Online Newsletter August 2011

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Christian Life Fellowship Monthly Newsletter


Pastor’s Column

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At our most recent Men’s Breakfast, Pastor Dan Frye spoke on the topic of motivation. His thoughts were so relevant that I wanted all of you to have a chance to read them. So I asked him to write this article for my Online column. Enjoy! President Obama’s recent visit to Puerto Rico on June 14th was met by protests on the street where disgruntled

Puerto Ricans burned an American flag. We Americans were forced to looked on as frenzied ignorance destroyed and trampled underfoot our national symbol of hope and freedom. Ironically the American Legion and the Boy Scouts of America condone and even participate in burning the American flag. You can go online and find videos documenting this fact. There is of course one slight difference. After proudly flying over the graves of fallen solders or on flagpoles around our communities, time takes its toll on Old Glory and it needs to be replaced. Instead of pitching them in the trash, these groups are charged with the duty of providing a respectable retirement for our worn or soiled flags. Through a scripted ceremony the American Legion and the Boy Scouts give the highest honor possible before setting them ablaze. So what is the difference? Why does one flag burning trigger intense negative feelings in us while the other intense pride? In a word, it’s called MOTIVATION. Motivation is behind everything we do in life. In fact, behind motivation lives the covert and very powerful question of “Why?” We live a large part of our lives trying to figure out how things work or how to do stuff. But without “Why” there is no reason for “How.” Why goes right to the heart of the matter. Why we work? Why we stay married? “How” always follows “why.” Here’s a good question, why do you follow Jesus? Why do you call yourself a Christian? Why do you live

the way you live and talk the way you talk? What’s your motivation? There are three negative motivators to think about for WHY people follow Jesus. First, some people follow Christ out of fear. Maybe they are afraid of judgment or hell or maybe they are afraid of what God might do to them because of their sin.

They feel that they can never measure up and only see an angry God who cannot be pleased. The problem is that people who “live” for God out of fear have trouble drawing near to him. They cannot trust God nor do they have faith that he will provide and meet their needs. After all, “God is angry and I’m not sure I’ve done enough to make him happy with me today.” People motivated by fear do not understand the depth of God’s love. This verse puts it nicely, “There is no fear in love. But, perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love…We love because [God] first loved us.” -1 John 4:18, 19 (NIV). You don’t have to live in fear of God because before you knew anything about him… HE LOVED YOU. Secondly, some follow Jesus to look good. Those who live by the “look good” motivator appear to have it all together on the outside but their insides are all messed up. The covert message to themselves is, “If I can just fool people into thinking that I have it all together I won’t have to face myself and my sin.” The Bible says that people motivated in this way, over time, become hypocrites. Jesus gives a stern warning regarding this because of the damage that it causes. To the religious hypocrites of Jesus’ time he said, “…You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside

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you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.”- Matthew 23:27, 28 (NIV). The problem with the “look good” motivator is that it turns a caring heart into a cold, judgmental one. Ironically, hypocrites are the hardest on themselves because their deepest fear is rejection and not measuring up. It’s a vicious little trap with only one way out. It requires getting real with oneself and with God; it requires humility and admitting sin. It also means seeking forgiveness and possibly even reaching out to others for help. Take heart, a courageous look at your true self will be met with a magnificent surprise called God's grace. The last negative motivator asks, “What’s in it for me?” or “Because I’ve done ‘ABC’ for you, God, what are you going to do for me?” This, “I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine” motivation can become a particularly easy trap to fall into. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that for every dollar you spend on God he will pay you back a dollar. This negative motivator is loaded with expectations of what we believe God should “pay back.” The problem is that when the going gets tough, the one fueled by this motivator usually has a crisis of faith and throws in the towel. “If my efforts are not reciprocated in kind (defined by me of course) then there is no God, let alone a good one.” When the flawed expectation is not met, “what’s in it for me” questions God’s existence altogether. Is it possible that God’s blessings go unnoticed in your life because your perception is clouded by flawed expectations? The Apostle Paul was apparently motivated by something altogether different. In Philippians, Paul said, “I have learned to be content. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. Whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” – Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV) Behind Paul’s statement is an answer to the WHY question asked a moment ago. It is called love. Maybe a closer description is RESPECT. Respect for what Jesus stands for; admiration for Christ’s mission; for his purpose. It is a passionate agreement, an awe that compelled the apostle Paul to emulate Jesus and what he stood for and how he lived his life.

A man from Joplin Missouri gives us a real good look at what Jesus is all about. As a tornado ripped through his home a few weeks ago Don Lansaw threw himself on top of his wife Bethany to protect her. It cost him his life. While saving his bride of only six years, this former high school football star was struck and stabbed through the back by flying debris. Moments after the storm passed, Bethany frantically searched for help, but she was too late. In an interview and through tears she said, "He did what he could to protect his family, he's my hero." That is the heart of Jesus. This writer’s heart resonates, respects, admires and desires his everyday life to emulate Don Lansaw’s final act! Jesus said, “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17). He also proclaimed that he did not come to “be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). Jesus said, “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (John 15:13). Then he did just that. Jesus laid down his life for us. He “threw” himself upon the cross and was stabbed through the hands and feet for us. Jesus is a hero---His mission, his purpose, his MOTIVATION. So, WHY do you follow Jesus? That is a great question, isn’t it? Pastor Dan Frye

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 Busy, busy, busy. Does this sound familiar? To fit everything we need to do, or we should do in a 24 hour span just seems ridiculous. All too often there are excuses for not  getting something done  Because we need to do  this other thing first.  However, I’ve  observed, and I’m  sure you’ve all heard  it before, that when  our priorities line up  with our heart, our  days will flow better and be less stressed. Right?  Well, I am as guilty as the next person when it  comes to letting life take its toll on my life! So,  one Sunday in May my kids brought home the “Keys for Kids” daily devotional book from Impact Church. I’ve seen the books before and admittedly I’ve done nothing with them. I’d always had good intentions, but then time would pass and the dates would be long gone and in the recycle bin they would go. (Which is really sad considering the date is simply a guide to keep you on track and these books can be passed on to others!) Anyway, this time was different. I made a conscious decision to sit and do these daily devotions with my kids. They’ve obviously seen these books before, knew what they were, but did nothing with them. Or did they know what they were?  I can’t tell you how excited they both were when I said that we would be doing daily devotions together, and then explained what they were. We started out reading them before bedtime while school was  

still going. This seems to be a time where we can relax, concentrate and not have to rush through it. Roger, 10 and Mollie, 7 grab their individual Bibles, I give them the scripture to look up, and they take turns reading. If the scriptures are longer, I split them up because they both want to read. I then read the devotional story and we discuss, ask and answer questions that come up. There have been many comparisons or parallels to events or instances from their day at school or something in the news. What a great way to teach our kids! In truth, as you know it and the way YOU want them to hear it.  Can I tell you what little bit of my “busy, busy” day                                         that does for my soul? Both Roger and                                  Mollie are disappointed when we                                                 miss a day of devotions. They                                     enjoy and thrive on the extra little         activities the book has as well                     as hearing the stories they can                                                  relate to and the connectedness it                              has to Christ. Too often we rely on                            “Church” or “Sunday School” to be                           the sole basis for what our kids learn                          about Christ and what the entire Bible                       has to offer. When in reality, our kids                      want our time, knowledge and love to  feel confident in their daily walk.   I’ve learned that devotions can be done in the car on the way to Walmart, up north, bedtime or over breakfast. It is wise to instill in our kids the value of time, priorities and consequences. It may keep them coming back to what truly matters in times when their world gets consumed by the busyness of life.  So let me encourage you to take the time out of your “busy, busy” day to enlighten your children to the love you have for them by spending time reading, explaining and praying with them. It is something they will never forget and it will make your heart sing! 

        Amy Fuller 

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July 3‐No [UN]Common  (Wazeecha Day from 2:00‐5:00 @ White Sands) July 8‐16 ‐ Guatemala Missions Trip 

July 10 ‐ No [UN]Common 

July 17 ‐ [UN]Common @ 6:00pm 

July 24 ‐ No [UN]Common (Family Night @ Clancy's) 

July 31 ‐ No [UN]Common (Baptism @ Pazurek's)  

August 7 ‐ [UN]Common @ 6:00pm 

August 14 ‐ No [UN]Common (Open House for Steph and Chris at CLF) 

August 21 ‐ New 7th Grade Orientation @ Teen 

Center, 12:15pm‐1:15pm 

August 21 ‐ No [UN]Common (UnQuenchable @ CLF)  

August 28 ‐ [UN]Common @ 6:00pm 

September 4 ‐ No [UN]Common (Labor Day Weekend)  

September 11 ‐ [UN]Common @ 6:00pm  

(Kickoff Sunday!) 

September 14 ‐ Life Groups Kickoff! 

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Women in Life-Long Development

Group Coaching For Leaders

What is Coaching? Coaching is a process of change, a relationship of growth, and a path of discovery, helping you move from ‘where you are’ to ‘where you’d like to be.’ Leadership Coaching is different than a leadership “class,” or even working with a “mentor.” A coach encourages you to be alert and to listen, trusting that God will speak to your heart. Coaching creates focus, motivation, and accountability in all of life; the coach comes along-side, asking questions to help you clarify who God is calling you to be, as well as what He wants you to do.

Group Coaching is

“not for the faint of heart!”

If you desire to be stretched and chal-lenged in your life and leadership, ask Diane or Julie for a brochure and cove-nant, and pray about joining us.




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Patriotic Musical .............. July 2 & 3

Youth Leave For Guatemala.....July 8

Men’s Breakfast .................... July 16

VBS ................................ July 18-22

CLF Family Night at Clancy’s ...........

........................................... July 24

Water Baptism @ the Lake....July 31

Jr High/Sr High Camp ......... Aug 1-5

Kids Camp ....................... Aug 8-12

Men’s Breakfast ....................Aug 20












