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Whitepaper Vbi Improves Profitability Isv Apps UPDATED

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  • 8/14/2019 Whitepaper Vbi Improves Profitability Isv Apps UPDATED



    White Paper

    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability oEnterprise Sotware Applications

    The Panopticon SDK

    is very straightorward

    and the range o

    applications or the

    sotware is amazing. It

    allows us to integrate with

    almost any technologystack on our side easily

    and quicklyKuldeep Chaudhary

    VP, Global Equities Technology

    Citi Global Transaction Services

    Table o Contents

    1. Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 2

    2. The Challenge ........................................................................................................ 3

    3. The Opportunity ..................................................................................................... 4

    4. The Solution ........................................................................................................... 5

    5. Increase Sales ........................................................................................................7

    6. Shorten Sales Cycle ............................................................................................... 7

    7. Reduce Costs ........................................................................................................ 8

    8. Low Risk VBI Strategy ............................................................................................8

    9. Success Story: Polystar OSIX Crystallizer .............................................................. 9

    10. Success Story: Deltek Vision .............................................................................. 10

    11. Success Story: Tbricks Genesis ............................................................................. 12

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 2

    Businesses suer when their people are unable to make eective use o

    the data in their Process Support systems. Unortunately, this is a common

    challenge or rms since their existing Business Intelligence (BI) tools

    are unable to provide executives and line managers with the ability tocomprehend the big picture, identiy problem areas, and then dig down into

    the details in a reasonable amount o time.

    CIO Magazine says that 2008 is the year o Operational Business

    Intelligence and analysts like Gartner, Forrester, and many others are

    publishing compelling research that shows the large investments made in

    BI are not being eectively utilized.

    In parallel with this, companies like SAP, IBM, Microsot, and Oracle

    are acquiring major BI vendors. They intend to integrate the technology

    roadmaps or their BI and Process Support applications in hopes o

    delivering on the promise o BI. This will put new competitive pressure on

    mid-size ISVs.

    Therefore, software companies focused on vertical markets face

    two important new challenges:


    large vendors?


    product roadmap?

    Panopticon originally developed its Visual Business Intelligence tools to

    support the inormation intense, ast-moving and demanding nancial

    services industry. The goal was to provide C level executives, und

    managers, traders, and others with the tools they need to conduct

    protable business while maintaining a close eye on risk exposures. This

    was accomplished by combining the ollowing:




    streaming data, relational databases like Oracle, DB2, or SQL

    Server, and OLAP servers.

    The company has productized this Visual Business Intelligence platorm

    as an SDK that other companies can use to embed these capabilities into

    their own enterprise applications. Panopticons sotware is currently used

    by thousands o users in a wide variety o industries, including:


    Telecommunications CivilEngineering&Architecture




    Embedding Panopticons VBI tools into a business process support system

    helps Independent Sotware Vendors (ISVs) take a bite out o their

    customers BI budgets, ght o competitive incursions by large vendors,

    and keep their products up-to-date.

    Panopticon provides an SDK that allows ISVs to seamlessly embed world

    class Visual Business Intelligence (VBI) technology into their own unique,

    industry-specic applications. ISVs can then develop special VBI modules

    that are sold as options or they can tightly embed the VBI components into

    their application to make it an integral part o their oering.

    This development eort results in the ollowing:


    consultants and third party BI systems


    HelpsdifferentiatetheISVsproductfromthecompetition RaisestheproleoftheISVssoftwarewithseniormanagers

    within client organizations


    Panopticon provides an SDK that allows ISVs to seamlessly embed world

    class Visual Business Intelligence (VBI) technology into their own unique,

    industry-specic applications. ISVs can then develop special VBI modules

    that are sold as options or they can tightly embed the VBI components into

    their application to make it an integral part o their oering.

    1. Executive Summary

    By embedding PanopticonVisual Business Intelligence intheir applications, providers o

    business process support systems

    empower their users with true

    Operational BI capabilitiesRobert Ekstrm


    Panopticon Sotware

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications


    The biggest expense in business especially in businesses where large

    amounts o money are involved in everyday transactions is to make

    a poorly inormed choice based on inadequate inormation. Traditional

    reporting and business intelligence tools are wonderul as ar as they go.Managers can spend huge amounts o time reading reports without truly

    understanding what is happening in their business or without being able to

    discover hidden patterns or opportunities requiring immediate attention or


    Corporations have spent enormous amounts o money over the past 15

    years implementing Business Intelligence tools, oten to very little eect. In

    act, recent research indicates that the return on investment in traditional BI

    systems is negative or most organizations.

    The business intelligence industry got its start in the 1980s with the

    introduction o SQL database systems and enterprise-level applications. As

    companies began automating their processes, they saw that their systems

    were capturing a tremendous amount o inormation. By accessing the

    data, managers could (theoretically) better understand how their rms were

    doing in much ner detail than ever beore and then boost perormance

    based on more in-depth knowledge.

    Most early BI applications were used by a very ew power users who

    were skilled at manipulating data and perorming statistical analysis.

    Because IT employees were needed to help create reports rom the BI

    systems, getting useul business intelligence data out o the system couldtake weeks. Obviously, that sort o delay is simply unacceptable in todays

    ast paced environment.

    A study conducted by market research rm Dynamic Markets recently

    revealed that business intelligence systems have been ailing to improve

    operational perormance or impact-decision making within US and UK

    businesses. The research was based on interviews with 218 operational

    executives and ront line managers and was conducted between

    November 2006 and August 2007.

    The key results are stunning:


    beore inormation they really need is available 66%saythedatatheyneediseitheroutofdateorarrivestoo

    late to be useul


    reerence documents that are only used to justiy decisions that

    have already been made





    problems have not been spotted in time as a result o not quickly

    having access to relevant inormation

    Source: Dynamic Markets Report on Business Intelligence in Fortune

    500 Companies, released October 3, 2007.

    Many organizations have adopted BI tools in quantity. They have

    purchased thousands o user licenses and invested millions with external


    the majority o companies ail to meet their expectations o receiving better

    intelligence data upon which to base sound business decisions based on

    this massive investment.

    Most large organizations also struggle with another issue: The vast majority

    o users are not skilled enough to take advantage o the power available

    2. The Challenge

    By 2012, users will interact with

    BI as an element o 85% o everybusiness applicationGartner Study

    BI is now part o anorganizations license to operate,as every enterprise needs to

    manage inormation Moving

    orward, BI will become part o

    business innovation itsel. Sharing

    inormation with customers,

    suppliers, and other stakeholders

    increases loyalty and in many

    industries provides competitive

    dierentiation. BI will become

    pervasive in operational and

    workplace applications as

    organizations seek to optimize

    their businessGartner Study

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 4

    3. The Opportunity

    IDC is predicting that the market or business process management suites

    is growing rapidly; it is expected to grow rom a level o approximately $900

    million in 2006 to $5.5 billion by 2011, refecting a ve-year compound


    on BI tools will actually go up during an economic downtown.

    Panopticons Developer SDK makes it possible or ISVs to embed a variety

    o essential VBI tools into their applications, including VBI tools that help

    managers understand and analyze real-time data as well as historical


    Customers o Business Intelligence systems are expecting more

    unctionality that will support better decision-making and the tools are now

    available that will allow ISVs to embed a new generation o easy-to-use

    business intelligence tools into their own applications.

    All this represents an excellent opportunity or ISVs. Research shows that

    managers are very aware o the problems that exist with their current BI

    solutions. They are also aware o the potential benets o moving to event

    driven approaches that provide real time operational event intelligence


    surveyed by Dynamic Markets believed that there would be signicant

    benets to their business i they could embed greater intelligence into daily

    operational processes. The benets that these managers identiy include:








    It is clear that corporations are becoming increasingly aware o the potentia

    to transorm key operational processes in this way using these sorts o

    tools, and that they are willing to pay to add them to their operations.

    to them in traditional BI systems. Even i they have the tools available,

    they simply do not have the time or background required to leverage that

    investment properly.

    Anyone in business can appreciate the huge impact that inadequate or


    systems, used by specialized analysts, continue to be important or many

    large companies, more executives are looking or easier and more elegant

    solutions like Panopticons Visual Business Intelligence tools in order to

    make useul inormation available to more and more business users. The

    beauty o a Visual Business Intelligence solution is that even non-technical

    users are able to learn how to use it quickly.

    Business users typically see real value in VBI tools because the tools begin

    to impact how users do research and make important decisions within

    just a ew days o initial deployment. For example, a VBI solution can help

    employees in a shipping department more accurately determine which

    products need to get out the door by the end o the shit.

    From the ISV perspective, there is another valuable aspect to adding VBI:

    Implementing complex reporting and business intelligence systems oten


    Visual Business Intelligence tools as part o its sotware, the vendor stands

    to capture more o their customers budget that is, more license revenue

    can now go to the ISV and less needs to go to third party consultants and

    other sotware companies

    In the ace o a recession, BIcan be a tool to improveefciencies in a tough climate by

    analyzing and measuring

    operations BI will be more

    resilient against the eects o a

    possible downturn in IT spending

    than some other technologiesGartner Study

    In most organizations, 90% o the people interacting

    with enterprise applications are business users whoneed to concentrate their eorts on making inormed,

    protable business decisions quickly rather than on

    learning the intricacies o a complex BI system.

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications


    4. The Solution

    Panopticon Sotwares customers in the nancial services industry ace

    overwhelming amounts o constantly changing market data, sti regulatory

    requirements, and pressure on the bottom line. They must make split

    second decisions that determine whether they make a prot and loss on

    a transaction. They oten have well-staed internal IT departments who

    develop extensive, enterprise-level proprietary applications in order to give

    themselves a competitive edge. Panopticon developed its VBI platorm in

    response to these challenges, resting on innovations in three main areas:

    Visualizationsbasedonacademicallyval idatedresearch.

    They help users eectively monitor and understand exponentially

    larger quantities o data than traditional methods.


    Intelligence applications, including Panopticons StreamCubetechnology and our high perormance in-memory data model

    capable o real-time updates.


    proprietary systems, OLAP-servers, and even streaming data


    The Panopticon SDK incorporates these innovations in an easy-to-

    implement package that empowers ISVs to embed leading edge analytical

    and monitoring unctionality into their own applications. The SDK consists


    In-Memory Data Model

    The data model provides ast analytical and monitoring unctionality and

    is a central component in an embedded Visual Business Intelligence

    system. It provides the analysis, aggregation and calculation o values

    based on your data. In addition, the data model allows or continuous

    updates it is specically designed to handle true real-time

    streaming updates with very high levels o perormance.

    Developers can connect the Panopticon data model to streaming data

    eeds or other event-based mechanisms. The data model supports

    dierential changes that allow users to perorm ast analysis since the

    system does not require a rebuild o the entire OLAP cube every time the

    data changes.


    interactively queries the data, the data model perorms the calculations

    necessary to display the inormation on the fy.

    The Panopticon SDK includes our StreamCube, which

    is a high perormance, in-memory OLAP cube that al-

    lows extensive analysis o static and streaming data.

    It is also capable o connecting to virtually any data

    source, including relational databases and streaming

    eeds. The visualizations included in the SDK allow us-

    ers to interactively monitor and analyze the inormation

    in the ISVs system.

    We selected Panopticon ater

    a careul evaluation o the market

    or visualization technology

    The fnal decision was based on

    Panopticons record o success

    with SDK-based implementa-

    tions at leading fnancial institutions

    and the results o a technology

    workshop we completed with the

    Panopticon peopleTodd GottulaVice President, Product Development, Client Services


    Advent Sotware

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 6

    Visualization State and Visualization Modules

    A Visualization State is an object which contains the settings or

    visualization plug-ins. The State can be changed interactively rom the

    user interace or it can change as a result o events in the data stream.


    new visualizations in a modular ashion without having to re-write the

    entire application.

    Data Plug-In Architecture

    The SDK supports a data plug-in architecture that allows the system to

    be connected to virtually any data source. This means that the ISV can

    add additional data connectors in a modular ashion ater the application

    is built without having to re-write the entire application. The data model

    and system architecture can handle any number o disparate data

    repositories and ready-made modules are available that support various

    ormats, including ODBC, OLE DB and JDBC-compliant databases.

    Custom data plug-ins can be developed i access to data needs to

    happen through proprietary non-standard APIs.

    Complete Set o Controls

    Our Ruler control provides legends and scales and lets users lter the

    display instantly. The Organizer controls the breakdown o the data and

    allows the users to lter the data being displayed. This powerul control

    supports highly interactive, on-the-fy, analytical OLAP unctionality by

    allowing the user to quickly create ast summaries on various levels o

    the data.


    publish visualizations to the web. The SDK makes it easy to develop and

    deploy zero ootprint web clients that have much o the unctionality and

    rich user interace normally associated with thick clients. For Java, we

    provide the components you need when building your own Java applets

    or publishing to the web or you can use the SDK to write your own Java

    at client.

    The visualizations work together with the visualization state design to let

    you get your inormation on the screen in a useul way. Using the SDK,

    it is possible to rapidly develop sophisticated, embedded visualizations

    that t into your existing Microsot .NET or Java based applications and

    that integrate tightly with other existing parts o your application.

    Extensive documentation

    The SDK includes extensive documentation, ranging rom technicalreerence documentation to manuals that describe usage on a higher

    level. Panopticons engineers use the same SDK to develop the

    companys own enterprise and desktop Visual Business Intelligence


    The company has invested signicant eorts into making the technical

    documentation complete and easy to understand. In addition to the

    manuals and integrated IDE help unctions, we provide a range o code


    more extensive examples o ull working applications built using the SDK

    that walk you through everything a developer needs to know in order to

    use the system eectively.

    The Panopticon Developer SDK is available in two dierent language

    versions, one that supports Microsot .NET programming languages and

    one that supports programming with the Java language. Assuming that

    the team includes at least one senior developer who has an excellent

    knowledge o the ISVs existing system, our experience shows that ISVs

    can embed VBI unctionality into their application airly quickly, in some

    cases in less than 60 development hours.

    We looked at partners romall over the world and selectedPanopticon since it oered the

    most comprehensive developer

    toolkit available combined with

    world-class visualization

    technology. We used Panopticon

    Developer to tightly integrate their

    interactive Visual Business

    Intelligence tools with our platorm

    This combination o a highly intuitive

    ront end with our extremely high

    perormance platorm suddenly

    sets a new standard or our

    industry; our customers love it

    since they are able to work so

    much more productively and




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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications


    ISVs are nding that adding sophisticated interactive visualization tools

    to their systems gives them an unbeatable edge in competitive sales

    situations. Their applications are easier to sell since users can learn the

    sotware aster and have un using it. ISVs can also use visualization tools

    to create a new, user-riendly and intuitive ront-end that reinvigorates aging

    applications or makes highly technical sotware packages easier to use.

    ISVs in nancial services, project management, telecoms, retail and other

    industries have successully embedded Panopticon VBI tools into their own

    enterprise applications. The comprehensive and well-documented SDK

    makes this a low risk endeavor, but the most exciting result is that they are

    able to increase sales almost immediately as a result.

    The Panopticon SDK allows complete customization o the look andeel

    o the GUI so the visualizations match the look and eel o the ISVs


    ISVs use the SDK to:





    New license sales to existing customers

    Panopticon VBI tools are easy to use eectively and enable even casual

    users (like senior managers in large organizations) to discover useul,

    actionable inormation in their data. In many cases, managers and casual

    users who previously only reviewed reports are now requesting direct

    access to the new VBI systems, and needing their own licenses, so that

    they can use the visualizations or themselves.

    Additional license ees or VBI-enabled applications

    VBI tools make a great option or many types o enterprise-level

    applications. Some ISVs preer to create a separate VBI module or whichthey can charge an additional license and support ee. This is an excellent

    ROI proposition or the ISV itsel and or its customers since it takes very

    little engineering time to develop the new module and customers make

    more ecient use o the ISVs application. Everyone wins.

    Improve competitive position

    ISVs with VBI tools embedded in their applications are able to compete

    more eectively by oering highly visual, interactive applications that help

    users get more out o the core unctionality o their applications. There is

    simply no comparison between a visualization-enabled system and one

    that relies on standard reporting unctions. Users can see the dierence

    and can be easily convinced to select the application that is easier and

    more un to use and helps them make more insightul, inormed businessdecisions in less time.

    5. Increase Sales

    ISVs typically nd that they cut their standard sales cycle in hal by

    embedding VBI tools into their applications. Their new, highly visual ront

    end sets their applications apart rom the competition. ISVs in manydierent industries report the same results: Users like using VBI-enabled

    applications. Managers are able to grasp the real power o the ISVs

    applications because the VBI ront-end lets them literally see a picture o

    the data in their system.

    Enterprise sotware sales require buy-in rom IT, the user community,

    nance, and other teams in an organization. But the most important people

    are senior managers the so-called C Suite. Business organizations

    need actionable inormation and senior people understand this. Too many

    BI systems generate too many static reports that ew people in the C Suite

    have time to read and analyze.

    Adding Visual Business Intelligence changes the competitive picture or

    enterprise sotware companies. It helps the ISV emphasize the business

    value o its oering and helps its customers senior executives betterunderstand the value that the ISVs sotware brings to the table. ISVs nd

    that senior executives greatly preer purchasing an enterprise application

    that helps them learn new and unexpected things every time they use it.

    Systems that generate static reports that executives must wade through

    in order to discover what is happening in their organization will no longer

    seem adequate.

    Senior managers move aster on purchasing VBI-enabled enterprise

    sotware applications because they are easier to use and understand.

    6. Shorten sales cycle

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 8

    8. Low Risk VBI Strategy

    Panopticon has invested over 40 person-years o development into its

    SDK, which is now in its 5th generation. The sotware is ully tested and

    we work closely with our beta customers to resolve issues quickly during

    the early stages o each new version release. The Developer SDK provides

    a ast, proven development path that ts perectly in Java and .NET

    environments. Engineers dont have to worry about translating a library

    intended or one environment to make it work in the other; they can devote


    business requirements.

    Some visualization toolkits in the marketplace present signicant

    development risks, including limited unctionality, inability to seamlessly


    and longer-than-expected implementation cycles. The Panopticon toolkit,

    however, is ully proven; the Panopticon development team uses the same

    SDK to develop the companys own desktop and enterprise products that

    it shares with the ISV.

    Panopticon Developer SDK supports most architectures and provides

    the ISV engineering team with a variety o implementation alternatives.


    client applications, and they can use the language o their choice to

    integrate the VBI unctions into their own applications. The SDK includes

    a robust data model designed to accept real-time data streams, an

    application programming interace (API), and a set o controls along with

    comprehensive documentation that explains every aspect o how to use

    the sotware.

    7. Reduce Costs

    Some other marketplace toolkits may require extensive training beore the

    team can start development. Panopticons partners report that their people

    are up and running within a day or two and can start delivering embedded

    visualizations very quickly. A qualied developer can embed a useul VBI

    tool in an existing application within a week or two; a good team can

    complete even the most complex integration project within a month or so.

    Developing proprietary visualizations can be extremely time-consuming;

    tying visualizations into a comprehensive set o analytical tools is nearly

    impossible on a project basis. Using a complete SDK with documented

    examples makes it easy or the ISVs programmers to come up to speed

    quickly and begin delivering value immediately.

    The Panopticon SDK allows developers to completely customize the look

    and eel o the VBI tools so that they match the look and eel o the rest o

    the enterprise application. This allows ISVs to reresh the look and eel o

    legacy applications and provide their users with a riendly, intuitive interace.

    They nd that they can delay major upgrades or re-writes and get more

    years o useul service rom legacy applications as well as increase sales o

    existing applications even in the ace o strong competition.

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications


    Polystars Crystallizer module uses an interactive

    treemap visualization to help operators quickly see

    network issues beore they aect revenue. The multi-

    colored mosaic o rectangular elds are based on datarom the users network. The size o a eld refects its

    importance and the color refects its urgency the

    better the quality o network perormance, the bluer

    the eld; the worse, the redder. The large deep red

    and deep blue elds immediately attract attention.

    9. Success Story: Polystar OSIX Crystallizer

    Polystar OSIX is a telecommunications supplier, providing world-class

    service assurance solutions to leading telecom manuacturers, operators

    and service providers worldwide. Polystar OSIX delivers solutions that

    provide real-time visibility into the reality o operators network quality and

    their customers experience. Polystar empowers network owners be

    it or xed, VoIP, NGN or mobile networksto make business-critical

    decisions with speed and accuracy.

    The Polystar OSIX service assurance solution leverages signaling

    analysis and packet inspection technology to deliver real-time operational

    intelligence, spanning rom high-level application and conversation fow

    inormation all the way down to actual packets, enabling service providersto improve their network and service quality with advanced perormance


    Polystar OSIXs network monitoring and associated surveillance

    applications are primarily used by network operators to ensure the

    availability o network resources, such as network elements and trunk

    availability. An end-to-end network view gives operators an immediate

    view o the network health, and also gives them the ability to drill down

    rom key perormance indicators right down to the bits and bytes o

    the transmitted network dataor all kinds o activities and services, be it

    voice, SMS, video, movements, service activations, and so on.

    Polystar OSIX used the Panopticon Developer SDK to develop their

    Crystallizer Visual Business Intelligence sotware product. The Crystallizer

    is a state-o-the-art 4D visualization technology that helps operators

    rapidly analyze and digest large amounts o data. The Crystallizer uses

    interactive Treemap technology to show users what is really happening in

    their networks. Crystallizer visualizations are like a jigsaw puzzle, where


    can display one or sometimes two variables at a time, Crystallizer always

    displays three. The user selects which o the three variables are displayed.The user interace dynamically reacts to real-time changes in the underlying

    data, and immediately refects all user selections.

    Find out more inormation about Polystar OSIX at: www.polystar.com

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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 10

    Through a combination o shapes and colors repre-

    senting project-related metrics and risks, Delteks

    new Visualization module provides a single, interac-

    tive snapshot into the health o a proessional service

    organization. Managers can analyze trends and risks

    quickly by drilling-down to underlying perormance

    metrics to determine an appropriate course-o-action

    and improve business perormance.

    10. Success Story: Deltek Vision

    Deltek is the leading provider o enterprise management sotware or

    project-ocused organizations. They used Panopticons Developer SDK to

    create a new visualization module or their system that allows managers to

    quickly understand the status o large numbers o projects.

    Delteks project management sotware enables companies to maximize

    protability and productivity, integrating all aspects o their businesses and

    project portolios. Their sotware applications and solutions help more than

    12,000 organizations achieve success worldwide.

    Customers use Deltek sotware to:






    Completemoreprojectssuccessful ly

    Large-scale IT, consulting, engineering and architectural projects require

    managers to track thousands o constantly-changing variables and make

    decisions that aect the budget, time-to-completion, and quality o the

    completed eort. Traditional reports and spreadsheets only go so ar and

    are very limiting especially when dealing with multiple projects at one


    One o the core problems in project management is being able to quickly

    identiy problems that require management attention. This can be a

    daunting task that grows in complexity along with the growth o the project

    portolio. Panopticons intuitive and interactive visualization tools make it

    possible to nd problems when they are still small when cost-eective

    action is still possible.

    The Deltek Vision solution is real-time, web-based enterprise sotware

    designed specically or project-based rms that integrates end-to-

    end business processes by automating the planning, tracking and

    administration o resources and projects. It provides managers with the

    real-time access to key business metrics and perormance reports they

    need to make critical business decisions.

    Deltek used the Panopticon SDK to implement our interactive inormation

    visualizations into the Deltek Vision system. They created a new module

    called Visualization.

    With visualizationsexecutives can quickly seewhich projects are a fnancial

    threat to the companys

    overall success and which are

    immediate priorities. The small

    red squares - or the larger ones

    that are a more moderate color

    - are not such a threat to beworried about and can be dealt

    with at a later point in time.Scott DeFusco

    VP Innovation


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    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 1

    Visualization is a powerul management tool that empowers businesses

    to take control o their data and quickly turn it into actionable inormation.

    A mission-critical technology in the nancial services marketplace

    or many years, Deltek has harnessed the power o Visualization or

    the project-ocused organization with the release o Deltek Vision 4,

    enabling engineering and architecture rms, IT services companies andmanagement consulting rms to instantly discover trends and opportunities

    across their entire project portolio. Visualization provides a simple display

    that depicts mission-critical inormation about a rms entire business

    including project perormance, status, trends and risks using color and

    shapes to alert viewers o any perormance issues at a glance, and allowing

    them to ocus on the most critical issues.

    Customers all over the world are using Deltek Vision to quickly identiy

    projects that are in trouble, see potential cash fow issues, nd project

    managers that are excelling or having diculties, spot business segments

    or oces that may be struggling and much more. Further, Visualization not

    only gives you quick access to easily interpreted inormation, but it also

    enables you to drill down on the inormation and get the details you need to

    make timely, accurate decisions.


    unique tool that executives and project managers can use to turn complex

    inormation analysis into a single, graphical understanding o their project

    perormance and ultimately o their rms health.


    analysis o project trends and risks that acilitate decision-making, improve

    business perormance and align users with common goals.


    into an issue. For example, the manager can recast the view on protability

    by project in order to view prot by industry type or by project manager.


    determine project health and provide detail to pinpoint and quickly resolve

    root causes o issues.


    directly access relevant reports to help them better understand issues.


    trends in specic geographies, markets and unctions to determine uture

    opportunities. Measure project and employee perormance across divisions

    or types o work to align resources with common objectives.

    Find more inormation about Deltek at: www.deltek.com

    With Delteks introduction

    o visualization to the market,

    there is now a unique tool

    that executives and project

    managers can use to turn

    complex inormation analysis

    into a single, graphical

    understanding o their projectperormance and ultimately their

    frms health.Ian Rusk

    Senior Vice President


    Leading research organization or architecture, engineering and

    construction industries

  • 8/14/2019 Whitepaper Vbi Improves Profitability Isv Apps UPDATED


    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications

    PAGE 12

    11. Success Story: Tbricks Genesis

    Tbricks has introduced a revolutionary new automated trading platorm

    that incorporates an innovative and unique user interace built using the

    Panopticon Developer SDK. The Tbricks Genesis system is specically

    designed to support very high speed automated trading o any

    electronically traded asset class. It combines a completely unique user

    interace that is easy or traders and managers to understand with the

    astest perormance available in the nancial industry. Furthermore it is

    highly modular and allows institutions to implement an unlimited number o

    complex trading strategies and algorithms while maintaining extremely high

    perormance. The system is built to provide proessional users at banks

    and hedge unds with the power and control they need combined with the

    visibility into the results o their activities in order to support vastly higherlevels o productivity than previously possible.

    The Tbricks development team decided early in their product design

    process that they wanted to incorporate a highly intuitive, interactive

    graphical user interace into their system. They did a worldwide search

    or partners who could provide the necessary technology and selected

    Panopticon based on our proven record o success with large nancial

    institutions as well as the availability o our visualization tools in the orm

    o an SDK. Tbricks and Panopticon worked together to complete a


    embedded into the Tbricks application in a short time rame, and actually

    developed the initial version o the user interace during the workshop.

    Panopticons Developer SDK oers ISVs a comprehensive package thatallows them to tightly embed state-o-the-art visual business intelligence

    tools into their own applications very quickly. Tbricks was able to start

    development with the Panopticon SDK and launch their completed product

    in less than 90 days!

    Tbricks chose to use Panopticon Developer .NET or this project. The

    resulting product Genesis has now been launched. Genesis eatures

    a user interace that is completely unique in the industry or automated

    trading systems. The UI provides users with a simple, easy-to-understand,

    yet comprehensive view o market activity and strategies. Its a major

    success or Tbricks and Panopticon.

    Find more inormation about Tbricks at: www.tbricks.com


    This is a view o the user interace or Tbricks Gen-

    esis. The top hal o the screen displays numerical

    data about the nancial instruments being traded. The

    bottom hal o the screen is a treemap visualization o

    the trading strategies running using the instruments

    displayed on the top hal o the screen. The size o

    each square indicates the rms exposure. The color

    indicates results. The circular and arrow icons indicate

    real-time changes to the data.

  • 8/14/2019 Whitepaper Vbi Improves Profitability Isv Apps UPDATED


    Visual Business Intelligence Tools Improve Sales & Proftability o Enterprise Applications


    Panopticon Sotware Inc.

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    United Kingdom

    Phone +44 (0)20 7877 0640

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    12. Contact Panopticon


    Panopticon Sotware AB


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    PO Box 1765

    SE-111 87 Stockholm


    Phone: +46 (0)8 53 480 480Fax: +46 (0)8 53 480 489

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    PAGE 1

    May 2008


    This document is or inormational purposes only. Panopticon makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in this document. All trademarks used herein, whether recognized or not, are the properties o their

    respective companies. Copyright 2008
