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Page 1: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place

EARLY DEADLINE!In order to permit employ-

ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.'y,Ith theIr famIlies and toplace ~.our cop" of Th~ Re.\ lew In your hands onWedne~rla~ pre-;s deadlmey,III be mO"ed up to 5 pm.TUf'Sdav for 1111 new~ and ad-".ertlsmll

eqUIpment for GIrl Soout Camp;supplIed funds for =mer tutor-mil of Crippled deaf girl: 5UPpllec!f1\nd. for Prizes at Boy ScoutAlaskan !rames, supplied specialtutonng for two elementary

(Continued Oft Pare 3)

The promotIOn of Sgt. Wl1liamB. Graul to fill the new patlnOJlof FIre Marshall of Gr06lie Pom~Park was approved by the Coun.cil Monday. The new poIltlOllcarrIes the rank of lieutenant.

Graul. 43, who resides at 13811Lakepolnte With Mrs. Graul m4theIr five chIldren, jOined the c....partment In 1928. He wal pro-moted to sergeant In 1942.

He hu been a Vlllage raid_for more than 21 years.

According to FIre Chief Ree-tor, Graul WIll act as a fire ia-spector of new build.1n~, buIi.nesa establishments and homes.

The controversy by the Ci~Servtce CommISSIon relative tofire department appointments arJdpromottons does not includeGraul.

Consequently the Council dillnot tsee any reason to delay hiaappoIntment unttl the SpeoalCommIttee investigltmg t h.CIVil SerVIce Board comple*Its report.

The Fire Marshal position wucreated recently by tM c:ounot1to Improve fire proteebon ill ..village.

III For Mor.Loul News. Pictures

Reid The Review

Rotary Benefit MondayHeralded 'Best Ever'

Boys, 15, Tellof Crime Wave

Grosse POInte contrIbuted 106per cent or ItS quota in the re-cently-concluded Torch DrIve ofMetropohtan DetrOIt.

At the Drive's Victory Dmnerheld last week at the Hotel Stat-ler, Mrs John L Kenower, 16844Village Lane, and VIncent De-Petrls, of 25 Hampton Road, co-chaIrman of the Grosse Pomteteam, reported $88,723 collected

The DrIve, which sought $8.-550,000, ended November 10 wtth$8,918,349 reported or 103 percent of Its quota.

The money wl11 be used foroperating expenses for 143 healthand community servIce agenciesfor the COmIng year.

Mrs Kenower and DePetnssaid that late gIfts are expectedto raISe th e total for GrOSllePomte conSIderably.

Door.to-door sollcltatton in thePOinte was conducted by morethan 700 volunteer workers.

Mrs Kenower paid tribute tothe volunteers, saymg, "They arethe unsung heroes and herOinesof tlus great triumph" The entirecommunity oWes them a greatdebt for the servIce they haverendered ..

She SIngled out the schoolteachers and chIldren for specialprllSe add.1ng that "all groupscooperated Wlth us to the fullestextent but the teachers and theirpuptls were really outstandmg"

Torch Drive results from thePOUlt by area follow •

PARK 103%BusIness and resldenbal-Col-

Iected $18,07685; Quota $17, 519.CITY 108%

Busmess and resldenbal-Col.lected $28,66920. Quota $26.538

FAB.MS 113%Busmess and resldentIal-Col-

lected $33,72266; Quota $29,618.WOODS 122%

Busmess and resldenbal-Col.lected $5,42159, Quota $4.432.

SHORES 100%Collected $5,651.50, Quota $5,-


Torch DriveHere Nets$88,723

Harry Furton, Farms clerkrevealed Wednesday that theFarms OffICIal body, com-prised of one presIdent and sixcommISSioners, w1l1 be candidates In the City CharterelectIon Monday, Dec. 12.

On that date the Fanns elec-torate Will be asked to decide onthe City Charter Proposal andelect a seven-man counCil togUIde It.

Altbough no person has an-nounced hIS candidacy for thecity counCil al yet. Furton saIdthat petitions bave been taken outfor PreSident WIlham F. Connol.ly, Jr, and CommISSIoners Wl1-

I lIam Kirby, N~ McEacrun, HenryI Hubbard, George Schlaepfer,

IWtlllam Maxc;m and John Hutch.Ulson.

Furton Iiso announced that peti-I tlons have been taken out forIJohn Miller. a member of theI CIty Charter CommlSilOn. Mr.IMiller wtll be a candidate forJustice of the Peace, also to benamed at the December election.

Flltng date for all candidatests November 28.

Mr. Furton saId that all per-sons who have reSided In Mlclu.gan for six months and In theFarms for at lealll 20 days areeligIble. to vote. proVIding theyhave regIstered.

The last day for regutrauon isNovember 22.

If the voters accept the charterIt Will become effective Decem-ber 14. If It u turned down, theCommiSStOn Will make Jlecessarychangell and place it on the ballotagam.

In another section of tlus news.pllper, an important notice fromthe CIty Charter Conmu.ulon ap-pears.

I Invite Public toRound TableDiscussion


Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years


The program was marked by a speCIal dedIcationceremony formally openmg the attractive Veterans'Room. I

The picture above shows IMrs. AIda Romanelli, ofthe Gold Star Wives cutting the ribbon as Alger Shel-den, left and Commander Stanley Weav~r, Grosse PoiDteAmencan LegIon Post 303 watch.

Others in the group in-clude Mrs. Frances Naugh-ton. Gold Star WIves; Mr.and Mrs William DeBaeke,of Post 303 and VFW 995and their aUXIliarIes; LewBaldWin. Post 303, Mrs.Royena Weaver and Mrs.Lew BaldWin, of Post 303auxillary; Mrs. R, C ...Has-lett, Mrs. W. H~engert,Mrs Allce Backman, Mrs.Eva Banteu, Mrs. Mary Kel-ler, Mrs. Evona Murphy andMrs Isabell Mackey ofVFW.

On the nght, Mrs. CharlesEllis, who was among the

Center's director,;; whoserved as hosts and hostess,IS offering coffee to RobertHasslet, Jr, of VFW 995.,

At the left, Mrs. HenryL. Newnan of the GardenCenter IS shown WIth VIiH-tors Mrs. Lorett Hansonand Mrs. Margaret Mac-Murtne of the Civil AIrPatrol.

... ;//' .....

\ ~\0>,I .,

House At CenterOld Staff Park Needs 818MayH~ad New Street Lights.New CIty .,

System Unsafe Now,

ActIon IS underway to replace the present madequate street lightini system in GrouePomte Park. At Monday's councIl meetmg, the council accepted the Plannmg CommllSion'.recommendation to take ImmedIate steps for better street lighting.

@>TheCommisslon,aftera (o)~-------------thorough survey assIsted by P k Co ilGeneral ElectriC, Westmg- ar unchouse and DetroIt EdIson en-gmeers declared the present PromotesserVlce, owned and operated

~htcti~~t:illage, as only 30% Sgt. Bill GraulIn a report to the counc1l, the

commiSSion declared the Parkstreet llghtIng dangerous andvery madequate They recom-mend a new and modern streetlighting service, WhICh Includes818 new street poles, each 25 feethIgh WIth a mas& arm bght ex.tendmg out Into the center ofthe street.

Park now hall 552 street hghts.The report statl!d that thr~

plaI1ll can be conSldered for mod-ern street hghting.

(1) To be owned and operatedby the VIllage.

(2) To be owned by the VII.lage but malntamed by E<hson.

(3) To be owned and operatedby Edison at annual cost of $49,-000, tlus figure Includes cost ofII1Iltallation and maintenance.

Manager Everitt B. Lane IndI-cated that the thIrd plan wouldbe most favorable all It does notrequire any inItial Investment orbond Issue by the VIllage as thefirst two do.

Hp \SaId that the annual feewould \ not mean an lDcrease Inthe tax rate It would be IncludedIn the budget wliich now allo-cates $39,000 for street hghtmg.

Lane saId that a SpecIal exec':ubve commIttee meetmg WIll beheld to study the COmmissIOn'. Cont:nue,report and an analysIS completed IIby CommisslOJler Petl!r Burgess.

300 Attend'" Park CivilSer~k~ P~obeKerby PT A The Park CIvil ..... BolmL

th ded namely John S. Staudt, CarlMore an 300 parents atten Graul and Vl(:lor WehmeII!r &po

the Kerby School PTA program peared befqre a Special comrrllt-last week .•

Durmg the meetmg, j Mr. Ver- tee probmg their actIVIties sat-non HICKS,prinCIpal, stated: urday m the Municipal bul1dl1lJ.

"One VlSlt only penetrates the ComnusslOner Peter Burgess,surface of understanding of Manager Everitt Lane and At-school and Its problems. How- tomey Pierre Heflter, committeeever, a definIte trend In elemen. board. heard confhctlnll stat.-tary education today. as elemen- ments relative to an appointmenttary enrollments Increase and as and a. promobon Ul the fire de- •more faClhtles for adeq~tely partment.educatmg our chIldren are great. Staudt's comments ~Iy needed, IS closer cooperation confhcted WIth the other twobetween home and school. WIder members who supported tMchannels of communication need promotIOn of Flreman Jack 1..to be opened and Ideas (lPrmltted ' Burnett to sergeant and the apeto flow from home to school and pomtment of Donald P. Ryde.to the communtty" Staudt feels that the postt1ona

Other members of the faculty should be filled by Edwardwho assIsted In the program were RaCicot and Lawrence Coli n-MISS Adeline Wager, Mrs. Con- spectIvely.stance Kamm. Mr Kenneth Grlt- The SpeCial Comrmttee plaMtms, MISS EIleen Moffett and MISS to contmue the probe Ind reportEthel Eckstrand. to the councIl.





ersons VISIted the Open House at, Memonal Center Friday, Armis-

Alger Shelden, president of the

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Il'rtl'g ofthe~

A DetroIt Ro~ ,Table dtscus-slon on "Brotherhood Begms atHome" will tie sponsored by theDefer PTA Monday, Nov. 21 ItB pm. at Defer school, Kerchevalnear Nottlnghom. The pubbc 111

InVlted.Among the speakers WIll be Dr.

Joseph G. Mayne. executlve vtce-

School Boand Geaned Ror president of the National Confer-_ ence of Chrlsttans and Jews and

executtve secretary of the DetrOIt

H S S · I EIt. .1 D b ~~~mTp~:leis~:e~~t ~onc;r~~

;-.Of i]JeCla ec Ion n L' e • e~U:ha~u~::"~O~t~~J~~~~for 25 yean.

~tutelsdt A specIal electlon will be held by the School Distnct in February for the constructIOn The men travel throughout• .oJ. 1 sed b J h R B A wave of petty cnmes were

ents' of essential school bUIldings Wlthout a tax rate mcrease, It was wSC 0 yon. ames, the United States putting on these cleaned up Monday by the arrestwas supenntendent of pubhc schools here. dISCUSSIOnsto educate the people of two Juveniles by Park Det. Sgt.

{ork I ~Barnes saId: 0$------------- m Justice, amIty, understanding Stanley Enders.I "Though defimte plans have not IB d S 'N' and cooperation among Catholics,hons Vl-ctrm- Traps been completed, the folloWIng oar ays 0 Protestants and Jews. The boys. both 15, who hve mlInd projects are bemg htghly consld. UnIted States a DetroIt trailer camp south of

,15 a E I .. Th D t t R d T bl Jefferson near Alter road. ad.

S A ered t 7 e e rO! oun a e IS ahttle 2 trong- rm 'The completion of the Parcell 0 mp oyees branch of the National Confer. mltted takmg a money changerrear- and Kerby schools E P B-d ence of Christians and Jews which from a DSR bu~ at Jefferson and

Bandl-.""m- Car "The constructIOn of two ele. xtra ay I started In thiS country In 1928 Waybum. breaking In St Amb-IVld. ~ mentarv schools. one In Gratiot by the late Chief Justice Charles rose School. also two boat housesPar. TownshIp. also part of thIS school Park's Labor Relatlon's Board Evans Hughes and others and near their camp. takIng money

Ty,0 ~oung men who strong- d th th Cook has grown to nte t I out of clothes of patients at Mar.fur- dlstrl,C,t. an e o. er on denied a request from emplo'•.eeo; I ma lonll <:copecon- arm--< a 51 ••\ ear-old man were d I It may be heard od all me HospItal and several other Plan" dl be ng"" roa of the Public Works Department pen IC yon" were rapi y I

trapped m their auto b) their VlC- Accordmg to Mr. Barnes, these that they be ,PaId time Ind .. half radto statIon WWJ. cnmes rounded out thts week for thehm and two str:lngers. pro}ect.~ can be completed "'nth- on SaturdaY; or Sundays regard- There v.11I be II question IInd The paIr are In Juvemle Deten- Gros.-e Pointe Rotary Club's

sex. Arre5ted Fflday for the at- out any mcrease of the 'present Jess of whether they work a full answer period follOWIng dISCUs- tJon Home Twelfth Annual beneftt party.ne at tempted rClbber- of John 0 ~n. sc.hool assessment 4D-hour week or not. ilIon. ------- next Monday mght at the Nelgh-It af. nor At 1169 Chalmel'l; DetrOit, Ho""ever, what bulldmgs WIll CI"tV HI"rOC! N! Tew borhood Club. WIth I <ell-out

v h .~ccordmg to the pre<ent con- 'Ve - owd e'""""'-" before n6xt Monand "ere Pat Hurt. 21, and Robert be mcluded m t e new program cr _..__leU ~.-

laval 19 both f DetroIt depends on Just what the distrICt tract, the y,.orker IS not entitled BEHIND PAGE 1 P I" Off" da"tiSS CraIg, 0 • 1 t t wants on the ballot, to bonus pay on Saturday or 0 Ice leer Heralded liS the blg/lest andPark poIl~e <aid that the )outh< eBecora e I ed Sundav ,f he does not complete be'st beneflt n..rtv e,er staged bv

JeTto ' fames exp am f 11. k did ~'h. W. k' Duncan McEachren 24. of 5% .-drove their car to the front 0 Th Sch I Board IS currentl" a u y, ee ue to a ho I ay or Zs e'o S SI. ClaIr Jomed the Clh of the Rotarv Club, th,< vear'< jO"lIndt J -e .on e 00 IJ anv other rea.on. ~ _.. 1 d h 1 blPete Moore S ].lIar!" a en r conduc:t11'lfta ~ene. of round-tab e I - Gro«<e Pomte PolICe Department BY, a",< mc u I' 'u(' \ a lIi' e

and Milr\'land after offerIng dl'CU<~lon5 \\ Ith mUnlclpal coun. The employees are member< of Revz'ew Wednesda'. It wac annClunced 'y Itl'm< a' a ne\'. lQ'\O Fo~d selian,o Connor I 11ft r,l~ ?TA's. cllurrh /lTOUpS and "-mencan FedenltlOn of Labor Nortlt'rt NE'ff, CIty Clerk GF: tfoievi-Sion fO('lr!ml'\{er<. rr>".t-

Here the\ f~rr-" 0 Connor to C1Vlrrlubs to detNmme thl' MUnlclpll1 Employees Umon, Lo- M E h fill h 1'.... tabll' ra r!1<'< cuvmll' ~ts." ,.-u , , 1 B d t clli 523 Stories and pIctures of major ,c ac ren s t I' \ acan<') f'l<hml( Tilr!•. ptc" ,the rear of the b\.llldm/l: anrl al- Monda' thl' Schoo oar mE' . . mtere-<t behmd page one thIS creatpd bv F~"er Trombll'v who Thl' unu<\lal', h!1h mlpre-;t'If'mplE'ri to roh hlm ThE' .trll!ZlllE'I" llh ml'mbl'r< of Ii'll' Farm. Coun. \1l'mber" of the Laoor Board I'. ef'k mclude re5lllned about two rronths alto anli patrnnal!l' /lIVl'n thl< annual\\ hlch follo" ed "a. hE'arr! bv cII and other F"rms Offlrl:l!s are Comml«loner< Goddard. Bur- Gro ...e POinte Nee d s HIm, after more than 20 ~Pilr~ on the I'\ E'nt I~ l'il<lly unrler<tood In IheJO{'MOMP,10 lE'a\Inll. hl< father S School problem. \\I're dlsru~sf'd Iless and McMillan. editOrial foT'<"P lll!ht of the fllct that all of thetu.ml"'-" y,ho \ 1'.ll'd for morl' th:ln thrl'e hOUr<;anrl It ------ InVite PubliC' to &>e Film of ------- procet"d, dI'Tl\'ed from thl" :ll'falr

I' \\a< al(rero thaI. thl' PareE'1l and W I PI Mt<:hl"an Gamp Dr S/~r' Cff _.., f h blWhat' lIom/l on OVl'r thE're Ke

r,b\ prolect~ be compll'ted and I OO( Q aIlS'" "' .,.. 1.Ii( ,r arl' u."" ent 1'1' \' or carita e('< of ~ Wldl' Colll'lIe CurrlC'Ulum Ad. purpo<-e< '. m"nv or thl'm not

ralrE' Th" fl1~htl'nro thl' \ outh~ :lnrl that ty, 0 nl'\I, elementar~ ~hool" vocated by AA1j~ F0",,(1. ill if/abar,," rraehpd bv Ofj!ilnm'd chant):th,rd '11'11'\flro 10 11'11'11'(ilr, but ~forl': I'll'con<truderl il~ 'oon a" po~<lhle "-()pen House" PTA 10 HC'ar .,bout Schoo!$ I f1ollll:h JlI<tdil'd and riecervml( IOa, thr' (ruld "'tllI a" al Connollv I Wdllam F Connolh Jr Farm' CE'nter < 20.10 CounCIl EI!'rt" P~rk Pol,(,(, 1 "1'01t,,-i 11'1('n I T'lro\llO:h trl< annual elen' thE"I

IlZenl' "a< ~hlr to IZrah HIl1l IhrnlllZh p,e..,denl Imi!caled that the Wo0ri. Improved polICE' ~nd Off'cpr' I co\!'rv nf Ol Phlhp W SI""n < I Ro'an Club 1< ah'e t" nu' .hr)f'<birth th" rt""r "Inrlo" Ml'an".hlle Farms would support .uch a pro. fir!' dE'partmE'nl. anri thE"rerrl"lly "fr< Jm A<Io.' ChurC'h M"m. auto 10 G:ln~l'!E'n "-lil S:lturdil' f"r f'lp'tl'UtE" chlklrE"n pro\ 'rlenl'tte Mr>nlf' I'. a< at th" other door ,nd pam I rf'mooE'll'd municipal offiCE' "II! ~r< to ....'.l.t III Fall' ITh" Cilr wa< ,Inll'n from D, 'orr!'c' \1' f'\l' CUI' anrl II: a"~' I,I Cra ~ "a' foliarI'd I rl "il< aI'" a/l:II'Prl that t"o be opf'n f"r pubiJc In~pectlnn nn Hnlldav Fair Set for Gnnd Sloan. lliHal!l" at hI< hnml" 11-8 h-ln« rad "" ilrrl '1' ~\l.,On <I't,' I"

rUTlOU~cab other prolects ,nrludE'd In the I Dec 10 and 11 lopemng Audubon la<t Fnda\ p"'llcl" <.11<1 <hut. n< and beoar<iden .ufte~er<tha' At the pomt a alonll~lrlE"IhulldInIl pro!rTlm d~f~at!'d b\ th" I. POInte PE"r~onlllItle~ -------- .I-ow oTPhlln. that ~m~\.

!rore dn \ ~r hall!'d hl~ taxI :. I \'ote~ last Ma\ a Rosh n road At thl' OW00<1<COIInCl' sl's'.on POinte BTlde< Ind Enl.~ment ~I k W.d" carl" e-t~alnt.. comJlI~telv blOC'klng a lletl\\ll' Il-mentan <rh/'101linn Impro\~'ITu!'.da, It 9.a< rll!'<:ldl'rIthat liniN!'''. 1 8<- I ~nln2 'O'IT pa~t <u~-- "'II' _.~pI' ~ Opf'n Housl' y,ould bl' appro- " C "0''''''' ~qI'teT. Parlo. P"I,ef' Irpn cam~ along ml"nt< lit Gro«1' P(\Inle H'll:h Op<"n Ll'lt!'t to Re<ld..nt. v,0/'lI'! .. (Olln<' I !ra,,, Ih!' "111'1. p"'<",h ~ :h~ 'nl:-'''I!'Il[ rl'--r'l~'f'(l

I'>f' and mlld~ Ih~ aIT!'.t I &hool. ~ "" an<i a lrl.tOrJum I pnale at tn'.h 11m!' tkl'lld"! thl" tax- GHP Gruidpr. F.nrl Sfoa<on In or." a\ 1(\ thO' W;l\nE' (""unh I CO~""1 In," '~n IC~ proJ l'C' < '('lr~ I plner< .l'1' t I' mar I' l'11plO\1' • PI R C11'.1" I' ..l~a<!'d 1'1\ <hould ~ !abl~d t~mporaf1 \ 1 I I >rd '('I' oar! omm.<",ol' fAr Ihl' "ld.-n- 'hE' ,"ear 1~8-4Q hv thl" Gr""<f!

tnt'l I Bo!h m!'n ~~~;I'r "'on<ill\ on II ?>Ir Barnl'< <1I,<i 11'11',1'\1('\\', mf'nl. In munlelpll dl'parlm!'n < Hl'l<P IAllrl~ Pflnt~r' tn 4-0 Iln/llln<'l chanj!In-Z (>f"fae\( :lVf'nll~ I Po n'" Rotllrv Club.Iola- IJII<1j(E'John h «("oobnlll'd on Pact' 3) Hour. \\,11 hf' lInnouT'~"d Wm Iin Ii'll" \1 11I/l:~al'~ C; .tlpl Prl fl.nd< for k 'rhl"l1 i

f,i()(\ ca<lll)on<'l ellC ------------------ ----- -------

onse and the success of the pro-mg to us all," he Said.

"Let Your Hoe-Down" Bachelor Advises-Page 2

Page 2: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place

:11(183 ~":!8 :l5S1~18818-11

1I0000oM21000000302043 9

15 (loorn329101110'


w. nl'" Ampl,F'II.e, • Lacklr

IUorl.III,.,. ta,4feommn«.11 YOIlI



*MEATS It Whala .. l."or Home Frturn

W.';~t'I~I~,r r::a;llt:, iliaOOM'LETE BUPER 'IARm




AttentiDn De" Hunters!!I




L1AIllITIISDemand dt'polltJ of IndiYlduab partnenhipi and torpnratltlhl , 813~ ~14IIRTime depo.lI. flf Indlv du-.l, PJrlneuhlp, and fflrpnratlflnJ t 8(11011-/I)Depo! III flf United Statu Gflvl!rnrnent \lncludlnl pltltal

IIvlnll')Depn'lti of Slalel and po!lllral Kubdh !JIDnlOthu dtpn'llll Irl!rtltled and Olflten rheck! etrl

TOTAL DEPOSITS $10843 4fi507Olhlr hablhtlea S. 479 ~/1

Rrport of CcmdlUOIl of GrOlBl Pointe 81J1.1r: ltf GI'OIM Poiute JO \\ UII'

County Mlchlean at the elase of butlDm NOTrmber 1ft IM9 • fltate bUlkInr In!Utulion orpnUM and opt'fatlnr WIder the hanklltlla",. of thb SuteInd. member of tbl'! Fflderal RH;,n! S,..lem. I'ubillhed In accordance witha call made b,. the SLltl! Ranklnr Authorities and b,. the FMera1 Rnu",Bank or lhl.Dl!trh:t

ASSETSc••h bal.n,"ea" Ih othpr bank' Indudlnl reserve balance

and cuh Ittmll In pro('ll" or NlU"l'UOn $ 3 S~4B2A~4Urnted States GO\l~rnml'nt oblilla! on5 d reel and CUlranleed 10 5011-.,3HOhl a~t ODS or Statu llnd political subdlVUIOns 1853 Q~Q 41Other bond~ noles and debenture. 306 0\ ~ 54CorporalII'! stocks (Including $15 000 no ~t(l('k of Fl!'dl'ral Rtoel''''

bank)Loans IInd dllt"lJunts ( oclud n!! $14 '>141 o\l.'rdraltJ)Bank pre n 51!!o"ned $60 (15670 furn,lure and fixture.



Capita"SurplulUndlvldl!d protllJ


"'OTAL LIABILITIES (not Includln. lubordlnated abll'ltlol\lahllWTl btlo" $111910944113


J?~fl5~!!6!oJUta %. 3VftIlAOK .\ V%NtJK


"Thll bank a rlpllal tonJlalJ ofCommon atOCk with tDlal par value of POO 000 00

Aura pledlled or aUllred t~.~~~Rt~I~~U and for othflrpurpoles .... 4000000I Will am R De Blleke VIr! PreSident and CUhler of the lbove-namtd

~~~~l;d~:b:n:~~:r;f th.t the ahovi .tateMtnt IS true to the be.t or m'

WILLlAM R. DB BAEKIICorrl!Cl_AUl!lIt~gmr:~O~HLm1olAN

.., .~MZ'Uftse:2blJlJ)J:

STAn or MIeRIGAN eotJ'N'TY OF WAYNI--u. ntrMeft,

Sw6m. to and ,ub.erlb&d, berllrl mt thll 8th day of Nln'81'I\w llUGEORGe W STA'b.nNE, •Nntn:r Public WI11'lI eoual)' JlWl.My ('I mmlulfln I.plr .. JlmU11'111. JilL



Friday Nov IlI-Ml.'el"1I of bun Lommille! "r Rell onal Plannmil l,.omm ~51Dnof Ihp Detrol~ Metropolitan Are. on

\\/11 .., P Illt n. 110 pmNl'venmf',a Club R pm

S,lurday Nov IIl-Vl.'tl.'rnn\ Pnrty A Jl ml\londly Nov !i-Mollnn Plclul!! Coune,l 1:10 pm

MI) Ito .... er Club D nn!.'f 6 30 pmTU~dR) Nov Z%-Kh\nnb D nnllt 030 pm..Wtdnetday Nnv 21-0Id SI1VHClUJ (publlc Invltfld) 2 3GP m

Unlv(,ully or Mkhl/lnn ('roue Polnle Club 8 pmRalurday Noy ~6_Young Ad Ilh Dance 910 1210 pmWedn9dl,. Nov 111- What KNow In Thl! Theatrfl' talk h'

Mn 5111rlln. SAndford At I 30 pm publill Invited

Service Dept Under New Management,

Guaranteed to StopOIL CONSUMPTION


16901 MACK .t CRAYTONTalapha.a NI •• '" 5-5000

"Service II Finer at Steiner's"


War Memorial CenterCalendal' of Activities


1•• 1.11 Ford RI,"" S3 9 95ClfAn CArha" In-IItnll GUllket. 5 QIIINew 011 Clelln 011PURllll

L B OlOH"M PUBLISHERhul BIClckbu,n Advertlll"" Mlr

DoHI' Voun, Ad ..."llllln.II YoUlt, Clrculallon Mar

GlVI'll' POlllt.. rint New.pap.rA NATIONAL IDI_T.f.~L

V ~~llt:~~T~NCherlt. MUbl, EdJltlt

torn Ib"'t Staff WriterDorl' MIl,t., Stoft Write,

OFFICES "T 15121 KERCHEV"l BETWEEN M,t,Rv' "'O"NO l,t,KEPOINTEV"II,v 2-1162 - 2 1163 2 455~- 4",59

PUBtJsKED I!:\ERY THURSDAY BY litE lJRUII::,t l'OINTt PRINTING cote.Mo ttildul E-,trr ThU\"Id.a, • •• Sublrrllttlon R,tl I C~"1.1ptr COP) 8y Mall III ODplr VI"


Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place


Firelllun BruisedL,ty FII eman George Poupard

hurt "l~ j .. ft h.-nil whl1. ftghtinfa field tire He was trea~ atBon SetOurs Hospital.


The Grosse Pointe Review-Thllnday, Ney, 11, 1949:-1I



needy fanuly, supphed monthlyfood bal>hel to Indigent old

monthly motIOn pictures for pa- couple, donated $100 toward pur-tients at Marine HospItal; pur- chRo" of wnlYl ..n I..g for localchal>ed speCial slluJ t wave Iadlolor Grosse POInte veteran at Ma- man: donated $100 to ChUllhrlne Hospital presented local benetlt book sale, book~ ~ent tohero of Kenyon College fire with, patients at Manne Hospital Com-portable t pewrlter I pletely reconditioned and repaired $50 for 75

y ,heating ~ystem at NeighborhoodFurnished food, tandy, gifts to Club at cost of $1000; donation Judge George Beauchamp lined

patle'llts at Old Folks home es- of $200 edch to three different Sam J Johnson of DetrOit $50tabllshed loaner teleVISIOn ser- churcheo l:>cIng conslrutted In for speedmg 75 miles an hourVile for convalescents at home; Gros.e Pomte, donation ot $1,000 on Jefferson City Pohce dlJl-paid emel gency ho~pltal ral e for to War Memorial Fund dOl>ed


Entertamed 50 orphaned chil-dren at picniC at members farm;established seholarshlp fund torneedy high school students andawarded three of $200 earh forIlrst year; ~um of $200 donatedfor toys for underprivileged chil-dren at Chnstmas prOVided tencnppled children With two weeksat summer camp; supplled fundsfor two war orphans to attendAmerlcamzatlon class, supplled

Ways New For


TU. 1.1600


1 1

Your Grosse Pointe Ford Dealer's



The One Fine Car In the Low Price Field


Emery R Walker, deanof admISSIon at Brown Um-verslty, arrived In GrossePOInte Wednesday as partof a two-months ~our ofsecondary s c h 0 0 IsandBrown Clubs In the Southand Middle West. DuringhiS stay in Grosse Pomte,Dean Walker Will be theguest of Mr H. A. Shaw of1104 Harvard He plans toVISit Grosse Pomte HIghSchool where he WIll inter-vIew students and conferWIth Mr. Walter R. Clem-Inson, prInCIpal.




Downtown Trainand Camera Shop

122 W. ELIZABETHOne Bloek North ofTuller Hotel at Park




School Board

Hurts A.nkleLee Hunter, 1023 Lakepomte.

Lakeshore bus drIver, reportedto Woods police that ElIse Knack,40, of DetrOIt, spramed ller ankleWhIle leavmg the bus at Mackand Vernier road.

(Continued from Pace 1)pomts more or less representedthe consensus of others heard atprevIous dlscusslOm

BeSldetl Mr. Connolly, CommIS-sIOners Kirby, Hubbard, Maxon,Schlaepfer and Hutchmson at-tended the meetmg Also, HarryFurton, clerk and Murray Smith,engineer,

Members of the school boardpresent were Franklin Dougherty'lShirley T Johnson, Bert H Wlck-mg and Glen Coulter .

The School Board plans tomeet With PTA groups and schoolemployees at the public highschool on November 22 and WIththe Park Council on Monday, :Nov. 28 at 8 pm. m the ParkMUniCipal bUildmg.

On December 13. the boardwill convene With the GrossePomte Kiwanis.

Other conferences are bemgscheduled.

IBROWN DEAN [Rotary Benefit Monday Heralded 'Best Ever'(Continued from 'are 1) Iidden boys, f~rnlshed funds for

'l'hool boys, "ent underprivileged medH~al care of Gro~se POIntehigh school boy tAl summer camp' youth. spon,ored four l)lgh slhoolhigh schOOl boy given needed boy~ to attend Wolverme Boys'dental care. furnished bus trans- State, supplied bus 1r.msportatJOnportatJOn for 490 safety potrol tor ,afety patrol boys tAl attendboys to ba~eball game at Briggs hockey games at Olympia; award-StadlUm ed watch to outsandmg high

Furnished tUItion and boa. d for school senior; furnished fundsparalyzed boy to attend Wayne and superVISion for communityUnJvemty, presented two tele- HalJo~ een party tor 5,000 schoolVISion sets to paralyzed home- children

Open FT!, Eves. Till 10 P.M.


Wholesale - R~tall1000 ASHLAND

at E "e«.rseD

Drop JD UU, 8e~ OurFine Line of TOYS

B.ot iD D.trolt




~ ~:$2UOMIXERSaunbe&lll




Uoh .. I0I.l137.50G.E134.15RamUlftB~aehU8SO




YOU GET ALL The .. 20 OperationsI, Distriba&or POIDta-npertly adjasteclI. Air Cleaaer-tboroarhly eleanedS. CoiJ--.eheckNi with la&esttqulpmmt4 Cylinder Head-properl" hrhtrnedI. Timinr_djusttd by expertsI. Condrnser~b~ked a~ ~peclllrd7, Mamfoldl'-lMpetttd and U!t'httned•. Dl~tribldor_ltntifi('all, t....tf'd,.. C'arburrtor-adju!tf'd bv l!1llM'rt~

11. Yolt.re Control_umlnl'd and tfl!lted11. &tter'V-t~td and trrminal~ deanedU. Tappel-..adju~lf'd hv npf'rl~U. Spark Plult"-thorou!t'hlv dranl'd14. Spark_t bv S}H'Clallv tralnl'd mtn15. RMe C'onn~tlon.-tilt'httnf'd ftlr trifttet11. "'uuum fontrol_lmtlllullv tt!ted11. Fan Belt--jnspeetf'd and adjurted11. COtIIpfeS!liOft-('h~ktd WIth modtrn toollIt, Generalof' Brv!lht~~tf'd and l'h~kecl211. Reat Control-.~tf'd IIv 1'J[pf"'"

PI , F.ntlre _linK' j;"tl'm t~Cl"d aad t'hHIl4'd tit



Unur,,: 7:36 Tilt 7 • SAI. 7::10 Till 2 VA. 2-1103

Ex-DrunkardWarns GPHof Alcoholics I

I•In t~ cnty years, twenty of I

yOU" 111 be alcohohcs," predicteda ,peaker t rom Alcohohc.Allon)mous 10 Grosse PomteHigh School's assembly Fnday.1Novembel 11 "The mevltableend 'or a percentage, IS, of I

cour-c. Skid Row"E\ en though hIS father was I

lddlcted to strong drmks, and he Ihad thiS example before hISe)e~, the speaker. who prefers toremam annonymous In prmt, Idldn t learn from It. I

I deCided I could dnnk wlthm Irea~on It was Just too bad for Itoe old man, he couldn't take It,"explained the speaker .• "I was aloclal drmker, but I always hadto hal'e one more dnnk than the III erage person got"

'At lir~t, two dl mks broughtthe ruddy glow, then four. then&,~. 600n every time I took adrmk I got drunk," he said. "Igot Iiied In a perIod of ten yearsI had forty Jobs, and each one10\\ er on the scale."

By the time he began to drmksteadllv. he was married and hadthree children The scorn of hiSchddren, the avelSlon of hIS Wife,and the fact that he had nofnends finally brought thiS for-Imer alcoholic to hiS sel'l6es. Hejomed Alcohohcs Annonymous Iand hasn't had a dnnk for twelveyears.

"AlcoholJsm IS a progressive.fatal Illness," the speaker stated."There are two ends. eIther.arly death or msanity, It's yourchOice."

ThIS article was prepared byPatricia Marz, Grosse PomteHigh School Joumabsm student.

QIHCI RELIEF FROM." AItIIilc .......STOMACH ULCERS... EXCESS ACID........ ,...... .:rnd. t"...... _. _ c..e y.,. .......

0.. ot w .or-,....., __ mlId I'lllIet ot.,.,....,..01..-- wWIllI froom ........aiIcI dllOto __ _- -........--...........-..." ....""" to ~ ...... Sold .. 16 dIip' IiriellAJIl fllI' ......,. wIUcIl JWIIJapiUaII ..... -, ..

THE MILLER PHARMACY14g45 Kercheval VA. 2-9614•

Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place

,J r toO ~



CO 1'1 ./I~\lit I

204311 MA<.K TIn the WOOd' U 1-6200


Parki~l~ CurbWoods Polt, (' 0,poll~d

pdrkml on Md(k bet \hit1\ een '-ca~ter and }o'J('('I" 0 " ....4

I)" \\111limited to one hour r t.to 9 pm lorn 6 h.

~II-Pu,pose AmberSERVI NG BOWL




InitialedKe, (hain 4

SlIm. 'etIturlly. Your



Beautiful, Colorlul ICANDY or NUT DISH I

Goldell amber 3-,0I1oan 4C'm.nt dJiIt H hlv poll'hod ilglassware m • 'lOVe!) clo,"r- fleaf desIgn. I


12' d,amet.r Hl(hl..-poh.hed rl ...... are msolden amber

.. el\o\\ gold-filled ,.,udamty heart in th.center.


VA. 2.9000

BI unch IS now served every Sunda\ In OUt beful Pompei an Room from 11 30 a m to 2 30 ~~

A .peclal m.... u olf ... a a.I., hOD .tpopular prlud 8rulld1 ,p.clalUel.



UK matchedmountmw.

8 Iarg.dIamond.

A duster of banana. IS called ahand

The Maumee load home ot MIS.Philip Watson will be the sceneof the Pomte Galden Club meet-Inl Monday, Nov. 21 It 8 III pm.

01 J M Ankley, plesldent otDellolt Rose Society, Will be thespeakel Husbands ot the mem-bers Will be gu~ts

MIs Watson WIll be a.tilsted byMrs. Robert Conder, Mr •• R Ger-neys Grylls and Mrs. RobertWmter

Husbands are Guestsof Garden Club

Lovely Six-Diamond

Bridal Ensemble

For Men! For Womell!


Three lIer, d ...moneu of exceptIonal cllr- ISty III .ach hand-" rought yellow ,lold .. t. Iting. Here'. diamond valu. at Ita be!rt Ourlinen "get .cqaulnted" diamond -.ectal I I


Just Arrived! The Newest






S) Ivama, fashIOned SImilarly tothe bridal trock

Best man "as Michael PO'Donnell, and u.hermg wereAlVin Benson, and Edward Asp-IIn

The bllde's mothel appedredm beige crepe With brown ac-ce.solles and I- cYPt'lpedlum01 chid

The Elliott sWill retUin tohve on Chatsworth Avenue

Garden QuizAt Memorial

Th. Ill-d,amond. arebnll,antly cut for un-uaual brllllanee

Du. to .. ,tr~meh fortunate- clrcum!lUntel "'. ftCUI!'d12MM beautiful ",atcM. at a fractton of theIr r.l{Ularprice' The, re sm.rtlv ....1)H!d Th., re amaZIngly ...cu..-tel HurT) for yours1



'4-- The Gro... Point. Revi.w- ThYrsday. No~. 11, 1949

nancy moesta lIs '{,Ved6/0 771an/rom g{ansas

A Iubi urn lily corsage ac-centuated the navy gabaldmetravelmg costume donned by theformer Nancy Moesta after shebecame the bride of CharlesWilliam Elhott, .on of John CElhott of Halstead, Kan~as, lastSatulda~ After a Country Clubreceptlon, the couple left forChicago

The daughter of the CharlesI Hewltts of Lewiston Road, Nancywas gO\\ ned III hyacmth bluelace, ballerma styled, With fit-ted long ,Ieeves and boat neck-1me, when she exchanged VOWllIn St Paul's Church rectory.

Bro\\,n taffeta was the chOlceof her matlOn of honor, Mrs.Thomas W McGahey of Penn-

rT'"_t'l."~I)_If" C'f'

I.lmr" ,., .."..,1<1 .~ !I,.

poole .. 1

Nat,onallyAdvertleedPrtee t4 00

Fool-prooI!Ugh IS every




In Itreamlln"yellow 10lcicolor Wnletl

for )ean.


Your ChOice!

SpecIal' Gold -fillednurdy and ..,smart lookml

M.n', or Ladies'



"w.'1 Val ..

ExpansionWatch Bands



16724 E W C1'l'Ts.. . arren".a r Bltilop

More YouthParties Set

Phyllis donned beige gabar-dm ewlth brown alhgator acces-sones for the trip, and plans toreside in Grosse Pomte upon herreturn.

The engagement of Mary Elea-nor Fullmer to Alex J. BlalJ' isannounced by her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Wilham C Fullmer, of1318 Beaconsfield Mr. BlaIr isthe son of Mrs Bertha Blair 0110640 Gratiot, Detroit. and thelate Mr. Blall'. No weddmg datehas been sel

A Gal dell QUII "'Iii be lon-ducted at the Memollal Centel,Wedne~day, Nov. 30 at 8 pm

Pholo b) Po,.. 11 Heart Alumnae under the ausplce~ of the GrosseMRS. RICHARD R. RANDOLPH S T D Pomte Garden Centel Chalr-ponsors ea ance man V R. DePetll~ Will mtro-

HEALTH REPORT At Boat Club duce Henry L R Chapman,The Town.hlp Health Depart- The Sacred Heart of Grosse curato!' of the Beal Botamcal

ment's monthly report Included Pointe Alumm Assoc~tlon IS Garden ot Michigan State Col •he followmg number of com. sponso1 mg a tea dance for lege, who Will act as moderator.mumcable dISeases, SIX cases of junIOrs and seniors at the DetrOit Questions may be sent to thepolio and eIght cases of chicken Boat Club Fnda;)', Nov 25 tlOm Galden Centel' Room, MemOria!pox 4:30 pm to 7 p.m. Centel, 32 Lake Shole Road.I~~-~-----------------------------.._-~_ ...--------_..~~ ,I•Joy Chamberlm of 740 Whlt- 'I

tier Road, entertamed the Allied I'Youth group at her home on Frl- Iday evenmg, November 11. With litthe weird and wildest of objects ~to be found, the gang started off Iin teams for a scavenger hunt. IAt the end of their Wild search Ithey were rewarded With hot IIdog. and hot chocolate. ;

On November 23. the iroup, IWill alam assemble, thIS time Ifor a hayride and danCIng at IBlanchard's Hay Ride Lodge,near Rochester.

Reservations are inVIted, call IWOo 3-6194. ~

Those who have and are asslst- !109 Joy With these two actlvltles Rare Gene Cope, Marvin and So- Ilan Weeks. I

IParents A"nounce lAId 1)' Fulkller's Troth I


" JII Prfl'c.~uonbUIlt.

II lurhter Hand-",me h Sh led

Ii n ~~;;~~~NEi f.1r.:i\ LAMPSI if!t'!~.. .' I. ~~~!"-.-,,,~ $7~~.iII,~'1l


Gene Le\ ett PhotoMRS. RICHARD It STEIN

Spetl.1 wiltt.r IU~,.c.t.... to kMp Y01l,I .. ick "","r. 'pry .IId sq.... kl .. s III ", ..

.f will"' wehlell! 0... s",.11 chare. connall ch,"is lubricants - plus a cener.rtrouble-check IntpechOll. 'hone u. nowekut LUlltCARI.

mowersFor The FestIve Thank .





Keeps Your BUICKOn tile Hop!

Open Thursday, Friday and~ l"lf.ho", f1 Satu,dlY £V.nincs

....X A'-ARM JEW E Exquisite Imported


; 1. 11 11 I '-i\\ CLOCKS -. f E. R S CHINA CUP & SAUCER

Ci B f~lO ' 1 \ $149 'lite ~, '.mtVJied ~ 1_,L.o,roves uick, Inc. i~~ 2"::. 14101 ~ 49c

15777 HARPER .".: .." TU 1.6161 II ~ ' ...~~ ,. D:'''' [A Sl J [ff [RS 0 N C01ne 1 Eastlawn ;:;,t:t ... r"•>A ~ PlI< f'tI["ll ~ \4119Q 'lIC:V 1l'W ~ I.Qo \« ~f<lV"" f!!'J«\4I:,.._ ~\".. ,.,..,. ... .,.,.,.."..,.. ""__ ..-~_<e(_,, ....-.. ......... I'""

0t, ambrOSeUnits [fJot-nleA blush pmk bllde In St Am-

brose Church Saturday Wa& Phyl-lIs Jean Buethe when she wedRichard Robert Randolph, son ofthe CWford Randolpha of Loch-moor Blvd.

Her satin gown was colOnIalstyle With hoo~ under a longtramed skirt mserted at the hipsWith I.e. and a matclung pmkIllUSIOn vell cascaded from ahalo of orange blossoms.

Compllmentmg her color werethe royal blue velvet gownmgher maid of honor, ShirleyBuethe. and bndesm81ds BettyKoebel, Carole Howell, and NancyBrill.

Groomsmen Donald Randolph,Richard Nete, and Robert Wood,served WIth best man LeonardDuval.

The bride's uncle and aunt.Dr and Mrs Raymond Koebelof Wmdmlll Pomte Dr~ve, hostedat a Lochmoor Club receptionbelore the bridal couple left forFlorida. .

College DaJlceat Memorial

The third dance for the eolleaeale and young married groupswill be held -at the War Memor-Ial Center Saturday, Nov. 211. Thedance 15 plannned especially 10

vaclbonmg collegers can let to-gether With their friends.

Eddie Marshall's orch.ra WIllplay for the dancers from 9:30to 1230.

The Young Adult Council ha.aho scheduled two Decemberevents for this group The nextmformal evelllng will be the six.teenth, and on New Year's Eve,Dec. 31, there WIll be a semi-formal dance at the Center.

Gloria McElroy IRepeats Vows ~,

C\t P:MIPili:: on fh." T.Rkp Ws:loC

the scene Saturda\' of mSl'Ilage\'0\\ s by Glona Therese McElroy Iand RIchard Roy Stem, son of I

the Henrv Stems of Shaker IHeights. OhIO I

The daughter of the RogerJohn McElroys "ho returned Ifrom FlOrida. the bnde chose:a hoopslurted Ivory satm bro-Icade gown In tradItIOnal white,whl('h was followed out by thehoop<kirted ro~e Silk taffeta ot "mahon of honor MIS John ~,Bronson, and bridesmaids Mrs. I ~ ,~Edward Benya and Vlrgml3 l' "Creber ~,' >~~

James Stem was be~t man II t '>.~, , "With Fred Reed and Edward " ~:(Benya ushermg A receptIOn I \ '

honOI ed the couple at the Whit-tier, after \\ hlch they left forthe Smokey Mountains.

Newlyweds"Go West"

The aqua brocade gowns ofber attendant", aCLtmtualed the...tute satm brocade worn byBarbara Jean Condon, daugh-ter of the John T. Condons ofLakepomte Avenue, who wedDonald Koepsell, IOn of Mrs.K. F. Koepsell of ManistiqueAvenue, 1ft St. Ambrose ChurchSaturday.

She chose Mrs. John Bonfiglio.. matron of honor, With Jean~edy ,Mary Horan, BettyTflmme, and Ann Mitchell u'Widesm8Jds, With flower prl,ht Condon.

Ushermg were Charles Hay-ward, Jr., Robert Tobin, RobertJ:nckson, and Russell Alexander,wlule John Bonfiglio was bestmln.

Following the Whittier recep-tion, the couple left for theWest, and WIll hve on Park-View Avenue when they return.

Larj1;e<t reptlle m the U S 1$ I

the aliJe,,'o _ I

John SweeneyIs Soloist

Woods Church Hostfor Union Service

The Grosse Pomte Woods Pres-llytenan Church will aet as hostfor special Uzuon ThansglvlI1JservICes at 11:00 a m. Thursday,November 24, in the new churchedJ1i.ce at -9950 Mack at Torreyroad.

Putors and churches partlci-patmg In the .umon thankSgIV-ing service are Rev. Edgar H.Yeoman of St. Michael's Chapel,Rev. Charles W. Scheid of GrossePointe Copgregatlonal, Rev. HughC. White of GfOSSe Pomte Math-odJst and Rev. Andrew Bluth,

.host minISter at the Woods Pres-byterian Church.


Hold Loyalty Sunda)'Sunday, Nov. 20, hu bee des-

lcnated by all of the ArnencanLutheran Churches In Detroit andin the nahon as Loyalty Sunday.'!'his is to be a climax to the.Every Member VIsitation protram Iwhich began Nov. 6. Faith Luth-Ieran Church, corner E Jeffersonand Philip. has sent out 65 teams' _. _to call at the homes of Its mem-bera. The ",am purpose of the pro-fCBm has ~ to stimulate andarouse a deeper Interest 1D "or-RIP, servlce. study, and steward-.tllP III the lives of aU the mem-lien.

CARD PARTYSt Ambrose Altar Society Will

llold a card party Fnday. Nov. 18at 8 pm In the school, Hampton.t Wayburn

Grosse POlme's gifted youngpIanISt, John S. SweeneY,III, Willbe the solOIst at the Faculty Sym-phony Orchestra Concert at MUSICHall, Wednesday. Nov. 30 begin-DUlg at 8'30 p.m.

He will play the Qrleg Con-.rto m A Mmor.

The orchestra wlll be conducted~ Homer LaGusey.

Tlcket& for this concert, pre-HIlted by t.'le J'etrOlt Councl1 of I:l"TA's, can be obtained by caU-me Mn. Stewart Sehweu:er, VA.1-0685.


Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place


, ,

,, '




Nov, 17, 1949--5

...... - -----



Reg. 19.95

Jersey DreSSel

OpenThurs Frl,Sat. Eves. f •


. Chr;1Stmas Lay-Away-YU!

Gilt Wrapped, Too

20«3 MACK AVE., at FleetwoodPhone: TU. 5-3093


IIntel'esttng NewDetallmg In theEver - PopularJersey AssortedSt)les & Colors.

f,t)". • • •




2 Blks No of Woods Theahe





AND NOTIONSOpen Mon•• Tues" Wed , 9 to i

Thurs., Fri., Sat. 'w , p.m.Tl1. 1-1074

Sto Clair ChapterHolds Meeting

The leguldl meeting of theLousla St Clair Chaptf'l Ddugh-ters of the Amellcan Revolultonwas to be held m Newbell Vhouse thiS Thursday at 10 30 a mThe Regent, Mrs Millard H Ton-cray. Will pleslde

The Grone Pointe Revie.-Thurldoy,

'Child re1t'.~ ArtClas.~Has Roon'l?or 8 ."'ore PllJ)ils

P,uenb mtele,led In elll )dlll!;theIr Chlldl en m the Child. en,Saturday Mornmg Art CIa'. atGI o~se Pomte High Sthool ;houldtall It~ ,pon:oOr~, the Adult llLl-calion Board, TU 5-2000, l < 23 I

However prompt action IS ~U::- Ige~ted as thl:ll"e 15 only room fOi IeIght more ,tudent~ III thl' d'l '\I hlCh met (or the fir,t tllne :"0;1Satulda. I

The chddren, all dllge<i In three I",ge gwups, f1 om 7 to 14 a I c be-mg taught the fundamen'a1, ul Idl a Wll1g, color, de. ,gn and tU11-pO~ltIOn The medlum~ u~cd' n-clude penCil, chanoal, v.ater lO'OI I

and temperaTheil' wdl b(' ,tudles m st lJ

lIte and qtllck sketches.

by [Pashia14123 KERCHEVAL


VA 2-3732


a "Charm" rJ) .u-'ortratt

ACCENTS YOUR PERSONALITYA Tnt PrOOf of You II Shown Just Before Actual Sllttng

No Extra Charge

Df the

On(' qual tel millIOn dolldl S InfUt~, Will be ple~ented bv MrLaurence 0 Lany, JOI MddlsonTheatre BUilding, In a fabulousreview ot St Clall Fur Ollginab

MIS' Pdt TobIn Will be fashiontOmmentdtor y, Ith musIc by theJatk Qua~e) TIIO. Dolle Mclntyl eof WJR WIll be on hand to diS-h Ibute dOOI plIzes

Evel y e!fol t hds been made toIndude the fur needs of the In-dlVldudl Netkplete" ,loles, Jdlk-et~ tasudl, tee-age, and tOllege,full length and fot mal fUI s Will bemodeled

Mrs LOUIS J. MOldnd IS chall-man of the event Chall men ofoth(,1 (ommlttee gloups mdudeMI s Eall Lyn(h refreshments,Mrs AI thur Hdtha\\, a), plllesMr5 C Robel t Duncan, raffles,MI~ A Bufton, reception, MISRobert Milligan and MI s, LOUISCot(', atrangements MI ~ H JSt AmoUl, table pllLes and MI ~Thomas Cal cy, publJclty

Tickets may be obtained b)callmg MIS Wilfred Johnson, VA2-5166

On Sunday, Nov 201tl at the1045 am WOlsliJp service of theGrosse POinte Methodist ChurchDr Gordon' Phllhps, executiveseci etary of the MethodIst Umon,Will present the deed of the newchulch site at Moross betweenKercheval and Ridge to thetrustees of the Farms church.

The Methodist Union of Great-er Deltolt punhased the prop-erty In July, 1945 It hat! a 280foot frontage and a 517 footd('plh

Construction of the new churchIS u!iPel way.

The congregation IS cuuentlymeetmg 111 the n('w KerbySchool The Rev Hugh C. White15 pastor.

Trustees GetChurch Deed



MOVIESFor th€ Children.

Grosse PointeCongregational Church


3rd Daughter Arrives..1 t ZaUI1 Residel1ce

NathanJ('1 Hawthorne enJoyedno success as a writer until hewas 45 years old I

The Mothel" Club of As~ump.tIOn Colleg(' will sponsor thell",nnual Des~el t Bridge and FUIFashIOn Show at 1 pm, Satul-ddY dt Boys Cathohc Central aud-ItOriUm, John R at Belmont1- --Holiday FairSet for GrandOpening- Here

I Assumption Mothers ClubSponsors Fashion Show

:/ ' pR.4$ Y'j~,,/"

-Photo by De.


424 Rook Rllildin~WOodward 1.9085


Frnm 1~:OO A. M.

-~~r.F' Cn~DIC1Fn RY





Not an AucttOn~All Ite'fn$ PTlced

E\ crv object offered " the prnpert\. ofthe Gl E'en Eo;tate



Vlctonan and Early American FurnItureImpol led Stlver - Crvstal - Chma

Bnc-a-brac and BooksORIEXTAL RUGS


Household Furnishings


MIS Henr) B Joy, chairman T. Murphy, Mrs. John S New-of ho,tesses, has asked the f01-1 berry. Mrs Joseph B Schlotmanlowmg members of Grosse Pomte and Mrs N. Torrl!Y.Memonal Chul ch to assist dunng And past-pre:ndents M r I'the annual ChrIstmas Fair Tues- Charles Horton Metcalf, Mrs.day. DE'C 1 at the church parlors. Henry Newman, Mrs Han" M.

Mesdames EdwJn Scott Bar- Jewett, Mrs Gaylord W G!lllS,bour, Theodote H Hmchman, IMIS Carl B, Grawn, MIS Wilham IRichard P Joy, Irvmg Ketchum, F Arnoldy, Mrs Herbert W.Phelp~ Newbetry and Cameron I Mandel, and Mrs Earle R BridgeWaterman. I Mrs LewIS L. Smart, preSident,

Also Ml s. Frank FlU, Mrs, Fred I .... III also assist

Mrs_ Joy Asks Church MembersTo Assist At Christmas Fair

Chll,tmas (olon Will set thebackground and help the shoppers$1'. mg mto that holiday moodII hen the doors ot the HolidayFaIr open at 10 am Fllday, NOl18 at- ChiiSt Church, 61 GrossePOlllle Blvd

The Women's As,oclatlOn ofthe Grosse Pom~ CongregatIOnalChulth hao; agam obtaIned thefaclhtles or Christ Church fortheir Fair.

The Congl'egattonal Women'sA"ouatlOn Balaar \1 III have thepopular Apron Booth, With a 51'-leL!lon of some 250 aprons of allcolors and shapes

A thai mlng VISItor to the Pomte these days IS MISS Rita Strollers through the Fair WillVanSombee" who IS back In the Unll.ed Statet., her country by be able to lDSpeCt booths filledtholle, f1 om thl ee yeal s ~pent In hel ndtlve land, Holland. MISS With home-made candle; ,up-VanSombee", who Y,dS honoled Tue~day afternoon at a tea at the piled by the Youth Groups of thehome of Ml s Floyd Munson on Fishel load, and Wednesday after- church, baked good<, knIttednoon at the home of Mrs, Gem ge R. True on MOLan road, tells of need~ "Itthen speclaltJes hand-hel mtel ('stmg expeflences dunng her recent stav m Holland pamted art~' 1'5, antlques, andWh - many ChriS as gifts.

en she Cdme to Amenca In ,940, hers was somewhat of a The Doll fothes booth WIll bemllal ulous escape, The last Chpper to Holland cdflled her visa toh T one ot many at the all-day Fair

el he boat on which she wa' to leave !t om Holland 'lever l('ft Muth tUlle II III be needed to In-

"'nd mstead she took the last trdln to go to Pans, and left by boat 'pect the dl ray of doll clothingfloln It",lv un the day that Norway was mvaded. She felt that she and accessones rangmg from tmyWdS vel y fOI tunate m escaping at such a cllhcal time, and \Vondeled knItted mittens, ballet shppers toIIhy she had been so lucky. pink satm go\~ns and fur coats

"I never mtended to go batk to Holland," MISS VanSombeek For the children the group ha,>tdted, 'I liked Amenca so much, and especIally all the space here placed a booth nlled With ch!l.But while study 109 philosophy under DI OV~lstleet at Columbia dlen s entertamments In a stra-Umvelslty, 1 came 10 contact With the Baha IS and thlough them leglc. part ot the settmg Therereahzed how 1 could help many people In Holland 10 their WOIk II III be mo\ les. a real magicianfor world umty" and a Sponge Dummy Side Show.

'So, 10 1946," she continued," 1 retul ned to Holland At that jtIme food and fuel was 13tJOned and hvmg was dlfflcult. I don'tknow what I missed moo;t, whether it was not havmg eggs, orCltl us frUlt, or colfee. I had brought thmgs back With me but wemade one can of bacon lao;t a long ....,hlle. We cooked two ~illcesonly, and put them on the beans as a seasonmg for a meal for fourpeople ]n our house of nme rooms, only one room was allowed The Rev Allan Andrew Zaun,to be heated, and that, only from 55 to 60 degl'ees. I never could I pa,tor of Jefferson Avenue Pres-get wal m for many months:' • bytenan Church and Mrs. ZaUb,

"ConditIOns are much better now, and the ratlonmg and price announced the recent birth of •control enabled us to have an even dlstnbutlOn of food and other daughter, Andrea Grace Mrsarticles" Tuesday aftemoon, MISS VanSombeek beated the guests Zaun 15 the former Helen Mc-to a plel"e of Dutch Honey Cake which she brought back With her Donald of Portland, MamethiS summer. Also the parents of Patncla, 9

" and Vlclona, 6, the Zauns reSide'The Dutch liulfer most from the finanCial restnctlons, she at 823 Westchester road

said, • which make 1t una@e for them to travel abroad. ThIS willbe soh ed, we hope, when we have a unIted Europe and the firststep towal ds thlo; lS the Benelux Agi eement which aboltshed manytanffs between the countnes"

"The Dutth fear not so much an atomiC war as another m-vaslOn," she pomted out, "and In August I plan to return to Hollandfor bustne~s re..,sons representmg an Amencan firm, but aWhesame time to help the people of that country In theIr work forworld unity on a cultural and reltglOus baSIS that wlll guaranteeno further wars"

'Holland IS the nearest to Amenca of other countnes in Europe,"she feels, "10 Its freedom of rehglOn, fleedom of speech, and demo-'cratlc way of 1Ife" However, she pomted out that many people 10that country felt very hopeless and skeptical about the future

She studIed at the Umverslty of Vlenna and the Sarbonne 10Pans

Lcag lie J)laycrsin CIJildren s

melnbf'l ~ J()m the dJulllnl tomake \~dl' fOI nf'll Iilembelo;

Nev. (oupl('~ II) GI O~~f' POintewho al e lntele,ted 10 the Clubmay lall MI' Ual e GoodsellTUxedo 1.2206, for mfol mallon'

H~re i~ the Sen.;ational

"SANI-EM- TOR"e'clu'l\ e \\ I I h KIRBY.\\ hi C h pt>l nl 11<.,llhlan'lem(l\al of dill \\Ithoutremo\ 1111: the baJ( - JllSlIlllothN frahllr \I hlehplll~ the KIRBY l~O\'F:S O\XTT A,. TIO"\ SY<;TEM'''';j (';j,~ h. ,!'("f

Garden ClubTo DiscussCrisis Spots

Baha'is Observe,13211d Birthday

On Saturday, No~' "12, theBaha'IS of Grosse Pomte cele-brated the one hundred thlrty-second anl1lversary of the birthof the Founder. of theIr FaIth,Baha u'llah HIS teat hmgs nowtranslated m more than 40 dlf-felent languages, have adherents111 QS countlles of the y,orId

• The great obstacle to worldpeace" actol dmg to the Baha'IS,

l~ lack of the ~Plflt of reltgJOusharmon\ whit h depnves man-kInd of the moral energy neededto dev('lop a \\ olld order able toma lnta m JU<uc/, and bnng realcoopel atlOn fOI the common good

'In the mternatlonal Baha'Il"ommumt\ thl~ submiSSion to the~epal atIOn of rE'hglOn mto dlv('rseSE'Ct~hao; gl\ en way to the under-<tandmg that all the Pi ophetsha~e been Succe,Sl\ e reveal!'1 s ofone dl'me faith and onl\' bvne!!l('rt <.of theIr ba"c trutho; hasfaith become Impall ed"

Mrs 'Emil Leldlth of Harvardroad Will be hoste'5 to membersof the Gros,e Pomte Garden Clubat a luncheon In her home at 11a m Monday, NOl 21

I A diSCUSSIOnon "Cnsls Spot> InI Con<ervatlOn" Will be the featureof the meetIng, accordmg to theprogram chairman, Mrs FrederrckE. Gould

Among tho;e plannIng to attendare Mrs (;QuId Mrs Edgar BCooper, Mrs Robert Ward, MrsFredenck J Schumann, Mr5Richard w: Larwm Mrs ArthurE. Flemrnmg and Mrs Glenn DCurbs

Mr- J T Huelle, Mr' Vel nonJohnson, Mrs Wmdsor S DaVies,Mrs Pierre Y Hettler, Mr<Fredenck G Jones, and Mrs

• WillIam C Klenk ha~e also maderesef\'a hons

Bl Stal'l


Fifth Avenue



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Home San itationSystem

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Shown Only By '.rlonal KIrby Reprelentatlyes I •

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THE KIRBY COMPANY15641 HARPER AVE .. htwee" So""rl"t and .oltour

••• AND NOW •••

"Pushbutton Housecleaning"THE REVOLUTIONARY

Newcomers AnnounceFirst Founders PartyA f oundel \' Party will be

lIen )n the Ne ....comerll Club ot'rossr POInte at 8 30 p m Fn-a' 1\01' 18 at the Memollale;tel Many of the toundersr th(' club, OlganJzed In 1945,ill attend with the ,alumni andresent adll'e membersDanllng and card games are

nc1ud('d 10 the pi ogramThe pal tv has been planned byrepl e,entatlve group of the

lumnl Indudmg Mr. dnd MISstel Elhot of McMillan Road,

halrman, assisted by MI and J'1 I At J'1 'Irs ~t,lnJel' Huesh~ of Gland lay terrelaralo; Road, Mr and Mrs ellf-ord Lungren of Harvard Road, Inl1l~UE' In the ROl d! CUUIt ofIr dnct MI s David Moore of I Ober- \ 31hOOIC'd II III tome tolu,ko/"'l Road, and Mr tind MI ~ hfp In 'Long LiVe TIll' King' onlillam Hunt of FiShel Road ~hf' ,ldge dt PieHl' JunlOI High

School AudltOllUI! S t d'" little over fOUL yeal~ ago the N b 1 on d UI aI',. I b ovcm CI 26 when till' ChJ1d eeH (I/llel s C u WdS 01gamzed Th('dt I C gJ ou f tI J Ins

\lJ "nd MI s Bennet BUI goon POle UntOI Lea-v d d h d gue of Del! Olt pi e~ent~ tll 0 pelf Gr.' ton Roa an d a rostel fOI IndntP at 1030 -rani' ,IX touples NOlI wIth a m and 3 p mhe addlt Ion of Mr and Mrs Mllt- Thl~ \I (.('1,. the glOuP stdrt, tOUI-n pdll,at ot Bishop Road Mr mg th(' Detlolt o;thools Tlcketo; fornd :.1, < Robel t McCollom of the Plerc I' pel fOI mance can beI<hel Road, Mr and MIS Clm- pUI tha'l'd at the box offlteon H.tcher of Moran .Road, Mr Stall In" In thf' ca~t \I III bend \11, Wilham-Hammond of MI~ Jaml" I McChntotk andal\ard Road, and MI. and Mrs Ellzdbeth Robb ....ho endlt theupert Benson of Oxford Roard Juggler Chltkm m sepal ate per- I

! nell membels, the Club now fOI IndnCes Ml S Geol ge Black, Jrs an adl~e membelshlp of fifty and MIS Gelgel Smith ~hale theuples The Newcomel's Club villa me" I01(' Mal V '\taJllo Sem-

a' em lehed the vallous SOCIal me' dnd Mrs Ch,JI It>, P StP\\'dlld (u](Ulal mterests of the plot With them as the Vllldm-

roup m many ways After three Othels m the tast ale MI~ears of acltve membership m FI edellt C Ford, JILl dlaI' Ch..b has been concluded, the K('!f, MI s WIlham P Hel bel t

~il S Allen F Edwald, JI l\.tb

Geol ge THall FI antE'S Bo) el andAnn Fletcher.

S gO)a Eta Fme Al ts GIOUp \\ IIIotlnue Its <tud)' of Flemish andolland Pamting, FI iday, Nov. 18

t 11 30 a 111 at the home of Mrser Roo;s, 653 Lake\~ood, De-

IIT"o new members wdl receive<t degJ ee mltlatlOn ntesA prograOl of mUSIc Will bere.ented by Mrs Fred Asmusnd :\Ir< C W, Yeager,

- PARTlClP~TI'G '\11.E-Frank "arl~1I (An) "ohn I o.~11 ('II,rh 'II'T" '\,sn)Frank Wlna (LAW-CJO) FTank K... n~ (Anlo &< A"a Pa,ts 'II,,,)

Denby High School Auditorium - Tuel., How. 22-8 P.M.121100Kelly Rd (Dr. 6 Mile) .~dmisslon - 50e tax me


New! "Hlndi-Butl.,"

1_r,,1dll Ind butrml un.t

_ 11 e mlln of the h ...u5e'


Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place

For trouble. free operaOOll-for dependablebot wIIUwhenever yOIl wallt It-contractors, plumbingdealers and hudders liT"Go Electric." (omparethcadvantages a moderll elec.tric water beater gJve'lIldyoa.11 agree.

-......Bob illcE(t('hi1lOn New l}estroyer

Robert A Ml F'ol' /IIn sUHN, son of Ml dnn ;"Irse,~~McEachm of 348 llilicles~ S.tlclpated In the l lmmlsslonJnPolr.the destr.oyer USS RobertgtOwens. the Navv ~ Mlle,tsubmarme "klllE'I" de,trO\fanll.the Boston Naval hhlpvardr~nex, South Boston Mass-----

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Price Include.Lobor .nd

All Lllbric .....

TU 1.1600

Wide College CurriculumAdvocated by AAUW Survey

The Grosse Pomte Branch of Whole," says the report, "tlusthe American Assoclahon of Unl' means that such'. vanety of ot.verslty Womton receIve! the re- fenngs should be available Insuits of the nation-wide surveymade of AAUW evaluating theIr college that It IS pOSSible for .chcollege educahon. student to nnd traming WhICh

The two mam recommendatIOns would contnbu~e to any aspec,~from these Jindmgs were. of life In which she IS mterested

I-that college educahon shouldconsIst of trammg and experiencewhich are closely related to hfeafter college, and can be used Insome way '"not necessarily In avocahonal sense, but used forunderstandmg the world In whichone lives, for Increasmg one's en-Joyment, or one's ablltty to com.murucate With and understandothers"

2-that college educatIOn shouldbe broad and flexlble enough tostlmulate the maximum develop-ment of each mdlvidual, prepar-Ing each In the fullest way pas-SIgle for life after college.

"Taking college trammg as


R. H. Krakow'Rites Held

Luke, author of a book in the Relatives will hve beyond yourNew Testament, was a phYSICIan. mean! If given the ehance.

RItes well' held Monday forRichard H. Krakow, 67, of 1045KenSington Who died last Thurs-

Iday of a heart attack.Born m DetrOIt, Mr. Krakow re-

sided III Grosse Pomte for manyyears. He was vIce-presIdent otKrakow Furmture Stores. He re-hred SIXyears ago.

A good bowler, Mr. Krakowwas a captam of the Krakowbowlmg team which won a JOHN TRUDELLworld's btle In the Amencan I RItes were observed SaturdayBowlmg Congress at New York from the Van Lerberghe Fu-In 1937. nera! Home for John Trudell of

He was a member of the DetrOit 2009 FleetwoodYacht Club, Elks, Detrolt Turners, Mr Trudell is survIved by hisOredr of Foresters, and Furmture children, Mrs LydIa Gardner,Club of DetrOIt. Lester, Russell, and Mrs. Fran-

Mr. Krakow IS sUIVlved by a ces Ingram, and four grandchil-brother WillIam T. dren •

The GlO,~e POlllte Women'sAssocldtlOn wJ)1 hold group meet-mg~ Tue~day. Nov 22, meetingat 1230 for des,ert. •

Group one \llll meet dt thehome of Mrs Gear)'e Waldbott,1144 Balfour Rd

GIOUp t\\ 0 Will gather at thehome o( Mrs. James Cunnmgham,472 ColOnial Ct. Helpmg Mrs.Cunnmgham WIll be Mrs GlennE WlIkerson and Mrs. C L.Wanamaker. On the plogram WIllbe MIS Alton Huntmgton, super-mtendent of the JUnior Depdrt-ment, and Mrs Leonald Slowm.superintendent of the PrimaryDepartment of the C h u r c b Eleven cltoices 01 colors combined with new interior styling He featured in the 195(1FSchool. TheIr task Will b. to re- Custom Delau:e C1Pb Coupe and other models just introdueed by Ford dealers through OIl

,. late to the Women's ASSOCiation nation. Ford Division has aceomplished greater eomfort, safety and eeOOomy as weUGut~the materials and books used in axoved beauty of stylinc in its 1950 models. as-.the Mudy of nusSlOns In their --" _departments

Group three Will arrive at thehome of Mrs Ernest RdY, 1251YorkshIre, to hear Mrs. Hunting-ton and Mrs. Slowm speak beforethey leave to VISit group two

Along the same theme, Mrs.Edward W ChrIstian, hbrarlanfor Pierce JUnior HI, will talk tothe glOUp on chJldren's books,'espeCIally those of mterest toteenagers.

Servmg the dessert at MrsRay's WIll be Mrs. Paul Glffm,Mrs F. G. Treat and Mrs. JohnBell

Group IV WIll meet at 8 pm.with Mrs. D. W. Dicken, 1059Beaconsfield.

IChurch GroupMeetings Set

• CM.... _ .... IvIIrientI ..wi"'-r ......

, R&odin ,an-ator few wtIIIwdrivi"g.

10 Oeall. lPOCOond .... lpark pi ....-;Jlllipect fall ..... -ocIln If __

Icny.12 Oeall and htIhteft ....., ceWeI

and C_noctJOIII.

U Check hyclnruhc linin .......cylrll_flulcl

lot Safety chock- "II"". hOnl. .......hiottI wtpen OM .........


star, WIll be on hand to commenton the game.

Refreshments and a SOClalhourWIll follow the fil.m. \

Last week more than ]()O U.Mgraduates and theU' friends at-tended the bridge and canastaparty sponsored by the club atthe center.

Past presidents, Dr. John Por-ter. Dr. L. V. HeWItt, DouglasCrane, and preSident Paul Fran-seth, aSSisted Mrs. William H.Coddmgton, who was programchairman.

• • •

..... . .

• • •

• • •

_ lvtloric'" car.

2 Inlpect lIfICI rwpac. '"'" .......beari .

~ I",,*, lini"l ••

4 r........all ho .. c."MCtio" ••

I Inlpect 'fIincIIe ItoIh OM IlvM-illtll.

• IlIlpect lteeri'IItI 1I11n..!HI ~Illtl IMr.

7 Cho" 11."'I .. i...lullrlcollh I.wi ....

St. Paul Highlights


15401 EAST JEFFERSON at Nottingham

By MARILYN SMITH. Bmgo" was a predonllnant cry In 5t Paul's g) m last Tuesday.

Parhclpants m the game Included all students m the high >l'hoolTheIr admISSIon WdSa can of food or a donation to the Lillie 51.telsof the Poor to give to the needY for Thdnk~glvlng The fOItunatewmners of the various pnzes'wele Judy Beaupre, '51 JOdn Hacken-bUlger, '53, John HueUeman. '52 Elame Bllrblett. '5J <thiS luckyFreshman won two PIlZes), Janet Wruble, '53, Marilyn Bduer. '53,and June Dulac, '51.

Have you heard the good news about Bob Modaff? Well, onceagam Bob has won recognition 10r hiS writing ablhty. ThIS hmehe has been awarded the coveted pnze fOl hIS sport articles SUb-mitted to the MICHIGAN CATHOLIC. He IS "Prep Reporter of theWeek" and was press box guest at the U of D.8t. LOUIS game,November 13.

.Congratulahons also go toPearl Frontera who won anaward In the recent NatIonalBookkeeping Contest.• • •

. Friday night Hans von Bernthal was host for his guests. LeoKennedy, Duane Streb, Tom Pelkey, Denny McKellar, Tom Palmer,and Dick Gallagher. The boys began the evemng Wltb a show,and ended It by being house.guests of Hans'.• • •

The "Frosty Waves Fhng" at the War MemorIal Center lastSaturday night attracted a number of St. Paul students. Dancing tothe musIc of Bruce Roy were Janet Kmgsbury and Jerry LUbeski,June Allard and JIm Brenner, Sally McKernan and Jan Drake,Pat Gant and AI Schweitzer, Mary Lou Vernier and Paul WllhamsfiCarol Lundgren and Jack Trombley, Joan WhIte and JIm Furton,Gall DeGurse and Bob Slade, and Kay Kottenstette and JohnHuetteman. •

Carolyn Floer, JoanneSchwertz, Celestme Blondell,Dolly DeWolf. and CharlotteMarchand extended surprlsedbirthday Wishes to Dorothy Mar-cereau Monday evenmg. Alsohelpmg Dorothy to celebrate herbirthday were Audrey Haley,Phy1 Van Becelaere, SherrySweeney. Judy Beaupre, andTeresa Lyford.

GIrls, hurry and get your dates for November 18. This is themght for the bIg JUnior dance, "Harvest of KnIghts .. Place IS St.Paul's gym, the tune IS 9-12; orchestra, Ray Oberschulte; admiSSIon$1.25.

FIlms of the Mlclugan-OluoState grid contest WIll be shownat War MemorIal Center, 32 LakeShore road at 8 pm. Wednesday,Nov. 23, under the auspIces ofthe Grosse Pomte Umverslty ofMIchIgan Alumm Club. The pub-llc IS InVlted. There is no ad-mIssion cbarge

SpeCial guests WIll be GrossePOinte graduates of OhIO Stateand members of local hIgh schoolvarsIty football teams.

Bob Morgan, former U-M grid

Invite Public To See Filmof Mich.-Ohib State Grid Game

, The comfort. ClOnv.-n»eJre andpk>~~re)<ou ~t from f!C()noml-011 lIutomllt1c It,.. holllll! heAt-In .. CIIn be added to WIthn" tflmll! Ir fl'l.C /11lUrr Moi111/1.Th~ whol!' fllmll~' enJnv~Itllh('~Jt h promOllnjl; ho>N>fit" It~r-<i' /Inri hl<ht~n. no••_,..or~ I~un<i~ And II multItudenf 'OM It! t h!' hnmfO A nI'I It.""urn pl..ntv of pip,", Jl<,tWlItfOr IIt )'OUT finger bPI,arr>und tlM' clock. at low coR!You OInt'nJOY It _111_tllfw~ now'

English FilmEngland IS the theme of the

film program scheduled at theRdckham Memorial on Tuesday,November 22, the UniversIty ofMIchIgan ExtenSIon ServIce tin.nounces The htles are Canals ofEngland, The Islanders, and Brit-ain and Her Empire, the latterberng a March of Tune film. Thepublic IS cordially inVited to theshowmgs, whIch are 3.45 and 5 45pm There 15 no charge for ad-miSSIOn.


Show Room OpenMoD. - ThUl'S. - Sat. !0229 MACK AVE.

'tD9P.M. ~

Men Toil. at Yard Party



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• QualiJiedLicensed GuTU. 2-'3737 B~er Expertaves. PhoneTU. 5.3609

'-Th. Grosse Pointe Review-Thunday, Nov. 17, 1949•

By L. R. MARTINMost of us m the POinte ha.l'e not hved long ('nough to be

"anllllar \\ Ith the old-fashIOned qUilting bee 01 pound parties ofdays long ago Remlnlscent of the~e \\d~ the' Yald' Party given,t the new Sltl' of the Gro~se P()JI1te Congregational Church Satur.«ay Howevel. Instead of pdrJ~oJ-. (,.:!lllages. tea dnd fan('y cookIes,lhe accoutrements ("on~l~ted of \\ heelball all S. ~hov('ls, ~pade~, pIcks.and traclms. For It \\ a~ the 11len of the church who came to thIsYard partl'. they came plepdred to .plead the Yards of topSOIl,contributed by members of the lIJlurch famIlies and frIends, to~nlsh the gradmg and pI epare the ground for seeding.

The women of the church pro- ..-------------Vlded pIping hot coffee sened ICh h Obfrom a forty-cup pot and he.man urc servesdoughnuts, sened on the front US'steps of the church for mormng I nIon erVICeand afternoon snacl-s A hearty I ThiS ear the Eastnunster4uncheon \\ as abo prol'lded at, yfloon. the Ilorkl"en Ielaxlng on I Presb~.tenan Church, E Jeffer-clrder block. horses. plank. or son' at Manistique, WIll observethe SOCIal hall floor only long I the annual Eastside Unionenough to replenish their strength Thanksgl\ mg Selvlce on Wed.WIth foods In preparatIon for anafternoon of hard ,,'ork. nesday, November 23, at 8 pm.

ThIS union servIce IS rotatedamong the partIcipating churchesea("h \ ear, also the chOIce of thepreacher, who WIll be the pastorof the Grace E\ angehcal and Re-formed Church on thiS occasIOn.

The ho"t pastor, Rev TheodoreMoldenke, Will asSist WIth theReverends Rudloph Boyce of Jef-ferson Ave, Baptist Church.

For thiS hollday observance,the host church Will present spe-CIal musIc.

Other cooperahng churches areJ effel son A v e n u e Methodist,Kercheval Avenue Evange1JcalUmted Bretheren and JeffersonAvenue MethodiSt.

Lame backs and ~ore arn's andlegs ma~ have been the order ofthe next day. but much sausfac-.bon was e"pres.ed for a Job be-1ng well done Many of the "''''''E'men had labored the \\ eek-endbefore to complete the fill andprepare for the top SOIl :\1uch ofthe 325 yards of top SOil needed.lor the la\l n have been contrlb-lIted Everyone \\ as given an op-JIOrturuty to spread theIr con-l:nbutJon.

Mrs. MOrrison Speaks~t AAUW Meeting

The InternatIOnal RelatIOns'Study Group of the Grosse PomteBranch of the. American A,so-:elatIon of University Women WIllJneet thIS Thursday at 7 45 p.m..t the home of Mrs John R Pear,)07 Trombley road Mrs Jamesj!dorrlSOn. who recently returned"from a trip to Europe, Will speak4ln "News and Views of Unlver->Jty Women m Europe" Mrs"l'aylor Seeber WIll diSCUSSlegiS-~atlon passed at the National;;.A.AU W convention, and Mrs.~ear will gIve a resume of the~t meetmgs of the Foreign:Policy ASSOCIatIOn


Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place

, I



Re~tfully yours,



The members of the Charter C(')mmtssion Will be,lad to cliscuu any of the proviSIons of tn. charterwith any Interested cItIzen or group of cItizens. Ar-rangements may be made by callIng any met\,ber ofthe CommiSSIOn or the City Clerk.

The electton on the charter, w. remmd YOU

a~am. Will be on Incember 12 If \'ou haye notalrearlv registered al': an elf'<"tor In the V11lllge IIndar~ ~hglblp tn be registered be Alre tn d~ II" befl"lreNO\'ember 22

A veto power in the Mayor '''ould pernut lessthan a maJonty of our elected offICIals to determineI matter of general CIty concern. Un~er the charterIS it has been drawn no one person or group of per-sons wIll have any speCial nghts or powers 1n thegovernment of our, CIty. The CItIZens can hold theCouncil fully responsible for the conduct of our localgovernmenl

The Mayor will have no speeial admmistrativeor executive powers or duties ,except to preaide 0\'Wmeetings of the Council. He will have a vote on .veryquestion but It Will be the lame vote as every othereouncilman will have. He will not have the power -Df veto. Our Vtllage PreSIdent has had ne vetopower and has had no right to vote at all except ot1lyin the case of a tle vote in the Council. lUs appoin.tive and other powers have all been subject to theapproval of lite Village CouncIl and he has had nospeCIal administrabve or executive powers. The newcharter WIll therefore make no substantial change inthe form of local municipal government which wehave had in the past-except the ehmmatlon of theunnecessary TownlhJp.

The provi!ion for the ~election of the Mayor bythe Council from its own membership will result iftthe maximum cooperation betw~ the Mayor andCouncil, wIll avoid the chance of loss of experiencedcouncilmen in a separate contest for the offic' of--Mayor, and wIll concentrate public interest at .lee-tions in the vote for councilmen.

Four ()f the seven councilmen (the majority}wIll be elected by th~ people every two years.Three of these four (the three receiving the highestnumber of votes at the popular election) WIll servefor four years and one will serve for two years.When vacancies are to be filled at a regular elec-tion the additional elected councIlmen will also servefor two years. The cItIzens Will be able to changea majority of the counCIlmen, if they wish, every ~two years.


from th.e


November 17, 1114.


Grosse Pointe Farms

Important Letter,

CItizens who have reSIded in Michigan for flmonths and in Grosse Pointe Farms for 20 days mayvote If regIstered. The last day of regIstratIOn fortills December 12 electIon WIll be Tuesday, Novem-ber 22. Clbzens who are regll.tered electon in theVIllage of Gro'lse Pointe Farms n~ed not re-regi<iter,CItizens who are not now registered electors 1ff theVIllage must regIster between now and November 22in order to vote at thiS December 12 election.

The Charter CommISSIon hRll held 34 meetingssmce last March Each meetmg lasted several hours-some of them very much longer. In prepadng thecharter th. Commission hl.l made use of expertadVIce. mcludmg the contmuous and helpful servtcesof the staff of the MIchIgan Mumclpal League, andof th~ practical advice and experience of presentand former offICIals and employees of the City orVIllage The CommISSion conSidered the forms of~o\'ernment adopted bv other MIchIgan C1t1es andIfter extenstve conSideration and diSCUSSIonreachedthe unammou<; conclUSIon that the plan set forth In

the plOposed charter WIll pro\'lde the best form oflocal government for our community.


CopIes nf the CommlssIOn't; letter nf October 24whIch lle-compamed the flrst publtshed text of thechaller ard whIch outlined Its Important prO\'I~lonscan be obtamed at the Clerk's offIce.

The charter In Its final form has been submittedto the Governor as required by law and has beenapproved and signed by hIm. It il being officiallypubhshed today In full in the Grosse Pointe Newland copIes may be obtamed at the City Hall,

The Charter CommiSSIOn of the CIty of Gross.P-ointe Farms has finished Its work. A charter hasbeen prepared and a publIc hearing has been held.A copy of the charter In its original text was sent toall cItizens on October 25 WIth I. letter from theCommIssion outhnmg the most important provisions.

At the publIc heanng In the City Hall ;'\jO\'ember~ IntI': f'~t cen tel erl on the hat;lC' prO\ IS10ns In the('hinter "h:<h prn\ Hie for an elected wven mil"C/'\unnl, llnd (nr th,. ;ppOlntment b,' the CounCil rYffin,. (If ltt; members In ~n'e f(lr tv. 0 'ears lit; Mll\ nr.

Full pl"lv.'er and rpt;ponstbrhty for the go,'ern-ml"nt of the CIT\' " placed m the CounCIl It mu~funcI'on ltt; a wholp and mat not a,>sl~ fhf' lllimml~-fla'inn of an\ depa'tment to any member or to anycommlttH of membeu.

A few changes were made in the text' of theproposed charter whIch was distributed on October25. Most of these changes were either corrections of I

typographIcal errors or clarifications of phraseology.Only a very few reVIsions involved any changes ofmeamng and none of these were important. Amarked copy of the charter 111aVallable at the Clerk's

"offIce ill the CIty Hall where any interested citizencan readIly and convemently find the changes wluchwere made from the first text.


A special electlon on the adopbon of the charterwill be held Monday, December 12. For that electlonthere Will be only one polling place, the present CityHall on Kerby Road.

R r I fl~. (" \ r1f'lJilf .. Pt I f'.

TU. 2.3883


~~Now ,.~.

Presentinc -~


of;. Detroit's Favontefl<j. "VOICE"


8ill CarlessTops RotarJLo~p Bowlers

Farms Market came up With I

another reeord-buster last weekat the Woods Recrea~on. A shorttIme ago Pat Patnck took tophonors by bowl 109 a 232 game,then along came Ed Taube With248 to replace Pat Last week Bill ICar less topped both of hiS teammates WIth a high Single gamllof 266 and hIgh three, 673, ..record that should stand up forthe balance of the sea~on It wasMondry Cleaners who had themIsfortune to be up agamstFarms, they dId WlIl the last Igame to save a shutout.


Farms Market ••.•••••. 28 12G P. RevIew ••.••••.•• 25 15Houston Bros fIlC. .....:!3 17Earl Holzbaugh • ,.. .. 22 18P & J Cod.tall Lounge 22 18 IAuto Club 21 19 ,Motor City Tlreg .. . ., 20 20 IMIddle Atl Transp Co .•. 19 21 I

Mondry Cleaners . . .• , .17 23Kopps PharmaC' ..• •• 15 25Plches Barber Shop •.••. 15 25



HarrlSOft Ca rpetB •••••• 13 27

GPH Gridders 1 ..T•h... G.'OI....... '... i".t._R.".i ••W.-.Th.. urt..d.o.y,_NO.Y•.• 1.7,_19.4.9-.. 0:1

.End Season I

In 3rd Place

• • •




STANDINGSBruce Wigle 15Beldmg Cleaners . • ...... 14Mack.Notllllgham •• " 12Cramer EIf'ctTlc 12G P Pllntlng 11Imperial Cleanf'rs ••. , ••••• IIWhv1.e O!d~moblle ... .• 11Boutin r Sfon Ice 10Janet's Lunch 10Oak Cleaners 9Moor 5 Bar 9G P Curtain •• 9Kennelh 8Turnt'f BUIck 7Tom Bovd . • • • • . •. •• 7Ru.tlC' Cabm' 5

Marian Blackmore, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Jel!l H. Blackmore,1329 BerkshIre road, wu incharge of the Homeee.mmg QueenelectJon for the recent celebratlOl1a1 Denison. She 1& a juruor.

Heise Leads'PrintersTo 4-0 Win

Charley HeIse showed why he1.1 rated 85 one of the mo~t Im-proved players 10 the GrossePointe BUSiness Men's Leaguelast week when he rolled ,amesof 210, 180 and 230 for a 620series to lead the Pnnters to a 4to 0 WIO over Boutin'S SerVlce

Charley. who carned an aver-I age of 150 last year, Just mIssedI the Jackpot He was topped byI Ed DaVId who posted 630 series

With games of 236. 211 and 183 forWhyte Olds' to help them takethree pomtl from Mack-Nottmg-ham

DaVid ala<> helped Whytes posttwo season hIgh marks teamthree, 2737 and team Single. 952

Other bowlers who postedscores of 200 or better last weekmcluded Lou Stemel, 223; TomLendzlon, 216, BIll Ford, 216;Richard Lundberg. 213, Bruce

I Warren 213 MarVin Quellette.1211, JIm DeYonker 203 BobLundberg, 202 and Harold Ben-ner, 201.



Opea ..,rry .ye 'tIl t

We Cater ToPartu/! - Clulll, etc.

TU 5-4220

14205 E. J.ff.nonat Ne~port

FREE PARKINGComplete Sunday

Dinner • • , $1 65

St. Paul Women'sBowling League

STANDI"GSSllvel Crown Ballroom 18 18~l'Vu) 5t Contraltor 25 111JI~y Molor !-'dles L'i 11Upper Malk ell'dU!''' L1 15J M ~hulflebodld Co 20II> '----------_-.11 ByJOHN DRAKE!->l1Il'1\ l~h M'lI kl't 11} j 7 Jo.dllor', Note: News Ilt'ms of 'rhe bo()k~ al e llo~ed on the I

Kopp\ 19 17 ,01leg,' a' tl\ It, lO n l ern J n g Blue Dl'vl!s' footbdll sed son!->ell'll ,. UI Handolph 18 18 GJ ""I' POinte E'nrol!el'S d.1e I e A~ d I e,ult of the Royal OdkHI I!:!:' Phal mat \ 17 19 t I'lvt'd flom nev. s bUI E'aul' and! vl,tory over Fordson GrOS~l'Old\\ d\ ~ Ore,s Shop l7 19 pullltt 1f'latlOn~ of[lles of the POinte completed the 8ea&On In aMdnol Bar 17-II} school~ thl ee.way lie for third place In I

G P RadIO 17-19 • • • the Border Cltle8 League TheySquare Deal Cleaner~ 17-19 Bov.lmg Gleen btdte U'lI\er- share the notlh WIth FordsonG P Gardge 16.20 Sit) <B" ....lmg Gleen. OhIO) re- and Hlghldnd Park, all havmg IKll bv Vawum lit'dner 16.20 port~ thdl DI~k Jackson, son of a 2-3 won-lost record.Dl'ttolt Gas BUlner 16 lO the Atlhur D Jalksonli of 21!lWoods Ba. 16-20 M( MJJldn wa Ii am 0 n g 158 ThIS IS a slIght Improvement IKammer Bedulv 10 26 plt'dged to 14 soual frd.tel nittI'S over last year s fourth.place poSI.

~~ IHigh Gamu. for NIght ~~g~~ .s~~OOI Dilk III pledged to Coach Ed Wernet awarded var- IM D\\ Hr, 19'), B Cd.~ev, 184 • • • Slty letters to 30 boys Of these I

E Adallh. 179, C !'.rdo-, 179 M A 15 are ~eniOIS who WIll not play...11 Mllhlgan State ColI£ ge ld~t

I SolI,;, 179, L Flomm 177 M A k I It D high s,hool ball again.B k IHI' OCd I e on M Gu\ Jr, Semor letter winners are Stu- II at man. 174 G Fluan 174, jowed the rank~ of 'Gleen Hel-M R J d 173 lllet' ~ophomore honOlary so- alt Fllesema, Don Glees, BobI 0 dn , ,F. Champllle, cJet} GI ant, Jen y Jenkens, Bayard171 , • • • Johnson, Ron Knowlps, DICk

High Sl'lleI for Night Howard M Bingham, 12Jl Lower)'. Larry MaTI, Duane Mar-M Roland. 502 B Ca~e\ 480 Hal val d rOdd, \\. as Ime of 107 shall, Roger Muher, Bob Peter-

L Fromm. 476, M Goosen' 461: Hdml!ton College alumOl who son, Bue! QUll k, Don Shaw,E Adam~ 455, L Semon' 455' ~l't \ ed as volunteer workers of MliurlCe Strong, and Ruu Volz I

M Sotra, 452 ' the $53223 HamIlton 1949 Alum- Next season WIll find tnunedManor Bar rolled 2068 to take III Fund, PIesldent Robel t W. boys 10 all pObltlOns except nght

first place for the season In team I Mt E ....en announ(ed Bingham hdlfbdck Fourteen lunlOrli andserles ~el I'ed as ChaIrman of the Ath- a sophomOl e, 8dm Shaw, WIll be

------ letlc Committee, Vice-Chairman the expenenced lettermen form.If evelythmg seems to be gomg of the AlumnI CounCil Steermg 109 the backbone of the 1950

wrong at tImes, take a tiP flom Committee. and as a member of squad,an alTohat He turns a flop Into the Commencement and Special The 11th graders returnmg an:a succes~ GIfts CommitteE's EI nest Allen, George Alpervltz,

"I don't know what the ('ollege JIm Barker. Hugh BeVier. Ben Iwould have done \\.Ithout thiS Bray. Pat Brogan. Da\ e Catton,money," Dr. McEwen said "ThIS Wlll'am Delling, Courtney Leck-year It was the eqUivalent of an I !lder. Tom Malick, Fred Metry,Income from an added $1 ~O 000 IBIll Rupp, JIm Schoeck, and Billof endowment. "Wmkler.

Durmg the past ten years The Groase Pomte High bas-HamIlton alumni-lust 4 000 I~ ketball and sWimmIng teams ,areall, have gIven their colIege a bemg formed ...nth many DOYSotal of $443,146 III the annual pI act!cmg on the court underfund drIves Coach Wernet and In the pool

• under Coach Frank Banach. I• • • BORDER CITIES

Martha Jen Watkms, daughter LEAGUE STANDINGSof Mr. and Mrs C 0, WalklOs, Team W L P420 McKmley was recently pled- Wyandotte, ••• ,. .., 5 0 10ged to Alpha Phi SOCIal soronty at RIO kDuke University after a three oya a •..•..••••• 4 1 ~ I

k h Grosse POInte 2 3 ..wee s rus mg penod F dThe thnteen .orolltles at Duke or son.' .••••... 2 3 4

pledged a total of 197 fre~hman Highland Park ..•..•• 2 3 4girls, Monroe. 0 5 0

CSIt oua CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLANA Small Depolit Bolds An) Girt "1 Cbristmas!

Men'. Wear

• D\"nerr• LuncheotU• 8rraJctUta• Shorl Ordft't

%4 Boar -Serville(CIOIId TueedaYiI

Dinners is cents and UpRome Mad, Pies and Pastries

BLOSSOM INN RESTAURANTIMt5 -.. Warretl, GOner Beaeoufiekt1'", ..... Stne GtJa.aOf flit 0_ ......





BLUE - MAROON - BROWN - GREEN - GRAYContinuous waistband. Complete atoek ef". $79 5A REAL BAllGAIN VALUE • . ..,

Also Famous Marlboro Corduroy

~~U:fO:i:::,si~~~ $695

We «)uld be staunc.h be!level ~htlrn1ty, too, If a ndl uncle

It us a fortune, like happen& to!!It pt'<lple.

lwrrh Cage 5'8et RegulationsGrosM Pomte Inter-Church\lllelle Le.gue oft'ICI.la .n-

/Iced th.t .11 ~. have 18-Ived eoples of the rule. fort newl!' 01ganlled basketball

duerhe tlrst ,ames are scheduled

be played December l' alroes' pomte Hllh .nd Plelce

Hlr Hrgh erms.

B V.D. Genlline 1~%


The Jury Says It Should Be ShownCROWDS PRAISE IT



Page 8: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place



Telephone Niagara 5-5000"Service Is Finer at Steiner's"


City ofPointe Farms



Lubricate Chassis with proper SLubricant. Check Axle andTransmission Lube. CheckBattery and Cables. CheckBrake and Clutch Adjustment.Change Motor Oil. . ••..... "



HARRY A. FURTONClerk of Election Commlso;100

City of Grosse Pointe Farm~

To The Qualified Electors of

The City of Grosse Pointe Farms:

Notice of

Notice is hereby gIven that a Special Election will heheld in the CIty of Gro~se Pomte Farms in the Count\ ofWayne and State of MichIgan on

MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1949from 7 o'clock m the forenoon untIl 8 o'cl~k in the aftel noonEastern Standard Time, at the pollmg place located at 90Kerby Road, m said City. for the purpose of

(1) Voting on the following proposition:The adoption of the Proposed Charter for theCity of Grosse Pointe Farms as drafted by theCharter Commission ejected on March 14: 1949.

(2) Electing the following City officers:

Seven Members of the CounciJand a

Justice of the Peace

All quahfied regIstered electors of the VIllage or Chr

of Grosse Pomte Farms shall be cntltled to \'ote at thlc; Spr( IlllElectIon,

If you are not alread \ registered In the reglst rJlll'1n

books of the VIllage of Grosse Pomte Fanns and Wish tn \ (lt~

!OU must regIster on or before ~o\'cmber 22. 1949. \\ "1l( hIS the last day to register for thIS election.

Note that there \\ III be onl\' one (1) pollIng placE' forthis electIOn \\hlC'h \\ III ~ the Village Hall. 90 Kerb\ Rnfl0


Native Tells NewZealand Story



Center's 20-30 Tear/css Cooking Is Speaker's Topic. Cookmg WIthout Teal s" wIll I MI ~ Agne~ lJ'lw

COUll('il Elects be the tOPiC of Luty COlbelt devotIons W1lll!14when .she addl e~se$ the Evening I Hostes~e~ v.ill hl! M

F. Off. 'Group at Women s As~oclatlOn Dettloff. MJ' Rai ~J AnQ]I Irst Icers of Grosse Pomte Memorial I Mr& F S Rubln'on PM R.. Chulch Tuesday, Nov 22 at 8 Shll1Jto and Mh W IS An

I The YOLlIlg Peo~Je ~ (ouncd of m In the chulch parlor. pie allar~TWar I\lemolJal Centel, compl'lse" P _. _of 18 mc 11 and women In the 20-.10 dge bl at kel held Ihell fit,,1election of officers Thur~day atthe Centel

GeOl ge Gelov. "dS elee tedpI€~ldent

Othel ollitCI, 1l1clude RuthNeff. ~ecretd\ \ a";I~ted by JoyceBo\\ en, Sall~ Steallon and MaryLou Long. DOll Sickebteel andBill Cole. CO.lledSUlelS, and MIdnd M" Hall~ Schlodel, co-chaIrmen at the lOalfled touples

CdlOl SanfOld IS publlcllychaIrman

COll11l1Jtteechalflllen dre SpeedRuttel, Infol mal evelllng~, BIllElne, oances, Jean Lea\ Itl, JOdnSlckelsteel, hospItalIty Mal]OfleLittle and Chul th Reno, specIalevents. and Hem y MUll ay. house

Pat RIggel t, BI uce and BermteNeff, John JacobI, Leu y Dlemlenand Elall1e Molschell \\ III sen eon standing commIttees

The coloJful StOlV of New Zea-IHumor:st land wIII be brought to a DetrOItIi Town Hall audience at FIsher

The Iltuahsttc exel clses WIll fol- Theatl e at 11 am. Wednesday,low, under the dIrection of Chan. To Star III Nov 23cellar Ro) Matthews and War- As oan atOl, Bathle Stuart,den Phlhp B<>mmallto I U M "N. 1" world tlaveler and laconteur,

Joseph RaShid WIll deliver the. 19 It \VIII descnbe hlghhghts of hermemOrIal address Rlchardlan llttle.known homeland She \VJllErnest F, ROSSI will dellver the A Unl"elslty of Mlthlgan brmg to the DetlOlt audience hereulogy. alumnus "ho has become well new and amaZIng motion plctules

The unlfollned commandelY. knOll. n as a I awo humOllst WIll In color of the <;<.enlCwonders ofFoUl th Degl ee, WIll act as guard return to the campus on Novem- New Zealand They Ie enhvenedat honor, under the Ieadel shIp bv unusually plclul esque "shots"of Dr. C, B Lundy. The eAer- bel 18. of MaOrI natl\ &'; at work and atelses "Ill conclude at noon Robel t Q LeWIS IScomlllg back pldY •

to hIS alma mater to sel "e as I Advance Iesen ahons fOI themaster of cel emomes for Val Slt~ attrattlon al e available at GrIn-jNIght, a student variety show nell s, WOodward 2-1124sponsoled by the Umverslty of -_____ IMIchIgan bands Chesterfield .Mat Cald

Varsltv N I g h 1. h adltlOnallyheld at -Home-comIng hme, was WhItey Wahlberg meets Plelle

LaSalle In one or thlee mall1changed to a later date thIS year e\ents Fnday mght. 830. on theto gIve more tIme to test the wresthng card at Chestellieldstudent talent to appear on the Alena, Gratiot near IO-Mlle lOadstage of HIll AuditorIUm along Al War,ho\\ SI-I tangles WIth JackWIth the Concert Band, Bnlton m another feature and a

LeWIS WIll fly to Ann At bor on tag team match has for part 1-

Nov 18 and expects to stay ovel clpants Steve Nenofl' and Stevefor the OhiO State-MIchIgan game Zold agamst Johnny Gates andon Saturday. Dale Haddock

Egg TipA better eookmg for bollmg

eggs than USlOg hot water II toplace them m cold water andbrmg the eggs and water to aslmmenng temperature together.


City ofGrosse Pointe FarlDs


To the Qualified Electors of the


Notice of Registration

HARRY A. FURTONVILLAGE CLERKVtllage of Grosse Pointe Farm8

City of Grosse Pointe Farms:

You are hereby notified that the Board of Registrationfor the Special ElectIon to be held m the CItv of Grosse PomteFarms on Monday, December 12. 1949, for the purposes ofvoting on the Proposed City Charter and to eject seven memobers of the Council and a Justice of the Peace, WIll be inseS~IOnon

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1949From 8:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M.

(The Last Day to Register)I.or t'ne I' - --"" ~r ~€-:~~~~:_- ~l..~~ ...... l.. ... --- not alreadvrUl jJV~,;;:;: U.1 .I 5j,.:, '-c 1 .lU5 iLlI\J"'t.,.. 1\r 1.IV cu c::

regIstered on the regIstratIOn books of the VIllage of GrossePOInte Farms.

You are further notified-that ~'ou mav regIster dallv atthe offIce of the Clerk, 90 Kerbv Road, from 8'30 A M to4:30 P. M , Saturdays untIl 12:00 Noon.


Photo b' \ .Jl\a\PIctured above are the contestants who ahead. at the left, IS Tommy Locke. fol.

competed 111 the Balloon Blowmg Contest !owPr! r!o~!y by Johnny Locke, Sharenheld at the Neighborhood Club's weekly Mahl, Stephanie Sumnef, J efry Mahl, and

_T_h_ea_t_f_e_P_a_r_tY__ Ia_s_t_F_f_id_a_y__ e_v__e_n_In_g._,_F_a._f__ M_o_r_f_Is_L_l_n_c_la_u_. ~_

Richard Holds Memorial RitesGabnel R I C h a r d Council,

Kmghts of Columbus, WIll ex-emphfy Its 25th annual memonalexercIses on Sunday, Nov 20,openmg \\ Ith a MemOrIal Massand Corporate CommunIOn at 8p m 10 St, ElIzabeth Church, Mc-Dougall Avenue at Canfield

MonsIgnor Joseph V Pfeffer.pastor of St Elizabeth Pansh,and Chapla10 of Gabnel RIchardCounCIl, WIll celebrate the mass.The Spmtual IntentIOns WIll beoffered fur departed brothers .partIcularly for those who dIeddurmg the past year and In per-petual memory of those who gavetheIr hves for God and for Coun-try during the recent war,

ImmedIately after Mass a rom-phmentary breakfast WIll beserved 10 the club dmmg rooms.

called "KllIg Gole's CappeNl" Everyone of high school age inGrosse Pomte IS mVlted, There will be Ralston Clark's mUSIC, andchaIrman Sue RIggs pronuses a colossal time for everyone,

Torught, the curtain WIll go up' on the openIng performanceof Kmd Lady, given by POInte Players, November 17, 18, 19




City ofGrosse Pointe Farms



and a




County of Wayne, Michigan

Harrv A. Furton..Secretary ofElection CommissionCity of Grosse Pointe Farms

To the Qualified Electors of theCity of Grosse Pointe Farms:

Notice is hereby given that Novem-ber 28, 1949, is the last date for filing,nominating petitions as candidates for theoffices of

m thp City of Grosse POinte Farms forthe election of CIty offIcers to ~ held inconjunctIon With the electIon on theadoptIon of the City Charter on Decem-ber 12, 1949. Such petItions shall be filedWIth the underSigned Secretary of theElection CommISSIon.


I-The Gross. Pointe Re"iew-Thurtcloy, Nov. 17,


Pu. CJ , " ....... .,.... " 11141


"That ~ as the most mterestlng assembly we have had.""'Wasn't that German boy handsome~"''The boy from Iraq spoke Enghsh very well ..

• These were a few of the comments heard la~t Monday followmg: the unusual semor a~emblv \\ hen flve foreIgn students from, Ml.ehlgan State College ",ere guests at the high school DUll"lg an:_1mpromptu dISCUSSIonIl1 the audltollum, Glos~e POinte High stu-

dentli asked the VISItors questIOns about theIr natIve countr~', andthey III tUIn asked the audIence some questIons concel nmg datmgand education m our commuOlt\ I

In Older to get a taste of Grosse POInte tomfl1umty lIfe, the"e I'students ~pent Sunday ana Sunday night m the homes of highlI1:hool .tudents The representatlve flOm Fll1land stayed WIth SueMartm, a young gIrl from Japdn spent the nIght at Sue Spurner s.,and the thlee boys leplesentll1g German~ IndIa, and Ila<f werethe guestb of HalfY Easom, Dick Guenthet, and Dan I;larrettGunther Slchele, the bo~ flom Gel many, expressed a strong dlshkeof that "ondel fltl fOIm of musIc. be-bop

Concell1lng the SOCIalactlvltlesIn the Pomte, the "Flosty WaveFlmg" at the Memolla! Centeldlew a lalge crowd of teen-agels, Saturdav night Blight tdf-fetas and chckmg hIgh heelsadded to the evenmg enjoyed byRobbIe Roberts 'n Tommy Nel.son, Joan Kennard' 'n Ion Mc-Lellan Margaret Guy 'n FlltZBloy, Carol Krause 'n Paul WIl-hams Bal bara James 'n TedMumford. Judy Gehlert 'n BI uce

~ DavenpOlt, Carol Zmlmels 'n"~ Elton Bamford, Sally Lemon 'n

MISS CLEMENTS Jerry Strl'k, and LaVinIa Mc-Clung n Jerry Waldllp Othel, ~een dancmg 10 the lalge ballroom

: Were Peg MOleland 'n Hank Hubbard, Mary Ann King 'n BobScherer, Irene Saan 'n Bud Lang, Joan Scherer 'n Jerry Brown,

• DIane SchleIcher 'n MIke Best, and Manon Ortolf 'n EldenMarweede,

Bundled up m sweaters. plaId shirts. and Jeans, Barb Memke 'nJerry Forth, Arlene ZlCk n Gordon Faust, Ahce HIli 'n EddIe Lang,Russ HasklJlgs, Mary Dahlen, Joyce Amason. Dawn Hafer, Larry

- !'rear, Judy Wilson, Sandra Strehler, Judy Goodnow, MarIlynAdelman, and Calol Vollmer went out to the Lazy J. Ranch, Satur-day evenmg for a haYrlde gIven by the Young People of St. James

:-t;utheran CourchSuie Sharrer's guests sought dill pIckles left-over Halloween

pumpklJls, strawbernes, and corn cobs on theIr scavenger huntSaturday Olght, and then presented theIr findmgs to Peggy Flsheras a token of theIr esteem on her 16th bIrthday. It was a surprISeparty and the guests mcluded JanDle Holhster, Elaine KIhen,Joannte Merrill, AruiJe Puldy. Joanrue Johnston, Margaret Ann

, Joop, Carol Kretchmar, Elame Otto, Ann Busby, Jane RIppe,Margaret Foote, MarCIa BoothE, and Nancy Crowe,

Joy ChamberlalJl was hostess to 75 members of the East SIdeChapter of the Allied Youth organtzatlon, Sunday Dlght. A scav-

, ~er hlUlt was the malO event here, also. Hot on the traIl of a• donut with buUons sewed on It, a stuffed owl. and a 12-mch red: leather were Melvm GJlchnst, Blll Kuhn, Ann Glasgow, Barb. Waldow, JIm Rogers, JIm Remdel, BIll Krumple, Bob Coe. June:Erltchard, Janet Scaddmg, Gene Cope, DIck Yates, John Brabb,

Anne«e Guttenage, Nancy Scott. and Paul Johnson.-- The loeabon of the Chflst Church Young People's dance,

' IOtiItled the uSock Stomp," has been changed to the gym at the I

Country Day School lllstead of the hall at the church. Nevertheless, I

the other plBBS are rapIdly, takmg shape, and everythlJlg w111 be: ready November 18 when the students start pounng In for danCIng I: and refreshments,• Wec1needay, November 23. is the date of the TuxIs Dance to be


Page 9: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place





111.1[' '


LA. 7.2730U631 ALMA




John W. ReesorPAINTING


and DECORA TINQQuaIft,. WorkmaDshl,



WA. 1.212'2 WA. I-21M


Why not let us rent coati uuldressea for butJel'll ud maJc1JTAlso bed linens and llnens f.speelal oeeuionl.

A.LAUor, C,


10844 Harper Ayeftlle

TU. 1.9494 TU. 5.3718


GalConversion BurnersCOMMEllClAL • aEIIOEN1'IAL



Painting and DKoratinl

Linen Servic.


•• •









Repaired, Replaced aDdCleaned-

Metal Decks-PorchesFlat Boofing



VA. 2.4558



Whim 1'00 bu1'tl CUzlri!ieci.Ad


This Newspaper's

For Space Reservation on ThiA

Valuable Directory Call VA. 24558


East~~AKE~E!f~t~~~:rPly(AroUlld corner from lean)

WI DEliVIR VA. 1-5514HOUri I 30 10 S 30 Dally


Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal4708 EASTLAWN VAlley 1.8548

Dellvered by Curter BoYIEvery Thunday • Ilk: I Month



Men'lI and hadles' SUits Tailored to OrderAlterations, Helmmg, Cleamng and Pressing14931 E. JEFFERSON. AT CITY LIMITS

Fred M. Scbuman Est. 1925 Open Eves. T1l17.00 VA. Z.3OD--

BE SUREOf Reader Interest



ROBERT'S16330 E. Warren

TU. 2.4550 VE. 9.0880Open 10 a.m. '1119 p.m.

Guarant~d WorkPick.Up and Delivery


-Radio Repair S~rvic.

The GrOile Poil,te RlView- Thursday, No", 1', 1'4'-'I


Your KEY to SALESIn sellIng )our homeor bustne~ as w~l1tiS securIty In hUYIngIS at I~~I~ Mack Ave.



TU.5-2770n~ls ....ACK II lIiOrrI;IIGHAM


To Sell or BuyEast Side Property


TU 5-2770






Houses for Sore



FOR SALE BY OWNER:Bunlllllnw. :5 room~, 1 .,ear old IFJrf'plll('1' lUll!! attiC" ~t(lrm ~ash.~crM'n. Illrge terrilC"('. trl'e~, OIl

A C hut h~r. plano, beachpnvllelle~

Real Estate For Sale

To Sell or Buy RealCALL

Martha S BachersVA 1-7710 -- VA 2-04381We ha .. hUHrs ...aIlIng ~ e have asI.ft' of capable eft'lclent ... les people

We are con'eniently located100.1 MARYl.AND AT JEFFERSONOpen 9 to 9 Daily - I to 5 S,...d.y



19391 MACK DaDeENear Woods Theatre DEALER

Wanted to Buy

~='in "i~~11~e~t b~':.se~~~~~:~'j~r'i.Jfu'r~, ~'&~~lrc~~~,Nval"2.2115

JlEGLATJON pool table and acce.-80Tles TU. 5.2357

ROCKING HORSE In lood conditionCall TU. 2-8734

Trains for Sale

1948 LIONEL Swltcher lei wilh extra I

t1JMa;~d%e~~~~I.rle~ii,c e~~~fr~~1<ondlllon. extra.. Irack. Can TU I2-9731

Wearing Apparel

BOY S 'SANDY ROSS" .ult navy IlIannel, Ilze 18, $15 Wonderful value-blue t" eed sIZe 14, $10 NI 9221

GOING SOUTH-SeJJlng lad,.. coati.ulls, dressei, SIze 10-14 ,Irl S coatpersian trim 12 man S lult .nd topcoal, 3G bov I coal 12 realOnabl.1570 Ford C'ourt bet .. een 7 and 8Mile Rd, .oulh 01 Mack

I Aportment for Rent

Miscellaneous for Sale I PET SHOPS\ConUnuedl

WEDDING, party or reunloa eu4ldJ, HUFF'S PET SHOPor home portrait< " I KITTY LITTER

pholo,rachv by. DEE ~ PET StPPLIESRooeville 0438-\\1


HAMSTERSLI:a~~fo~';~~~n 0~a~h~~cr~~~3~ok' Your Choice $1 ea.TELEVISION-Table model Phllco BOIU!'; MEAT I

~ lood condlt,on. used only 4 Fresh - C&JIned • 'rozenmonlh. TU 2.&448 I T~OPltAL "ISH ..

Breeden 11( Fble Quality Sir... IM:-.1ttSill O~~~;~~Xh:r: S'~'~ Il~~?; HAND MAD! GIFTII I'

i1~'\'JO.5.~89vlclrola WIth records, IUDO MACK VA.3-lIn

I Wonted to Rent

I 'FHfI,~n., "r1;--~("rl rn ;['\1.-nHc1..."'~r""""'"" ht\ 1W' '''r It'ft "', InrMfilff'1~"e rail Tl I 01'V'

For RentI ---- --- --- - -- -I S ROO\f<: "llt()m:ll'u' \~f'~' rf"( "".:.110n

I ~:?"'~r,.~I":'~~Tt~lf~~.:;~'\~ .mallI -- --I R~. for Re~t _ _ _

ItA Rrr ~O("l'f J'n\ ~1,. !,,,'\oo ..... ", ...,nt

1"'\ t..... rflnf\l..- <;.......... I' '11Ib~tHZ "" .. 'lo, ...... '" '" ~" 2 ~=~..--- ----- -- --

I ~~?,~';,c::;:: ~E~:,••~7;'~1p~; ~.~'.... ~<; ..... ,.., roo" "-,, l"lf'll""'.... Tt , ~'\.'j


inVites you to

CASH"u)( ,n ,() II "O"F

A "n (;l'1 I TOll







VA 2.4558

Fair Open, 1000 A ~fSntlck Bar

Social HallChrIst Church

fH Grn" ..f' r"'ml~ BI\ rI



Friday. Novem ber 18

Women's AssociationGrosse Pomte

Congregational Church


Sell Them for C~sh ,

nREPl.ACE fh.tu ..... hammered bra""LA 6-3OOlI

FE:-ICE--11 <I.<nrn poeU llat. extra"1fe LA 6.3008

CHILD'S IRISH MAIL safe beltdr,ve Ide.1 for cheUd 4 to e year.Good condillon Rea80n.ble TU1.2051

WHITNEY COACH. Ir.v new horae-halT mattress Good condItion TU2.7477

Milcellaneous for Sale


Musical I nstrumellbLIVING ROOM IUlte 2-plece ,ood

condItion Table. anillteamer Irunk SAXOPHONE-Conn E Flal Alto wltllVA 2-1524 'io.aO":..:I'it~.J.m~Jr.ctlcallY new, '150

CHINA CABINET or bool<cue. desk,Empire <ard t.ble fiddle back chair.Chippendale chair All beaullfulIOlId m.hogany Exc.llent <ond,-lIon LA I.34M

MAPLE breakla.1 .. t, like new, 4cha .... $30, occa.,onal cha .. , 110 TU.1-51:14 217~ MoroM Rd

REFRIGERATOR, serv.1 , cu ftGood condilion 135. 192 Kirby TU5.1204

8.M' SERVEL ..Iectrolux refrl,eratorl'<e\\ D.lro,1 Jewel '1£ stove Bothex<ellent condillon C.II VA 2.8437

SACRIFICE-Antique dreuer lOUd"alnul, marble top TU 1-205t

Electric Appliances

Ho~sehl'ld Goods for Sale

FOR A .BETTER ,rad" ot UIOd turn!-IUIp !te I.alc Neatway Furnitureat 13930 Kelcheval We Ilwlya haveIhe tnln's you're loolrull 10r. VA2-2115

RF"orX WASHER u<ellent eondl.tl< t1 $:;0 TU 2.1383


VA 2-4558

ANTIqUES-lovely davenporl finef~Jnllur~ and equipment qukk laJeAVlllable Friday TU 2-1854 TU1-3:138

3 SMALL ,.. lnut Vllay ch.,r., perfeetfor needlepolnte Two buullful '014l.. r plclure frame. TU 1-6683

ASH AND fuel 011 drums helvy neel,painted. deh\, .. red Call VA . ..ess3

HALF GALLON Ice Cr .. m. 91c. seven

~~~or~I:~~e~:,~~ :~lat1~a~~~kal Washing Ion Open Sundal"S andHohdays 10 am -11 Jl m

RADIANT gas healer for fireplace. ex-cell.nt condition Imall Oak co.1heater, pract1C:all;y new. $10 Rose-

f-.- "lie 0438-W.

WELL ROTTED cOW manure A1IO"'11chlgan Peat moss TU 5-3289

BANQUET CLOTH prewa< whIledouble damask, llOxlOll Inch.. 12napkinS 21 Inch. ~ TU 1-0988

FOR SALE, I.rlle Un" er .. 1 rofflller.al"r Good" orking cDndltiOD $251213 Harvard TU. 2.ge15

MADE TO ORDER-Those seu can 1>0made up In all colon, lDcluc11n, yel-I low, blue, red ~een, tan Cham are

~'h~~1si:~s I~an ~anm~~~st~ ~~te~:shape and malerlal You cln lelectfrom 26 dJ!ferent styles Vistt our tac-lory d,spl.y and see the.. beautifulsets.. Buy dIrect from manufacturerSR.\'8 33.... Od4 chrome chllrs, only MiS


24845 Gratiot Ave, E DetroitNear 10 MJle Road

Open dally 'til 9 P MEut ~trolt Mlell1lan

Roseville 5690-WOpen Sundays, 2 to S P M.

Bicycles for Sale

M,PtI~S T~G~';'94~cvcle UIM IIft'J



... 1 r

if "" '1

2 81802925 Holcomb


Late Models



oJo' f'l,I 1~ F' ,. ""'" r

<'.-I' t1 -'.... 01 ) rlA(I,.r iii t"lr ..-. Hk-entl 11';74 "U'ldIJl\LA 8 ~\12

Cars Wanted

CALL LO 7-78011261 5 IolARPER AVE

Oppo<,te Chandler Park

LA 1-6181

Autos Wonted

HANSONChevrolet Co.

14259 MACK AVE.

VA 2.9800lirch . Oop • Pm





WOo 1-1617Imployment Agencies

MILLER - Employment agency LO1-2656 Domesllr nelp ,women forlaundry aDlI cleanUlg Part-Iunl or\\ eekly Good lauDdress and c1eane1'&


~~~Ieran~~~' ~n-';dsca~~:ee~ ~:;or week TrImly 3-7710

Situation, Wanted, Female

PART-TIME TYPING done Addre<smgChnstmas card., announcements. etcTU 5-0850

Help Wanted-M.le

Help Wlnted-femll.

EXPERIENCED whlle "rl for ,eneral.Good plain cook No laundry. Goodhome TU. 5-5052


~;~~~~~r~'M:r.t1lli~~~ta~gxF:~'Detroll s larlest variety of top valuesWill earn vou bill proll.ts Personalcards 50 lor II 00 .nd up. DETROITGREETING CARD CO~ 9S32 GrandRiver.


Repairing and ReplacingPickup and Del ivery


16127 East WarrenNI0446

Mis~lIaneoul ServicescConbnUlal

Window Shades




WO.l-1617Wall Waahinl

VINCENT'S Wall Walhinll and ~-

~~~;ln~~~~e~ac~~~~reT~_m.rclal Ind relldenllaJ Free !IU-m all' Call VEnIce 9-<l170

WAi:i.-WASHiNG, paper cleaned,~~~~ w~~~rr~l. TJ"~~3Il33removed

OBRIEN BROS.Window Cleaning

CompanyStorm lull and Screen semce

Wall Wuh1J1jPaper and Calc1mlne Cleaned

htertor Rouu WasluD g ExllerleDeeclMen lor Every Job

EstIJrl.tes Cheertully GIvenA1wan A Good Job

COCKF:R - SPA 'l;IJI'L p"p,~< p..dl"'~.~

I Rtd 8ru('1f1l _traIn Ifli \, f""''k- old r~drrt .nd "hll~ 1'l8S I.. krpoln!~


ISole Boilen ond Fumaces

uc;,DG-A-C:: (1"~)liInt'd • -n-;;',.- ,r.nd

r~r~n\T( <")n~\')ll~l, 1 p~~I~f';hflh~,,~.l'( ".",.,1 hA I~"I Tl. 2 11';'" [

IA'rrRrCA'\ l;~[)I\T(iRC('-~ 1-'-;1r"ot.' /"I'" "J' ~ ,. ...,.( t !"I ..... r ht"l' )'"''("4" ~.i';lI., t'I .... ,. .. ,\1"\ ~\\ ZS:; .. R~ •• dI.~,..:tn" 1110'1 t'1 r ",'. ~,. .. z~<., f '\ ~ .... ;11("1 r~l, r" .....,...10...""'RI"!' ~ " 1 1" .... r-.:l 1l1"ll"1r"'."" ....~"'.1 n ~(' '"' t"'l IZ r,l"1.\( ~t1 '1 01 t I

,.,~~ ,.,.1 ((\ 11"'T1t'l ~I R.....f' ..... ool lo,

h\ 11;1..... ";I ~- ()... IRl \ n ,..,..,... I l1'l<.IAr";u ('()ull .....~

')Irr 'I ('r "\1) II; C"1r l( II \ e, s:;j i I ,'\ ~1n I

r? , ~ l~("\ \ ( ~() ), 2rt-.1..

... 10 t n" ~ f l' I .... ""1 1 t,'H,tl




I am 011.... "' ... , ......


.. renll III ,.,.,.tlltef till" A'I1' AD. Ple"lIII.. " tJI. ad t1I ... nxt,.... ,,' till 0_ PoIIlti

PIfoa.. PIl ... 1' CL'IAllLY... " "PI nte ,,/If. ef ..

III tilt "II" -.'e"l



.1IZ I1021


F,ne Interior Decorating

Ext~rior Pointing


DECOllATINGJ\euonabll - Work GuarulHd



22700 HARPER AVENUETel Rosev1I11 4M5-W

Thomas E. DuPartInterior and Exterior Pamtmr

Wall WashmgVA 1.9622

Free EstimatesWork Guaranteed

Piano Tuning

CUSTOM.MADE .lIp covers and trav-erse drapE'fles Guaranteed \\ ork-man.hlp Fane quahlv material Freee<1lmates TUxedo 2-6158

Miscellaneous Services




Clean and EfllclenlVA 2-0131 TU 2-5781

PAINTING decoratlnll 25 year. ex.f_e:-z'i,nce, prompt oervl... Can ro.

PIA '\OS Tuned and servll~ed Rea.&CD' GIRL 18 \\ anta \\ork, Monday throullhable rates All work guaranleed L Thur'c1 .. da)s and e,enin,ls, domes-

~ Se'be~ ~~~9 __ tIC preferred Rderences TU 1. DRAW DRAPERIES" pr I'. \\idlhPIAlIoO TU'\ING repairing Ov.r 30 2376 h~~~g~~~~~Im~~th ne\:~seUsed(.ft"::rn

\ ears e"perJ~nce C 0 LeBaron EXPERIENCED' \\ hlte gIrl ",shes froslspun malenal Cost $350, will'rU"edo 2-8939 house\\ ork bv the dav $6 and <ar- sell for S22S LA 6-6473

fare Best references VA 1-9516Plasterinl afler 5 • QTiJ~~br~t~Y':lre Hr°a':"':dgr~"l:_

PLASTERING _ Any kind of repair A :~I~~~::~po;~~~~~Jid;s' ';;~~i~~ v.orlh Farm TU 5-7428 __work RelSol\llble rates Free 1ItI. Ion KJnd .nd p.lIenl \\ Ith InvAlid PLEXIGl.AS all thlckn ... ses and colorsmalcs CaU TU 5-0a43 Leon Vlrmeu- DTlve car TU 1-6613 Complete ."ppll .. f'" mlern.1 <arv-len Ing Don'lid Hayes 12588 Promen-

- -------- ---- CLEAN ROlloEST Intelligent C"lored ade loA 1-6q2:jPLASTERING RopAln also new work \\oman hIgh 'chool graduate d.,.res --------------

TV 2-5863 TesponSlble po<llIOn Ask for Ra<hel 4 PR BEAUTIFUL drapes, lined per-TE 2-1481 (eel C<lnd'!Jon custom made <on

- $400 Highest offer a«epted AlsoRefri.rotor Service I CO,",FINEME"'lT CASES, "r sla' "'lh I"unlle <halT $10 00" spnn~ S20___ I chIldren RefPTen .. s WA 4-2229 lamps tables <1< 1570 Ford courtREFRIGERATOR _ And motot servo ~;~k~n 7 and 8 Mile Ild. soutll ot

Ice Licensed and bonded Kelvlna.: FOSTER MOTH ERS -------- - -- -- -'tc!~,:;.~~~da~r:d ~~:"rd. ~.~l~~:' WASHING '>'<l.CHI:>.E /<ood <ondlllon

~AUeJ' 2.3Ill I "Ill pro'lde ('xpenenced \\oman ~~~~d~W~I:m~an;M~~o1f;~.:t~to eal e for ehllaren In your home DRAPERTE<; <III' C"Hr" <ultom

By hour, da) or week r:,~~:~ '/:,';;JI1~n fU~IU~:RI!o'c-

MOVing, Storage, Cartace__ __ l~ontlnUed)_



SERVICEP,ano ana Appllanci Movtnl

WI Buy FurnIture14821 Klrcheval V AUey 2.2171

Music LHsons

PAINTING. paperlnl, paper removedWork ,uarante.d 12a Mulr RoadMertens TU 2.0083


H.. a Few OpenJn~. lor Puplla

Plano ond Theory

Slarllng at II~ and upCall for Information .nd lnlervlew

TU 1-6583EXPERIENCED-PIANO Inotrucllon,

~~:sc:n .n4ABO~!~9G~rd DISI, 1150 per




!allmat ..

LA 7.2952



(Wllrn; YOl "II AD R1'1lE)


Trees Cut and Removed

All Kmds of Repalr WorkSteps and Fences BUIlt

Wilcox and SonEvemngs, MU 0768



Greater .De'traitLANDSCAPE CO.




I ~_D, :~ersRFiAJR (n(ellor and e>t.terior En:

l o.:.edfront or rtdr 001Lh Kitchen( abln~t! J errf"dtlon rOr)ms Itttcc:ooms If'modplLnR Prompt .se-rvlce,ood "01 kmamh'p S E Barber

~031lO".'0" Tl :;-A78'-------

ADDITIONS - Alteration. _ Kllchenclblnetl - ltalrwaya - recreallODrooml - .ItIC. - dorm en CaU TU!.284C or II'A I-C904

1--- --- --- _Carpenter. General Repalr


LaB lor FI ee E"'t1mateLA 6-5501

I Millinery

PROFES"IO .....AL m,llJnery "nrk ID mv1 nmE" On~mal" and r~mode1ingAI"" fur hals TV 3.216Q--------

Moving, ~!~~age, C~rt~g_e __



I We Specialize In Baggage

I to and From ALL Depotsand MOVing

, Within Your Own ReSidence ILI,Ilht 1\10\ mg - Any Place I

I FormerlY Dan Cronm II POCkl~ A Cr3t~ogO-3s;IPPlng I


ISPE'II CER -<.O-RSEtS - IndiVidually Pointing and Decoroting

desl~n.lI dre.. and lurglcal gar.M~~l~~;~,'.AS ~~arstai7x~n.~~ I A C HOUK, decoretlnl patDtllll, In.7-431Z 368 -!IcKlnley r lenor and eXlertor ".UPlpar reo. ---_ ~~:~ln~aahI~i.r~leonlnt: 1239

Drellmaklnll. Alterations -

CUSTOM D--ak ------ Complete Decorating Servicerellm Inl ladle. end

children clothes Speclallzlnl In INTERIOR and exterIor palDttllI paperVogue d."gns Alterations eXPertly removln~, paper hanglDg Ben Qual.

~on • ..::u_ :.:35~ _ _ ~:t~I'..~ceWork waranteed un-

ALTERATJO'II'> Dre'smaklng Ind EltJmates cheerfully Illvent'~~~~~~8~~:J?"able MrJ Rlhble ~IlSYTHE VA 2.9108

LADIES SUIT'; and coal' all.rallon. Neat, Cleon Decoratingrelining aloo dressmaklnlll In my and Paperhanginghl~6m6"e...17 ~ ear~ f1,,;:"nence- ED

,. I'lrlt Cia .. Work GuarlnteedEXPERT WALL CLEANING


VA 1-8164


~ ...1,10 11.. 1 11A

J R h I 0 n...na. 'IIr Curr,nt "'I'k'. 1..~lItl IAd Must I'U s n J


NAME _ .ADDRESS - .ZONE. . . . . Tel. No......•••. - •

VOl'R A D'S CI ..'SSIFlC' TIO," -- f"r Sa Ie' •• Boat! :lnd Motors," etc.SII('h as • Carp('nln' •• Prrsonal~" • M,~c


Grosse Pointe


Say: ~Cbarge It!"


II "t. \"ur acl It !iT AI_"1 n \'T IT TO Bitr, RI , .. R FO " .. 11Iclln.

,. ""'r "nnT A nnRE'~~ il"lTHI FPRO",," :S~R "r0." (ollll.r ~U I

• "~') P1uo acl a.' paT'""nt ta .0.,",10,. IJIcI

""11 te 0_ Ptll1lto

,.....'i'... nln •• rr'tlPTal,

,. -n, .. P"lllle .. MI.,,_


A 2-4558

and found

Therosse POI nte Review15121 Kercheval


I Lakepomtsand MaryllU1d

Say "Charle lti"

minimum charie for ciassi.ad5 15 50c tor 15 words

r cents for each additionalrd

liance Repoirs

a c~O\ enlenee adJ WII! beepled over the telephonee ffimJlnum charee rate ISf0r 11 \\ ords. four cents lor

h ar1r11110nal \\lord. Pay.nt ran be made by cash

k or money order.



Lon•• halred wlre.haired ter.\\ nte V.!th much Ira' Tan.... med Bini" Reward. TU

I -Laroe dark grav male cat

1m" NoIre Dlme-Vmlle Lanean bro\\ n <ollar wIth bell Chll'n 5 pel Re" ard TU 2.5783

The GrossePointe Review

WASHERS. VACUUMSIRONERS REPAIREDCall Us lor the Best andrlltest Appliance Servtci

OD Ihe East SideNL 6872

k and Cement Work

IC.K A"''O Cement repairs parclle.d 'lone sleps. driveways garalle

~rs General Repairs DeGrvse,... Aller Rd VA 4.1163f------ - - - - -ilrNT \\orl< Wilka, SIde drIVellinney, and tile work No tol) too,II VAlle} I 4843

Elec:trical Repairs


[notaU rep"r all Iype "'Inn If IWIlcoe.llxtures eleMOTOR REPAIR. LAMP R!.PAlR

P,ck.up and DehveryVA 1.3014

KELLY & SONElectncaJ Contractor

LicensedCommerCial ResuientlaJ

110M Plugs Fixtures S" llcha.HOUR W lrillj!

Fluorescent FixturesVA,2.5727



NUnO ELECTRICAL ing '" fine reslllentl.1 v.ork at rea.WIRED and INSTALLED lonlble price. Walnul 4-9694 HU.

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Federal Stale and Can.dJan Che.t 1700,1K.r<hev.' _

NOlor)' PubUo With Seal Landscaping NELS SWANSONiHARRy BAAS. Tax Colll\lltant

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Wednesdayat 5 p. m.

For Thursday Publication

Page 10: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · EARLY DEADLINE! In order to permit employ-ees to spend Thanks(l\'Ul.' y,Ith theIr famIlies and to place



Clo.ed Sunday

TV. 5 •.f1l1lO

T~y ConSUltant Off.TIPI To Parents H "

An Inlil I' n ".parent, "nd 111~I~d~X\f!ldltlChlldl en t" \1 nrj a f nl >Ing co-'pon", 'Ob P 19ralJlSchool Pd1l'nl, (_ \ tn~S 'IOUpunday Mill n 11" F andGro~,e roml,' "10 orum at

I '~01onal Cbon 1 IUI '0", \r \ 11MI" HI'" fl h, I at 8 ~

of the Jill "OJ (em!• u"'on Cspedk on till t PIC Ti 0,

cade of T", n~

OWe have ~our SIZe Instock. Ours are \\ellmade of clear \\hIt!

pme. $14951::::1 Priced from ,

Depending on SIEeThis week only $1.00 less if ) ou san 11.!

the delivery by plCkUlg It up.

at Grayton

l1tlcal croaa-current and the eco-nomic uphelvau that I'" tutchanllnll tne -ancient continent.-In hiS lectu~e "CaprIcorn Africa,the World's State" TIckets canbe procured at the Cass Theatre

A man need not worry aboutthe years ahead of hIm If he hasspent the years behmd hIm m •telhgently.








•. IWe have all the nationally advertisedbrands In CELOTEX BOARD, BAL-SAM WOOL. ZONOLITE. etc. SPE-CIAL THIS WEEK GENUINE GLASSWOOL BLANKET, 15" WIDTH. ASLOW 310 perAS .. 2 ft.

For Wood Windows or Steel CasementsWe measure and install,so why not call us to-day so you can elOiSeyour house In beforebad weather. You saveas much as 35% onyour fuel bill Pay aslittle $500 peraI'I ,. month




1LD4 BWldlnll lII&ter1alC..ater

No more Paultlllg. no more wmtrydrafts and $700 per month Will go a

long way towards com-pletmg a good sIze home. Let us give~'ou an estImate on the Job mcludlnglabor or materIal only. We show youhow to apply thl5 material.








TOUruaDlent size S 16!934" thickCollapsible Pinr Ponr Table Top 5715Stands ready for use

Plywood Cuttings-By the truck load for your hobb\ !hop.Come and make your selee. 5c PfltiolU. Priced as low as . ~

KINDLING WOOD-Is nice to have around on these coolmominp. Let us throw a large 25bar into your car lor C


~ In many colors to re(;0; V1Ve your old bath.

room or kitchen-FIxyour home up for ChrIStmas at verylIttle cost-See thls materIal on dIsplayThe cost 32 Peris only C Sq. Ft.

Author Booked At Town HallLaw School! He comes from.distIngUIshed family of lawyers-hIS uncle IS Supreme CourtJustIce Wilkin Blake He sIgnedup In the crl'W of a Greek mer.chant shIp and has lust returnedfrom an adventure-packed triPalOund the world by Jeep. foot,plane and bOdt.

ThlS Frldd) , No" 18 JohnBatkhdlll, South. African cor-le_pondenl. 11111 tell oC the po-

Robert WilkIn Blake, author,reporter and world ad, enturer,who IS acclaimed as the "RIchardHalliburton' 'of today, WIll be thespeaker for tll .. n..1ro!t T0\''I! H:lllat the Cass Theatre FrIday, Nov25, 11 am.

Afler World War II llJld hIShelolc lour of duty WIth the Ma-nne Corps In Ihe South PaCIfic,Bnb Blake deCided to escape fromoffIce prison !Jie and Harvard

"The One Fme Car In

the Low Price Field"

of th~ Grosn PMntePubltc LLbf'4"l1 Sf4tf

50 W'aV8 Finf'r for '.iO..


dially .ffIe COr EnureI nvite the SeeF rnily to

a Rideand

Dr.I.Q ..S.eeks A.idfrom Local Library

"1 would rather be rIght thanbe preSident" saId Henry Clay.Dr, I. Q. agrees. A vOice on thewile late Wednesday afternoonsaId to MIss Jean Taylor of ourcity library branch. "Tlus IS Dr.I Q My script wrIter In Chicagohas a word," :\,m sure doesn'teXIst. Thinking it a typograplncalerror, I wired her my correction.Her return wIre insISts the wordshould stand as it IS I need helpqUickly. Tlus IS the seven dollarquestion and we're on the aIr to.night"

MISS Taylor referrmg to Web-ster told the noted qUlzmasterthat the word was meridIan andnot meridlam as written by hiSsecretary.

"Thanks a mllhon," said Dr. I.Q.I Was posItive about It. Had Ibeen wrong, I was about to throwmyself from my hotel wllldow."

MISS Taylor COUld. not under-stand why the qUlZmaster. whoappeared at 8 downtown theatrelast week, chose the local ltbraryfor tlns Information.

"1 guess he just looked in thedirectory and picked our n\1IJl.ber," she said.

St James Lutheran Church willhold theU' first ThanksgIVIng ser-vice In their new church on Mc-MIllan I;0ad near Kercheval onThursday, Nov. 24. The Rev. Geo-rge E. Kurz, pastor, Will conductthe serVIce and the choU' underthe dIrectIon of Mrs. RobertSclul1ltz wtl1 approprJa~ num.bers.



Library Spotlight


Loeations Listed Below


Can Cirevlabon Df'pt.VA 2.4.'>.')11

15<: A MONTH$2 1HI• Yelll h Mail

Tor Your Convenl ..nceTh .. Gn>5Se POint .. R ..~

Is Avallabl .. Each ThUrsdayA.tternoon at N..,ghborhood

LacanOMIndlVldual Cop_ Are five Centa

BOB'S DRUGSMark at Roslyn

HARKNESS PHARMACYMaek at Laclrmoor Blvd

CAVALER'S DRUGSMack at Boum ..mouth


ONCE UPON A TIME b}.VAUGHAN WILKINS has Itsroots firmly fixed In the "oldendays" but Its tendrIls are In thepresent. For mgredlents takeDickens. PrIestley, John Buchanand Conan Doyle. mix well, stirbriskly and you might well havethe recipe for thIS rollIckmg yarnThe prelude tells of an escapadein Kmg Edward VII's boyhood,at which time a young girl dIS-

appears and leaves no trace. Thestory that follows concerns ayoung fher who blacks out on 'D'Day, to regain hIS memory year~later. He finds himself involvedWJth a bizarre group of zaney m.diVlduals, who enJoy lIVing dan.gerously. The young gIrl of theprelude appears again of eourse.as an old lady, In time to takea curtam bow. Mystery, adven-ture ,humor. Intl'lgue and rom-ance are here neatly packagedfor anybody's enU!rtainment.

ROGUE'S MARCH. the firstbook by MARISTAN CHAPMANIn many a day, is a top-notch lns.torical novel. one of the few so-called, that is deservmg of thislabel. Laid in Western Caroltnaand Tennessee. the story revolvesabout the battle of KIng's Moun-tain in 1780.


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'-'ack nr Lancast ..rTRA IL BARCLAY

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CUNNINGHAM DRUGK"reht',al at l\otr .. Dame

NOTRE DAME PHARMACYK..rc'l",.1 at "ntr .. Dame

PARK PHARMACY.Telf,rt<m at Ntltt1llChlll!l

MILLER DRUGSK~ch .., II at WI' burn

KINSEL'S DRUGSM.ck at "",."..


EaIt J..tr~fSOI1 at :RJ.vardRev 'IIHrill Otis Bat .... MIniAerSunday 11 00 A M -8f)rv'c~ of Wor-

shIP sermon 'Albert SChweitzt'l'-Modern PIlgnm"

10 30 A M.-church School8 00 P M-D!scuasIon Group Publlc

ln~ay, 10 J() A M -seWIng forUnltanan se'"VIC" CommIttee.

~~~.8B~d~~t>g[;' ~~~.

Among the gay parade of re-cent books for chl1dren on dIsplayduring the present Book Weekare titles for every age.


bv LlV1Illa DaVIS. A picture storyb~ok of a small boy who sets outone beautiful morrong for a day'sadventure. The three coler piC. Home Advicetures gIve a feel of the country-

SIde. For whippIng egg wlntes-keepLITTLE • OR - NOTHING ~y I the eggs at room temperature and

MarguenU! Henry. A funny PIC- they'll whip more qwckly and toture book about a vagabond pup a greater volume adVISe homeand a Circus. economists at MichIgan StateFOR 8 to 11 YEARS College.

FABULOUS FLIGHT by Ro-bert Lawson. Our hero, Peter, isso amall that he can travel bysea-gull A Qook that defies IgellOUtatIons. For any reader whoenJ oys fantasy.

SEA. STAR by Margarite Hen-ry. A !equel to the popular Mtstyof Clnncoteague,ALMOST GROWN UP

CADMUS HENRY by WalterEdmonds. A ClvJ1war story.

THE LEES OF ARLINGTONby Marguente V1l1\l'f'. Robert EoLee and Mary Custls, greatgranddaughU!r of Martha Wash.



FAITH LlJTllEllAN CHuac.E. Jeltenon .t PhW.p

Puton. bv. C. H. LaDel aURev. C. E. IihO'l\'alter

Friday800 pm, Mary Martha Ioel ..ty.

Saturday9 30 a- m, Catechlll'l\ Irtltruetloll.

Iiund&-,9 30 am, Church school lor III a, ...

...~:n:-:,.Th~' c~~~e a~vl~~ll~Sunday"

5 00 Jl m, JW1lor Luth~r Le_&Jue6 30 p. m. Adult memtlUahlp lec.tures7 00 I' m. Youth Rrvlce •Mond.y7 30 I' m. THeIl ..n' IIlatruction.Tue.day4 15 I' m. Girl Scouts.7 00 P Tn, Boy Scouts.

TbursdayIII lllJ am. Thankaet~ wol'llh1p

&er\lce ..

GaOIiSE POINTE CONGIlEGATIONALMuttnf III Rlrb.rd School An. engaglllg SIxteen year Old! Illgton come .ltve m this biogra.P:a~~.e~.D~~b ..~~r~~to-: stopped at the bbrary desk. "Will phy.

Sunda)', 11 I m -Worship aervtCO you please find me a book I'd • • •Sel~~d"av:'1~" IB~~h~i~~ ~!h;"'1 hke~" A$ we scanned the shelves I The teen aier. have Circled

Sundav "'"nlnC-Youth groups for a lIkely tItle. she continued, Saturday, November 19 on theU'T.... C n C Club Will m....t SundlY "I d't t .. ~ t th ld I d EI beth U dfrom. ~ In 7 r m At th .. >'o",e of Mary ....n wan one auvu e 0 - ca en ars. Iza <;>owar

Lou H~nd~rson 559 Washmeton Ien days, please." Alter we had MIZner speaks at the City BrandlIh;hh"o';eDS i~11 ~t~~ altJ ~UI':'Rat mentally eliminated everything at 10 am, -,

"ednesda) 7 pm-Youth ChOIr ftom the Peloponnestan war • • •i~~~~~1,1';'3OD~'~ 1fhaur~ ..:D~:~n through the Vlctonan era, w~ Grades two through S1X. don't

s~n Ice at the Grosse POinte Woods came to. With a start. "Because. forget the fUrn shOWing, especIal-Pr ... byt~nan Church went on thIS femme of 1950, ly for you. at the Woods Branch •JEFFERSOllr AVE.~UB METRODIS~ "when I read about something Friday, November 18 at 7 p.m.J~~:~~u~:f::eB~'~y~~r~~~~ell that happened away back In 1942

SUlld&). and '43, I lust can't get Interest-10. III -Mornlnj: v.orahlp WIth 54lr- ed"

mon b ylhe pastor 100.12noon-(:hurchschool for chlldr ..n 11 15-12 noon-Churrh school rlas.... for ,"termedl.ytg~t1?'Fu,,'lfO=~e~~ti~~ts. 7 p.m.-WedJ1 ... d&)

8 P m -Thia churrh WIll jom In th ..n"I,hborhoo<! Union Thanlcs8I~Sel'Vlce to b~ held at the EastrnlnJsterPresbyterian Church.

ST. PAUL EV. LVTBERAN CHURCBJaeksoD School AUditoriumM.rlboroullh ILDdWaveaey

Rev. Charle. W. sandrock, PastorFrid&y, NoV't!mb ..r 18:

7 p m -.JunIor ChoU'.8 p m -8f)nlor ChoU'

Sat1U'day, Nonmbe. 19:D3D a. m -Ca~1lism CUI.

Sunday. Novemller 20:9 30 a ll".-8unday Scll.ool ed Adult

BIble CII ..11 -00 a m -Loraltv Sunday11 lllJ a m -ChlJdren's Church6 30 p. m -Church "M .. mberslup

Clasa730 p. m -8f)nlor Luther Leape (St

Luk .. 'SlTuesday, Novemb"r 22:

8 00 p. m -M11iSlon Society (MartinLuther) MLSSHel ..n WIck will speakon her EUropean tour

8 lllJ pm-Brotherhood (MartinLuther) ft1m "Me_nj:~rs of Peace"ThllJ'll4Iy. Nov ..mber n:

III 00 a, m - Thanks'l\'UlI Service.MEISSJAH L\1TBEBAN

X..rcbeval and Lak ..wood Av~s.i'eJepbone VAlley 2-2121A.B.A.. Loe~erl .Pastor

M. 10. Martlll, JUIilRIIAt PuttlrOn Sunday. Nov~mber %0. the ser-

mon to be delivered will be bued onthe th ..m.., "Work Whil~ It IS Dayl"Two services ar.. held every Sunday1Il0nung. the early tM!rvtCt' at 8 00o'c1ock and the Jat.. BerYlce at 10 30o'clock. These "'1'VIee5 are identIcal,..xcept 10r th.. fact that th.. cholTfunctIons In the late servl",' only

Th.. Sunday Scll.ooI. whlrh I1lcludt'5a BIble Class lor adults, lS In .... 'nonfrom 9 15 to III 15 o'c1ock. Vlaltors andnew pupIls ar.. welcome.

EAST~STBR PRESBYTBRlANM&n1at!que antt J..flenon

SWlday. Novemller 20:9 45 a m Church lehool with classes

for alJ age. 11 00 a m MorntDg wor_shIp There WIll be • specIal Thank ••llIV1ng sennce. Wlth Ippropnate muSicr ..ndered by the co~lned rholrS Th ..&ards of D..acons and DeaeonM ......would appreclat.. donations of homecanned frult and ""getabl.... andstapl... for distribution to th .. need~All donations may be brought to thISsennce A Union Thanksgiving Serv-lce WlU be h..ld WIth the JeffersonAv..nue. M..thodlSt and Cal UnitedBrethren in our church. on Wt'dnesdayNovember 23rd, at 8 00 p m Our;runlor Church meeta ev..ry Sunday at11'30 a. m and th.. nuraery Is op ..ndunng church ""mc .. to care for th ..younger ('hlldren ",hlle their parelltaattend church service.THB GJlOSSE '"POiNTE METBODI,')'

BuUcl!nI Vnder Cot15truet1onMoross Road near Kenh"val

Meetmll Now ill Ne... kerby Iie.boolRev, B'I'~Lh'r~ r.r:~'Putcw

SUZld&y, "Novemller !e, 1945: __ ..to 45 a- m -Mo~ worablp ana.. rmo11. Dr Gordon PhllllPllJ• executivesecretary of The Methodist 'union. Wl1lpreach the sermon and pruent thetrustees of the Chlm'h tile deed 10rthe propert]' upon 'WtI1ch the newbuddIn' stands Reception of members

10 4Ii I m.--Church school for all de-partments A lUlt'Sel'Y and kmderpr.ten are prov1l1ed

12-123O-Youth elMsnu~. November 24. IMS:

11 00 • m -{:OInmUIUty Thanksli"'-Ing ServlC:e at the WoocII Presbyter:lanChurchIhDlday. "NoYemltep 17. lt48: .....10 4S .. ",-_ornina wonhip, _eortununlOl'l.


I OJ1d&y. N " .....m lIer 21'-g 45 a m -{:hureh lIChool for tt1tl11e

nme "",ars of age and old~r11 oil. m -WorshIp service: aermon

themf" • Now Give Thanks"1100. m -<::hUTch school for !!hR.

dren two to ~lght years ot age7 30 p m -Tmm Club meetmg at

the Chu,...,h Won;h,p Robert Vestal.program Ronald Beatty rt'lreshm ..ntsNancv Ramsav and Robert Howe.Tbnrs4a .... NovlHI1ll"r 24:

II 00 . a m -Umon ThanlalIvingS"",ce to be held In the Grosse Po,ntt'Woods Presbvt ..nln Church Th.. RevEdgar H Yoeman n!etor of StMlehael. Chapel WIll rn!ach The~ Charles W Sch..,d. the Rev RuthC Whit.. and th~ Rt'v Andrew RauthWin hav .. parts of the aefVIce

IlI!DEEMEft ~ETHOD1~'I' CHUR.CKVernier at Harper Aves

Rev. DouClas T" ..peL PastorSunday. Nnv 20 at II I m Morn~

Worship Rev Dauria. Tnepel pr ..ach-Ing theme '~vstl!T!". of God"

Sunday """",nll' at , 30 'Rev Toepel~.Ch~ on th .. theme. '~dng our

t'1Tllt'll Al'o"NLAL BAZAAR1lt'd~"1" M..thodlst Churr!'. V..rni ..r

., Ra~ will hold ,•• 6th annualBaUlar f'nday. Nov 18 frnm 10 amto 9 I'm

BAHA-I WORLD "AITH:IIt"I F1"...d R '110"-011. Sff'y

Tt: 1.7052!;undav N"'emller 2()th 1030 am

C'"~lldr"nS cia.. It 132 "f<>ran 'Rnad5uhJ~t 'SAcred S<'nptures of theW"rJd IT "'1av ,\;", em""r 22nd 8 n pmDl--('\lC;;< 10n foHn\o\ mJf HTo,", n "f'f'hn~

~(~~~n~~~.L*':~~~~~:n~l~b~rp ~C:;tud\ ("1:I~c: a4 thp horn,. (l( Mr ~nrt'-'r. n""1 H "fun<nn ~~2 F"hf'rR",~ 114'1", R,', ".nS"m~ek nr

IAm"fl;ird.am 'R,.,na d \\ III r1i'(~uc..oc:- • Tlil1l.nr'd Or<1er po<;I<,hl.. ",thnut WorldFtllth"" .EVt'f'.t'Ioodv ,",,.kom~

Tf I~ e.tlmll ((,d that new auto-

!mobile anrl truck rt>l<I.trall ....n, mthe UnllE>d <;tate~ may top thefour rrdillon -n;>.rk thl~ vear

IG-n. ero.•• Pointe Re"i.w-Thurlday. NMo 17.

£hureh Direetory

Op@D Sundaysand Enry Day......t. t

• .......!'?Mace • CIIoiee Meaa • ~allty GrGeftIea

TV. 1.2008

8t. michae'~Church(l!lPISCOF ALl

t..odmIooI' BmL .. 4 I'a1nray DriftlIev. Edpr K. YllOmaJl, vtcar ,m. tM1 NL 01.

Sunday 8en1cea11lO A.M -Holy Communion.11:80A.M.-chureh School

11:00 A.M.-Monung P ray e r In!!Sermon

(Nunery Durtna service)


14m x.dIenJ AV'llDU4I

SUNDAY SERVICBS10:10 a.m. In!! 1:00 p.m.

Sunday SchoolJ'int -um-XO:30 • .m.a-cr a-km-lI:U a.m.w~ Evening Test1moa!al

KeetIU 8'00 p.m.-..cu- Room open Week ~

1O:/lil a.m. to 9:00 p.m.-8tmd.IY2:30 to 5:00 p.m. •

Grosse Pte. Woods MarketIU85 Mack-BetweeD lAncaster & Coalltry Club Driv.

cli. {jJaulEv. Lutheran ChurchJ'acltson School AuditoriumMarlborough and Waveney

BeY. Charles W. Sandrock,Pastor

SUNDAY. NOV. 10':IO-9unday School aDd Adult

Blbl. C1lll11U~Loyalty SundayU:e&....ClnJdren •• Church8.3D--Cburch Membership CIaxT.»--l!enlor Luther Learue

New SIte:ChalfonU! and Lothrop

r;rosse [/Jo".ntemethodistChurch


in New Kerby School10 4lI• m -'lo-n",g Worship10 4S I m -{:nurch ~hool for all de.

p.3rtmll!'rh:fiunoen a- ~ k"'<1 ..rl!lrt~n pro-

vlded d"-.nr v.wvnp ""rviOt'.12'00-1:13f>-\ollth cIa ..

Lesson School for AUDepartments


3He Var Ant"en:> Rd TU 1-1lJll

Be~~~ n~~~~~~o~ :;'~~~dl!e

rue •• v LUTHERAN CHURCHBut Warren &r BalIour

'It' 2-M54Be_ Enno G, CI.u&, Put.or

Mr I!nno T Clau .. "ItarIUII.llaJ', NOHasllor :ton. VIcar, Mr Enno T ClonlS, iOn

of the Re' Enno G Clau. paslor of..... ce Lutheran Church, East '" arrenand Baltoul ,...11dellv ..r Ihls Sunda) s.rmon HIS Iht'm.. '\111 be UntoC.eaar and Unto God .. Th..r.. ar" h' 01I'lomll\l "'rvIC"S Th.. hrsl b"lpnmngat 8 30 .nd the second startln, at)la-m

This Sundav In Sunday School . The• razen se~nl \\111 be th" lesson~~ ~~~y ItS~h4~O~ ~d B\ble


V ..mor RiJb .... y E It Lak'" I.. ,C.h1Jl F SUrkl .... D D. Pastor

Kia ~ltrlr. Morrow, Partsll Work ..rg 30 a m -{:hurch School Cla_.

lor ~~ ~1:cruf~al~~::s ;g~r)~~~I~t:n and attend th.. Pastor. BibleCI.us.

... b~:t .Of ~h-;Mg~:~~s ":~:r.. ~~~bl!. "X Am Ready •

4 00 pm-Adult class for thoseIllannll\l to unIt .. ,,~th the Church

e 30 p III -A buff"t supper follol't'dbv • Thank Off ..r,n, St'f\'1ce spon.fOred bv th .. Women of th .. ChurchMISS Jan .. Norberg "lll be th" speak-er Ever) one Ii In' lied

~~~~'I~~~~;~A w~m~u~:la• t th .. Chur~ on ThankslI"In, Day at$I 30. m The subjt'Ct of the pastor,Jl':t'V!'~"\h;';:tu1,,:,:rm~"N"'~~11~Ipeclal mUSlC by the ChOlf'

CDlS'rlAN SCIENCE CHUIlCHES~SGuI and Body" W1U be th.. IUb-

Jeet of th~ Lesson-Sermon In all Cbns.~ Selence churches throuthout th ..world on SundlY November 20n. Gold ..n Text (Psalms 84 2) U

~ lOul (o",eth, y..a even famt~thtor th~ courta ot th.. Lord m v heartan4 my f1estl cneth out 10r th" lIVIIlIGod~

Amolll the BIble cltahona IS tm.

~IGal 32.31 "nus only would

Ium of you R"~lVed ye the Spmtthe " ..orks of th~ lav.. or by the

~ of 1alth? Are y .. 10 foolish'hav!Jlt belUJ1 In th .. Splrlt, are y.. now-..de perfect by the flesh'"

n. ".una LUTHERAN CHURCH171 MeMllLul Roa4N~ar Keroehlval

Bev, George I! K11J'2,Pastor'I'h11nl, Nov 17-DIVlSlon No t of

~Women's GU1ld meets at thl home

Jilarlon Deek..rt , 1922 Lochmoor atIII p. m, !'a.Ith Smith Is eo.host ....rn., Nov. ll-Cholr rehearsal. a 15,. m.1luIl., Nov 2O-Sunday school at

"U .. m. DiYlne ... rvt.ce at 11 a m.eocduelecl by the putor.

SllDcIay, Nov. 2O-P'riendstup ClublIlce'- at e.30 p. m. at the chureh• Tua., NO\".3I-Sunday achool teach.... ,:30.

Thun.. !fOY. 24-Thankq'iVUl' servolie at 11 a m conducted by th .. pastor

cIUllaI' 'rIlE KLVC;LU'I'IIBBA."i' CHURCHGroNe PoIJItt' WoodsW. J. ~ftert, Pastor

Iaeday. November 20th. aU depart.aur1:a of th~ Sunday School meet It.31 a. m. N..... pupils may be ..nrolledall any Slmdey. ReIUl ar serVll:e a I11-e& • m

~V1IlI Day November 24th~ ~al ThanksgiVUlg "'I'VIC(' Wlll beae.r :;'::1r:.~~~o~l.lllJaU"L1Illo attend our Iervice!5.

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