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September 2013

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Official Newsletter of Virginia Tech CKI ReNew The New: ReNew The New is a volunteer organization made up of Giles Conservation, Law and County officials; outfitters, and citi- zens committed to stewardship of the 37 miles of the New River flowing through Giles County. ReNew spon- sors two annual river clean-ups and welcomes anyone interested in pro- tecting and renewing the beautiful New River. On the 14th of September a group of 28 Circle members went down to help other volunteers clean the river. In canoes, volunteers pad- dled down the river, collecting trash and having fun for about 3 and a half hours. Members collected anything from scrap metal and old tires to Fris- bees and discarded clothing. After- wards they were driven back to a ra- ther fantastic barbeque lunch. [ event recap | Upcoming Events | Meet the Board] Live to Serve. Love to Serve. HOKIE HOKIE HOKIE HOLLER HOLLER HOLLER Hokie Half Marathon Event Recap: 1 The Hokie Half Marathon is a great opportunity for peo- ple to get outside and enjoy the scenic nature routes of Blacksburg. The first four miles are on roads, then on- to the Huckleberry Trail (bike trail) for six miles and the last three point one miles are on roads and bike trails. Tech Circle K mem- bers helped out last Sunday the 15thby passing out wa- ter cups to runners, and then subsequently retrieving said cups from the ground. Needless to say, most every- body who participated had a pretty good time. September 2013
Page 1: September 2013

Official Newsletter of Virginia Tech CKI

ReNew The New: ReNew The

New is a volunteer organization made

up of Giles Conservation, Law and

County officials; outfitters, and citi-

zens committed to stewardship of the

37 miles of the New River flowing

through Giles County. ReNew spon-

sors two annual river clean-ups and

welcomes anyone interested in pro-

tecting and renewing the beautiful

New River. On the 14th of September

a group of 28 Circle members went

down to help other volunteers clean

the river. In canoes, volunteers pad-

dled down the river, collecting trash

and having fun for about 3 and a half

hours. Members collected anything

from scrap metal and old tires to Fris-

bees and discarded clothing. After-

wards they were driven back to a ra-

ther fantastic barbeque lunch.

[ event recap | Upcoming Events | Meet the Board]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve.


Hokie Half Marathon

Event Recap:


The Hokie Half Marathon is

a great opportunity for peo-

ple to get outside and enjoy

the scenic nature routes of

Blacksburg. The first four

miles are on roads, then on-

to the Huckleberry Trail

(bike trail) for six miles and

the last three point one

miles are on roads and bike

trails. Tech Circle K mem-

bers helped out last Sunday

the 15thby passing out wa-

ter cups to runners, and then

subsequently retrieving said

cups from the ground.

Needless to say, most every-

body who participated had a

pretty good time.

September 2013

Page 2: September 2013

The Humane Society of Montgom-ery County is a private animal shel-ter in Christiansburg, Virginia. They have sections for both kittens and dogs so if you like either, come on out to pet and/or walk them on Thursdays 1-2, or Fridays 2-3/4-5. Thursdays seem to be pretty con-stant but the volunteer slots we get for Friday tend to shift around, so be sure to check the sign in, if there are any spots left.

[ event recap | upcoming events | meet the board]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve.


Micah’s Backpack addresses

children’s hunger issues by part-

nering with local schools to pro-

vide direct assistance to stu-

dents and families who qualify

for the free lunch program.

While they are provided with

school food, there is often not

much waiting at home, and even

less so on the weekends. Volun-

teers come together to pack

food for the less fortunate every

Thursday from 6-7, it’s a lot of

fun, and they always need help.

Animal Shelter

Upcoming Projects

Fall Membership Rally

The FMR Registration Deadline is

this Wednesday September 18 at

11:59 pm. Cost to register is $35 dol-

lars, and a majority of the cost will

be reimbursed. If you don't already

know, the theme is Mario Party,

we'll have tons of games, workshops,

and activities, it'll be a great oppor-

tunity to meet your fellow members

from around the district and the divi-

sion, and it's a nice weekend away

from school. We currently have 20

members signed up, which is the

most of any division. Our Conven-

tions and Conferences Chair, Chel-

sea Stallworth, has offered up a sur-

prise to whichever division has the

most members in attendance, so let's

keep our lead.

Micah’s Backpack

Other Projects

Also don’t forget about volunteer at the Lyric con-

cessions, as well as helping out at the stadium con-

cessions for home games, both are pretty much

self explanatory so I didn’t really think they need-

ed like a larger section or anything.

Page 3: September 2013


Meet Your New Club Officers!

2012-2013 Year


[ event recap | upcoming events| meet the board]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve.

President: Rob Kuczmarski

The president shall be the executive officer of this club and shall preside over all meetings of the club and the Board of Officers. The president shall

appoint committee chairs with the approval of the Board of Officers. The president shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special

committees. The president shall present the views of the club to the district in relation to the club. As the official representative of the club, the president

shall promote the growth of CKI on campus and within the community.

Class: Senior (4/5) Major: Industrial Systems Engineering & Psychology Career Choice: Student Fun Fact: Hates bacon Favorite Part About CKI: Serving the community

Membership Vice President: Sarah Hunsberger

The Membership Vice President shall be responsible for new member drives and shall act as the focal person for new and old members.

The Membership Vice President shall be responsible for the creation, organization, and execution of events and activities pertaining to

fellowship among past, present, and future club members.

Class: Senior Major: RPM

Career Choice: Residential Property Manager Fun Fact: Has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do

Favorite Part About CKI: The opportunity to serve others

Page 4: September 2013




Meet Your New Club Officers!

2012-2013 Year

[ event recap | upcoming events| meet the board]

Service Vice President: Meghan Miko

The Service Vice President shall be responsible for overseeing the creation, organization, and execution of all projects. He or she is also

responsible for recording the service hours of each member and awarding pinbacks at each inductions ceremony.

Class: Junior

Major: Management Career Choice: Wants to work for a non-profit organization

Fun Fact: Last named is pronounced Mike O not Meek O Favorite Part About CKI: Giving back to the community

K-Family Vice President: Matt Savage

The Kiwanis Family Vice President shall communicate with local K-Family counterparts on meetings, induction ceremonies, projects and events. They will be the club contact with K-Family

counterparts, and will be in charge of the organization of all K-Family events, or will find a club member to do so. He or she shall

be responsible for coordinating all sponsorships of Kiwanis Kids and Builders Club programs and shall serve as chair of the

James Reed Memorial Scholarship Committee.

Class: Senior Major: Mechanical Engineering Career Choice: Engineer Fun Fact: Likes Brownies Favorite Part About CKI: The food

Page 5: September 2013


Meet Your New Club Officers!

2012-2013 Year


[ event recap | upcoming events| meet the board]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve.

Treasurer: Jimmy Hyres

The Treasurer shall collect and disburse member dues, prepare and adhere to an approved budget, maintain accurate records,

transact business through a bank or school account, keep the Board of Officers informed of financial strengths and weaknesses of the club,

order club supplies, shall have the financial books audited, file appropriate forms with the IRS, and inform the sponsoring

Kiwanis club of the club’s financial status

Class: Junior Major: Material Science and Engineering Career Choice: Metallurgist Fun Fact: Plays the piano a lot Favorite Part About CKI: Rob Kuczmarski

Editor: Nick Offerjost

The Editor shall publish a newsletter monthly, and be responsible for all correspondence sent out by the club. The

Editor shall also work with the Membership Vice President and the Board of Officers to plan and carry out the inductions

ceremony at the end of each semester. The Editor shall also be responsible for communications with alumni and planning

events involving the alumni.

Class: Junior Major: BSE/Biochemistry

Career Choice: Bioprocesses Engineer Fun Fact: Has sideburns

Favorite Part About CKI: The people




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Meet Your New Club Officers!

2012-2013 Year

[ event recap | upcoming events| meet the board]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve.

Secretary: Caitlin Cederholm

The Secretary shall record accurate minutes of all meetings, maintain the club’s permanent records, update all membership

and Kiwanis family addresses, and perform such other duties that pertain to this office or as may be assigned by the club president

or Board of Officers.

Class: Junior Major: HNFE

Career Choice: Physical Therapy Fun Fact: She broke her face in High school

Favorite Part About CKI: The Service Projects



Welcome back. It is the start of a new school year and we are excited to see new as well as

old faces at the CKI meetings. Let me introduce myself. My name is Steven Paul. I am the

short Indian kid at the Circle K meetings. I don’t have an official position in the organiza-

tion but feel free to come say hi to me or offer me advice for the blog. This blog is just

random stuff that I feel like saying every week, so it can range from me complaining about

my Fantasy Football team to curry. That aside, I just want to welcome you all again to

Circle K. We are glad that you are interested in joining. Whether you’re here in order to

make a difference or to add something to your resume, we’re glad you’re here. We as a

club try to embody the spirit of the school motto, Ut Prosim, “That I may serve”. We work

hard planning and organizing events, because we believe that it is important to use our

skills, talents and time to help those around us. I hope that through whatever service op-

portunities you participate in that you carry this spirit with you. Hope to see you at the

meetings. GO HOKIES!!!


Page 7: September 2013

Brought to you by the VT CKI

Want more information?

VTCKI’s website


Capital District (our district)



CKI homepage


[ Random Member of the Month]

Live to Serve. Love to Serve. 7

Random Member of the Month

Ian Hornick is a Mechanical Engineering major set to graduate in 2015. Ian was an RA for 3 semes-

ters as part of the Galileo Engineering Program, but he left in January 2013 in order to work for

Toyota's R&D department in Michigan for 8 months. Currently Ian is working with GE for the sec-

ond time, with this rotation being in Power Electronics at the Salem, VA plant until December. In

January, Ian will return to school in order to finish his degree, where he will again become involved

in the Formula SAE race car team. Ian is also involved at the BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries)

and volunteers at many Circle K events. He participated in Renew the New this year as well as vol-

unteering for the Hokie Half Marathon. Last year, he participated in the New River's Edge cleanup,

went to the animal shelter, helped with k-kids, and participated in Adopt a Highway, among other

things. This semester Ian really hopes to get involved with different service aspects in the club, and

he looks forward to meeting all of the new members.
