Project Reciew - Final

Post on 25-Sep-2015

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DEVELOPMENT OF SIMPLE/SUPERSCALAR PROCESSOR WITH BLUESPEC SYSTEM VERILOG (BSV) AND VERIFICATION OF THE SAME WITH SoC FRAMEWORK Presented By N. Siva Kumar 115040011 Guided ByDr. Jayanta Biswas Whats the need for designing a Synthesizable processor?

Application specific cores for system-on-chip applications An ASIP is an hardware architectural concept meant to fill the gap between ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuits) and DSPs (Digital Signal Processors)Flexibility: designed to support at least minor variations of the implemented algorithmSystem efficiency: it implies computational power, area and costMulticore emulation for architectural design space explorationAbstract

This project implements a pipeline processor with Bluespec System Verilog (BSV) using the concepts of concurrency, scheduling, parallelism and pipeline hazards optimization. The pipeline processor performance is compared with a sequential processor in terms of cycles per instruction (CPI) and average execution time for a single instruction. The functionality of the designed processors is verified with GTK cycle accurate simulator. Altera design flow is adopted to verify the static timing analysis and to exploit multi-corner timing issues.Bluespec System VerilogSequential ProcessorPipeline ProcessorAltera Timing AnalysisProject LayoutProblem Definition

The major problem of executing multiple instructions in a scalar program is the handling of data dependencies. If data dependencies are not effectively handled, it is difficult to achieve an execution rate of more than one instruction per clock cycle.4

Pipeline Architecture5

Opcode5-bit32 inssDestination RegisterOrWrite Register6-bit32 regsSource1 RegisterOrRead1 Register6-bit32 regsSource2 RegisterOrRead2 Register6-bit32 regsMB Ack.Instruction Format Address Fields6

Mnemonics & Opcodes Include arithmetic, logical, load-store, branching and machine control instructionsCommonly utilized instructions in a RISC processor architectureData Forwarding - analysis of dependent instructions Dependent instructions consumes more processing cycles till the availability of data in the destination address of previous instructionThis degrades the performance of the processor and increases the timing constraints

The saving of ALU result prior to write-back stage helps in forwarding data to the successive dependent instruction.

TIMING ANALYSISCompiled in Altera Quartus II version 9.1 web edition for Stratix-III platformFmax for the sequential processor is obtained at 18 MHzFor pipeline processor the value of Fmax is 168 MHzThis variation is due to resources overlapping in the sequential design along with data hurdles and timing synchronization issues4187 LUTs are utilized by the pipeline designFUTURE SCOPE : SUPERSCALAR PROCESSOR DESIGN The design is extended to execute multiple instructions in a single cycle using Bluespec System VerilogPipeline also allows several instructions executing in the same cycle, but in different stagesThe designed pipeline processor is reused as a base design for implementing superscalar architecture and carrying out performance evaluation for superscalar architecture


A Sequential processor is designed without pipeline register implementation. The design is analysed to gain the insight for hurdles and timing issues. The verilog version of the design program is obtained from Bluespec and static timing analysis is performed using Altera Quartus II tool. A Pipeline processor is designed using pipeline registers and analyzed in terms of concurrency, cycles per instruction and hazards optimization. Detailed analysis is performed with optimization protocols for maximum throughput. Scheduling analysis is throughly worked out for timing synchronization between the pipeline stages. Timing analysis is performed using the same Altera tool and is determained to work at 168 MHz for Stratix-III platform. PUBLICATION

Hazards Analysis In A Processor Using Bluespec System VerilogSiva Kumar Nagulapati, Dr. Jayanta Biswas INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENGINEERING RESEARCH (IJAER)SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNALAccepted


In-System FPGA Prototyping of an Itanium Microarchitecture, Roland E. Wunderlich and James C. Hoe, IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD04).802.11a Transmitter: A Case Study in Microarchitectural Exploration, Nirav Dave, Michael Pellauer, Steve Gerding, & Arvind, 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Co-Design, 2006.Modular Compilation of Guarded Atomic Actions, Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan, Nirav Dave, and Arvind, 978-1-4799-0905-6/13/2013 IEEEA tool to support Bluespec System Verilog coding based on UML diagrams, Sergio H. M. Durand and Vanderlei Bonato, 978-1-4673-2421-2/12/2012 IEEEComputer Architecture-A Quantitative Approach. 4E, John L. Hennessy and David A. PattersonA H.264 Decoder: A Design Style Comparison- Case Study, Hristo Nikolov, Adarsha Rao, Ed F Deprettere, S. K. Nandy and Ranjani Narayan, 978-1-4244-5827-1/09/2009 IEEEComposable Guarded Atomic Actions: a Bridging Model for SoC Design, Rishiyur S. Nikhil, Seventh International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD 2007), 0-7695-2902-X/07 / 2007 IEEEReliable Design with Multiple Clock Domains, Ed Czeck, Ravi Nanavati and Joe Stoy, 1-4244-0421-5/06/2005 IEEEApplication Specific Processors for Multimedia Applications, Muhammad Rashid, Ludovic Apvrille and Renaud Pacalet,IEEEComputer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance -8E, William YOU