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the Happenings at St. Philip · February 15-16, 2014 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany the Happenings at...

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February 15-16, 2014 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany the Happenings at St. Philip Welcome! St. Philip Lutheran Church is a community where all people are welcome, may come to know Jesus Christ, become faithful followers empowered by the Holy Spirit, and are sent with Christ’s love into the world. Come to the Table Grace and peace to you! It has been a while since I have shared with you thoughts on worship. When I last wrote I was presenting a series about the meaning of our liturgy, which is our Sunday worship. To this point I had covered the first two sections of the service: the Gathering, in which we reconstitute ourselves as the community of St Philip and an integral part of the Body of Christ, and the Word, where we meet God in Christ through the readings and preach- ing. We declare our faith through the creed and begin our mission in this world through the prayers of the church. We offer each other the peace of Christ and bring forth our offerings. Now we are ready to meet Christ at the Table. The first act at the Table is to offer our gifts to God. The presiding pastor does this through prayer on behalf of the gathered community. Then the presiding pastor invites us to the meal, “The Lord be with you,” “and also with you,” we respond. We invite each other to be in the presence of the Lord, and we are told to be joyful about it. “Lift up your hearts!” We respond with, “We lift them to the Lord,” meaning that our joy is based on our relationship with Christ. The pastor then encourages us to “give our thanks and praise to the Lord” and we agree “it is right to give our thanks and praise to the Lord.” The pastor then goes into the Great Thanksgiving, reciting for us the mighty deeds God has done for this people throughout history culminating in Christ. This prayer changes with the church seasons but always ends with, “...therefore, with all the angels and archan- gels and all the hosts of heaven we praise your name and join their unending prayer…” Here is where we offer our praise in song with all the heavens and the earth, imagining what the Great Feast will be at Christ’s coming again. We sing a song that honors Christ as the ascended Lamb to the throne of God and as the host present at this meal. Most recently we have been singing a piece by a modern song- writer, Michael W. Smith, who has adapted a text from Revelation, “Alleluia, for you are holy. Worthy is the Lamb, Amen.” Then the pastor consecrates this meal telling us again how the meal came to us: “In the night in which he was betrayed…” It is appropriate for us to say the Lord’s Prayer at this point, honoring God as the provider who sustains us with daily bread. Then we are invited to the table, and once again we sing to the Lamb of God, reminding ourselves who our host is and who sustains us. We don’t come unworthy, we come grateful, ready to receive Christ into ourselves. When all have been served, we sing our thanks to God for the great things God has done for us, for our lives and our salvation. Now we are ready to be sent into the world to do God’s work with our hands. Come to worship, for the feast has been prepared for you…. Nancy Beyer, Director of Music Ministries

February 15-16, 2014 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

the Happenings at St. Philip

Welcome! St. Philip Lutheran Church is a community where all people are welcome,

may come to know Jesus Christ, become faithful followers empowered by

the Holy Spirit, and are sent with Christ’s love into the world.

Come to the Table

Grace and peace to you!

It has been a while since I have shared with you thoughts on worship. When I last wrote I was presenting a series about the meaning of our liturgy, which is our Sunday worship. To this point I had covered the first two sections of the service: the Gathering, in which we reconstitute ourselves as the community of St Philip and an integral part of the Body of Christ, and the Word, where we meet God in Christ through the readings and preach-ing. We declare our faith through the creed and begin our mission in this world through the prayers of the church. We offer each other the peace of Christ and bring forth our offerings. Now we are ready to meet Christ at the Table.

The first act at the Table is to offer our gifts to God. The presiding pastor does this through prayer on behalf of the gathered community. Then the presiding pastor invites us to the meal, “The Lord be with you,” “and also with you,” we respond. We invite each other to be in the presence of the Lord, and we are told to be joyful about it. “Lift up your hearts!” We respond with, “We lift them to the Lord,” meaning that our joy is based on our relationship with Christ. The pastor then encourages us to “give our thanks and praise to the Lord” and we agree “it is right to give our thanks and praise to the Lord.” The pastor then goes into the Great Thanksgiving, reciting for us the mighty deeds God has done for this people throughout history culminating in Christ. This prayer changes with the church seasons but always ends with, “...therefore, with all the angels and archan-gels and all the hosts of heaven we praise your name and join their unending prayer…”

Here is where we offer our praise in song with all the heavens and the earth, imagining what the Great Feast will be at Christ’s coming again. We sing a song that honors Christ as the ascended Lamb to the throne of God and as the host present at this meal. Most recently we have been singing a piece by a modern song-writer, Michael W. Smith, who has adapted a text from Revelation, “Alleluia, for you are holy. Worthy is the Lamb, Amen.”

Then the pastor consecrates this meal telling us again how the meal came to us: “In the night in which he was betrayed…” It is appropriate for us to say the Lord’s Prayer at this point, honoring God as the provider who sustains us with daily bread. Then we are invited to the table, and once again we sing to the Lamb of God, reminding ourselves who our host is and who sustains us. We don’t come unworthy, we come grateful, ready to receive Christ into ourselves. When all have been served, we sing our thanks to God for the great things God has done for us, for our lives and our salvation. Now we are ready to be sent into the world to do God’s work with our hands.

Come to worship, for the feast has been prepared for you….

Nancy Beyer, Director of Music Ministries

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 2

Worship Notes - February 16, 2014

INTRODUCTION: In today's reading from Deuter-

onomy we are called to choose life by loving and

obeying God. Much of today's gospel reading

echoes portions of the Ten Commandments. Jesus'

instructions to the crowd reveal a pattern of behav-

ior that honors both God and the neighbor, result-

ing in life and health for the whole community. We,

too, are invited to embrace these commandments,

not out of fear of retribution, but because God has

promised that to do so means life for us.

FIRST READING: Deuteronomy 30:15–20 The Lord sets before the people of God a clear

choice. Life and prosperity will come to the faithful;

loss of the land will be the consequence of disobedi-

ence. Choosing life entails loving and holding fast

to the Lord. Life in God's presence presupposes the

promise made to the ancestors.

PSALM: Psalm 119:1–8

SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 3:1–9 Human leaders in the church are not the ones who

control ministry. Rather they are fellow workers

who belong to God, the one who truly controls and

continuously empowers the ministry of the church.

GOSPEL: Matthew 5:20–37 In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus exhorts his fol-

lowers to embrace standards of righteousness that

exceed legal requirements and traditional expecta-


Saturday Evening Worship Servants

February 15 February 22

Keyboardist Naomi Doerr Becky Miller

Cantor Tom Schnickel Laura Miller

Usher Duane Eatinger Duane Eatinger

Altar Guild Laurie Selander Mary Austin

Sound Board Jerry Jantz Jerry Jantz

Worship Servants for THIS week (02/16)

8:00am 10:45 a.m.

Assisting Janet Wagner

Lectors Mike McNamara Galinda Knight

Acolytes Dillon Himes Skyler Gates

Charlie Petersen Ian McAdams

Communion Deacons

Karen Otto Sabrina C. Johnston

Erica Giesen Nikki Giesen

Prayer Partner Naomi Doerr Jill Luer

Ushers Dave Oelz Peter Mielke Dick Wagner Jay Breidenbach

Nick Schell Nancy Schell Rob Simons Ron Rossi

Greeters Robert & Bob Kidder

Altar Guild Virginia Zimmerman Lisa Edington

Betty Welch Galinda Knight

Sound Board Steve Rower John Wall

Ambassadors Char Nauman & Dick Rusch

Worship Servants for NEXT week (02/23)

8:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m.

Assisting Roger Pettner

Lector Howard Olson Noelle McAdams

Acolytes Ben Husted Trevor Young

Carson Minardi Evan Minardi

Communion Deacons

LeRae Schnickel Karen Bentz

Joseph Rower Lisa Edington

Ushers Dave Oelz Peter Mielke Jay Breidenbach

Nick Schell Nancy Schell Rob Simons Ron Rossi

Greeters Howard & Nancy Hanson

Altar Guild Paula Willhouse Carolyn Endecott

Mary Hatlestad Meg Roswech

Sound Board Steve Rower TBD

Ambassadors Mary Hatlestad

Free Nursery Childcare

The nursery is open during worship services and edu-cation hour for infants and young children. Ask an usher to direct you.


Please Be Courteous

Please silence all electronic devices

when in the sanctuary. Thank you.

GATHERING *Please stand as you are able.

PRELUDE “Capriccio” from Parita a-Moll

(Johann Anton Logy)

John Breed, guitar & Josh Keltner, cello



The musical call to worship begins the service,

encouraging us to quietly prepare our hearts and

minds to receive the Word of God.


Please stand as you are able and face the

baptismal font at the rear of the sanctuary.

All may make the sign of the cross, the sign marked

at baptism, as the minister begins.

P: Blessed be the holy Trinity, † one God, who forgives all our sin, whose mercy endures for-ever. C: Amen.

P: Let us come into the light of Christ, confess-ing our need for God’s mercy.

Silence is kept for reflection.

P: Holy and faithful God, C:We so often choose our own way instead of yours. We think we can evade your com-mandments. We have spoken in ways that kill, strayed with our hearts, betrayed friends, and hated enemies. We have broken our promises. Search us deeply and create us anew. Lift the heavy burden of our sin and free us to follow your way of life. Amen.

P: “Call upon me,” says the Lord, “and I will answer.” Our God has come among us to loose every bond and set us free from all that weighs us down. Receive the forgiveness of all your sins in the name of † Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen Savior. C: Amen.

Please turn and face forward for the opening hymn.

*OPENING HYMN Red hymnal, #835

“All Creatures, Worship God Most High” Verses 1, 4, 6



Please be seated.


FIRST READING: Deuteronomy 30:15-20

PSALM: Psalm 119:1-8 (on screens, read responsively)

SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9


*GOSPEL: Matthew 5:20-37

Please be seated.

3 www.stphilip-co.org

February 16, 2014 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

8:00am and 10:45am ELW Setting 10

CHILDREN’S CONVERSATION All children are encouraged to come forward.

SERMON - Pastor Nathan “The Righteousness of Christ!”

*HYMN OF THE DAY “God, When Human Bonds Are Broken”

(sung to alternate tune; words on screens)


*SHARING OF THE PEACE Please be seated.


PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND GIFTS The offering is received as the Lord’s Table is prepared.

Children are invited to bring their gifts to the altar. All quarters received will go to the ELCA World Hunger program.

OFFERING MUSIC “Divertimento”

Opus 40, No. 12 (M. Guiliani)

John Breed, guitar & Josh Keltner, cello

*OFFERTORY ELW 695, vs. 3





“Alleluia, Alleluia”



Please be seated.

“All of us sharing our gifts in service”

COMMUNION Please move to the altar as indicated by the ushers.

Pre-filled communion cups in the center of the communion

tray contain grape juice. You may request a gluten-free wafer

from the communion server.

ALL are welcome, for it is the Lord’s Table.

LAMB OF GOD ELW 336, verses 1 & 3


“Leccion , Las Segundas Lecciones” (Julio S. Segreras)

John Breed, guitar & Josh Keltner, cello

“Etude No. 8” Opus 35, No. 22

(Fernando Sor)

“Lesson IV” Opus 31

(Fernando Sor)






*SENDING HYMN Red hymnal, #720

“We Are Called”


POSTLUDE “Rondo” Opus 24 (F. Carulli)

John Breed, guitar & Josh Keltner, cello


Members of St. Philip: Dee Heyn, Glenn Isernhagen and his family, Dan Heins and his family, Marian Schild, Brian Counterman, Nita Urben, and Ron Rossi.

Family Members: Renee Chavez (mother of Galinda Knight), Lisa Bork (daughter of Mark & Mary Austin), Shannon Ealy (niece of Pastor Nathan & Naomi), Debbie Keeney (Chuck Krieger’s daughter), Verona Rogness Schiller (aunt of Karen Morin), Harriett Hansen (Kirstine Rand’s great-aunt), Tom Kirk (Kirstine Rand’s uncle), Mary Beth Stimmel (Kirstine Rand’s aunt), Louise and Ron Carlson (Kirstine Rand’s mother and stepfather), and Cathy Silco (Tom Silco’s sister).

Friends: Brian Briggs & the Briggs family (former members), Kelly (Suzanne Peterson), Leah Saiben (Aaron & Quinn Silco), the DelDuca family (Kuenne), the family and friends of Mi-chelle Keller (White family), the family & friends of John “Mac” Moore (LeVin), John Hoistion (Karen Otto), Bryan Vinz (Thrivent agent), Becky Logan (Karen Morin), and Eileen Stetson (Hansons).

Prayers of thanksgiving for restored health of Terry Capron, father of Amy Fritsch.

Prayers for our companion synods and friends in Madagascar.

Prayers of remembrance and love for all our homebound members.

For all servicemen and women deployed around the world, those suffering with PTSD and those with ties to St. Philip who are currently serving our country.

If you have a prayer concern that you wish to have printed in the Happenings, please call

the church office at 303.979.4491 or complete the prayer request section on a Connection

Card and place it in the offering plate. Prayer requests will be listed for two weeks unless

otherwise requested. Thank you.

5 www.stphilip-co.org

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” 6

Altar Flowers

Our altar flowers were donated by Cliff and Kay Mosier, to honor the memory of their daughter, Valerie Kay Mosier.

Worship Sources

Reprinted from Words for Worship, copyright 2013 Augsburg

Fortress. Used by permission. Scripture quotations (except

psalms) from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copy-

right 1989 Division of Christian Education of the National

Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. All rights re-

served. Used by permission. License #13076W. Reprinted

under OneLicense.net A-705770.


Opening Hymn: ELW #835“All Creatures, Worship God Most

High” Text: Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226; tr. Composite Mu-

sic: Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Köln, 1623 Text © 1997

Augsburg Fortress.

Hymn of the Day: ELW #603“God, When Human Bonds are

Broken” Text: Fred Kaan, b. 1929 Text © 1989Hope Publish-

ing Company, Carol Stream, IL 60188 ELW #455“Crashing Waters at Creation” Music: attr. Chris-

tian F. Witt, 1660-1716; adapt. Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805-1876.

Sending Hymn: ELW #720“We Are Called” Text: David

Haas, b. 1957 Music: David Haas Text and music © 1988

GIA Publications, Inc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gospel Acclamation: ELW #164 “Glory to God, Glory in the

Highest” Music: Peruvian traditional.

Offertory: ELW #695“As Saints of Old” Text: Frank Von

Christierson, 1900-1996, alt. Music: English folk tune; arr.

Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958 Text © 1961, ren. 1989

The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Company, Arr. ©

Oxford University Press.

Holy, Holy, Holy: Sing! #39 “Alleluia, for the Lord God Al-

mighty Reigns/Agnus Dei” Text: Michael W. Smith, b. 1957

Text and music © 1990 Milene Music, Inc. Arr. © 2001

Milene Music, Inc.

Lamb of God: ELW #336 “Lamb of God” Text: Twila Paris, b.

1958 Music: Twila Paris Text and music: © 1985 Straight-

way Music/Mountain Spring Music.

Post-Communion Canticle: Sing! #216 “Give Thanks” Text

and music: Henry Smith, b. 1952 Text and music © Integrity’s

Hosanna! Music.


Children’s Bulletins & Participation

Children are always welcome at our services!

During the service they are encouraged to come forward to the altar for a special chil-dren’s conversation and then

again with their offerings. We also have special bulletins for children - please ask the ushers.


Worshipers on Saturday, 02/08/14 (5:30pm) 44 Worshipers on Sunday, 02/09/14 (8:00am) 98 Worshipers on Sunday, 02/09/14 (10:45am) 112 Total Attendance 254

Sunday Morning Help Needed

Can you read and push an ar-row button on a computer key-board to advance a slide? If you can do those two remark-able things we could use your skills during Sunday service.

Our A/V techs currently do both jobs of manag-ing slides and sound. Most churches divide this responsibility and at St. Philip we think it is time to “get with the program.” If you think your eyes and your index finger can handle this, contact the church office, or email Steve Rower at: [email protected], or Marc DeFur at: [email protected].

Looking Ahead to Lent

The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednes-day, on March 5, 2014. During the season of Lent, St. Philip will have mid-week Lenten wor-ship services, preceded by Bread & Broth sup-pers. Bread & Broth begins at 6pm; Lenten worship at 7pm.

Holy Week begins with Palm/Passion Sunday on April 13. Maundy Thursday is April 17, fol-lowed by Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter. Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of Our Lord, is April 20, 2014.


At St. Philip we offer two kinds of classes for those wishing to learn more about St. Philip, and for those desiring to become members.

The Inquirer Class is for those who are new to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA), of which St. Philip is a part. This class covers what we believe about God and the practices of the church, including the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. We offer this class for those who have come from traditions other than the ELCA who wish to become members of St. Philip Lutheran Church.

The next set of Inquirer classes will be held over three Sundays: March 2nd


th, from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Fireside Room. Childcare will be provided

through the church nursery.

The New Member Class is for those who are either transferring their member-ship from an ELCA congregation, those returning to active membership at St. Philip, or those who have completed the Inquirer Class. In this class you’ll learn more about the ministry of St. Philip and how you can become part of our vi-sion: “All of us sharing our gifts in service.”

The next New Member Class will be held over three Sundays: March 23rd

—April 6th

from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Fireside room. Childcare will be provided through the church nursery.

Please RSVP to the church office at 303.979.4491 if you plan to attend either of these classes and if you need childcare. After attending the New Member class, if you would like to become a member of St. Philip, you are invited to a New Member dinner on Saturday, April 5

th at 6:30pm in the

Fellowship Hall. We will welcome you into the congregation in worship on Sunday May 6th.

www.stphilip-co.org www.stphilip-co.org 7


Always Being Made New; The Campaign for the ELCA

As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) we share a living, daring confi-dence in God’s grace. This faith gives us the courage to proclaim the good news to a world that is longing to hear it. It sets us free to love and serve our neighbors.

Always Being Made New; The Campaign for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is the first-ever, five-year comprehensive campaign for our church. In our first 25 years together as the ELCA, there is much to celebrate. And yet, God is calling us to do more.

Through this campaign we can: Share the gospel Overcome malaria Send missionaries

Please pray for members of the ELA and our church’s life-changing, life-sustaining ministries and consider making an initial gift to the campaign to support ministries that mean the most to you. Also consider how you and your congregation can take part in the next five years.

Together - in the name of Jesus Christ - we can achieve things tht we could never otherwise imagine or do alone. Learn more at: www.ELCA.org/campaign.

Start new congregations End hunger

Serve globally Train leaders

8 www.stphilip-co.org

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Put on your Mardi Gras beads and get ready for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on March 4

th from 5:30 until 7:00 in

the Fellowship Hall! We will serve both regular and gluten-free pan-

cakes. A free-will offering will be col-lected that will go to ELCA World Hunger. Please join us for an eve-ning of fun, fellowship, and good food!! Oh, there will be some great music, too!

Mary Mielke is Going to Uganda

Mary Mielke will be traveling to Uganda soon to spend a month working on several different projects through an organization called Come, Let’s Dance.

Come, Let’s Dance is a grassroots organization acting in the United States and Uganda to initi-ate social, environmental, and economic health by inviting a generation to live intentionally in service to others.

The projects that Mary will be working on in-clude a sustainable farm, medical clinic, or-phanage, school, and in the slums of the city. Work on the farm will include taking care of crops and teaching rural farmers sustainable practices in how to extend the life and yield of their crops, to supply food for their families and generate extra income. The medical clinic is open 24/7 and offers services for basic wound care, malaria treatment, HIV testing, etc.. The orphanage houses children who have lost their parents to AIDS and other causes. The children attend the Wakiso Christian International Acad-emy (WCIA) which is an international school that uses teaching practices that are superior to the standard Ugandan primary education. In the slums of Kampala, Come, Let’s Dance has a community center that helps women learn how to sew so they can move away from prosti-tution and create better lives for themselves and their children.

Mary is in need of some patrons to help defray the cost of her trip. If you are interested in do-nating, please make your check payable to ‘Come, Let’s Dance,’ and write ‘Mary Mielke’ in the memo line.

If you would like more information, please con-tact Peter Mielke at [email protected], or go online to: www.comeletsdance.org.

Thank you for your support!



News From Rainbow Trail

SUMMER CAMP Good news! You can still register for summer camp at Rainbow Trail! There are still openings in many of the camps, so it’s time to start think-ing about camping at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp for summer 2014! But don’t delay; the weeks are filling up quickly!

Registering is easy. Go online to www.rainbowtrail.org and register today so you have the best chance of getting your first choice! Camping at Rainbow Trail means a week of fun and growth as part of a great Christian community in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Register soon!! RTLC COMPASS POINTS TRIPS Find a week of adventure and fun on Rainbow Trail Compass Points backpacking trips. Com-pass Points trips are open registration trips for junior high, senior high, and graduating seniors. The trips are filled with hiking, camping, Bible study, worship, rafting, and most of all, friend-ship. There is still room available; find out more about these amazing experiences at www.rainbowtrail.org.

RTLC Pizza Kitchen Flyer

11 www.stphilip-co.org

Adult Classes Currently in Session

Redemption and the Book of Revelation Taught by Jerry Jantz, in MC-4/5

The Gospel of Matthew Pastor Nathan & Juli Jacobson, in MC-3

Lutheran Liturgy 101 Dr. Nancy Beyer, in MC-1

All classes meet from 9:30-10:30am.


FAITH5™: Pillow Fights Good for Brains!

At our first FAITH5™ gathering, St. Philip fami-lies discovered pillow fights before bed can be a good thing! Physical activity increases oxy-gen and glucose in the brain, resulting in better attention and retention. Attention and retention are both helpful as families begin to wind down and intentionally connect with the nightly Faith Acts in the Home: sharing, reading, talking, praying, and blessing.

Families with children of all ages are invited to join us for Week Two of FAITH5™ on Sunday, February 16 at 5 pm to explore the act of shar-ing highs and lows. Contact JoHanna at: [email protected] for location informa-tion.

©Faith Inkubators. All rights reserved. www.faithink.com/www.faith5.org


St. Philip Early Learning Center Loving Hugs Stuffed Animal Drive

The Early Learning Center is hosting a stuffed animal drive during February for Loving Hugs, Inc.

Your donated stuffed animals will be sent to children living in very stressful situations in an effort to bring them some soft portable comfort and hope.

Please bring your donations to the north end of the build-ing, just outside the Fireside Room. For more information, go to: www.LovingHugs.org.

It’s Not A Tournament, It’s a FUNdraiser!

The 3rd

annual St. Philip Golf Tournament is changing its name! In an effort to make every-one feel welcome, and to include as many golf-ers as possible, we are changing the name of our annual fundraiser from a golf “tournament” to a golf “outing.” The time we spend together is meant to be simply for fun and fellowship. ALL golfers, both inexperienced and experi-enced are most welcome. If you haven’t played for years, please don’t let that stop you—it’s all for fun. There are no minimum scores or handi-caps; there are no fierce competitions. This is our time for getting together outside of the nor-mal venue.

This year’s outing will be at the beautiful Arrow-head golf course. It’s a little more expensive because it is a private course, but that makes our time together even more special. All pro-ceeds from our outing and silent auction will be used to enhance the lighting in the sanctuary. So, please, get out your clubs and come join us on Saturday, June 28

th. We will begin with a

shotgun start, followed by a delicious lunch for all afterwards.

For more information, contact Linda Good-nough at [email protected]. Fore!

Senior High Youth Group

Youth in high school, this is for YOU! Senior High Youth Group is a place for youth to get together, hang out, play games and have a short devotion. We have a blast getting to-gether every Sunday from 7:00-8:30pm in the youth room. Feel free to join us any time you can! The next youth group will be tonight! Contact Pastor Brad if you have any questions at [email protected].

12 www.stphilip-co.org

Volunteers Needed for 2/22 Dinner

Love INC is part of a group of churches who are providing emergency shelter for homeless singles in Jefferson County during severe weather. Faith Community Church will be a host site February 17-23

rd. St. Philip is signed

up to help provide dinner on Saturday, Febru-ary 22


CAN YOU HELP? The sign-up sheet is in the narthex, along with more information about the Severe Weather Shelter pro-gram.

Please contact Karen Otto at 720.290.1360 or email her at: [email protected] if you have questions.

Building a ‘Wall’ of Paper

During the month of February, we will be collecting toilet paper and facial tissues for our local food banks. These are two items in great need by their clients.

Our goal is to build a WALL of paper products; please bring your donations to the narthex.

Call Karen Otto at 720.290.1360 with any ques-tions. Thank you for your support!

Sharing With Sheridan

The community of Sheridan would like to thank the members of St. Philip for contributing the 10 baskets of food and the King Soopers gift cards this past Christmas. The families were truly grateful. Our goal is to grow this new min-istry by continuing to provide emergency food bags and grocery gift cards on an on-going ba-sis.

We are asking for donations of $25 King Soop-ers gift cards or ready to deliver food bags con-taining the following healthy items: 1. Canned entrees (Hearty soups, chili, canned

chicken) 2. Breakfast cereal (whole grain & 10g or less sugar) 3. Peanut butter 4. Canned tuna (in water) 5. Canned tomatoes 6. Pasta sauce 7. Canned cooked beans (low-sodium pinto, black,

refried) 8. Pasta (all types, whole wheat preferred) 9. Whole grain crackers 10. Canned fruits in natural juice or light syrup

Gift cards and food bags may be left at the church office. Please contact John and Penny Selden with any questions at 303.973.3213, or [email protected].

Sign Up for Family Promise Rotation

Sign-up sheets for our March rotation of Family Promise are ready for your review. We expect a full house during our hosting week of March 9-16. There will be lots of opportunities to serve: driving the van, providing supplies, preparing food and hosting. Also needed and greatly ap-preciated are your financial donations. We are requesting $25 King Soopers cards or WalMart gift cards that we can hand out to our homeless guests.

Questions? Need more information? Contact Bob Delong at 303.973.3996.


Blood Donors Needed!

The Children’s Hospital blood mobile will make its next visit to St. Philip on Friday, March 28

th, from 9

am until 4 pm. The goal will again be to collect 32 pints of whole blood, which will have a major impact on healing and sometimes saving the lives of young patients.

Although we are off to a good start with the sign-ups, we need more donors! We have lots of open slots still, and would love to have you sign up either at the Welcome Center kiosk in the narthex, or you can email Susan or Bill Shepard at [email protected]. We can sign up two people every 15 minutes between 9 am and 1 pm. Choose your best time!


Coffee Fellowship Today

Ginger Cordova is our Coffee Host-ess today—thank you!

Coffee Fellowship at St. Philip takes place in the narthex from 9-9:30am immedi-ately following the first service. Light re-

freshments are served along with generous servings of fellowship.

Please join us!

“All of us sharing our gifts in service”

Time is Running Out... Have you gotten your tickets yet??

St. Philip’s annual Father & Son Dinner will be held on Sunday, February 23 in the fellowship hall. Festivities begin at 5pm with a delicious four-course spaghetti and meatball din-ner from Angie’s restau-rant. There will be draw-ings for a variety of door prizes for both boys and men. Our entertainment will be “A Wild and Crazy Comedy Show” presented by the famous Jackman Brothers. It’s high quality entertain-ment filled with laughter and excitement! Come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, food, and fun.

Sign-up sheets and tickets are available at the Welcome Center kiosk in the narthex. Ques-tions? Need more information? Contact How-ard Hanson at [email protected].


Women’s Fellowship Luncheon Thursday, February 27, 2014

12:00noon at The Bistro restaurant Aspen Grove Shopping Center

No reservations needed, All are welcome!

Team Leader Needed for Bread & Broth

It’s time to start preparing for Lent. This year St. Philip needs a team leader to coordinate the Bread & Broth suppers held each Wednesday evening during Lent. Bread & Broth will begin March 12

th, and continue through April

9th. The

potluck soup supper begins promptly at 6PM.

For more information, please contact Dawn Collins at [email protected].

New Meeting Time for Prayer Team

The St. Philip Prayer Team meets every Monday morn-ing at 10:30am in the sanctu-ary. Come and join us! All are welcome.

We pray for members, family and friends, our church, our

community, and our world. We would love to have more team members!

For more information, please contact Becky Near at [email protected].

Attention Young Adults and Families!

St. Philip is starting a young adult ministry for young families and adults between the ages of 21 and 35.

We will get together at Pastor Brad and Rose-anna’s home for our first gathering on Sunday, March 9

th from 4:30-6:00 pm. FREE child care

will be provided. We hope you will join us for fellowship and fun as we get to know each other! We also hope you will come with lots of ideas as well for what YOU hope this group will become.

If you are interested in being involved with this young adult and family ministry, please let Pas-tor Brad know, or sign up at the Welcome Cen-ter kiosk in the narthex.

2014 2013

YTD Actual $442 $270

2014 2013

YTD Actual $47,522 $62,022

YTD Budgeted $62,155


YTD Actual YTD Budget Difference

Income $52,038 $63,980 -$11,942

Expenses 55,434 59,969 4,535

-3,396 4,011 -7,407

Financial Update As of the end of January 2014


ELCA World Hunger

14 www.stphilip-co.org

Building Use

Need a room for a meeting? Have a special occasion coming up?

Scheduling for all building usage is done by the Business Administrator,

Linda Goodnough. Call Linda at 303.979.4491,

or email Linda at: [email protected].


NEW Deadline for Happenings Articles

Because of recent staff changes, the deadline for submitting articles for the weekly Happen-ings has changed. The deadline for submit-ting articles to the weekly Happenings is TUESDAY at NOON. Information received after noon on Tuesday will be held over until the next week.

Please email your submissions to: [email protected], or bring to the church office.

Questions? Call Sue Riecks at 303.829.4981.


Settling In...

“Everyone loves progress, but no one likes change.” A lot of changes have taken place here at St. Philip just in the first two months of 2014!

In January we welcomed JoHanna Buchholz as our new Coordinator of Children and Family Ministries. At the end of January, Sue Riecks stepped down as the full-time parish secretary to begin a new position with St. Philip as Edito-rial Assistant, and Dana Usinger came on board as the new front desk receptionist/secretary. Dana will be working part-time, ap-proximately 23 hours a week. You can find her in the church office Monday through Thursday, from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Sue will be working re-motely from home, preparing all worship mate-rials and the weekly Happenings. Sue’s new position is also part-time.

Along with the new personnel, there are also some other changes that the congregation needs to be aware of.

The staff will now have their weekly meeting from 1:00pm to 2:30pm each Tuesday. The pastors, Nancy Beyer, and the office staff all attend the weekly staff meeting.

So what has stayed the same? The church of-fice is still open from 8am to 5pm Monday through Thursday, including during the noon hour. The office is open on Friday from 8am until NOON, and is closed Saturday and Sun-day. Friday is still the pastors day off, and Mon-days are still the busiest day of the week!

Please bear with us as we all settle into our new situations; there may be a few little bumps as we sort out things, but soon it will all seem familiar and comfortable again. We are making progress!

If you have any questions about the new staff positions or office hours, please call the church office at 303.979.4491.

“All of us sharing our gifts in service” “All of us sharing our gifts in service” 15

Our New Property Sign Has Arrived!

Speaking of change and progress, we are de-lighted to report that our new property sign has arrived, safe and sound!

Last week was a flurry of activity as phone calls flew back and forth between the church office and the shipping company. Weather delayed the delivery a few days, but finally the express company was able to get their truck’s schedule coordinated with our team of manly, muscular male volunteers who skillfully unloaded the heavy wooden boxes off the truck and into tem-porary storage here at St. Philip. Thanks go out to Larry Edwards, Ray Peterson, John Breed, Duane Eatinger and John Schutt for their pa-tience and help in getting the sign successfully unloaded, uncrated, and stored.

We are now waiting on Mother Nature; before the sign can be installed, the ground needs to thaw adequately for the foundation to be prop-erly prepared and installed. The sign will rest on a concrete foundation, with additional sup-ports for anchoring the large cross of St. Philip which will be attached to the sign.

The cross will be made of teak wood, and is being crafted by Tim Hinz, the same artist who created the cross for our sanctuary.

The new sign has three main parts—the upper portion contains our church name and the logo of the ELCA, and is a fluorescent unit. The mid section of the sign is the LED section, which will be programmed via computer to broadcast important church information. The lower portion will be the foundation, and will resemble the rock wall of the sanctuary.

So much time and effort has gone into the plan-ning, design, and procurement of this new sign. It is wonderful to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and how wonderful it will be when soon the new sign is lit up and working!

16 “All of us sharing our gifts in service”

TUE, February 18

1:00P SPLC staff meeting

4:00P Social Detectives

6:30P Bells rehearsal

6:30P Boy Scout Troop 554

7:00P SPELC Governing Board

7:00p Men’s Evening Bible Study-Selander’s home

SAT, February 22

9:00a ACA

10:30a Al-Anon

4:00P Pinyon Ranch Blanket Making

5:30P Worship Service

SUN, February 23

8:00a Worship

9:00a Coffee Fellowship

9:30a Education Hour

10:45a Worship

7:00P Sr. High Youth Group

FRI, February 21 — Church office open 8am-noon

4:00P Pack 554 Blue & Gold Banquet

THU, February 20

7:00a Men’s breakfast (off-site at Robert’s Deli)

6:30P Choir Practice

St. Philip Lutheran Church 7531 S. Kendall Blvd. • Littleton, CO 80128

303.979.4491 Website: www.stphilip-co.org

Office Hours: Monday–Thursday: 8am to 5pm

Closed for lunch: Noon to 1:00pm Friday: 8am to 12:00noon

Senior Pastor: Nathan P. Doerr Associate Pastor: Brad Doty

Director of Music Ministries: Dr. Nancy Beyer Coordinator of Children & Family Ministries:

JoHanna Buchholz Organist: Gretchen Martin

Business Administrator: Linda Goodnough Editorial Assistant: Susan Riecks

Receptionist: Dana Usinger Nursery: Paula Googins

KeyKeeper Duty

The Keykeeper this week (02/16-02/22) is Howard Hanson. Next week’s Keykeeper (02/23-03/01) will be Peter Mielke. Thank you for your service!

WED, February 19

9:00a Ruth Circle

6:00P Confirmation

SUN, February 16

8:00a Worship

9:00a Coffee Fellowship

9:30a Education Hour

10:45a Worship

7:00P Sr. High Youth Group

MON, February 17

10:30a Prayer Team

4:00P Autism Social Group

6:00P Property Team

6:30P Prayer Shawl Ministry

7:00P Bible Study-The Story

This Week at St. Philip

Congregational Meeting

Sunday, February 23 at 9:30am (between services)

Please plan to attend.
