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Crest of a wave, a brilliantly refurbished seaside property by 360 Home.
FREE latest homes the no.1 place to buy or rent a property 28 April – 4 May 2015 Issue 726 LANDLORDS 0%+vat Full Management for the first 6 months Full details on request 01273 410006 A brilliantly refurbished seaside property by 360 Home page 8 SEE INSIDE FOR OUR LOCAL AGENTS INDEX CREST OF A WAVE Channel 8 Watch Channel 159 thelatest.tv The agent you want to work with! ON YER BIKE! Paul Bonett on the joys of cycling to appointments CALLING ALL ARCHITECTS A competition for grand designs in Brighton & Hove We are urgently seeking central properties for sale and to let. Please call now or email [email protected] 01273 207 207
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the no.1 place to buy or rent a property


28 April – 4 May 2015 ★ Issue 726


0%+vatFull Management

for the first 6 monthsFull details on request

01273 410006

A brilliantly refurbished seasideproperty by 360 Homepage 8



Channel 8


Channel 159thelatest.tv

The agent youwant to work with!

ON YER BIKE!Paul Bonett on

the joys ofcycling to



A competitionfor grand

designs inBrighton & Hove

We are urgently seekingcentral properties for saleand to let.Please call now or [email protected] 207 207

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Latest Homes/Latest 7 is read by over 100,000people every week, online and in print.Distribution covers a 15-mile radius of Brightonand Hove. Available free from supermarkets,newsagents, estate agents, restaurants, bars,clubs, mainline stations, universities, ChurchillSquare and Holmbush shopping centres, it is alsoavailable online at www.thelatest.co.uk

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• LATEST HOMES 04 www.latesthomes.co.uk •Watch Latest Homes Live on on Freeview channel 8, channel 159 or at thelatest.tv



Would you rather haveone of these arriveoutside?” asks Bonettsmanaging director,

Paul Bonett.“Back in mid to late ‘90s, we

had three, yes three, companybicycles, bought from FreedomBikes in George Street by StJames Street. For years, we usedthem and they serviced them.Sometime around 2001, withchanges in staff, we ended up witha general non-cycling team in theoffice. The bicycles were quiteknackered by then and, except forwith me, they fell out of favour.

“I have continued to cycle daily,winter and summer, rain or shine,reflecting the well-known proverb:‘It’s never the wrong weather, it’sjust the wrong clothes’. So, whenyou invite me around to yourhome to give you advice, I’llgenerally turn up on my bike.Failing that, I will turn up in a CityCar Club car. This car-sharingscheme has been in Brighton for anumber of years and, typically Isuppose, we were an earlyadopter. In fact, I think we werethe first business in Brighton toopen an account with them. So, ifI have to go out to Rottingdean orPatcham and it really is chucking

it down, in the CCC car I go,booking it out for an hour at lessthan a fiver! When I return to theoffice, there’s a CCC space 10metres away, specifically for thatcar so, unlike the averagemotorist, I’m not circling aroundthe streets of Kemp Town,looking for a space; we’re savingon fuel and congestion. Others inthe firm can use the same car, sowe don’t need a fleet of carsoutside the office, clogging up StGeorges Road.

“Recently though, we haveseen the return of the bike; thesequotes reflect our currentthoughts on bicycle use:

“‘Every time I see an adult on abicycle I no longer despair for thefuture of the human race.’ – H.G.Wells

“‘I thought of that while ridingmy bike.’ – Albert Einstein; on thetheory of relativity

“‘Bicycling is a big part of thefuture. It has to be. There’ssomething wrong with a societythat drives a car to work out in agym.’ – Bill Nye

“I have a team in the office whorealise that the practical, timelyand enjoyable way to get aroundto our appointments on time andeasily is usually by bike. So, we


Acompetition for architectsto dream up innovativedesigns for homes onchallenging patches of

council land across Brighton &Hove has been unveiled.

Brighton & Hove City Council, inpartnership with the RoyalInstitute of British Architects(RIBA), is launching a designcompetition to develop innovativedesigns for four of its smaller sites.

The competition is being runwithin the council’s New Homes forNeighbourhoods Programme, tobring forward much needed newhomes on council housing land. 

Included in the programme areformer garage and car parkingsites on council housing land atHinton Close, Rotherfield Crescentand Natal Road, which are in needof regeneration.  A small councilowned commercial parking site in

Frederick Street within the NorthLaine area has also been includedto add a more urban dimension tothe Competition. 

The competition presents an idealopportunity for Small to MediumSized Enterprises (SME’s) generally,as well as practices based in theBrighton and Hove area, toshowcase their design skills.

The initial phase of thecompetition will require architectsto submit their designsanonymously.  Five conceptdesigns for each site will then beshortlisted for furtherdevelopment at the secondphase.  The winners of the secondphase will receive an equalhonorarium payment and will beinvited to develop their designideas further.

The teams will then make apresentation to the Judging Panelat a clarification interview, whowill select the winning teams foreach site.  If the winning practicesare able to demonstrate a trackrecord in delivery and that theirproposal is viable, then they willhave an opportunity to see theirdesigns built out. 

Nick Hibberd, Brighton & HoveCity Council’s Head of CityRegeneration, said:

“These are challenging sites todevelop due to their size, context orrestrictive access.  However, they

are typical of many of the sitesavailable for new homes in the city.

“Brighton & Hove City Council iskeen to support the growth anddevelopment of smallerarchitectural practices.  We hopethat the competition will inspirethem to produce some innovativedesigns for these sites in ways whichwill be engaging and entirelyrelevant to residents living in thearea”. 

Sam Smith, the council’s EstateRegeneration Programme Manager,said:

“We are delighted to be workingalongside the RIBA, who will bringtheir extensive knowledge andexperience of delivering successfulcompetitions of this type.  It is a veryexciting project which I hope willdeliver creative solutions for someof our smaller development sites. 

“If the competition pilot issuccessful, we will be using it tobring forward other smaller sitesfrom the New Homes forNeighbourhoods programme”.

For further details of theCompetition and how to enterplease visit: http://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/www.ribacompetitions.com/brightonThe closing date for Brighton &Hove City Council receiving the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire isFriday 24 April at 5pm.

recently bought a bike for staff touse to get around. To ensure wecycle legally, you can see our logoon our bikes as we go about ourbusiness! We have taken a leaffrom continental and Japanesecyclists, by fitting bike stands sowe do not upset people by lockingour bikes to their railings. We canpark discreetly on the side of theroad, away from pedestriantraffic, not cluttering up your‘manor’.

We do retain one ‘pool’ companycar with a ‘B’ on the bonnet (!),but I expect you’ll see our bikesaround a lot more often… moresensible, more fun, more friendly,more healthy, more sustainable…it’s the future of City estateagency. Are any more agentsgoing to take a leap of faith,relinquish ‘the motor’ and get totheir appointments on time? Onlytime will tell.”www.bonetts.co.uk

“‘Every time I see an adult on a bicycleI no longer despair for the future of thehuman race.’ – H.G. Wells

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Are you advertising your propertieson Latest TV?

We can produce high quality property videos from your photographswith professional voice overs and music. They will be shown on ourfeature TV programme Latest Homes Live, the Latest Homes website,and are ideal for all your social media needs and other propertyportals. Latest Homes Live is aired twice a day on Freeview Channel 8and Virgin Media 159, and online at thelatest.tvTo find out more contact Patrick on 01273 818150 ext. 112or email [email protected] for details. Follow me: @latesthomes


“Chris Still and RichardPhillips are theManaging Directors,bringing with them over30 years of combinedexperience. Our primaryaim is to ensure thehighest level ofcustomer care whilstproviding a professional and tailored service tosuit each individual.

We ensure that your property gets fullmarket coverage by advertising on websitesthat gain the most traffic, alongside localproperty magazines and eye-catching ‘ForSale’ boards. Not only is our aim to alwaysachieve the best price for your property or findyou that dream home, but we are equallyfocused on removing from you the stressesthat can often come with moving house.” Phillips & Still, 112 Western Road, Brighton, BN12AB, 01273 771111 / www.phillipsandstill.co.uk


Austin Rees is a uniqueindependent agent inthe heart of Seven Dialsoffering servicesincluding lettings, blockand estate managementand charteredsurveying. “What makesus unique is knowingthat every landlord is different, therefore wetailor-make our services. We are offeringcompetitive fees and bespoke tenancyagreements for the properties in the blocks wecurrently manage. Being an independent agentmeans we can really focus on attention todetail. When it comes to marketing, we go theextra mile to achieve the best possible pricefor your property. If you are looking to rent,call us today for a free valuation and advice.”01273 760007 / [email protected]


“Peter Hayler isrelishing a newchallenge withthe well-established and professional firm of Tanat-Jones & Company, attheir superboffice onWestern Road in its commanding position opposite Norfolk Square.

“Peter came to Tanat-Jones after many years in a senior sales position with a well-known local Hove Estate Agent.”Peter Hayler, Tanat-Jones & Company, 49 Norfolk Square, Brighton, BN1 2PA, 01273 207207www.tanat-jones.com


“After just under 10successful years, wehave grown to becomea firm favouriteamongst sellers andbuyers in this area.With Brighton & Hovebeing one of the mostdesirable places tolive in the UK, the prospects are really lookingvery good.  Work with us in 2015 and you willfind a company that is refreshinglyprofessional, reliable and innovative, alwaysstriving to exceed expectations every singleday.  In a recent survey by The PropertyOmbudsman, 100% of those surveyed wouldrecommend our services to friends and family.As I tell my colleagues, there is still alwaysroom for improvement!”John Hoole, 214 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 5AA,01273 555115, www.johnhoole.co.uk


“Perri Turner(pictured) isresponsible forresidential lettingsvaluations, handlingviewings, managingcontracts and buildingstrong relationshipswith landlords.

Baron Estates has been an established namein the residential and commercial propertymarket in Brighton and Hove for over 10 yearsand in that time we have helped thousands ofpeople buy, sell and rent all sorts of properties.We’ve found fantastic flats for tenants, helpedlandlords secure their income, and helpedbusinesses expand into new premises.

We’ve done this right across Brighton andHove and we’ve enjoyed every minute of it!”Baron Estates, 20 Western Road, Brighton, BN31AE, 01273 733334, [email protected]


“Brand Vaughan is anindependent, awardwinning estate agencycovering Brighton andHove, specialising inresidential sales. We’veworked hard to achieveour reputation as themost forward thinkingand customer focused agency in the region, andour professional team bring an approach to salesthat is so innovative, it has earned us theSunday Times Estate Agency of the Year (southeast) gold award two years running.”

Kemp Town based Director David Vaughan(pictured) has won numerous industry awardsover his successful 13+ year career, and isdedicated to getting you the best from yourproperty sale or purchase. If you’re looking tobuy or sell, just talk to Brand Vaughan on 01273683111 or 504441 for Preston Park Properties.


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AVARD S&L 132 Ditchling Rd, Brighton, BN1 4SG01273 696000 www.avard.co.uk

AUSTIN GRAY S 123–125 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN3 1TJ01273 232232 www.avard.co.uk

BARON ESTATES S&L 104b Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 3JD01273 779777 www.baron-estates.com

CAMBRIDGE RESIDENTIAL S&L 117 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1DB01273 204037 www.cambridge-residential.co.uk

CUBITT & WEST S 110 Western Road, Brighton, BN12AA01273 820600 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S&L 117–118 Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2AD01273 777000 www.sequencehome.co.uk

GRAVES JENKINS COMMERCIAL CCoach House, 26 Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB

01273 701070 www.gravesjenkins.com

GRAVES JENKINS RESIDENTIAL SCoach House, 26 Marlborough Place, Brighton, BN1 1UB

01273 60 10 60 www.gravesjenkins.com

HALLS S&L 27 New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UG01273 244442 www.halls-estate.com

HOMELETS L 47 Norfolk Square, Brighton, BN1 2PA01273 747485 www.homelets.info

JOHN HOOLE S 214 Dyke Road, Brighton, BN1 5AA01273 555115 www.johnhoole.co.uk

JUSTIN LLOYD S&L 118 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2 1TH01273 315612 www.justinlloyd.co.uk

KHALIL PROPERTIES L01273 735904 Albert House, 82 Queens Road, Brighton, BN2 3LG


KING & CHASEMORE S&L 52 Norfolk Square, Brighton, BN1 2PA01273 297205  www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

LEADERS S&L 28 New Road, Brighton, BN1 1UG01273 675571 www.leaders.co.uk

LEADERS S&L 119-120 Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2AD01273 720714 www.leaders.co.uk

MICHAEL JOSEPH ESTATES L 115 Western Road, Brighton, BN1 2AB01273 748828

OAKLEY RESIDENTIAL S&L01273 688881 3 North Road, North Laine, Brighton, BN1 1YA



They’re all in ourmagazine, they’re all onlatesthomes.co.uk – andwe recommend themall!

S&L Sales & lettings S Sales L Lettings C Commercial A Auctions NH/L New Homes / Land

FOX & SONS S 161 Church Road, Hove BN3 2AD01273 820280 www.sequencehome.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 6-7 Queens Parade, Hove BN3 8JG01273 778455 www.sequencehome.co.uk

GOLDIN LEMCKE S 160-162 Church Road, Hove BN3 2DL01273 777123 www.goldinlemcke.com

HAMPTONS INTERNATIONAL S&L 82 Church Road, Hove BN3 2EB01273 796157 www.hamptons.co.uk

HEALY & NEWSOM S 19 Richardson Road, Hove BN3 5RB01273 746674 www.healynewsom.co.uk

HOME LEASING L 72 Western Road, Hove BN3 2JQ01273 746600 www.homeleasing.co.uk

HR DEVELOPMENTS L 3 Norton Close, Hove, BN3 3AP01273 321885

JASON DEAN S&L 1b Montefiore Road, Hove, BN3 1RD 01273 727000 www.jasondeans.co.uk

JUSTIN LLOYD S&L 111 Western Road, Hove, BN3 1DD 01273 692424 www.justinlloyd.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S&L 20 Church Road, Hove BN3 2FN01273 206107 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

LEADERS S&L 98 Church Road, Hove BN3 2EB01273 321721 www.leaders.co.uk

DAVID MASLEN S 174 Church Road, Hove BN3 2DJ 01273 321000 www.maslen.co.uk

HR GROUP L 3 Norton Close, Hove BN3 3AP 01273 321885 

MASSEY L 115 Western Road, Hove BN3 1DD01273 737673 www.masseyproperty.com

MISHON MACKAY S 170 Church Road, Hove BN3 2DJ01273 821800 www.mishonmackay.com

NASH WATSON S&L 69a Church Road, Hove BN3 2BB 01273 733500 www.nashwatson.com

PROPERTY MOVES L 109 Church Road, Hove BN3 2AF01273 321333 www.propertymoves.co.uk

PROPERTY PLUS L 10 The Drive, Hove BN3 3JA01273 777010 www.propertypluslettings.com

RE/MAX BRIGHT S&L 52 Lansdowne Place, Hove, BN3 1FG01273 907788 www.remax.co.uk/bright

SAWYER & CO S&L 52 Church Road, Hove BN301273 778844 www.sawyerandco.co.uk

SIMPLY LETTINGS S&L 50 Goldstone Villas, Hove BN3 3RS01273 729000 www.simply-lettings.co.uk

WHITLOCK & HEAPS S&L 65 Sackville Road, Hove BN3 3WE01273 778577 www.whitlockandheaps.co.uk

WINKWORTH S&L 32 Church Road, Hove BN3 2FN01273 772175 www.winkworth.co.uk

YOUNG LEE L 123 Dyke Road, Hove BN3 1TJ01273 232232 www.young-lee.co.uk

Fiveways/Preston ParkBEAUMONTS S 9 Kings Parade, Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 6JT01273 550881 www.beaumontsresidential.co.uk

BRAND VAUGHAN S 219 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6SA01273 504441 www.brandvaughan.co.uk

CUBITT & WEST S 146 Preston Drove, Brighton BN1 6FJ01273 564444 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

DAVID & CO S 132a Preston Drove, Brighton BN1 6FJ01273 555333 www.davidandco.biz

FOX & SONS S 205 Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6SA01273 508761 www.sequencehome.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S 201a Preston Road, Brighton BN1 6SA01273 505141 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

LEADERS L 290 Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 6JF01273 561534 www.leaders.co.uk

PARSONS SON & BASLEY S&L 32 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3YE01273 326171

PAUL BOTT & CO S 29 Upper St. James Street, Brighton, BN2 1JNE01273 605530www.paulbottandcompany.co.uk

PHILLIPS & STILL S 112 Western Road, Brighton BN1 2AB01273 771111 www.phillipsandstill.co.uk

STILES HAROLD WILLIAMS C 1 Jubilee Street, Brighton, BN1 1GE01273 876200 www.shw.co.uk

TANAT-JONES S&L 49 Norfolk Square, Brighton BN1 2PA01273 207207 www.tanat-jones.com

UDEN S&L 88 Dyke Road, Brighton BN1 3JD01273 721721 www.udenestateagents.com

YOUR MOVE S&L 38 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3XB 01273 778588 www.your-move.co.uk


AUSTIN REES L 135-137 Dyke Road, Hove BN3 1TJ01273 260724 www.austinrees.com

BARON ESTATES S&L 20 Western Road, Hove BN3 1AE01273 733334 www.baron-estates.com

BELVOIR L 210 Church Road, Hove BN3 2DJ01273 311077 www.belvoirlettings.com/brightonandhove

BRICES S&L 30c Western Road, Hove BN3 1AF01273 323000 www.brices.co.uk

CALLAWAYS S&L 59 Church Road, Hove BN3 2BD01273 735237 www.callaways.co.uk

DEAN & CO S 1 The Parade, Hangleton Road, Hove BN3 7LU01273 721061 www.dean-property.co.uk

ELLIOTTS S 2 Queens Parade, Hangleton, Hove BN3 8JG01273 322766 www.elliottsestateagents.co.uk

ELLIOTTS S 2 Church Road, Hove BN3 2FL01273 773399 www.elliottsestateagents.co.uk

ELLMANS L 43 Church Road, Hove BN3 2BE01273 737241 www.ellmans.co.uk

FINE & COUNTRY B’TON & HOVE S 52 Church Road, Hove BN3 2FN01273 739911 www.brightonandhove.fineandcountry.co.uk



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SURE PROPERTY SOLUTIONS S&L31 Upper St James’ Street, Brighton, BN2 1JN

01273 243561 www.surepropertysolutions.co.uk

YOUNGS S&L 39 Upper St James Street, Brighton BN2 1JN01273 626258 www.youngsbrighton.co.uk


CUBITT & WEST S 58 Ladies' Mile Road, Brighton, BN1 8QF01273 541934 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 52-54 Ladies Mile Road, Brighton BN1 8QF01273 554505 www.sequencehome.co.uk

MANSELL MCTAGGART S 138 Old London Road, Brighton BN1 8YA01273 508955 www.mansellmctaggart.co.uk

SPENCER & LEIGH S&L 108 Old London Road, Brighton BN1 8YA01273 565566 www.spencerandleigh.co.uk


BARRIE ALDERTON S&L 73 Southover Street, Brighton BN2 9UF01273 570242 www.barriealderton.co.uk

HALLS S&L 54 Elm Grove, Brighton BN2 3DD01273 691688 www.halls-estate.com

WHEELERS S 119 Islingword Road, Brighton BN2 9SG01273 606027 www.wheelersestateagents.co.uk

Lewes Road/London Road

BARRIE ALDERTON L 77b London Road, Brighton BN1 4JF01273 884554 www.barriealderton.co.uk

BRIGHTON ACCOMODATION AGENCY S&L01273 672999 74 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3HZ

CUBITT & WEST S 156 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3LG01273 604377 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 196-197 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3LA01273 677544 www.sequencehome.co.uk

JOHN HILTON S&L 127 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3LG 01273 608151 www.johnhiltons.co.uk

KHALIL PROPERTIES L 124 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3LG01273 573960 www.khalilproperties.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S 51 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3HW01273 608011 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

DAVID MASLEN S 39 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3HQ01273 677001 www.maslen.co.uk

Q SALES & LETTINGS S&L 195 Lewes Road, Brighton BN2 3LA01273 622664 www.qsalesandlettings.co.uk


CLIFFORD DANN S&L Albion Street, Lewes BN7 2NF01273 477022 www.clifforddann.co.uk

MISHON MACKAY S 106 High Street, Hurstpierpoint. BN6 9PX01273 834602 www.mishonmackay.com

Peacehaven, Rottingdean,Saltdean & Newhaven

CUBITT & WEST S 237 South Coast Road, Peacehaven BN10 8LD01273 584511 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 233 South Coast Road, Peacehaven BN10 8LD01273 587222 www.sequencehome.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 50 High Street, Rottingdean BN2 7HF01273 309968 www.sequencehome.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S 43 High Street, Rottingdean BN2 7HE01273 301066 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

DAVID MASLEN S 290 Ditchling Road, Brighton BN1 6JF01273 566777 www.maslen.co.uk

MISHON MACKAY S&L 211 Preston Road, Brighton, BN1 6SA01273 789400 www.mishonmackay.com


CALES & CO S&L 48 Boundary Road, Hove BN3 4EF01273 422706 www.calesandco.com

CHOICES S&L 19 North Street, Portslade BN41 1DH01273 54929 www.choices.co.uk

MISHON MACKAY S 36 Station Road, Portslade, BN41 1AG01273 418888 www.mishonmackay.com

SAWYER & CO S 10 Station Road, Portslade BN41 1GA01273 383830 www.sawyerandco.co.uk

SPENCER & LEIGH S&L 10 South Street, Portslade BN41 2LE01273 421777 www.spencerandleigh.co.uk

Kemp Town/Marina

BONETT’S S&L 78 St George’s Road, Brighton, BN2 1EF01273 677365 www.bonetts.co.uk

BRAND VAUGHAN S 110 St George’s Road, Kemp Town, BN21EA01273 683111 www.brandvaughan.co.uk

CUBITT & WEST S 7 St George’s Road, Kemp Town, BN2 1EB01273 681811 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 9-10 Bristol Road, Brighton, BN2 1AP01273 688148 www.sequencehome.co.uk

JUSTIN LLOYD S&L 118 St James’s Street, Brighton, BN2 1TH01273 315612 www.justinlloyd.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S&L 6 St. Georges Road, Kemp Town, BN2 EB01273 289930  www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

LEADERS WATERSIDE PROPERTIES S&L 18 Waterfront, BrightonMarina, Village, Brighton, BN2 5WA

01273 622007 L 01273 626655  www.leaders.co.uk

MISHON MACKAY S 8 Bristol Road, Brighton, BN2 1AP01273 670067 www.mishonmackay.com

NASH WATSON S&L 81a St George’s Road, Brighton, BN2 1EF01273 733500 www.nashwatson.com

PALMS PROPERTIES S&L 25 Waterfront, Brighton Marina, BN2 5WA01273 626000 www.palmsagency.co.uk

PROPERTY SHOP S&L 50 St James’s Street, Brighton BN2 1QG01273 915400 www.tpsb.co.uk

SAWYER & CO S&L 113 St Georges Road, Kemp Town, BN2 1EA01273 685111 www.sawyerandco.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S&L 28 Longridge Avenue, Saltdean BN2 8LJ01273 306661 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S&L236 South Coast Road, Peacehaven BN10 8JS

01273 589406 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S 48 High Street, Newhaven, BN9 9PA.01273 515151 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk


DEAN & CO S 72b High Street, Shoreham By Sea BN43 5DB01273 414243 www.dean-property.co.uk

FOX & SONS S3 The Vinery, St Marys Road, Shoreham By Sea BN43 5ZA

01273 461671 www.sequencehome.co.uk

SHORE ESTATES S&L Shore House. 1-2 Middle Street, Town Centre,01273 830555 Shoreham By Sea, BN43 5DP



CUBITT & WEST S 26 Warren Road, Brighton, BN2 6BA01273 606121 www.cubittandwest.co.uk

FOX & SONS S 98 Warren Road, Woodingdean BN2 6BA01273 675101 www.sequencehome.co.uk

DAVID MASLEN S 62-64 Warren Road, Brighton BN2 6BA01273 278866 www.maslen.co.uk


FOX & SONS S 6 Chapel Road, Worthing BN11 1BJ01903 209055 www.sequencehome.co.uk

KING & CHASEMORE S 33 South Street, Worthing BN11 3AR01903 232111 www.kingandchasemore.co.uk

MICHAEL JONES S&L 8 Chapel Road, Worthing, BN11 1BJ01903 213281 www.michaeljones.co.uk

ROBERT LUFF & CO S&L 2 Boxgrove Parade, Goring-by-Sea,01903 331567 Worthing. BN12 6BR


New Homes/Land

MISHON MACKAY – CITY, LAND AND NEW HOMES NH/L01273 829300 170 Church Road, Hove BN3 2DJ


OAKLEY RESIDENTIAL NEW HOMES NH/L01273 688881 3 North Road, North Laine, Brighton BN1 1YA



AUSTIN GRAY AUCTIONS A 37 Vernon Terrace, Brighton BN3 1JH01273 201980 www.austingray.co.uk

CLIVE EMSON, AUCTIONS SUSSEX & SURREY A Rostrum Lodge,01273 571853 The Level, Ditchling Road, Brighton., BN1 4SB


PARSONS SON & BASLEY A 32 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3YE01273 274010 www.psandb.co.uk/auctions



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• LATEST HOMES 08 www.latesthomes.co.uk •Watch Latest Homes Live on on Freeview channel 8, channel 159 or at thelatest.tv

Ifirst met Sian and Karl of 360Home just over a year ago andthrough them met a veryhappy client. It was a stylish

project that very successfulymade what might have been arather dark lower ground floorapartment into a bright andspacious home. 360 Home cuttheir teeth on this kind of project,working in and around Hanoverand offering stylish designsolutions to people trying tomaximise their living space with aquality of build and finish that wastruly impressive.

But as with most companies,they had ambitions to work onlarger and more demandingprojects. It was an ambition that Isensed they would very soonachieve and a year on they invitedme to see their most recent job, astunning seafront Edwardianproperty in Pevensey.

I went over on a bright springday, ideal weather to view aproperty right on the beach andthat strecth of the Sussex coast isquite lovely, quiet and in a wayunspoilt.

The property had not beentouched for decades and was indesperate need of major works anda total overhaul and clients Lis andEvanna already had a clear idea ofwhat they wanted to achieve, asecond home with plenty ofaccommodation, one with lots ofstyle but that also respected theabundance of original features. It

needed to satisfy their own needsbut also be a practical space forletting as a spacious holiday hometo other people.

Designer Caroline Wright ofNiche Interiors and 360 Homehave certainly delivered animpressive answer to all of theirdemands .

I contacted the clients to findout more about their experience.

How did you make contact withCaroline and with 360 Home?Caroline converted our friend'sapartment in Seven Dials and weloved her work. Once we hadcontacted Caroline, sherecommended 360 Home basedon previous experience of workingwith them. When we met Karl, hedisplayed such energy andenthusiasm for the project that weknew that he and his team wereright for the job.

Did you have a clear vision ofwhat you wanted to achieve atWavecrest?We were a little overwhelmed bythe size and scale of the project.The house was last sold in 1937and hadn't been maintained sincethe sixties; it was in a terriblecondition. We knew that wewanted a clean and contemporarybeach look where we could enjoythe panoramic view of the sea andentertain friends. Caroline workedwith us to bring this shared visionto life and really over delivered,bringing flair and fresh ideas.Together with Karl at 360 theygave us confidence the housecould be transformed into amodern, relaxed holiday home.

What did both the designers andthe builders bring to the project?There were some unexpectedcomplications with aspects of the

Wavecrest is thestunningrealisation of twopeople’s dreams

360 Home breathelife into thisstunning Edwardianseaside home


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economic ways of tackling issuesso that we maintained budget forthe interior design.

Once a project is underway aclient will ask for changes.The level of change on the designwas minimal, largely becauseCaroline and Karl spent time withus at the start of the projectensuring the design and planningwas right; this time was essentialto the success of the project.However, with any buildingproject as big as this, surprisesoccurred as the house wasstripped back and years of undermaintenance was revealed. Inaddition we found two wells in theback yard which required arethink to the initial extensiondesign.

Dd they stick to your budget?Really well, both Karl and Caroline

• LATEST HOMES 09 www.latesthomes.co.uk •

build; both Caroline and Karl wereextremely good at problemsolving these together. Oftenwithout us even knowing therewas a problem until there was asolution.

Was creating the brief easy?We started first with conceptualdesigns, once we were happy withthese, the detailed structuraldrawings were created. After this,Caroline's flair for interior designcame through in herconcept/mood boards, enablingus to really grasp what theproperty would ultimatelybecome.

Were they sensitive to all of yourneeds and demands?Yes, throughout the project Karland Caroline worked with us tocreate a space within our budget,they often came up with more

were creative and helped us stickto budget despite some additionalwork required.

Did they stick to the schedule?There was some slippage due tothe wells at the back that wasoutside the control of thebuilders, however, the house wasworth waiting for and weabsolutely love how it has beentransformed by Karl and Caroline.

This was intended to be aholiday home, but surely youwant to move in permanently?Our intention is to use Wavecrestas much as possible; however, wewant to share this home withothers, the proximity to the seamakes it a wonderful place to chillout after a busy week. Familiesand friends will enjoy thisrelaxing, open plan space andmake great use of the beach

garden for barbeques and longwalks on the beach.To find out more go towavecrestbeachhouse.com

Wavecrest is the stunningrealisation of two people’s dreamsand designer Caroline Wright andSian and Karl at 360 Home havecertainly put smiles on their faceswith this beautifully realisedproject. Their work nowencompasses those larger projectsbut they are still busy fullfillingpeople’s dreams on builds of allsizes and budgets.To find out more about 360 Homeor to ask for a consultation call 01273 358901 or go towww.360-home.co.ukCaroline Wright can be contactedon 01273 601904 nicheinteriordesign.co.ukPhotography by xadigitalwww.xadigital.com 0844 567 9005

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When Audio, at 10 Marine Parade on the Kemp Town seafront,closed earlier this year, it reminded me of my first time clubbingin Brighton. I was sixteen at the time, and Audio was the Escapeback then. It was mid-week and there were about ten people

there but it was a seminal moment nevertheless.An earlier building on the site was a bow-fronted Regency affair. It was

certainly a hotel before it was demolished (Field’s Pier Hotel) but may wellhave started as a house.The current building,dating from the 1930sconsists of a music venueon the ground and firstfloors. A side entrance onCharles Street leads toPier Court above – sevenflats within three storeysand a rather makeshiftpenthouse-style levelwith roof terrace on top.The terrace has quitemagical views of thePalace Pier and sea.

The venue has had anumber of names overthe years including ThePier, The Buccaneer andThe Royal Escape. It’sinteresting to see what iscurrently being exposedin the ongoingrefurbishment of thepremises as layer uponlayer of old schemes arebeing stripped away. Allsorts of wacky tilearrangements havecome to light during theworks – some datingfrom the 1930s – ofwhich several will beincorporated into thenew venue.

The first job of thenew owners of the building is to remodel the ground and first floors to atight deadline. The flats and exterior will be attended to afterwards. I wasshown around by Hove-based architect Steve Seary whom I originally metwhilst making candy-floss at a fete in Stoneham Park. The buildingcontractors are a new Hove-based company called Detail BuildingContractors Ltd. They certainly have their work cut out.

The venue will reopen as Patterns on 13th May.www.buildingopinions.com [email protected]

ROBERT NEMETHBUILDINGOPINIONSRobert looks at the future of Brighton’s clubs

Follow me: @robert_nemeth

• LATEST HOMES 11 www.latesthomes.co.uk •Watch Latest Homes Live on on Freeview channel 8, channel 159 or at thelatest.tv

The terrace has magicalviews of the Palace Pierand sea.

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01273 701070www.gravesjenkins.com


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The 11th of April was prizegiving day for the luckywinners of BoundaryRoad’s recent Easter egg

hunt.  Alex Mackay, of MishonMackay, and Sarah Dare of ‘HowDare She’ handed out thechocolate eggs to the delighted

winners who were terriblyexcited about their eggs-traEaster Egg windfall.

Sarah commented, “The ‘HowDare She’ event was a greatsuccess as we had over 160people doing the Egg Hunt.  Theretailers involved responded


Barn conversions acrossSussex are beingthwarted, despite claims anational newspaper that:

“Barn conversions are booming.”The Telegraph reported (9th

April) that “rural outbuildingsthroughout the land are beingturned into living spaces” since theplanning laws around them wererelaxed this time last year. Howeverstatistics show that in reality, mostbarn owners are still being stoppedby their local councils.

The ‘Permitted DevelopmentRights’ for barn conversions cameabout as part of an amendment tothe General PermittedDevelopment Order in April 2014.

This gave barn owners the right,within certain restrictions, toundertake a barn conversion inEngland without the need for theusual planning permission.

In reality, the number of peoplelooking to convert their barnswent up by 400% in the quarterfollowing the relaxed planningrules, but around two thirds ofprior approval applications arestill being turned down by localcouncils, according toDCLG(Department ofCommunities and LocalGovernment) planning figures.

This is crazy and unnecessary,according to Sussex Home Hub, afree service,which is helping

extremely well. We had lots offamilies who never come toBoundary/Station Road visitingthe area.  The fact that Sarahdressed up as an Easter bunny,giving out chocolate up anddown the road, on the Saturdayprior to launching the huntreally created talkability. “

Alex Mackay of Mishon Mackayadded “As a company we arereally keen to get involved ingrass roots, community eventssuch as these as they provide afun, feel good factor to thecommunity and they help topromote local businesses andthe local area.”

One of the staff at MishonMackay’s Portslade office, JohnHill, loved it because, “it was agreat idea and my kids enjoyedthe hunt and the chocolate thatMishon Mackay gave us!”.  As forGeorge Wayne, the youngestmember of the Mishon Mackayteam, he felt that “just seeingthe smile on the kids’ faces wasrewarding enough for me”.www.mishonmackay.com

people across Sussex to converttheir barns and agriculturalbuildings, as well as building newhomes and extensions.

Julia Arnold, Managing Directorof Sussex Home Hub, explains:“Astute people all over East andWest Sussex are making small

fortunes by taking advantage ofthe permitted development rulesand converting their barns orbuilding new homes in theirgardens and fields.

“In many cases wherepermission to build is beingrefused, it is because people donot know what to do, or they aregiven bad advice. If you have theright experts around you, and youhave property which is eligible fordevelopment, (within the NationalPlanning Policy Framework,) theopportunity to make money andcreate your own new home is veryreal and quite easy. ”

Well-designed new homes aregood for Sussex, as they arehelping the councils to meet theirlocal housing quotas of 37,000new homes over the next 20years.

Government figures show thesefigures could rocket to over208,000 new homes in Sussexalone.

The worry is that if people inSussex do not build their ownnew homes, or are preventedfrom building their own newhomes, the councils willincreasingly let the volume housebuilders come in from othercounties, in order to meet thehousing quotas. This will result inmore high density housing estateson greenfield land.

Invariably, ‘out of county’volume house builders do notemploy the local Sussexprofessionals and tradesmen andthe profits are taken out ofSussex. New homes that areconversions or built by Sussexlocals are generally moreattractive, lower density, employlocal people, the profits stay inSussex and it is better for thecounty all round.

“For those looking to convert abarn, it is always worth checkingwith a good planning consultantbefore starting on any plans”advises Julia.

For free advice and moreinformation see:www.sussexhomehub.orgtelephone: 01403 711 639 or email:[email protected]

really well with lots of positivefeedback from them and theywere delighted with the footfallthey had throughout the hunt. 

“Marian E Tipler from ExtraTime Charity Shop said on ourFacebook page; 'We've reallyenjoyed being part of theAdventure'.

Sarah added, “It’s really greatto hear that the shops onBoundary Road and their staffare already talking about doinganother event.  Thank you somuch to all theindependent retailers, to MishonMackay and to Hyde, plus all theEaster Egg hunters for makingthis event such a great success."

Melinda Clarke (Mother, egg-hunter and, most importantly,local shopper) commented, “Mydaughter and I really enjoyedthe trail and discovered somenew shops”.

Jay Melton-Ball, BranchDirector of Mishon Mackay’sPortslade office, said: “I’d justlike to say thank you to Sarah aswe think she planned the event

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• LATEST HOMES 14 www.latesthomes.co.uk •Watch Latest Homes Live on on Freeview channel 8, channel 159 or at thelatest.tv



David Aspey and PiersStreet are pleased toannounce that TonyPearson has finally

decided to forget his daft ideas ofemigrating back to New Zealandand has joined them as a partnerof Sussex Surveyors LLP.

Over the last 11 years that Tonyhas been with the firm he hasgained MRICS and RICS RegisteredValuer status as well as opening anew office in Haywards Heath.

Tony will continue to provide

valuation services for all purposesincluding development appraisalsand expert witness work as wellas HomeBuyer Reports, Non-Domestic Energy PerformanceCertificates and dealing with allParty Wall matters. Tony’s focusfor the future of the firm is to seeit grow with the opening of newoffices throughout Sussex. If any of the above is of interestplease do not hesitate to contactTony on 01444 458 062 [email protected].

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Regulation 25 Advertisement


I Kanakbhai Patel do hereby give notice that it is my intention to

apply to Brighton & Hove City Council in the county of East Sussex

for the grant of a New premises licence to  use or permit the use of

premises known as  Shiv News, 79-80 St James Street, Brighton,

BN2 1PA for the following licensable activities: The sale by retail of

alcohol for consumption off the premises only during the following

hours: Monday to Sunday 09:00hours to 21:00hours

Any person who desires to make a representation to the  grant,

should send  to Head of Planning and Public Protection, Health &

Safety and Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square,

Brighton, BN1 1JP no later than 12th May 2015 a brief written

statement of the grounds of his/her objection. The register and

records of applications may be viewed at the above council office

during normal office hours; summaries are available via


It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in

connection with an application and the maximum fine for which a

person is liable on summary conviction for the offence is currently

£5000 [level 5].



Regulation 25 AdvertisementTO: WHOM IT MAY CONCERN

I Samy Sobhey do hereby give notice that it is my intention to applyto Brighton & Hove City Council in the county of East Sussex for anew premises licence to use or permit the use of premises to knownas Eldred News and Post Office 26 Eldred Avenue Brighton BN15EQ so as to allow the sale of alcohol for consumption ‘Off’ the

premise between the hours of 06.30 and 22.00 daily. Which will bethe opening hours of the premises.

Any person who desires to make a representation to the application,should send to Assistant Director, Public Safety, Health & Safety and

Licensing, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton,BN1 1JP no later than the 18th of May 2015 a brief written

statement of the grounds of his/her objection. Copies of the registerand applications may be viewed at the above council office during

normal office hours; summaries are available via www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/licensing.

It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement inconnection with an application and the maximum fine for which aperson is liable on summary conviction for the offence is currently

£5000 [level 5].

Dated this: 20th of April 2015 Signed: Doug Simmonds FBII, tp.

Licensing Consultantwww.dougsimmonds.co.uk

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w w w . s p e n c e r a n d l e i g h . c o . u k

Two bedroom apartment occupying the entireground floor with private street entrance in a wellmaintained building. 18’ lounge/dining room,excellent internal condition with patio and garden.

Seven Dials Guide £324,950-£349,950

Three bedroom double fronted family home withdual aspect lounge, separate dining room anddouble glazed conservatory. South facing garden,private driveway and garage. No on-going chain.

Brangwyn £499,950

Unique four bedroom chalet bungalow in popularvillage location with 26’ through lounge, modernfitted kitchen, landscaped garden, picturesque South Down views. Book a viewing today!

Patcham Guide £400,000-£425,000

A spacious four bedroom family home withseparate lounge and dining room. Lovely west facingrear garden. Private driveway and garage. Internalviewing highly recommended.

Patcham £579,950

In a semi-rural location is this four/five bedroomhome constructed only a few years ago. Spaciouslounge and larger than usual conservatory thatoverlooks the west facing garden. No ongoing chain.

Braypool Guide £449,950-£474,950

Smart & stylish contemporary detached propertywith four double bedrooms, dual aspect living roomand 29' kitchen/family room with bi-fold doors andpanoramic views.

Westdene Guide £774,950-£779,950

Extended three bedroom chalet bungalow withlounge and separate dining room, two modernbathrooms and large tiered rear garden. Recentlyredecorated & has had a new block paved driveway.

Patcham £375,000

Two double bedroom fifth floor apartment with agood size lounge/dining room, modern fitted kitchenand private east facing balcony. Communal off roadparking. No on-going chain.

Hove £259,950

Four bedroom, three storey town house in aprivate cul-de-sac on this small, exclusive new builddevelopment known as 'Moderno'. Our client canoffer part exchange if required (subject to terms).

Westdene From £550,000

Newly constructed contemporary style fourbedroom home built to a high specification withsoutherly views from the feature balcony and withaccommodation arranged over three floors.

Withdean £850,000

This handsome five bedroom detached propertyoccupies a beautiful position tucked away in a quietroad behind Patcham Old Village with extendedversatile accommodation. Viewing recommended.

Patcham £750,000


Citywide sales & lettings

0 1 2 7 3 5 6 5 5 6 6


'A tardis' could be an appropriate word to describethis immaculately presented four bedroom familyhome. Spacious lounge, master bedroom en-suite,distant views to the South Downs. Must be seen.

Coldean Guide £340,000-£360,000



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Foxdown Road, Brighton£244,000 Freehold• NO ONWARD CHAIN • Off road parking • 3 bedrooms • Lounge/dining room. EPC D56 Call Woodingdean Office 01273 278866

Cowley Drive, BrightonOIEO £255,000 Freehold• Recently Renovated Throughout • Ideal for a family Home • Brand New Kitchen/Bathroom • Nearby Shops In Cowley Drive. EPC D63 Call Woodingdean Office on 01273 278866

Norfolk Square, BrightonGuide £220,000 Share of Freehold• 1 bed FF converted balcony flat • Lounge with x3 sash windows to the front bay • Modern kitchen, central location • Storage room, chain free, EPC C70 Call Hove office 01273 321000

Salisbury Road, Hove£249,950 Leasehold• GF 2 bed pb flat • Sought after location just off Palmeira Sq • Gas heating • Chain free. EPC D60 Call Hove office 01273 321000

Portland Villas, HoveGuide £350,000 Share of Freehold• Fantastic gf 2 bed garden flat • Stylish modern kitchen & bathroom • Off street parking. EPC D59 • GCH & underfloor heating Call Hove office 01273 321000

Bear Road£320,000 FreeholdA CHARMING 2 DOUBLE BEDROOM FAMILYHOUSE WITH THE BENEFIT OF A LOFTROOM. A spacious & open plan ground flooroffers wonderful living accommodation complemented by a mature 51' rear garden.No onward chain. Energy Rating: E51Call Lewes Road Office 01273 677001

2 1

NEW to the market

NEW price NEW price

NEW to the market

NEW to the market

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Ditchling Rise, Brighton£265,000 Share of Freehold• 1-2 bed lower ground floor flat • Own street entrance • 2 shower rooms • Rear decked terrace. EPC D60 Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton£425,000 Freehold• Unique 3 bed family home • Large basement area with 2 music studios • Through lounge/dining room • Rear decked garden.a EPC D61 Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

Park Crescent, Brighton£210,000 Share of Freehold• Well presented one bedroom 2nd floor flat • Sought after Park Crescent location • Sash windows • Access to private grounds. EPC D56 Call Lewes Road office 01273 677001

Eastbourne Road, Brighton£315,000 Freehold• Extended 3 bedroom house • South facing garden • Good condition throughout • Gas heating. EPC D67 Call Lewes Road office 01273 677001

Stanmer Park Road, Brighton£335,000 Freehold• 3 Bed semi-det house • Kitc/bfast room, lounge • Downstairs wc & family bathroom • Rear garden. EPC C60 Call Fiveways office 01273 566777

‘Truly excellent service throughout.’ Mr P Murray, Riley Road

3 1

Sycamore Close£350,000 FreeholdA LOVELY FAMILY PROPERTY THAT OFFERSLIGHT AND AIRY ACCOMMODATION. There are fantastic views from the front overWoodingdean to the Downs & the sea. Further benefits include a pretty rear garden,own drive and garage. Energy Rating D56Call Woodingdean Office 01273 278866

NEW to the market

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01273 232 232call our sales line now

123-125 dyke roadhove bn3 1tj

[email protected]

tel. 01273 232 232fax. 01273 232 233

sell ing property in all areas of the city of brighton and hove

ferndale road£750,000

• semi-detached family house• two reception rooms• kitchen/dining room• five/six bedrooms• two bathrooms• west facing rear garden• good order throughout• spacious accommodation• epc e

new instructionsilverdale avenueoiro £825,000

• detached family home• four bedrooms• two bathrooms• kitchen• living room• dining room• garden to three sides• pair of garages• epc f

new instruction

lyndhurst road£699,950

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old college house, richmond terrace£694,950

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lyndhurst road£699,950

• spacious family home• sitting room• dining room• lounge• kitchen• five bedrooms• two shower rooms/wc• rear gardens• epc d

new build detached house£500,000-£550,000

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new instruction

maldon road£529,950

• end of terrace family home• two reception rooms• three bedrooms• bathroom• spacious kitchen/dining room• original features• close to preston park station• viewing advised• epc e

clifton terrace£350,000

• one bedroom maisonette• spacious sitting room• kitchen• bathroom• small paved patio• share of freehold

new instruction

new price vendor suited

new instruction

new instruction

020_LH726_AUSTIN GRAY 1p LH_000_LHXXX_AG_1pg 24/04/2015 14:32 Page 1

Page 21: Latest Homes: No. 726

Justin Lloyd is proud to present an exclusive offering within a truly magnificent newlybuilt, eco-friendly development in the heart of Brighton. The Royal Alexandra Quarter, on Dyke Road, is positioned between Clifton Hill and Seven Dials, and is 0.2 miles fromBrighton Train Station with regular services into London Victoria. As well as being close to the shopping promenade and seafront restaurants, nightlife, café culture and shops, the development is in the most sought after location within the city centre.

Buy & sell withthe experts.

3 2 1

Three Bedroom Penthouse£1,100,000

This penthouse apartment boasts a 611sqftwrap around roof terrace offering far reaching,panoramic sea and city views, and also has itsown secure underground parking space. Open-plan living/dining room and kitchen leading outto a roof terrace, three double bedrooms, withen-suite to the master, and a family bathroom.

One bedroom – East Facing £330,000

Another third floor luxury balconyapartment with a bright and airyliving room with open-plan luxuryPaula Rosa kitchen with AEGintegrated appliances andbreakfast area, master bedroomand Villeroy and Bochbathroom. Decked balconyaccessed from the living room.

1 1 1

One Bedroom – 17’ Balcony£350,000

This third floor luxurybalcony apartmentoverlooks the Regencyarchitecture on DykeRoad and enjoys cityviews. Features includea 17' decked balconywith glass balustradeaccessed from the livingroom through floor toceiling sliding doors.

1 1 1

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Page 22: Latest Homes: No. 726

01273 777000Western Road Residential office 117-118 Western Road, Brighton BN1 [email protected]


Chatham PlaceBrightonOIEO £225,000• 'West Hill' conservation area• Garden, Summerhouse• Open plan lounge kitchen• Modern bathroom

York RoadHove £225,000• First floor converted apartment• One double bed, lounge, kit• 'Brunswick Town' conservation area• No onward chain

Park View TerraceBrightonOIEO £600,000• Victorian three storey house• Four bedrooms, fitted kitchen• OSP, garden, spacious living• Views over Preston Park

New England RoadBrightonOIEO £210,000• Two beds, own street entrance• Private rear garden• Custom built storage• Close station, Ideal FTB or BTL

Brunswick PlaceBrighton £300,000• One double bed apartment• Spacious living accommodation• Rear patio, own street entrance• Sought after location

Norfolk SquareBrightonOIEO £400,000• Grade II listed building• 'Regency Sq' conservation area• Two bedrooms, Study• Spacious living, Balcony

Adelaide CrescentHove £219,950• Share of freehold• Ideal holiday home, 1 double bed• Living/kitchen area• Converted Regency apartment

Montpelier StreetBrightonOIEO £265,000• Spacious converted apartment• Two bedrooms, fitted kitchen• Conservatory, enclosed patio• No onward chain

Upper Market StreetWestern Road £775,000• Bright and spacious mid terrace house • Four bedrooms, Spacious living accommodation• Modern fitted kitchen, Courtyard & roof terrace• Central location, Close to seafront & city centre

Avalon, West StreetBrighton £650,000• Penthouse apartment, Two double bedrooms• Secure underground parking• Close to seafront, city centre & Brighton station• EPC Rating TBC

Brunswick SquareHove Offers In Excess Of £485,000• Three bedroom second floor period apartment• Grade I listed period building, Passenger lift• 'Brunswick Town' conservation area• Views over square and out to sea, Share of freehold

York MansionsHove £470,000• First floor apartment, Two double bedrooms• Spacious living accommodation, Westerly facing balcony• Secure underground parking, Share of freehold• No onward chain, Central location








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01273 688148Kemp Town Residential office

01273 820280Hove Residential office

Wolseley RoadPortslade £325,000• Detached family home• 3 Bedrooms, Living Room• Kitchen/Dining room, Conservatory• EPC C

KingswayHove £699,950• End Of Terrace House, Lounge• Eat in Kitchen, Four Bedrooms• Garage, Bath, En Suite• Views, Study, EPC D

Woodland AvenueHove £650,000• Detached family Home, Lounge• Garden Backing onto The Copse• 4 Bedrooms, Bath with sep WC• Goldstone Valley, EPC Awaiting

Chesham StreetKemp Town Offer Over £860,000• 4 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms• Beautifully decortated, Victorian row of houses• Lovely garden to the rear• EPC Rating Awaited

Merton CourtKemp Town £500,000• 3 Bedrooms, penthouse• Sea and harbour views• Sun terr, split level apartment• EPC Rating C

New Steine MansionsKemp Town £380,000• 3 Bedrooms, oblique sea views• Central loc, no onward chain• Share of freehold• EPC Rating C

Fonthill RoadHove £799.950• Stunning Corner Freehold House, 4 Double Bedrooms & 2 Bathrooms• 2 Reception Rooms• Kitchen/Breakfast Room with Bi-Folding Doors to Garden• Pretty Landscaped Rear Garden, EPC Awaiting

First AvenueHove £260,000• Top Floor Flat, Open Plan Living• Two Beds, Jack & Jill Bathroom• Central Hove Location• EPC D

Osborne VillasHove £500,000• GF & First Floor Maisonette• Large Bay Fronted Lounge• Three Bedrooms, Garden• SoF (75%), EPC Awaiting








Roedean CrescentKemp Town £1,290,000• 4 Bedrooms, 125 ft. (approx) Southerly garden• Garage and car port, amazing views• Potential for expansion (STNPC)• EPC Rating E

Sussex SquareKemp Town £420,000• Period Property, 2 double beds• Oblique sea views• Seafront square, Share of F/H• No onward chain, EPC Exempt

Arundel TerraceKemp Town £550,000• Sea Views, 1st Floor Apartment• Direct sea views, 3 Balcony areas• Lounge & Dining Room, • 1 Bedroom, EPC Exempt



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01273 677544Lewes Road Residential office

01273 508761Preston Park Residential office

Elm GroveBrighton OIEO £210,000• Rarely Available 1 Bed House• 15'1" Lounge, Separate Kitchen• Utility Room, Front Patio• No On Going Chain, EPC Rating G

Heath Hill AvenueBrightonOIEO £300,000• Open House Saturday 2nd May• Semi Detached House• 2 Bedrooms, Private Garden• Private Garag, EPC Awaited

Hanover TerraceBrighton Guide Price £450,000-£475,000• A Beautiful 3 Storey Terraced House In The Valley Gardens CA• 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms• Rear Patio & Rear Roof Terrace• EPC Rating D

Milner RoadBrighton £290,000• Open House Saturday 2nd May• Ground And LGF Maisonette• 2 Bedrooms, Conservatory• Garden, EPC Awaited

Caledonian RoadBrighton Guide £335,000• For Sale By Public Auction• Thursday 14th May 2015 • EPC Awaited

Johnson Bank, Wellington RoadBrighton £180,000 • Purpose Built Flat, 1 Bedroom• Separate Living Room• Private Rear Balcony• EPC Rating C

CedarwoodBrighton £259,000• First floor flat• Two bedroom• No onward chain

KingsmearBrighton £199,950• Second floor flat• One bedroom• Close to Preston park station

Beaconsfeild VillasBrighton £749,000• Five bedrooms Family house• Lounge/Dining room• Kitchen/Breakfast room

Surrendon LodgeBrighton £255,000• Two bedroom purpose built flat• Residence parking• Great travel links

Clyde RoadBrighton £239,950• One bedroom patio flat• Share of freehold• Central location

Cedar GardensBrighton £950,000• Six bedroom family home• Three receptions rooms• Private driveway leading to garage






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Page 25: Latest Homes: No. 726

01273 554505Patcham Residential office

01273 778455Hangleton Residential office

Carden AvenuePatcham £525,000• £1000 Buyers Incentive, Five Bedrooms• Potential To Create Self Contained Unit• Detached• Garage & Parking

Windmill ViewPatcham £499,995• Four Double Bedrooms • Fitted Kitchen & Utility Room • Family Bathroom & En-Suite• WC, Garage, Gardens To 3 Sides

HighbankPatcham £395,000• Stunning Views• Three Double Bedrooms• Garage, Balcony• Great Condition

Carol ClosePatcham £649,995• Approx 1/3 Acre Plot, Unique Home• Beautifully Presented• Four Bedrooms• 3 Bathrooms

Glen RisePatcham £750,000• Detached, Four Bedrooms• Off Street Parking• Plans Approved For Extension• Beautiful Gardens

Brangwyn CrescentPatcham £685,000• Ground Floor Annex• Beautiful Views, Recently Built• Stunning Conservatory• 5 Bedrooms

Highland RoadHangleton £299,995• Garage, End Of Terrace• Three Double Bedrooms• Side Access• Lounge/Diner

Park RiseHangleton £384,995• Superbly Stylish Home• Ensuite, Summerhouse/Gym• Off Street Parking • The Best You Will Find

Broad Rig AvenueHangleton £390,000• Semi Detached• Wonderful Condition• Garage, Spacious Property • Great Location

Dale ViewHangleton £449,950• Central Hangleton, Newly Refurbished• 4 Bedrooms• Drive For Multiple Cars• Fantastic Condition

Elm DriveHangleton £319,950• No Chain, Off Street Parking• Close To Local Schools• Large Kitchen Diner• Great Location

Wilfrid RoadHangleton £330,000• Five Beds, Spacious Property• Modern Kitchen/Dinner• Ensuite To Master Bedroom• Front And Rear Garden




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Page 26: Latest Homes: No. 726

01273 675101Woodingdean Residential office

01273 309968Rottingdean Residential office

The BrowWoodingdean £400,000• Detached House, Five Bedrooms• Lounge/Diner, Kitchen• 2 Baths, Utility Room, Gdn, Gge• CHAIN FREE, Energy Rating: F

Baywood GardensWoodingdean £300,000• Detached Bungalow, 4 Bedrooms• Dressing Room to Master Bed• Lounge, Study, Kit, Garage, Gdn• Utility Rm, Energy Rating: D

The RidgwayWoodingdean £395,000• Semi-Detached House, Built in 2007, 4 Bedrooms• 2 Bathrooms, Large Kitchen/Diner• Lounge, Rear Garden, Garage• Energy Rating: C

Briarcroft RoadWoodingdean £375,000• Detached House, 3 Bedrooms• En-suite to Master Bed, Chain Free• Lounge/Kit, Utility Room, Bath• Parking, Gdn, Energy Rating: B

Crescent Drive NorthWoodingdean £365,000• Detached Bungalow• Four Bedrooms, Lounge• Dining Area, Kitchen• 2 Baths, Garden, Energy Rating: D

Warren WayWoodingdean £325,000• Semi Detached House, Three Bedrooms• Lounge, Cloakroom, Kitchen, Bathroom, Conservatory• Front and Rear Garden, Garage• Energy Rating: D

Cranleigh AvenueR’dean OIEO £540,000• 4 Bedroom detached house• Chain free, west facing garden• Driveway, stunning sea views• EPC Rating: E

Withyham AvenueSaltdean OIEO £400,000• 4 Bedroom detached house• Family room, garage, garden• Further development potential• EPC Rating: D

Rodmell AvenueSaltdean OIEO £450,000• 4 Bedroom detached house, generous private driveway and garage• Rear garden and decking area• Under floor garden room with storage space• Large lounge/diner, EPC Rating: D

Bazehill RoadRottingdean £425,000• 2 Bedrooms, P/B apartment• Stunning views of the downs• Secure gated property• Allocated parking, EPC Rating: C

High StreetRottingdean £450,000• Chain free, central location• Grade 2 listed property• Commercial oppurtunity• 4 Bedrooms, EPC Rating: Exempt

Ashurst AvenueSaltdean Guide Price £510,000• 4 Bedroom detached house• Off street parking, wooden outbuilding• Views of the sea and the Tye• Chain free, EPC Rating: D




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Page 27: Latest Homes: No. 726

01323 899116Seaford office

01273 587222Peacehaven office

Havenfield, Cuckmere RoadSeaford £775,000• Sought After Location, Detached Family Home• Six Double Bedrooms• Two Reception Rooms• Carriage Driveway

01273 461671Shoreham office

East Albany RoadSeaford £360,000• Sought After Residential Location• Semi Detached House• Three/Four Bedrooms• Westerly Aspect Rear Garden

Hawth CrescentBishopstone £295,000• Detached Chalet Bungalow• Three Double Bedrooms• Kitchen & Utility Room• Front & Rear Gardens

Riverbanks, Lewes RoadPiddinghoe £650,000• 4 bedroom detached house• 4.459 acres of land• Stunning views of the river and further beyond• Spacious living accommodation

Norman RoadNewhaven £249,950• 3 bedroom EOT house• Steeped with character• University to be built in local town• Garden space

Buckingham RoadShoreham By Sea £1,250,000• Large detached residence in central Shoreham• 6-7 Bedrooms, Private Driveway to front, Full width of house conservatory • Extended Family Annex Included

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Page 28: Latest Homes: No. 726

Offering to the market this newly refurbished two double bedroom flat, positioned on the first floor.

This flat oozes space and light presenting a spacious lounge / diner boasting a south facing balcony, modern fitted kitchen,

luxury bathroom suite, separate w/c, Two double bedrooms both having fitted wardrobes, there are also storage cupboards in

the lounge and hallway.

You couldn't ask more of the location of Ellen Street. Set within the very heart of central Hove in this most attractive street, the

bustling atmosphere of Church Road with its shops and café culture are in close proximity. Bus services pass close by

providing access to many other parts of the city as well as the beautiful Sussex Downs. The wide open spaces of Hove

seafront can also be found off Church Road. Both mainline Brighton and Hove railway stations are within a stone through

making this a perfect position for the London commuter.

For more information or to arrange a viewing please call Shore Estates on 01273 830555

Shore Estates are advised by our vendor that there is a remainder of 125 year lease from 2003

Annual maintenance charge approximately £500

Annual ground rent charge approximately £10

Ellen Street, Hove £250,000

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Page 29: Latest Homes: No. 726

Wincombe Road, Brighton £629,500 Three/four bedroom semi-detached family homeon a quiet road with garage and very large garden.

Dyke Road, Brighton £1,100,000A truly magnificent three bedroom penthouseapartment in the centre of Brighton.

Eastern Terrace, Brighton OIEO £525,000Two bedroom 'loft style' apartment on the top floorof a converted Grade II listed building. Sea views.

Charles Street, Brighton £499,950Two/three bedroom town house centrally located,arranged over four floors, single integral garage.

Eaton Place, Brighton £340,000Spacious two bedroom apartment on the third(top) floor of a converted Grade II listed house.

Adelaide Crescent, Hove OIEO £450,000A gorgeous Regency Grade II* listed seafrontapartment, two bedrooms and large garden.

Regency Square, Brighton £329,950A two bedroom sea view apartment on the thirdfloor (with lift) of a Grade II* listed building.

Crescent Place, Brighton £195,000One bedroom apartment with a courtyard on thelower ground floor of a converted period house.

Queens Park Road, Brighton£229,950


A well presented one bedroom apartment on theraised ground floor of a converted period house.

To the front of the property is a paved courtyardand to the rear is a fantastic, two-tiered westfacing garden - an ideal place for entertaining.

The property is in a superb location in QueensPark, walking distance to the variety of localshops and restaurants in Kemp Town, theseafront and the city centre.

The accommodation comprises: living roomwith high ceilings and bay window, double bedroom, modern applianced kitchen and bathroom.

The two tiered, west facing garden is accessedthrough double doors from the bedroom andfrom the kitchen.

The property is being offered with a 90 yearlease and there is an option to purchase aShare in the Freehold.






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Page 30: Latest Homes: No. 726

Hamptons Brighton & HoveSales 01273 796157 I Lettings 01273 796159

Hill Brow, Hove £1,200,000Five bedroom detached house with parking + integral garage. EPC D

Shirley Drive, Hove £1,500,000Spacious six bedroom detached family home. EPC D

New Road, Shoreham-By-Sea £625,000Five bedroom, three reception room period house. EPC E

Hove Park Villas, Hove £385,000Westerly Facing two bedroom garden flat. EPC C

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Hamptons Brighton & HoveSales 01273 796157 I Lettings 01273 796159

Woodruff Avenue, Hove £999,995Four bedroom, three reception room extended home. EPC C

Montpelier Road, Brighton £750,000Recently renovated five bedroom, two reception room house. EPC D

Chapel Mews, Hove £265,000Two bedroom flat, close to Hove seafront with shared parking. EPC D

Hove Park Gardens, Hove £1,100,000Four bedroom detached house in sought after location. EPC E

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bricesw w w . b r i c e s . c o . u k


brices sales & lettings





CAVENDISH PLACE, BRIGHTONA generously proportioned TWO BEDROOM eleventh floor apartment in thislandmark seafront purpose built block of flats. The apartment comprises LIVINGROOM, DOUBLE ASPECT L SHAPED BALCONY, KITCHEN, TWO DOUBLEBEDROOMS, BATHROOM and SEPARATE WC. The apartment benefits fromDIRECT SEA and COASTAL VIEWS. EPC C

OIXO £400,000 Leasehold

ST JOHNS ROAD, HOVEA first floor LOFT STYLE APARTMENT forming part of this converted STABLEBLOCK off HOVE SEAFRONT. ENTRANCE HALL, 33’7 x 17’0 OPEN LIVINGSPACE with FEATURE EXPOSED BRICK WALL and clearly defined lounge,dining and kitchen areas with integrated appliances, TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS,EN SUITE and BATHROOM with underfloor heating, WOOD FLOORING. EPC B

OIXO £425,000 Leasehold

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Page 33: Latest Homes: No. 726


Tel. 01273 422706 [email protected] www.calesandco.com48 Boundary Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 4EF

get your property seen by the right people


An extended 3 bedroom semi-detached Bungalow .GCH. D/Glazing. No chain. L’shaped lounge/diningroom and kitchen, bathroom, 3 bedrooms. Large

rear garden. EPC – TBA.


Refurbished mid terraced house with newly installedkitchen and bathrooms. 23' kitchen/breakfast room,

28' through lounge/diner, g/f cloakroom, 4 goodsized bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite).

Favoured west facing rear garden. VACANTPOSSESSION. EPC TBA.


A modern 4 bedroom Det. House with GCH,D/Glazing, Superb lounge/dining room overlooking

garden, kitchen with appliances, cloakroom, 2 shower rooms (one en-suite). South Garden.

Car parking space. No chain. EPC – TBA.

MILE OAK, P’SLADE £259,950

Det. Bungalow with GCH. uPVCD/G. Lounge, conservatory,

kitchen, 2 double beds, showerroom, w.c. Gge. Garden. EPC D.

SOUTHWICK £289,950

S/D family house withlounge/diner, conservatory, mod.Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom.

Gardens. OSP. EPC C.


Completely refurbished Det.Bungalow with 27 ft.

Lounge/dining room, ext kitchen,2 beds, gardens. Gge. EPC D.


S/D bungalow with GCH anduPVC D/glazing. Lounge/diner,

kitchen, 3 beds, mod. bathroom.Garden. Garage. EPC C.

ST. AUBYNS ROAD £425,000

4 bedroom mid-terrace periodproperty with 2 reception rooms,utility rm, kit. Gdn. No ongoingchain. Needs updating. EPC F.


A 2 bed S/D bungalow withVACANT POSSESSION. GCH.

D/G. Lounge, kit, 2 double beds,bath. Gdns. No chain. EPC D


3 bedroom house in good orderwith lounge/dining room, modern

kitchen, bathroom, GCH andD/glazing. Garden. EPC D.


Ext 3 bed S/D chalet bungalow.GCH. D/G. Lounge/ dining room,

kitchen, bathroom, en-suite,office, garden. Garage. EPC E.

PORTSLADE £350,000

Mod. Det. split level house.Lounge/dining rm, fit kit with

apps, 3 beds, bath. GCH anduPVC D/G. Gge. Gdn. EPC – TBA.



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Page 34: Latest Homes: No. 726


1 THE PARADE, HANGLETON ROAD, HOVE, 01273 721061 E: [email protected]

72B HIGH STREET, SHOREHAM BY SEA 01273 414243 E: [email protected]


A detached chalet bungalow in favouredlocation. 4 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen,

bathroom, en suite, conservatory, parkingspace, gdn approx 57ft. Energy Rating TBC.

A spacious semi detached bungalow infavoured location. 2 Double bedrooms,lounge, kitchen/diner, bathroom, private

driveway, garden. Energy Rating C.

A semi detached house in favouredlocation. 3 Bedrooms, lounge, diningroom, kitchen, cloakroom, bathroom,

garage, garden. Energy Rating D.

A semi detached chalet bungalow in aconvenient location. 4 Bedrooms, lounge,kitchen, bathroom, conservatory, garage,garden approx 125ft. Energy Rating C.


A modern semi detached house NO ONWARD CHAIN. 2 Bedrooms,

lounge/diner, bath, en suite, conservatory,garage with parking. Energy Rating C.

A two bedroom fifth floor P/B flat with seaviews BEING SOLD WITH NO ONWARD

CHAIN. Lounge, balcony, kitchen,bathroom, w.c., lift. Energy Rating D.

A conveniently situated mid terrace familyhome. 3 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen/diner,

bathroom, 80ft west garden. Energy Rating D.

A semi detached bungalow in convenientlocation. 2 Double bedrooms, lounge,

kitchen/diner, conservatory, 55ft garden,garage with side plot. Energy Rating D.


A corner plot detached bungalow withviews. 5 Bedrooms, lounge, kitchen/dining

room, bathroom, garden approx 55ft.,driveway, garage, cellar. Energy Rating TBC.

A rarely available detached bungalow. 2 Double bedrooms, lounge, kitchen,bathroom, cloakroom, conservatory,driveway, garage. Energy Rating E.

A semi detached family home in afavoured location. 4 Double bedrooms,lounge, kitchen/diner, cloakroom, family

bathroom, garden. Energy Rating D.

A well presented mid-terrace family housein favoured location. 3 Bedrooms, lounge,

dining room, kitchen, bathroom, southaspect rear garden. Energy Rating D.


A ground floor two bedroom apartmentlocated on Shoreham Beach. Fitted

kitchen, white bathroom suite, lounge withviews and allocated OSP. EPC Rating C

£210,000 DOVER HOUSE, SHOREHAMThis first floor apartment is located off

Worthing's historic seafront, in a tree-linedavenue, 2 double bedrooms and a

westerly facing balcony! EPC Rating C

£274,950 GRAND AVE, WORTHINGThis 3 bedroom terraced family home is in

the heart of Shoreham by Sea.Lounge/dining area, fitted kitchen,

conservatory and a garden. EPC Rating E

£319,950 VICTORIA RD, SHOREHAMA detached 4 bedroom family home with a

separate 1 bed Annexe. Contemporaryliving space, mod fitted kitchen, en-suite,access to Shoreham Beach. EPC Rating D











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Page 35: Latest Homes: No. 726

78 St George’s RoadKemp Town, Brighton

ST JAMES STREET, BRIGHTONOne bed top floor flat in converted periodproperty, easy access to the city centre andStation, no chain, gas heating. Ideal buy to let.


ROTTINGDEAN PLACE, ROTTINGDEAN2 bedroom apartment situated in this gatedluxury development, decorated with a neutralpalette, en-suite, shower room, leisure facilities.


CLARENDON TERRACE, KEMP TOWN2 bed second floor flat forming part of thissuperb period terrace, direct sea views, great living space, share of freehold.


FRENCH APARTMENTS, BRIGHTON2 double bed ground floor flat, living roomopening onto patio area, delightful communalgarden, own parking, share of freehold, no chain.


MARINE PARADE, BRIGHTON3 bedroom duplex apartment, prime seafrontlocation, excellent living space opening tolarge terrace, stunning sea views, no chain.


VINE PLACE, BRIGHTON4 bed Grade 2 listed Character property in theheart of central Brighton, tucked away down asmall twitten, Garage/workshop.



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Page 36: Latest Homes: No. 726

Hove Office: 01273 773399

Hove Office2 Church Road, BN3 2FL

[email protected]


• Second floor P/B flat• Spacious accommodation• Two double bedrooms• Big lounge/dining room

• Sep kitchen & bathrooms• GFCH, double glazing• Views across to the

local park



• GF purpose built flat• Lounge/dining room• Good sized double bed• Sep recessed kitchen

• Bath, double glazed• Side sea views• Early vacant poss/

no ongoing chain


£465,000 FREEHOLD

• Three storey• Three bedrooms• Lounge/dining room• Large family bathroom

• Separate kitchen• Rear loggia• Close stations• GFCH



• 2nd floor (lift)• 2 double bedrooms• Dual aspect lounge • Underground parking

• Well fitted kitchen withgranite work surfaces

• Double glazing• GFCH, no ongoing chain


£485,000 FREEHOLD

• No ongoing chain• 3 double bedrooms• Two separate

reception rooms

• Dual aspect kitchen• Walled patio garden• In need of



£419,950 FREEHOLD

• Two storey extendedperiod family home

• South facing patio• Extended kitchen

• Lounge/dining room• Two double bedrooms• Large family bathroom• Gas CH



• Sought after seafront ave• Adjacent Church Road• Bath with white suite• Lounge/diner

• Sea views• Fitted kitchen• Close Hove seafront• Close Hove station


£1,250,000 FREEHOLD

• c150' west garden• Re-modelled & extended• Contemporary styled• Five bedrooms

• 3 bath/shower rooms• Kitchen/family room• Two reception rooms• Off road parking


£529,950 FREEHOLD

• Much improveddetached house

• 3 double bedrooms• Oak flooring/joinery

throughout GF• Luxury kitchen• Full width conservatory• OSP, luxury bathroom


• Top floor• Stunning roof terrace• Three bedrooms• Split level living room

• Eat-in kitchen, GFCH• Shower room• Excellent layout• Communal hallways


£565,000 FREEHOLD

• Extended bay frontedfamily home

• Eat-in kitchen• Lounge/dining room

• Walled patio, cellar• 3 double bedrooms• En-suite, luxury bath• Local schools



• First and second floormaisonette, OSP

• Communal gardens• Roof terrace

• Four bedrooms• Stunning period lounge• Separate kitchen• Study, two bathrooms


£289,950 FREEHOLD

• Very large semidetached family home

• 3 double bedrooms• 2 reception rooms

• Bath with white suite• Separate kitchen, GCH• 65' lawned rear garden• Close local schools


£299,950 FREEHOLD

• Well presented semidetached family home

• 3 bedrooms• 2 reception rooms

• Bath with white suite• Kitchen, OSP for 2 cars• Decked & lawned garden• Close School


£299,950 FREEHOLD

• Extended semi/end ofterrace family home

• Refurbished, 3 beds• Contemporary bath

• Cloakroom/WC• Open plan kitchen/diner• 80' level lawned garden• GCH, No onward chain


£375,000 FREEHOLD

• Spacious semidetached bungalow

• 3 double bedrooms• Large living space

• Kitchen/diner• Private drive & garage• Decked & lawned garden• No onward chain







Hangleton Office2 Queens Parade, BN3 [email protected]

Hangleton Office: 01273 322766











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Page 37: Latest Homes: No. 726

160–162 Church Road, Hove

web: www.goldinlemcke.comTel: 01273 777123

A truly delightful extremely sought afterground floor two bedroom flat with astunning south west facing garden andcar parking space. The property iswithin easy reach of hove mainlinerailway station.


Within the Poets Corner close toAldrington Halt railway station andwithin easy reach of Portland Roadshops a first floor flat benefiting fromits own private entrance, balcony andis in excellent decorative order.


A well maintained converted flat. Goodsize lounge. Modern kitchen andbathroom. Double bedroom. Excellentlocation. Ideal first timebuy/investment.


A modern development just west ofHolmes Avenue. A 4 bedroom, 3reception room detached family house.Modern kitchen and bathroom fittings,OSP, a garden and is offered inexcellent decorative order throughout


A rarely available house 30 secondsfrom Brighton station with four doublebeds, ground floor accommodation andsuperb size garden. Internal inspectionessential to fully appreciate the truequalities of this house.


In a fantastic location close to Hovemainline railway station, Church Roadshops and the seafront. A second floor(top) two "double" bedroom flat.Modern kit with integrated appliancesand an allocated parking space.


Viceroy Lodge is a 1930's built blocksituated on the corner of Hove Streetand Kingsway. Flat 37 occupies part ofthe third floor and is offered withimmediate vacant possession. 13'4"balcony with views towards the sea.


In the favoured Poet's Corner area ofHove a newly refurbished 2 bedroomVictorian house. The property enjoysquality kitchen and bathroom fittingsand benefits uPVC double glazedwindows and gas central heating.


A stunning and rarely available three story semi-detached yellow brick housesituated in this extremely sought after area. The house has been modernised to afantastic high standard and we can not stress enough than an internal inspection isessential to fully appreciate the true qualities of this house.



*OPEN DAY SATURDAY 2ND MAY* Situated in the favoured Stoneham Park areaof Hove just west of Poet's Corner a stunning 4 bedroom Victorian house withextended accommodation arranged over 3 floors. The property retains many fineperiod features including fireplaces and has a favoured west facing garden.

KENDAL ROAD GUIDE PRICE £550,000-525,000

Situated in a fantastic unrivalled location forming part of this famous regencyterrace. A delightful 2 bedroom third floor flat with direct sea views. The property is offered with immediate vacant possession.


Stunning 3 storey non-basement Victorian house, lounge, open plan dining room,stunning kitchen, utility room, 3 double bedrooms, en-suite shower room, luxurybathroom, sep WC, landscaped rear garden, period features. Open day Saturday2nd May. Please call for an appointment.








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Page 38: Latest Homes: No. 726

01273 555115www.johnhoole.co.uk

What our clients say…“Well, they said it couldn’t happen, estate agents that arefriendly, helpful and go the extra mile!! They’ve clearly neverdealt with John Hoole estate agents, we are so pleased thatwe did! Thank you so much for all your help and advice."

What’s your

property worth?

For a FREE

valuation call

01273 555115

DYKE ROAD £875,000• OPEN DAY – Saturday 9th May• Detached large four bedroom home• Off street parking and double length garage• Excellent location close to well renowned schools, no onwards chain

CHATSWORTH ROAD £700,000 • Large four bedroom family home• Two spacious reception rooms• Retained features of the period• Located in popular Port Hall area

THE UPPER DRIVE OIEO £500,000 • Attractive Georgian style home• Located in a much sought after area• Stylish kitchen & through lounge/dining room• Separate private single garage

ROTTINGDEAN £543,000 • Private road with no passing traffic• South aspect garden, sea views• Garden/sun room extension, large loft space• No onward chain

ROBERTSON ROAD £300,000 • Edwardian Maisonette• Two double bedrooms, set over two floors• Moments from Preston Park Station• Long lease upon completion

DENMARK TERRACE OIEO £195,000 • Exceptional one bedroom flat• Top floor with access to roof terrace, sea views• Recently renovated throughout• A must see property




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Page 40: Latest Homes: No. 726

112 Western RoadBrighton BN1 2AB

01273 771111

[email protected]

• Stunning Top FloorOne Bedroom Flat

• Excellent ConditionThroughout

• Balcony With Views• Close To

Brighton Station• Sale By Tender

WEST HILL ROAD £240,000-£250,000• Three Bedroom End

Of Terrace Property• Superb Condition


• Sunny Balcony• Close To The Seafront• Sought After City

Centre Location

WESTERN STREET, BRIGHTON £410,000• Rarely Avail Period

Terraced Property• Two Bedrooms & Two

Reception Rooms

• West Facing Garden• Full Of Character• Brunswick Town

Conservation Area

FARMAN ST, HOVE £455,000-£465,000

• Exciting ThreeBedrooms Mews House

• Fashionable Open PlanLiving Space

• South Roof Terrace• Superb Condition• Hove’s Central

Hotspot Location

QUEENS PL, HOVE £550,000-£575,000• Spacious Lower

Ground Floor Flat• Two Bedrooms• Own Private Entrance

• Central Hove Location• Sale By Tender &

Open House Saturday2 May

TISBURY RD, HOVE £285,000-£300,000• Superb Ground Floor

Two Bedroom Flat• Newly Refurbished


• Allocated ParkingSpace

• Own Private Entrance• Patio To The Front

LEAHURST CT RD £275,000-£285,000





040_LH726_PhillipsStill_FPEditorial_0314_FP Ad 24/04/2015 14:36 Page 1

Page 41: Latest Homes: No. 726

Preston Park | Sale Agreed

Upper Level ApartmentSpacious Living Area2 BedroomsClose To Preston Park StationResidential Parking, EPC Rating D

[email protected] 710746

Brighton | Sale Agreed

Third Floor ApartmentSpacious Living Area2 BedroomsBalcony + En-suiteUnderground Parking, EPC Rating C

[email protected] 710746

Brighton | Sale Agreed

Fifth Floor ApartmentOpen Plan Living Area2 BedroomsBalcony Breathtaking Views, EPC Rating D

[email protected] 710746

Brighton | Sale Agreed

Studio ApartmentSeperate KitchenGas HeatingSeafront Location No Onward Chain, EPC Rating D

[email protected] 710746

Special Promotional Feeof just

0.75% + VAT

available throughoutApril to June**(Subject to a minimum fee of £1250+VAT)

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Page 42: Latest Homes: No. 726

Come in and see us: 88 Dyke Road, Brighton BN1 3JD

www.udenestateagents.com 01273 721721

£330,000VERNON TERR,BRIGHTONA converted ground floorflat in Vernon Terrace,close to Seven Dials andBrighton Station. Theaccommodationcomprises entrance hall,18' living room withfireplace, two doublebedrooms, bathroomand 14' kitchen/breakfast room. The flathas a large West facingrear GARDEN. EPC D.

£395,000DYKE ROAD,BRIGHTONA garden floor convertedflat situated close toSeven Dials andBrighton railway station,wide entrance hall withown street entrance, 19'living room, 16' kitchen,two double bedrooms,bathroom,cloakroom/WC, GFCH,new carpets anddecorations, large rearGARDEN. EPC D.

£1,050 PCM,DAVIGDOR RD,BRIGHTONA two bedroom purposebuilt top floor flat inDavigdor Road close tothe popular Seven Dialsand very convenient forBrighton railway station.The accommodationcomprises largeentrance hall, twobedrooms, living room,bathroom, kitchen, gasfired central heating.EPC C.

£895 PCM,DYKE ROAD,BRIGHTONA converted onebedroom GFF being partof a detached periodproperty situated inDyke Road, close to thepopular Seven Dials andconvenient for BrightonStation. Entrance hall,living room, bedroomand bathroom. Wellpresented and has GFCHand a private parkingspace. EPC D.


The Street, Rodmell£1,350 pcmThree bedroom part-furnished semi-detachedcottage in the picturesque village of Rodmell. Open fire. Available mid to late July. No pets.

Further properties available in West and East Sussex

Barcombe Mills Rd,Barcombe £2,000 pcmIndividual 4-5 bedroom Architect designedhouse set in a glorious rural location overlookingfields. Long term let. Available


Lewes 01273 477022 [email protected]

Distinctly DifferentChartered Surveyors & Estate Agents

West Furlong Crt,Hurstpierpoint£850 pcmTwo dbl bedroom apartment with two recepts inthe heart of the village. New kit & cloakroom.Avail now. Immaculate order. No children.







Merton Court£2,500 pcmThree bedroom F/Fpenthouse with a terrace,balcony and garage.Furnished to a highstandard. Avail mid May

Collingwood Court£1,775 pcmThree bedroom F/Fsecond floor apartmentwith balcony and parkingspace. Energy Rating B.Available May

25 Waterfront, Brighton Marina,East Sussex BN2 5WA

Tel: 01273 [email protected]

Holiday LetsPer WeekA selection of studio – 3 bed quality apartmentsavailable for weekly orshort term lettings. Call for details.

Sovereign Court£1,200 pcmTwo bed F/F first floorapartment with cornerbalcony and allocatedparking space. Avail earlyMay. Energy Rating C

Britannia Court£1,200 pcmTwo bedroom F/F topfloor apartment withWest facing balcony andparking space. Available08 May. Energy Rating C

Victory Mews£1,250 pcmTwo bedroom F/F thirdfloor apartment withBalcony and lagoon views.Parking space. Available01 May. Energy Rating B

• LATEST HOMES 42 www.latesthomes.co.uk •

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Lilac CourtNR. WITHDEAN PARK £205,000

A delightful 2 bed apartment in this exclusive McCarthy & Stone built retirement development with a lift. The flat enjoys good sizeaccommodation with a lounge, kitchen and contemporary shower room. Double glazing. Within Lilac Court there is a communal lounge

which opens onto a lovely mature garden for residents use. EPC B.

Magnolia CourtALBOURNE FROM £399,950

An exclusive small development of just four high specification homes comprising a 3 bedroom detached bungalow, a 4 bedroomdetached house with a 90’ rear garden and two 4 bedroom semi-detached houses. Finished to exacting standards and ready for

immediate occupation features of all the properties include; en-suite shower rooms, modern fitted kitchen/breakfast rooms, livingrooms with doors leading to the rear garden, car barn/garage & additional parking together with a 10 year NHBC warranty. Set back

from the road all back directly onto farmland at the rear with views over the Sussex Weald behind and to the South Downs National Parkat the front.

Redhill Drive WITHDEAN £735,000

An impressive individual 5 bedroom detached house stylishly modernised and extended at considerable expense and which comes tomarket as a beautifully appointed and presented contemporary family home over two floors and worthy of internal inspection. Featuresfive first floor bedrooms including a master bedroom with adjacent walk-in wardrobe and ensuite and there is also family bathroom. Tothe ground floor is an attractive entrance hall, a through lounge measuring 22’2 x 12’6, a dining room/TV room, the refitted kitchen has

plenty of room to eat in and has a utility room and to finish is a cloakroom. Outside sees a good family size landscaped rear gardenwhilst the front offers off road parking and a garage.


GUIDE PRICE £269,950Beatty Ave

An exciting opportunity to purchase a newly built 2 bedroom end of terrace

house, currently under construction, andenjoying all the benefits associated with

a new home. Please contact us forfurther information. Sole agents.



17 offices across Sussex andalso Park Lane, Londonwww.mansellmctaggart.co.uk email [email protected]

01273 508955

Greenfield CrescentPATCHAM £320,000

Enjoying a corner position an attractive end of terrace 2 bedperiod cottage in an elevated position with views at the rear. Theproperty enjoys a refitted kitchen, a spacious modern bathroom,

gas central heating and double glazing. Outside features include avery useful workshops/storage area under the main property

accessed from the garden and there is potential to extend(Subject to necessary consents). EPC C.

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Page 44: Latest Homes: No. 726

• LATEST HOMES 44 www.latesthomes.co.uk •Watch Latest Homes on on Freeview channel 8, channel 159 or at thelatest.tv


As part of a series of articles offeringadvice and news for local landlords,Ahmed Khalil of Khalil Propertiesexplains why property investors who

use a dual service sales and lettings agent maybe missing out.

Jack of all trades...You’ve heard about the Jack of all trades, haven’tyou?

His reputation is well established. The phrasehas been around since at least Elizabethan times,and the first reference to Shakespeare in printcontemptuously referred to him as a ‘Johnny do-it-all’, which is to say a Jack of all trades.

The phrase refers to someone who spreadshimself woefully thinly. In trying to pleaseeveryone he ends up pleasing no-one. He may be the Jack of all trades but he is themaster of none.

Sales and lettings agentsIt seems convenient, doesn’t it?

If you are investing in property you can have onepoint of call for your purchases and for your lettingrequirements. What could be easier than allowingthose who are helping you complete your latestproperty investment deal to also find your firsttenants and manage all the details for you?


There is always a price you pay forconvenience, however.

By failing to look around landlords are at riskof missing out on higher levels of service, betterterms for the services they do receive and the in-depth advice, knowledge and help that only alettings specialist can possibly offer.

Khalil’s: the lettings specialistsAt Khalil’s we have decided to focus on doing justone thing, and we always strive to be the verybest at what we do.

We are the masters of one: and that one thingis lettings. It’s what we do, it’s what we alwayshave done and it’s what we excel at.

We are dedicated to residential lettings and weare specialists in our field. Unlike your dual serviceagents we are not a department within a largeragency or a ‘bolt-on’ to other activities. Lettings isnot just a small part of our day-to-day work: it iswhat we do and what we know inside out.

This specialisation, coupled with our extensiveinvestment in dedicated systems and ongoingtraining, enables us to offer landlords anunrivalled degree of lettings expertise, knowledgeand experience.

It allows us to offer you advice you can trustand services that can’t be beaten.

Talk to Khalil’sWhen you talk to us about lettings you have ourundivided attention. When we talk to you about

the latest opportunities or requirements you canbe sure you are getting the complete picturerather than the benefit of sketchy knowledge.Let us show you what a difference a specialistcan make.

Sales and letting agents may well appear tooffer you a convenient service, but at whathidden costs?

For a more specialised approach to lettingproperty in Brighton call Ahmed Khalil on 01273573960, visit Khalil Properties at 124 Lewes Road,Brighton BN2 3LG or find us online atwww.khalilproperties.co.uk.

Khalil Properties are looking for an experienced letting negotiator!!

The candidate will need to be enthusiastic, self-motivated and have excellent

customer service as well as an excellent eye for detail.

You must have a full clean UK driver’s licence and experience within the industry!

We will offer a competitive salary package, training and the opportunity to work for an

expanding company who can offer you a rewarding and progressive career.

Please send your CV to [email protected]

The agent you want to work with!Residential Letting & Property Management

Email: [email protected] | Tel: 01273 573960 | Website: www.khalilproperties.co.uk

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Page 45: Latest Homes: No. 726

Hamptons Brighton & HoveLettings 01273 796159

West Drive £3,950 PCM (charges apply)*

Arranged over three floors, in a wonderful position overlooking Queen's Park. EPC 83

Roedean Cres £4,000 PCM (charges apply)*

Detached six bedroom, three reception roomhouse with sea views, swimming pool. EPC 71

Nizells Avenue £4,150 PCM (charges apply)*

A superb five bedroom detached house opposite St Ann’s Well Gardens. EPC 36

Compton Avenue £3,100 PCM (charges apply)*

4 bedroom Regency Town House arrangedover three floors with terrace, OSP. EPC 52

Roedean Road £4,150 PCM (charges apply)*

A six bedroom detached house in a soughtafter road. Rent includes a gardener. EPC 42

Palmeira Ave £1,950 PCM (charges apply)*

A 2 bedroom first floor apartment in PalmeiraAvenue with underground parking. EPC 85

Marine Parade £3,000 PCM (charges apply)*

A three bedroom raised GF apartment withthree en-suite's, sea views & roof terr. EPC 58

Adelaide Mansions £2,700 PCM (charges apply)*Four Month Let only. A 3 bedroom first floorapartment. Available June, Furnished. EPC 65

Pyecombe £2,495 PCM (charges apply)*

A modern four/five bedroom detached housewith parking & garden in a private road. EPC 86

*Tenant Charges Tenants should note that as well as rent, an administration charge of £216 (Inc. VAT) per propertyand a referencing charge of £54 (Inc. VAT) per person will apply when renting a property. Please ask us for more information about other fees that may apply or visit www.hamptons.co.uk/rent/tenant-charges


Grand Ave £2,000 PCM (charges apply)*A two bedroom two bathroom apartment on the second floor with sea views. EPC 58

Bazehill Road £3,500 PCM (charges apply)*

A 5 bed 3 bath Georgian style detached family house in its own grounds. EPC 51

Adelaide Cres £2,750 PCM (charges apply)*

A two double bedroom first floor apartment inthe ever popular Adelaide Crescent. EPC 55

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Page 46: Latest Homes: No. 726

Wilbury Road Brighton £695pcm• Spacious Studio Apartment• Modern Kitchen with Appliances• Residents Parking, Energy Rating D• Furnished, Available 29TH May

Spring StreetBrighton £1,150pcm• Two Double Bedrooms• Arranged over 2 Floors • Central Location, Energy Rating D• Unfurnished, Available NOW

01273 770635Western Road

Norfolk Terrace Brighton £925pcm• One Double Bedroom Apartment• Large Bright Lounge, Central Location• Energy Rating D, Unfurnished• Available NOW

Buckingham PlaceBrighton £975pcm• Two Bedroom 1st Floor Flat• Next to Brighton Station• Neutral Decor, Energy Rating E• Unfurnished, Available 12th May

Coastal PlaceBrighton £1,975pcm• Stunning Penthouse Apartment• 2 Roof Terraces, Underground Parking • Energy Rating C, Part Furnished• Available 21st May

KingswayBrighton £1,200pcm• 2 Bedroom Apartment• Direct Sea Views, Balcony• Energy Rating C• Unfurnished

St Leonards Road Brighton £1,850pcm• Three Double Bedroom House• Immaculate Condition, West Facing Garden• Energy Rating D• Unfurnished

Compton Avenue Brighton £1,300pcm• Two Double Bedroom Apartment• Seven Dials Location• Large Living Area, Energy Rating TBC• Unfurnished or Furnished, Available 9th May





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Page 47: Latest Homes: No. 726

Eaton PlaceKemp Town £1,195pcm• 2 Double Bedroom Apartment• Patio Garden• Close to the Sea• Energy Rating TBC• Furnished, Available Soon

Devonshire Place Kemp Town £1,200pcm• Split Level Maisonette• Newly Refurbished• 2 Double Bedrooms• Unfurnished, Energy Rating TBC• Available NOW

Clarendon TerraceKemp Town £1,600pcm• Seafront Apartment • Panoramic Sea Views• 2 Double Bedrooms• Furnished, Energy Rating TBC• Available 27th May

High StreetRottingdean £675pcm• Spacious Studio Flat• Separate Kitchen and Bathroom• Sea Views, Unfurnished, Energy Rating TBC• Available NOW

Redvers Road Kemp Town £1,250pcm• Two/Three Bed House, Split Level Garden• Wooden Flooring on ground floor• Unfurnished, Energy Rating TBC• Available 9TH May

01273 620841Kemp Town

Preston Park AvenuePreston Park £1,100pcm• 2 Double Bedroom Apartment• Newly Refurbished Throughout• Overlooking Preston Park• Energy Rating C• Unfurnished• Available NOW

Birch Grove Crescent Preston Park £1,395pcm• Four Double Bedroom House• Fitted Kitchen with Appliances• Lawned Rear Garden • Energy Rating D• Unfurnished• Available NOW

Balfour Road Preston Park £1,050pcm• 2 Double Bedrooms• Arranged over 2 Floors• Close to Local Amenities• Energy Rating D• Unfurnished• Available NOW

01273 556506Preston Park

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Take advantage ofour full property

management service




BRIGHTONDALE CRESCENT• 4 bed semi det house• Front & rear gardens• On road parking• Lounge/diner• Kitchen, GFCH• Good order, avail now


BRIGHTONQUEENS PARK RISE• 3 bed maisonette Flat• Lounge, Kitchen• Bathroom, GFCH• Good order, great loc• Part furnished• Available early April


BRIGHTONMCWILLIAM ROAD• Four bed bungalow• Large kitchen, bath• Lounge, GFCH• Front drive, garden• Views over the Downs• Available now



apartment• Separate kit & bath• Good order• Close to Seven Dials• Available Now


HOVEMONTGOMERY ST• First floor Studio flat• Kitchen, bathroom• Carpets, elec heating• Good order• Available Now


BRIGHTONDORSET PLACE• Parking spaces• Secure location• Close to Amex• Close to city centre• Available now


‘‘Covering all areas & prices inBrighton & Hove’’

50 St James’s Street, Brighton Fax: 01273 699296 Email: [email protected]

01273 915403


BRIGHTONMADEIRA PLACE• Top floor studio Flat• Kitchen area• Shower room• Elect heating• Rent incs water/elec• Available early April


BRIGHTONISLINGWORD ROAD• Two bed M/T House• Lounge, Kitchen• Bathroom, GFCH• Rear patio area• Good order• Available early April



BRIGHTONOLD SHOREHAM ROAD• One bed top floor flat• Lounge, kitchen• Bathroom• GFCH• Good location• Available early May


HOVEFIRST AVENUE • One bed G/F flat• Furnished, Lounge• Kitchen• Bathroom• Elec heating• Available Mid April


BRIGHTONUPPER ROCK GDNS• One bed 2nd floor flat• Lounge, kitchen• Bathroom, elec heating• Good order• Close to Amex• Available late May



BRIGHTONUPPER ROCK GDNS• One bed first floor flat• Lounge, kitchen• Bathroom• Elec heating• Good location• Available early May



BRIGHTONMARINE SQUARE• Two bed LGFF• Lounge, Kitchen• Small rear courtyard• Bathroom, GFCH• Good order• Available early May



BRIGHTONUPPER ROCK GDNS• Raised GF studio flat• Bathroom• Large living area• Storage• Elec Heating• Available Mid April


NEW BRIGHTONMARINE PARADE• Two bed first floor flat• Lounge, kitchen• Bathroom, elec heating• Direct Sea Views• Good Order• Available mid May












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Page 49: Latest Homes: No. 726

123 dyke roadhove bn3 1tj

01273 232232 option 2

[email protected]

Langdale Gardens, Hove£720 pcm

A good size, split level one double bedroom firstfloor flat in a residential location just off NewChurch road. Comprises: Bay fronted loungewith door to small balcony, kitchen (appliancesTBC), double bedroom, bathroom with showerover bath. The property benefits from gfch.

opening doors since 2001

York Road, Hove£875 pcm

A one double bedroom flat in central Hove,minutes walk into Hove and to local amenities.Kitchen, lounge with wooden floors and accessto patio garden and working fireplace, doublebedroom with freestanding wardrobe, showerroom. The property has NSH.

Dyke Road Brighton£1,350 pcm

A fully furnished, two double bedroom groundfloor flat in a central location. Open plan lounge/kitchen/dining area with high ceilings, sashwindows & additional period features. Glosskitchen, second smaller double bedroom to therear, high spec bath. Master bed with en-suite.

Curzon House, Saltdean £725 pcm

A second floor, one double bedroom art decopurpose built flat, located in Saltdean. Lounge,double bedroom, white bathroom suite withhand held shower, kitchen with electric cooker &space & plumbing for w/m. The propertybenefits from GCH and local transport links.

Buckingham Lodge, Seven Dials£1,000 pcm

A recently redecorated & carpeted twobedroom, second floor purpose built balconyflat within a few minutes of Brighton station & theSeven Dials. Entrance hall with storagecupboard, lounge with decorative fireplace &door to balcony, modern kitchen.

Thomas House, Clifton Hill, Brighton£1,750 pcm

A new, luxury, high specification, two bedroomapartment in the new Alexandra Quarter offeringeasy access to Brighton station & the citycentre. Two double bedrooms with mirrored builtin wardrobes, master bedroom with en-suite,further bathroom with shower over bath, hallway.

Homelees House, Seven Dials, Brighton£810 pcm

A one double bedroom warden assisted flat.Double bedroom with built in wardrobe,kitchen/lounge, double shower room, residentslounge & communal laundry room. Doubleglazed & has NSH. Tenants must be over 60years of age and their spouse over 55.

Victoria Road, Brighton, Clifton£1,295 pcm

A rarely available, two double bedroom first floorflat, in the Clifton Hill conservation area. Loungewith polished wood flooring, views, doorsleading out to balcony, kitchen, masterbedroom with built in wardrobes, seconddouble bedroom with built in wardrobe.

Eaton Manor, Eaton Gardens, Hove£1,300 pcm

A recently refurbished three double bedroom,third floor purpose built flat in Eaton Manor closeto Hove station & all local amenities. Modernkitchen, lounge/dining room, three bedrooms,stylish bathroom & further shower room. Neutraldécor, non-allocated parking space, gfch.

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