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Oil and gas services - TNEI

Date post: 28-Mar-2022
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tneigroup.com A specialist energy consultancy Oil and gas services
TNEI is an independent specialist energy consultancy providing technical, strategic, environmental and consenting advice to organisations operating within the conventional and renewable energy sectors.
Oil and gas services
TNEI offers services to the oil and gas industry in three main areas: • Acoustic and noise • Consenting, permitting and environmental management • Electrical system analysis and consultancy.
Whatever your requirements, get in touch with our experts to find out how we can support your oil and gas project.
Acoustic and noise services
We offer a complete suite of noise consultancy services, including environmental and occupational noise assessment, vibration and blast monitoring and noise control and management.
Our large noise team, all of whom are affiliated with the Institute of Acoustics, has experience across a wide range of sectors, including the oil and gas industry. Our diverse mix of knowledge and experience means that we can match specifically skilled consultants to your project, ensuring you receive the best possible advice.
The projects we work on are often subject to high levels of scrutiny by planning authorities, enforcement agencies and third parties. TNEI provides robust technical services to ensure that the assessments are defensible throughout planning and application processes, at Public Inquiries or through other legal proceedings. Our Expert Witnesses regularly work on planning appeals and attend Public Inquiries and we have an excellent record of success in this area. Our team has prepared evidence for over 30 Public Inquiries, for which all noise issues have been resolved to the satisfaction to the appointed Inspector / Reporter.
The TNEI team utilises the latest noise modelling software alongside our own bespoke software models to produce accurate, quality controlled assessments. Hardware includes a large stock of environmental noise monitoring kits, meteorological measurement equipment and occupational noise monitoring equipment, which means we can respond quickly to our clients’ monitoring requirements and run multiple projects concurrently and efficiently.
Our acoustic and noise experts, together with our modelling software and hardware mean we are expertly placed to support the noise requirements of your oil and gas projects.
Specialist services that we offer to our oil and gas clients include: • Noise propagation modelling • Compliance monitoring • Noise control and noise management • Silencer, enclosure and barrier specification • Investigation of noise complaints • Occupational noise assessment.
Consenting and permitting
Our consenting and permitting services cover shale gas, methane, oil and liquid natural gas (LNG) projects.
Areas for exploration and extraction must be carefully considered, mitigation needs to be meaningful and public consultation has to be timely and genuine if proposals are to be favourably received by local communities, protection agencies and mineral planning authorities. TNEI has the knowledge and experience to actively manage onshore oil and gas proposals through the planning, pollution prevention and control systems of England, Scotland and Wales.
Our comprehensive range of consenting and permitting services includes: • Initial site investigations and landowner identifications, undertaking
geological and hydro-geological assessments to aid a selection of target areas for exploration. We also engage with landowners to secure future access for investigation and operation.
• Site appraisals to establish the design parameters against which the environmental, social and economic effects can be assessed. This allows the incorporation of appropriate and effective mitigation measures to make proposals acceptable to decision makers.
• Community consultations to build and manage relationships and establish trust. TNEI’s approach is meaningful, timely and consistent with local and national government expectations. We can design and deliver bespoke community consultation programmes
• Environmental Impact Assessments, risk assessments and awareness statements, conducted by in-house environmental, acoustics, GIS and civil engineering experts. TNEI is accredited under the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment’s Quality Mark scheme.
• Management of consenting and environmental permitting and applications through the UK’s planning and pollution prevention and control systems.
Electrical system analysis and consultancy
Our electrical system analysis and consultancy services draw upon our excellent knowledge in consenting and permitting, environmental assessment, civil and structural design, geotechnical surveys, cable routing and installation and operations and maintenance.
Our services include: • Power system modelling and analysis using the majority of software
packages, including ETAP • Electrical protection setting and coordination studies • Arc flash risk analysis • Harmonic distortion prediction, measurement and filter design • Generator AVR and governor modelling and system transient
analysis • Equipment failure independent root cause assessment • Earth measurements and earthing system design.
All work is performed to DEP, IEC or other appropriate standards as required. The combination of our network modelling software, IPSA, and our experience provides TNEI with a unique capability to provide clients with bespoke analysis solutions.
Whatever your requirements, get in touch with our experts to find out how we can support your oil and gas project.
Case studies
Service: Transformer overload assessment Client: Petroleum exploration and production company
An offshore oil platform had reached the end of its design life; however recent drilling resulted in a requirement for the platform to remain operational. The platform contained four inductive reactors, each in series with a step-down transformer. The original design intent of the reactors wasn’t known by the company responsible for operation and maintenance of the platform. The reactors were at the end of their serviceable life and required removal or replacement. TNEI was asked to determine the reason for their presence and comment on the potential for removal as opposed to replacement.
The assessment considered the following possible consequences of removal: • Fault levels in excess of downstream equipment ratings • Increased motor starting current flows with resulting short term
impacts • Increased transformer inrush currents with resulting short term impacts • Upstream harmonic voltage distortion increases with resulting long
and/or short term impacts • Upstream high frequency voltage distortion increase with resulting
long and/or short term impacts.
Each risk was considered both pragmatically and through calculation. All possible consequences were concluded to be negligible with the exception of increased upstream voltage notch amplitude. Voltage notching had been captured by TNEI during measurements and was characteristic of 6-pulse rectifier circuits found on converters supplying DC systems.
Excessive voltage notching increases the likelihood of: • Mal-operation of voltage measuring circuits such as generator
Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs). • Mal-operation of power electronic equipment with automatic
switching/commutation controlled with reference to voltage zero crossing points.
• Mal-operation of frequency measuring devices such as frequency based protection relays.
• Mal-operation of point-on-wave control devices such as generator synchronising controls.
TNEI concluded that reactor removal should be performed cautiously and recommended a staged approach involving the identification of the primary sources of notching and upgrade of the primary sources identified.
Service: Provision of environmental management plans Client: Petrofac
Following a change to the design philosophy for the refurbishment and upgrade of a North Sea oil and gas platform, TNEI provided supported to Petrofac’s health, safety and environment team. This involved reviewing and updating a range of environmental reporting and environmental management plans, as well as undertaking a desktop review of the introduction of a methanol recovery process. The review required consideration of best available techniques relevant to the processes involved.
Key contacts
Jim carries out environmental noise propagation modelling, assessment and reporting for a wide range of sectors, with particular expertise in industrial, commercial and energy projects. Recent projects of note include energy from waste plants, capacity mechanism schemes, port activities, electrical infrastructure and road, rail and aircraft noise.
He leads projects for IPPC permitting, planning applications, conditions discharge, EIA, and noise control and management. He is also experienced in noise and vibration monitoring (including blasting), construction and decommissioning work, occupational noise assessments and architectural acoustics.
Jim has 10 years’ experience working on projects across the UK and abroad. He is a full Member of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA), holds a first class BSc(Hons) and the IOA Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control.
Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 141 428 3186
Consenting and permitting
Jason has over 8 years’ experience in the environmental consultancy sector, working on Environmental Impact Assessments, environmental safeguarding and environmental due diligence projects for energy related developments of varying scales. He is an Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) accredited Registered EIA Practitioner, Chartered Environmentalist and Full IEMA Member. Jason has
extensive experience of coordinating Environmental Impact Assessments, technical review of a range of environmental assessments, production and review of environmental statements and consenting documents and undertaking a range of topic specific assessments.
Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 191 211 1430
Electrical system consultancy
Luke has 10 years’ experience working with large and/or critical electrical power systems including petrochemical plants, power stations, pharmaceutical plants, banks and data centres. His professional experience includes power systems analysis, power quality measurements and analysis, protection coordination and forensic analysis of failed plant. His varied professional experience has required excellent written and
verbal communication skills in addition to a broad technical knowledge.
Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0) 161 233 4807
Get in touch
We are a specialist, independent company. That’s why we can offer a flexible, personal service and help our clients quickly and efficiently, without all the big corporate distractions.
But most of all, we love to solve problems.
For more information about our oil and gas services, please contact one of our experts on the methods above.
We are a specialist, independent company. That’s why we can offer a flexible, personal service and help our clients quickly and efficiently, without all the big corporate distractions.
But most of all, we love to solve problems.
For more information about who we are and what we do, please contact: [email protected]
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, without prior permission in writing from TNEI. All facts, figures, product and service information is correct at the time of print. All rights reserved. © TNEI Services Ltd 2017. Version: B2
Manchester 2nd Floor Bainbridge House 86 - 90 London Road Manchester M1 2PW +44 (0)161 233 4800
Newcastle 7th Floor West One Forth Banks Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 3PA +44 (0)191 211 1400
Glasgow Queens House 19 St. Vincent Place Glasgow G1 2DT +44 (0)141 428 3180
Cape Town 1st floor Willowbridge Centre 39 Carl Cronje Drive Cape Town 7530 +27 (0)21 974 6181
