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Tajuña greenway (Madrid)±a_en.pdf · Morata de Tajuña in May 2007 means that users from Madrid...

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Tajuña Greenway The Greenway, which runs along the river of the same name in the Community of Madrid by a pleasant landscape of meadows, is very easy to follow, because all she has a strong distinctive red asphalt. This crucial clue that will bring people with rich traditions, we will not miss reference for the entire route. TECHNICAL DATA CONDITIONED GREENWAY For the sweet beet road trains.
Page 1: Tajuña greenway (Madrid)±a_en.pdf · Morata de Tajuña in May 2007 means that users from Madrid can now access the Greenway by line 9 of the Metro de Madrid. Cyclists should consult


Tajuña Greenway The Greenway, which runs along the river of the same name in the Community of Madrid by a pleasant landscape of meadows, is very easy to follow, because all she has a strong distinctive red asphalt. This crucial clue that will bring people with rich traditions, we will not miss reference for the entire route.


CONDITIONED GREENWAY For the sweet beet road trains.

Page 2: Tajuña greenway (Madrid)±a_en.pdf · Morata de Tajuña in May 2007 means that users from Madrid can now access the Greenway by line 9 of the Metro de Madrid. Cyclists should consult

   LOCATION Between Arganda del Rey and Ambite MADRID Length: 49 km.(+6 km from the quarry Perales)

Users: * *Apt (although there are punctual potholes between Morata-Perales and parts shared with motorised traffic) Type of surface: Asphalt (compacted soil at the ramp to the quarry) Natural landscape: Valley and riverside forest Tajuña, plaster walls (between Peralta and Tielmes) and Southeast Regional Park Cultural Heritage: Arganda Railway Museum (La Poveda). Village churches. Remains of the Castle. Troglodyte caves. Ambite Palace Infrastructure: Greenway. Old railway stations Arganda, Central Electric Chavarri & Carabaña Spa How to get there: Arganda del Rey: Line 9 of Madrid Subway. Stations and La Poveda Arganda del Rey (transporting bicycles allowed on Saturdays, and Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30 pm and 21.00 pm to closing, Sundays and holidays during the hours of service) Morata: La Veloz Bus Company. Rest of towns: ARGABUS Bus Company Connections: Madrid: 32 Kms to Morata de Tajuña Maps: Military map of Spain. 1:50.000 scale 583 sheet. Official road map of the Ministry of Public Works Official Road Map. Ministry of development More information on the Greenways guide Volume 2

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   DESCRIPTION Km. 0 / Km. 15 / Km. 21 / Km. 24 / Km. 29 / Km. 36 / Km. 47 This Greenway is very easy to follow as practically the entire route from end to end is surfaced with an unmistakable red asphalt and is perfectly signposted. Another piece of good news is that most of the route is for the exclusive use of cyclists and walkers only, and motor vehicles are prohibited. Km 0 The opening of the section of the Tajuña Greenway between Arganda del Rey and Morata de Tajuña in May 2007 means that users from Madrid can now access the Greenway by line 9 of the Metro de Madrid. Cyclists should consult the Metro bylaws to check whether they are permitted to carry their bicycles on the trains as there may be some restrictions depending on the day or the time of day. Within the town of Arganda there are two stretches of the old mining railway which have been developed as Greenway. The first, developed by the Arganda Town Council, runs for 3 kilometres between the old level crossing at Azucarera de La Poveda (Km 1.1 of the M-300 road) and the Príncipe Felipe sports centre in the centre of town. The second section was developed by the Consejería de Transportes de la Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid Transport Department) and it starts at the level crossing that the Arganda railway used to use to cross the old N-III road, now the Avenida del Ejército. To help us get our bearings, Arganda del Rey Metro station is just 200 metres away. On its way out of the town centre the Greenway runs between the edge of the industrial zone of Arganda and an area of gentle hillsides dotted with olive trees. The route crosses under the A-3 motorway after which the Greenway begins to climb gently through a series of curves with the aid of various cuttings and embankments. The trail levels out when we reach the top of a large plateau known as El Alto before dropping down in a sweeping curve to Morata de Tajuña.

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   Km 15 After Morata de Tajuña we will be heading for the neighbouring town of Perales de Tajuña but first we recommend that you backtrack a short distance towards Madrid on a section of Greenway that follows the old railway line towards the quarry at Cornicabra. There we can enjoy a very good view of the Tajuña valley and there is also a recreational area with a fountain! In a not too distant future this section of Greenway may be extended all the way to Arganda, at the end of line 9 of the Metro de Madrid. Today, by making use of rural tracks, the route is doable, but only with the aid of a good map and a spirit of adventure. Back at Morata, the Greenway has an alternative start near the entrance to the town (on the San Martín de la Vega side). There is a well signposted car park where you can leave your car. After a short stretch through the town (passing by the headquarters of the local Civil Guard) the Greenway runs parallel to the M-506 road towards Perales. Km 21 Our red trail now passes without incident through a rural landscape of farmland and crop fields to the site of the former Tajuña station. From here there used to be a spur line to take trains up to the villages of Chinchón and Colmenar de Oreja. On the opposite side of the road we can see a metal bridge that used to serve this spur line. This section of undeveloped Greenway is only passable for 3 kilometres, as far as a quarry. But if you feel tempted, be careful; you will be sharing the track with trucks! Returning to our developed Greenway, we continue on towards Perales along a section containing a number of short, steep ups and downs, the only ones of any significance on our route. Km 24 We arrive at Perales de Tajuña. The old station disappeared long ago; on its site there is now a school and where the railway lines used to run are now streets. Here our Greenway temporarily divides in two and travellers can choose the route that best suits them. One route branches off from the railway line at the entrance to the town to the right, crosses the river, and runs parallel to it through lowland meadows. This route uses existing rural tracks which lead us to, and underneath, a viaduct on the A-3 motorway. We share these tracks with other traffic, so be on the alert!

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The other route, which follows the old railway route more closely, goes through the town, passes the cemetery, and heads towards the same viaduct on the A-3 mentioned earlier. This attractive route runs along the foot of the spectacular “Risco de las Cuevas” (a cliff with more than 50 prehistoric troglodyte dwellings), but several hundred metres before we reach the motorway it becomes

impassable so we need to drop down to the other branch of the Greenway described in the paragraph above (it is less than 300m away but we need to take care when crossing the intervening roads).

With the two “branches” of our Greenway now reunited we continue our way until the end of the route along rural tracks on the left bank of the Tajuña. We remind you that these tracks are open to rural traffic so you will need to take care. The old railway line used to run on the other side of the river but sadly that route could not be restored since houses and factories have

invaded the rail bed at a number of points. Km 29 We make our way along a flat trail through a gently undulating rural landscape towards the village of Carabaña. On the far side of the Tajuña we can see the village of Tielmes, which we can reach by taking the first road on our left at a crossroads where a small rest area has been prepared. The Greenway continues to run parallel and to the right of the road until we arrive at a hermitage. From there we continue to travel through the lowland meadows of the Tajuña river, once again moving closer to the banks of the river on our left. Meanwhile, on the other side of the river is the interesting, well preserved Chavarri station, where trains used to stop to take on board bottles of “Agua de Carabaña” mineral water, which was famed for its medicinal qualities.

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   Km 36

By the time we arrive at the intersection with the Carabaña to Brea de Tajo road, our red track almost reaches the banks of the river again, where a pretty water mill signals our entrance into Carabaña. From here we can either go into the village to take a break from the trail or we can press on to the next stop on our route, Orusco. To reach Orusco we need to bear right on the Brea road until we rejoin

the Greenway on our left. This new section runs parallel to the rail bed of the Ferrocarril de los 40 Días (the Forty Days Railway) which was built during the Spanish Civil War. The trail at this point is a rural track made suitable for cyclists (but be on the lookout for cars and other users). Soon we arrive outside the village of Orusco where we cross underneath the road before either visiting this pleasant village or continuing along the Greenway, which a little further on rejoins the old railway line for the last few kilometres. Km 47

This is one of the most pleasant stretches of the Greenway. We pass under little bridges, between groves of trees, and on some occasions along sections where there is an almost sheer drop down to the river. We are now close to the end of our route at Ambite. The Greenway passes through a dense pine wood before arriving at the levelled ground surrounding the old station, which houses since August 2006 an

outdoor municipal pool. This is equipment that, as the Greenway, is aimed at all: it has access for disabled people and has an elevator for easy immersion in water. The costumes are also designed for hikers and cyclists can wash. And if this were not enough incentive, the old passenger building which houses a barcafetería regain strength. Without doubt, a brooch luxury travel of the Greenway Tajuña. Here there is a rest area with a fountain which is a very pleasant spot from which to view the village, the last in the Autonomous Community of Madrid before we enter the province of Guadalajara. The Greenway ends here but work is already underway in the neighbouring Autonomous Community of Castilla-La Mancha to prolong the trail as far as the banks of the Tajo at Entrepeñas.

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   RAILWAY HOSTORY Tren de vocación agrícola, el Ferrocarril del Tajuña pretendió llegar desde Madrid a tierras aragonesas, aunque se quedó a medio camino, en la alcarreña villa de Alocén, a orillas del Tajo. Fue inaugurado en 1901, año a partir del cual la madrileña estación del Niño Jesús, junto al Retiro, vio partir a miles de convoyes. Éstos recorrían los 143 Km. de vía métrica que morían en Alocén, estación que hoy duerme bajo las aguas del Tajo retenidas en el embalse de Entrepeñas. El ferrocarril llegó a tener incluso un ramal que desde la estación de Tajuña, situada a medio camino entre Morata y Perales, conectaba con las pintorescas localidades de Chinchón y Colmenar de Oreja.

El Tren de Arganda, que pitaba más que andaba según el dicho, no pudo superar a los cada vez más veloces coches, ya que sus trenes, además, cada vez eran más lentos debido al calamitoso estado de las vías y de sus locomotoras. De esta manera, hubo que aparcar sus trenes de viajeros definitivamente en el año 1953. Durante unos años se mantuvo un lánguido tráfico de mercancías (sobre todo remolacha y fruta) pero, poco a

poco la línea murió y fueron levantándose los carriles. Se salvó del desguace el tramo de 28 km que, hasta el invierno de 1998, unió la cementera del barrio madrileño de Vicálvaro con las canteras de El Alto, situada en las proximidades de Morata de Tajuña. Hasta esa fecha, por estas vías circularon continuamente trenes de mercancías acarreando clinker calizo para hacer cemento. Estas vetustas vías han sido suplidas hoy por las de un moderno metro de superficie que, desde Madrid, recorre incansable el tramo que va hasta Arganda.

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   INTERESTING DATA 1. Festivals and holidays 2. Accommodation 3. Eco-tourism 4. Managing Authority 5. Town Councils 6. Emergencies 7. Coaches & buses Festivals and holidays Arganda del Rey 1st weekend in July Fiesta del Almendro July 16 Nuestra Señora del Carmen 1st week in August Nuestra Señora de las Nieves August 16 San Roque September 16 Nuestra Señora de la Soledad Morata de Tajuña January 17 Fiesta de San Anton Easter Representación de la Pasión May 1 Fiesta de Mayo. May 13 Fiesta del Aceite May 15 Fiesta de San Isidro

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    1st weekend in September Virgen de la Antigua Orusco Easter Procesiones May 26 & 27 Fiesta de los Hermanos de Bellaescusa August 30 Virgen de la Bellaescusa Perales de Tajuña February 3 San Blas May 15 Fiesta de San Isidro August 11 to 20 Fiesta de Santa María del Castillo Tielmes Easter Fiesta del Judas April 30 Fiesta de Mayo May 1 Fiesta de Mayo May 15 Fiesta de San Isidro August 6 Fiesta de San Justo y Pastor Carabaña Easter Representación de la Pasión. Hornazo May 1 Fiesta de Mayo

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   May 15 Fiesta de San Isidro September 14 Cristo de la Paz y de la Salud December 13 Fiesta Santa Lucía Ambite February 3 Fiesta de San Blas May 3 Fiesta de La Cruz de Mayo September 14 Santísima Cruz de la Hermandad Accommodation Arganda del Rey AC Hotel Arganda**** Tel. 91 875 75 00 www.ac-hotels.com Hotel NH Arganda*** Tel. 91 872 91 40 www.nh-hoteles.com Hostal Moratilla** Tel. 91 871 21 06 Hostal Macías* Tel. 91 871 31 02 Camping Arganda- 2ª cat Tel. 91 871 60 40 Morata de Tajuña Hotel La Casona de Morata Tel. 91 873 14 53 / 10 82 www.lacasonademorata.com Carabaña Albergue Vega del Tajuña. Tel. 91 580 24 16

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   Ambite Posada rural El Teatro Tel. 91 872 20 25 Tielmes Hotel Molino de Cantarranas Tel. 91 873 77 20 Eco-tourism Tourist Information Office of the Community of Madrid Tel. 91 580 22 00 Arganda Railway Museum - CIFVM Centro de Iniciativas Ferroviarias Vapor Madrid - Tel. 91 871 13 44 www.vapormadrid.com Bicycle Rental: Old Station of Ambite. Tel. 677 592 636 Bicycle Rental: Hotel Molino de Cantarranas. Tielmes. Tel. 91 873 77 20 Molino Central Eléctrica: 91 872 37 90 Managing Authority Dirección General de Carreteras Belén de Diego Comunidad de Madrid c/Orense, 60 28020 Madrid Tel. 91 580 28 18 e-mail: [email protected] http://www.madrid.org Town Councils Arganda del Rey. Tel. 91 871 13 44 www.ayto-arganda.es Morata de Tajuña. Tel. 91 873 00 02 www.ayuntamientodemorata.org Perales de Tajuña. Tel. 91 874 80 04 www.ayto-peralestajuna.org

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   Tielmes. Tel. 91 874 60 02 www.tielmes.org Carabaña. Tel. 91 872 30 01 Orusco. Tel. 91 872 41 72 Ambite. Tel. 91 872 21 51 www.ambite.es Emergencies EMERGENCIES: Tel. 062 Coaches & buses La Veloz s.a. Line Madrid-Morata de Tajuña. Tel. 91 409 76 02 Empresa ARGABUS s.a. Lines from Madrid to other populations Tel. 91 871 25 11 Empresa Turística de Autobuses s.a., línea Madrid-Arganda del Rey. Tel. 91 669 95 72 www.argabus.com Metro (Subway) Arganda del Rey: Line 9 of Madrid Subway. Stations and La Poveda Arganda del Rey (transporting bicycles allowed on Saturdays, and Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 12.30 pm and 21.00 pm to closing, Sundays and holidays during the hours of service) LINKS www.madrid.org Página oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid. En el apartado región existen dos entradas que dan acceso a información de interés: "comarcas" y "cultura y ocio". Información sobre los pueblos y otras rutas cercanas a la Vía Verde www.terra.es/personal/uprgd43/perales.html Modesta página personal que muestra algunos atractivos y la historia del municipio de Perales de Tajuña. http://archivo2.ayto-arganda.es/archivo/index.asp Página del archivo histórico municipal de Arganda del Rey. Allí podrás encontrar fotografías históricas de este ferrocarril y de la zona

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   MULTIMEDIA VÍDEO - Serie Vive la Vía Un acercamiento insólito al Valle del Tajuña: una Vía Verde sobre un antiguo trazado ferroviario nos adentra en las vegas del sureste de Madrid, entre viejos molinos y huertas. Este capítulo de la serie Vive la Vía nos invitará a pasar un día en familia con las alforjas en la bici, las mochilas al hombro o la libertad que regala deslizarse durante kilómetros sobre unos patines. Parte 1 de 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnS3jJ-kKis&feature=player_embedded Parte 2 de 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=n0rx58RvG24
