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The Use of Digital Radiography in the Oil&Gas Industry

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GE Measurement & Control Solutions Digital Radiography Steven Wissels Product Sales Manager X-Ray Products Latin America
Page 1: The Use of Digital Radiography in the Oil&Gas Industry

GE Measurement & Control Solutions

Digital Radiography

Steven Wissels

Product Sales Manager X-Ray Products

Latin America

Page 2: The Use of Digital Radiography in the Oil&Gas Industry

The Use of digital radiography in the Oil & Gas Industry.

• Timeline

• Systems used • X-Ray tubes

• Film Digitizing (FS) solution

• CR based solution

• DDA based solution

• Pro´s & Con´s

• Software tools

• Standards & Recommendations

• Using Digital Radiography

Page 3: The Use of Digital Radiography in the Oil&Gas Industry

3 GE Inspection Technologies

Digital Radiography: History

1973 Patent issue covering method & workflow of CR (US3859527 (Eastman Kodak) George W. Luckey)

No storage phosphor available yet that time

1980 1st commercial (powder) storage phosphor composition patented (BaFBr:Eu2+) EP0044516 Nishimura & Kotera

Covers until today >90% of all CR solutions

1983 Fuji introduces the first medical CR system

1985-1995 More medical CR systems commercially available: AGFA, Kodak, Konica

Acceptance of CR for general radiography

1996-2000 First use of CR for NDT pioneered by BAM-Berlin (Prof. Uwe Ewert)

Dedicated CR systems for NDT available from AGFA followed by Fuji, Lumisys

1994-2000 Development and emergence of amorphous silicon digital detector arrays mainly for medical applications

(Dupont, GE, Xerox, Philips, Siemens, Thompson… )

>2000 Other players producing DDA’s and CR equipment enter the NDT market

2004 First release of ASTM DICONDE standard,

GE to acquire AGFA NDT division

2005 First CR Standards: EN 14784-1 and -2, ASME V Code Case 2476

2009 CR in HOIS JIP (Joint Industry Project) forum

2010 Aerospace MAI on CR/DR

2013 Release ISO 17636-1 and -2

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X-Ray Tubes


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5 GE Inspection Technologies

Radiography Basics: X-ray Tubes & Generators

Portable ERESCO generators

o 160 - 300 kV

o Directional and Panoramic units

o Intuitive and ergonomically Control Module MF4

o Application specific accessories

o Robust design

Mobile ISOVOLT mobile 160 System

o 160kV HV generator

o Compact and easy to handle

o Supports different X-ray tubes

o Ruggedized design


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Radiography Basics: X-ray Tubes & Generators Stationary ISOVOLT TITAN E System

o 160 – 450 kV

o High stability and accuracy

o High dose rate output

o Supports >50 X-ray tubes

o Supports different coolers / chillers and safety mechanism

o Simple system integration

o Reliable operation

o Maintenance Free High Voltage option for 450kV


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7 GE Inspection Technologies

Radiography Basics: X-Ray Tubes & Generators

Next generation Stationary X-ray System: ISOVOLT Lynx

o 160 – 320 – (450 – 600) kV

o State-of-the-art High Voltage and Power Electronics

o Fast controller and high performance computing power

o On-line monitoring

o Maintenance Free High Voltage Connections


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Film Digitizing (FS)


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9 GE Inspection Technologies

Film Digitizing: FS50 (B)

Converts radiographic film to a digital format.

Extracts more information than light box viewing.

Contrast Sensitivity: Δ0.02 between 0 and 4.5 OD.

Film digitizing up to 50µ.

50µ pixel pitch: 9 lp/mm resolution.

FS50: 0-4.3 OD, EN14096 Class DB (SN. 2071xxx).

FS50B: 0-4.7 OD, EN14096 Class DS (SN. 2075xxx).


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Systems used: CR based solution

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11 GE Inspection Technologies



Red laser beam

Blue emittedlight

Principle of CR explained in the Atom Shell Model (= shell like structure of electron cloud)

X & Gamma radiation => phosphor electrons excited and trapped in a semi-stable state [LATENT IMAGE]

Laser energy releases electrons => light emitted & captured by PMT [start of DIGITAL IMAGE]

Principle of Storage Phosphor

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12 GE Inspection Technologies

rotating mirror




storage phosphor plate

Computed Radiography: Scanner Principle

Reflecting mirrors

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13 GE Inspection Technologies

• Scanners for Computed Radiography (all are BAM certified)

– High Resolution Weld scanner, exclusively for GE, combining highest resolution with high throughput: CRxVision

– Cassette based, HR daylight system designed specifically for NDT applications, with long IP lifetime: CRxFlex

– Portable Scanner (flexible & compact system for on- and off-shore applications) CRx25p

• Reusable Phosphor Imaging Plates and Cassettes

– Superior image quality specifically designed for dedicated NDT applications: IPC2, IPS2, IPU.

Computed Radiography

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Systems used: DDA based solution

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15 GE Inspection Technologies

GE Digital Panel Technology

Cesium iodide scintillator

absorbs X-Ray photons

and converts them to light.

Low-noise photodiode array

absorbs light and converts it

into an electronic charge.

Each photodiode represents a pixel or picture element.

Low- noise electronics

digitally read out charge

at each pixel

Cesium Iodide (CsI)


Amorphous Silicon Panel

(Photodiode/Transistor Array)





Digital Data


Read Out Electronics

High Efficiency Technology

• Reduces required photons per image

• Reduces non-relevant signal noise

Valuable Benefits

• Increases capacity – extreme short exposure time

• Increases resolution - sharper image

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16 GE Inspection Technologies

Direct Radiography (DDA) Digital acquisition of radiographs using DDA technology

- extremely high image quality even in a harsh production environment

- static & fully automated inspection systems for various applications:

• Medium / High Resolution Detectors

• Real Time Detectors

- 1st generation Portable Detectors for Field Radiography (Erosion/Corrosion Monitoring, Weld inspection)

• Value Line (GOS) / Premium Line (CsI)

- 2nd generation Portable Detectors (wireless & battery operation)

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17 GE Inspection Technologies

Scope of inspection:

o 18 refinery images (elbows, valves and T-s) with Ir192 and Co60

o Completed with both a CR scanner and DXR250V detector


o Estimated exp. time film: +15 hrs. / 2 full shifts

o Total exp. time CR: 3.78 hours / 0,5 shift

o Total exp. time DXR250V: 7.03 min

Direct Radiography: Example of Exposure Time Gain


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Pro´s and Con´s

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19 GE Inspection Technologies

Return On Investment: Why Digital Radiography




Eliminated Process

Improved Process



Disposal Report to

Customer File Film Film Review Develop Film Inspection






Film &


Inspection Prepare





to A







Report to








Worklist A







Report to



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20 GE Inspection Technologies

Computed Radiography: Pro´s & Con´s

Lower dose required as film

No variable costs (chemistry, darkroom)

Higher dynamic range - less reshoot

High SNR and BSR

Flexible detector


Zero environmental impact

ROI: 12 – 18 mnths

Less typo’s (info need to be entered only once)

SW: consistent results & evaluations

Easy sharing of data, worldwide

Pro Con

Weld Image quality slightly less than film with gamma

More sensitive to scatter (adding filter)

Higher initial investment cost, but quite short ROI

Recent released Weld Standard, customers need to understand and adapt


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21 GE Inspection Technologies

Direct Radiography: Pro´s & Con´s

Very low dose /very short exposures

No variable costs (chemistry, darkroom)

Image quality better than film

Higher dynamic range - less reshoot

Immediate results & reusable

Standard BSR and very high SNR

Zero environmental impact

ROI: 18 – 24 mnths

Less typo’s (info need to be entered only once)

SW: consistent results & evaluations

Easy sharing data, worldwide

Pro Con

Non-flexible detector

DWSI requires (min. 1) image more for pipes smaller than 20” vs. film

Slightly higher investment cost vs. CR

Recent released Weld Standard, customers need to understand and adapt

Non shielded electronics can be affected by long term high-energy radiation (Co60)


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22 GE Inspection Technologies

OD & WT vs. used energy for CUI (courtesy EDF)

26,0 153 161 169 184 197 210 222 233

25,0 140 150 158 166 180 194 206 218 229

24,0 137 147 155 163 177 190 202 214 225

23,0 128 135 145 152 160 173 186 198 209 220

22,0 116 125 132 142 149 156 170 182 194 205 216

21,0 114 123 129 139 146 153 166 178 190 201 211

20,0 102 111 120 126 136 143 150 162 174 185 196 206

19,0 100 109 117 124 132 139 146 159 170 181 191 201

18,0 88 97 106 114 121 129 136 142 155 166 176 186 196

17,0 80 86 95 104 112 117 126 132 139 150 161 172 181 190

16,0 78 84 93 101 109 114 122 129 135 146 157 167 176 185

15,0 62 67 75 81 90 98 105 111 119 125 131 142 152 162 171 179

14,0 61 65 73 79 87 95 102 107 115 121 127 137 147 156 165 173

13,0 54 59 63 71 76 84 92 99 104 111 117 122 132 142 151 159 167

12,0 53 57 61 69 74 81 88 95 100 107 112 118 127 136 145 153 161

11,0 46 51 55 59 66 71 78 85 91 96 103 108 113 122 131 139 147 154

10,0 40 45 49 53 57 63 68 75 81 87 92 98 103 108 117 125 133 140 147

9,0 33 38 43 47 51 54 60 65 71 77 83 87 93 98 102 111 119 126 133 140

8,0 32 37 41 45 48 51 57 61 67 73 78 82 88 92 97 105 112 119 125 132

7,0 30 35 39 42 45 48 54 57 63 69 74 77 82 87 91 98 105 111 117 123

6,0 29 32 36 39 42 45 50 53 59 64 68 72 77 80 84 91 97 103 109 114

5,0 26 30 33 36 39 41 46 49 54 58 62 66 70 73 77 83 89 94 99 104

4,0 24 27 30 32 35 37 41 44 48 52 56 59 63 66 69 74 80 84

3,0 21 24 26 28 30 32 36 38 42 45 49 51 54 57

2,0 17 20 22 23 25 27 29 31 34 37

40 50 60 70 80 90 110 125 150 175 200 220 250 275 300 350 400 450 500 550

Thickness (mm)

X-Ray tube 250 kv

Diameter (mm)

X-Ray tube 400 kv

Selenium 75

Iridium 192

Cobal 60

Out of range

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• The DICONDE Standard

• Flash! filter

• Wall Thickness Measurement tool

• Advanced Report Generator

• Archive

Tools designed for NDT

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24 GE Inspection Technologies

DICOM Standard: History

Digital Imaging and COmmunication in Medicine.

ASTM Standard for Medical, defining image format & sharing protocol.

From many equipment suppliers, all with their own propriety format to one worldwide standard!

ACR-NEMA Standards Publications No. 300 was first published in 1985.

These standards provided a platform including: o Communication of digital image information regardless of manufacturer o Command support for display devices o New hierarchy for image identification o More data elements to allow more detailed descriptions of an image o Facilitated the use of picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) o Extending communications to a network environment o Specifies levels of conformance o Introduces explicit Information Objects for studies, reports, etc. o Establishes techniques for uniquely identifying any Information Object


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25 GE Inspection Technologies

DICONDE Standard: History

Digital Imaging and COmmunication for Non-Destructive Evaluation.

Modalities like Magnetic Resonance (MR) and Nuclear Medicine are not common for NDE.

Similarly, NDE modalities such as Eddy Current (EC), Immersion Testing (IT), and Thermography are not used in the Healthcare. The DICOM standard has been perfected to create a standard for NDE, called DICONDE.

Original tags containing Patient Name, ID, Sex, Age, … are replaced by DICONDE tags with Component Name, ID, Part Thickness, Size Dimensions, etc.

DICONDE follows exactly the same protocols as DICOM, except for changes to handle different modalities and the parts.


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26 GE Inspection Technologies

DICONDE Standard: Benefits

DICOM/DICONDE compliant: o Ensures data integrity (NO manipulation of raw data) o Ensures customers not to be “locked in” to propriety form. o Eliminates data conversion issues customers face today o Simplifies integration NDT information into other systems

TIFF represents just an image: a small header + image pixel values. It does not typically inform the user

o Of where the image was taken, o Who took the image, o From which modality it is, etc.

DICONDE is much more than an image : o The image is a complete report in itself o Extra info like all Technique data, all Component data, … o An Standard providing common platform for users dealing with NDT images.

Interoperability of the DICONDE platform enables data-sharing between systems,

locations, and/or customers.

Component & technique data, operator name,

date, …


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27 GE Inspection Technologies

The “ Digital Age” of NDT -”Adopt to Opt imize”

AQUIRE DATA o RT - Radiography o UT – Ultrasonic o CT – Computed Tomography o RT - Remote visual inspection o EM - Electromagnetic o TM - Testing machines

o Data management software

REVIEW DATA o QA/QC o Level II or Level III o Remote Collaboration

SHARE DATA o Remote Collaboration

o Automated Workflow o Convert data into actionable

information o Measure the health of the asset

by product, region and channel o Find growth opportunities via

data mining

ARCHIVE - REPORT DATA o 100 % DICONDE/ASME CODE - Non Propriety Data Format o Measure the health of the asset o Find quality and verification opportunities via data mining o Traceability

o Data Integrity/Data Management

DICONDE Standard: Turning Information Into Intelligence

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28 GE Inspection Technologies

Statement It is the intent of this document to confirm that the GEIT Rhythm applications are in compliance

with and are following the DICONDE 11 specification for data formatting. The GEIT team has been an integral part of the ASTM E07.11 subcommittee and participated heavily in guiding the team to the creation of the DICONDE 11 specification.

GE DICONDE Conformance Statement

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Tools designed for NDT

Flash! Filter ...

a new era in digital imaging ….

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30 GE Inspection Technologies

Flash! Filter

A unique image enhancement software tool based upon innovative technology bringing NDT inspection to an advanced level.


o A raw image is not optimal for reading and interpretation.

o Image processing visualizes the essential information which is embedded in the raw image without creating indications!


o Higher productivity with more reading comfort

o Faster & consistent results

o less retakes & shorter exposure times, lower labor cost / job

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31 GE Inspection Technologies

Conventional Cast! Filter

See also the 2T holes below!

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32 GE Inspection Technologies

Conventional Flash! Filter

Wall thickness Corrosion

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33 GE Inspection Technologies

Conventional Flash! Filter


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34 GE Inspection Technologies

Conventional Flash! Filter



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35 GE Inspection Technologies

Conventional Flash! Filter

Corrosion under insulation

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36 GE Inspection Technologies


Flash! Filter

Copper on steel weld

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Wall Thickness Measurement tool

Tools designed for NDT

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38 GE Inspection Technologies

Wall Thickness Measurement Tool

An automated measurement software for pipe wall inspection and documentation.

A unique – patented – mathematical algorithm developed by BAM Germany for GE.

Correct visual wall edge determination is impossible: o Visible edge is optical illusion

o Mathematical determination of outer wall is needed

Computer based evaluation algorithms: o higher precision of measurement

o more consistent results, operator independent

o digital archiving, direct exchange into reports,

o Import & export measurements into pipe data managing system (e.g Pipecad)

Benefits: o Higher productivity with faster & consistent results

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39 GE Inspection Technologies

Calblock Calblock with Flash!

Fully automatic WTM tool

Validation and Certification of the mathematical algorithm by independent certification body required for end-users!

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Report Generator

Tools designed for NDT

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41 GE Inspection Technologies

Releasing versatility in Reporting for Erosion & Corrosion applications

Date Date Date

4.2 0.1

General Remarks

Operator name/sign Interpreter name/sign Customer name/sign

Wall Thickness Wallthickness Tolerance

External corrosion

Exposure Time 0

Image Plate Size

Drawing Diagram/Measurement Setup (Tip: manually insert CAD diagram)

"Comments to Radiograph"

Wall Thickness Measurement (mm)

Customer Order # Position/Test Point

Radiography Setup:

Exposure Technique



SDD 1300

Internal corrosion

Customer Ref # On Stream Inspection ISO Drawing #

Project # Line number

Customer Demo Images Radiograph creation date 12-09-05


General Information: Radiograph Specific data:

o Fully flexible reporting system based on all the DICONDE data already available

o Including images and diagrams in the templates

o For Inspection Companies:

• streamlined reporting workflow,

• in a consistent & professional way

• eliminating time loss

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42 GE Inspection Technologies

Benefits converting to Advanced Reporting:

Higher Productivity:

• Less steps involved in the report process

• Auto DICONDE data population

• Less time spent with final report output once generated

• Can now analyze, measure, and generate reports thru single Rhythm software platform

Flexibility & Customization:

• Promotes complete flexibility in design of the report template

• Report output format matches closely current report format that end-customers are using today

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Tools designed for NDT

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44 GE Inspection Technologies

Rhythm Archive

• Provides on-line and near-line storage of digital information (images and data), enabling

– Quicker access to information

– Simplified information sharing across the company

• Database capabilities provide the foundation for data mining

– Applications include identify correlation between defects and potential causes

• Data compression to share large image files across remote sites

• DICONDE standard ensures supplier independent long-term data utility and enables multi-system communication

• Next multi-modality platform manages all NDT information

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Standards & Recommendations

• ASTM & ASME Digital X-ray Standards

• ASTM E07 Digital X-ray Standards

• ISO & EN Digital X-ray Standards

• HOIS recommendations

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46 GE Inspection Technologies

ASTM & ASME Digital X-ray Standards

• ASME 2009b Section V, Article 2, Appendix VIII

“Radiography Using Phosphor Imaging Plate (CR)”

NOTE: This allows the usage of Computed Radiography (CR) for weld quality inspections.

• ASME 2009b Section V, Article 2, Appendix IX

“Application of Digital Radiography (DR)”

NOTE: This allows the usage of Flat Panel Digital Radiography (DDA) for weld quality inspections.

•Designation E-2007-08: Standard Guide for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence (PSL) Method

•Designation: E 2033 –08: Standard Practice for Computed Radiology (Photostimulable Luminescence Method

•Designation: E 2445 –05: Standard Practice for Qualification and Long-Term Stability of Computed Radiology Systems

•Designation: E 2446 –05: Standard Practice for Classification of Computed Radiology Systems

–Article 2 Mandatory Appendix

–Article 2 Appendix VIII


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47 GE Inspection Technologies

ASTM E07 Digital X-ray Standards

E2007 - “CR Guide”

E2033 - “CR Practice”

E2445 - “CR Qualification”

E2446 - “CR Classification”

E2597 - “DR/DDA Manufacturing Characterization”

E2698 - “DR/DDA Practice”

E2736 – “DR/DDA Guide”

E2737 – “DR/DDA Qualification and Long-Term Stability”

E2422 - “Aluminum Digital X-ray Reference Radiographs” (E155-analog)

E2660 - “Inconel/Steel Digital X-ray Reference Radiographs”(E192-analog)

E2669 - “Titanium Digital X-ray Reference Radiographs” (E1320-analog)

E2339 - “DICONDE”

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48 GE Inspection Technologies

ISO & CEN Digital X-ray Standards

ISO 17636-1: NDT testing of welds – X- and Gamma-ray techniques with film.

ISO 17636-2: NDT testing of welds – X- and Gamma-ray techniques with digital detectors.

ISO 16371-1:2011 Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates - Part 1: Classification of systems

EN 14784-2 : Industrial CR with storage phosphor imaging plates - Part 2 : General principles for examination of metals using X-rays and gamma rays

Under development:

ISO/NP 16371-2: NDT - Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates - Part 2: General principles for testing of metallic materials using X-rays and gamma rays

prEN 16407-1, NDT - Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays - Part 1: Tangential radiographic inspection

prEN 16407-2, NDT - Radiographic inspection of corrosion and deposits in pipes by X- and gamma rays - Part 2: Double Wall radiographic inspection

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49 GE Inspection Technologies

HOIS recommendations

O&G industry forum, discussing inspection challenges & utilizing new technology for O&G applications

Achieve more reliable and cost effective NDT techniques in the O&G industry and hence improve operational safety.

Developing improved procedures and recommended practices:

o HOIS Recommended Practice for In-Service Computed Radiography of Pipes

o HOIS Recommended Practice on Weld Corrosion Inspection

o HOIS Recommended Practice for ISI of Offshore Composite Components

o Recommended Practice for non-intrusive inspection DNV-RP-G103

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Standards: important definitions

BSR or SRb: Basic Spatial resolution Indication of the smallest geometrical detail which can be resolved in a digital image. Measured with a Duplex IQI according to (EN462-5 or ASTM2002-03), not using any object on the detector!

This is the measured image sharpness, TOTALLY different from the image pixel size or selected scan resolution!

SNR : Signal-to-noise-ratio Noise can be generated in every step of the image creation (X-Ray tube, scattering, object, detector). The lower the SNR, the higher the noise in the image, the more ‘disturbing’ and the worse the defect recognition.

CNR: Contrast-to-noise-ratio

Both can be “normalised”: SNR N and CNR N. Normalised or linked to the actual SRb

Scan resolution: selected pixel size for building the digital image, e.g 50µ

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Using Digital Radiography

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52 GE Inspection Technologies

Where Digital Radiography can be used

Piping & Pressure Vessel • Refining • Petrochemical • Production • Pipeline • Oil Country Tubular Goods

• Mechanical Integrity • CUI • Wall thickness, corrosion, erosion • Weld quality • Pipe and tube quality • Heat exchangers

Subsea • Riser • Umbilicals • Flowlines

Midstream • Pipeline • LNG • Marine

Rotation Machinery • Turbine blade • Combustor • Gearboxes • Shafts and axles • Fan blade

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53 GE Inspection Technologies


Quality QA/QC

Production Safety

o ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). Implementing Digital

Radiography, with its short exposure times conforms to the ALARA principle.

o Fast or instant display of the image at the point of

inspection makes the need for re-shots virtually needless, eliminating extra exposures.

o Lower source strength may be employed.

o Consistent results and measurements, independent of operator.

o Flash! Improved inspection quality level

o Images & Software supplied for 3rd party review.

o Fully ASTM E 2339-04

(DICONDE) Compliant. o Radiographs from one

inspection program can be stored on one DVD.

o Faster throughput, shorter exposure times: lower cost/shot.

o Onsite results possible. o Production & safety go

hand in hand. o When production

increases, the risk of a safety incident also

increases. o Digital Radiography can

harmonize both increased production and safety with one system.

o No chemicals and water required anymore.

o ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management Systems - compliant.

Real Benefits-Value Chain Analysis

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54 GE Inspection Technologies

Did you know …

• Corrosion Under Insulation

• High Temp Lines

• Control Valves up to 8” with Iridium-up to 150 Pound

• CML Tees

• Block Valves up to 6” with Iridium

• Heavy Wall Valves

• Boiler Tubes & Water Walls

• < 6 Inch STD Wall Piping

• < 3 Inch Heavy Wall Flow Control Valves

• < 3 Inch 900 PSI Series Control Valves

• < 6 Inch 150 PSI Series Block Valves

Applications - Iridium and Cobalt

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