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KP 1.3 Tutorial Dalam PBL

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Rahmatina B. Herman Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran (BPK) Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas
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Rahmatina B. Herman

Bagian Pendidikan Kedokteran (BPK)

Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas

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Komunikasi antarpersonal, interaksi kompleks yang harus difasilitasi seorang tutor dengan manajemen yang baik

(Sefton, 2001)









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Tutorial group


Three elements of the tutorial process in PBL

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Tutorial dalam konteks PBL adalah suatu active learning process dalam diskusi kelompok kecil

distimulasi oleh suatu problem (skenario)

mengaktifkan prior knowledge mahasiswa

difasilitasi oleh seorang tutor

dipimpin oleh seorang mahasiswa yang terpilih

dibantu oleh seorang sekretaris yang terpilih

Untuk mencapai tujuan belajar melalui aktivitas terstruktur yang disebut seven-jump

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Kunci Tutorial dalam PBL

………..menggunakan problem untuk mendorong aktivitas pembelajaran berdasarkan a need-to-know basis

(Woods, 1994)


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Problem yang ada merangsang mahasiswa untuk penalaran, berpikir kritis dan memperhatikan bukti

Semua mahasiswa mencari dan saling memberi informasi yang relevan

Setiap mahasiswa memiliki dan menyumbang pengalaman individual kontribusi yang berbeda di antara anggota kelompok saling melengkapi di antara mahasiswa

(Sefton, 2001)

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Seven Jump

1. Clarifying unfamiliar terms

2. Defining problems

3. Brainstorming possible hypotheses or explanations

4. Arranging explanations into a tentative solution

5. Defining learning objectives

6. Gathering information and private study

7. Sharing the results of information gathering and private study

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-Students identify any words whose meaning is unclear - other group members may be able to provide definitions.

-Students should be made to feel safe, enabling them to be honest about anything they do not understand.

Clarifying unfamiliar terms

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……….Clarifying unfamiliar terms


Unfamiliar terms act as an obstacle to understanding. Clarification of even half - understood terms may start the process of learning.

Written output

Words or names on which the group cannot agree a meaning should be listed as learning objectives.

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-This is an open session when students are encouraged to contribute their view of the problem under discussion.

-The tutor may need to encourage them all to contribute to a fast-moving and wide-ranging analysis.

Defining problems

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………………..Defining problems


It is quite possible for every member of tutorial group to have a different - perspective, on a problem. Comparing and pooling these views broadens the intellectual horizons of those involved and defines the task ahead.

Written output

List of issues to be explained

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-A continuation of the open session

-but students now try to formulate, test and compare the relative merits of their hypotheses or explanations of the problem or case.

Brainstorming possible hypotheses or explanations

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Brainstorming ……possible hypotheses or explanations

ReasonThis is a crucial step, that prompts the use of previous learning and memory and allows students to test or draw on another’s understanding; Links can be formed between the items if incomplete knowledge that exist within the group. If well handled by the tutor and group, it pitches learning at the deeper level of 'understanding' rather than the superficial level of 'facts'.

Written outputList of hypotheses or explanations

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-Students will have thought of as many different explanations as possible of what is occurring.

-The problem is scrutinized in fine detail and compared against the proposed hypotheses, or explanations, to see how they will match and if further exploration is needed.

-This starts the process of defining learning objectives, although it is inadvisable for them to be recorded in writing too soon

Arranging explanations into a tentative solution

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Arranging explanations into …………….a tentative solution


-This stage actively processes and restructures existing knowledge and identifies gaps in understanding.

-Making written records of learning objectives too soon hinders thinking and short-circuits the intellectual process, resulting in objectives that are too broad and superficial.

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Arranging explanations into …………….a tentative solution

Written output

-This involves organizing explanations for problems, representing them schematically, trying to link new ideas with each other, with existing knowledge and with different contexts.

-This process provides a visual output of the relationships between different pieces of information and facilities storage of information in long-term memory.

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-The group agrees a core set of learning objectives that all students will study.

-The tutor encourages them to be focused, not too broad or superficial and achievable within the time available. Some students may have objectives that are not shared by the whole group because of their own personal learning needs or interests

Defining learning objectives

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……….Defining learning objectives

Reason-The process of consensus uses the expertise of the entire tutorial group (and tutor) to synthesize the foregoing discussion into appropriate and attainable learning objectives.

-This not only defines the learning objectives but also pulls the group together and concludes the discussion.

Written outputLearning objectives

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This could include

-finding material in textbooks,

-carrying out a computerized literature search using the Internet looking at pathological specimens,

-talking to an expert, and

-anything else that will help provide the information the student is seeking.

Gathering information

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Gathering information


Clearly an essential part of the learning process is gathering and acquisition of new information, which students do on their own

Written output Students' individual notes

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Process-Students begin by returning to their list of learning objectives.

-They first identify their individual sources of information, pool their information from private study and help each other understand and identify areas of continuing difficulty for further study (or expert help).

-After this, they attempt to undertake and produce a complete analysis of the problem.

Sharing the results of information gathering and private study

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Sharing the results of information …………gathering and private study


This synthesizes the work of the group, consolidates learning and identifies areas of uncertainty, possibly for further study.

Written output

Students' individual notes

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Peran Tutorial

Tutorial adalah “jantung” PBL

Bentuk dan ukuran “jantung” merupakan gambaran tujuan belajar yang spesifik

Setiap denyut “jantung” memberi / menyediakan informasi baru / lebih maju

“Jantung” yang sehat akan menjamin pencapaian tujuan belajar

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Tutorial yang Efektif

Kelompok yang efektif bercirikan: kohesif

motivasi tinggi

saling membantu antar-individu

mempunyai kebersamaan belajar yang tinggi

Kelompok memahami tugas-tugas yang harus diselesaikan dan sekaligus berusaha untuk menyelesaikan tugas dengan penuh semangat

(Sefton, 2001)

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……………Tutorial yang Efektif

Seluruh anggota kelompok saling menghormati pendapat anggota kelompok, tetapi tetap bersikap kritis

Diskusi berlangsung secara kooperatif, bukan secara kompetitif

Anggota yang pendiam didorong untuk aktif berpartisipasi, anggota yang dominan diminta untuk mengurangi dominasinya

Setiap anggota kelompok dibantu untuk tidak mengalami stress personal

(Sefton, 2001)

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Setiap mahasiswa dalam kelompok tutorial harus:

Belajar dan memahami isi modul

Berpikir secara kritis

Menggunakan bahasa ilmiah & kedokteran

Siap melakukan koreksi

Belajar secara sungguh-sungguh

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Kejadian yang harus mendapat perhatian dalam tutorial

Kuliah mini, NO!!! :

- Konsep SCL

- Peran dosen sebagai fasilitator

PBL menjadi Problem Solving

Diskusi macet

Diskusi ngelantur

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Tutorial menjadi problem solving

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai sarana untuk menyusun problem

Jawaban pertanyaan bersifat hipotesis

Merumuskan kebutuhan belajar

Masalah lebih luas dari pertanyaan

Masalah yang belum dapat diatasi selama diskusi, diatasi dengan belajar, berlatih, konsultasi, kuliah dan mengembangkan diri

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Diskusi Macet

Tahap Kemacetan

Di setiap langkah seven jump bisa terjadi kemacetan diskusi

Faktor yang membuat macet

- Kemampuan komunikasi

- Faktor skenario

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Diskusi Ngelantur

Kelompok tutorial: - gagal menemukan informasi yang benar - berjalan di jalur yang tidak benar- tidak mendapatkan informasi yang esensial- timbul subkelompok

Anggota kelompok: - tidak memahami acara diskusi / tutorial- tidak memahami tujuan yang akan dicapai- yang terlalu diam- yang terlalu dominan- ada ketegangan antar anggota

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Hal lain yang dapat mengganggu diskusi

Kurangnya keterampilan komunikasi

Tutor otoriter

Tutor dominan

Mahasiswa pasif

Mahasiswa membaca buku selama tutorial

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ExperienceExisting and as extended by practice

Preparatory to more Giving material for specific learning reflection Usually of skills and Guided by tutor, usually serving: knowledge and varying - to consolidate, interpret patternfrom individual to - to develop concepts & theoriesIndividual - to perceive attitudes and values

Experience as the driving force for reflection & learning

(British Further Education Council, 1981)

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An effective group process

is essential prerequisite

for a student’s ability to learn


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Self (directed) learning

Promotes Learning By CuriosityAllows Self-study & Reflection

Cultivate culture of Life-Long Learning

Encourage Teamwork
