednesday Dec 14th, Grades 1 & KG. • Times of the trips are: 8:30am-12:00pm.

To participate please register your name, and the preferred day. Visit this link, which takes few minutes. There are 2 sheets (one in Arabic and the other one is in English) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15D85VMwDgeyBVKrLm1s9QmMWo7zn2WQOy6iemqVxGfY/edit#gid=0

You can a lso reach out to Ms. Ghada the Arabic teacher coordinator at [email protected] Location DARB AL SAII https://goo.gl/maps/1L24drMhTG42

• Library Volunteers, for both English and Arabic Sections, who may be able to help re-shelve books, catalogue books in Destiny, laminating, displays, etc. If you are interested, please contact Ms. Natalie, or Ms. Asma the librarians, on their emails, [email protected], [email protected].

Thank you for making our school community more effective, interactive and cooperative.

Page 17: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very


The PTA is proud to announce its next major event, Family Fun Day!!! Which will be on Saturday, Jan.14th, 1-4pm. This event is very similar to last year's Welcome Social. Like all other PTA events, Family Fun Day will not be successful without the help, time, dedication, and volunteer work that both our parents and teachers provide. Things only work if everyone pitches in.

We need YOUR help to make this event a success! We would like for parents and teachers to help children with activities, such as crafts and games. If you have a fun activity in mind you'd like to share or provide, please volunteer. If you are just willing to help at an activity, the photo booth, a sport, or at a craft table, please sign up! If you have a small business that can help our event and you would like to use this as an opportunity to advertise, let us know. If you are a henna artist, or can do face painting, or have access to bouncy castles or would like to contribute in any way, please let us know. We are trying to get Siraj, and other activities set up. We are on a time crunch with this event. All hands-on board!

Parents are requested to come and join the fun and share a dish to share with everyone, finger food(s) preferred (no nuts, pork products, or alcohol, please!) Please follow this link to sign up on the Google Form that will ask for your name, phone number, and email address and the activity you would like to volunteer for. We will try to organize it so that volunteers are paired with each other and in shifts so everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the festivities.


We are very excited about this event and hope you are, too! If you have any questions, please contact the PTA at [email protected]

Finally, as a PTA, we invite all the parents and teachers to join our Facebook page "QAS Parent Teacher Association" we use as platform for different events, announcements, and for the parents to reach out to each other. We hope it is a great resource for everyone.

Thank you all for your support.




Page 18: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

يوم المرح العائلي

الساعة الواحدة إلى الرابعة من ،)يوم المرح العائلي( في الرابع عشر من ينايرنفخر بأن نعلن لكم عن الفعالية الكبيرة القادمة

، وهو مشابه إلى حد ما ليوم الترحيب االجتماعي الذي اقيم في العام الماضي، وكما هو الحال في جميع فعاليات لجنة مساء سيحالفنا فقط عند تكاثف الجهود وتعاون كل من اآلباء والمعلمين معنا.األهالي، فالنجاح

، المتنوعة التطوع لمساعدة األطفال في القيام باألنشطةحدث! ونود من اآلباء والمعلمين لذا نحتاج إلى مساعدتكم إلنجاح هذا ال

ي مشاركتها فالرجاء أن تتطوعوا لجعل تلك األفكار مثل الحرف اليدوية واأللعاب. إذا كانت لديكم أفكار نشاطات ممتعة ترغبون فة، أو زاوية التصوير، النشاطات الرياضيكالنشاطات المتوافرة، ىحدإا إذا رغبتم في المساعدة فقط في واقعا ممتعا ألطفالنا. أم

تفيدنا في تحقيق الهدف من هذه الفعالية، إذا كانت لديكم أعمال تجارية صغيرة و! بياناتكم تسجيلالرجاء فعلى مائدة الحرف ترغبون في استخدام هذا اليوم كفرصة لإلعالن عنها فالرجاء إعالمنا بذلك. إذا كنتم تجيدون نقش الحناء، أو الرسم على الوجوه و

األشكال يرجى ل من أي شكأو ترغبون المساهمة ب القالع النطاطة، تيسير الحصول على السعيدة الصغيرة، أولديكم القدرة علىونحن في سباق مع الوقت لضمان جهوزيتها ، على التخطيط لنشاطات ممتعة جدا عملحاول التعاون مع برنامج سراج ونإعالمنا. ن

دعمنا. المحدد لها، فالرجاءفي الوقت

ألطعمة التي تؤكل ا نقترح، وإحضار طبق لمشاركته مع الجميع ،يوم المرح العائليالحضور واالنضمام إلى هاليمن األ نتمنى .(الكحول، وزيرت لحم الخنمنتجا، والمكسراتأن تكون خالية من يجب و) بسهولة

الذي ترغبون ورقم الهاتف، وعنوان البريد اإللكتروني والنشاط سمنموذج الذي يتطلب االالللتسجيل على الرجاء تتبع هذا الرابط

مناوبات بحيث تتاح لكل فرد فرصة التمتع على شكلالبعض، وبحيث نقرن المتطوعين ببعضهم التنسيقحاول نفي التطوع له. س بهذه االحتفاالت.


لهذه الفعانحن في غاية التشوق إذا كانت لديكم أية تساؤالت، اتصلوا بنا على متشوقون لها، لية ونتمنى أن تكونوا أنتم أيضا [email protected] بريدنا اإللكتروني

التي QAS Parent Teacher Associationالخاصة بمدرستنا تحت اسم لالنضمام إلى صفحة الفيسبوك ندعوكم جميعا يمكن االستفادة منها في نشر اإلعالنات المتعلقة بالفعاليات المدرسية، كما تعتبر طريقة سهلة وسريعة للتواصل بين األهالي.

نشكركم على دعمكم المتواصل لنا،

لجنة األهالي

Page 19: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

رسالة لجنة األهالي،

جدا، حيث استمتع الجميع بتناول المعجنات والكعك المحلى والقهوة، تماما كما اكان لقاء لقد ألهالي مع "قهوة الصباح" رائعا

نود االستمرار في تنظيم تلك اللقاءات والتنوع في اختيار األوقات من أجل ضمان استمتعوا بالمحادثات وبناء صداقات جديدة. "قهوة المساء" ومن المقرر أن يعقد لقاؤنا القادم مع انضمام عدد أكبر من األهالي، ومشاركة المعلمين والمعلمات على حد سواء.

اإلدارة مع العام للجنة األهالي بعد انتهاء االجتماعبحضور المعلمين والمعلمات، الساعة الخامسة مساء في في التاسع من ينايرة نأمل بحضور المزيد منكم وسماع آراء جديد .ثاني في مبنى المدرسة االبتدائيةفي الغرفة متعددة االستعماالت، الطابق ال واآلباء،

بممارسة المشي، قد يقترح أحدكم تأسيس نادي المهتماتاألمهات كما تشكلت مجموعة ، وتفيد في بناء مجتمع مدرسي أقوى من االهتمامات المتنوعة والمفيدة لآلباء واألمهات. اغيرهتعليم اللغة اإلنجليزية لغير الناطقين بها، أو للقراءة، أو

في الساحة الخامسة مساء يوم الخميس الثامن من ديسمبر الساعة "فيلم عائلي"لجنة األهالي تقليدها السنوي لعرض تواصل

الداخلية للمدرسة االبتدائية. أحضروا بطانيات النزهات الخاصة بكم، أو ربما كراسيكم القابلة للطي، وسوف نوفر لكم الفيلم .Monkey Kingdom)مملكة القرود( عنوان الفيلم والفشار.

ليمي، وغير ذلك من فعاليات لجنة األهالي المقامة خالل بحث مستمر عن متطوعين من األهالي لدعم الكادر التعال نزال في حالة .قت المناسبالعام الدراسي والتي سيعلن عنها بواسطة صفحة الفيسبوك والبريد اإللكتروني في الو

فرة حاليا :وفرص التطوع المت

x إلى "درب الساعي"، بتنظيم من قسم ةثالث رحالت ميداني مشرفات مساعدات ومشرفون مساعدون من األهالي في اللغة العربية كما هو موضح أدناه:

صفوف الثاني والخامس.مع ديسمبر، 12االثنين � صفوف الثالث والرابع.مع ديسمبر، 13 الثالثاء � واألول. KGصفوف التمهيدي مع ديسمبر، 14األربعاء � ظهرا. 12:00صباحا وحتى 8:30مواعيد الرحالت: من �

[email protected]على مع السيدة غادة مدرسة اللغة العربية المنسقة للرحلة التواصل الرجاء ممن يهمه األمرعلى الرابط التالي، لذي يناسبكم أو تسجيل البيانات باختيار اليوم


https://goo.gl/maps/1L24drMhTG42لمعرفة موقع درب الساعي

x التطوع لمعاونة مشرفات المكتبة بقسميها العربي واإلنجليزي، للقيام ببعض األعمال المكتبية كفهرسة الكتب وإعادة عناوينهما البريدية التالية: ترتيبها على األرفف. الرجاء التواصل مع السيدة أسماء أو السيدة نتالي على

[email protected], [email protected] شكركم دوما على جعل مجتمع مدرستنا أكثر فعالية وتعاونا.ن

Page 20: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

This past week the house teams got together to learn and share their cheers! Students in the fourth and fifth grades had met to write the cheers and develop some simple movements. They then gathered wi th the i r teammates in grades one through three to teach them. They only had 15 minutes but they were great teachers and the younger house members were fantastic learners!! Before students went back to class they shared their cheers with the other teams! All houses should be very proud of their cheers and team spirit!!

Ask your child to share their cheer with you! Please also remember that on house Thursdays students can wear their team colour!

Page 21: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Praising Your Children Praising your children is a vital part of promoting their confidence and self-esteem. Praise needs to be genuine and focused on your children’s effort and hard work, not necessarily the outcome. Tips for Using Praise

• Describe what it is that you like. For example, ‘I like the way you remembered to pick up your toys”, versus “You’re a good boy/girl”.

• Do more praising than criticizing. Experts suggest trying to praise children six times for every one time you criticize them.

• Encourage good behavior with praise.

• Praise effort as well as achievement. Recognize and praise how hard your child is trying – for example, “you worked really hard on your project.

• Avoid praising your children's attributes ("You're so pretty.") and instead focus on their actions ("You worked so hard on that project.").

• Avoid comparing one child to another. Accept that everyone’s different, and love those differences.

By: Dr. Maie

Page 22: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very


You are really working hard in


You did a

good job



Thank you for not interrupting.

I like it


you do t


for yo


(Tying y


own s


I am so proud of


Great Idea!

I like it when you tell me about your


You worked so hard on that project!

I am happy that you are trying your best.

Ways To Praise Your Child

Thank you for helping


I like the way



to pick up your


You are a good


Dr. Maie

Page 23: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

2017 2018Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 1 2 3 4 5 62 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 Return to school9 10 11 12 13 13 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 2016 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 2723 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 3130 31

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 36 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 National Sports Day13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 1720 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

20 First Day of School 27 28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 2 3

3-8 Eid Holiday -Tentative 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 Return to school 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 2424 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 - 5 Break 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 Return to school15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 - 2 Break 29 30 31 29 30

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5

5 Return to school 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 1212 13 14 15 16 17 18 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 Start of Ramadan19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 End of MYP/ DP Exams26 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 31 31 Last Day of School

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 11 12 13 14 15 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 End of Ramadan

18 Qatar National Day 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17- 21 Eid Holidays Tentative24 Dec - 04 Jan Break 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


December (14)

March (21)


April (17)

May (23)


August (10)

October (23)

November (22)

January (19)

February (15)

September (15)


Page 24: Qatar Academy Primary · In case you missed our PYP Coffee on Learning Through Inquiry, I want to take a moment and explain the concept to you. At Qatar Academy Sidra we work very

Name ClassNominating

TeacherLearner Profile

Attribute Justification

Emma Dugan Pre3A Ms. Beata Thinker/Risk-Taker

Emma happily partcipates in all activities and is not afraid to try new things. She is a great thinker and likes to solve problems by herself. When she was stuck on a hard puzzle she saw numbers written in the back and matched them with dots on the puzzle.

Hamdan Hashim Pre3A Ms. Beata Communicator Hamdan started managing his emotions better and is using words to express how he feels.

Hissa Al Thani Pre3B Ms. Charlene ReflectiveHissa was looking at the different tracks we made with animals and remarked that some animal tracks look different so we can know which animal made the track by looking at their feet.

Rana Suleiman Pre4C Ms. Muneera knowledgeable Rana is knowledgeable she is able to use her knowledge in different situationPre 4 A students Pre 4A Ms. Elmi Thinker

All of them unlocked their thinking and learned how a specific system works. We looked at our classroom systems, snack food delivery, Ms. Carly's flag system, parking, housing, security system, and many more!

Pre 4 B students Pre 4B Ms. Anna ThinkerPre 4 C students Pre 4C Ms. Foster ThinkerSamah Shaqfeh KGA Ms. Muna Thinker Samah starts to think in different ways to solve and do her job during arabic class

Maryam Al Ghurbani KGA Ms. Stefanie Risk TakerMaryam is dedicated to doing her best in class. She is courageous with her approach to learning English.

Emmanuel Pestanas KGA Ms. Stefanie Knowledgeable Emmanuel is a dedicated student who works very hard on his reading skills.Sumayyah Shabaneh KGA Ms. Stefanie Reflective Sumayyah thinks about her learning and uses her gained knowledge to do her best.

Leen Rassoul KGB Ms. Muna Principled and CaringAll the kg students in Arabic class agreed that leen is always following the rules and helping her friends who needs help. Good job leen

Yusuf Ali KGB Ms. Margaret Inquirer Yusuf asks questions during our home unit about homes in different parts of the world.

Sultan Al Mannai KGB Ms. Margaret InquirerSultan consistently makes connections to our discussions and ask questions in return to further his understanding.

Abdulla Al Mohunnadi KGB Ms. Margaret InquirerAbdulla consistently makes connections to our discussions and ask questions in return to further his understanding.

Yousuf Al Jaber KGC Ms. Sara Communicator & BalancedYousuf has been workng really hard to learn more english and is communicating really well wth hs teachers. He has also done an outstanding job in each class job role he has had in our class.

Shae Dwyer KGC Ms. Sara Principled & Risk TakerShae always chooses to do the right thing in class. She is also becoming more of a risk taker trying new things and being brave

Ilyas Bermak 1A Ms. Vanessa Creative (attitude)Ilyas has demonstrated creativity throughout our How We Express Ourselves Unit of Inquiry. Recently, his classmates voted one of his pieces as the most creative.

Ethar Aly 1A Ms. Vanessa Principled & CaringEthar works hard every day to follow the rules and routines of our classroom. She demonstrates the Code of Care through her words and actions.

Youssef Elsadany 1B Ms. Kim Communicator Youssef has several ideas and enjoys communicating them to others.

J'adore Williams 1B Ms. Kim Independence (attitude)J'adore has made progress demonstrating independence by putting her things away without teacher direction.

Maryam Bajwa 1C Ms.Dominika Creative (atttitude)Maryam always makes sure her small moment stories are full of details, she even adds speech bubbles and makes her characters move and talk

Ahmed Al-Muataz Elhag 2A Mr. Marc Reflective Ahmed spends time and effort to consider the impact of his actions and his work in class.

Ali Al-Fadala 2A Mr. Marc Open-mindedAli is knowledgeable and proud of his own culture and is respectful of other people's views and traditions.

Jordan Williams 2B Ms. Sarah PrincipledJordan has worked very hard on her summative project and had made sure that all members of her group were listened to.

Yazan Saleh 2B Ms. Sarah Creative (atttiude) Yazan has chosen to share his summative project in a unique and creative way.Adita Vijit 2C Mr. Jacob Communicator Adwita is diligent in creating good dialogue between herself and others. Almohanad Moaz 2C Mr. Jacob Risk-Taker Almohannad is couragous in his learning and tries to take on new challenges.Erin Mccary 2D Ms. Jenna Caring Erin goes out of her way to make new friends by getting to know them.Elliott Stay 2D Ms. Jenna Knowledgeable Elliott knows lots of information about many different topics and shares his knowledge with friends.

Zaina Al Ghanmieen 3A Ms. Ana Inquirer Zaina is a great inquirer into Human Rights and talking about how she can take action to help promote children's rights.

Ali Alnuaimi 3A Ms. Ana Risk-Taker Ali has shown he is a risk-taker by being a class-leaderTaif Almalki 3A Ms. Ana Risk-Taker Taif is taking the risk to act out Malala and speaking out about the 'girls rights in Pakistan.'

Ayman Alfituri 3B Ms. Van Belle ThinkerAyman takes time thinking about things. He has great ideas and connections to our unit and the things that we are talking about in class.

Joaan Al Hababi 3C Ms. Becky Risk-Taker

Joaan is a risk taker in the class with his learning. He partcipates in class activites and is not afraid to share his thinking with the class. Joaan speaks his mind with his peers and stands up for his beliefs.

Zain Khoury 3C Ms. Lama CaringZain cares about Arabic B . She always tries hard to do her homework and to returns it on time. She also works hard during the lesson.

Noof Al Malki 3D Ms. Yalda Principled Noof puts forth her best effort daily in all subject areas, she is a role model for others. Fahad Al Hudaifi 4A Ms. Tessa Thinker Fahad is always thinking of ways to visually share and represent his work in UOI and Math

Nizar Turjman 4A Ms. Tessa Open MindedNizar has shown himself to be open minded to learning new strategies in Math and while working in teams, listening to others' ideas and opinions.

Ilyas Ahmed 4A Ms. Lama Knowledgeable Ilyas always explore ideas and share it with his classmates during Arabic B class.Hisham Malik 4B Ms. Lama Communicator Hisham express his ideas confidently using Arabic language.Fatima Khan 4B Ms. Lama Reflective Fatima is always reflective. She thinks deeply about her strengths and what needs improvement.

Keara 4B Ms. Jen ReflectiveKeara reflects on her learning and is able to express what she needs to do to improve her understanding of concepts.

Saoud 4B Ms. Jen CaringSaoud volunteers to help clean up his school by putting playground equipment away and picking up trash.

Adam Hassanian 5A Ms. Lou ReflectiveAdam has made a huge effort to reflect on his attitude towards learning and is producing some really good work. Well done.

Khadija Ghaly 5A Ms. Lou BalancedWorking hard, completing homework, adding creativitiy, playing sport, Khadija is a well balanced student across the whole curriculum.

Marwa Malik 5A Ms. Lama Inquirer Marwa is always developping her curiousity by searching new knowledge.

Yanis Kalache 5A Ms. Lama CaringYanis is always caring for himself (being very responsible ) and for others (being respectful for his classmates and his teacher)

Inayah Kidwai 5A Ms. Lama CommunicatorInaya is a great communicator during Arabic B class, she is able to express her ideas using Arabic language.

Ridwan Ahmed 5B Ms. Sarah PrincipledRidwan always makes great choices. He is a role model to his fellow students. He is very reliable and is to be commended for his behaviour and effort.

Ahmad Iqbal 5B Ms. Lama Risk-TakerAhmad is a good risk-taker during Arabic B class. He has the courage to discover new knowledge.
