How Effective Is Your Advert? - George Tsakraklides

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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6 tips for making an advert in 2014 - insights through advertising research. Areas where advertising tends to go wrong: too many messages competing for attention, unrealistic scenarios, social and cultural stereotypes with risky semiotics being used in risky humour, lack of targeted, well-thought connection to the brand, lack of emotional connection with the audience, and more.


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George Tsakraklides, MM-Eye

2 2 (not all day)

My job involves

watching adverts

4 4

But I’m tired of seeing the

same car crash over and over

6 6

Don’t overload your advert

11 11

Don’t try Too Hard

12 12

People already know you’re

trying to sell them something

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When in reality you just

want to stand out

15 15

So don’t underestimate their


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(They can smell this S**T

from miles away)

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(you should see

some of the quotes

from our research)

And when they do…they get as

mad as a grounded teenager

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Just Be Look Honest

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Don’t think for a minute that you know them

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And that you can bombard them with

naïve social stereotypes that you

thought applied to them

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You see…

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The world

has moved


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Be Original in every way

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People are so overwhelmed today.

You only have them for a split second

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If you’re lucky.

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So throw out the old


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And start thinking of what makes you

different from the millions of others

like you

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The culture of your employees

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Your vision for the future

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Remember that people connect with “things” in the same way they connect

with other people: emotionally

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So find your personality

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And connect from your fuzzy side (okay don’t overdo it)

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Remembering that what you offer must also have emotional value

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Invest in some good quality advertising research

(if you really want to know what makes your audience tick - and how you can use this information to improve not only your advert but your entire brand strategy)

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I can go on..

Sharp Minds, Safe Hands


To find out about 6 more ways…

George Tsakraklides

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