Online marketing presentation

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Yasser Hijjawi Click@

• #1 Traceability50% of advertising works, we just don't know which 50%.

Online is different because we do know which ads work and which do not, because we can track them.

This gives online the advantage over traditional advertising every time.

We can test our advertising ideas and only roll out the successful ones, leading to far higher returns on investment than can be achieved by lucky guesses.

Of course, even the greatest advert that appeals to lots and lots of people will still be ignored and even hated by some people. That is the nature of humanity.

We are (thankfully) not all alike. Again online advertising can trump traditional media because online ads can be targeted. Why show the same advert to a 20 year old and a 60 year old viewer? The web allows us to deliver bespoke advertising to clients.

Your website can be used to target messages that are tuned to the wants and needs of particular clients.

Internet advertising is getting cheaper by the day.

Small firms can reach global markets on the web and can even beat multinational companies with multimillion dinars budgets with a little effort just by using Digital advertising.

Not only is marketing to traditional potential customers cheaper, but the number of potential customers explodes exponentially for online advertising.

A global reach is within everyone's budget once they invest a little time and effort in online marketing.

With the right tools a small business with just one or two employees can create and manage marketing campaigns that are seen on the other side of the world.

• Page Views• Visits• CPA• CPC• CPM• Click-Through Ratio (CTR)• Ad Impressions• Unique Visitors• Conversions• Bounce Rate

Number of times a page was served / “viewed”

Number of times an ad was served “viewed”Same as page views, usually used for ads (usually >1 impression per page)

Visits: • Unique Visitors: Number of times a “session” is started at a site Number of people (computers) that visited

your site Example: I might visit you 3 times this week, but I’m 1

unique visitor

Average page views per visitTotal page views ÷ total visits

Number of single-page visits (visits with 1 page view)

• 1-page visits ÷ Total visits = Bounce Rate

Number of clicks on a banner / text ad / link etc.

compared to total views (impressions) • Clicks ÷ Impressions = CTR

Average times a visitor comes to the site within a

certain period of time • Total visits ÷ Unique Visitors = Visits per

Visitor • Important measure of loyalty

CPC: cost per click • CPM: cost per 1,000 impressions • CPL: cost per lead • CPA: cost per action (acquisition)

Conversions: actions you want people to complete on your site.Example: purchases, registrations, download a file, contact us, etc

Conversions ÷ Visits (or UVs) = Conversion Rate

Campaign Lifecycle

• Power Editor was designed to improve advertisers’ efficiency in creating, editing and managing a large number of campaigns and ads. For example, Power Editor allows operations like mass-editing of campaign settings, targeting, bids, budgets, flight dates, and creative elements across ads, campaigns, and even accounts. It also offers additional features such as placements and custom audiences. With Power Editor, you can also monitor ads stats in order to optimize ads and campaigns from within the tool itself.

• Power Editor can work in conjunction with a spreadsheet application such as Excel. You can copy and paste the data from your ads and campaigns to and from Excel spreadsheets.

Standard AdDrives offsiteCan be video (<3 min) or static imageSpecs: 25 char headline, 90 char body copy, 110x80 px imageAd shows on homepage (News Feed)Purchased on CPM via an IO

Like AdDrives to Facebook PageStatic image onlySpecs: headline is the Page name, 90 char body copy, 110x80 pximageAd shows on Profiles & PagesPurchased on CPC or CPM (CPC is recommended)

Event AdDrives to your Facebook EventStatic image onlySpecs: headline is the Event name, 90 char body copy, 110x80px imageAd shows on Profiles & PagesPurchased on CPC or CPM (CPC is recommended)If friends of user has joined the event, their names appearunder the creative

Page Like Featured StoryShows users that their friend has liked a PageThumbnail of Page’s profile photo is shownGreat for fan acquisition

Page Post Like Featured StoryShows users that their friend has liked a Page’s postSnippet of post is shownGreat for driving engagement, though volume depends on thevolume of likes & comments generated by posts

Premium Page Post (PPP) – Video90 characters of text associated with the post can be shownIf the video is hosted on Facebook, when a user clicks Play, therest of the site is whiteboxed and the video expandsIf a user’s friends like the Page, their names & faces will beshown above the main body of the ad, increasing the size ofthe adSpecs: Video will show as 185x104 px, 16:9 aspect ratioPurchased on CPM via an IO

•Automated way for publishers to “sell”advertising on their site

• Publishers place a piece of code on pages andGoogle automates the process of bidding,placement, pricing, payments, etc…

Text Image Display Ad Builder Video Mobile (web) Mobile (call) Text