DAMag March Issue

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Empowering believers to walk in dominion in EVERY area of their lives!



Pollywants a

crackerConqueringYour Inner




meet the team


-- To be the premier publication for education, resourc-es, and empowerment of Kingdom Citizens to walk in Dominion Authority in EVERY aspect of their lives.

-- Providing information and understanding on topics that affect the lives of believers regardless of their ed-ucational, spiritual, or socio-economical background. Encouraging cross-generational worship and urban evangelism by engaging and utilizing every member of the body of Christ to supply their unique gifts to reach non-believers. Set a standard for Kingdom living by re-directing the influence of secular media on the culture of our youth by empowering them to be leaders, actively engaging them in multime-dia ministry, and educating them on the power that their influence can have on the lives of their peers.


Raniesa Gray-Johnson - Owner/Editor

Tamara Mann - Staff Writer

Aaron Mosby - Creative Design

Dominicka Jemmott - Photography

Nathan Cintron - Videography

Published by RAM Legacy, LLC © 2013


Polly Want A Cracker?...........................6

Closing The Academic Gap......................................9

Progress Over Pain....................................12

A Believer's Walk..................................18

6 9



Words From The Editor.....................4iContinue (Part 1)..............................17I Used To Love Her........................22Goals For Setting Priorities........25Training Up A Child ...................26Empowering Generations..............28iContinue (part 2)............................29Trey McLaughlin and the Sounds of Zamar.............................................30

music Review: Tamela Mann ....................................34

Book Review: Spiritual thoughts........................34

Poetry CornerCry like a Man...................................35A Brief Life Update from the Chaplain's Corner........36







A m I ready? Can I do this? What in the world was I thinking? Oh Lord! What have I gotten myself into now!?!?! These are all the thoughts that have been running through my mind these past few weeks as I prepare for the launch of not my first, but by far, my biggest endeavor! Hesitant at first to even entertain the idea of me starting a magazine, this has become so much more than I could ever have imagined. This has become -dare I say it- a ministry. Anyone who knows me knows that I run fiercely from even the thought of putting myself into the direct scrutiny of people. My past has not always shown me that people are trustworthy, so I have spent much of my present ensuring that the walls I have built around my life sustain their impenetrability. I REFUSE to be hurt again! So the thought of actively engaging an audience for any length of time was not only out of the question, but absolutely terrifying. My pastor can attest to the many times I have ducked and dodged the prophetic word over my life, how I avoided and ignored any mention of me even getting anywhere near the pulpit. I even went so far as to join the Praise and Worship Team to “hide in plain sight.” Oh, I’m not against serving God whole-heart-edly, I just wanted to do it MY way. But God has other plans for me. I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve lost sleep with different visions, ideas, and plans racing through my mind. At first, I would dismiss them all assuming they were just visions of grandeur not at all in line with the will of God for my life. I was always taught that being prideful was a sin, so I’ve always done my best to stay away from that vein of thinking. But then the

plans began to blossom so frequently and so clearly, I didn’t have a choice but to write them down. Before I knew it, it was more than just a daydream, but a plausible and necessary ministry for our community. You see, I’m not doing this for money or rec-ognition; I’m doing this because God asked me too. There are enough publications out there that promote money, sex, and drugs. But not nearly enough that promote Kingdom business, covenant relationships, and righteous living. We are raising up a standard; a standard of holiness, righteousness, virtue, and dominion. We are waging war on our secular culture and taking a stand for Christ. This is it! The kingdom of heaven is suffering violence, and we are here to take it by force! We are the remnant that will put on the full armor of God, ready, willing, and able to fight the enemy stoke by stroke, line by line, precept upon precept. I encourage you to not just read the articles you will find here, but truly see how every word was written to strengthen, encourage, and empower you in your every day walk with Christ. You won’t find gossip and fillers here. There won’t be segregat-ed articles targeted at specific audiences. And this is not something to pacify your “obligation” to get involved by reading up on current Christian events. This magazine will be full of life-transforming mes-sages from everyday people like you and me, striving to be all God has called us to be. This magazine is for people that are ready to walk fully in the Dominion Authority that God has given each and every one of us.So don’t sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Open your mind to learn, your heart to receive and your will to obey. Yes, you are ready! Yes, you CAN do this!

Oh Lord! What have I gotten myself into now!?!?!"

words from the editor


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POLLY WANT A CRACKER?Conquering your inner foodie Meet Polly; my inner foodie. She is that voice that tells me to eat when I’m full, indulge when I know that I shouldn’t, and sit down when it’s time to work out. Polly has been the cause of my constant battle with weight loss and I am focused on defeating her in this New Year. I have decided to take a stand against Polly be-cause I have allowed her to destroy the very road that God has mapped out for me, and you have too. Every

time you slow down because you feel as though your body can’t move another inch, is the result of Polly’s invasion. Every time you pop a pill because the doc-tor has announced that you have a new ailment, is be-cause you have allowed Polly to take over. And lastly, every time you look in the mirror and can no longer recognize the face you see, is because you have al-lowed Polly to take control of some aspect of your

By Mikel Brabham

health: polly want a cracker?


life. Let us declare that in this year, we will no lon-ger offer Polly that cracker she keeps begging for. We will eat in moderation and only consume those things that are pleasing to our digestive system. As Christians, we were created to be the trend setters of the world and were designed to be the leaders that people want to follow simply because of the Jesus they see in us. But how difficult do you think it is to see Jesus in a person when you have to look past the unhealthy outer shell that is sup-posed to help lead you to your own “healthy place”.

As Christians, we were created to be the trend setters of the world...”

Jesus walked the earth daily without concern for his own plight and some of us get attitudes when the elevator is out and we are forced to walk up a flight of steps. How do you think you are being viewed in the eyes of those that want to know the Jesus you want to introduce them to? I am here to tell you that even though you have daily struggles with eating the right foods and disciplining your Polly from time to time, all hope is not lost. You can still learn to live a healthy lifestyle and become a better example to those around you.

> Park far away from your destination – this way you are forced to exert a little more energy to get to where you want to be .

> Limit the fast foods you consume- drastically reduce the amount of times you eat food from restaurants (try limiting your outings to once a month and even then, eat in moderation ).

> Drink water when think you are hungry- often times we think we are hungry but after a nice tall glass of cold water, our appetites are suppressed.

> Set realistic weight loss goals – you didn’t gain weight overnight and you are definitely not going to lose it overnight. One and a half to two pounds a week is a realistic weight loss goal for a person who engages in physical activity and eats healthy meals throughout the day.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

By adhering to these four tips, you will be well on your way to fighting your inner foodie. Remem-ber to take the time to learn more about the foods you consume and always think outside of the box when it comes to eating healthy meals. I don’t like eating cardboard and in my mind I’d like to think that Jesus sprinkled a little bit of Old Bay seasoning on those and fish and splash of garlic on that bread.<>

Mikel C. Brabham is originally from Newport News, VA and currently resides in Bethle-hem, PA. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management from Elizabeth City State University, a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Wellness from Kaplan University, as well as a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from University of Phoenix. She is a wife and a mother of three wonderful children.


Ask the Pastor

As our world improves with the advancements of technology social mediums enable us to maintain our connections with each other up to the minute. How-ever, in spite of the connections, many feel isolated, aloof and disconnected more than ever. For many it is as if it is the best of times and worst of times all at the same time. The search for significance sometimes eludes all of us. We often believe positions, property and people can fulfill this void of feeling lost and lonely. One of the reasons why I love scripture is be-cause of its relevance to the times in which we live. The writer of Ecclesiastes reminds us in Ecc 1:9, “that which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian church these words in 1 Corinthians 10:13. He said, “No temptation has over-taken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.” The point is isolation, loneliness and feelings of disconnect-edness are all common experiences to the human con-dition. The great news is we don’t have to succumb to the pressures of these feelings in driving us to live with the results of ungodly decisions. Simply because God has given each of us access to Dominion’s Authority. As senior leader at Calvary Revival Church- Pen-insula I am often encouraged when I see people over-coming the emotions, feelings and experiences of loneliness and discouragement. A constant theme at Calvary on the peninsula is that we are able to walk in dominion through the power of Jesus Christ. Most recently I was asked, “How do I know that God loves me? Why is my life going this way? Will it always be this way?” When I think about the response to these questions, I am reminded of the children of Israel during the 1st exile. They were dejected and disillusioned with the destruction of their homeland. The loss of nation-al identity and culture as a result of being taken into slavery as a surrounding nation’s military invasion left many feeling destitute and disconnected. In the midst

of the loss and calamity the prophet Jeremiah lifts up his voice with a prophetic word to the people of Israel saying, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I believe it’s the same word for us today. God has a plan for our lives to give each of us individually and corporately a hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) What Israel didn’t know is that God was at work in influencing Babylon and Daniel and his three brothers were needed in service of the heathen King so that the heathen king would have an encounter with the God of the universe. Have you ever thought that maybe God has you where you are to utilize you to extend His Kingdom for His glory? The prophet Isa-iah a contemporary of Jeremiah reminded the people,

I believe when we ask these questions we will hear very familiar passages of scripture. For example we may hear the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 8:28 which says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” The simple answer to these questions involves our ability to see beyond our present surroundings. We often times internalize and individualize every crisis moment. When in most instances God is at work in the circumstances not so much to change the circumstances but to change us thereby changing others who are connected as they be-come witnesses watching the change in us. Our ability to walk in dominion is centered all in how we see it. So remember God loves you and is at work. He has a pur-pose and plan for every moment and situation. Learn to trust Him when you can’t trace Him or track Him and most importantly be empowered and walk in domin-ion. You do have access to Dominion’s Authority! <>

By Dr Raymond Johnson

Connected for Purpose

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa 55:8-9) So when we are feeling isolated discouraged and frustrated we must remember God is at work not only for us but those around us. I want encourage us to think differently and see our situations and circum-stances differently by asking the question,

Connected for Purpose

1.“God what do you want from me in this situation?” 2.“What are you trying to get to me and through me?” 3.“How are you trying to use me for the benefit of others?”


The topic of education in the United States of Amer-ica elicits a myriad of responses. The response you get will vary based on whom you ask about it. The point of this piece is not to discuss the questions as much as it is to produce some of the answers. Wheth-er you are a parent, student, teacher, administrator, or concerned citizen, it is important to realize that if you are a Christian, you are not bound by the statis-tics or commentaries of so-called educational experts. Regardless of your age, socioeconomic status, gender, or ethnicity, you must first realize that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you are a Kingdom citizen. As a kingdom citizen, we have kingdom responsibilities. God’s Word tells us that His people perish from lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). The context of this scripture reveals we must become learned in the things of God. Moreover, as we become learned in the things of God we must seek His wis-dom so that we can fulfill the plans he has for our lives. As Christians operating with a Kingdom mind-set in a non-kingdom culture, it is imperative to un-

derstand that God has given us the Bible to guide and order our every step. The guidance and wisdom that are revealed in the Word of God are not merely sug-gestions. They are commands that we have been giv-en, starting in Genesis with the Dominion Mandate. In Genesis 1:28, God has created man and woman. He further blessed them and commanded them to be fruit-ful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man] for the purpose of walking in dominion (Amplified Trans-lation). This blessing and mandate is perpetual and applies to all of his children, including us who are liv-ing and breathing on this earth now. So what on earth does that mean and what on earth do we do about it? As an educator, I am passionate about educa-tion. I am passionate about education as a resource and a spring board for the place where God is taking his people. I am not dismissing learning the things of God and walking by faith in the spirit. I am not saying that there aren’t legitimate cases where God elevates people with no educational credential whatsoever. He is God and He can and will do as He sees fit. However, the

valuing education according to kingdom principles By Autem Clay


Bible does admonish us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Studying the Bible is im-perative and studying as a disci-pline is integral. It is not limited to Bible study and Biblically we have exemplars that demon-strate education is an asset. Whenever I consider the value of education, I consider the prophet Daniel. Before Daniel was a major prophetic voice and servant of God, he was an Isra-elite teen in captivity. Why was he chosen? According to Dan-iel 1, King Nebuchadnezzar selected young men who were in the royal court, best of the best and “suitable for instruction in all wisdom, knowledge, perceptive, and capable of serving in the king’s palace” (verses 3-4). Fast forward to Daniel’s legacy as a marketplace minister who was favored by God and ungodly kings, and the realization that he was set apart is clear. There is a stark difference between the Kingdom’s way and the world’s way. The world’s way says win at all costs and do whatever it takes to excel. The Kingdom’s way says trust God and works His plan. The world’s way says your identity is wrapped in your success, your grades, your accomplishments. Your work belongs to you and makes or breaks you. The Kingdom’s way says that your identity is solely based on God’s Word, His will, His way. Your work be-longs to God and is for your good and God’s glory. Considering the stark differences in mindset it is obvious that while there may at times be some over-lap, the fact remains that God’s way of success is dif-ferent than the world’s way. Yet even more amazing is the fact that when we follow God’s plan, we actu-ally put ourselves in a position to be the best and the brightest! Daniel exemplified this. He determined in his heart that he would not defile himself and do things in any way other than God’s. He was faithful in char-acter and in deed and as a result was given wisdom, knowledge and understanding in every kind of literature and wisdom. He also understood every kind of dream and vision and literally no one was found to be his equal (verses 17-21). I am encouraged by the testimony of

Daniel’s life. In this day and age, the value of education combined with Godly wisdom is not accepted as legiti-mate. Yet and still God’s pattern proves that when com-bined and submitted to Him, there is nothing that can get in the way of the favor that he will pour out on His faithful, obedient servant. So what does that mean for you, your child, their teacher, or even administrators? There is a specific reason why you are here and there is something specific for you to accomplish be-fore you leave this earth. This same truth applies to your children! Like Hannah, you must dedicate them to the Lord and cultivate the gifts that God has placed in them. There are countless scriptures that give us guidance on this matter, starting with Jeremiah 29:11. God knows the plans he has for us, and he will lead and guide us into all truth by the Holy Spirit if we submit to Him. We have work to do! God will reveal his plan but you must first prepare. You must study to show your-self approved and begin to operate in excellence. For parents, this means that you must instill the discipline of studying in your children. Teach them to value their education and to consider it an important part of their present and future. Biblically and historically, we see patterns that communicate the significance of academic excellence. This is not something that should be hidden. While there are many different facets to ad-dress when considering education in the Unit-ed States of America, it is important to understand that in spite of educational initiatives and programs, students are being left behind every single day.

Education: Closing the Academic Gap


> Every nine seconds, we lose a student due to drop-ping out (Lehr, Johnson, Bremer, Cosio, & Thompson 2004).

> Although recent indicators point to progress within overall graduation rates, even the encouraging reports still indicate that at least a quarter of students drop out (Aud et al., 2010; Balfanz, Bridgeland, Moore & Hornig Fox, 2010)

> The picture is bleakest for African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, whose dropout percentages are more than twice that of their White peers (Balfanz et al., 2010)

Consider these facts While these statistics are discouraging realities for some Americans, the fact remains that as Kingdom Citizens we can expect and achieve greater as we walk in faith and operate in excellence. We are not bound to data sources that seek to put us in a box. As a matter of fact, we are not conformed to this world, but have been transformed by the renewing of our minds. For every stu-dent, parent, or educational supporter, my prayer for you is that young establish a plan that works for you and your family. Set goals and make practical plans to accomplish them. My family instilled a strong love of learning and accepted nothing less than the best from me and my sib-lings, cousins and friends. I carry that work ethic to this day. I have seen the benefits of obedience to my parents as they raised me with values that are indeed Biblical.<>

Available Now on iTunes

Autem Clay, Newport News, is a veteran teacher with a B.A. in English Arts from Hampton University and her M.A. in Special Education from Regent University.


progress over pain



Inspiration: Progress over pain





By Raniesa Gray-Johnson


M any of us pride ourselves on our athletic tal-ent. Some of us are even quite good actually. We’ve received numerous accolades from recreational league, high school, and maybe even college levels sports that we’ve participated in. We’ve spent countless hours training, watching, and daydreaming about being a superior athlete in our respective sport. We’ve invest-ed time and resources into ourselves and our children to encourage them to be the best of the best. In re-ality, the majority of us will never reach Olympic lev-el competition. One talented young man defied all the odds and statistics against him by not only mak-ing an Olympic team, but doing so after battling al-most insurmountable obstacles that were in his way.

Jerreme Wade, a native of Chesapeake, VA, was selected to represent the US as a member of the Paralympic Soccer Team at the 2012 Paralympic Games in London. The Paralympic Games are in as-sociation with the Olympics and is held two weeks fol-lowing the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. The Paralympics provides athletes with disabilities the opportunity to participate in international compe-tition despite limiting physical, emotional, or psycho-logical conditions. The Games are governed by the International Paralympics Committee (IPC), whose vision is to enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world. The Games are very similar to the Olympics with only those provisions necessary to accommo-date athletes with certain limitations. As for soccer, the field is 75 x 55m with 5 x 2m goals, and there are no off sides. Each player is categorized based on a classification system designed to identify the limita-tions of their disability. The classification ranges from 5 to 8, with 8 being the most able bodied and 5 be-ing the most impaired. Jerreme’s classification is 7. Jerreme was introduces to the Games 36 months after undergoing brain surgery to remove 3 sections of his brain to help eliminate years of Generalized Tonic-Clon-ic (Grand Mal) seizures as a result of cerebral palsy and

epilepsy. This was caused by a stroke that he suffered on the right side of his brain while still in his mother’s womb. “Generalized tonic-clonic seizures are the most common and best known type of generalized seizure. They begin with stiffening of the limbs (the tonic phase), followed by jerking of the limbs and face (the clonic phase). During the tonic phase, breathing may decrease or cease altogether, producing cyanosis (turning blue) of the lips, nail beds, and face. Breathing typically returns

“Doctors and other pro-fessionals told him that he would never be able to play soccer again...”

progress over pain


during the clonic (jerking) phase, but it may be irregu-lar. This clonic phase usually lasts less than a minute.” As a child, Jerreme loved soccer. He began play-ing with his brother and sister at the age of four, and by the time he was 14, joined a local soccer club to sharpen his skills. Jerreme had his first Grand Mal seizure while shopping in a department store with his parents when he was only 14months old. These seizures would continue to plague him until his surgery in 2009. After surgery, doctors and other professionals told him that he would never be able to play soccer again; that his condition would prevent him from achieving the goals that he set for himself. But Jerreme was determined to progress over pain, he refused to let his seizures or conditions stop him. After recovery, Jerreme started coaching young children as a way to get back to his first love. A high school coach noticed his passion and suggested that he apply for licensure, so he became a licensed coach with The Virginia Youth Soccer Association (VYSA). The training there was intense and afforded him the opportunity to get back to actually playing the game of soccer. This lead to him being noticed by the U.S.

Olympic Committee and being offered the opportunity to try out for the U.S. team in Chula Vista, California. Describing the experience as humbling and utterly breath-taking, Jerreme says he was honored to be among the only 25-30 players chosen for the team. In the world-wind process, he started camp in March and competed in his first Tournament in Russia in April 2012. In the year that he’s been a member of the team, Jerreme has competed in 3 tournaments, including the 2012 Paralympics Games. Most of us would consider this opportunity a culmination of all our hard work; the end result of an uphill battle. Not Jerreme. This is just the beginning for him. At 22, he is currently working to complete his degree in Recreational Therapy with ambitions of opening his own non-profit organization that focus-es on increasing awareness for children with disabili-ties while also providing therapeutic services for them. Paralympic athletes are not paid athletes, and there is a significant lack of funding for the games in relation to the Olympics. But Jerreme continues to train for the 2016 Paralympic Games, where there are ex-pected to be about 12,000 participating, and hopes to


complete in at least three more tournaments. In addi-tion, he spends much of his free time doing non-profit work such as motivational speaking to get the word out about the Paralympic Games, as well as his own condi-tion. He is dedicated to increasing the knowledge and awareness of others regarding those with disabilities and encouraging people to understand that the things that make us different, make us unique. Jerreme at-tributes his success to his faith in God, his family, and his other team members. His goal is to raise the stan-dard and set a positive example for others with dis-abilities not to limit themselves. The sky isn’t the lim-it; the only limits are those you create in your mind.<>

“The sky isn’t the limit; the only limits are those you create in your mind.”

progress over pain


He slept with her, lied to me and when I confronted him he told me it was not his fault. His final words, “I don’t know what else to say.” My heart felt like it flew out of my chest and was crushed under his feet as he stomped away. I cried until my eyes felt raw and I my groans grew silent. How could this happen? Why did he do me like that? I gave him so much, how could he leave me like this? The emp-tiness I felt was overwhelming. I didn’t want to get up but somehow found the strength to lift my head. I strained to open my swollen eyes, and I was startled by the mirror that reflected my hurt. I could not stand to look at myself. I opened my eyes again, but this time I saw a different Nakia, a vision of who I was to be. I realized that this was not the end but an opportunity to embrace a new me. I had to get up. I had to get out of there and I did. That was one of the worst and one of the best days of my life. I learned that I can’t find love in lust filled places. I can’t sell out my virtue for temporary affirmation. I learned that my mother was right and God’s ways are best. I learned that obedience was indeed better than sacrifice (I Samuel 15:22). This story maybe a familiar one. I am sure you have one of your own. For some it can be just another sad story or a test of their faith (in someone or something) but for an-other it can be a testimony. God brought beauty from ashes as I discovered that Christ died for me. He valued me greater than this hurtful experience. And while I was yet a sinner, he gave his life for me. I learned to appreciate true love. When faced with a life challenge or test, will you learn? Will your grow? Will you hear and obey God’s word for your life? If you do, God will strengthen you to #continue.

#iContinueexcerpts from Nakia Johnson

Nakia Johnson, original-ly from Washington, D.C., has a Bachelors of Arts in Sociology from the University of Mary-land-Baltimore County and a Master of Arts degree in Urban Studies from Old Dominion University.


A Believer's Walk

Is Being Saved Enough?by Raniesa Gray-Johnson

As believers, many times we feel like get-ting saved is the ultimate goal of our lives. After we’ve done everything we thought we were big enough and bad enough to do, we were left with what we thought were two choices. We either hit a patch in our life that was so rough, the only help we had was God, so we got saved; or we began to remember that the wages of sin is death, and since no one really wants to die and

go to hell, we figured we’d better get saved now before it’s too late. Either way, we assumed that was it. I did it. I accepted Christ, so now I’m good. I’ll make sure that I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I’ll join a ministry so I can say I’m actively participating. I’ll even pay tithes and offering-when I have extra. I’m good; I’m being a good Christian and doing what God asked. Not so. There is soo much more to this Chris-tian life than you could ever imagine.

Spirituality: A Believer's Walk


In Deut 30:15-20, God admonishes us to choose life, so that we and our seed shall live. But what does this REALLY mean? Yeah, I chose to ac-cept Christ as my savior because I’m trying to live and not die. But what is this life that He is talking about? And how does this affect my future and that of my children? God is trying to give us life more abundantly. In Genesis 9:2, the bible tells us that God has already given us power over the earth and everything in it. For me, this is more than just my children (my seed), but every dream, every goal, every ambition that I have that lines up with the word of God. Everything that I desire is mine for the taking. Matthew 6:33 promises me that if I seek God FIRST, ALL-not some, but ALL- these things shall be added to me. Therefore, by choos-ing life, me, and my seed (children, dreams, goals, ambitions) shall live. Let’s think about this, without God, there is no guarantee that anything you do in this world will stand. Yes, you may be pretty well off right now; nice car, nice home, stable job. But without God, these things are subject to fail you at any given moment. Your car could break down, your house could catch fire, and you can be laid off from your job. In the world, this is devastating news because you are not sure why this happened or what your next step will be. This is equally devastating as a believer, but your saving grace is that with God, these things are only temporal, His ways are eternal. With God, you have the peace of knowing and understanding that these things were only in the way of getting you to where He wants you to be. These things are nothing compared to the glory that God is about to bring you to. These things don’t showcase the glory of God because you achieved them with your own might, but what’s to come has been given to you as a result of the will of

God moving in your life, which will glorify Him! Which means that the seeds that I planted in the earth, will continue to grow exponentially; I am leaving a legacy for my children’s children. Now, that’s something to shout about! Is this easy? No! Of course not! It takes DAILY determination and perseverance. But through Christ, ALL things are possible. And His grace is ever abound-ing in us. Meaning that though we may stumble and fall, God forgives and continues to allow us not just a second chance, but another chance. We used up

that second chance years ago, before we even knew God. He is not counting how many times we fall; He is just waiting for us to ac-knowledge our weaknesses and continue to rely on Him for strength. His strength is made perfect in our weak-ness; meaning we can truly see and feel God working on our behalf during our times

of weakness. This is when God gets to show off for us!! How exciting is that?!? This is our license to cry out to God and say, “Lord, help me!! I’m messed thing up again! I need you!!” That’s what He wants to hear. He wants us to acknowledge that we need Him so He can not only show us away out of our situation, but prove Himself yet again on our behalf. He knows we struggle with belief at times and we need a constant reminder, but God is so patient and loves us so much, that He is willing to let us fall every day, just so He can be our knight in shining armor coming to rescue us. And all He asks in return is that we praise Him. Thank Him. Worship Him. Just like we expect our children to thank us for the many blessing we give them, God expects the same from us. But whereas our children may hug and kiss us, or make cards at school to show their appre-ciation, God wants us to get to know Him better by




a believer's walk

reading and studying His word, spending time in His presence through prayer, and praising and worshipping Him just because He is good, not because we want or need something. The psalmist, David, said it best: “Oh give thanks unto the Lord for He is good; His mercies endureth forever” Psalms 136:1. “But I have had issues in the past with faith and belief. I haven’t always trusted God with my life and my decisions. As a matter of fact, things are so bad in my life right now, that I don’t even think God wants me anymore.” This may be the thoughts running through your head right now, but I have news for you! God left us specific instructions in His word on how to get back in right standing with Him. He already knew that there would be times that we would fall off the wagon of grace and need help getting back. And He knew that we would wonder aimlessly, afraid to ask for help for fear that the reprisal would be worse than the situation. Do you remember that I told you that God loves us so much; He waits for us to fall so He can come to rescue us? Well, 2 Chronicles 7:14 has the answer. God says that if His people(us, believers, anyone who seeks God) will humble themselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from your wicked ways, He will hear from heav-en, forgive our sins, and heal the our land. Wait. Did you see that? God says that He will not only forgive our sins, but also heal our land! The land is where we plant the seed. Right here on earth. So those dreams,

goals, ambitions, and wayward children you’d all but given up on, God will heal them too!! All He asks is that we repent. What a mighty God we serve!! But it gets better!! God even promises to re-pay EVERYTHING that your sins have taken from you. (Joel 2:25) You mean, that God will give me back everything that I had BEFORE and then bless me anew? Yes! What about the dream of owning my own business? Finishing my degree? Buying my first home? Cleaning up my debt? Even my child who is strung out on drugs? God will restore ALL of that!! He will give you peace about every situation in your life and even bring you to a place of greater glory than before. Now that’s a guarantee that you will never find in the world! Life with Christ is so much more abundant when you make the decision to accept Him. Choosing life is the best decision you can ever make for your life. God never promised that this walk with Him would be easy, but He did promise that it would be so worth it. <>

“GodevenpromisestorepayEVERYTHING that yoursinshavetakenfromyou.”



Many people have talents that they believe are extraordinary. Whether you are a singer, an ac-tor, a rapper or a musician, you have worked on your particular skill enough that you believe that someone else will pay to see or hear. This is what makes the birth of such shows as American Idol and Sunday Best so popular. Everyone wants to be discovered. But unless you can make it onto one of the afore-mentioned shows and impress the judges, the best and most effective way for you to do it, would be to connect with someone who knows the industry and

can get you the connections you need. I had the pleasure of meeting with the incompara-ble Sacha Walton. She is the owner of The Move Man-agement Gorup (MMG), and was recently the Local Coordinator for the Unashamed Tour at the Hampton Coliseum last summer which featured Lecrae, Trip Lee, and more! Although I prefer to save my performances for my kids and the shower, Sacha was happy to give me some insight on what it takes to be the best and get results. Check it out! >>>


Interview: Sacha walton


DAMag: So! Tell me about you. Who is Sacha Walton, and what qualifies you in this industry?SachaWalton(SW): Well, I started doing booking manage-ment back in 1997, because of my love of music and my past desire to be an artist myself. I had an opportunity to work with several different artists and producers during my time of cul-tivating my own craft. Eventually I had the

idea of working behind the scenes. I’ve been blessed that I have always been in a position where I was connected to the right people to make things happened. So, back then, I started 7/8 Productions and begin working with secular and Christian artists, doing booking and artist manage-ment. Then I started planning events and booking artists for my church. Eventually, I moved away from the secular side as I re-alized that God had something greater for me. But I really enjoyed those early years; from there, I learned a lot so I decided to take my knowledge and expertise and make them available to help others. DAMag: Cool. So how did you make the transition from wanting to be an artist your-self, to wanting to manage and promote others? SW: Um, I think it just changed for me…I wanted to be a rapper. I had wanted to be a rapper since junior high school. So

I went hard. I started meeting and connecting with people who I thought could help me reach my goal. I connected with and became a part of Boogie Down Productions. But it always seem like once I would get to a certain point, things wouldn’t work out. Not that I wasn’t any good; more that God had a ceiling on how far I could go, and then He would cause me to stop. I remember working with a producer in Chesapeake, along with a friend from high school. We tried to form a group. We recorded some music and had pros-pects to sign us, but somewhere during that process I realized that I would rather do what he was doing. I

wanted to try producing. It looked really interesting. He allowed me to run the board, and I realized that it wasn’t for me. But connecting with him and working with him opened up even more doors for me to meet even more people in the industry. At this same time, a good friend was trying to get his rapping career off the ground and I realized that I was in a position to connect him with people that could help him out. I realized that I was in a perfect posi-tion to connect people. I didn’t really know too much about managing, I just knew the business as I learned it. I really just started by connecting with people in the area that were active in the business. I just faded away from trying to be an artist myself, to taking the knowledge that I had gained and working behind the scenes to help others. I figured that if I wasn’t going to do it, then I can help somebody else.DAMag: Ok. You said that you started off managing both secular and Christian artist. What made you de-cided to step away from the secular side.SW: Great question! I was about 23/24 and I had a partner that I was working with at the time. She had some things that happened in her personal life that made me realize that maybe she wasn’t really cut out to run a business, so we went our separate ways. That made me really sit back and think about what I wanted to do with the business. I had recently gotten to a point where I was really working on my relation-ship with God and I really wanted to please Him. So I asked Him what He wanted me to do. I just wanted to be sold out to God. I grew up in a Baptist church, but had recently started going to a non-denomination-al church where I was learning and gaining so much from that ministry. I begin to really see and understand and desire more of God. I never felt like He said that I couldn’t managed both secular and Christian artists, but I really wanted to make sure that my work and what I did was pleasing to Him. This was the same year that Lauren Hill won her Gram-my Award. I remember seeing her receive her award and she was holding a bible in her hands. I heard God clearly say to me, “If she can do it, why can’t you?” That convicted me. Why couldn’t I represent God in public? At the same time, the secular groups that I was working with were starting to fall apart, so eventually that side of things just began to fall away. Once I finally let it go, things started to happen with the Christian artists I was working with.DAMag: In working with you in a few projects in the past and getting to know you personally, I’ve come to learn that you are very exclusive in who you work with. You only accept a certain clientele, after you’ve prayed about it, and then only on a trial basis until God


Even though I’m behind the scenes, I have to still hon-or the gift God gave me. If your heart and your spirit isn’t right and I know it, I’m just as bad as you areby putting you out there. So I want to make sure that the people I work with are striving to please God with their ministry and not in it just for the money and the glory.The second reason is because I want to be diverse. I don’t want to have too much of the same thing. I want to always be able to provide a level of quality service to everyone I work with. I want to work with Gospel rappers, Praise and Worship groups, solo artists. I want to be fair to everyone in addition to my speakers. And I don’t want to have too many in the same catego-ry. I want to keep the playing field level for everyone that I work with. Don’t want anyone to feel like they are competing with each other.DAMag: In the midst of managing so many artists and speakers, and being a single mother raising a teenag-er, how hard is it to stay foscused on the task at hand. How do you maintain balance?SW: I maintain that balance primarily with time man-agement. Making myself be focused. Especially with my daughter. I don’t want her to ever feel left out because she is definitely most important. I always make time for her. I plan to spend time with her by not putting anything on my schedule when we plan things. I also set up a team to help. Delegation is key; learning how to delegate when necessary. And being lead by the Holy Spirit. I think about how I want my business to grow, which helps me to stay focused. I don’t want to let the peo-ple I work with down, so I try to stay on top of things. I really believe in the spirit of excellence, so I try to keep that on the forefront of my mind because it reflects a person’s character. I try to make sure that I always portray the spirit of excellence, so slacking up is not an option. God is a God of decency and order, so I try to make sure that I am walking in the same flow by managing and maintaining my schedule effectively and by living a balanced life.DAMag: Wow!! Great information! Thank you so much for your time. Anything else you want to include?SW: Just remember that God knows what you are ca-pable of and will give the tools and resources that you need to be successful. Stay humble and keep your focus on Him! <>

For artist and more information on Sacha Walton and The Move Management Group, visit www.themove-mg.com.

has released you further. I commend you on that and respect your decision; but why is that? SW: Two reasons. The main reason is to check the person’s heart. I need to discern the motives and the heart intentions of a person before I commit to working with them. I really believe in what God has set for me, so I try to honor that and be a good steward and not allow my gift to be exploited by just anybody. I actu-ally interview all my clients to really get to know them. If I don’t feel comfortable in my spirit, then I will kindly let them know that I either can’t work with them at all or will only be able to provide limited services. I really look at the ministry and ensure that who I am work-ing with is always honoring God. There is a thin line between being a secular artist and a Christian artist. And unfortunately you can cross over that line very easily and not even know it because the world has made Gospel music just another genre. But it’s not, and the ministry behind your music is what will tell the difference. How is your life outside the music? How is your relationship with God and the people in your life?

Interview: Sacha walton


Goals for Setting PrioritiesTop 10 things to know when budgeting your money and setting financial priorities

1. Narrow your objectives.You probably won’t be able to achieve every financial goal you’ve ever dreamed of. So identify your goals clearly and why they matter to you, and decide which are most important. By concen-trating your efforts, you have a better chance of achieving what matters most.2. Focus first on the goals that matter.To accomplish primary goals, you will often need to put desirable but less important ones on the back burner.3. Be prepared for conflicts.Even worthy goals often conflict with one another. When faced with such a conflict, you should ask yourself questions like: Will one of the conflicting goals benefit more people than the other? Which goal will cause the greater harm if it is deferred?4. Put time on your side.The most important ally you have in reaching your goals is time. Money stashed in interest-earning savings accounts or invested in stocks and bonds grows and compounds. The more time you have, the more chance you have of success. Your age is a big factor - younger people (who have more time to build their nest egg) can invest differently than older ones. Generally, younger people can take greater risks than older people, given their longer invest-ment horizon.5. Choose carefully.In drawing up your list of goals, you should look for things that will help you feel financially secure, happy or fulfilled. Some of the items that wind up on such lists include building an emergency fund, getting out of debt and paying kids’ tuitions. Once you have your list together, you need to rank the

items in order of importance (if you have trouble doing so, use the CNNMoney.com Prioritizer for help).6. Include family members.If you have a spouse or significant other, make sure that person is part of the goal-setting process. Children, too, should have some say in goals that affect them.7. Start now.The longer you wait to identify and begin working toward your goals, the more difficulty you’ll have reaching them. And the longer you wait, the longer you postpone the advantage of compounding your money.8. Sweat the big stuff.Once you have prioritized your list of goals, keep your spending on course. Whenever you make a large payment for anything, ask yourself: “Is this taking me nearer to my primary goals - or leading me further away from them?” If a big expense doesn’t get you closer to your goals, try to defer or reduce it. If taking a grand cruise steals money from your kids’ college fund, maybe you should settle for a weekend getaway.

9. Don’t sweat the small stuff.Although this lesson encourages you to focus on big-ticket, long-range plans, most of life is lived in the here-and-now and most of what you spend will continue to be for daily expenses - including many that are simply for fun. That’s OK - so long as your long-range needs are taken into consideration.10. Be prepared for change.Your needs and desires will change as you age, so you should probably reexamine your priorities at least every five years. <>


Training up a Child


By Autem Clay

Remember, it is important to check in with their teachers and by all means hold both teachers and your child accountable. How can you do this? By setting guidelines for homework, studying, time management and make sure that your guidelines are both enforced and followed. It is always better to be a proactive parent than a reactive parent, so make your presence known and follow-up with teachers consistently. One way you can do this is by joining the local PTA to stay abreast of what happens in your child’s school.

Consider the practical steps below, write the vision, and walk in excellence as God desires to see you at your best, fulfilling His perfect will.




Remember, you are an integral part of develop-ing a child. Your words and your actions are important! Set high expectations for your students! Provide them with multi-modal instruction based on best practic-es and opportunities to demonstrate mastery in both formal and informal assessment. Keep the pathway open for communication and contact parents as fre-quently as possible. Keep that same pathway open for your students as well. Continue seeking opportunities to develop and implement your best practices toolkit. Don’t neglect the responsibility of holding the system accountable. Remember to join your local PTA and get involved in the governing body that makes decisions on all matters concerning local, state and national education. <>

Remember, it is important to understand that God’s plan for your life should be just as important to you as it is to the people who love you (parents, teach-ers, etc.). It is important that you understand the role you play in accomplishing your God-given goals. How can you do this? Take an interest in your education and study to show yourself approved unto God. Con-sider school your job right now. You have 8 hours in a school building to work hard and work well. If you need help, ask for it. Whether it is needed from a parent or a teacher, don’t be embarrassed to ask questions! Lastly, respect your teachers and other adults in your school building, even when you don’t agree with them.


Dominion Authority Magazine would like to introduce our “Empowering Generations” segment. We will from time to time invite guest writers, motivators, and mentors an opportunity to provide some words of wis-dom to our readers. Our first guest writer for this edi-tion is Mr. Al J. Johnson, a Logistical Manager, who is a supervisor working at the Joint Base Langley Eustis located in the Hampton City area.


GENERATIONS My name is Al Johnson and I would like to share some words of wisdom presented to me some time ago by an anonymous author. Hopefully, the words will inspire you to believe in yourself and not be afraid to live your life to the fullest. Stay true to yourself and not let the little things in life trip you up. You are worthy to have the life you deserve, so go out there, achieve your dreams, and never give up hope. I truly believe these words will give you some encouragement and the will to keep trying and never give up on your-self. Take care.

• Don’t undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others. It is because we are different that each of us is special. • Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only you know what is best for you. • Don’t take for granted the things closest to your heart. Cling to them as you would your life, for without them, life is meaningless. • Don’t let your life slip through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. By living your life one day at a time, you live ALL the days of your life. • Don’t give up when you still have something to give. Nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying. • Don’t be afraid to admit that you are less than per-fect. It is this fragile thread that binds us each together. • Don’t be afraid to encounter risks. It is by taking chances that we learn how to be brave. • Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impos-sible to find. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings. • Don’t run through life so fast that you forget not only where you’ve been, but also where you are going. • Don’t forget that a person’s greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. • Don’t be afraid to learn. Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. • Don’t use time or words carelessly. Neither can be retrieved. Life is not a race, but a journey.

empowering generations


#iContinueexcerpts from Nakia Johnson

I could not believe all the opposition that came my way. The more I did, the more came against me. I tried to help but it only seemed to hurt me. I decided to do nothing and I was still the problem. I shut my mouth but they said my silence spoke volumes. Lord are you serious? I am trying to do right but it seems like I can’t do anything right in their eyes. I was mad but praying, going in on God begging Him to fight my battles. I don’t deserve this Lord, I have been through enough. Why do I have to deal with this? I’m done! I got up, and started to pick up the phone. They were going to get a piece of my mind today. The phone rang, and rang, and rang…I hung up the phone. I called back because I know they had an answering machine. I was going to be heard. It didn’t answer. I was mad. I sat there contemplating my next move and in the stillness of the moment, I heard “you don’t deserve it, neither did I” But you can endure it, I did.” Lord, my name is Nakia, not Jesus! Ugh…then I heard a familiar word, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper”. I am hot like fire but that sounds good to me. So I get my bible and look it up. After rustling though the scriptures I continue to read… No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord-Isaiah 54:17. I like that! But God, can you tell them that? I receive it and I continue. Sunday comes and I am in the flow. As service comes to an end, here comes Mrs. Opposition, ready to accuse the brethren. I listen, and listen, and listen and the peace of God comes upon me and from out of my mouth these words flow… “God will not allow you to tear down what He is building up, but thank you for sharing, God bless.” Thank you God for being a keeper. Next time you want to speak your mind, get His mind and #continue


Trey McLaughlin and The Sounds of Zamar

DAMag: Thank you guys for taking the time to speak with me. I was truly blessed by the Limitless CD and am honored at the opportunity to connect with you all again. Trey, How did you get started? What was that “aha” moment for you that made you KNOW that this was something you wanted to do.Trey: There was never really an “aha” moment that I can remember, but there was also never a time when I wanted to do something other than sing. Even before my family knew I could sing. No one else is my family is really musically inclined, except my mom. She sang in college and I used to go to practices with her, and learn the parts. By the time I was four, I could almost

Every so often there is a group that comes along that changes the atmosphere of praise and worship with a sound so clean and a heart so pure that it causes you to stop what you are doing and worship along with them. Some groups have a melody in the heart from God that is artistically expressed in their mu-sic. And there are some that enjoy what they are doing so much that the emotion is so contagious, you feel like you are a part of their family. I was honored enough to be in the presence of such a group. Trey McLaughlin and the Sounds of Zamar had truly blessed me in their worship. Their humbleness and genuine love of God is evident in every verse, every note, and every chord. I was bless to be able to sit down with a few members of the group and just get to know them a little better. Here is a little tidbit of the conversation that I had with Trey McLaughlin, Monique Faggans, Shanita Q. Tolbert, and Montavius Wells. I was truly blessed by it and I pray that you are as well.


Trey McLaughlin and The Sounds of Zamar

teach the parts. In college was I dropped into the posi-tion of director of my college choir. I knew I wanted to sing, but it was then that I recognized that God had a ministry calling on my life to do this. DAMag: Monique, I understand that your family was military while you were growing up. I’m sure that while traveling across the country and the world exposed you to many different things. What made singing number one for you?Monique: Singing came a little different for me. I never took singing course or joined a choir or anything. As a child, we really didn’t have a choice, we were kinda told, “You are going to be in the choir.” So I was obedi-

ent and joined. Didn’t lead or anything, but I was just there because that was what was expected of me. I was actually very shy. It was actually Trey who encour-aged me to let my voice shine and learn music. He asked me if I wanted to join our high school choir when I was in the ninth grade. There I learned to use my gift and realized that it was actually something I could do. I played the piano and violin, but I was never that girl who wanted the spotlight. Being a part of Sounds of Zamar helped me to embrace my gift even more.DAMag: Montavius, Trey, as a man, growing up in a society that teaches young boys that violence, drugs, and gangs make you a man, how did you come to ac-cept your calling to sing for God and not be tempted by what the world thinks you should be doing?Montavius: To be honest, I did see a lot of those things, because my uncle was in the streets, and also


Trey McLaughlin

some of my friends. But being a part of the group was what really helped. It gave me something to do to keep me out of the streets by keeping my focus on some-thing else. The mentorship by Trey and the other men helped shaped me into a man.Trey: I think the reason why so many young people get caught up into that lifestyle is because they really don’t have a positive outlet. They don’t really see any other positive options. So I think that being apart of a group gave us an outlet. It taught us that is was ok to be creative, it’s alright to be a professional, and to be educated, and know about your craft. That has defi-nitely been a major factor in keeping me from being led astray by some of the other things that are out there.DAMag: Shanita, I see that you actually have a lot on your plate. You own your own company, Coalesce Management & Entertainment Company, where you manage the group; you are a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, you’re on the Board of Directors for Barefoot Productions/Creative Impressions, and also pursuing your Masters of Public Administration degree. Wow! How do you manage everything that you are doing? How do you manage to maintain your person-ality and individuality while also being a member of a

group?Shanita: I actually don’t have a personal life (she laughs jokingly). Seriously, I have been blessed to have friends that like the same things I like and do the same things I do. I don’t have a family right now, so God obviously knew what he was doing. I enjoy every-thing I do, and I truly count it an honor to be a part of the group and able to use my skills and talents in such a way.DAMag: With a group this large, I am sure that there are times when one or more of the group members are dealing with some personal struggles. How do you all keep each other uplifted and motivated to continue to press on in the midst of life?Trey: I think that that is one of the biggest struggles of any group, especially a Christian group. There is this idea that people have where they don’t want anyone to look at them differently, or have others opinion of them change based on what they are going through. I think this a tactic that enemy really uses to make us with-draw and detach from each other. For example, if Shanita is going through some-thing and I can see discerned that, but I don’t know here very well, so I don’t approach her. She is not that


warm to me in rehearsal, so now I’m feeling a certain way, thinking that she doesn’t like me, which is really not the case. She is just dealing with some things, and had I taken the time to ask, we could have prayed about it and been ok. To alleviate that type of trick of the enemy, we have a group chat that we all partici-pate in to keep up with each other and encourage one another. It also helps us keep in touch with members who don’t live locally, and share things that we may not want to say in rehearsal. Also, we sat down with a specialist to help us better understand group dynamics. That gave us an opportunity to talk about different personal issues going on and get a professional perspective and suggestions to help us work together even better. So I think that the best way to deal with something like that is by being sensitive to each other and paying attention.DAMag: Let’s talk about the CD. Limitless. I love it! Tell me about it.Trey: Limitless was definitely a long time coming. And there are songs that wouldn’t even be on the CD on if it weren’t for the group members. I think Limitless is our expression of our love for Christ through artistry. I think that sometimes with Christian artists, if it doesn’t sound a certain way, the Jesus factor isn’t there and it’s not gospel. God is not limited to doing music a certain way and he is definitely not limited to moving a certain way. I believe our music has no limits as we allow God to use us as he sees fit. We don’t sound like other artist, we don’t look like other artist; we are not trying to be like other artists. Not that we think we are better, just different. We chose to call the CD Limitless because every song shows a different part of who we are. All of our music is an artistic expression of what feel about God. He is not limited to what everyone else is doing, so we are taking the limits off of ourselves and off of Him and letting our love for Him show through our music.DAMag: I’m sure you’ve been places and heard your music being played on the radio or in someone’s car. And I know you’ve probably been really excited about it, with very good reason. How do you stay humble?Trey: For one, it’s amazing. Every time I hear you on the radio, or people shouting us out on our Pandora station. It really is amazing. I can only say that is it God that keeps me humble. I don’t feel like I have

arrived. There are days and times where I feel like I haven’t done anything right, and I feel like I need to work harder to hone my craft and keep in tune with the ministry. I think that is how God keeps me humble, be-cause no matter how good you may think I am, I know and God knows where I can improve and get better. Also by keeping good people around me that help keep me grounded.Montavius: Having a humble leader in Trey makes it easy for us to stay humble.DAMag: In your time together as a group, what has been your most amazing experience? Trey: It would have to be the album release party for me. I remember at one point the fans where singing so loudly that I couldn’t even hear the group. It was amazing. The album hadn’t even been released, yet everyone knew us, and knew our music. They had been following us throughout the community to different events we had performed in. When I realized that God was doing something; it was so amazing for me.Montavius: I would definitely have to agree. Things were definitely on a different level for me then.Monique: My moment was a little different; it was a more quiet moment. I remember when I was picked up from the airport for the album release party. I hadn’t had the opportunity to hear the album beforehand with the group, so they played it for me in the car. And just hearing it after all the editing, mastered, with the breaks, track by track and hearing through the speak-ers of the car was enough for me. It sounded so good, I just wanted to get out of the car in the middle of traffic and just praise God for it. Shanita:Mine moment was a little different as well. Before the listening party when we got the CDs, we made a video of Trey pulling the cd out of the box. When he pulled out the Limitless CD, I screamed at the top of my lungs. A few days later, at the listening party we were all sitting around the room as a family, looking at the finishing product, was just amazing to me. If I ever doubted what God could do, that moment cleared everything up for me.DAMag: Amen! Thank you all so much for your time! You have truly been a blessing. <>



Music ReviewTamela Mann: Take Me To The King

“TakeMeToTheKing” alone is worth the purchase of this album! Fortunately, this album has a plethora of outstanding selections. The title track “Best Days” starts the album off with this statement: “God gave me a future, He told me that I was chosen, predestined me for greatness, He gave me victory!” Tamela you get an Amen and Hallelujah shout from me on that! All of the arrangements are worked to perfection as Tamela showcases her talent. That means there’s no need for skipping over tracks as every track will satisfy your listening ear and have you singing along. The “Blood Melody” takes me back to my grandpa’s church in the deep of South Carolina. I love that she did this hymn with heavy organs and all. My favorite tracks are “Guest of Honor” and “Back in the Day Praise,” but I’m sure you’ll have favorites of your own. If you don’t have this album “BestDays”by Tamela Mann I would suggest you pick it up. It is an excellent work that deserves your attention. God Bless and keep up the good work Tamela! <>

Dwayne Wilson

book ReviewB.J. Butler: Spiritual Thoughts

SpiritualThoughts is a compelling Christian devotional that takes biblical principles and makes them practical and applicable to everyday life. BJ Butler’s sound doctrine and intimate relationship with God is reflected in the powerful revelation he releases across numerous scriptures and real life applications for every day scenar-ios. The empowered life applications do more than just give instruc-tions but rather take you on a spiritual journey, allowing God’s word to engulf you and transform you into all that God has created you to be. The light shed on the scriptures is remarkable to say the least. Gods transforming word expressed through BJ will cultivate your gifts and renew your mind; a definite must read for all ages, races, and denominations. Don’t just buy a copy for you; buy one for all of your loved ones too! <>



Poetry Corner
















Mr. Speaker, March 2010



A Brief Life Update from the Chaplain’s CORNER!!!

Because we are “Kingdom Citizens” there are certain things we are entitled to. First, concern-ing abundant life, take note of what the bible says: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10, KJV). Second, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us” (Ro-man 8:37, American Standard Version). Third, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:38, NIV). These are only a few of the vast number of scriptures that speak to living an abundant life.


To avoid this hardship we must plan ahead; here are some simple steps you must follow:

• StopbyalocalVirginiahospitalandrequestanAdvanceDirectiveformfromthePastoralCareDepartment.• Discuss,review,andcompletewithindivid-ualsyouhavechosentomakedecisionsforyouifyoubecomeincapacitated.• Alwayskeepacompletedcopywithyouandoneinyourmedicalrecords.

9outof10 patients who come daily into our hospitals between the ages 21-40 have not prepared for unexpected, life threatening decisions? This usually results in unnecessary stress and anxiety for family members. But because we are “Kingdom Citizens”, we do not want to leave a burden on our love ones or others.

Kingdom Citizens, let’s not allow an ant to out do us. Proverbs 6:6-8 says “Go to the ant, O slug-gard; consider her ways, and be wise. Which having no guide, overseer or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest” (KJV). Likewise, while we are healthy and have our sound mind we must prepare a medical plan for our future rather than leaving it in the hands of others.

By Linda G. Hudson

Linda G. Hudson holds a Master of Divinity from Regent Univer-sity. She has completed her CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) Internship and Residency at Riverside Regional Medical Center in Newport News.