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Page 1: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...



Appendix 1 Text of Data

a. Fight To The Finish ( March 2010)



(7 Maret 2010)



(March 7th, 2010)








TIDAK mudah menyamakan isi kepala sembilan orang.

Apalagi jika mereka mewakili sembilan kepentingan

politik yang berbeda. Kamis pekan lalu, rapat tim kecil

panitia khusus penyelidikan bailout Bank Century, di

Hotel Santika, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, tak bisa menemukan

kata sepakat Padahal, dua jam lebih mereka berembuk,

merumuskan laporan final Panitia Angket yang akan

dibacakan dalam Rapat Paripurna Dewan Perwakilan

Rakyat, Selasa pekan ini.

"Dibolak-balik, tetap saja tidak ketemu," kata

politikus Fraksi Partai Persatuan Pembangunan,







It is not easy to get nine people to think along the

same lines, especially if they represent nine different

political interests. On Thursday last week, at a

meeting of a team of representatives of the special

committee to investigate the Bank Century bailout

case, at Santika Hotel, in West Jakarta, no agreement

was reached. They met for more than two hours,

formulating the final report of the DPR's Bank

Century Special Inquiry Committee, which was to be

read at the DPR Plenary Session on Tuesday this


"We kept going over it, but we still failed to

reach an agreement, “said Muhammad

lolos…jerat →

lobi…terakhir →

menyamakan isi kepala →

tim kecil →

menemukan →

berembuk →

padahal →

Dibolak-balik →

politikus →

farewell…decision (mp)

intensive…moments (higher

level )

get [nine people] to think along the same

lines ( higher level+mp)

team of representatives ( higher


was reached (mp)

met (mp)

ellips (omitted lower level)

We…it(higher),but(higher level

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Muhammad Romahurmuziy, saat dihubungi akhir pekan

lalu. Mereka baru bubar setengah jam lepas tengah


Agenda rapat malam itu memang bukan soal

sederhana. Mereka harus menyatukan sedikitnva empat

kubu pendapat menjadi satu laporan tunggal untuk

disikapi 560.anggota parlemen dalam rapat paripurna

pada Rabu, 3 Maret. Semula mereka berusaha

berkompromi agar Panitia Angket bulat bersikap. Tapi

gradasinya terlalu lebar, tidak mungkin disamakan."

kata Romahurmuziy lagi.

Wakil Sekjen Partai Ka'bah ini benar belaka.

Persepsi sebagian fraksi atas proses penyelamatan Bank

Century memang berbeda bak langit dan bumi. Meski

sudah hampir empat bulan bersama-sama menguliti

dokumen dan kesaksian dari berbagai pihak yang diduga

terlibat, kesepahaman tampaknya mustahil dicapai.

Perbedaan itu tercermin jelas dari sesi

pemandangan akhir fraksi-fraksi, yang digelar di

Senayan, Selasa pekan lalu. Fraksi Partai Demokrasi

Indonesia Perjuangan, Partai Golkar, Partai Keadilan

Sejahtera, dan Hanura tegas-tegas menilai telah terjadi

kesalahan pengambilan kebijakan. Keempat fraksi

menuding Wakil Presiders Boediono yang saat itu

menjabat Guburnur Bank Indonesia dan Menteri

Keuangan Sri Mulyani selaku Ketua Komite Stabilitas

Sistem Keuangan harus bertanggungjawab.

Romahurmuziy, a member of the United

Development Party (PPP) faction, at the end of last

week. The meeting had just broken up a half hour

after midnight.

The meeting's agenda that night was no simple

matter. They had to bring together at least four

viewpoints into one single report to be read out to

560 members of the legislalure at a plenary session

scheduled for March 3. They initially tried to

compromise so that the Special Committee could

come up with an unanimous stance. "However, the

differences were too great. We could not unify

them," stressed Romahurmuziy.

This PPP Deputy Secretary-General was

entirely correct. The differences of opinion among

some of the factions regarding the Bank Century

bailout process were like night and day. Even though

they spent almost four months together going

through documents and the testimonies of various

parties suspected of involvement, it was impossible

to reach some kind of an agreement.

These differences were clearly reflected during

the session of the factions, at which they submitted

their final viewpoints, which was held on Tuesday

last week. The Indonesian Democratic Party of

Struggle (PDI-P) faction, Golkar Party, the Justice

Prosperity Party (PKS), and Hanura emphatically

concluded that an error in policy was made. Four

factions charged that Vice President Boediono–who

at that time was Governor of Bank Indonesia –and

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, acting as head of the

bubar →

soal →

empat kubu →

disikapi →

pada →

bulat bersikap →

gradasinya →

lebar →

tidak mungkin disamakan→

belaka →

sebagian →

memang berbeda →

bak langit danbumi →

menguliti →

mustahil →

….ellips →

tercermin jelas →

dari sesi…fraksi

menilai →

menuding →

bertanggungjawab →


[a] member(higher level)

had [just] boken up (higher)

matter (mp))

four (omitted lower level)(ellips)

be read out to (mp)

scheduled for (higher level)

unanimous stance (mp)

difference (omitted lower level)

great (mp)

We…them (higher level)

entirely (mp)

among some of (higher level)

the differences (omitted lower level)

were like nigt and day (mp)

going through (mp)

it was …. ( higher level)

they (higher level)

were…reflected(higher level)

session…viewpoints (higher level)

concluded( mp)

charged( mp)

take…error (higher level)+mp

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Pandangan lima fraksi lain lebih moderat, meski

juga tak sepenuhnya seragam. Partai Persatuan

Pembangunan dan Partai Grerindra menilai kebijakan

penyelamatan krisis perbankan sudah tepat, namun for-

mulasi kebijakan dan implementasinya bermasalah.

Partai Amanat Nasional hanya menyoroti penerapan

kebijakan penyelamatan yang bolong di sana-sini.

Sedangkan Partai Demokrat dan Partai Kebangkitan

Bangsa bersikap lebih tegas: tak ada yang salah dalam

bailout Century.

Perbedaan ini mengundang spekulasi bahwa

koalisi pendukung Presiden Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono sudah tak bisa lagi dipertahankan. Sikap

keras Golkar dan PKS untuk terus-menerus mengirim

sinyal berbeda ke publik jelas membuat kubu Istana tak


Perkembangan terakhir di Senayan menandakan

ada kesenjangan antara apa yang disepakati di tingkat

elite partai dan manuver para politikus di Gedung DPR.

Ketua umum partai bisa saja berangkulan dengan

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, tapi itu bukan

jaminan politikus mereka disiplin dengan komitmen


"Kadang-kadang pesan politik yang dikirim dari

Senayan memang kabur dan membingungkan." kata satu

orang dekat Istana kepada Tempo, pekan lalu.

Keberadaan sejumlah faksi dengan kepentingan berbeda

di partai masing-masing membuat peta politik jadi

Financial System Stability Committee (KSSK),

should take responsibility for the error.

The views given by the other five factions were

more moderate, even though they were not in

complete agreement. The PPP and Gerindra party

felt that the policy to aid a bank in crisis was

appropriate, but that there were mistakes in the way

the policy was formulated and implemented. The

National Mandate Party (PAN) pointed to the

various shortcomings in the application of the policy.

Meanwhile, the Democrat Party and the National

Awakening Party (PKB) emphatically stated there

was nothing wrong with the Bank Century bailout.

These differences invited speculation whether

the coalition of President Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono could be maintained. The strong stance

taken by Golkar and PKS to oppose the policy has

clearly unnerved the Palace.

The latest developments at the legislature have

also indicated that there is a gap between what has

been agreed to at the elite party level with the

maneuvers of politicians at the DPR. Party chairmen

can very well ally themselves with the President, but

this is no guarantee that their cadres will adhere to

the commitments made by their leaders.

"Sometimes the political message sent out of

the DPR is indeed vague and confusing," one person

close to the Palace told Tempo, last week. The

existence of a number of factions with interests dif-

fering from that of their respective parties has

seragam →

penyelamatan →

menyoroti →

bolong →

di sana-sini →

bersikap →

terus menerus →

mengirim sinyal berbeda

di Senayan →

bisa saja →

berangkulan →

politikus →

disiplin →

komitmen pimpinan →

membuat [peta politik] jadi

ruwet →

They were ( reference) agreement (mp)

to aid (mp)

pointed out (mp)

shortcomings (mp)

various (mp)

stated (mp)

oppose ( mp)

at the legislature(mp)

can very well (mp)

ally themselves (mp)

cadres (mp)

( adhere to (mp)

the…leadrs (higher level)

confounded [the political map] (mp)

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PRESIDEN Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

memulai rapat kabinet pada Kamis siang pekan lalu,

dengan doa pendek untuk Boediono. Hari itu, 25

Februari, wakil presiden kelahiran Blitar. Jawa Timur,

itu tengah berulang tahun ke 67. "Semoga Pak Boed

panjang umur, selalu dilindungi Tuhan, diberi tuntunan

dan bimbingan untuk menjalani kehidupan yang

dirahmati Allah," kata Yudhoyono mendoakan. Semua

menteri yang hadir menundukkan kepala.

Sampai akhir pekan lalu, dukungan Yudhoyono

untuk Boediono dan Sri Mulyani memang tak surut.

Menjelang detik-detik kritis pengambilan keputusan di

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat pekan ini, Presiden seakan

ingin menegaskan bahwa dia tak mungkin mengor-

bankan dua orang kepercayaannya itu.

Pekan lalu, sempat beredar kabar bahwa Boediono

dan Sri Mulvani akan mundur bersama jika- salah satu

atau keduanya–dinyatakan bersalah oleh legislatif.

Namun isu ini cepat-cepat ditepis lingkaran dalam

Istana. "Tak pernah ada rencana seperti itu," kata Yopie

Hidayat, staf khusus sekaligus juru bicara Wakil


Pertemuan segitiga Yudhoyono-Boediono-Sri

Mulyani juga makin intensif sepekan terakhir ini. Dalam

setiap rapat, strategi melawan pencitraan yang dibangun

musuh-musuh politik SBY di DPR dibahas detail.

"Ketiganya tampak high-spirited.” kata satu sumber

Tempo di lstana Negara, mengomentari rapat koordinasi

confounded the political map.


PRESIDENT Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

opened the cabinet meeting on the Thursday

afternoon last week with a short prayer for

Boediono. On that February 25, it happened to be the

67th birthday of the Vice President, who was born in

Blitar, East Java. "May Pak Boed have a long life,

always be protected by God, be given wisdom and

guidance to live a blessed life," said Yudhoyono in

his prayer. All of the ministers present bowed their


At the end of last week, Yudhoyono's

support for Boediono and Sri Mulyani had not

abated. Nearing the critical moment of decision-

making at the DPR this week, the President seemed

to emphasize that there is no way he will sacrifice

those two trusted persons.

Last week, rumors said Boediono and Sri

Mulyani would both resign if one or both of them

were found guilty by the legislature. However, this

rumor was quickly played down by circles in the

Palace. "There was never such a plan." said Yopie

Hidayat, a special staff and spokesman for the Vice


Meetings between Yudhoyono, Boediono and

Sri Mulyani took place more often over the past

week. In each meeting, the strategy to oppose the

image being constructed by SBY's political

opponents in the DPR was discussed in detail. "The

three appear to be high-spirited," said one Tempo

memulai →

tengah (implicit) →

Sampai →

Tak mungkin →

beredar kabar →

ditepis →

sekaligus →

Pertemuan segitiga →

opened (mp)

it happened to (mp)

At (mp)

There is.. way(mp)

rumors said (mp)

played down (mp)

and (conjunction) (mp)

Meetings (mp)

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trio ini, Rabu pekan lalu.

Kepercayaan diri kubu lstana tak lepas dari

terungkapnya sejumlah kasus yang melibatkan motor

Panitia Angket, sepanjang pekan lalu. Misalnya kasus

letter of credit dari Bank Century untuk PT Selalang

Prima International milik politikus Partai Keadilan

Sejahtera, Misbakhun, senilai US$ 22,5 juta. Misbakhun

adalah anggota Tim Sembilan, yang pertama kali

menggulirkan kasus Century di parlemen.

Selain itu, muncul kembalinya kasus penjualan

beras impor oleh PT Hexatama, Finindo milik politikus

Partai Golkar, Setya Novanto senilai US$ 12 juta, dua

pekan lalu, membuat girang Istana. Novanto sekarang

adalah Ketua Fraksi Golkar di parlemen, yang aktit

mengawal gerak-gerik anggotanya di Panitia Angket

Century. Kasus Novanto menambah tekanan kepada

Beringin, yang sebelumnya sudah terpojok oleh

tudingan pengemplangan pajak Grup Bakrie.

Kubu Yudhoyono yakin betul pada putaran

terakhir pekan ini, semua partai akan kembali

“menggunakan akal sehat" dan merapatkan diri ke

lstana. "Kami tidak yakin soal PKS, tapi Golkar sangat

mungkin berkompromi,” kata satu sumber Tempo.

Alasannya simpel: Ketua Umum Golkar Aburizal

Bakrie diyakini tidak akan mengorbankan bisnisnya

untuk kepentingan politik.

source at the State Palace, commenting on the coor-

dinative meeting between the three, on Wednesday

last week.

The confidence of the Palace camp was partly

buoyed by revelations last week of cases involving

some legislators who pushed for the formation of the

inquiry committee. For instance, there was the letter

of credit from Bank Century in favor of PT Selalang

Prima International, a company connected to PKS

politician Misbakhun, in the amount of US$22.5

million. Misbakhun is a member of the Team of

Nine, who first raised the Bank Century case in the


Further more, the reemergence of the sale of

imported rice by PT Hexatama Finindo, a company

connected to Golkar Party politician Setya Novanto,

in the amount of US$12 million, two weeks ago, also

came as good news for the Palace. Novanto is

currently Golkar faction chief in the DPR, who has

been directing the moves of his members in the

Special Committee. The Novanto case adds to the

pressure being put on Golkar, already plagued by

charges of tax evasion by the Bakrie Group of


The Yudhoyono camp truly believes that by the

final round this week, all of the parties will again

"use common sense" and fall in line with the Palace.

"We are not sure about the PKS, but it is very

possible that Golkar will compromise," said a

Tempo source. The reason is simple: reportedly,

Golkar Party Chairman Aburizal Bakrie will not sac-

rifice his business for political interests.

tak lepas dari →

motor Panitia Angket →

untuk →

milik →

menggulirkan →

Selain itu →

millik →

membuat girang →

mengawal gerak-gerik →

Beringin →

terpojok →

tudingan →

pengemplangan →

Grup Bakrie →

kembali →

merapatkan diri →

Kata satu sumber →

Buoyed by (mp)

some…committee (higher level)

in favor of (hihger level)

connected to (mp)

raised (mp)

Further more (mp)

connected to (mp)

good news for (mp)

directing the moves(mp)

Golkar (mp)

plagued (mp)

charges of (mp)

evasion (mp)

Bakrie…company (higher level)

again (mp)

fall in line (mp)

reportedly (higher level)

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Pendeknya, Yudhoyono dan Partai Demokrat

merasa di atas angin. Masih kerasnya sikap Golkar dan

PKS serta abu – abunya posisi PAN dan PPP – dinilai

bukan soal besar. “Sama seperti mobil yang semula

melaju kencang, kan tidak mungkin tiba-tiba berputar

arah? Pasti mengerem dulu pelan-pelan," kata Achsanul

Qosasi, politikus Partai Demokrat di Panitia Angket.

Menurut Achsanul, sampai akhir pekan lalu,

ketaksepakatan partai koalisi - Demokrat, Golkar, PKS,

PAN, PPP, dan PKB - sebenarnya sudah mengerucut

pada enam poin temuan Panitia Angket. Tiga temuan

pertama berkaitan dengan kebijakan Bank Indonesia me-

ngucurkan fasilitas pendanaan jangka pendek (FPJP) Rp

689 miliar untuk Bank Century, pada awal November

2008. Sisanya soal kebijakan Komite Stabilitas Sistem

Keuangan menyetujui penyertaan modal sementara ke

Bank Century.

Keenam wilayah temuan itu: pertama, soal satu

pasal dalam surat perjanjian (akta) pemberian FPJP yang

mengacu pada peraturan Bank Indonesia yang lama-

Nomor 10/26/2008 yang mensyaratkan rasio kecukupan

modal di atas 8 persen. Padahal saat itu rasio kecukupan

modal Bank Century sudah melorot tinggal sekitar 2

persen. "Menurut kami, itu salah ketik saja. Jelas-jelas

saat itu sudah ada peraturan Bank Indonesia yang baru,

Nomor 10/30/2008, yang hanya mensyaratkan rasio

modal positif,” kata Achsanul.

Kedua, soal kurangnya jaminan FPJP yang

disetorkan Bank Century. "Seharusnya ada 150 persen

dari nilai bantuan, tapi audit Badan Pemeriksa Ke-

In short, Yudhoyono and the Demecrat Party

feel that things will eventually go their way. The

sharp stance by Golkar and PKS–and the vague posi-

tion of PAN and PPP - are not seen to be a serious

problem "It's like a car which is going fast. It cannot

just suddenly turn around, right? It would have to

slow down first," said Achsanul Qosasi, a Democrat

Party member in the Special Committee.

According to Achsanul, as of last week, the

absence of an agreement among the coalition parties

Democrat, Golkar, PKS, PAN, PPP, and PKB ac-

tually revolve around six findings of the Special

Committee. The first three findings covered the

policy of Bank Indonesia to extend Rp 689 billion in

short-term funding (FPJP) to Bank Century in early

November 2008. The other findings covered the

policy of the KSSK in approving temporary capital

investment in Bank Century.

Here are the six findings: first, the matter of an

article in the agreement (act) to issue the FPJP,

which refers to an old regulation of Bank Indonesia

(No. 10/26/2008), stipulating that the capital

adequacy ratio (CAR) must be above 8 percent. In

fact, at that time, Bank Century's CAR had fallen to

about 2 percent. "According to us, that was just a

typo. Clearly at that time there was a new regulation

of Bank Indonesia. No. 10/30/2008, which only

required a positive CAR," said Achsanul.

Second, there is the lack of guarantees for the

FPJP deposited in Bank Century. "It should have 150

percent of the value of the assistance, but an audit by

di atas angin →

abu-abunya →

besar →

Pasti…pelan →

ketaksepakatan →

mengerucut →

berkaitan dengan →

mengucurkan →

Sisanya →

wilayah temuan →

melorot →

disertorkan →

nilai →

things…way (mp)

vague (mp)

serious (mp)

It…first (mp)

the…agreement (higher level)

revolve (mp)

covered (mp)

extend (mp)

The other findings (mp)

findings (omitted lower level)

had fallen (higher level)

deposited (omitted lower level)

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uangan menemukan nilai jaminan Bank Century yang

disetor hanya 83 persen." katanya.

Ketiga, soal tidak adanya surat permohonan FPJP

dari Bank Century. Saat itu, Bank Century memang

hanya mengajukan surat permohonan repo (repurchase

agreement) atas asetnya di Bank Indonesia, yang

kemudian dijawab bank central dengan pengucuran

FPJP. "Sebagian fraksi menilai tiga temuan

mengindikasikan pelanggaran pidana. Sedangkan kami

menilai ini hanya kesalahan administratif dalam

penerapan kebijakan," kata Achsanul.

Keempat. soal peran dominan Sekretaris Komite

Stabilitas, Raden Pardede, dalam penyusunan laporan

Bank Indonesia ke Komite Stabilitas pada 21 November


Kelima, soal dasar hukum keberadaan Komite

Stabilitas yang tumpang-tindih antara UU Bank

Indonesia, UU Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan. dan Per-

aturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang tentang

Jaring Pengaman Sistem Keuangan. “Ini kan wilayah

Mahkamah Konstitusi, bukan panitia angket parlemen.”


Keenam, soal keputusan Komite Stabilitas yang

mengandalkan sepenuhnya laporan Bank Indonesia soal

estimasi biaya bailout. "Menurut sebagian anggota

Panitia Angket, seharusnya Komite Stabilitas

melakukan review dan mengeluarkan perkiraan biaya

bailout sendiri, bukannya mengandalkan data Bank

Indonesia.- kata Achsanul.

the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found that the

amount of the guarantee deposited by Bank Century

was only 83 percent," he said

Third, is the question whether or not there was

a letter requesting the FPJP from Bank Century. At

that time. Bank Century had only filed for a

repurchase agreement for its assets in Bank Indone-

sia, which the central bank responded to by giving

the FPJP. "Some factions feel that these three

findings indicate some kind of breach. Meanwhile,

we feel that this is just an administrative error in

applying the policy," said Achsanul.

Fourth, there is the dominant role of Raden Pardede,

Secretary of the KSSK. in formulating the report of

Bank Indonesia to the Stability Committee on No-

vember 2l, 2008.

Fifth, involves the issue of the legal basis for

the existence of the Stability Committee itself, which

overlaps with the Law on Bank Indonesia. the Law

on the Indonesian Savings Guarantee Board (LPS)

and the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law

regarding the Financial System Security Network.

“This is of course the jurisdiction of the

Constitutional Court, not a parliamentary inquiry

committee." he said,

Sixth, there is the matter of the decision of the

Stability Committee which fully relied on the report

of Bank Indonesia regarding the estimated cost of

the bailout. "According to some members of the

Special Committee, the Stability Committee should

have conducted a review and issued its own estimate

of the cost of the bailout, not just rely on data from

memang →

mengajukan surat

permohonan →

pengucuran →

menilai →

pelanggaran pidana →

penyusunan →

soal →

mengandalkan →

soal →

the amount of (higher level)

filed (omitted lower level)

Field (mp)

giving (mp)

feel (mp)

some kind of breach (mp)

formulating (mp)

involves the issu (mp )

relied on (higher level)

regarding (mp)

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Menurut Achsanul, semua partai koalisi sepakat

adanya enam temuan itu, tapi berbeda sikap soal

penafsiran temuan itu. Fraksi Demokrat, misalnya,

menilai tidak ada indikasi korupsi atau pelanggaran

hukum di enam temuan int. "Lain ceritanya kalau Pa-

nitia Angket menemukan aliran dana sekian puluh miliar

ke Boediono dan Sri Mulyani. Tapi ini kan tidak ada?"

kata Achsanul keras.

Sementara Fraksi Golkar dan PKS ngotot menilai

temuan-temuan itu sudah cukup untuk menyatakan

kedua teknokrat itu bersalah. "Sikap kami hanya

berdasarkan fakta dan data." kata Sekretarts Fraksi

Golkar, Ade Komaruddin.

Tim kecil Panitia Angket masih akan bertemu

lagi sebelum rapat paripurna pada Selasa ini. Empat

kubu pendapat yang masih ada, menurut Romahurmuzi,

akan mencoba bergerak ke tengah. Achsanul mengaku

akan berusaha menarik fraksi lain mendekat ke

Demokrat. Kalau berhasil, dia memprediksi hanya akan

ada dua kubu besar kubu yang menilai kebijakan bailout

tidak bermasalah, dan kubu yang menilai sebaliknya.

“Nanti kita voting di paripurna.” kata Achsanul. Minus

Golkar dan PKS, tapi plus Gerindra, kubu Demokrat

bisa menang tipis di pemungutan suara.

Namun hitung-hitungan kubu lain tidak

seoptimistis Achsanul. Ade Komaruddin menilai

pengelompokan menjadi dua kutub bisa dikatakan tidak

mungkin terjadi. "Saya yakin, posisi semua fraksi tidak

akan berubah dari pemandangan akhir di rapat Panitia

Angket pekan lalu," katanya. Wakil Sekjen Golkar Lalu

Bank Indonesia," said Achsanul.

According to Achsanul, all of the coalition

parties agreed on these six findings, however they

took different positions on what the findings implied.

The Democrat Party faction, for instance, felt that

there were no indications of corruption or crime in

these six findings. "It would be a different story if

the Special Committee found tens of billions of ru-

piah going to Boediono and Sri Mulyani. However,

nothing like this happened," stressed Achsanul.

Meanwhile, the Golkar and PKS factions insist

that these findings are sufficient to declare the two

technocrats guilty. "Our stance is only based on the

facts and data," said Golkar faction secretary, Ade


The representative team of the Special

Committee will meet again before the plenary

session is held this Tuesday. The four different

camps, according to Romahurmuzy, will try to move

to the center. Achsanul said that he will attempt to

draw the other factions closer to the stance of the

Democrat Party. If he succeeds, he predicts there

will only be two major camps: the one with the view

that there was nothing wrong with the bailout, and

one which contradicts it. "We will vote on it at the

plenary session,” said Achsanul. Without Golkar and

PKS, but with Gerindra, the Democrat Party could

have a narrow victory.

However, the calculations of the other camps

are not as optimistic as the one by Achsanul. Ade

Komaruddin says it would not be possible to group

everyone into two camps. "I am sure that the

positions of the factions will not change from their

views given at the final meeting of the Special

sikap →

menilai →

lain ceritanya →

ngotot →

[Tim] kecil →

Empat kubu →

mengaku →

mendekat ke Demokrat →

kubu…sebaliknya →

Nanti…paripurna →

Minus →

plus →

tipis →

mengaku →

kutub →

Menurut [dia) →

positions (mp)

felt (mp)

It would be a different story (higher


Insist (mp)

representative [team] (mean)

four…camps (higher level)

said (mp)

closer…Party (higher level)

the…it (higher level)

We…session (higher level)

Without (mp)

with (mp)

narrow (mp)

says (mp)

camps (mp)

Page 9: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Mara Satriawangsa membenarkan. Menurut dia, rapat-

rapat Panitia Angket adalah panggung politik yang

diawasi publik dengan intens. "Bagaimana mungkin

kami diharapkan berubah arah pada saat-saat terakhir

seperti ini," katanya.

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani tenang-tenang

saja terhadap sengkarut Senayan dalam memutuskan

nasibnya. Rabu pekan lalu, sambil tersenyum lepas dia

mengomentari pandangan akhir fraksi-fraksi di Panitia

Angket Century, sehari sebelumnya. "Saya senang

dievaluasi, asalkan evaluasi itu secara obyektif,

berdasarkan kinerja dan peraturan undang-undang."

katanya. Dengan selendang merah muda di pundak

kanan, Sri Mulyani tampak percaya diri.

Ketika satu jurnalis bertanya apakah keceriannya

hari itu berkaitan dengan dukungan politik Partai

Demokrat dan koalisinva di DPR, Sri Mulyani tertawa.

"Tidak ada hubungannya,” katanya. "Kalau proses

hukum, politik, dan administrasi dievaluasi secara

obyektif, saya tenang. Saya tahu saya sudah

menjalankan semuanya sesuai undangundang."

Wahyu Dhyatmika

Committee last week." he said. Golkar Deputy

Secretary-General, Lalu Mara Satriawangsa, verified

this. He said that the meetings of the Special

Committee were a political stage that has become

intensely monitored by the public. "How can we

possibly be expected to change direction in these

final moments?" he said.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani is calmly facing

the dilemma she finds herself in, aware that the

outcome will affect her future. On Wednesday last

week, all smiles, she commented on the final views

given by the factions in the Bank Century Special

Committee, held the previous day. "I am happy to be

evaluated, as long as the evaluation is done

objectively, based on performance and the laws and

regulations," she said. Wearing a pink shawl over

her right shoulder, Sri Mulyani appeared confident.

When one journalist asked if her good mood

that day was connected with the political support of

the Democrat Party and its coalition partners in the

DPR, Sri Mulyani laughed. "That has nothing to do

with it." she said. "If the legal, political, and

administrative processes are evaluated objectively, I

should be nothing but calm. I know that I have

implemented everything according to law."

Wahyu Dhyatmika

terhadap →

sengkarut →

dalam…nasibnya →

[tersenyum] lepas

sehari sebelumnya →

Dengan →

keceriaan[nya] →

[saya] tenang →

[He] said (mp)

facing (mp)

dilemma (mp)

[she] finds…future (higher level)

all [smiles]

held…day (higher level)

Wearing (mp)

[her] good mood (mp)

[I] should be nothing but calm (higher


Page 10: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


b. From Treasure To Drama Queen (August 2011)

Seri Novela

Sang Bendahara

(28 Agustus 2011)

From Treasurer to

Drama Queen

(August 30th, 2011)


Nazaruddin sempat menolak didampingi

Kaligis. Akibat kesal ditagih duit pendampingan


PENGACARA Otto Cornehs Kaligis

menyodorkan pulpen ke tangan Muhammad Naza-

ruddin. Tersangka perkara suap proyek wisma atlet

SEA Games itu diam saja, mengabaikan sodoran sang

pengacara. Ia menolak menandatangani kertas di

depannya. Hanya dua orang itu yang terlihat di ruang

pertemuan rumah tahanan Markas Komando Brigade

Mobil Kepolisian RI di Kelapa Dua, Depok, Jawa

Barat, Senin pekan Ialu.

Alat perekam Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi,

yang sengaja dipasang di ruangan itu, kemudian

menangkap adegan di ruangan lain. Muhammad Nasir,

anggota Komisi Hukum Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat,

kakak kandung Nazaruddin, menemui mantan

Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat itu. Bertemu

seperempat jam, tak banyak yang dibicarakan anak-

anak pasangan M. Latif dan Aminah ini. "Nazar lebih

banvak diam." kata Ajun Komisaris Besar K. Budinian,

juru bicara rumah tahanan Brimob.

Nasir dan Kaligis datang bersama beherapa

Nazaruddin temporarily refused to be legally

represented by Kaligis. He was upset at being

billed for supposedly free legal assistance.

LAWYER Otto Cornelis Kaligis held out a

pen for Muhammad Nazaruddin to sign. Nazaruddin,

a suspect in a bribery case regarding an athletes'

accommodation project for the upcoming SEA Games

just sat still, ignoring the offer made by the lawyer.

He refused to sign the paper in front of him. Only

these two were in the meeting room located inside the

detention facility of the police's Mobile Brigade

(Brimob) Command Headquarters in Kelapa Dua,

Depok, West Java, on Monday last week.

A camera installed by the Corruption

Eradication Commission (KPK), captured the scene

taking place in another room. Muhammad Nasir, a

member of the Law Commission of the House of

Representatives (DPR), Nazaruddin's older brother,

met with this former Democrat Party treasurer.

Lasting for about 15 minutes, not much was said

between the two siblings. "Nazaruddin mostly kept

quiet.” said Senior Adjunct Commissioner IC

Budiman, spokesman for Brimob's detention facility.

Nasir and Kaligis had come together with

sempat →

didampingi →

ditagih →


menyodorkan →

perkara…Games →

diam saja →

sodoran →

yang terlihat →

Alat perekam →

sengaja dipasang →

di ruangan lain →

Bertemu →

Anak…ini →

izin →


represented by (mp)

being billed for (higher)


(higher llevel)

held out (mp)

bribery…Games (higher level)

sat still (mp)

offer (idem)

(omitted lower)

camera (mp)

installed (omitted lower)

taking…room (higher level)

Lasting for (mp)

the two siblings (omitted

lower level)

authorization (mp)

Page 11: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


anggota Komisi Hukum Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat,

seperti Ahmad Yani dari Partai Persatuan Pem-

bangunan serta Nudirman Munir dan Aziz Syamsuddin

dari Partai Golkar. Mereka memaksa masuk, meski

kunjungan ke Nazaruddin hanya diperbolehkan dengan

izin Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi.

Berdasarkan rekaman di rumah tahanan Brimob

dan keterangan saksi, para anggota legislatif itu

merangsek masuk meski dihalangi petugas. Mereka

berkukuh hendak menemui Nazaruddin yang

sebenarnya ogah menemui mereka. Para anggota

Dewan beralasan kunjungan ke rumah tahanan

merupakan bagian dari tugas mereka. Saya kan

menjalankan tugas konstitusi. Kami mau melihat saja,"

ujar Nudirman dengan nada tinggi.

Kaligis juga sempat menunjukkan Surat kuasa

yang ditandatangani Nazaruddin pada saat dalam

pelarian di Singapura- Penyidik menolak surat itu ka-

rena tidak sesuai dengan aturan, yakni surat kuasa yang

dibuat di luar negeri harus dilegalisasi Kedutaan Besar

Republik Indonesia. Selain itu, mereka yang boleh

masuk ruang tahanan harus mendapat persetujuan


Guna menghindari cekcok berkepanjangan,

penyidik akhirnya memperbolehkan Nazaruddin

ditemui empat mata oleh Aziz Syamsuddin. Pada saat

itulah anggota rombongan lain merangsek masuk.

“Nanti pakai hak untuk diam saja,” kata Kaligis

sembari menyerahkan buku soal hukum pidana. “Tanpa

pengacara, jangan mau (diperiksa),” Nudirnian


several members of the House's Law Commission,

such as Ahmad Yani from the United Development

Party, and Nudirman Munir and Aziz Syamsuddin

from the Golkar Party. They forced their way in,

eventhough visiting Nazaruddin was only allowed

with the authorization of the KPK.

Based on the recordings at the Brimob detention

facility and eyewitness testimony, these legislators

inched their way inside, despite being obstructed by

officers. They insisted on meeting Nazaruddin, who

was actually not interested in meeting them. These

legislators said that their visit to the detention facility

was a part of their job. “I am carrying out

constitutional duties. We just want to take a look,”

said Nudirman in a high-pitched voice.

Kaligis also showed the power of attorney

signed by Nazaruddin while he was on the run in

Singapore. Investigators rejected this letter because it

was not in accordance with regulations, as a power of

attorney privilege made in another country must be

legalized by the Indonesian embassy. In addition,

those allowed into the detention facility must have

Nazaruddin's approval.

In order to avoid a lengthy dispute, investigators

finally allowed Nazaruddin to meet privately with

another lawyer, Aziz Syamsuddin. At this point the

other members of the entourage made their way

inside. “Later use right to remain silent,” said Kaligis

while handing over a book on criminal law. “Without

a lawyer present, don't agree [to be questioned].

“Nudirman retorted.

merangsek →

berkukuh →

ogah →

nada tinggi →

Selain itu →

Ruang tahanan →

cekcok →

empat mata →

Pada saat itulah →

merangsek →


inched way(higher level)

insisted on (mp)

not interested(higher level)

high-pitched voice (higher


In addition (mp)

.The .. facility (higher level)

dispute (mp)

privately (mp)

At this point (mp)

made way (higher level)

while (mp)

Page 12: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Sebelum ke tahanan Brimob, Nasir dan Kaligis

menemui pemimpin DPR: Marzuki Alie (Demokrat),

Pramono Anung (PDI Perjuangan), dan Anis Matta

(PKS), Nasir mengeluhkan susahnya menemui

Nazaruddin dan kekhawatiran akan kondisi

kesehatannya. "Sangat mungkin Nazaruddin

mengalami pencucian otak,” kata Kaligis di DPR sebe-

lum bertolak ke tahanan Brimob.


NAZARUDDIN dibawa ke Indonesia dari

Kolumbia pada 13 Agustus lalu. Sejak Nazaruddin tiba

di Tanan Air kasusnya menciptakan berbagai kisah.

Drama pertama tersaji ketika turun dari pesawat

carteran Guifstreaum, dengan tangan diborgolkan ke

seorang penyidik KPK Nazaruddin dikawal ketat

pasukan bersenjata lengkap. la diboyong ke Markas

Brimob, baru kemudian diserahterimakan ke komisi

antikorupsi pada malam harinva.

Pemeriksaan perdana Nazaruddin soal biodatanva

berlangsung hingga pukul 01.00 WIB. Dalam rekaman

video KPK, terlihat Nazaruddin berbincang santai

dengan dua penyidik diruang pemeriksaan berukuran

sekitar 3 x 3 meter di lantai 7 gedung KPK. Ia ditawari

rokok, kopi, hingga makanan dalam kotak berlauk

rendang. “Sudah lama saya tidak makan nasi Padang,”

ujar Nazaruddin sembari tersenyum kepada penyidik.

Drama lain seputar Nazaruddin adalah perebutan

hak pembelaan dua kubu pengacara, yakni Elza Syarief

dan OC. Kaligis. Elza mengaku mendapat mandat dari

Before going to the Brimob detention, Nasir and

Kaligis met with DPR leaders: Marzuki Alie

(Democrat Party), Pramono Anung (Indonesian

Democratic Party of Struggle—PDIP), and Anis

Matta (Justice and Prosperity Party-PKS). Nasir

complained about the difficulty of meeting

Nazaruddin and his concern for his health. “It is very

possible that Nazaruddin was undergoing some kind

of brainwashing,” said Kaligis in the DPR before

going to the Brimob facility.


NAZARUDDIN was brought back to Indonesia

from Colombia on August 13. Nazaruddin’s return

home created a number of dramatic stories. The first

took place when he debarked the chartered Gulfstream

airplane. Handcuffed to a KPK investigator,

Nazaruddin was escorted under heavy guard of a fully

armed police detail. He was taken to the Brimob, HQ

and was turned over to the KPK later that night.

Nazaruddin’s first session regarding his personal

data lasted until l am. In the KPK’s video recording,

Nazaruddin can be seen talking casually with two

investigators in an interrogation room measuring

about 3 x 3 meters on the seventh floor of the KPK

Building. He was offered cigarettes, coffee, and a

boxed lunch with an Indonesian dried beef dish. “I

haven't eaten this kind of food for a long time,” said

Nazaruddin smiling to investigators.

Another drama involving Nazaruddin had to do

with two camps fighting over who was his rightful

legal counsel, namely Elza Syarief or O.C. Kaligis.

pencucian otak →

bertolak →

tiba di tanah air →

berbagai →

kisah →

tersaji →

ketat →

soal →

makanan…rendang →

nasi Padang

seputar →

perebutan →

some kind of brainwashing

(higher level)

going to( mp)

return home (omitted lower


a number of (mp)

dramatic stories (higher level)

took place higher)

under heavy guard ( higher


regarding (mp)

a box…dish (higher level)

this kind of food ( higher



fighting over (mp)

Page 13: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


adik bungsu Nazaruddin, Mujahidin Nur Hasyim. Ia

juga hadir ketika Nazaruddin pertama kali dibawa ke

KPK. Selasa pekan lalu, ia mengunjungi Nazaruddin di

tahanan Brimob, dan mendampingi pemeriksaan

Nazaruddin. “Kalau Nazar mau ringan hukumannya,

harus terbuka,” kata Elza.

Kaligis yang sejak awal mengklaim sebagai

kuasa hukum Nazaruddin, mempertanyakan KPK yang

menurut dia melarang pengacara menemui Nazaruddin

saat berada di ruang tahanan. Ia juga kerap melontarkan

kekhawatiran Nazaruddin dicuci otaknya oleh KPK.

Surat yang menjadi pegangan Kaligis adalah surat

penunjukannya sebagai penasihat hukum yang dibuat

ketika Nazarudiing di Singapura. “Yang

mempertemukan mereka adalah adalah Albert

Panggabean,” kata sumber Tempo. Dalam pertemuan di

Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapura itu, Kaligis

mengaku tidak butuh dibayar. Kaligis membantah

mengenal Albert Panggabean.

Pernyataan Kaligis tentang upaya

menghalanginya menemui Nazaruddin terbantahkan.

Dalam rekaman video yang dilansir KPK, pada malam

ketika Nazaruddin diperiksa KPK, perwakilan Kaligis,

Afrian Bonjol, diperbolehkan penyidik menemuinya.

Afrian menyodorkan surat kuasa untuk ditandatangani,

tapi Nazaruddin menolak. “Nanti pemeriksaan kedua,”

kata nya.

Nazaruddin, menurut sumber di KPK, juga

Elza claimed he obtained a mandate from

Nazaruddin's youngest brother, Mujahidin Nur

Hasyim. He was present the first time Nazaruddin was

taken to the KPK. On Tuesday last week, he visited

Nazaruddin in the Brimob jail and was present for

Nazaruddin's questioning by the KPK two days later.

Elza said she only wanted to help Nazaraddin- “If

Nazar wants to get a lenient sentence, he has to be

open,” said Elza.

Kaligis, who from the outset claimed to be

Nazaruddin's lawyer, questioned the KPK, which,

according to him, banned lawyers from seeing

Nazaruddin when he is in custody. He has also raised

his concern that Nazaruddin was being brainwashed

by the KPK.

The document that Kaligis holds is his letter of

appointment as a legal advisor, made when

Nazaruddin was in Singapore. “Albert Panggabean

introduced them,” said a Tempo source. In that

meeting at the Marina Mandarin Hotel in Singapore,

Kaligis said he did not need to be paid. Kaligis denied

knowing Albert Panggabean.

Kaligis's statement about efforts being made to

prevent him from meeting Nazaruddin is debatable. In

a video recording released by the KPK, on the night

when Nazaruddin was questioned by the KPK,

Kaligis's representative, Afrian Bonjol, was allowed

to meet him by investigators. Afrian presented him a

power of attorney letter to be signed, but he refused.

“It happened later during the second questioning,” he


Nazaruddin- according to a source in the KPK,

hak pembelaan →

Elza…Nazaruddin →

di ruang tahanan →

melontarkan →

Surat →

mempertemukan →

mengaku →

dilansir →

menyodorkan →

nanti →

rightful…counsel (higher


Elza… Nazaruddin


in custody (mp)

raised (mp)

document (mp)

introduced (mp)

said (mp)

released (mp)

presented (mp)

It happened later (higher level)

Page 14: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


diminta menuliskan nama-nama kerabat atau keluarga

yang boleh menjenguknya. Satu per satu nama yang

ditulis Nazaruddin pada secartik kertas adalah Neneng

Sri Wahyuni, istrinya; M Nasir, kakaknya; Rita Zahara,

kakak sulung; Hasyim, adiknya, Aan, sopir pribadi; dan

Kaligis. Setelah menuliskan nama-nama itu. Nazarud-

din berpikir sejenak, kemudian mencoret nama Kaligis.

“Enggak usah aja,” ujarnya.

Seorang advokat mengungkapkan Nazaruddin

kecewa terhadap Kaligis. Pasalnya Kaligis berjanji

tidak akan mengenakan biaya pendampingan. Nya-

tanya, Nazaruddin diharuskan membayar pengacara

selama pelarian di Singapura. Terakhir, pengacara di

Kolombia yang hendak mengurus suaka politiknya pun

meminta bayaran US$ 1 juta (sekitar Rp 8.5 miliar).

Tapi Nazaruddin membantah informasi miring itu.

Meski berkali-kali menolak Kaligis, Nazar

akhirnya menyerah. Surat kuasa untuk Kaligis

ditekennya pada Selasa, 16 Agustus, di tahanan. Surat

dititipkan Kaligis lewat Nasir. Sehari setelah itu.

Kaligis menemui Nazaruddin di tahanan. Keesokan

harinya, Nazaruddin diperiksa KPK. Di sinilah

Nazaruddin memainkan babak baru dalam drama

hidupnya: bungkam.

Dalam pemeriksaan selama dua jam, Nazaruddin

lebih banyak menjawab lupa, kala 20 pertanyaan

tentang peristiwa dugaan korupsi proyek wisma atlet

diajukan. Ia menyampaikan kesediaanya menerima

hukuman tanpa diperiksa. Bahkan dalam surat yang

ditujukan kepada Presiden Susilo Bambang

was also asked to write down the names of friends and

relatives who were allowed to visit him. The names

that Nazaruddin wrote on a piece of paper were:

Neneng Sri Wahyuni, his wife: M. Nasir, his older

brother; Rita Zahara, his oldest sister; Hasyim, his

younger brother. Aan, his driver; and Kaligis. After

writing down those names, Nazaruddin thought for a

moment, then crossed out Kaligis's name. “Not neces-

sary. he said.

One advocate said that Nazaruddin was

disappointed with Kaligis. Kaligis had promised he

would not charge any fees. As it turned out,

Nazaruddin had to pay the lawyer for the duration of

his flight in Singapore. Most recently, the lawyer in

Colombia who was going to process his request for

political asylum asked for a payment of US$1 million

(about Rp 8.5 billion). Nazaruddin, however did not

confirm this information.

After repeatedly rejecting to be represented by

Kaligis, Nazaruddin finally gave in. He signed the

power of attorney in favor of Kaligis on Tuesday, Au-

gust 16, while in detention. The letter was sent to

Kaligis through Nasir. A day later, Kaligis met

Nazaruddin in custody. The following day,

Nazaruddin was questioned by the KPK. This was

when Nazaruddin began a new chapter in his drama:

keeping quiet.

During the two hours of questioning,

Nazaruddin mostly replied “I forget” to the 20

questions asked about the events surrounding the

alleged embezzlement in the SEA Games

accommodation project. He conveyed his willingness

to accept punishment without being questioned. In

Satu persatu nama →

Enggak usah aja ya

biaya pendamping →

Nyatanya →

selama →

membantsah →

menolak [Kaligis] →

untuk →

dititipkan →

lewat →

memainkan →

kala →

korupsi →

wisma atlet →

diseret →

The names (omitted lower


Not necessary omitted lower)

any fees (mp)

As it turned out (mp)

the duration of (mp)

did not confirm (mp)

Rejecting to be represented by

[Kaligis] (higher level)

In favor of (mp)

sent (mp)

through (mp)

began (mp)

to the(mp)

embezzlement (mp)

SEA Games accommodation

project (higher level)

dragged (mp)

Page 15: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Yudhoyono, Nazaruddin meminta istrinya tak diseret

ke meja hijau.

Dalam surat yang diketik rapi dan ditanda

tanganinya itu, Nazaruddin berjanji tidak akan

menceritakan apa pun yang dapat merusak citra Partai

Demokrat dan KPK. Ia rela dihukum asalkan Presiden

memberi ketenangan bagi keluarganya. “Khusus bagi

istri dan anak – anak saya,” tulis surat yang ditunjukkan

Kaligis itu.

Juru bicara Presiden, Julian Aldrin Pasha,

mengatakan istana belum menerima surat tersebut. Ia

menegaskan, Presiden Yudhoyono tidak akan

mengintervensi kasus. “Kami tidak menerima tawaran,”

kata Julian. Senada dengan itu, komisi antikorupsi

mempertahankan prinsip mereka. “Meskipun dia

mengatakan lupa, yang penting alat buktinya lengkap,”

kata Wakil Ketua KPK Bibit Samadi Rianto.

Tito Sianipar, Rusman Paraqbueq, Atmi Pertiwi

fact, in a letter addressed to President Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono, Nazaruddin asked that his wife not be

dragged into court.

In the typed letter he signed, Nazaruddin

promised he would not say anything that could

damage the Democrat Party or the KPK.. He was

willing to be punished as long as the President gave

his family some peace. “In particular, for my wife and

children," he wrote in the letter shown by Kaligis.

Presidential spokesman, Julian Aldrin Pasha,

said that the palace had not received this letter. He

stressed that President Yudboyono was not going to

intervene in this case. “We do not consider

proposals,” said Pasha. Similarly, the KPK reiterated

their stance. “Even though he kept saying he forgot,

the important thing is that the evidence is complete.”

said KPK Deputy Chairman Bibit Samad Rianto.

Tito Sianipar, Rusman Paraqbueq, Atmi Pertiwi

[surat] yang diketik rapi →

merusak citra →

tulis surat →

menerima →

Senada dengan itu

(implicit) →

mempertahankan →

typed [letter] (higher level)

damage (omitted lower level)

he wrote in the letter (higher


consider (mp)

Similarly (mp)

reiterated (mp)

Page 16: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


c. Railroaded ( April 2011)


(24 April 2011)


(April 26th, 2011)


SUATU hari, Oktober 2005, Soemino Eko

Saputro menerima panggilan dari bosnya, Menteri

Perhubungan Hatta Rajasa. Ia yang ketika itu Di-

rektur Jenderal Perkeretaapian, segera datang ke

ruang kerja Hatta di lantai 8 Gedung Karsa, Kantor

Departemen Perhubungan, Jalan Merdeka Barat 8,

Jakarta Pusat.

Di ruang kerja Hatta, sudah menunggu lima

orang tamu. Mereka adalah Achmad Hafisz Tohir,

Hartanto Edhie Wibowo, Dicky Tjokrosaputro, Jon

Erizal, dan seseorang bernama Agung. Belakangan,

Soemino tahu mereka bukan orang sembarangan.

Hafisz adalah adik Hatta, Hartanto merupakan adik

bungsu Ani Yudhoyono, dan Jon Erizal tercatat

sebagai Bendahara Umum Partai Amanat Nasional.

Adapun Dicky merupakan Direktur Utama PT

Power Telecom, perusahaan penyedia infrastruktur

jaringan Internet. Agung adalah anggota staf Dicky.

"Saat itu Pak Menteri meminta saya menjajaki

pencarian kereta rel listrik bekas di Jepang,” kata

Soemino kepada penyidik Komisi Pemberantasan

Korupsi, seperti dituturkan sumber Tempo.”-Pak

One day in October 2005, Soemino Eko Saputro

received a call from his boss, Transportation Minister

Hatta Rajasa. As he was then the Director-General of

Railways, he immediately went to Hatta's office on the

8th floor of the Karsa Building at the Transportation

Ministry headquarters in Central Jakarta.

Five guests were already waiting in Hatters office.

They were: Achmad Hafisz Tohir, Hartanto Edhie

Wibowo, Dicky Tjokrosaputro, Jon Erizal, and someone

named Agung. Later, Soemino found out that these were

no ordinary guests. Hafisz was Hatter's younger brother,

Hartanto was the youngest brother of Ani Yudhoyono,

and Jon Erizal was treasurer of the National Mandate

Party (PAN). Dicky was CEO at PT Power Telecom, a

company which provides infrastructure for internet net-

works. Agung was Dicky's staff member.

“At that time the minister asked me to find used

electric train cars in Japan,” said Soemino, to

interrogators at the KPK, as told by a Tempo source.

“The minister also told his five guests to join the trip to

datang →

orang sembarangan

(implicit) →

tercatat sebagai (implicit)→

menjajaki pencarian

(implicit) →

ikut ke [Jepang] →

went (mp)

ordinary guest (mp)

was (omitted lowerlevel)

to find (ommited lower lvl)

join the trip to [Japan] (higher


Page 17: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Menteri juga menyatakan kepada lima orang

tamunya untuk ikut ke Jepang, karena ada usul

swastanisasi operator kereta. Mereka mungkin ber-

minat menjadi operator swasta.”

Ketika itu, problem kereta komuter menjadi

sorotan. Kecelakaan penumpang yang naik di atap

kereta rel listrik sering terjadi. Presiden Susilo Bam-

bang Yudhoyono meminta Menteri Perhubungan

menertibkan penumpang di atap kereta. Segera

setelah itu, Hatta mengumpulkan bawahannya.

Muncullah usul menambah 160 unit kereta bekas

dari Jepang.

Kepada penyidik. Soemino, mengaku itulah

perintah pertama yang diterimanya untuk mulai

menjajaki pengadaan kereta bekas dari Jepang. Pada

12 November 2005, ia bersama Direktur Ke-

selamatan dan Teknik Sarana Asril Syafei plus lima

‘tamu Hatta’ terbang ke Tokyo. Di sana, rombongan

menemui manajemen Japan Railway Technical

Service, yang pernah menjadi konsultan kereta di

wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan


Perjalanan inilah yang belakangan menyeret

Soemino menjadi pesakitan Komisi Pemberantasan

Korupsi. Dia dituduh menggelembungkan biaya

pengangkutan kereta bekas dari Tokyo ke Pelabuhan

Tanjung Priok. yang diduga merugikan negara Rp

10-16 miliar. Menjadi tersangka sejak November

2009, ia ditahan akhir Maret lalu.

Japan, because there was a proposal to privatize the train

operation and they might be interested in becoming the

private operators.”

At that time, the commuter train problem was in

the public spotlight. Passengers riding on the top of

electric train cars were often getting into accidents.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono asked his

Transportation Minister to resolve the problem of

passengers riding atop trains. Soon after, Hatta gathered

his senior officers at the ministry, and they came up with

the idea to add 160 used passenger cars from Japan.

Speaking to investigators, Soemino said that this

was the first time he was instructed to begin looking into

procuring used trains from Japan. On Novermber

12,2005, he and Director of Safety and Facilities, Asril

Syafei, and the five “Hatta Guest” flew to Tokyo. There,

the entourage met with the management of Japan

Railways Technical Service, which was once a train

consultant for the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and

Bekasi area.

This trip later implicated Soemino. He was accused

of marking up the cost of transporting the used train cars

from Tokyo to Tanjung Priok Port, causing the state the

lose Rp. 10-16 billion. Seomino was charged with

corruption in November 2009 and arrested the following


sorotan (implicit) →

menertibkan →


bawahannya →

muncul[lah] (implicit) →

usul →

Kepada [penyidik] →

mengaku →

menjajaki (implicit) →

bersama →

di →

belakangan (implicit) →

menyeret (implicit) →

Soemino…Korupsi →


(implicit) →

Menjadi tersangka →

public spotlight (mp)

resolve (mp)

gathered…ministry (higher


they came up with ( +higher


idea (mp)

Speaking to [investigators] (mp)

said (mp)

looking into (mp)

and (mp)

for (mp)

later (mp)


Soemino (omitted lowerlevel)

marking up (mp)

Soemino..corruption (higher)

Page 18: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Pekan lalu, Soemino menyatakan bersedia

diwawancarai di tempatnya ditahan, penjara

Cipinang, Jakarta Timur. Namun ia

mengurungkannya pada Jumat, "Pak Soemino belum

siap. Dia masih depresi,” kata Tumpal Halomoan

Hutabarat. Pengacaranya.

Hatta Rajasa, kini Menteri Koordinator

Perekonomian, membantah adanya pertemuan di

ruang kerjanya itu. Dia mengatakan sang adik tidak

mungkin terlibat dalam proyek pengadaan kereta.

“Saat itu dia baru memulai bisnis telekomunikasi,

tidak ada hubungan dengan kereta,” kata Ketua

Umum Partai Amanat Nasional ini. Belakangan, ia

menambahkan, bisnis telekomunikasi Hafisz pun

tidak jadi dijalankan.


PENCARIAN Soemino untuk memperoleh

kereta rel listrik di Jepang berbuah hasil. Lewat

bantuan Japan Railway Technical Services. Soemino

mendapatkan informasi soal 124 kereta bekas yang

siap dihibahkan. Perinciannya: 33 unit dari Tokyo

Car, 33 unit dari Tokyo Metro, 30 unit dari Tokyo

Kosaku, dan sisanya dari Odakyu. Namun, dari

jumlah itu, yang siap dikirim ke Indonesia hanya 60

unit. “Hasil perjalanan itu Saya laporkan ke Pak

Hatta,” kata Soemino kepada penyidik.

Last week, Soemino said he was willing to be

interviewed where he was being held, at Cipinang Prison

in East Jakarta. However, on Friday he called to cancel

it. “Pak Soemino is not ready. He is still depressed.” Said

Tupal Halomoan Hutabarat, his lawyer

Hatta Rajasa, currently the Coordinating Minister

for the Economy, denied that such a meeting took place

in his office. He said that his younger brother could not

possibly be involved in the train procurement project.

“At that time he had just begun a telecommunication

business, and there was no connection with trains,” said

Hatta, also PAN chairman Later, he added that halfisz’s

telecommunication business had not progressed any



SOEMINO’S search for electric train cars in

Japan was successful. Through the assistance of Japan

Railway Technical Service, he was told that 124 used

train cars were ready to be donated. They covered 33

units from Tokyo Cars, 33 units from Tokyo Metro 30

units from Tokyo Kosaku, and the rest from Odakyu.

However, of this amount, only 60 were ready to be sent

to Indonesia. “I reported the findings from that trip to

Pak Hatta,” Soemino told investigators.

menyatakan →


d i ruang kerjanya →

sang adik →

tidak jadi dijalankan

(implicit) →

Pencarian…memperoleh →

berbuah [hasil] (implicit) →

mendapatkan informasi →

Perinciannya →

Hasil →

said (mp)

called…it (higher)

took…office (higher level)

his…brother (higher level)

had not progressed any further

(mp + higher level)

Soemino…for (omitted


[was] successful

was told (mp)

They covered (mp)

[the] findings (mp)

Page 19: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Pada 12 Januari 2006. Soemino ditemani Asril

kembali berangkat ke Jepang. Dalam perjalanan

kedua ini, dia semakin intensif membicarakan renca-

na hibah dengan sejumlah perusahaan operator. Di

negara itu, kereta pada usia tertentu harus

dimusnahkan atau dihibahkan ke negara lain

Kata Soemino, ia melaporkan hasil kunjungan

ke Jepang kepada Menteri Hatta lewat surat

tertanggal 26 Januari 2006. Isinya penjelasan soal

alokasi dana yang tersedia dalam daftar isian

penggunaan anggaran 2006 senilai Rp 76 miliar

yang dipakai untuk pengadaan 160 unit kereta.

“Sehari kemudian, Hatta menjawab surat itu lewat

disposisi,” kata Tumpal menirukan Soemino. “Isinya

proses lanjut.”

Pada awal September. Soemino men-e- pat

nota dinas dari Asnl Svafei tentang pengangkutan

kereta oleh Sumitois Corp- Dalam nota dinas itu,

sang direktur menyampaikan perlunya pembahasan

lebih lanjut soal hibah dan biaya pengangkutan 60

unit kereta ke Indonesia. “Selain itu, dapat kiranya

diupayakan penunjukan langsung kepada Sumi-

tomo,” tulis Asril dalam suratnya.

Masuknya Sumitomo menjadi koordinator

perusahaan pengangkut kereta ke Indonesia

merupakan rekomendasi dari Japan Railway

Technical Services. Perusahaan perdagangan Jepang

ini menyebutkan biaya pengangkutan senilai 9 juta

yen (Rp 720 juta) per unit, sehingga total biaya yang

harus dibayar pemerintah untuk biaya transportasi

On January 12, 2006, Soemino was again

accompanied by Asril on another trip to Japan. On this

second trip he had more intensive communication about

the planned donations from a few train operators. In

Japan, trains of a certain age must be destroyed or

donated to other countries.

Soemino said that he reported the results of this 26,

2006. It explained the matter of the allocated funds Japan

visit to Minister Hatta in a letter dated January available

in the 2006 Budget Implementation Registration Form in

the amount of Rp76 billion for the procurement of 160

train cars. "A day later, Hatta replied to the letter in a

short note," said Tumpal, quoting Soemino. "It said to

continue the process"

In early September, Soemino received an official

letter from Asril Syafei about the trains being shipped by

Sumitomo Corp. In this official letter, the director

conveyed the need for further discussion about the

donation and the cost of shipping 60 train cars to

Indonesia. “In addition, we ask that an effort be made to

directly appoint Sumitomo,” wrote Asril in his letter.

The mention of Sumitomo as the company

handling the transport of the Japanese trains to Indonesia

was proposed by Japan Railway Technical Service. This

Japanese trade firm said that the shipping cost was 9

million yen (Rp720 million) per unit, bringing the total

cost to be horne by the government to Rp43.2 billion.

berangkat →

membicarakan →

sejumlah →

Isinya penjelasan →

lewat (implicit) →

disposisi →

Isinya →

[proses] lanjut (implicit) →

men-e-pat →

pengangkutan [kereta] →

soal →

dapat kiranya →

Masuknya (implicit) →

koordinator perusahaan →

rekomendasi →

sehingga →

yang …itu →

[was] on anpother trip


communication (mp)

afew (mp)

It explained (mp)

in (mp)

short note (mp)

It said (mp)

to continue [the process]

received (mp)

[the trains] being shipped (mp)

about (mp)

we ask that (mp)

The mention of (mp)

company (omitted lowerlevel)

[was] proposed by (mp)

bringing (mp)

to…government (omitted


Page 20: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


60 kereta itu Rp 43.2 miliar.

Soemino lalu menyurati Hatta. Dia

.menjelaskan secara terperinci soal jadwal

pengiriman kereta itu ke Indonesia. Terakhir, dia

meminta Hatta menvetujui penunjukan langsung

kepada Sumitomo. “Surat itu kembali dijawab Hatta

lewat disposisi pada 2 November 2006,” kata

Tumpal. Menurut dia, dalam disposisi itu Hatta

menyatakan setuju dengan catatan pelaksanaannya

dilakukan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku.

Setelah melewati sejumlah proses. Satuan

Kerja Pengembangan Perkeretaapian yang ditugasi

menyiapkan proyek tersebut menyetujui penggunaan

anggaran sebesar Rp 43.2 miliar. Perinciannya: Rp

14.4 miliar diambil dari anggaran 2006 dan dipakai

untuk biaya angkut 20 unit kereta, lalu Rp 28.8 mili-

ar dari anggaran 2007 untuk biaya angkut 40 unit

kereta lain.

Hatta membantah telah memberikan

persetujuan soal penunjukan langsung kepada

Sumitomo. Dia mengatakan menulis disposisi untuk

Sekretaris Jenderal Departemen Perhubungan agar

mengkaji usul Soemino. “Disposisi saya selalu

ditujukan ke Sekjen dan tidak pernah ke Dirjen,”

katanya. Hatta menduga ada pihak yang sengaja

memelintir dokumen untuk menyerangnya.

Mantan Menteri-Sekretaris Negara ini

mengatakan baru tahu belakangan bahwa proses

pengadaan kereta bekas ini bermasalah. “Saya yang

meminta proyek itu disetop dan minta Badan

Soemino then wrote to Hatta. He explained in

detail the shipping schedule for the trains to be sent to

Indonesia. He asked Hatta to approve the direct

appointment of Sumitomo. "Hatta responded to this letter

in a disposition note on November 2, 2006,” said Tump-

al. According to Tumpal, in the note Hatta said that he

approved the process with the reservation that, "its im-

plementation be done according to the current


Further into the process, the Railway Development

Work Unit which was assigned to prepare the project

approved the use of Rp432 billion of budgeted funds.

The breakdown: Rp14.4 billion would be taken from the

2006 budget and used to fund the shipment of 20 train

units, and Rp28.8 billion from the 2007 budget would be

used to fund the shipment of the other 40 train cars.

Hatta disagreed that he had approved the direct

appointment of Sumitomo. He said that he wrote that

note for the Secretary-General of the Transportation

Ministry to study Soemino's proposal. My disposition

notes were always addressed to the secretary-general and

never to the director-general," he said. Hatta suspects

that someone had intentionally misused the document to

attack him.

Hatta said that he only found out later there was a

problem with the used-train procurement process. "I was

the one who asked that the project be stopped and asked

the Finance Development Controller (BPKP) to conduct

Terakhir →

disposisi →

[menyatakan] setuju →

[dengan] catatan →

Setelah melewati

(implicit) →

sejumlah [ proses] →

penggunaan anggaran →

biaya [angkut] →

membantah →

disposisi →

menduga →

ada pihak (implicit) →

memelintir (implicit) →

Mantan…ini →

belakangan (implicit) →

(ommited omitted

lowerlvl)omitted lowerlevel

the note (mp)

approved the process (higher)

[with] the reservation (mp)

Further into (mp)

the [process) (omitted


the use [of] (omitted lowerlevel)

fund [the shipment] (mp)

disagreed (mp)

note (mp)

suspects (mp)

someone (mp)

misused (mp)

Hatta (omitted lowerlevel)

later (mp)

Page 21: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan

melakukan audit,” kata Hatta.

Tumpal menilai janggal bantahan Hatta.

Menurut dia, jika disposisi benar ditujukan buat

Sekretaris Jenderal, kalimat yang tertulis bukan

“setuju dan laksanakan sesuai aturan yang berlaku.”

la juga menepis keterangan Hatta yang menyatakan

tidak pernah mengeluarkan disposisi untuk Direktur

Jenderal. Terbukti, pada 14 Juli 2006, Hatta pernah

membuat disposisi untuk Sekretaris Jenderal dan

Soemino setelah menerima Surat dari Presiden

Direktur Japan Railway Technical Service.”Bukti-

bukti disposisi itu akan kami serahkan ke KPK,”



BAU tak sedap pengadaan kereta bekas Jepang

sampai ke Lapangan Banteng, kantor Departemen

Keuangan. Satu nota dinas tertanggal 10 Mei 2007

dikirimkan Direktur Jenderal Pengelolaan Utang

Rahmat Waluyanto kepada Menteri Keuangan -

ketika itu dijabat Sri Mulyani Indrawati. Isi nota di-

nas merupakan hasil rapat lintas departemen di

Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional pada 12

Maret 2007, yang dihadiri pejabat Departemen Per-

hubungan dan Departemen Keuangan.

Dalam nota dinas yang salinannya diperoleh

Tempo itu, dijelaskan secara terperinci kesalahan

prosedur yang terjadi dalam pengadaan 60 kereta eks

Jepang tersebut. Pertama, pengadaan kereta bekas

itu tidak masuk kategon hibah karena pengajuannya,

an audit,” said Hatta.

Tumpal feels something is odd about Hatta’s

denial. He said that if the disposition note was really

addressed to the secretary general, the written sentence

would not have read "approved and implement according

to the current regulations." He also challenged Hatter's

statement that he never issued a disposition note to a

director-general. As proof, on July 14, 2006, Hatta once

sent a note to the secretary-general and Soemino after

receiving a letter from the CEO of Japan Railway

Technical Service. "We submitted this disposition note to

the KPK as evidence," he said.


SUSPICIONS regarding the procurement of used

Japanese train cars reached the office of the Finance

Ministry. One official letter dated May 10, 2007, was

sent by Director-General of Debt Management Rahmat

Waluyanto to the Finance Minster–a position at that time

held by Sri Mulyani Indrawati. The content of this

official letter was the outcome of an inter-ministry meet-

ing at the National Development Planning Board

(Bappenas) on March 12, 2007, which was attended by

officials of the ministries of Transportation and Finance.

In this official letter, a copy of which was obtained

by Tempo, procedural errors were explained in detail in

the procurement of the 60 used Japanese rail cars. First

of all, the procurement of those used train cars could not

be classified as gifts because it was not submitted

menilai →

janggal →

menepis (implicit) →

membuat →

disposisi →

disposisi →

Bau tak sedap (implicit) →

pengadaan →

ke…Keuangan →

dijabat (implicit) →

eks Jepang →

Pertama →

masuk kategori →

feels (mp)

something is odd (higher level)

challenged (mp)

sent (mp)

a note (mp)

disposition note (higher level)

Suspicion (mp)

regarding the procurement

(higher level)

office…Ministry (omitted


held by (mp)

used Japanese (mp)

First of all (higher level)

classified (mp+ommited lower

Page 22: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


tidak lewat Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan

Nasional dan Departemen Keuangan serta tidak ada

naskah perjanjian luar negeri. Kedua, penunjukan

langsung Sumitomo melanggar ketentuan pengadaan

barang dan jasa pemerintah.

Nota dinas itu juga menyorot soal kewajaran

biaya jasa transportasi 50 unit kereta yang sudah

dibayarkan ke Sumitomo. Karena harga yang tinggi,

kontrak sepuluh unit kereta yang belum dikirimkan

diusulkan dibatalkan. Setelah mengirimkan nota

dinas, dua pekan kemudian Rahmat mengirimkan

surat ke Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian. Isinya

menjelaskan soal penyimpangan prosedur

pengadaan 60 kereta bekas dari Jepang.

Ketika dimintai konfirmasi soal nota dinas itu,

Rahmat menolak berkomentar. “Kalau soal

dokumen internal, saya no comment,” katanya,

kepada Fanny Febiana dari Tempo.

Tumpal mengatakan kliennya meminta

keadilan dalam kasus ini. Menurut dia, Soemino

berkukuh tidak mendapat keuntungan dari proyek

dan berkeyakinan tidak ada kerugian negara dari

kebijakan itu. “Tapi, kalau Komisi Pemberantasan

Korupsi tetap menilai ada kerugian Negara, bukan

hanya Soemino yang harus bertanggung jawab,”

katanya. Atasan dan pihak lain juga harus dijerat.”

Hatta mengaku menyerahkan sepenuhnya

kasus ini ke Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi.

“Biarlah proses ini berjalan. Saya tidak ingin

mencampurinya,” ujarnya. Juru bicara Komisi

Pemberantasan Korupsi. Johan Budi S.P.,

through Bappenas and the Finance Ministry, and there

was no accompanying foreign grant agreement. Second,

the direct appointment of Sumitomo violated stipulations

on the government procurement of goods and services.

This official letter also pointed out the propriety

of the transportation cost for 50 train cars, which had al-

ready been paid to Sumitomo. Because of the high cost,

it was suggested that the contract for the 10 other train

cars which had not yet been shipped be cancelled. Two

weeks after sending the official letter, Rahmat sent a

letter to the Directorate General of Railways. In it he

explained the procedural violations on the procurement

of 60 used train cars from Japan.

When asked to confirm that official letter, Rahmat

refused to comment, "I have no comment about that

internal document," he told Fanny Febiana from Tempo.

Tumpal said that his client has asked for justice in

this case. Soemino insisted that he did not profit from the

project and believes that the state suffered no losses as a

result of this policy. "However, if the KPK still feels

losses were incurred, Soemino is not the only one who

must be held responsible,” he said. His superiors and

other parties must also be implicated."

Hatta said that he is fully submitting the case to the

KPK. “Just let this process go forward. I do not want to

interfere in it," he said. KPK spokesman Johan Budi S.P.

said that the case of suspected corruption was being

developed. As for the possibility of others being im-

pengajuannya →

naskah →

menyorot (implicit) →

kewajaran →

kontrak…dibatalkan →

Isinya [menjelaskan] →

berkukuh (implicit) →

mendapat keuntungan →

menilai →

ada kerugian Negara →

dijerat (implicit) →

mengaku →

berjalan →

korupsi…bekas →

terjerat (implicit) →

proses →


it…submitted (higher level)

grant (mp)

pointed out (mp)

propriety (mp)

it…cancelled (higher level)

In it he [explained] (mp)

insisted (mp)

profit (omitted lowerlevel)

feels (mp)

losses were incurred (mp)

implicated (mp)

said (mp)

go forward (mp)

corruption (omitted lowerlevel)

implicatred (mp)

the outcome (mp)

Page 23: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


mengatakan kasus dugaan korupsi pengadaan kereta

bekas tetap akan dikembangkan. Soal kemungkinan

ada pihak lain yang terjerat, Kami menunggu proses

persidangan Pak Soemino dulu," katanya.

Power Tak Ketinggalan Kereta

Orang-orang dekat Hatta dituduh

mengawal proyek pengadaan kereta bekas.

Berbisnis serat optik sepanjang rel.

BANGUNAN abu-abu bernomor 43 itu

sepintas lebih mirip rumah ketimbang kantor. Tak

ada pagar yang memisahkan halamannya yang

jembar dengan Jalan Tomang Raya, Jakarta Barat.

Tanpa plang nama, orang perlu bertanya ke petugas

keamanan untuk memastikan di situlah PT Power

Telecom atau PowerTel berkantor.

Di kantor itulah Achmad Hafisz Tohir, adik

Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa,

pernah tercatat sebagai salah seorang direktur. Se-

orang sumber menyebutkan PowerTel didirikan

Hafisz bersama Dicky Tjokrosaputro, putra

pengusaha Benny Tjokrosaputro, dan Hartanto

Edhie Wibowo, adik bungsu Ani Yudhoyono, istri

Presiden. Dicky jadi direktur utama, Hartanto atau

Anto menjabat komisaris utama. Berdiri pada 200.1,

perusahaan ini bergerak dalam bisnis layanan

Internet melalui serat optik.

plicated. “We are waiting for the outcome of Pak

Soemino's trial first,” he said.

Not Wanting to Miss the Train

People close to Hatta are being accused of

involvement in a used-train procurement project.

There was a rail-side fiberoptic cable business


At first glance, the gray building looks more like a

house than an office. There is no fence around the large

yard on the house in a street in West Jakarta. With no

visible identification signs, it took a few queries nearby

to ensure it was indeed the location of the office of PT

Power Telecom or PowerTel.

It was at this office that Achmad Hafisz Tohir,

younger brother of Coordinating Minister for the

Economy Hatta Rajasa, was once listed as a company

director. One source said that Hafisz established

PowerTel together with Dicky Tjokrosaputro, son of

businessman Benny Tjokrosaputro, and Hartanto Edhie

Wibowo, the youngest brother of First Lady Ani

Yudhoyono. Dicky was president director, while

Hartanto or Anto became chief commissioners. Es-

tablished in 2004, this company dealt in fiberoptic cables

for the internet service business.

dulu (implicit)_ →

mengawal →

Berbisnis…rel →

At first glance →

bernomor 43 →

ketimbang (implicit) →

memisahkan →

jembar (implicit) →

plang nama →

orang…bertanya →

di situlah (implicit) →

seorang [direktur] →

isteri Presiden →

bergerak (implicit) →

first (mp)

involvement in (mp)

There…interest (higher level)

sepintas (higher level)

(omitted lower omitted


than (mp)

around (mp)

large (mp)

identification signs (mp)

it…nearby (higher level)

the location of (mp)

company [director] (mp)

First Lady (mp)

dealt in (mp)

Page 24: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Dua pria berseragam hitam-hitam berjaga di

depan kantor. “Pak Dicky sedang ke Singapura,”

kata Ali, salah seorang dari mereka, kepada Tempo,

Jumat pekan lalu.

Dalam informasi ringkas penawaran umum

saham perdana tertanggal 4 Agustus 2008. PowerTel

mengklaim telah bekerja sama dengan Direktorat

Jenderal Perkeretaapian Departemen Perhubungan

dan PT Kereta Api untuk membangun jaringan

backbone serat optik di rel kereta api sepanjang

2.400 kilometer. Perusahaan ini juga merangkul PT

PLN untuk memanfaatkan tiang-tiang listrik dalam

memasang jaringan backhaul optik dalam kota se-

panjang 1.000 kilometer.

Tumpal Halomoan Hutabarat, pengacara

Soemino Eko Saputro, tersangka perkara korupsi

pengadaan kereta bekas dari Jepang, menuding

Hafisz dan Hartanto terlibat dalam, proyek yang

menjerat kliennya. Tiap kali kliennya berangkat ke

Jepang untuk menjajaki pengadaan kereta api bekas,

rombongan Hafisz selalu ikut. “Seperti tak mau

ketinggalan,” katanya. Kepada penyidik, Soemino

mengatakan keberangkatannya ke Jepang dalam

proses pengadaan atas perintah Hatta.

Soemino, mantan Direktur Jenderal

Perkeretaapian dua kali ke Jepang pada 12

November 2005 dan 12 Januari 2006. Menurut dia,

kepergiannya selalu bersama Hafisz, Hartanto, dan

Dicky. Ada juga Agung, yang disebut Tumpal

Two men in black uniforms stood guard in front of

the office- "Pak Dicky, is in Singapore,” Ali one of the

guards, told Temp, on Friday last week.

In a recap of an initial public share offering dated

August 4, 2008. PowerTel claimed to work in

cooperation with the Directorate General of Railways at

the Transportation Ministry and PT Kereta Api Indonesia

to build a network of fiberoptic cables along a 2.400-

kilometer rail track. This company also worked with the

state-run electricity company (PLN) to install eiectricity

poles for a 1000-kilometer optical backhaul network in

the city.

Tumpal Halomoan Hutabarat, lawyer for Soemino

Eko Saputro, a suspect in the procurement of used trains

from Japan, accused Hafisz and Hartanto of being

involved in the project which implicated his client. Each

time his client went to Japan to look into the pro-

curement of used trains. Hafisz's group always tagged

along "As if they didn't want to miss the train,” he said.

Speaking to investigators, Soemino said that his trips to

Japan were made during the procurement process, as

instructed by Hatter.

Soemino, a former Director-General of Railways,

went to Japan twice, on November 12, 2005, and January

13, 2006. According to Soemino, he always went there

with Hafisz, Hartanto, and Dicky. Also with them was

Agung, who Tumpal said was an official at PowerTel-

sedang (implicit) →

informasi ringkas →

backbone [serat optic] →

merangkul (implicit) →


memanfaatkan →

Tersangka…korupsi →

Menjerat (implicit) →

berangakat →

ketinggalan →

Kepada penyidik →

keberangkatannya →

dia →

keperguiannya →

Ada juga (implicit) →

is in (mp)

a recap (mp)

[fiberoptic] cables (mp)

worked with (mp)

the…(PLN) (higher level)

to install (mp)

suspect (omitted lowerlevel)


went (mp)

miss the train (higher level)

Speaking…(higher level)

his trip (mp)

Soemino (mp)

went there (mp)

Also went with them (higher)

Page 25: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


sebagai pejabat PowerTel, dan Jon Erizal,

Bendahara Umum Partai Amanat Nasional.

Rombongan Hafisz juga ikut ketika Soemino

berkunjung ke kantor Tokyo Kosaku dan Tokyo

Metro—keduanya operator kereta Jepang. “Selain

melihat ketersediaan kereta rel listrik bekas, kami

melihat pengembangan dan perawatan depo-depo di

operator,” kata Soemino kepada penyidik pada 2

September 2010. Menurut Soemino kepada Tumpal,

Hafisz dan kawan-kawan tertarik berinvestasi di

bisnis kereta api.

Berulang kali dihubungi, Hafisz, yang juga

Ketua Badan Pembinaan Organisasi dan

Keanggotaan Partai Amanat Nasional, tak

mengangkat telepon. Pesan pendek juga tak dibalas.

Petugas resepsionis di Rumah PAN—kantor pusat

partai itu—mengatakan Hafisz tak datang Jumat

pekan lalu. Adapun Dicky tak nongol di kantor—

demikian menurut Mimi perempuan yang mengaku

sekretaris Dicky. “Pak Dicky ke Solo sejak Kamis,”

kata Mimi, Hartanto juga belum bisa dimintai


Mantan Komisaris PowerTel Roy Suryo

enggan berkomentar soal kiprah ‘kelompok’

PowerTel dalam proyek kereta api ataupun proyek

lain. “Sejujurnya, saya tak tahu banyak,” kata

anggota Fraksi Partai Demokrat Dewan Perwakilan

Rakyat itu. Saya hanya datang dua kali waktu

menjadi komisaris. Sekali di antaranya ketika ada

presentasi soal teknologi informasi.

and Jon Erizal, treasurer of the National Mandate Party


Hafis’z entourage also tagged along when Soemino

visited the offices of Tokyo Kosaku and Tokyo Metro —

both train operators in Japan. “In addition to checking out

the availability of used electric trains, we saw the

development and maintenance of train depots by the

operators,” Soemino told investigators on September 2,

2010. According to information Soemino gave to

Tumpal, Hafisz and friends were interested in investing

in the train business.

After repeated attempts to contact him Hafisz, who

is also head of the Organizational Guidance and

Membership Board of PAN, did not answer the phoneHe

also did not respond to text messages. A receptionist at

the PAN headquarters said that Hafisz was not there on

Friday last week. Dicky had not been in the office at

least according to Mimi, a woman who said that she was

Dickys secretary. “Pak Dicky has been in Solo since

Thursday,” said Mimi. Hartanto could also not be

reached for confirmation.

Former PowerTel commissioner Roy Suryo was

reluctant to comment on the role of the PowerTel 'group'

in the train project or other projects. “Honestly, I don't

know much,” said this member of the Democrat Party

faction in the House of Representatives (DPR). I only

came twice when I was a commissioner. One of them

was when there was a presentation about information


ikut →

Jepang →

melihat →

[Menurut] Soiemino →

Berulang kali dihubungi →

mengangkat →

pesan…dibalas →

Rumah…itu →

tak datang →

nongol (implicit) →

demikian (implicit) →

mengaku →

ke Solo →

dimintai →

kiprah (implicit) →

tagged along (mp)

in Japan (higher level)

checking out (mp)

[According to] information

[Soemino] gave (higher level)

After…him (higher level)

answer (mp)

He…messages (higher level)

headquarters (omitted


was not there (mp)

had not been (higher)

at least (mp)

said (mp)

has been in Solo (higher level)

be reached for (mp)

the role (mp)

Page 26: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Hatta, yang juga Ketua Umum PAN,

membantah keterlibatan adiknya dalam proyek ini.

“Bisnis dia itu perminyakan,” katanya. Hatta

mengakui adiknya pernah mencoba peruntungan di

bisnis telekomunikasi. “Hanya sebentar. Itu pun

diajak temannya.” Hatta juga membantah ikut

campur dalam soal kerja sama PowerTel dengan

Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian. “Saya marah

betul kalau keluarga saya ikut dalam proyek-

proyek,” ujarnya.

Hatta, who is also PAN, denied that his younger

brother was involved in the project. “His business is in

petroleum,” he said. Hatta said that his brother once tried

his luck in the telecommunication business. "It was only

for a short time. His friend had asked him to join.” Hatta

also denied interfering in the cooperation between

PowerTel and the Directorate General of Railways. “I

will be really upset if my family is involved with

projects,” said Hatta.

Ketua Umum PAN →

keterlibatan adiknya →

mengakui →

diajak temannya →

PAN (omitted lowerlevel)

that…involved (higher level)

said (mp)

His…join ((higher level)

Page 27: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


d. The Heat Is On ( August 2010)




(8 Agustus 2010)


(August 10th, 2010) SL TL









“SIDANG" itu terjadi di ruang kerja Jaksa Agung

Hendarman Supandji di lantai dua gedung utama

Kejaksaan Agung. Hari itu, Kamis dua pekan lalu,

Hendarman meminta Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak

Pidana Khusus Muhammad Amari menjelaskan

pertemuannya dengan pengusaha Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Ikut dalam pertemuan itu Wakil Jaksa Agung

Darmono, Jaksa Agung Muda Pengawasan yang juga

mantan Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus

Marwan Effendy, dan beberapa petinggi kejaksaan


Sekitar setengah jam Amari membeberkan

alasannva menerima Hary. Menurut Amari, ia

menerima kakak tersangka kasus korupsi Sistem Ad-

ministrasi Badan Hukum (Sisminbakum) Hartono

Tanoesoedibjo, lantaran yang bersangkutan menun-








THE “hearing” took place at Attorney

General Hendarman Supandji's office on the second

floor of the main building of the Attorney General's

Office (AGO). On that Thursday two weeks ago,

Hendarman asked Deputy Attorney General for

Special Crimes Muhammad Amari to explain his

meeting with businessman Hary Tanoesoedibjo.

Taking part in the meeting was Deputy Attorney

General Darmono, Deputy Attorney General for

Internal Supervision Marwan Effendy, the former

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes, and

several other senior AGO officials.

For about half an hour Amari explained his

reasons for agreeing to meet with Hary. According to

Amari, he met with the older brother of a suspect in

the Legal Entity Administration system

(Sisminbakum) case, Hartono Tanoesoedibjo, because

Jaksa…Amari →

menjadi →

gamang (implicit) →

mengusut tuntas →

ikut (implicit) →

membeberkan →

menerima (implicit) →

menerima (implicit) →

kasus korupsi →

uang…Negara →

Amari (omitted lowerlevel)

ignited (mp)

reluctant (mp)

wrap up (mp)

taking part (mp)

explained (mp)

agreeing to meet (mp)

met with (mp)

suspect (mp)

money…state (higher level)

Page 28: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


jukkan kesediaan mengembalikan uang kerugian

negara. -Dia mints penjelasan dan saya tidak melakukan

deal apa pun.- kata Amari pada saat -disidang-. seperti

diceritakan kembali oleh sumber Tempo yang tahu

persis pertemuan itu. Kepada Hendarman. bekas

Kepala Kejaksaan Tinggi Jawa Barat itu menegaskan

bahwa dia juga baru mengenal Hary saat itu.

Melontarkan beberapa pertanyaan, akhirnva

Hendarman mengeluarkan -putusannya-: anak buahnva

yang baru sekitar tiga bulan duduk di kursi Jaksa

Agung Muda Tindak Pidana Khusus itu tak bersalah.

Kendati demikian, sebelum sidang itu ditutup,

Hendarman dengan nada keras memperingatkan Amari. -Sava minta itu jangan diulangi lagi.- ujar Hendarrnan,

sebagaimana, dikutip sumber Tempo tersebut. Tak ada

sanksi untuk Amari. “Teguran lisan itu sudah

hukuman.” kata Hen-darman.


PERTEMUAN yang menyulut kehebohan itu

terjadi pada Kamis tiga pekan lalu. Sore itu, sekitar

pukul 15-00, pengacara Martin Pongrekun bergegas

naik ke lantai dua Gedung Bundar, Kejaksaan Agung.

Di belakangnya mengekor Hary Tanoesoedibjo dan

seorang anggota stafnva. Sejumlah pegawai kejaksaan

yang mengenal Martin mengangguk hormat. Gedung

Kejaksaan Agung memang bukan tempat asing bagi

Martin. Sebelum membuka firma hukum, Martin

adalah jaksa. Jabatan terakhirnya juga tidak main-main:

Jaksa Agung Muda Bidang Pembinaan.

the person concerned indicated a readiness to return

money that had been lost by the state. “He asked for

an explanation but I didn't make any kind of deal

whatsoever,” said Amari during the “hearing” as

related by a Tempo source who knows the precise

details of what was discussed. To Hendarman, the

former West Java Chief Public Prosecutor insisted

that it was the first time he had met with Harry.

Having thrown up a series of questions.

Hendarman finally issued his “judgment”-: his

subordinate who had only held the post of Deputy At-

torney General for Special Crimes for around three

months was not at fault. Nevertheless, before the

"hearing” ended, in a harsh tone Hendarman issued

Amari with a strong warning. “I ask that it not happen

again,” said Hendarman, as quoted by the Tempo

source. However, no punishment was imposed on

Amari. “The verbal reprimand was the punishment,”

said Hendarman.


THE meeting that ignited the uproar occurred

on Thursday three weeks ago- On that afternoon at

around 3pm, lawyer Martin Pongrekun hurried up to

the second floor of the Rotunda where the AGO has

its offices. Following him were Hary Tanoesoedibjo

and one of his staff members. Several AGO officials

who knew Martin nodded respectfully. Martin was

indeed no stranger to the building. Prior to opening a

law firm, Martin was a former prosecutor and his last

post was as the Deputy Attornay General for Civil &

State Administration.

diceritakan kembali →

yang…itu →

menegaskan →

mengenal →

melontarkan (implicit) →

beberapa →

duduk (implicit) →

kursi (implicit) →

tidak bersalah →

keras (implicit) →

meperingatkan [Amari] →

jangan diulang lagi →

Teguran →

menyulut (implicit) →

kehebohan (implicit) →

mengekor (implicit) →

jaksa →

juga tidak main-main →

related (mp)

who…discussed (higher level)

insisted (mp)

met with (mp)

thrown up (mp)

a series of (mp)

held (mp)

post (mp)

was not at fault (higher level)

harsh (mp)

issued [Amari]…warning

(higher level)

it…again (mp)

reprimand (mp)

ignited (mp)

uproar (mp)

Following (mp)

[a] former prosecutor (higher


(omitted lower omitted


Page 29: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


“Rombongan" Martin diterima Amari di kamar

kerjarnya di lantai dua. Jaksa agung muda itu mengon-

tak anak buahnva, antara lain Direktur Penyelidikan

Pidana Khusus Arminsyah dan salah seorang jaksa

yang menelisik kasus Sisminbakurn, Esther PT Subea,

untuk bergabung.

Yang “mimpin" bukan Amari, melainkan Martin.

Kepada "junior"-nya, Martin memperkenalkan kliennya

sekaligus maksud kedatanganva. Hary menjelaskan

perihal keterlibatan kakaknya dalam kasus

Sisminbakum. Menurut Hary, kakak sulungnya,

Hartono, tidak bersalah dalam kasus ini. Bos Media

Nusantara Citra (MNC) ini—grup perusahaan yang

antara lain membawahkan RCTI. Global TV dan koran

Seputar Indonesia–menekankan tak ada duit yang

dikorupsi dalam perkara Sisminbakum oleh grup


Menjelang akhir pertemuan, Martin dan Hary

menembakkan pertanvaan inti: bagaimana

kemungkinannya jika mereka membayar ganti rugi

uang negara, yang menurut kejaksaan, diselewengkan

dalam kasus Sisminbakum. Amari, menurut sumber

Tempo, saat itu menjawab, “Itu sangat terbuka

dilakukam- Hary mengejar: apakah jika pembayaran

ganti rugi itu dilakukan, kasus ini akan selesai? “Maksudnya tidak merembet ke mana-mana," ujar

sumber itu. Pertanyaan ini tidak dijawab tegas Amari.

Martin dan Hary meninggalkan Gedung Bundar sekitar

pukul lima. Kehadirannya sepertinya tak tercium


Martin's “entourage” was received by Amari in

his office on the second floor- He then contacted his

subordinates, including among others, Special Crimes

Investigations Director Arminsyah and one of the

prosecutors investigating the Sisminbakum case,

Esther PT Subea, to join in welcoming his guests.

Despite being the host, according to a Tempo

source, the person who dominated the meeting was

not Amari, but Martin. To his “juniors,” Martin

introduced his client and the reason for their visit.

Hary then explained his older brother's involvement in

the Sisminbakum case. According to Hary, his brother

Hartono was not at fault. The boss of Media

Nusantara Citra (MNC) —a business group in charge

of, among others, RCTI television, Global TV and the

Seputar Indonesia newspaper—emphasized that his

business group did not embezzle any money in the

Sisminbakum case.

Towards the end of the meeting, Martin and

Hary fired the key question: would it be possible for

them to pay compensation to the state for the money

that according to the AGO was embezzled in the

Sisminbakum case. Amari, according to a Tempo

source, answered, “[I'm] very open to that.” Hary

quickly jumped in with: if such a compensation

payment were made, would the case be resolved?

“Meaning it would not spread around," said the

source. Amari did not explicitly answer the question.

Martin and Hary left the Rotunda Building at around

5pm. No journalists appeared to have got wind of the


kamar kerja[nya] →

menelisik (implicit) →

untuk bergabubg →

Yang…Amari →

tidak…ini →

membawahkan (implicit) →

menembakkan (implicit) →

saat itu menjawab →

dilakukan →

mengejar (implicit) →

selesai →

merembet kemana-mana

(implicit) →

tegas (implicit) →

tercium (implicit) →

office (mp)

investigating (mp)

to join in welcoming his

guests (higher level)

the…Amari (higher level)

was…fault (omitted


in charge of (mp)

fired (mp)

answered (omitted lowerlevel)

to that (mp)

quickly…with (mp+higher)

be resolved (mp)

spread around (mp)

rexplicitly (mp)

have got wind of (mp)

Page 30: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Sejak kasus ini merebak, Amari sulit ditemui juru

tinta. Sebelumnva, kepada wartawan, Senin dua pekan

lalu, dia menegaskan kedatangan Hary bukan untuk

melobi kejaksaan. Ia menerima Hary karena status yang

bersangkutan bukan tersangka atau terdakwa korupsi.

Ditemui pada Kamis pekan lalu di Gedung Bundar,

Arminsyah pun tak bersedia berkomentar tentang per-

temuannya dengan Hary. “Untuk yang ini saya tak akan

bicara." Katanya.

Kepada Tempo, Kamis pekan lalu, Martin

Pongmkun bercerita, kedatanganya menemui Amari

untuk mengklarifikasi kasus kliennya. “Ide pertemuan

dari sava,” katanya. Sebagai pengacara, Martin

mengharap kasus yang melibatkan khennya segera

rampung, Gara-gara kasus Sisminbakum ini Hartono

stress. Kasihan dia."


DISIDIK kejaksaan sejak akhir 2008, kasus

Sisminbakum kini menuju titik akhir. Sejumlah

tersangka kasus ini juga sudah divonis pengadilan.

Bekas Direktur Jenderal Administrasi Badan Hukum

Departemen Kehakiman Romli Atmasasmita dan

Svamsuddin Manan Sinaga, misalnya, divonis

pengadilan tinggi hukuman satu tahun penjara, Direktur

Utama PT Sarana Rekatama Dinamika (SRD) Yohanes

Waworuntu dihukum Mahkamah Agung lima tahun

penjara, plus membayar ganti rugi Rp 378 miliar.

Adapun tersangka terakhir yang ditetapkan kejaksaan,

Since the case came to light, reporters have

found it hard to meet with Amari Speaking with

journalists prior to this on Monday two weeks go, he

insisted that Hary’s visit was not to lobby the AGO.

He received Hary because the person concerned was

not a corruption suspect or defendant. When Tempo

ran into him at the Rotunda on Thursday last week,

Arminsyah was also not prepared to comment on the

meeting with Hary, "I will say nothing on the matter,"

he said.

On Thursday last week, Martin said that his visit

to meet with Amari was to clarify his client's case.

"The idea for the meeting came from me,” he said.

As an attorney, said Martin, he hoped that the case

involving his client will soon be resolved. “Hartono

has been stressed out because of the Sisminbakum

case. Have pity on him.”


SUBJECT to a criminal investigation since late

2008, the Sisminbakum

case is now approaching its conclusion.

Several defendants in the case have already been

sentenced by the courts. Former Ministry of Justice

Legal Administration director-generals, Romli

Atmasasmita and Syamsudin Manan Sinaga, for

example, were sentenced by the High Court to one

year in jail, PT Sarana Rekatama Dinamika, CEO

Yohanes Waworuntu, was sentenced to five years jail

by the Supreme Court and ordered

merebak (implicit) →

menegaskan →

tak bersedia →

Ditemui →

bercerita →

Ide pertemuan →

Martin →

rampung →

Kasihan →

Disidik kejaksaan →

titik akhir (implicit) →

tersangka →

plus →

tersangka [terakhir] →

ditetapkan kejaksaan →

came to light (mp)

insisted (mp)

not prepared (mp)

ran into (mp)

said (mp)

The idea for the meeting

(higher level)

he (mp)

be resolved (mp)

Have pity on (higher level)

Subject…investigation (mp)

Its conclusion

defendants (mp)

ordered (mp)

[final] two suspects (higher


The case against (mp)

Page 31: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Yusril rhza Mahendra dan Hartono, perkaranya kini

tengah diproses untuk dinaikkan ke tingkat penuntutan

Jika Hary Tanoesoedibjo ikut khawatir kasus ini

merembet ke mana-mana, itu sangat wajar. Beroperasi

sejak Oktober 2000, proyek Sisminbakum terbilang

erat berkaitan dengan Hary dan perusahaannya, Bhakti

Investama. Modal pembuatan Sisminbakum sebesar Rp

500 juts. misaInva, dikucurkan dari kas Bhakti

Investama. Kepada Tempo. Jumat pekan Wit, John

Sarodja, pencipta Sisminbakum itu, bercerita ke kantor

Bhakti Investama di Bapindo Plaza, pada 2000-an,

mengambil upah proyek membuat Sisminbakum itu.

“Waktu itu mereka belum punya gedung sendiri,” kata

John. “Pembayarannya juga dicicil."

Adapun saham PT Sarana juga dimiliki Bhakti Asset

Management. Di sini, selain sempat menjabat wakil

komisaris utama, Hartono memiliki saham. Didirikan

pada 30 Juni 2000, PT Sarana inilah yang mengeruk duit

dari sekitar 6.000 notaris yang ingin mendaftarkan

badan hukum klien mereka. Selama delapan tahun

beroperasi, kejaksaan menghitung duit yang masuk

rekening SRD di Bank Danamon sekitar Rp 420 mihar.

Duit itulah yang kemudian, menurut Yohanes, antara

lain, dialirkan untuk kepentingan grup Hary.

to pay Rp378 billion in compensation.

The case against the final two suspects,

former Justice & Human Rights Minister Yusril Ihza

Mahendra and Hartono,

is currently being processed in preparation for


Hary Tanoesoedibjo's concerns that the case

would spread far and wide is quite natural. Operating

since October 2000, the Sisminbakum project is

regarded as being closely linked with Hary and his

company, PT Bhakti Investama. The Rp500 million in

capital to establish Sisminbakum, for example, came

out of Bhakti Investama's coffers- On Friday last

week, the creator of Sisminbakum, John Sarodja, told

Tempo how it Ryas upon moving to Bhakti In-

vestama's offices in the Bapindo Plaza, some time

around 2000, that he received a project wage to create

Sisminbakum. "At the time they did not yet have their

own building," said John. "The payment was also

made in installments.”

It turns out that PT Sarana shares are also owned

by Bhakti Asset Management. Aside from managing

to become the companys deputy president com-

missioner, Hartono owns shares as well. Established

on June 30, 2000, it was PT Sarana that collected the

money from around 6.000 notaries wanting to register

their clients- corporate entities. Over eight years of

operation, the AGO calculates that around Rp 420

billion ended up in PT Sarana’s account in Bank

Danamon. It is this money, according to Yohanes,

among others, that was then channeled into Hares

business group.

merembet (implicit) →

kemana-mana (implicit) →

terbilang (implicit) →

pembuatan →

dikucurkan (implicit) →

kas →

mengambil (implicit) →

Adapun (implicit) →

selain sempat (implicit) →

menjabat →

wakil…utama →

mengeruk (implicit) →

memiliki saham →

yang masuk (implicit) →

dialirkan (implicit) →

spread (mp)

far and wide (mp)

is regarded (mp)

establish (mp)

came out of (mp)

coffers (mp)

received (mp)

It turns out [that](higher level)

Aside from (mp)

managing to become (higher


the…commissioner (higher


collected (mp)

owns…well (higher level)

ended up in (mp)

channeled (mp)

Page 32: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Sejak divonis Mahkamah pads 20 Mei silam,

Yohanes sering bercerita mengungkap kebobrokan

SRD. Sepanjang Juni, misalnya, dia mendatangi ber-

bagai institusi: Lembaga Bantuan Hukum, DPR, Komisi

Yudisial, dan Satuan Tugas Antikorupsi, mengadukan

nasibnya. Dia mengaku hanya jadi alat di perusahaan

itu. “Semua yang mengendalikan Hartono,” ujarnya, “semua uang dan pengeluarannya yang memegang dia.”

Karena itu, ia mengaku hanya korban. “Dari awal

penyidikan kasus Sisminbakum oleh kejaksaan, saya

sudah dikorbankan oleh bos saya, pemilik PT SRD,

Hartono Tanoesoedibjo dan Hary Tanoesoedibjo,” tulis

Yohanes dalam testimoninya. Dihubungi pada Kamis

malam pekan lalu, Yohanes tak lagi banyak bicara.

“Jantung saya sakit.- katanya, saya tak mau banyak

cerita lagi.”

Sumber Tempo di kejaksaan mengungkapkan

salah satu alasan yang membuat kejaksaan sangat

berhati-hati mengusut kasus ini: ia akan menyenggol

sejumlah pejabat penting. “Aliran uang SRD itu ke

mana-mana,” ujar seorang jaksa yang terlibat dalam

penelisikan kasus ini. Jaksa ini, misalnya, menunjuk

adanya duit yang diduga untuk membeli rumah Jenderal

Abdul Haris Nasution di Jalan Teuku Umar, Jakarta

Pusat, pads 2008- yang kemudian dijadikan museum di

bawah pengawasan Dinas Sejarah Angkatan Darat.

“Nilainva USS 10 juta,” kata sumber ini. “Kami peroleh

dari dokumen pengeluaran uang SRD.”

Since being sentenced by the Supreme Court on

May 20, Yohanes has often told stories about the

crimes committed by PT Sarana. Throughout June, for

example, he visited several institutions including the

Legal Aid Foundation, the House of Representatives

(DPR), the Judicial Commission and the Anti-Cor-

ruption Task Force to complain about his misfortunes.

He claims to simply have been used as a tool by the

company. “Everything was controlled by Hartono,”

he said, all of the money and expenditures were

handled by him.” Because of this he claims to simply

be a victim. “Right from the start of the criminal

investigation into the Sisminbakum case by the AGO,

I was sacrificed by my boss, the owner of PT Sarana

Hartono Tanoesoedibjo and Hary Tanoesoedibjo,”

wrote Yohanes in his testimony. When contacted on

Thursday evening last week, Yohanes declined to say

much. “My heart is unwell,” he said, "I don t want to

talk much any more.”

A Tempo source at the AGO revealed that one

of the reasons that the AGO is being extremely careful

in investigating the case is that it could implicate

several important officials. “The PT Sarana money

ended up all over the place,” said a prosecutor that

was involved in the investigation. They indicated, for

example, that in 2008 the money was allegedly used

to purchase the house of the late General Abdul Haris

Nasution on JI. Teuku Umar in Central Jakarta, which

was later turned into a museum under the supervision

of the Army's Historical Office. “It was valued at USS

10 million,” said the source. “We obtained [the infor-

mation] from PT Sarana 's financial expenditure

bercerita →

mengungkapkan →

kebobrokan (implicit) →

mengadukan →

nasib[nya] →

mengaku →

jadi alat →

Karena itu →

mengaku →

dari awal penyidikan →

tak lagi →

cerita →

menyenggol (implicit) →

kemana-mana (implicit) →


penelisikan [kasus ini]

(implicit) →

Jaksa ini →

menunjuk (implicit) →

dari…SRD →

told stories (higher level)

about (mp)

crime committed (mp)

complain about (mp+higher)

[his] misfortunes (mp)

claims (mp)

have…tool (higher level)

Because of this (mp)

claims (mp)

Right…investigation (higher


declined (mp)

say (mp)

implicate (mp)

ended up all over the places (

+ higher level)

the investigating (mp)

They (reference+mp)

indicated (mp)


(higher level)

Page 33: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Jumat pekan lalu, Tempo menemui Yanti

Nurdin Nasution, putri Jenderal Nasution, meminta

klarifikasi mengenai hal ini. Menurut Yanti, pada 2007

keluarganya memang menjual rumah itu kepada

seseorang bernama Mitra Abidin. Tapi pembayarannya

lalu macet. “Presiden Yudhoyono, yang kemudian

mengetahui rumah ini hendak dijual, turun tangan, dan

rumah ini pun dibeli Angkatan Darat,” ujarnya. Dari

mana Angkatan Darat mendapat dana membeli untuk

rumah itu, Yanti menyatakan tidak tahu. “Yang penting.

bagi kami, rumah ini jadi museum. Ini perjanjian kami

dengan Angkatan Darat.”

Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Darat,

Brigadir Jenderal Soewarno Widjonarko, membenarkan

bahwa rumah di Jalan Teuku Umar itu dimiliki TNI-AD.

Namun ia mengaku tidak mengetahui proses

pembeliannya. “Saya belum menjabat waktu itu. Nanti

saya cari tahu,” kata Soewarno, yang menjabat sejak

Januari 2010, kepada Tito Sianipar dari Tempo melalui

sambungan telepon Sabtu pekan lalu.

Museum Nasional Jenderal Besar A.H. Nasution

seluas 2.000 meter persegi itu diresmikan oleh Presiden

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pada 3 Desember 2008.

Turut pula hadir istri Nasution- Johana Sunarti, Wakil

Presiden Jusuf Kalla, Menteri-Sekretaris Negara Hatta

Rajasa, Menteri Pariwisata Jero Wacik, dan pars Kepala

Staf TNI.


On Friday last week, Tempo met with General

Nasution"s daughter, Yanti Nurdin Nasution, in order

to clarify the matter. According to Yanti, in 2007 her

family did indeed sell the house to a person named

Mitra Abidin. But the payment fell through.

“President Yudhoyono, who then found out that the

house was up for sale interceded, and the house was

bought by the Army." she said. As to where the Army

was able to obtain the funds to buy the house, Yanti

stated that she did not know. “What is important for

us is that the house became a museum. This was the

agreement we had with the Army."

Chief Spokesman for the Indonesian Army,

Brig. Gen. Soewarno Widjonarko, confirmed that the

house on Jalan Teuku Umar belonged to the Army.

But he claimed to have no idea of the process of its

purchase. "I wasn't yet in office at the time. I'll find

out later.” Soewarno, holding the post since January

2010, told Tempo's Tito Sianipar over the phone on

Saturday last week.

The National Museum of Great General AH

Nasution, measuring 2.000 square meters, was in-

augurated by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

on December 3. 2008. Attending the event were

Nasution's widow, Johana Sunarti, Vice President

Jusuf Kalla, Minister/ State Secretary Hatta Rajasa,

Minister of Tourism Jero Wacik, and Indonesian

Military Chiefs of Staff.

meminta →

macet (implicit) →

turun tangan (implicit) →

Dari mana →

mendapat →

membenarkan →

mengaku →

menjabat →

menjabat →

Turut [pula hadir] →

in order (mp)

fell through (mp)

interceded (mp)

to where (mp)

was…obtain (higher level)

confirmed (mp)

claimed (mp)

in office (mp)

holding the post (higher level)

[Attending] the event (mp)

Page 34: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Adapun pengacara PT Sarana, Andi F

Simangunsong, ketika dihubungi pada Sabtu pekan lalu,

menyatakan tidak mengetahui hal tersebut. “Kalau soal

ini saya belum tahu. Tapi perusahaan itu keuangannya

transparan, bisa dilihat ke mana saja aliran dananya.


DERASNYA uang yang mengalir ke berbagai

penjuru itulah, menurut sumber Tempo, yang jika

ditelusuri, akhirnya bisa merembet ke mana-mana. “Ini

yang membuat Jaksa Agung sangat hati-hati

menetapkan Hartono jadi tersangka,” ujar seorang jaksa

yang sejak awal ditunjuk menangani kasus

Sisminbakum. Menurut jaksa ini, saat kasus ini mulai

ditelisik pada Oktober 2008, tim penyidik sudah

memiliki bukti keterlibatan Hartono dan Yusril.

“Bahkan tim sudah melakukan gelar perkara,

menunjukkan pelanggaran hukum yang dilakukan

Hartono dan Yusril.

Seorang petinggi kejaksaan mengakui peran Hary

Tanoe besar dalam meredam kasus ini. Salah satu

petinggi yang dimintai bantuan oleh Hary, ujar sumber

ini, adalah Menteri-Sekretaris Negara Sudi Silalahi.

Sumber Tempo lainnya, juga pejabat kejaksaan,.

menyatakan Hendarman pernah bercerita dirinva

diminta -mengerem- kasus ini. “Kepada kami Jaksa

Agung bilang: 'Ada yang meminta demikian'.”

Baik Hary Tanoesoedibjo maupun Sudi Silalahi

menolak keras dituduh ikut campur perkara ini. Kepada

Contacted on Saturday last week, PT Sarana 's

attorney, Andi F. Simangunsong, said he did not know

about the matter. “I don't know anything about the

matter. But the company and its finances have been

transparent, right? You can see where the funds



IT is the deluge of money that flowed to various

quarters, according to a Tempo source, which if

followed up, could end up spreading all over the

place. “This is what is making the Attorney General

wary about declaring Hartono as a suspect,” said the

prosecutor who was appointed from the start to handle

the Sisminbakum case- According to the prosecutor,

when the case began to be looked into in October

2008, the team of investigators already had evidence

of Hartono's and Yusril:s involvement.”The team even

conducted a presentation of a case, indicating the

legal violations committed by Hartono and Yusril.”

A senior AGO official claims that Hary played

a major role in having the case hushed up. One of the

senior officials from whom Hary asked for help, said

the source, was State Secretary Sudi Silalahi. Another

Tempo source, also an AGO official, stated that

Hendarman once related how he had been asked to

‘put the brakes- on the case. “The Attorney General

told us: ‘Someone asked that it be so’.”

Both Hary and Sudi strongly rejected charges of

being involved in the case. Speaking with Erwin

itu →

kemana…dananya →

Derasnya →

penjuru →

ditelusuri →

merembet (implicit) →

ditelisik (implicit) →

gelar (implicit) →

mengakui →

meredam (implicit) →

dirinya [diminta] →

mengerem (implicit) →

Kepada →

Urusan…Sisminbakum →

and (mp)

where…went (mp)

deluge (mp)

quarters (mp)

followed up (mp)

spreading (mp)

be looked into (mp)

presentation (mp)

claims (mp)

having [the case] hushed up


he [had been asked] (mp)

put the brakes (mp)

Speaking with (mp)

Legal…case (higher level)

Page 35: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Erwin Daryanto dari Tempo yang menemuinva pada

Jumat malam pekan lalu, Sudi menegaskan bahwa ia ti-

dak pernah mencampuri urusan hukum kasus

Sisminbakum. “Kalau telepon dengan Pak Hendarman

pernah, tapi bukan untuk mencampuri urusan hukum,”

katanva. Sebelumnya, pertengahan bulan lalu, saat

bertandang ke Tempo, Hary Tanoe juga membantah

dirinva melobi Sudi agar membantu keluarganya keluar

dan kemelut perkara ini.


RABU pekan lalu Hendarman menyatakan

permintaan maafnya atas terjadinya polemik setelah

pertemuan Amari-Hary. “Says minta maaf kepada

masyarakat," ujarnva. Kendati demikian, Hendarman

terkesan tetap membela anak buahnya. Menurut

Hendarman, iktikad Amari sebenarnya baik. Hanya,

ujarnya, karena dibaca lain oleh publik, hal itu

kemudian jadi polemik-

Tapi. seorang petinggi kejaksaan tak sependapat

dengan Hendarman. Menurut dia, dalam kasus ini Amari

jelas salah, dia ini melanggar peraturan internal

kejaksaan yang dikeluarkan Hendarman pada 15 April

2008. “Pada butir satu di situ jelas tertulis, ‘setiap jaksa

dilarang menenma tamu yang berhubungan dengan

perkara’,” katanya. -Hary itu kan kakak pihak yang


Suara yang sama muncul dari Komisi Hukum

DPR. Bekas Ketua Komisi Hukum DPR Trimedya

Panjaitan melihat memang ada yang ganjil dalam kasus

ini. “Sebab,” ujarnya, “pertemuan itu dilakukan setelah

ada putusan yang dijatuhkan pengadilan terhadap

Daryanto from Tempo who met with him on Friday

evening last week, Sudi insisted that he had never

interfered with legal matters related to the Sis-

minbakum case. “There was a phone call with Pak

Hendarman at least once, but not to meddle with legal

matters,” he said. Prior to this, when Hary visited

Tempo mid-last month, he also denied having lobbied

Sudi to help his family get out of the crucial case.


On Wednesday last week Hendarman gave his

apologies for the uproar that has occurred over the

Amari-Hary meeting. “I apologize to the public," he

said. Nevertheless, it appears as if Hendarman is still

defending his subordinate. According to Hendarman.

Amara actually had good intentions. Only, he said,

because it was read otherwise by the public, the

matter then turned into a polemic.

But one particular senior AGO official disagrees

with Hendarman. According to the official. Amari is

clearly at fault because he violated an AGO internal

regulation issued by Hendarman himself on April 15.

2008. “In point one it is clearly written, ‘all

prosecutors are forbidden from accepting guests that

are linked with a case’,” he said. "Hary and his older

brother were the parties in litigation, right?”

A similar view was expressed by the DPR's

Legal Commission. Former DPR Legal Commission

Chairman, Trimedya Panjaitan, believes that there is

indeed something odd about the case. “Because,” he

said, “the meeting was held after there was a decision

pernah →

Hary Tanoe →

kemelut (implicit) →

polemik →

terkesan →

dibaca (implicit) →

lain →

seorang →

Hendarman →

Hary…beperkara →

Suara →

muncul dari →

melihat →

dijatuhkan (implicit) →

at least once (higher level)

he (mp)

crucial (mp)

uproar (mp)

it appears as if (mp)

was read (mp)

others (mp)

one particular (mp)

Hendarman himself (higher


Hary…litigation (higher level)

view (mp)

expressed by (mp)

believes (mp)

handed down by (mp)

Page 36: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


sejumlah tersangka Sisminbakum. Sangat wajar jika ada

yang curiga terjadi deal,” kataTrimedya-

“Karena itu,” ujar Trimedya, “satu-satunva cara agar

kasus ini mereda, kejaksaan menutup pintu atas kei-

nginan Hary Tanoe mengembalikan uang negara dan

segera melimpahkan kasus Yusril dan Hartono ke peng-

adilan. Kami juga akan segera memanggil Jaksa Agung

untuk meminta penjelasan kasus ini,” katanya

Perkara di Jalur Kebut

Kejaksaan mulai ngebut merampungkan

berkas penyidikan Yusril lhza Mahendra dan

Hartono Tanoesoedibjo. Keduanya melawan dengan


SEPEKAN terakhir ini Sembilan jaksa penelisik

perkara Sistem Administrasi Badan Hukum alias

Sisminbakum sibuk bukan kepalang. Dipimpin jaksa

Hartadi, tim dari Jaksa Agung Muds Pidana Khusus itu

memeriksa seeara maraton belasan saksi untuk tersangka

Yusril Ihza Mahendra dan Hartono Tanoesoedibjo. “Sehari bisa lima saksi,” kata Esther PT Sibuea, salah se-

orang penyidik.

Pemeriksaan dikebut lantaran batas penyidikan

handed down by the court against several suspects in

the Sisminbakum case. It-s very natural to have

someone suspect that a deal took place,” said


“Because of this,” said Trimedya, “the only

way in which the case can be diffused is if the AGO

closes the door on Hary Tanoesoedibjo's offer to

return the money to the state and immediately hands

Yusril and Hartono over to the courts. Soon, we will

also be summoning the Attorney General for an

explanation of the case,” he said.

When the Accused turn Accusers

The AGO is speeding up completion of the

investigation files on Yusril Ihza Mahendra and

Hartono Tanoesoedibjo. Both are fighting back


OVER the last week nine prosecutors

investigating the Legal Entity Administration System

(Sisminbakum) have been extremely busy. Headed by

pros- ecutor, Hartadi, the team from the'Deputy

Attorney General for Special Crimes, has been

conducting a marathon examination of scores of

witnesses in the case against suspects, Yusril Ihza

Mahendra and Hartono Tanoesoedibjo. “In a day it

could be [as many as] five witnesses.” said Esther PT

Sibuea, one of the inves-tigators-

The examinations are being sped up because the

mereda (implicit) →

keinginan →

uang negara →

melimpahkan kasus [Yusril

dan Hartono] ke →

ngebut (implicit) →

merampungkan →

penelisik (implicit) →

bukan kepalang (implicit)→

belasan →

Sehari bisa lima saksi →

dikebut (implicit) →

[can be] diffused (mp)

offer (mp)

the…state (higher level)

hands…over to (omitted


speeding up (mp)

completion (mp)

investigating (mp)

extremely (mp)

scores of (mp)

In a day it could be [as many

as] five witnesses (higher


are .. sped up (higher level)

Page 37: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


akan berakhir tiga pekan lagi dan masih banyak saksi

yang harus diperiksa. Jaksa baru memeriksa tersangka

dan sejumlah saksi dari Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi

Hukum Umum. Koperasi Pengayoman Pegawai

Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, serta

perusahaan pembuat aplikasi Sisminbakum-

Sebagian terpidana juga sudah diperiksa, termasuk

bekas Direktur Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum

Romli Atmasasmita dan Direktur Utama PT Sarana

Rekatama Dinamika Yohanes Waworuntu_ Pada 12 Mei

lalu. Mahkamah Agung mengabulkan permohonan

kasasi jaksa dan menghukum Yohanes lima tahun

penjara. Yohanes juga harus membayar ganti rugi Rp

378 miliar. Sedangkan Romli masih menunggu putusan

kasasi. Di pengadilan negeri, Romli divonis dua tahun,

dan di tingkat banding hukuman itu dikorting jadi satu


Dari sisa waktu yang ada, menurut Esther,

penyidik masih harus memeriksa saksi dari PT Sarana

sebagai rekanan, bank penampung duit, notaris, dan

saksi ahli. Ditemui Tempo di ruang kerjanva, Direktur

Penyidikan Pidana Khusus Arminsyah mengatakan kete-

rangan para saksi dalam perkara Yusril dan Hartono

sangat penting- Alasanya, kata dia, kedua tersangka

selalu berkelit setiap kali diperiksa. “Saksi dan barang

bukti ini yang nanti diuji di pengadilan," katanya.

time limit on the criminal investigation will end in

three weeks and there are still many witnesses that

need to be questioned. So far, the prosecutors have

only questioned one suspect and several witnesses

from the Public Legal Administration Directorate

General, the Ministry of Justice Employees Protection

Cooperative, and the company that produced the

Sisminbakum application.

Several people already convicted over the case

have also been questioned, including former Public

Legal Administration Director-General Romli Atma-

sasmita and PT Sarana Rekatama Dinamika CEO,

Yohanes Waworuntu. On May 12, the Supreme Court

granted an appeal by the prosecution and sentenced

Yohanes to five years in jail. Yohanes also had to pay

Rp378 billion in compensation. Romli meanwhile is

still waiting on a Supreme Court appeal verdict. A

district court earlier sentenced Romli to two years in

jail, and at the appeal level the sentence was reduced

to one year.

In the time that remains, according to Esther,

investigators still have to question witnesses from PT

Sarana as the company that built and ran the site, the

bank where the money was deposited, notaries, and

expert witnesses. When Tempo met with him at his of-

fice, Special Crimes Investigations Director

Arminsyah said that the testimonies of witnesses in

the Yusril and Hartono cases were extremely

important. The reason, he said, is because both sus-

pects have been consistently evasive every time they

batas (implicit) →

penyidikan →

sejumlah →

Pengayoman (implicit) →

pembuat →

Sebagian terpidana →

sudah diperiksa →

mengabulkan →

putusan kasasi →

dikorting (implicit) →

yang ada →

sebagai rekanan →

penampung duit (implicit)→

Ditemui Tempo →

selalu berkelit (implicit) →

time limit (omitted lowerlevel)

criminal investigation (higher


several (mp)

Protection (mp)

produced (mp)

Several…case (higher level)

Have…questioned (higher


granted (mp)

a…verdict (higher level)

was reduced (mp)

remains (mp)

that…site (mp+higher)

where…deposited (higher )

When him (higher level)

constantly evasive (mp)

Page 38: APPENDICES Appendix 1 Text of Data a. Fight To The Finish ...


Dalam kasus yang diduga membuat negara tekor

sampai Rp 420 miliar itu, jaksa menuduh Yusril karena

perannya sebagai Menteri Kehakiman dan Hak Asasi

Manusia yang menerbitkan surat keputusan

pemberlakuan Sisminbakum. Yusril jugalah yang

menerbitkan surat keputusan penunjukan PT Sarana dan

Koperasi Pengayoman sebagai pengelola sistem online

kenotariatan itu. Penyidik juga menduga Yusril ikut me-

nikmati duit proyek itu-

Adapun tuduhan ke Hartono, menurut

Arminsvah, dialah yang memaraf dan menyetujui drat

perjanjian pembagian access fee: 90 persen untuk PT

Sarana dan sisanya buat Koperasi. Menurut jaksa, ia

jugalah yang meneken hampir semua pengeluaran PT

Sarana karena perannya sebagai pelengkap tanda tangan

direktur utama atau countersign. Di pengadilan

Yohanes, saksi dari Bank Danamon yang menampung

duit Sisminbakum, Tien Novianti dan Mary Effendi,

membenarkan soal peran Har tono ini-

Yohanes punya versi lain tentang peran mantan

bosnya itu. Hartono, kata dia, adalah pengendali utama,

termasuk dalam hal pencairan uang. Penyidik sendin

belum mendalami soal ini. “Kami masih berkonsentrasi

di countersign itu,” kata Esther.

Baik Yusril maupun Hartono terancam hukuman

are questioned. -It is these witnesses and evidence that

will later be tested in court,” he said.

In a case that allegedly resulted state losses of

as much as Rp450 billion, the prosecution is charging

Yusril for his role when he was the Minister of Justice

& Human Rights, which issued the directive that put

the Sisminbakum into effect. It was also Yusril that

issued the directive appointing PT Sarana and the

Employees Protection Cooperative as the managers of

the online system used by notaries to register business

entities. Investigators also allege that Yusril benefited

financially from the project.

As to the charges against Hartono, according

to Arminsyah, it was he who initialed and agreed to

the draft agreement on sharing the access fee: 90

percent for PT Sarana and the remainder for the co-

operative. According to the prosecution, it was also

Hartono that signed almost all of PT Saran's

expenditures because of his role as the

countersignatory to the CEO. In Yohanes's trial, two

witnesses from Bank Danamon that held the Sis-

minbakum money, Tien Novianti and Mery Effendi,

confirmed Hartono's role.

Yohanes has a different version on the role

played by his former boss. Hartono, he said, was the

principle person in control, including the

disbursement of money. The investigators themselves

have yet to delve into this matter. “We are still

concentrating on the countersignatory,”said Esther.

Both Yusril and Hartono face a maximum

tekor (implicit) →

jaksa →

sebagai →

menerbitkan →

sistem…kenotariatan →

menikmati duit (implicit) →

jaksa →

pelengkap…countersign →

menampung (implicit) →

membenarkan →

peran…bosnya →

pencairan (implicit) →

terancam →

losses (mp)

prosecution (mp)

when he was (higher level)

issued (mp)

online…entities (higher level)

benefited financially (mp)

prosecution (mp)


(omitted lowerlevel)

held (mp)

confirmed (mp)

the…boss (higher level)

disbursement (mp)

face (mp)

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maksimal 20 tahun penjara. Merujuk ketentuan acara

pidana, tersangka yang diancam hukuman di atas lima

tahun bisa dikenai penahanan. Kendati alasan obyektif

terpenuhi, yaitu ancaman hukuman itu, menurut

Arminsvah, keduanya tak ditahan karena alasan

subyektifnya belum ada. Alasan itu misalnya tersangka

melarikan diri, mengulangi perbuatan, dan

menghilangkan barang bukti.

Menurut Armmsvah, barang bukti sudah disita

dan tersangka juga sudah tidak menjabat lagi sehingga

mereka tak bisa menghilangkan barang bukti dan

mengulangi perbuatan. “Mereka juga sudah dicekal,”

katanya. Meski sempat pergi ke Taiwan sehari sebelum

penetapan tersangka dan surat cegah-tangkalnya keluar,

Hartono masih dianggap kooperatif oleh kejaksaan. la

memenuhi panggilan pemeriksaan setelah panggilan

kedua dilayangkan dua pekan kemudian. Sejauh ini

Hartono sudah tiga kali diperiksa. Kepada penyidik ia

membantah semua tudingan Yohanes.

Menurut pengacara Hartono, Hotman Paris

Hutapea, dalam setiap pemeriksaan kliennya mengaku

tidak punya peran apa-apa di PT Sarana. Hartono, kata

Hotman, memang pernah meminjarn seribu dari sepuluh

ribu saham di PT Sarana, tapi bukan sebagai pemegang

saham. Namun dari dokumen perubahan anggaran dari

PT Sarana di Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi

Manusia pads 2004-2008, yang salinannya diperoleh

Tempo, Hartono tercatat sebagai pemegang saham dan

menjabat wakil komisaris utama.

sentence of 20 years in jail. According to provisions

in the Criminal Code, suspects facing a sentence of

five years or more can be subject to detention.

Although the objective grounds have been met in

terms of legal penalties, according to Arminsvah, the

pair have not been detained because the subjective

grounds do not exist. These are, for example, that the

suspect could abscond, repeat the offence, or remove

material evidence.

According to Arminsyah, the evidence has

already been impounded and the suspects no longer

hold official positions so they would be unable to

remove material evidence or repeat the offence. “They

have also been banned from leaving the country,” he

said. Although he flew to Taiwan for a day prior to

being declared a suspect and the issuance of the travel

ban notification, the AGO still considers Hartono as

cooperative. He fulfilled a summons for questioning

after a second summons was sent two weeks later. So

far, Hartono has been questioned on three occasions

and has told investigators he denies all of Yohanes's


According to Hartono's attorney, Hotman

Paris Hutapea, at every single interrogation his client

has insisted that he had no role whatsoever in PT

Sarana. Hartono, said Hotman, did indeed once

borrow 1.000 of 10.000 shares in PT Sarana, but not

as a shareholder. However, according to a document

on revisions to PT Sarana's statutes at the Ministry of

Justice & Human Rights for the period 2004-2008, a

copy of which was obtained by Tempo, Hartono is

registered as a shareholder and holds the post of

Merujuk →

di atas (implicit) →

ancaman…itu →

dan →

barang bukti →

menjabat →

sudah dicekal →

Meski sempat →

mengaku →

apa-apa (implicit) →

According to (mp)

or more (mp)

in…penalties (higher level)

or (mp)

evidence (omitted lowerlevel)

hold official position (higher


have…country (higher level)

Although (omitted lowerlevel)

has insisted (mp)

whatsoever (mp)

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Melalui pengacaranva, Hartono juga membantah

menjadi pendiri PT Sarana. Ia balik menyebut Yohanes

sebagai orang yang memiliki peran besar di perusahaan

itu, termasuk dalam urusan pencairan duit


”Pengeluaran itu peran direktur utama,” kata Hotman.

Kendati selalu memenuhi panggilan kejaksaan,

Yusril punya cara sendiri untuk berkelit. Pada panggilan

pertama. 1 Juli lalu ia memprotes penetapannya sebagai

tersangka dan menolak diperiksa. Yusril menilai posisi

Hendarman Supandji sebagai Jaksa Agung pada kabinet

saat ini tak sah karena tidak pernah dilantik Presiden.

Sempat terjadi insider penutupan pintu gerbang saat ia

hendak meninggalkan kompleks Kejaksaan Agung. Tak

terima perlakuan itu, ia mengadukan Hendarman dan

anak buahnya ke Markas Besar Kepolisian RI karena

dianggap sewenang-wenang.

Tak cuma itu, Yusril juga mengajukan uji materi

Undang-Undang Kejaksaan ke Mahkarnah Konstitusi

untuk menilai keabsahan Hendarman. Yusril kecewa

karena yang mewakili pemerintah di sidang itu adalah

Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia, Patrialis

Akbar, bukan Hendarman. “Karena Hendarman yang

menantang saya berdebat di pengadilan. Tapi apa boleh

buat.- katanya-

deputy president commissioner.

Through his attorney, Hartono also denies

being the founder of PT Sarana. He counters the

accusations by citing Yohanes as the person who

actually played a role in the company, including in the

release of Sisminbakum monies. "Expenditures are

the executive director's function." said Hotman.

Although he always fulfilled the AGO's

summons, Yusril has his own way of being evasive.

When the first summons was issued on July 1, he pro-

tested about being declared a suspect and refused to

be questioned. Yusril insists that Hendarman

Supandji's current position as Attorney General in the

cabinet is illegal because he was never inaugurated by

the President. An incident once occurred in which the

gate was closed when he wanted to leave the AGO

complex. Unwilling to accept such treatment, he

lodged a complaint against Hendarman and his

subordinates with the National Police HQ, alleging

that they had behaved arbitrarily.

Yusril also submitted a judicial review on the

Law on the Attorney General's Office with the

Constitutional Court in order to test the legality of

Hendarman"s position. Yusril was disappointed

because the person that represented the government in

the review hearing was Justice & Human Rights

Minister, Patrialis Akbar, not Hendarman. “Because it

was Hendarman who challenged me to debate it out in

court. But what could I do about it." he said.

balik menyebut →

besar (implicit) →

pencairan (implicit) →

berkelit (implicit) →

penetapannya (implicit) →

menilai →

Sempat (implicit) →

Karena dianggap →

Tak Cuma itu →

mengajukan →

apa boleh buat →

Counters…citing (higher


actually (mp)

release (mp)

being evasive (mp)

being declarted (mp)

insists (mp)

once (mp)

alleging that they (mp)

(omitted lower omitted


submitted (mp)

What could I do about it

(higher level)

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Sebelumya, Hendarman mempersilakan Yusril

menggugat ke Pengadilan Testa Usaha Negara soal

tudingannya itu.. Karena berharap bisa berhadapan

dengan Hendarman, Yusril memilih menggugat ke

Mahkamah Konstitusi. Dengan dalih menunggu putusan

uji materi ini, Yusril tidak mau menjawab pertanyaan

penyidik saat diperiksa pada 12 dan 20 Juli lalu.

Upaya lepas dari jerat hukum juga digalang

Romli. Pada 22 Juli lalu. ia mengadu ke Komisi Hukum

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat- Romli menuding kejaksaan

merekayasa kasusnya karena tak pernah bisa

menunjukkan dokumen asli bukti keterlibatannya. Ia

menunjuk salinan surat perjanjian pembagian access fee

antara Direktorat Jenderal Administrasi Hukum Umum

dan Koperasi Pengayoman beserta kuitansi penerimaan

uang yang dibubuhi tanda tangannya. Bukti ini dianggap

Rornli palsu.”Karena saya tak pernah menan-

datanganinya," katanya.

Tak mau ketinggalan. pihak Hartono, juga

mulai berusaha mencari peluang supaya lolos dari jerat

hukum. Di antaranya mengirim- adiknva, Bambang Hary

Tanoesoedibjo, menemui Jaksa Agung Muda Tindak

Pidana Khusus, Nlohammad-Aniari-

Setelah mendapat kritik kanan-kiri lantaran

dinilai ragu-ragu menetapkan status Yusril dan Hartono,

kini kejaksaan pasang target: 60 hari berkas penyidikan

Earlier, Hendarman had invited Yusril to

challenge him in the State Administrative Court over

the charges. But because he hoped to be able to

confront Hendarman face-to-face, Yusril elected to do

so through the Constitutional Court. On the pretext of

waiting for a judicial review verdict, Yusril refused to

answer investigators' questions when he was

interrogated on July 12 and 20.

Romli has also tried to escape indictment. On

July 22, he lodged a complaint with the House of

Representatives Legal Commission. Romli accused

the AGO of engineering the case against him because

he had never been able to show original documentary

evidence of his involvement. He cites as an example a

copy of an agreement on sharing the access fee

between the Public Legal Administration Directorate

General and the Employees Protection Cooperative

along with a receipt certifying the acceptance of

money, affixed to which is his signature. Romli

believes this evidence is forged. “Because 1 never

signed it," he said.

Not wanting to be left behind, the Hartono

camp also began a campaign to find a way to escape

indictment- This included "sending- his younger

brother, Bambang Hary Tanoesoedibjo, to meet with

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes,

Mohammad Amari.

After being criticized left and right for

appearing indecisive about determining Yusril's and

Hartono's status, the AGO has now set a target of

mempersilahkan →

menggugat →

tudingan[nya] (implicit) →

berhadapan →

Hendarman →

menggugat →

jerat [hukum] (implicit) →

mengadu (implicit) →

menguding (implicit) →

kasusnya →

menunjukkan →

Pengayoman (implicit) →

dibubuhi →

[mulai] berusaha →

peluang →

jerat [hukum] →

dinilai (implicit) →

ragu-ragu →

tahap penuntutan →

had invited (mp)

challenge (mp)

[the] charges (mp)

confront (mp)

Hendarman face-to-face

(higher level)

to do so (mp)

indictment (mp)

lodged a complaint (mp)

accused (mp)

the case against him (higher


cites (mp)

Protection (mp)

affixed to which (higher level)

[began] a campaign (mp)

way (mp)



for appearing (mp)

indecisive (mp)

prosecution (omitted

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selesai- “Segera dibawa ke tahap penuntutan,” ujar

Arminsyah. Soal tudingan Romli pun ditanggapi enteng-

“Tunggu saja putusan kasasinva,” ujarnya- Dia yakin

Romli bersalah karena saksi dan bukti juga menguatkan

hat itu, termasuk pengakuan mantan Ketua Koperasi, Ali

Amran Jannah, yang jelas menvebut peran Romli.

Soal -gerilya- Yusril dan Hartono, Arminsyah

berujar, “Pidananya sudah terbukti setelah kasasi

Yohanes putus. Jadi biar pengadilan yang menguji.”

completing the investigation files within 60 days. "It

will soon be taken to the prosecution," said

Arminsyah. He is also making light of Romli s

accusations. “Just wait for his Supreme Courts appeal

verdict,” he said. He is positive that Romli will be

found guilty because the witnesses and evidence

corroborate the case, including a confession by former

Employees Protection Cooperative Chairman, Ali

Amran Jannah that clearly mentions Romli's role in

the affair.

As to the ‘campaigns- being waged byYusril and

Hartono, Arminsyah said. “The crimes will be proven

after Yohanes's Supreme Court appeal verdict. So

leave it up to the courts to test it."

ditanggapi [enteng] →

peran Romli →

‘gerilya’ (implicit) →


making [light] (mp)

Romli’s role in the affair

(higher level)

‘campaign’ being waged ( +

higher level)

e. erita Para Pengijon Proyek (Juni 2012)

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The total of the paragraph of the ST is 363 pharagraphs.

The total of the paragraph of the TT is 363 pharagraphs.

The total of the MP is 986. The total of the Higher is 338. The total of the Lower is 103.

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Appendix 2

Scan of Tempo Magazines

1. Perkelahian di Garis Finish

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2. Seri Novela Sang Bendahara

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3. Tergilas Kereta Bekas (April 2011)

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4. Jaksa Hendarman Dalam Pusaran Sisminbakum (Aagustus 2010)

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