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SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds...

Date post: 04-Nov-2020
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SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) & Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA) Award Lifecyle Overview (Pre and Post Award)
Page 1: SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather ... Review award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing


& Contracts and Grants Accounting (CGA)

Award Lifecyle Overview (Pre and Post Award)

Page 2: SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather ... Review award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing

Award Lifecycle



Discover Opportunity

Develop & Submit


Accept Award

Set Up Award

Manage Award

Close Award

Page 3: SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather ... Review award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing

Award Life Cycle – Pre Award ProcessPre-Award Focus Areas Milestones

• S E A R C HFind funding opportunities through self-service or consultation

• M A T C HAlign research strategy and university policies with RFP Requirements

• P U R S U EMeet conditions for intent to submit by implementing one of the following:ü Internal Notification of Intentü Letter of Intent to Sponsorü Limited Submission

• P R E P A R E P R O P O S A L PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather required documents

• R E C O M M E N D P R O P O S A LThe completed proposal packet is submitted for certification moved forward through the process

• V E R I F Y P R O P O S A LCGO will review the proposal against the institutional checklist and identify required/recommended findings

• S U B M I T P R O P O S A LFinal proposal to be submitted to sponsor and CGO will update all documentation records in Cayuse

Page 4: SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather ... Review award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing

Award Life Cycle – Pre Award ProcessPre-Award Focus Areas Milestones

• P R E P A R E A W A R D A C C E P T A N C EPrepare award for acceptance

• R E V I E W A W A R D T E R M SReview award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing terms, requirements, restrictions and arrangements

• N E G O T I A T E A W A R DNegotiate award terms with sponsor

• P R E P A R E P R O P O S A L PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather required documents

• R E C O M M E N D P R O P O S A LThe completed proposal packet is submitted for certification moved forward through the process

• V E R I F Y P R O P O S A LCGO will review the proposal against the institutional checklist and identify required/recommended findings

• S U B M I T P R O P O S A LFinal proposal to be submitted to sponsor and CGO will update all documentation records in Cayuse

Accept Award

Page 5: SPONSORED PROJECTS REDESIGN...PI submits proposal request to DRA. DRA verifies eligibility, builds proposal budget and gather ... Review award rules, regulations, timeline, invoicing

Award Life Cycle – Post Award ProcessPost-Award Focus Areas Milestones

• S E T U P A W A R D I N F I N A N C I A L S Y S T E MSetup award accounts and records in financial system* The Contracts Grant Accounting team initiates setup in financial system

• P R E P A R E A G R E E M E N T S / A R R A N G E M E N T SPrepare 3RD party contracts and agreements

• S E T U P P R O G R A M C O M P O N E N T SSetup research program tools, research team, records and security

• P R O C U R E I N F R A S T R U C T U R EProcure space, equipment, supplies and service contracts for infrastructure

• A D M I N I S T E R S P E N D I N G A N D B U D G E TPerform monthly budget reports and reconciliation while reviewing costs and income

• A D M I N I S T E R C O M P L I A N C E R E Q U I R E M E N T SComply with various requirements related to areas such as finance, research, health and inspection and security

• A D M I N I S T E R P R O G R A M C H A N G E S A N D A W A R D SAdminister changes to award, funding, program and/or personnel

• G E N E R A T E A N D M A N A G E R E P O R T SGenerate and manage research progress reports and publication submittals

• M E E T W I T H S T A K E H O L D E R SPrepare and hold review sessions with stakeholders

• M A N A G E I S S U E S A N D / O R R E Q U E S T SManage and submit ad-hoc requests for information and take corrective action as needed

• A D M I N I S T E R D A T A C O L L E C T I O N & A N A L Y S I SAdminister data collection and analysis during the research lifecycle

• P R E P A R E A U D I T R E P O R T SPrepare audit reports during the research lifecycle

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Award Life Cycle – Post Award ProcessPost-Award Focus Areas Milestones

• C L O S E O U T A W A R D F I N A N C I A L SReconcile budget and review all award transactions and cash management activities

• C L O S E O U T C O N T R A C T S / S U B A W A R D SReview and perform final invoice, deliverables of subawards and sponsor requirements

• C L O S E O U T E Q U I P M E N T A N D M A T E R I A L SComplete items on the material and equipment list and prepare closeout notifications

• P R E P A R E & S U B M I T F I N A L R E P O R T SPrepare and submit final award related reports for internal and external recipients

• P R O D U C E & P U B L I S H F I N A L S T U D YPrepare and present research report for journal submission, conferences and stakeholder review

• P E R F O R M R E C O R D S R E T E N T I O NEstablish records retention schedule and retain records and reports

• A D M I N I S T E R D A T A C O L L E C T I O N & A N A L Y S I SAdminister data collection and analysis during close-out and post close-out

• P R E P A R E A U D I T R E P O R T SPrepare audit reports during close-out and post close-out
